Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 100



Nap mint nap magasztallak Égi Atyám, Megváltóm
Az aranykor távozóban úgy látom.
Szívemben szomorúság és elhagyatottság,
Gondolataimban elragadtatás és boldogság
Új éra a láthatáron – hosszú a nap hosszú az éj
Éltesd az ifjúságot és akkor ő mindig ott lesz.


Elment a nappal megpihenni
Most sötét éj
Mély álmát őrzi,
Nézd, az éjsötétje
Szertefoszlott, itt hagyott
Mikor megszülte ránk az új napot.

Tíz órás postás

Tíz órás postás
Hozd a levelét
Tíz órás postás
Had érezzem jobban magam
Annyi napja már
Hogy találkoztam vele
Tíz órás postás
Hozd a levelét
Hozd a levelét
Fel-le járkálok a szobában
Vajon miért nem tudom abbahagyni a körmeim rágását
Miért kell ezt gyászos érzést hordoznom
Még pár óra és megkapom a postát
Meg fogom kapni a postát
Olyan nehéz most enni
A pirítósnak és a tojásnak most nem olyan az íze, mint szokott
Zajt hallok az utcáról
Az ablakhoz futok és csalódottan felkiáltok
Tíz órás postás
Emlékszem, azt mondta biztosan
Hogy írni fogok, amint leszálltam a repülőről
Egy árva szó sem
Ma reggel meg kell jönnie vagy megőrülök
Meg fogok őrülni
Most majdnem öt nap eltelt
Lehet, hogy légi postával vagy vonattal küldte
Hallom, hogy valaki erre jön
Igen, ez biztosan a postás lesz
Tíz órás postás

Oh Susie

Oh Susie
Kifutottunk az időből
Oh Susie
Mondd, mi jár a fejedben
Nem futhatunk sehová
Túl fiatalok voltunk
A szerelem meleg és megértő
Mikor tizenhét vagy
A szerelem hideg
Megöli az álmaidat és mesterkedik
Túl fiatal
A szavak jönnek
Mint a neonfények
Le és fel
Visszahozzák a múlt éjszakát
Visszahozzák a múlt éjszakát
Oh Susie
Kifutottunk az időből
Oh Susie
Mondd, mi jár a fejedben
Nem futhatunk sehová
Túl fiatalok voltunk
Szerelmes vagyok
És semmi mástól
Nem érzek így
Most elvesztem, nincs több mondanivalóm
A dalt, amit játszanak, nem lehet rendesen énekelni
Le és fel
Énekli, hogy túl fiatal
Énekli, hogy túl fiatal
Oh Susie
Kifutottunk az időből
Oh Susie
Mondd, mi jár a fejedben
Nem futhatunk sehová
Túl fiatalok voltunk

The Secret World of Santa Claus Intro (French)

Santa Claus, how do you guess
The toys I dream of ?
How do you know
That my bike should be red and black
And how do you find the chimney
Under the white snowed roofs ?
How ? I don't know !
I don't know !
Yet, I know that, in the permanent snow,
Into your secret world, Santa Claus,
You're thinking about me, you're thinking about me
Santa Claus, I only write to you once a year
Yet you don't ever forget me
When I want for you into the dark
Even when I pretend not to believe in you.
You keep your life hidden,
(But) I know you'll love me forever.
I'm thinking about you, Santa Claus !

Secrets words

Our old dog understood englsih
And never stop to be upset
So we spell all words that we don't want he understand
Yes we say S-U-G-A-R
Becase if he take more than two
We must going to make him a I-N-J-E-C-T-I-O-N
He does'nt support that we considere him like
And he doesn't want to that we
O-F-F-L-E-A-S-H him
If I put Susie on my knees
It make him really jealous
So we're waiting he's aslept
For K-I-S-S-I-N-G us
Quietly without he glances us
We have trouble in all the block
He's thinlikg only to love (as his master)
However he's all peeled
Old beau style
Beside his littles L-E-G-S
He did really well for having
with all the she-dogs around.
When I told to Susie, we need to bring him
Without offending him
To the V-E-T-E-R-I-N-A-R-Y, the vet
In order to C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E him
That's where he told us : Hey, you two
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
Oh yeah !


