Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 34

Találatok száma: 1099


Love Dies Away (She's Gone)

When did you start become weary of me
What burdens did I give you
To you, I can no longer say anything
The reason why you’ve abandoned me.
Without the usual grumbling
Still smiling that polite smile to cover the misery
Losing the sadness that passed by your eyes
It was stupidity on my part I’m sorry, my love~
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took now I can see it too
Like a time of separation past memories come flooding back
I saw it coming i didn’t know were such a part of me
If I could turn it all back
No, if you would smile for me just once more
By myself, I’m unable to hold your heart
Because of foolish pride I’m sorry, my love~
When I look at how cold you’ve become
Now I know there’s nothing to be done
In the name of love slowly like changing colors
Love is leaving me I didn’t know I had it to begin with
Even words of apology
Although I’m as sorry as this oh~ yeah~
What could a person like me say and how could I say it
Like I can’t breathe, I’m dizzy
Inside lost time even if I roam quickly
The only thing I could do now is that I can’t do anything
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming I didn’t know you were such a part of me.

Invitation to the Ball

Count von Krolock:
Good evening! Don't be afraid of me.
Your guardian angel, on your call, child,
Has appeared. I will be glad to invite you to the ball.
This ball lasts until morning every year,
It shall make all your dreams come true, a hundredfold.
If you don't want to leave your odious home,
Won't you regret it later?
Your destination is somewhere else.
You will pray for a century, suppressing your flesh with a fast,
But you yourself know that —
Your destination is somewhere else.
You've been instilled since childhood: 'Don't sin,
Or you won't go to Heaven.'
But you really knew in the depth of your soul,
That the soul's salvation is a sweet lie, yes.
If you trust me without hesitation,
I will make all your dreams come true.
This night will carry us away on its wings,
We will set off on flight.
As soon as the clock strikes,
The midnight ball will betroth us forever.
For a long time I waited for you,
For three centuries I searched for you,
I have been given to you by destiny,
So take this priceless gift,
A reprieve from despondency,
An invitation to the ball,
To the ball!

On the Way to your World

How do I know where this path leads
I can not see the lights
Which makes my world and my heart so heavy
Too concerned to go, to turn around
We fly into the sky, far out over the sea
Our breath is still
I hold you in my arms and you tell me
What you feel and what you want (what you want)
I am on the way to your world
on the way to you
I am on the way to your world
I am here for you
I am on the way to your world
I am here for you
My heart, even in rain, reaches to the sun
And thoughts are free
I run for miles through every desert
To be closer to you
We have never betrayed the light in us
Have protected and loved ourselves
Your star shines brighter than the others
I can see them (I can see them)
I am on the way to your world
on the way to you
I am on the way to your world
I am here for you
I am on the way to your world
on the way to you
I am on the way

I Don't Love Her - Not Anymore...

I don't love her - never, no more!
Although, without love, heart will die.
I don't love her - not anymore, -
Now death is the name of my life.
I'm tempest, I'm night, I'm abyss,
I ruin those whom I embrace.
Oh, joy of my liberty!.. Hence!
My love for you's gone without trace!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

When she loved me

When she loved me,
Everything was fantastic
And the memory of each day spent together
It's still within me.
When she was feeling down,
She'd find me close to her,
In joy and sorrow,
I was with her.
A memory of ours,
When she held me close to he,
Nothing but being together
Was more important.
She loved me,
She held me close to her chest,
I was always there with her.
But one day, she left me,
And she didn't look for me anymore,
I wasn't needed no more.
And since then, I've been waiting
For you to embrace me and come back like before.
She forgot
That I'm still here.
I'll always be asking her for a smile
That she gave me, until yesterday.
When she loved me,
Everything was fantastic
And the memory of each day spent together
It's still within me.
Here, in my heart.
Winter is coming

That used to be love

When I was hers, everything was wonderful
Every full hour of our playtime, was a gift to my heart
But in the moment of sadness, I was her consolation
I was always able to find happiness with her, that used to be love
During the summer, winter, everyday, life used to be a dream for us
Both of us together in everything, as if the world is ours
When she was alone, I comforted her
Cause back then she loved me
Time changes everything, only now I know
I'm already forgotten, I was left alone
I used to hope, that she was gonna say 'I still love you'
Alone in my corner, that was the end for me
But then she took me in her arms, and everything was as it used to be
Like love, ancient love
When I was hers, everything was wonderful
Every full hour of our playtime, was a gift to my heart
That used to be love

saw him from afar

in the dark of nights
I was so lonesome
no one has come
and waved me softly
saw him from afar
walking alone
with promises in his eyes
a smiley lips
told him to stop
hold my hand
and let's walk together
walked together
with coy gaze
we've heard gossip
didn't care about their sayings
we arrived our destination
that leads to west
he started flirting
talking about passion
and called me sweetie
told him to stop
then our loud hearts started to pump


