Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 100



Baby love me
Baby love me
You and I, till we die
We gon' ride baby
Baby love me oh baby love me
I'll stand by you, you and me, and I will go all the way, ah
Baby baby, how about you?
Baby baby, I can't do this without you
As your lady lady every day is new
I can't imagine my day without you
I can't live without you.
I'm nervous when I'm away from you, and I'm shaking all over
On the other hand, I'm just looking for a phone that doesn't move
What are you doing? You're not replying
I don't know what to think
I think you're stupid as you call me
I miss you even here
I'll run to you and I'll gather your inscriptions in your style
We're all in one together
I'll kiss you and whisper my love with my lips
I don't think you're mine, but we don't care
I'm flying you harder with two waves, so lock you in
It's locked, we've lost the lockdown
Just like that, I'm sorry
You touch me right baby
Now get inside of me
Love me harder, boy, till the day is bright
You and I, till we die
You and I, you and I
We gon' ride, till we die
Baby love me
Baby love me
You know, I can't live without you baby

At the subway

It would be something else if we'd go so I can show you something:
You'd see even landscapes with turning points and rails
yeah, yeah, yeah, you can't help it, shut up
So you'll see how in an era withouth life and echo,
in the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
So you'll see how in an era with turning points and rail units,
the new man is sitting on the chair and solving crossword puzzles
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
There are neon lamps in the ceiling
seeds at the barrows on the platform
Kids are still hoping for a stogies of Carpaţi
stop desconsidering us!
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
towards the midday, the air is happier
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
the new people are standing and eating from the floor
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,

The Road's Angel

White stars in the black water,
And the sound of fire.
And yet again the moon is grief-stricken,
As the sun saddles a horse.
And I cannot wait 'til day,
I'll leave now, so give me a blessing!
Uneasy winds,
Like the road's angel,
Standing at your doorstep,
With no time left.
I'll open my doors,
And there beyond the mountain,
I will be in the sky,
[And] I'll see you again.
Beyond the horizon are alien lands,
That only the clouds know of.
The morning rays strike,
As the river tends to the sea.
And I cannot wait 'til day.
I'll leave now, so give me a blessing!
Uneasy winds,
Like the road's angel,
Standing at your doorstep,
With no time left.
I'll open my doors,
And there beyond the mountain,
I will be in the sky,
[And] I'll see you again.
Your eyes don't lie, but a tear burns on my cheek,
Save me from woe, lose my scent,
I want answers, I'm charging into the light.
Tomorrow I'll be long-gone,
So wish me luck on my journey.
Let me hit the road, it won't be easy,
So let my heart free.
And I cannot wait 'til day.
I'll leave now, so give me a blessing!
Uneasy winds,
Like the road's angel,
Standing at your doorstep,
With no time left.
I'll open my doors,
And there beyond the mountain,
I will be in the sky,
[And] I'll see you again.

I'll Find You

I’ll find you, I’ll catch you
Wherever you are, I’ll run to you
I’m always alone so I’m lonely at times
But if it’s for you
Anything is alright
The endless stories
scattered on this long journey
Again today, I’m picking them up, one by one
In case you’re there,
I look back sometimes
In case this isn’t the path for you
Once I pass that corner
It’ll be the place I see you
I don’t have anything
but I’m not afraid
Other people
may doubt me
But it’s alright, the place I’m going to is you
I’ll find you, I’ll catch you
Wherever you are, I’ll run to you
I’m always alone so I’m lonely at times
But if it’s for you
Anything is alright
I’ll find you, I’ll find you
Every step I take
The pain increases
It seems like a miracle
That I endured through this day
No one knows
and the pain spills out
But I’ll endure till the end
Only for you
Once I pass that corner
It’ll be the place I see you
I don’t have anything
but I’m not afraid
Other people
may doubt me
But it’s alright, the place I’m going to is you
I’ll find you, I’ll catch you
Wherever you are, I’ll run to you
I’m always alone so I’m lonely at times
But if it’s for you
Anything is alright
I’ll find you,
I’ll find you
I’ll find you