Can you keep dat secret
Tell me
the guy next to you
he's an empty can No no no
wear my jumper and go out
Imma bout to jump off
with you you you
tell your friends
today your heart got robbed Oh girl
you and me , you and me, the two of us only
We can go slow
Incredible body
I will compare with the fake ones Nothing
tonight Party
besides you and em No ones invited
As a secret
Keep it low low low
in the night air, this fluttering night
let's learn you and me Like
Your scent Chocolate
Skinny jeans with high heels
Wanna get to know ya
Tell me
Can u keep dat secret
move Baby
I will show you everything today Boi
Can u keep dat secret
come close next to me
take me somewhere where no one will look for us
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Approach me slowly
the night is young Boi
it's a night that you hate going home
Wanna get to know u more
I will sit next to you without thinking
Wanna ride bae
open your eyes
Imma party yeh ye ye ye
Tell me where you want to go
it's a diversion
dream next to me
you can throw the meaningless
ring on your left hand Oh yeh ye ye yeh
tell me what your husband couldn't give you Baby
Your scent Chocolate
your husky voice
Wanna get to know ya
Tell me
I can keep dat secret
I will move Baby
shome everything today My babe
I can keep dat secret
Stay next to me
I will take you somewhere where no one can find us
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
We can do anything Baby
if only you open your heart
don't worry about tomorrow
we are strangers
if you miss me, you can
call me on my mobile phone Girl
I will run to wherever you are
tell me your location info
Don't feel burdened
Keep it keep it down low
this is our Secret
don't force it Girl
I just wanna hold u tonight
Tell me
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know
Can you keep dat secret
Nobody gotta know ya
nobody gotta know no no
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

My secret love

There is only one thing of causing so much damage
And that's Cat Noir's Cataclysm
And this thing left behind confirms my fear
It's from my present to Adrien, that's it
Adrien vanishes and Cat Noir arrives
He must be looking for his protection
That's why I think, what I suspect
It is that a villain wants to find Adrien
My presence is vital, protecting him is essential
He is my secret love
And with all of the power, I'll save you
You are my secret love
Even if you don't know who I am, I'm always there
You are my secret love
What would you do if you knew the whole truth?
That's why you're secret, love

My secret love

The power of Cat Noir, Cat Noir's Cataclysm
It is a force that has no equal
A clue has to be, this wrapping paper
I used the same one for Adrien's
Adrien disappears and Cat Noir appears
To protect him is hard to bear
But the explanation, my speculation
It is that a villain is going after Adrien
I will give him protection, without qualms or fear
He is my secret love
I will save you, my power I'll use
You are my secret love
Even if you're confused, I'll be with you.
You are my secret love
You can't imagine, no, what's in my heart
You are my secret love

The boy I love in secret

There's no other power
That can bring so much damage
The Cat Noir's Cataclysm, it's sure
And this card
Didn't fall from the sky
But from the present I gave to Adrien
Adrien disappears
And Cat Noir steps in
He must be working to protect him
The only explanation
To these questions
Is that some supervillain
Is after Adrien
He can count on me
I'll get him out of there
Because he's the one whom I love in secret
I'll do everything in my power
To help him at my best
You're the one whom I love in secret
Even if I have to hide
I'll be by his side
You're the one whom I love in secret
But what would you do
If you knew the truth?
That's why I love you in secret

Secret Doll

I've found you.
I want to know more about you, everything.
I'm starting to like you more and more.
I'm going to stuff those 'memories' into a capsule
and eat you up.
I will fill those 'memories' with love and affection.
If you don't listen to what I say...then
that ear of yours is useless and should be busted.
I'll whisper the last of my voice into your ear
and stroke your hair.
This lifeless shell of yours can't move anymore.
There's nothing left to get in the way.
I can't escape from this selfishness inside my mind or the illusions from
this tension. I hate lies. I want to continue to brainwash myself with you.
This dreamy night won't end.
Raise your head and look at me, The moon is pretty.
I'll forever be in the darkness with you 'good night'.
If you won't touch me...then
that arm is useless and might as well be broken.
I just want to cling to you and
hold you more because I will love you.
If you won't look me in the eye...then
that eye is useless and might as well not work.
I just want you to say you love me and cry.
I will give you everything you want.
Because you are my only secret doll.