Hey! welcome welcome, join us in this cool mood
Welcome our dearest people
We feel happy by your presence, and we feel upset by your absence
We get super excited when we see you!
Come on join us, we just wanna have a selfie with you 1
To remember these days later in the future
Hey! welcome welcome, join us in this cool mood
Welcome our dearest people
We feel happy by your presence, and we feel upset by your absence
We get super excited when we see you!
We wanna tell you what happened with us
Telling such stories are only enjoyable with you
Those stories feel different, taste different, and it has a message behind it
Because our hearts get along with each other
Come on join us, we just wanna have a selfie with you
To remember these days later in the future
  • 1. In this context it means, let's look at ourselves from above, let's record these stories so we can look back at it in the future and see how far have we improved.
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!


Bein al Nas
عادي سلامك
Your handshake is simple
بارد دفا الايدين شوبكي
The warmth of your hands are so cold, what's wrong
ناقص كلامك كلمة حبيبي وين
Your words are missing something, where is the word 'my darling'
What's wrong?
متل لكانك بالغرام ملبكي
It's as if you're confused in love
بين الناس كلما تلاقينا بتحكي بس نظرة عينينا
Between the people every time we meet our eyes only speak to each other
وين العيب لولا حبينا وعرفونا احباب
Where is the fault, if it weren't for the fact we love each other and it's known we are lovers
علي الصوت قولي حبيبي ضلي هون مني قريبي
Raise your voice, say 'my darling', stay here, close to me
انا كلما بحسك غريبي بحس بعمري غاب
The more I feel you're becoming a stranger, the more I feel a part of my life disappear
بعدك خجولة ما في حدا من الناس ماحدا
You're still shy, but there are no people here, nobody
فيه بسهولة يخفي صدى الاحساس ماحدا
So easily echoing feelings can be concealed, nobody
حتى المعاني بالنظر الها صدى
Even the meanings in your gazes have an echo
بين الناس كلما تلاقينا بتحكي بس نظرة عينينا
Between the people every time we meet our eyes only speak to each other
وين العيب لولا حبينا وعرفونا احباب
Where is the fault, if it weren't for the fact we love each other and it's known we are lovers
علي الصوت قولي حبيبي ضلي هون مني قريبي
Raise your voice, say 'my darling', stay here, close to me
انا كلما بحسك غريبي بحس بعمري غاب
The more I feel you're becoming a stranger, the more I feel a part of my life disappear

Oltalmazz !

Ma már az életemet is
vihar fenyegeti
Ha nem lelek menedékre
Egyszer csak eltűnök.
Gyerekek, a háború egy lövésnyire van
Már csak egy lövésnyire van
Gyerekek, a háború egy lövésnyire van
Már csak egy lövésnyire van
Nézd az utcánkat is
Felperzselő tüzet
Izzik mint egy vörös szénszőnyeg
Eltévelyedet bolond Europé
Gyerekek, a háború egy lövésnyire van
Már csak egy lövésnyire van
Gyerekek, a háború egy lövésnyire van
Már csak egy lövésnyire van
Erőszak, gyilkolás
Pontosan egy lövésnyire van
Pontosan egy lövésnyire van
Erőszak, gyilkolás
Lőtávolságon belül van
Lőtávolságon belül van
Erőszak, gyilkolás
Lőtávon belül
Lőtávon belül
Ma már az életemet is
Árvíz fenyegeti
Oltalmazz, vegyél oltalmad alá
Egyszer csak eltűnök.
Gyerekek, a háború egy lövésnyire van
Már csak egy lövésnyire van
Lőtávolságon belül van
Lőtávon belül
Oly közel van
Mondom neked testvérem
a szeretet egy csóknyira van
Egy csóknyira van
Egy csóknyira van
Egy csóknyira van
Egy csóknyira van
Egy halálos csóknyira..

