Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 56


Rég elveszett második felem

A kezeid oly’ jók hozzám
A szemeid szép mesét mondanak
A nap minden órájában
Te és én össze vagyunk láncolva
Kiegészítesz engem
Nélküled rossz a egész világ
Semmiért sem cserélném el a mosolyod
Sosem fáradok el, még akkor sem, ha az egész világot bejárom veled
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
Eltűnnek a lépteink, amikor lassan átölelsz
Csak veled derül fel a világ, amíg a együtt lélegzünk
Felforgattad az életem
A csendes énem gyökeresen megváltozott
Nézd meg, meddig jutottunk el a büszke férjed miatt
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem
Bár tudod
A büszkeségem fontos
Mindig próbáltam
Hű maradni a szavamhoz
Bár tudod
Amit mondtam, megmondtam
Mégis minden erőfeszítésem
Hogy megszerezzem a szíved, elhagyott
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem
Ha veled vagyok, boldogok vagyunk
Egy lakat összeköt minket
Nem pótolhatja semmi más
Csak ez érdekel
Belefásultam minden másba
Amint megláttalak, függő lettem
Valahogy vonzottál magad felé
Erőt nyertem, s nem fogytam ki belőle
Nagy helyet akarok elfoglalni a szívedben
Azt akarom, hogy az egész város tőlünk legyen hangos az éjszaka
Hallják a nevetésünket
A szerelmed beburkolta a szívemet
Ne hagyj egyedül
Mert látod, reggeltől estig rád gondolok
Ne hagyj el engem
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem
Figyelj, a szívem mindig a te szerelmedért dobog
A hangod végtelen megnyugvást jelent számomra
Te vagy a rég elveszett második felem

The rock band Wounded Knee

Big sister was pregnant the third time
When we all realized
That Eino's garage door
Can be locked and the noise won't wake him up
We were Käpä and Antsu,
Pykä and I and the crazy son of the salesman
He was later caught burning the church
when he stopped to fry potatoes there
At the corner of the garage we pondered
what shall we do with his
When someone said: Let's start a rock band
and call it Wounded Knee
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
We painted onto that corrugated metal door
A circle and a damn big A
So that all would remember
What we are playing for
Käpä brought his deceased uncle's drums
And all else we bought
I guess Eikka could heat his flat with the ads for half a year
And so we tasted crow blood
And smoked tea from a pipe
made a cocktail of aspirin and pilsner
And so Wounded Knee could jam
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
Then Pykä left for the military
And Antsu got a job in Stadi 1
He got too good for aspirin-beer
When he visited some Saturday
Käpä set out to naval cuisine school on Christmas
and left to the seas to cook
So the crazy son of the salesman and I
were left to rock alone
But when I was sad and depressed
I guess he remained in the heavens
His coat said Wounded Knee
when he was arrested in the churchyard
The road is open all the way to heaven and never back
Shala la la laa la la la la
Shala laa laa la didadamdii
The road is open up to heaven, we sang with our hair standing up
My friends and I
The rock band Wounded Knee
  • 1. Helsinki

Guts to the wooden fence

Blind is the one practicing rock music,
Kranjec* is making fun out of him.
A rocker is always fooled by luck.
He lives and dies without money.
Whole life he is exerting himself,
Spending dough on guitars,
leather pants, old guitar amps
He hasn´t been selling plates for a long time.
Rock ’n roll doesn’t make profit in our country, ‘cause there is other scene where all the gain goes.
Accordion siphons off all the cash.
Now, forget about the guitar riffs,
the only true music is the Oberkrainer music.
Fuck rock and fuck roll,
play something polka-like (lit. to jump around)
Guts to the wooden fence,
Titties out and willies in,
schnapps in blood,
tractor in first gear,
beer mug thrown to a head,
and a knife into a cow,
boom - I wake up on ER,
I can't help it being Slovene.
I work throughout the whole week (he is hard-working and fair)
I don't argue – I dutifully obey boss, mother-in law and wife,
If someone asks me something, I have no opinion,
no ambitions nor life,
But when I get to (village) inn,
I down some schnapps (1,2,3,4),
rinse it down with a liter of wine,
and to break it (the monotony) I drink beer.
Suddenly I am the expert on cars, women and sport results,
by far I'm the loudest one,
I am the know-it-all guy.
In my head polka starts playing,
chainsaw plays the (major) third interval,
and I shout out while I throw the bottle at the waitress...
Guts on the wooden fence,
Titties out and willies in,
schnapps in blood,
tractor in first gear,
beer mug thrown to a head,
knife into a cow,
boom - I wake up on ER,
I can't help it being Slovene.
Carnations* and chrysanths*
quiver softly in the wind,
from nearby hill the church bell rings,
which calls for the religious folks.
Higher education doesn't help,
not what the others say,
when I hear the sound of accordion,
centuries roll back,
my mind get flushed with spirit,
in my heart plays Golica*,
veselica* and potica*,
again I am free like a bird….
Guts on the wooden fence,
Titties out and willies in,
schnapps in blood,
tractor in first gear,
beer mug thrown to a head,
knife into a cow,
boom - I wake up on ER,
I can't help it being Slovene.