Love Song

Versions: #2
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
na na na na na na na na
It's the love I've never imagined
I can't look away from my love
na na na na na na na na
This might be what they call love love love
The future that we both worried about,
on the pile of the beach, like
If love blows over it, it'll topple down
It won't be important anymore
Every moment that we share is precious to me
oh oh I will remember everything within those
countless pages
What are you thinking about
Can you believe in me
A combination of fear and excitement
They say, that is love
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
Oh love it's like a playground, this love
As if we're children again, we laugh
we cry, and become friends
Thank you for being by my side
oh oh every single page of our story shines bright
This is our letter
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
It's a combination of fear and excitement
I know
It's difficult alone love love
Stay by my side my love
I hope you can be happy
I'll cherish you love love love
Na na na na na na na na na na na na

Shy Boy

tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap
Time Time Time To Shine (Oh)
Time Time Time Secret Time (Yeah)
Time Time Time To Shine (Oh)
Oh Oh Oh Secret Time
Don’t sway ah ah
you you don’t joke around ah ah you you
ooo ooo I can’t hold back anymore Stop
Please stop acting like you exist ah ah No No
Now, a man like you ah ah No No
ooo ooo I can’t hold back anymore Stop
Shameless shameless
the womanizer is shameless
A lot of words, really there’s a lot,
there’s also a lot of girls
Just you, just you for my sake
Even if I look naive, please just love me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Bye Bye Bye Boy (Bye Bye Bye Boy)
Oh Oh Oh Bad Boy (Bad Bad Bad Boy)
Even if he’s not magnificent,
that kind of man that only treasures me Shy Boy
dduruwap dubap dubap ddeumbari dup
(dduruwap dubap dubap) ddeumbari dup
dduruwap dubap dubap ddeumbari dup
(dduruwap dubap dubap )
Please don’t push and pull ah ah No No
I like straightforward things ah ah No No
ooo ooo I really can’t hold back
Boring, boring lightweighted men are boring
Making me laugh but
you have no sense and are agitating me
Just you, just you for my sake
Even if I look naive, please just love me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Bye Bye Bye Boy (Bye Bye Bye Boy)
Oh Oh Oh Bad Boy (Bad Bad Bad Boy)
Even if he’s not magnificent,
that kind of man that only treasures me Shy Boy
As if something suddenly happened, play you Bad Boy
You You the Fly Boy suddenly not doing anything
A dependable boy over a sweet whisper
You Are My Boy, Towards me
Come In Come In Come In Boy
I love you SHY BOY I love you
Don’t be so shy and
come just a little closer to me
You Are My Shy Shy Shy Boy
(Shy Shy Shy Boy) (Shy Boy~)
Oh Oh Oh My Boy (My My My Boy)
Even if he’s ugly,
that kind of a man with a warm heart Oh
Say Say Say Boy (Say Say Say Boy)
Say Say Say My Boy (My My My Boy)
1234 I love you
Now say that you love me Shy Boy
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap (tteumbari dup)
tturuwap dubap dubap


Felébredtem a sötétben, oh-oh
Beszálltam a kocsiba és messzire vezettem
Betörtem az ajtót, oh-oh
Tudtam, hogy ott lesz
A szívem mondta, esküszöm
Elveszve, nem tudtam mit tenni
A földre löktem
De nekem jobban fájt
Hogy a francba tudtad figyelmen kívül hagyni
A fotóit a falon, oh (titok)
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Apucinak van egy titka, hétvégenként csinálta
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Apucinak van egy titka, most már tudom, hogy megcsalt
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Szeretni őt most? Szeretni őt most?
Napok óta nem aludtam, oh-oh
Tudtam, hogy meg kellett tudnia
Bár te nem mondtad el neki
Nem tudtam, mit mondhatnék
Látta a szemeimben, nem is sírt
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Hogy fog most Mama szeretni téged?
Apucinak van egy titka, hétvégenként csinálta
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Apucinak van egy titka, most már tudom, hogy megcsalt
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Szeretni őt most? Szeretni őt most?
Hé, oh-oh
Nem fog újra szeretni téged, nem tudod
De hé, tudod
Én még mindig szeretni foglak
Apucinak van egy titka, hétvégenként csinálta
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Apucinak van egy titka, most már tudom, hogy megcsalt
Mama, hogyan fogod most szeretni őt?
Szeretni őt most?
Szeretni őt most? Szeretni őt most?
Szeretni őt most? Szeretni őt most?