Birodalom hamuvá

Az oroszlán és a farkas,
Régi Istenek és az új,
Csatáznak azért hogy
áttörjenek a szeméten.
Egy oda-vissza inga
Nem látjuk a megállást,
Megtéveszt mint egy metronóm,
Nem öli meg az órát.
Egyik nap úgy éreztem mintha csak betegek lennénk a rendszertől.
Fekete lyuk,nincs remény,
pszichopata szindróma.
Olyanok vagyunk mint a ketrecbe zárt állatok
Keressük az ellenszert
Láncot törni raktak ide minket.
Igen, nevezhetjük cinikusnak,
Lehet szánalmas vagyok
De nem adok a hazugságokra
És felveszem az összes hazugságot este
Meggyújtom gázzal a gyufát,
Hagyjuk égni a régi birodalmat hamuvá.
Hagyjuk égni az egészet hamuvá!
A fiatal ember álmai
Míg ő alszik az ágyában
A halál tartja a szemét
Míg ő vár a halálra.
Ha az élet a tű,
Akkor a lelkem a cérna.
A szám a méreg,
A nyelvem a vezető.
Egyik nap úgy éreztem hogy beragadtam a saját bőrömbe,
Próbáltam kiszabadulni,de nincs menekvésem.
Olyanok vagyunk mint a ketrecbe zárt állatok
Keressük az ellenszert
Láncot törni raktak ide minket.
Igen, hívhatjuk cinikusnak,
Lehet szánalmas vagyok
De nem adok a hazugságokra,
És felveszem az összes hazugságot este,
Meggyújtom gázzal a gyufát,
Hagyjuk égni a régi birodalmat hamuvá.
Hagyjuk égni az egészet hamuvá!
Hagyjuk égni az egészet hamuvá!
Néha úgy érzem betegek vagyunk a rendszertől,
Fekete lyuk,nincs remény,
Pszichopata szindróma,
Pszichopata szindróma.
Olyanok vagyunk mint a ketrecbe zárt állatok
Keressük az ellenszert
Láncot törni raktak ide minket.
Igen,hívhatjuk cinikusnak,
Lehet szánalmas vagyok
De nem adok rájuk.
Olyanok vagyunk mint a ketrecbe zárt állatok
Keressük az ellenszert
Láncot törni raktak ide minket.
Igen,hívhatjuk cinikusnak,
Lehet szánalmas vagyok
De nem adok rájuk.
Woah, woah,
Nem adok rájuk.
Woah, whoah,
Hagyjuk égni az egészet hamuvá!

Our summer

I'm coming again in the houses where the voices are heard
Of youthful laughter, brass laughter.
Flown into nowhere fleeting words:
'Only with you, forever with you!'
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
It's heavy on my chest once more, I could have found her,
To stay forever, with her forever.
But those burning bridges, those roses - colour of the soul,
Looking for frosts and metamorphosis
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
We loved like children...
On summer morning of that day our summer were beginning
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything
Sun in our eyes, hearts in our hands,
We loved without reserve, like children
It seemed to us forever, and we loved everything...
We loved without reserve, like children...
We loved like children...

Wings of My Words

Sometimes you would miss the past days
But when you really left you didn't even say a word
You only waved your hand, like throwing away wastepaper
Saying it is an inevitable thing in life
Drinking until one almost become drunk but you could still feel a sense of loss
In the mirror it seems like you can see the end of life
Perhaps after a few years you will also become a hypocrite
Is it really because of this that we have come to this world?
This question we won't have time to think it through
And days and years have already passed
You and me come from
towns and villages in Hubei, Si Chuan, Guang Xi, Ning Xia, He Nan, Shan Dong, Gui Zhou and Yun Nan
We have sworn before to become great people
But in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen Zhen
we would suddenly wake up someday in the middle of the night and stand on a lonely balcony
Only wanting to escape from this endless loneliness
Several years ago you had a pair of pure eyes
When you started to run you looked like lightning in spring
Wanting to see the whole world, going to the furthest place
Feeling like you had a pair of wings so you could cross high mountains and oceans
Several years ago you were once a simple youngster
When you had fallen in love with someone you wouldn't be afraid to put your whole life into it
Believing that love will last forever, believing in every stranger
Believing that you will become the person you want to become the most
Getting used to telling lies does that mean you have become mature?
After owning a house is that when you can love someone?
Always thinking after becoming successful wounds would be able to heal
Longing after people that you have missed out and buried in your heart
Once your youth is up what is left is only your hateful appearance
You and me come from
towns and villages in Hubei, Si Chuan, Guang Xi, Ning Xia, He Nan, Shan Dong, Gui Zhou and Yun Nan
We have sworn before to become great people
But in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shen Zhen
we would suddenly wake up someday in the middle of the night as if being woken up by fate
Saying to you that you can't let your life just pass like this
Several years ago you had a pair of pure eyes
When you started to run you looked like lightning in spring
Wanting to see the whole world, going to the furthest place
Feeling like you had a pair of wings so you could cross high mountains and oceans
Several years ago I was once a simple youngster
When you had fallen in love with someone you wouldn't be afraid to put your whole life into it
Believing that love will last forever, believing in every stranger
That was the time when I met the world
The time when I was still a youngster