They fuck us up

They fuck us up everyday from morning to evening,
you get fucked up by policeman if you drink too much beer,
you get fucked up by boss if you're late to work,
parents fuck you up if you end up in bad company.
Math fucks some up on final exam,
others are fucked up by hangover when partying too hard,
whites fuck up with blacks just because they're not white,
but on TV we won't tolerate any of that.
Cause how would it look like if Mario* and Desa Muck* instead of humor they would practice s__? 
Sašo Hribar* without pants - that is just too much!
You are fucked by holidays 'cause you never have them,
you get fucked by computer 'cause its so hard to fix it,
you get fucked by railway because train is always late,
you get fucked up by wife who sulks before sex.
Snow fucks you up if it starts in May,
you get fucked up by a fly that keeps landing on your bald spot,
you get fucked by senility/old age because it starts too soon,
they can fuck up with you everywhere, but not on TV.
Cause how would Mr. Tanko* look if during evening news he would get something up his a__?
Miša taking off her clothes?
That is just too much! That is just too much!

Gyilkos csapás

Csini kis teremtés
Minden varázsnak birtokában volt1, ezt olyan nehéz elhinni
Sosem túl messze
Felfogni nehéz
Sose gondoltam, hogy el kell mennie
Sose gondoltam, hogy elmegy
Úgy jött mint egy gyilkos csapás
Gyilkos csapás
Vicces, nem?
Hogy egy kicsi lánytól ilyen kicsinek tűnhet a világ
Nehéz elhinni
Hogy a kicsi lány ilyen magasnak látszhat
És, amit ő2szerelemnek hív
Nem elég sűrű?
Mennie kellett1
Így megy ez
Gyilkos csapás
A szerelmednek szárnyai vannak
Amik elvitték őt1oda, amit ő2meg nem adhat
Megkapta ő1az élet csókját
Az élet csókját
Elment oda1ahol nagyon könnyű élni
Olyan könnyű élni
Az elégedettség illatát keresni
Óh, nem, ez a gyilkos csapás
Gyilkos csapás
Boldogulj nélkülem, fiú!
Boldogulj nélkülem!
Tudod, a dolgok kissé máshogy vannak, mint, amilyennek látszanak
Boldogulj nélkülem, miért én?
Zárj ki az álmaidból!
Nem vagyok angyal, nem vagyok
Lehet, hogy neked
Ez egy gyilkos csapás
Gyilkos csapás
Gyilkos csapás
  • Nőnemű személyes névmás.
  • Hímnemű személyes névmás.

Wat do you feel right now

Empty eyes
Because of the silent cold
Long hairs
No feeling, smothery
Big words
Dirty looks, cold
High volume
Empty and dark, quiet
Few words
Don't walk to fast
Belong together
What an advantage
You are staring
Against blue skyes
I have to ask
What do you feel right now?
Empty eyes
Because of the silent cold
Long hair
No feeling, smothery
Big words
Dirty looks, cold
High volume
Empty and dark, quiet
Few words
Don't walk to fast
Belong together
What an advantage
You are staring
Against blue skyes
I have to ask
I have to ask
Hey, I have to ask
I have to ask
What do you feel right now?
What do you feel right now?
What do you feel right now?
What do you feel right now?
Yes, what do you feel right now?
What do you feel right now?
Hey, what do you feel right now?
Yes, what do you feel right now?
What do you feel right now?