Szeretem magamat
Igen szeretem, mit kéne ezzel tennem?
De már megint álmosnak érzem magam
Mindent úgy hagyok, ahogy van, és elmegyek aludni
Egy borzongató érzés a szívemben
Annyira utálom ezt oh
Én csak lazítani akarok
Ne mondd meg, hogy mit kéne tennem
Úgyis azt fogom csinálni, amit csak akarok
Tűnj el, tűnj el
Mindennap szabadságot akarok
Elegem van a botrányokból, ne kövess tovább
Én vagyok Miss Függetlenség
Mégis mit akarnál velem kezdeni?
A mai napom egy szabadság
Menj tovább a saját utadon inkább
Megtiltom, hogy kövess
Tűnj az utamból
Tényleg szeretek egyedül lenni, úgyhogy tűnj el
Szeretem azt az érzést, amikor kicsit felszabadulhatok oh
Én csak lazítani akarok
Ne mondd meg, hogy mit kéne tennem
Úgyis azt fogom csinálni, amit csak akarok
Tűnj el, tűnj el
Mindennap szabadságot akarok
Néha én is egyedül érzem magam
Ami könnyen jön, az könnyen is megy
Nem, nem akarok mindennap nyilvános találkozókat
Nem, nem
Igen, el akarok tűnni
Hisz ez a szabadnapom
Yeah, yeah
Ne oh, oh


Kérlek mondd el, hogy mit akarsz oh
Szükségem van egy válaszra
Ne érts félre
Én csak egy kicsit többet akarok rólad tudni
Nem akarom, hogy bárki is megtudja oh
Titokban csináljuk ezt
Ez a hely egy kicsit bizalmas kettőnk számára
Most pedig gyengéden kinyitom a szemeimet
Azt akarom, hogy velem legyél
Nem tudok nem rád gondolni, de ez rendben van
Hisz nem tudom elrejteni
Minden nap, reggeltől egész napon át
Oh ne, oh ne
A magánéletem
Nyitva hagyom az ajtót, kérlek gyere be a játszóterembe
És ott majd elmondom minden titkomat
Senki sem tudja tudja ezeket, most pedig felkészítelek a kérdéseimre
Válaszolj meg húsz kérdést, gyerünk, cselekedj
Huh, még egy autó nélkül is meg tudsz őrjíteni
Te vagy a Rari Rarim
Állj be a tudod mimbe
Sodródj az árral mmm hiszen a fiatalság túl könnyen irányítana
Te vagy a saját kis magánéletem, mert te vagy az egyetlen akit ismerek
Azt akarom, hogy velem legyél
Nem tudok nem rád gondolni, de ez rendben van
Hisz nem tudom megállítani a gondolataimat
Maradj velem és lepj meg
Oh ne, oh ne
A magánéletem
Te fiú, te vagy az egyetlen
Megmutatom most neked azt a titkot
Ez a szív csak érted szól, magánéletem
Azt akarom, hogy velem legyél
Nem tudok nem rád gondolni, de ez rendben van
Hisz nem tudom elrejteni
Minden nap, reggeltől egész napon át
Oh ne, oh ne
A magánéletem

A kicsi titkom

Nem tudom lehunyni a szemem
Nem tudok álomba zuhani
Fulladozva a kétségben, egész éjjel arcal lefele
Fulladok ebben az emlékben
Ahogy lefektettem magam aludni
Imádkozom, hogy az emlékek ne találjanak meg
Inni, drogozni, mindent probálok
Csak, hogy elfelejtsem, amit velem tettél
Nem mondom el a barátaimnak, nem mondom el a pszichiáternek
Yeah, talán mondanom kellene valamit
De félek, engem fogsz majd hibásztatni
Szóval a szellemmel élek, méyen elásva
Arcal lefele ahogy fulladok az emlékben
A múltam úrrá lesz rajtam
Minél jobban harcolok ellene, annál jobban marad
Nem tudom lehunyni a szemem
Nem tudok álomba zuhani
Fulladozva a kétségben, egész éjjel arcal lefele
Fulladok ebben az emlékben
Mindig vadászik rám
És senki se hisz nekem, mert senki sem látja
Megölhet, hogy megtartom
Ez az én kicsi titkom
Annyi mindent láttam, nem tudom nem látni
Megtanultam csendben szenvedni
Megvívni egy háborút minden nap, amit senki sem lát
Kínoz, mindig emlékeztet
Nem akarom, hogy gyengének gondoljanak
Szóval a nyelvemet harapom, amíg vérzik
A súlya összenyom
Hogy elzárva tartom
Nem tudom lehunyni a szemem
Nem tudok álomba zuhani
Fulladozva a kétségben, egész éjjel arcal lefele
Fulladok ebben az emlékben
Mindig vadászik rám
És senki se hisz nekem, mert senki sem látja
Megölhet, hogy megtartom
Ez az én kicsi titkom
Arcal lefele ahogy fulladok az emlékben
A múltam úrrá lesz rajtam
Minél jobban harcolok ellene, annál jobban marad
Annál jobban ellen áll
Nem tudom lehunyni a szemem
Nem tudok álomba zuhani
Fulladozva a kétségben, egész éjjel arcal lefele
Fulladok ebben az emlékben
Mindig vadászik rám
És senki se hisz nekem, mert senki sem látja
Megölhet, hogy megtartom
Ez az én kicsi
Én kicsi titkom