Who competes your qualities?

Who competes your qualities 1 babe?
You are a girl like no other, sweetheart
You are whom I lean on, you cool my fire 2
You're my beloved who'll always remain mine
The world without you is so hollow and empty
Let's never apart, you whom I'd sacrifice my life for
It satisfies my just to call me, to hear your voice, and I'll be there answering every call
My longing for you exceeded my bearing capability
Who competes you ?? ..
You, the soul of my own soul, whenever we are communicating soon
I keep thinking about you days before, all day all night
I lose myself daydreaming about you
I'm a traveler in your love-land who has been there for long
How lucky will I be once you become my destiny! 3
When we will live our happily ever after
I don't care about the world, as long as you're my beloved
You, The very different from others, My perfect love
  • 1. He means you have no alike other, no one beats your qualities.
  • 2. Chest fire, anger.
  • 3. Once you become my wife.
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!


Versions: #1#2
Thanks for all that You've created,
Thanks for what You've given me.
For our eyesight, A friend or two,
For what I have in the world.
For the song which flows, And a forgiving heart -
Because of all this - I exist.
Thanks for all that You've created,
Thanks for what You've given me.
For a child's laughter,
And the blue sky,
For the earth - and a warm home.
A corner to sit in, A loving woman,
Because of all this - I exist.
Thanks for all that You've created,
Thanks for what You've given me.
For a day of happiness,
Innocence and honesty,
For the sad day - which passed and disappeared.
Two thousand cheers, and hands clapping.
Because of all this - I exist.


Úton a házad felé, tornacipővel a hóban
Csak látni akarom őt
A gondolataim elvadulnak, muszáj tudnom
Őt fogod-e megtartani
Felhívlak, részegen
Bocsi, tudom, hogy utálod
Valószínűleg nem kéne ilyet mondjak
De fáj benntartani
Ő tudja, hogy végig a sötétben rejtegettél engem?
Ő tudja, hogy már a legelejétől az enyém voltál?
Ő tudja, hogy a sebek soha nem változnak?
Mert a nyomaim a szíveden vannak, a legelejétől az enyém voltál.
Mint mikor vízet tartok a kezembe, sose tart soká
Kicsúsznia az ujjaim közül
Talán mert túl erősen akartam belekapaszkodni, de most lemosom a vért
Nem érzel te semmit, míg nem fáj
Felhívlak, részegen
Bocsi, tudom, hogy utálod
Valószínűleg nem kéne ilyet mondjak
De többet nem tartom benn
Ő tudja, hogy a sötétben rejtegettél engem?
Ő tudja, hogy már a legelejétől az enyém voltál?
Ő tudja, hogy a sebek soha nem változnak?
Mert a nyomaim a szíveden vannak, a legelejétől az enyém voltál.

Breakfast of a Devoted Husband

I watched just a little bit of rare TV this afternoon
They said fruit can help prevent the harmful effects of cigarettes
So I hurried to rush to the store and buy some right away
If you find me just about to go out, don’t worry, we’ll definitely eat soon
You must have a different face for when you’re outside the house, don’t you?
So the only purpose of my hands is to use them to heal your fatigue
Like this morning, the days when you get back terribly late have been more and more frequent
In the loneliness of dawn, a piano polonaise
You’ve softly stroked someone’s hair with your fingertips, haven’t you?
So now, darkly hesitating, there’s only one reason to prolong it
Here in this place, how does this spectacle I’ve made of myself appear to you?
After all, you told me lies to suit your own needs
I hate everything, even the color of this unnatural sky
So I already can’t see the light held tight in my right hand...
“I don’t need anything anymore.”