Speaking Out

I throw my body
In the darkness that's endlessly touching me
If I walk and walk to the point I don't know where I am,
Will I know?
A piece of memory
Drifting in the middle of the sea of thoughts
My past day
That I can draw out when I close my eyes
The wind is blowing far away
In my heart dappled with regrets
There's slowly blooming
Emptied heart is full of love
This night I let go
Of the only one tangled hate without anything left
What heals my wounded heart
What I'm holding in soundlessly
Is vain dreams and faith
Settling down in silence
The wind is blowing far away
In my heart dappled with regrets
There's slowly blooming
Empty heart is full of love
I let go of only one confused hate without anything left
The wind that was thundering on me today
Is quietly leaning on for sleep now
In the end all that's left
In the end all that protects us
Is love
Feelings that grew too big to hold it
Were there in the past day and day I'd have to live,
In every moment
To me, to you, to me, to you

A Little More

It's the whole and only you in my head
Why couldn't I say a word like a fool?
When we expressionlessly get to look at each other,
To be honest, I'm trembling a lot
If I wander around you
Like this just a little more, a little more,
Will you know my feelings?
I have to tell, I want to tell,
But I can't approach
I want to lean on you, want to hug you,
But I don't have confidence yet
After some time passes, after time passes,
Until I go closer to you,
I hope you will stay around me
A little more, just like this
I don't know anything, anything
I just want to come closer
And kiss your lips looking at me
I have to tell, I want to tell,
But I can't approach
I want to lean on you, want to hug you,
But I don't have confidence yet
After some time passes, after time passes,
Until I go closer to you,
Stay around me
A little more, just like this
I love only you
I love you
These are the words I've always been hiding,
While wandering around you
I am here
Always at the same place
Guess you still don't know it
I love you
I like you
Guess you have been pretending you didn't know
In case if I, if I
Tell you,
Even though, please, just like now
Look at me by my side

It's You

I can't come next to you,
So everyday I'm standing still and looking like this
Though I can't
Come into your heart, I know
Like destiny, everyday I'm all about you
It’s you
Even when I close my eyes
It’s you
I only see you
It’s you
Like that starlight in the sky
You are the only one person shining on my heart
It’s you
It’s you
Though yet there's no me in you,
In your eyes - I am there
Though I can't come into your arms,
Yet you're the only one for me
It’s you
Even when I close my eyes
It’s you
I only see you
It’s you
Like that starlight in the sky
You are the only one person shining on my heart
It’s you
Because It's the first time, I don't know
How I can give everything to you
I will always keep you by my side
It’s you
You do already know it
It’s you
That we feel the same
It’s you
Looking at the same place,
We're walking together an endless road
It’s you

The town with no houses

It's morning in a stranger town
there are voices on the street and I don't know where they come from.
Still burning, lighting ads are sparkling
at this hour, I'm getting bored...
In the town with no houses there's only one phone
that on daytime it's shadowing the concrete ground
From the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
to ask if it's me or my shadow...
I'm wandering just me and my jacket,
from the balconies, the smell of coffee is coming.
Someone is listening to some music I forgot
at this time, it's old-fashioned...
In the town with no houses there's only one phone
that on daytime it's shadowing the concrete ground
From the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
to ask if it's me or my shadow...
I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses, I can't talk to someone
In the town with no houses...