You're sad and I'm sad, you're alone and I'm alone
You're there far from me, I'm heart-broken and I'm here
I'm in love and attached to your love for me
You're tired and I'm tired of your tiredness
When you fall in love, your heart's pain isn't small
There isn't a pain like this pain, like how you love me
I wish you would love my heart, don't you love me?
How did you send my heart to a memory picture?
You're hugging the sorrow but still, you don't say 'come back'
Weren't you that same one that made me fall in love with her in one day?
Don't you forget this love, don't you forget this emotion
With the feelings of those same old days, recognize/understand my feeling
The snow of my heart had never (before) melted in the hands of anyone
The Sun at Dawn had never (before) turned its back to the moon/moonlight
Because of you, I will leave, I swear to God, it's not up to me
The end of my patience, is not in my control
I wish you would love my heart, don't you love me?
How did you send my heart to a memory picture?
You're hugging the sorrow but still, you don't say 'come back'
Weren't you that same one that made me fall in love with her in one day?

It Has Rained

It has rained on your moon-link face
Your straight hair has got wet a little
I speak well but when I see you
I become intoxicated of your eyes and sit and be quiet
Heart speaks to heart, oh my love, you are attractive
My wish is that you be in front of my eyes (you be with me)
I took a plunge, oh my love, I'm in love
Don't treat my heart like this, stop winking
Oh attractive arrogant, oh beautiful
Your eyes are big, my heart is in your hand
Oh attractive arrogant, oh beautiful
Your eyes are big, my heart is in your hand
My heart is in your hand
It has rained on your moon-link face
Your straight hair has got wet a little
I speak well but when I see you
I become intoxicated of your eyes and sit and be quiet
Heart speaks to heart, oh my love, you are attractive
My wish is that you be in front of my eyes (you be with me)
I took a plunge, oh my love, I'm in love
Don't treat my heart like this, stop winking
Oh attractive arrogant, oh beautiful
Your eyes are big, my heart is in your hand
Oh attractive arrogant, oh beautiful
Your eyes are big, my heart is in your hand
My heart is in your hand

The Sonnet Turns into Simple Words With You

No! It is impossible for your creator (God)
To put someone else instead of you in my burning heart
It is never possible to see you and then after that,
Breathe somewhere other than in your air (around you)
It is never possible to see you and then after that
Breathe somewhere other than in your air (around you)
I sit silently next to my own bewilderment, and
I forget everyone else with your voice
I easily give up all claims
With a humble, simple look from you
The sonnet turns into simple words with you (you make complex poems easy to comprehend)
Because it's better if I fall at your feet easily
I easily give up all claims
With a humble, simple look from you
The sonnet turns into simple words with you (you make complex poems easier to understand)
Because it's better if I fall at your feet easily
The main purpose of my existence was to talk about you
For me to poetically describe you, to you!
The main purpose of my existence was to talk about you
For me to poetically describe you, to you!

Burn like a flame

When She's upset,
I boil,
You are my heart,
And your eyes are mine.
Have an idea,
Neither nine nor ten,
every thing about you,
It's my red lines.
The fire is burning and night becomes day.
Do not shed tears at you and I will love you always no matter what.
No one before and after you.You grow a year old and from my age will take the same.
I'm crazy, I'm not sane, and I don't care about this world. If your eyes were crying, I would turn the world upside down
Tell her, O air, her laughter is a medicine.
It is my eyes and I dream of staying together.
I want to grow up with you.
I want with you grow up.
My heart loves you and more, and when you are absent from it, it is like an exploding volcano.


Your laughs became pale again
Who made you feel bad?
Go, but if you wanted to come back again, come back without any thinking
Go but never forget that I'm awaiting for you
Oh crazy! You have no idea...
...that you don't love me but I'm impatient about you
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
People say you are my mistake
(Even if you are my sin) you are my most beautiful sin
Why are you cold with me?
You are the reason of my sigh and tear
You are in every sadness of my look
But I wish you come back soon
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world
I know well that you will come back again
So what are these decieves and disloyalties for?
I know well you can't stand
You have a lot of memories with me as much as a world