The terrorists have ruined our industrial formation,
Our culture, agriculture, our human medicine
They laid the whole mishmash into the education
And stabbed right in its back the manufacture.
They managed to make all the roads bumpy in no time
They closed the school but opened a new church instead…
What? Those were not the terrorists who did this shitfest?
And who were they? Don’t give a fuck, block Telegram.

O leader of all Prophets

O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
What wil make my hardship ease? Only with you, oh father of Zahraa!
And with the rights of Ahlulbait [1] and the ten [2], it will become easy.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
He saw my eyes but he didn't see (what i saw), like Ta-Ha [3] in our worries.
Better than whats above the heavens, and purified the people.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
And the prayers of Allah aren't removed, You are guided by the one who made you a protector.
And that is for eternity.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
Hope it was useful to you :D

Shooting Bow and Arrow [Practice, Practice, Practice]

We are artists
And not just a herd of animals
The masks – they're unbearable!
And it's humiliating
And it's such a great shame
I'll never be a lion!
(Get down on all fours and roar with rage.
Roar with all you've got!
The roar should shake my heart!
Ahh! Not you, Wesley! You're a bunny, for Christ's sake!
Archers! Ready, set, shoot!)
Day after day the prince practiced
Shooting bow and arrow
Thinking only of her, sad and depressed
Shooting bow and arrow
He will not rest till she returns
Day after day the prince practiced
Shooting bow and arrow
Thinking only of her, sad and miserable
Shooting bow and arrow
He's got a target
His spirit is stubborn
He shoots at everything
Bow and arrow, arrow, arrow!

Uncle Moses Had a Farm

Uncle Moses had a farm
And in his farm there was a cow
And the cow moo moo, all day long moo moo
Here a moon there a moo, all day long moo moo
Uncle Moses had a farm
Uncle Moses had a farm
And in his farm there was a pig
And the pig oink oink and the cow moo moo
Here a moo there a moo, all day long moo
And the pig oink oink and the cow moo moo
Here a moo there a moo, all day long moo moo
Uncle Moses had a farm
Uncle Moses had a farm
And in his farm there was a horse
And the horse neigh neigh and again neigh neigh
Here a neigh there a neigh, all day long neigh neigh
And an oink oink here and an oink oink there
Here an oink there an oink, all day long oink oink
And a moo moo here and a moo moo there
Here a moo there a moo, all day long moo moo
Uncle Moses had a farm

A half-educated wizard

To calculate a path of the stars
To lay out a garden
To cope with typhone
Magic can do everything
I've got a degree
But the matter is
I am a mighty wizard only on paper
Teachers wasted their time with me
The best skilled wizzard wasted his time with me
I wasn't listening intently to my wise teachers
I did my homework by halves
I wanted to make a thunderstorm
But I got a goat
A pink goat with yellow streak
It had a leg instead of a tail
It had horns on a leg
I wouldn't like to meet this goat again
I wanted to make a flat-iron
But I got an elephant with a bee's wings
It had flowers instead of ears
I have a dream at night
The goat and elephant are crying
They are crying and telling me,
'What have you done with us?'
'What have you done with us?'


The endless lies, and repeated days
From the country of children, that leads to nowhere
The eyes that looking at the shadowless me are,
Covered by darkness, and already giving up
An hopeless hope, I can’t meet you anymore
Because the dream inside me, will eventually destroy you
Spreading light, the fairy whispers:
“If you hate it so much, then just throw it away”
Even if I want to fly off, not here but to somewhere
The faceless adults that laughing in warfield, traversing like playing trick
The heart ignoring the prank and run
It hurt, it hurt, crying like a baby
Why do you intend to leave this birdcage?
Do you want to be an adult, leaving me behind?
”Don’t go”
Monopolizing is usual days.
From the country of children that the adults can’t touch.
Gazing at you, the enjoyable voice
“If you hate it so much, just don’t look at it:”
Sadness, painful, at the world of nothing
Nobody can stop my emotion
Nobody can stop my “NEVERLAND”
Nobody can stop my desire
Nobody can stop my “NEVER ENDING DREAM”
At the warfield with nobody else,
You saw me laughing alone
'It’s funny” saying that, you laugh and fly off
It’s narrow, dark. This place without you is like a jail.