My secret

You, you never saw me
We were bumping into each other
My heart was beating so hard so close
Me, since the beginning
In silence I have hoped
That someday you will understand
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
You, you never knew
How I loved you
From time to time you smiled to me
Me, if only I could have
Just told you, I like you
Not like the others but for real
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
Days go but nothing erases your voice your mark
You were my secret, my secret
Days go, no matter what I do, nothing replaces you
You are still my secret, my secret
This is my own translation, please don't copy :)
Ceci est ma propre traduction, s'il vous plaît ne copiez pas :)
Questa è la mia propria traduzione, per favore non copia :)

Love Virus

Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
I want to know - I mean,
These times I'm a bit strange
I keep thinking of you
It's not been for long, I'm not used to it,
I feel this for the first time
Guess love is coming to me
Like an unknown miracle
Between you and me
Between two of us
This feeling is spreading like a fragrance
Making my heart pound
Making me dizzy
Is it what love is?
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh
My heart is growing towards you
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh in the sweet fluttering
Love Virus
Why didn't I know it was you?
A person who has taken my heart
After all those times, finally
To be honest, whenever I saw you,
Don't know why, but I've been hiding
Guess destiny is like playing hide-and-seek -
It's running away
Between you and me
Between two of us
This feeling is spreading like a fragrance
Making my heart pound
Making me dizzy
Is it what love is?
All my day is filled only with you alone
Like that harsh cold
It doesn't seem to end
Will hug that me?
Between you and me
Between two of us
This fluttering is approaching like a breath
Make me hear only you
Make me see only you
I guess I've found my last love
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh
My heart is growing towards you
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh in the sweet fluttering
Love Virus

Me on the Radio

I was 7 years old
listening to Jimi Hendrix and Zeppelin
For me it was good.
Made myself a mike stand at lathe
bought a guitar with the telephone money
For me it was good.
Hey, yeah.... listen, turn on the radio!
Turn it louder!
Hey, yeah... oh, mother, how cool!
Today is a big day, It's me on the radio!
I was the best in the Tei (neighbourhood)
Found myself singing with the best
For me it was good
Old man said I had a good ear
but I'm missing 200 years of blues
For me wasn't good!...
Hey, yeah.... listen, turn on the radio!
Turn it louder!
Hey, yeah... oh, mother, how cool!
Today is a big day, It's me on the radio!


A dolgok nem ugyanazok
Mióta bejöttél az életembe.
Megtaláltad a módját hogyan érintsd meg a lelkem
És soha nem fogom elengedni.
A kegyes hazugságok a kezedben vannak.
Túl sok időmbe telt hogy megértsem
Hogy lehetett
Hogy nem osztottad meg velem a titkodat.
Mmm mmm
Valami eljön, mmm mmm
Valami eljön, mmm mmm
Valami eljön hozzám
A szerelmemnek van egy titka.
Visszaadtad a paradicsomot
Amiről azt hittem elvesztettem a jóért.
Segítettél megtalálni az okát,
Megleptél hogy megértetted.
Te tudtad mindvégig
Amit nem akartam kimondani:
Amíg nem tanulom meg szeretni magam,
Nem szerethetek mást sem.
Mmm mmm, a szerelmemnek van egy titka
Mmm mmm, a szerelmemnek van egy titka
Mmm mmm, a szerelmemnek van egy titka előttem.
Mmm mmm, mmm mmm, mmm mmm


Van egy homályos emlékem
Vagy egy álomban történt?
Átnézek rajta, és érzem, hogy jön
El se akarom hagyni az ágyamat
A fejemet se akarom érezni
De meg kell fizetnem érte, és jön
Van egy titkom, nem mondhatom el
Belülről emészt fel, nem segíthetek rajta
Nem vagyok jó ember, van egy titkom, és az...
Van egy titkom (x5)
Gyanítom, hogy olvasol az agyamban
Hangsúlyozom, hogy időben meg fogod tudni
Összezavarja az agyam, tudom, hogy jön
De talán nem kell tudnod
Talán cirkuszolni fogok
Vagy talán kimegyek, és futni kezdek
Van egy titkom, nem mondhatom el
Belülről emészt fel, nem segíthetek rajta
Nem vagyok jó ember, van egy titkom, és az...
Van egy titkom (x2)
Van egy titkom, nem mondhatom el
Belülről emészt fel, nem segíthetek rajta
Nem vagyok jó ember, van egy titkom, és az...
Amikor a szemembe nézel
Elnézel az álarcom mellett
Látom, hogy feleszmélsz
Más irányba nézek
Lebénulva érzem magam
Tudom a választ, miért
Az egész a kib...ott hazugságok miatt
És én...
Van egy titkom, nem mondhatom el
Belülről emészt fel, nem segíthetek rajta
Nem vagyok jó ember, van egy titkom, és az...