Secret Love (English Lyrics)

I love you so, you are coming very soon
Running out of breath at twilight
I love you, but I can't tell anyone
If you fall in love, it's the best time in the world
Alone in the usual place, I came an hour ago
I'm biting into the excitement
The waves of preparation for the return will be seen sideways
Try to pretend to be unfamiliar through the glass
I don't like being busy but
I'm so happy the day I met you
I love you so, I thought the man would make me wait
If you're in love until now...
It's strange, I met you and I changed
It's the gentle feeling of looking at a clock
Everyone will be surprised when the day that we'll be tied comes
True love is a secret thing
I don't have enough time to talk too much
I want to hear your voice no matter how many times I met you
I love you so, you are coming very soon
Running out of breath at twilight
I love you, I can't stop laughing
If you fall in love, it's the best time in the world
Thank you, I was honest for the first time
Because I like myself not to decorate
I love you, but I can't tell anyone
If you fall in love, it's the best time in the world

The love of mine lives on the fifth floor

Versions: #1
It's the house, the same old house, we know each other well,
It thinks that I am nuts,
'He's here again to stand all night, to stay awake, to wait',
Under the cover of the night, I am looking up there where you are,
There is no higher height,
The streets are empty, the bridges are down, and (it's) only the cats (that) keep me company,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
The house is wrapped in silence, it's only the rain up above,
It might suggest it's time (for me) to go (back) home,
Well, I don't care about the rain and the night, but I really should figure out
Why I am standing here, what am I waiting for,
The streets are empty, the bridges are down, and (it's) only the cats (that) keep me company,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
It's getting to four a.m. (already), the moonlight has been turned off a while ago
It's time to weigh anchor
The day won't be enough for me again, but soon the city will turn its lights on
And the coming midnight will be the saviour of mine -
And I'll be here again to stand all night, to stay awake, to dream, to wait...
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...

Heart is beating just like that

It wasn’t all over
It was just another beginning
My heart that I thought was worn out and gone, starts to beat again
When did the sun start to shine through the window?
When was the last time I laughed out loud?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
My breath quickens each day
Everything feels so strange today
Like a scent that blows over,
Another tomorrow comes
Then the pain that built up in my memories scatter as dust
Will love come to me again like magic?
Visible yet not, love was always by my side
I just didn’t know
When I look back, the world was always by my side
Always at the same place, just like now
u wo u wo
I’m laying down each pain of mine
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Step by step, I’m heading outside
Will I see the world that I dreamed of?
I always hid my tightly gripped hands
Like a child who can’t grasp anything
The world held my hand
Asking why I’m alone with a smile
u wo u wo
I’m opening my eyes that were closed
u wo u wo
I hope all of this isn’t a dream
Since when did it start?
My heart starts to beat again

African secret/ Zouzoi passed it on

Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You must not tell anyone
That’s the African secret
Fred has to travel
He calls his friend Zouzoi
Zouzoi I’ll be leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry, but you don’t have to tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi gets home
And calls his wife
Sweetheart lend me your ear
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This stays between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s wife goes to the market
On the way she meets her colleague
Haven’t you heard the news
I’ve got something for you
Fred is leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s friend’s wife gets home
She leaves in a compound house
She spills the beans to everyone
Haven’t you heard the news
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on zouzoi passed it on
The news spreads
On the day of departure
Fred tells himself
Zouzoi will be waiting for him
He arrives at the airport
To his surprise, the whole neighborhood is present
And he owes a lot of people
He wants to hide and flee
Surprised by Zouzoi’s betrayal
Now Fred is in trouble
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Among his creditors
Was the area mallam
Alhadji Toutouya
He says to Fredy
Son, you deceived me
Even if you see the entire neighborhood
Sheep flock together
But are not sold at the same price
I am Alhadji Toutouya
Today you’ve got to give me back my money
Otherwise you’re not going to France
It’s France that would have to come find you
Freddy turns to look at Zouzoi
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You deceived the everyone
You deceived your bald father
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on