Silently we dance on the stage in Phrygian clothes
Tonight, the two of us will play 'A Beautiful Love Story'
Wearing the mask of saint,
let's call each other until this play ended in evening.
With the wax coloured string that dance the night,
arouse me
Give a kiss to this Clown of Temptation
Embrace the awaken heat of yours
If this feeling of sadness and love is a hindrance,
at least now in this oblivion,
let me love you
When this short moment ended, I'll sing the truth
without being able to deceive and take even one of those regular dreams
The immoral saints,they just pointed at me and laughed
While I wandered in this interlude that return to the emptiness
Give a kiss to this drowning Clown
It's alright if you lie, love me
Understanding the fury that was left inside me,
without being able to breath, I became bubbles
and erased my memories of you
Give a kiss to this Clown of Temptation
Embrace the awaken heat of yours
If this feeling of sadness and love is a hindrance,
at least now in this oblivion,
Give a kiss to the broken Clown
And gently, caress this interrupted melody
While reciting the end of his happiness,
inside the blowing sound of the wind,
a Jester was weeping his love

Butterfly Core

The butterfly, dancing in the shadow, it's movement tore away the silence night
Right now, our overlapping voice is shaking the darkness
Wiping off my sweat, I kicked the running light
In order to protect this wound I got today, which was struck by sadness
Fast it fly far away, as I'm searching a meaning of this unreasonable
Hiding behind the immaturity, is the feeling I don't want to lose
If you notice, then do not lost it
To protect someone, I want to more believing this moment
The butterfly, dancing in the shadow, it's movement tore away the silence night
All of the false words I said to you are not lies
Someday, time to choose the answer I threw away in confusion should be come
This heart of mine is burning more passionately than anyone else, so it won't disappear
I extremely hate the sunny days, but I also detest the rainy sky
If I erase the memories that go against the foreshore
If I doubt the unseen things then I won't be able to see the truth
Lamenting about forgiveness, the days I spent is only partly seen
I will protect you, those words of vow is unneeded
Just throw away the days of blaming others
With these silver wings, I'll live inside this storm
Cause there is no way I can end everything out from everyone's gaze
Compensation of become worn-out? I stick out my tongue
With this heart I can fly higher than anyone else, just you see
The butterfly, dancing in the shadow, it's movement tore away the silence night
The afterglow at the moment we overlapped is burned in our memory
Because I've decide that the red-dyed moon will absolutely reach the other side
Even if nothing to be changed, even if nothing to be transmitted
Someday, time to choose the answer I threw away in confusion should be come
This heart of mine is burning more passionately than anyone else, so it won't disappear

Blessing Card

If I can take it back, I want to show you
a bond that was hidden and sealed inside the truth
To the leading Card
Today's enemy is also tomorrow's enemy, because
I don't have any bussiness with the cowards who wished for No Risk High Return
It must be boring if you only care about my amount of experience,
so let's show off with better words
In this place that I couldn't let go off nor come back to,
the Brighten Star was merged
If you said loudly that your mustering heart is the 'Justice'
then show me a strength that not afraid of darkness
I knew that no wish would be fulfilled by wishing only
If you held my hand tightly, then let's do it until the end
Don't Touch! After looking carefully, that is a reality full with holes
Forced to stop by High Risk No Return, I regret my actions
Chase and being chased, I can't stand that strategy anymore
You notice this simple and clear feeling, right?
Preparing for one's appearance, now everything is before my eyes
an extended Boundless World
This frightened heart was freezing my body
I'm not doubting you, please understand!
The moment I face my weakness, that I didn't want to knew but I traded with my loneliness,
Trust is Breaking
Little by little is alright,
if you really believe that
Keep believing make me so painful
that's going to be a strength
Embracing this bond, that was hidden and sealed inside the truth
If you held my hands tightly then let's do it until the end
Advance with your feet! Hold it with your hands!
And then the star you see ahead...