The occult power

They made us believe Hitler was on the other side
yet neither I.G. Farben nor Ford factories were bombed
The global conspiracy of occult rulers
of the new world order has1 us in its sights.
The international police of the Illuminati
will be in the near future NATO and the United Nations.
As I dissect history I just can't believe it.
My facts are so crazy that no one will ever buy them!
The first private bank was the Bank of England.
Behind it the bankers are not from England.
Just like the royal family, theyu're not from England either.
Are 'Saxe, Coburg, Gotha' English names?
Since the French revolution, the aim is to establish
a world dictatorship. Bankers are the future.
We're neck-deep in it. Just ask ,
you can even find Trotsky in his red symphony!
It's the royal family that wields the occult power.
Yeah, right, yep, that's right !
Communism, capitalism, one and the same control system
Yeah, right, yep, that's right !
The problem is not the jewish lobby, but rather the occult power
Yeah, right, yep, that's right !
No war occurs at random, everything is planned by the bankers
Yeah, right, yep, that's right !
When I was a kid I used to hear 'I'm no Rothschild'.
Later I wondered who these Rothschild might be.
Is Rothschild the family behind the assassination
of Archduke Ferdinand? That sparked the world war.
Is Rothschild the family that funded nazism?
the family that created communism and manages capitalism?
Is Rothschild behind all modern revolutions,
from the French one to the ?
from the Bolshevik one to the heavy dark rings around your eyes2?
Look into the ashes of 9/11, you'll realize
they fooled you to better shoot you down.
It's just like the demagogic people's marxism
that fools the intellectuals and the criticising crowd.
You can talk about it on your computer, bro,
but in Dallas 'the beast' will record your comments.
Just like the new WTC tower.
It's planned to stand 1776 feet tall.
In other words, white is black and up is down.
Seeing those who believe in Obama makes me laugh.
Just another puppet in the speculation show.
Just as insignificant as Churchill in their master plan.
I have the proper flow, I don't sign a pact with the devil.
No weapon is to be trusted in the Devil's hands.
I have a mastery of History more powerful than their atom bomb.
Step into my circle and God Himself will pull your underpants down!
Since History was firts taught, the 13 blows you a kiss
the 13 storeys of the pyramid, the 13 families,
the 13 letters in 'E Pluribus Unum'
are mere examples of what's hidden behind what's shining
Behind Georges Clémenceau there was Georges Mandel
Behind Jeovah's Witnesses there was Charles Russel
Who might be hiding behind Tim Osman?
At any rate, behind Rockin'Squat there is only Mathias Cassel.
  • 1. the French is broken there, the subject being 'the conspiracy', it should be 'nous a...'
  • 2. ??? No idea what he means by that. Maybe there is some pun there but I don't see it.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Secret Night

Wow… Ah
Magic like a blink
I had a premonition, ready
The moment we passed each other by
We fall in love, it's a secret night
The stone-cold look is no thanks
So I want to laugh
High-tension like a joke
Approach little by little
I'm glad to meet you
Tell me the 'real' you?
If your hidden heart is your lies, then
I'll snatch it from above this slant
Let's go, wake me up!
Dream together
Twilight for two
I just fall in you
I just fall in you
Dance to the rhythm
Let these eyes dazzle you
Excitement building, acid love
A sigh in your ear ...
Forget the time, shadow
Fun in a crowded night
If you notice it, connect
Little by little, your finger and mine
In mischief
Project the 'real' you?
If your demure image is your truth, then
I won't hand it over to anyone else
Wake me up more!
Every day is painful
It's beginning
I just fall in you
I just fall in you
The revolving lighting is turning red
I give you sweet memories
The way it feels, feel so free
Becoming one
Show time!
A kiss as if pulled towards each other
Melting the armour of our hearts
So it's a beautiful night!
Let's go, wake me up!
Dream together
Twilight for two
I just fall in you
I just fall in you
Wake me up more!
Every day is painful
It's beginning
I just fall in you
I just fall in you
The revolving lighting is turning red
I give you sweet memories
The way it feels, feel so free
Becoming one
Dance to the rhythm
Let these eyes dazzle you
Excitement building, acid love
Tonight I'm aining at you