Secret Story of the Swan

Swan, elegantly
Like Swan Swan Swan
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Do you want to listen to it?
A story that is befitting of a fairy tale
The secret that the both of us had made
I want to contain it,
The small universe in my eyes filled by you
So that door may open
The gaze towards me
Makes me fall into it more
It all starts from the tips of your fingers, fairy tale
All the moments that were imagined
I will dance for you
Until those moments come close to your sight
Like Swan Swan Swan
I wake up from your spell
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Dream of it baby
With you, with you, with you
I dance baby, for you yeah
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Along with you
Right now I’m dizzy
Even if everyone ridicules me
I want to dream the same dream as you
I want to go to the place we have wished for
Don’t be afraid
There is no sad ending here (Oh away)
I trust that this moment will be eternal
Your heart that is glistening
That light follows me
Just like the protagonist in my story, fly away
All the moments that were imagined
I will dance for you
Until those moments come close to your sight
Like Swan Swan Swan
I wake up from your spell
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Dream of it baby
With you, with you, with you
I dance baby, for you yeah
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Along with you
The paradise that has been spread across my eyes
It gets filled with newly created imagination
(Woo) I wish that this moment will be eternal
Swan Swan Swan
Swan Swan Swan Yeah
I will dance for you
Like Swan Swan Swan
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Dream of it baby
With you, with you, with you
I dance baby, for you yeah
Like Swan Swan Swan (MAMA)
Along with you...

Just don't take my guitar

I give all my wealth to you alone
I give you everything under the moon
And the cherished moment of dawn
Believe me I am talking seriously
I give everything only to you
Take it, I'm not going to begrudge you
All the oceans, miles and shoals
The meridians and parallels
That is my gift
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
I give you every miracle of the world
I give you them, but the seas and sky are still as vast as ever
I give you this and I'm sorry for nothing
I consider myself to be a fabulously wealthy
Take it, I'm not going to begrudge you
All the oceans, miles and shoals
The meridians and parallels
That is my gift
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
How many times have I asked you not to take my guitar?
What can't you understand?
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
Believe me, you aren't meant to do it
Though it's hard to accept
I'll give you the whole world but with a minor reservation
I give you all that with one condition
That we don't talk about my guitar anymore
And I won't begrudge you
The distant countries and oceans
The roar of hurricanes, the wind and fog
Stills and storms, the coral reef
Big fishes and pelicans
That is my gift
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
But just don't take my guitar!
Please, don't take my guitar!
Don't take my guitar!
Just don't take my guitar...

The Secret

I will read my future in your palms,
I will find out the truth.
Even if you swear you didn't love me,
I know you're lying to me terribly.
And it shows in your voice, when you talk to me,
When you ask about me,
When you look at me, hidden behind your glasses.
Only love looks like that.
Your love is a secret you keep in your mind,
Your love is just an unpaid debt,
An important secret, and I know it.
Your love is a secret you keep in your mind,
Your love is like art,
It's a point and a part, and I know it.
You love in the dark, behind close doors,
You have a bandit love.
I'm your mystery, your secret key,
I'm your eternal opportunity.
And it's noted your color of your face,
When you see me smiling.
Even if you believe
That the world is ending, today it begins for you.
Your love is a secret you keep in your mind,
Your love is just an unpaid debt,
An important secret, and I know it.
Your love is a secret you keep in your mind,
Your love is like art,
It's a point and a part, and I know it.

Who Dis?

Who dis
Hello? Hello? Who dis
Who dis
Everybody's curious about me wherever I go
(Who is this? Who is this?)
Even if you look around, It's the most dazzling thing you've ever seen
(Who is this? Who is this? Yeah)
You can't take your eyes off it (who)
Oh, bling bling, it's shining (who)
It's like a leap of faith
I feel like I'm possessed by the tension
Sometimes I feel like that
I feel like my heart is burning
I feel like I'm flying, ooh-ah-ah-I
I'm gonna be a star
The intense energy hidden behind the smile
It's deeper, don't be surprised
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis
I'm happy with it, don't try to change it
I live my way (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis?
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
Do you know me? you can't help but fall for me
(Who is this? Who is this?)
There is something different about scent of shampoo than perfume
(Who is this? Who is this? Yeah)
The line of sight pouring out of the moment
I don't care what people see
Oh my, why am I so pretty
It's a given since birth, I'm so tired
Sometimes I feel like that
I feel like my heart is burning
I feel like I'm flying, ooh-ah-ah-I
I'm gonna be a star
The intense energy hidden behind the smile
It's deeper, don't be surprised
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis
I'm happy with it, don't try to change it
I live my way (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, dazzlingly show it to me
Who dis?
Who dis, who dis
Who dis dis dis dis, who dis
Yeah it's that easy boy
You'll be attracted to me anyway
Even though I'm chic
You're falling for me
Who, who dis
(Who) according to my heart, according to my feelings
I don't care what anyone says (who dis)
You've already fallen for my imposing charm, baby
Oh, show it to me
Who dis
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy (who dis)
What do you want stranger, I'm not a danger
So what do you think? (who dis)
I don't even care, I'll be the good girl
Baby it's that easy
Who dis