Tigerish Eyez

Calling that place superior is extravagant
because it only a house for those who don't be accepted elsewhere
How laughable, if you binded by rules.
Here, names and titles are meaningless
Unbalanced diet's suffering is a secret recipe before dinner
At this moment, holding back is a foolish action
Clear my throat, 'Itadakimasu'
In this lonely night,
having a feeling of hesitation is not a lie
Tigerish Eyez, my sharpened instinct is
attracted by the very strong 'Life'
I want to life as myself, howling and eating my prey
As if it give me support, the wind's blow is following my way
If I give up, then everything will be ended, right?
'I won't forgive if you fail to catch him!'
Once or twice, why don't you see many of them?
Inside my heart I feel a bit negativeness
Your name, in my eyes it's glowing
Add guaranteed cream on the artist's get rich quick scheme.
With my cat tongue I'll answer a little
about the naive condition of living too long
If you can't understand
then there is no difference between compliments and sarcasms
Tigerish Eyez, with the burning flame
a passionate yet momentary 'Life' is born
Be burn and boiled, this unshaken voice is
even if I got injured I still want to get up and keep screaming
Because I can only move forward, as no way return for me, right?
It's like I see an unawaken dream....
Tigerish Eyez, my sharpened instinct is
attracted by the very strong 'Life'
I want to life as myself, howling and eating my prey
The freedom I see beyond my destination is infinite
Traces (wounds) I left will be my pride
Tigerish Eyez wow…

Ő mindenem, akim valaha volt

Itt vagyok én
Törött szárnyaimmal
Csendes gondolataimmal
Szótlan álmaim közt
Itt vagyok én
Ismét egyedül
Most pedig szükségem van rá
Hogy fogjad a kezem
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Ő az a levegő, amit belélegzem
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Ez az az út, ahol ő érzővé tett engem
Ez az egyetlen dolog, amely valóságos
Ez az az út, melyen ő megértette
Ő az én szeretőm, ő az én barátom
És amikor az ő szemeibe nézek
Ezúttal úgy érzem magam legbelül
Mint az az ember, aki szeretnék lenni
Ő nekem mindenem, akire valaha szükségem lehet
Olyan sok idő alatt
Olyan sok fájdalom (de)
Ez az egyetlen dolog
Ez még mindig ugyanaz (egyedül ez)
Ő gondozta az utunkon
A szerelmünket, amiben osztoztunk
És mindenen keresztül
Ő mindig itt volt velem
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Egy ilyen hideg, és annyira üres világban
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Ez az az út, ahol ő érzővé tett engem
Ez az egyetlen dolog, amely valóságos
Ez az az út, melyen ő megértette
Ő az én szeretőm, ő az Ezen az úton úgy érzem magam belülén barátom
És amikor az ő szemeibe nézek
Ezúttal úgy érzem magam legbelül
Mint az az ember, aki szeretnék lenni
Ő nekem mindenem, akire valaha szükségem lehet
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Én megtennék bármit, csakhogy őt láthassam
Ő mindenem, ő mindenem, akim valaha is volt nekem
Ez az az út, ahol ő érzővé tett engem
Ez az egyetlen dolog, amely valóságos
Ez az az út, melyen ő megértette
Ő az én szeretőm, ő az én barátom
És amikor az ő szemeibe nézek
Ezúttal úgy érzem magam legbelül
Mint az az ember, aki szeretnék lenni
Ő nekem mindenem, akire valaha szükségem lehet
Ez az az út, ahol ő érzővé tett engem
Ez az egyetlen dolog, amely valóságos
Ez az az út, melyen ő megértette
Ő az én szeretőm, ő az én barátom
És amikor az ő szemeibe nézek
Ezúttal úgy érzem magam legbelül
Mint az az ember, aki szeretnék lenni
Ő nekem mindenem, akire valaha szükségem lehet
Itt vagyok

Yes Yes

Microwave and eat
I'll be back by 3 o'clock
Bought delicious rice
Wash and cut the cucumbers and leave them aside
Sparkling rhythm, seventeen or eighteen boys
Fluttering rhythm, eighteen or nineteen girls are
Not as bad as you thought it would be
Crazy circumstances, that becomes reality
Even though you fought for 3 years
I forgot about that thing with the bike
Before you are smeared, corn soup powder
Before you are killed, like a lesser cuckoo
Unreasonably bad blue memories
Crazy circumstances, that becomes reality
Sparkling rhythm, seventeen or eighteen boys
Fluttering rhythm, eighteen or nineteen girls are
Not as bad as you thought it would be
Crazy circumstances, that becomes reality