Mary titka

Ne sírj többet
A felhők elszaladnak amikor mosolyogsz
Töröld le a könnycseppeket
Miért nem hagyod magad élni ?
Szomorú szemű angyal
Le lehet olvasni az arcodról a fájdalmat
A szívedben rejtegetett titkot
Senki nem fogja megtudni
álmodom arról, hogy találkozok veled
A karjaimba kerülsz
Rózsákat adsz nekem
A kék szirmaira
írod nekem hogy szeretsz
Nélküled a nap nem ragyog
Nincs eső a felhőkben...
Hiányoznak a szemeid
Nélküled az életem üres
Mint egy könyv lapok nélkül
Hiányoznak a szemeid
Maradj velem
Töltsd velem az éjszakát
A reggel illata
Megtalál minket a virágok között
Ígérd meg nekem hogy senki ....
Senki nem fogja megtudni a titkunkat.
A szerelem köt össze minket
A felhőkön túl.
álmodom arról, hogy találkozok veled
A karjaimba kerülsz
Rózsákat adsz nekem
A kék szirmaira
írod nekem hogy szeretsz
Nélküled a nap nem ragyog
Nincs eső a felhőkben..
Hiányoznak a szemeid
Nélküled az életem üres
Mint egy könyv lapok nélkül
Hiányoznak a szemeid

Secret Love (Secret Dating)

Wait a minute, as you live
there is a little secret
a secret love
when you think about it, it's electrifying
when you pass by,
let you thick fragrance flow to me
to my ears whispers
a whistle we only know of
call me while you're pretending going home
what you mean it can't be? what can't be? everything can!
From today on our dizzy relationship
a slightly secret furtive relationship
so that your friends won't see, frown your eyes
don't get caught
now our dizzy relationship
a relationship that's burning more than anyone else's
when your friends don't see, stealthily pinch your waist
but don't get caught
see you later
When you hang out with other people
maintain the proper distance
the hot expressions of affection
(show them) only to the places we've promised
wait! If I arrive first
come in and
as if nothing happened
nonchalantly pass me by
pretending that you'll go to the bathroom, come out
the code to the emergency staircase is..
From today on our dizzy relationship
a slightly secret furtive relationship
so that your friends won't see, frown your eyes
don't get caught
now our dizzy relationship
a relationship that's burning more than anyone else's
when your friends don't see, stealthily pinch your waist
but what if we get caught?
see you later
see you later
see you later
see you somewhere
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


Again, today, with my fingertips, I write a letter secretly whilst I'm on your side,
With the water dropping from the glass cup, I write every part of my heart,
You sit across me and you look at me with your head hung low.
I wanted to hide from you even more, like a child that did something wrong,
I have a lot of secrets now.
Things that are so hard to say are stacking up,
But I'm still dreaming of you.
My heart that has wings is flying high across the night sky.
Everyday, at the front of the mirror, I become you and I reflect myself.
I learn how to awkwardly put pretty make-up so that it looks like I don't have it on.
You're coming this way, you see me - even if I look somewhere else, I see you,
I can't look back, I went too far, like a child, I freeze in fear.
I have a lot of secrets now.
Things that are so hard to say are stacking up,
But I'm still dreaming of you.
My heart that has wings is flying high - flying high across the night sky.
step by step, step by step, I want to be more courageous,
Word by word, word by word, why is it so difficult for me? oh ~
Your scent is coming close,
Is the heart that you're sending me the same as mine at all?
Your heart is coming close,
Again, today, I memorise in my dream,
I'm listening to my heart,
These sincere feelings are filling up the whole room, filling in, filling out, filling out ~
I have a lot of secrets now.

Titkok és Hazugságok

Neked hideg,hideg szíved van
Egyáltalán érzed?
Építesz egy kártyaházat
De össze fog dőlni
Azt hiszed nem látom,hogy ki is vagy
Hírem van
A kezdetek óta mindent láttam
Tudom az összes titkodat
Tudom az összes hazugságodat
Tudom,hogy hol tartod őket
Mélyen eltemetve bent
Nem,nem rejtheted el a titkaidat és a hazugságaidat
Titkok és hazugságok
Kívánod a szerencse csillagodat
Mert csak ezt kaphatod
Nem fogsz nagyon messze menni
Amikor megáll a zene
Azt hiszed nem látom,hogy ki is vagy
Hírem van
A kezdetek óta mindent láttam
Tudom az összes titkodat
Tudom az összes hazugságodat
Tudom,hogy hol tartod őket
Mélyen eltemetve bent
Nem,nem rejtheted el a titkaidat és a hazugságaidat
Titkaidat és hazugságaidat
Titkaidat és hazugságaidat
Titkok és hazugságok
Neked hideg,hideg szíved van
Építesz egy kártyaházat
Tudom az összes titkodat
Tudom az összes hazugságodat
Tudom,hogy hol tartod őket
Mélyen eltemetve bent
Nem,nem rejtheted el a titkaidat és a hazugságaidat

My Secret

Somehow...Please, can you keep my secret?
Sparkly and shiny mirror,
What kind of image am I projecting?
'Look, look!' as I beckon the future,
what kind of things will happen from now on?
Because not everything can be seen with the eye!
Deliriously, that's all right
Without hesitation, I wanna try
I want to be straight with my own feelings
It may just be one or two things
But I don't want to get caught by anyone, because it's something secret
It hurts my chest a bit, my secret.
This and that an expanding wish
What kind of road will I walk on?
Hey guys, tell me a lot of things
What kind of tomorrow will you draw?
There's no single dream that can't be reached!
Pursuing in the dark, that's all right
I'm worried but don't wanna cry
I want to believe in my own feelings
It's tough being on my own
I can't hold onto my worries to spill my complaints on that day...
In my chest, I have a little my regret.
Deliriously, that's all right
Before I face you, I wanna try
I want to be straight with my own feelings
One day, that special someone
Will know my inner secret, I won't tell anyone.
Hidden quietly in my chest, my secret.


Don't Listen Secretly

We’re getting farther apart
Then I just need to catch you
So you won’t get far
That should be enough
I know, I know
But it’s not as easy
As it sounds
But after time passes
Will I be able to forget everything?
If you look back
I’ll listen to this song
Don’t listen secretly
Even if this song becomes inaudible
This song that I made for you
Don’t listen secretly
You can listen to sad songs
And shed tears
Music is like that
You must listen to this song
Don’t listen and pretend you haven’t
If you hear my heart
Can’t you come back to me?
I’m still, I’m still
Waiting for you, I’m not even tired
Although I’m getting scared
Still, I’m believing in time
Because everyone says it’s medicine
Even if I’m a fool, when I close my eyes
Nothing changes
Don’t listen secretly
Even if this song becomes inaudible
This song that I made for you
Don’t listen secretly
What can
I do now?
I’m just standing here
Where we used to be together
Don’t listen secretly
Even if this song
Becomes inaudible
This song that I made for you
Don’t listen secretly
Don’t listen secretly
Don’t listen secretly
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)

Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)


I pass by you
I don't even see me
Only one more day... maybe tomorrow
And I keep waiting
To see in you
The feeling... that I carry in me
But I can only imagine
What it could be
If I could hug you
If I could have you
Secretly waiting for a gesture, a signal
Secretly trying to know if you do in fact notice me
Secretly searching for a touch, a gaze
Secretly trying to know...
If one day our worlds will cross
What is the path
That will take me to that world of yours
That I desire to enter.
And so many times, I have smiled
Just because I remembered
Just because I thought of you
And I can only imagine
What it could be
If I could hug you
If I could have you...
Secretly waiting for a gesture, a signal
Secretly trying to know if you do in fact notice me
Secretly searching for a touch, a gaze
Secretly trying to know...
If one day our worlds will cross