Shakespear's novel

On the mountain high
On the canvas full height profile
Silence and peace
You're tired of friends,
You're tired of worms,
That brings only pain
Ran through the grass-
Nature scent like a dew
Body, born of a sin,
Draws your gaze
Maybe you have sinned
Only deep in your heart
Or sweetly loved
Her every night (x 6)
You ether fly to paradise,
Or drowned in banality,
Or laughed for a kaif
Along the road of white stupidity
You were looking for love,
Filling the void,
That stage role
Gained warmth
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)
You have bathed in your love
In your sinful love
Turned around and gone,
Intertwined your roads
You're to the north- he is to the south
Here is Shakespeare's novel
You''re writing letters to him
He is suffering- I'm singing (X 6)


Megtaláltam a szerelmet
Drágám, csak vágjunk bele
Kövess engem
Találtam egy lányt
Aki gyönyörű és kedves
Sose tudtam, hogy
Te vagy az, aki rám várt
Mert még csak gyerekek voltunk, mikor szerelembe estünk
Nem tudva, hogy mi volt az
Ezúttal nem hagylak el
Drágám, csak csókolj meg lassan
A szíved csak az enyém
És a szemeidben tartod az enyémet
Baby, a sötétben táncolok
Veled a karjaimban
Mezítláb a fűben
A kedvenc dalunkat hallgatva
Amikor azt mondtad, hogy szörnyen nézel ki
Halkan suttogtam
De meghallottad
Drágám, olyan tökéletesen nézel ki ma este
Találtam egy nőt
Aki erősebb, mint bárki, akit ismerek
Osztozik az álmaimban
Remélem egy nap
Osztozunk az otthonán
Megtaláltam a szerelmet
Ami többet rejt a titkaimnál
Szeretet és közös gyerekeket rejt
Még mindig gyerekek vagyunk, de nagyon szerelmesek
Minden esély ellen harcolunk
Tudom, hogy ezúttal jól leszünk
Drágám, csak fogd meg a kezem
Legyél a barátnőm, én pedig a barátod leszek
Látom a jövőmet a szemeidben
Baby, a sötétben táncolok
Veled a karjaimban
Mezítláb a fűben
A kedvenc dalunkat hallgatva
Amikor megláttalak abban a ruhában
Gyönyörű voltál
Nem érdemlem meg ezt
Drágám, olyan tökéletesen nézel ki ma este
Baby, a sötétben táncolok
Veled a karjaimban
Mezítláb a fűben
A kedvenc dalunkat hallgatva
Hiszek abban, amit látok
Most már tudom, hogy egy angyallal találkoztam
És olyan tökéletesen néz ki ma este
Nem érdemlem meg ezt
Olyan tökéletesen nézel ki ma este


Versions: #2
Ahogyan sétáltam a 29-es utcán,
Más karjaiban láttalak téged.
Csak egy hónapja vagyunk külön,
Boldogabbnak tűnsz.
Láttam, ahogy besétálsz a bárba,
Ő valamivel megnevettetett téged
Láttam, a mosolyotok kétszer szélesebb, mint a miénk volt
Boldogabbnak tűnsz, tényleg.
Senki sem tud téged annyira megbántani, ahogyan én,
De senki sem tud annyira szeretni sem.
Megígérem, nem veszem magamra,
Ha tovább lépsz valaki mással.
Mert boldogabbnak tűnsz, tényleg.
A barátaim azt mondták, egy napon én is ezt érzem majd
És addig is mosolygok, hogy elrejtsem az igazságot,
De tudom, hogy boldogabb voltam melletted.
A szoba sarkában ültem,
Itt minden rád emlékeztet.
Kiürítek egy üveget*, és azt kérdem magamtól,
'Most boldogabb vagy, igaz?'
Senki sem tud téged annyira megbántani, ahogyan én,
De senki sem tud annyira szeretni sem.
Tudom, hogy vannak mások, akik megérdemelnek téged,
De drágám, én még mindig szeretlek.
De azt hiszem boldogabbnak tűnsz, tényleg.
A barátaim azt mondták, egy napon, én is ezt érzem majd
Tudnék mosolyogni, hogy elrejtsem az igazságot,
De tudom, hogy boldogabb voltam melletted.
Boldogabbnak tűnsz, tényleg
Tudom, hogy egy napon majd találsz valaki újat,
De ha összetöri a szíved- ahogyan a szerelmesek szokták,
Csak tudd, hogy itt fogok várni rád.