Ki van az ajtónál

Valami gonosz tart errefelé
Remegő kezek takarják ki a napot
Nem alszanak, jobb, ha futsz
Valami gonosz tart errefelé
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Árnyékok emelkednek ahol angyalok buknak el
A falon keresztül húzott ujjak
Nincs biztonságos hely, mikor a sötétség hív
Árnyékok emelkednek ahol angyalok buknak el
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
Ki van az ajtónál
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Ki van az ajtónál
Valami gonosz tart errefelé

In secret

[Verse 1: Vitaa]
I know what you’re doing
We think ourselves pretty in your eyes
I think you’re doing it on purpose
Now, dare tell me that I’m wrong
[Bridge 1: Gims]
I get the impression that you’re looking for something
Look at me, you’re the one I’m talking to
I’ll readily respond only if I
Could explain myself, ah huh
[Pre-refrain: Gims]
Tell me what I did
We’re not going back *
I made ten steps toward you
You didn’t know how to read my lips **
[Refrain: Gims & Vitaa]
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
[Verse 2: Vitaa]
And what if we switched roles
Just to see how you’d cope
At first, you thought it was funny
But you’ll end up getting mad
[Bridge: Gims]
I get the impression that you’re looking for something
Look at me, you’re the one I’m talking to
I’ll readily respond if I
Could explain myself, ah huh
[Pre-refrain 2: Gims & Vitaa]
Tell me deep within you
You didn’t think about it
I made ten steps towards you
You didn’t know how to read my lips
[Refrain: Gims & Vitaa]
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
[Bridge 2: Gims & Vitaa]
I’ll try to settle things
You’ll tell me we should take a break
I’d like us to meet in person
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’ll try to settle things
You’ll tell me we should take a break
I’d like us to meet in person
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry, no, no
Oh no
[Refrain: Gims & Vitaa]
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
No, sit down, calm down
I got what I wanted
But I didn’t feel anything
I didn’t want you to know
I didn’t want you to get angry
I’m not your enemy
[Outro: Gims & Vitaa]
I didn’t feel anything, oh no no no
I didn’t feel anything, oh no no no

You and me (The Great Divide)

Just now I know what I was looking for
My life was hiding here in your eye
Now I want to squeeze you, hug you very hard
To tell to you: 'All this will be easy'
Wherever I go, always
I'll have a warm home, in your heart
Now you and me, like two wings
In pair we can do everything
Summer, winter, there is no difference
The whole world is ours
Just like fairy tale, beautiful
If you're gonna be here to give me a hand
Then I will always be able to overcome everything easily
Now you and me, like two wings
In pair we can do everything
While we are together, there are no limits
Today the world is ours
Just like fairy tale, beautiful
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

We are here (We'll Be There)

We are here
First day of spring
The bird follows our singing
The young grass sprouts
We are here when a summer dream shines
The golden sun paints the world
We are here
We are calling autumn out
Every leaf is beautiful then
The wind moves the branches
We are here when everything changes
Like that every year
What if nature still has a secret path?
What if the heart knows how to listen her call?
What if it's waiting for a new world?
Someone to share a flight with you
What if I looking for you?
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


A föld vérre éhezik
Lázadás van közöttünk
Ó ó
A végzet sűríti a levegőt
Tudjuk, hogy közeleg az időnk
Ó ó
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Egy pillanat időben
Hogy tűzzel véssük a nevünket
Mindenünkkel a frontvonalon
Nézzük, ahogy a világ lángra lobban
Nem fogunk megállni
Nincs vége, míg a miénk nem lesz
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom
Ez egy forradalom

Őrült Világ

Az utcákon anarchia tombol
A forradalom vérzik
Dühvel emelkedik
A gyengék félelmén élősködve
Igazság a kés élén
Bármibe is kerüljön a túlélés
Csapdába esett az ösztönében
A bennem élő állat, lélegzik
Nézd, mit tettünk
Mivé lettünk
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Már nem maradt semmi, ahová mehetnél
Mivel az idő úgy hömpölyög, mint a füst
Látom, hogy reszketsz
Mikor rájössz, hogy most először te vagy a préda
Nézd, mit tettünk, mivé lettünk
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Ez egy őrült, őrült világ
Amiben élünk
Szóval zárd be az ajtód
Nincs semmi számodra idekint
Zárd be az ajtód
Ez egy őrült világ


You keep secrets which nobody will make it to
And you stay in place, but my life passes next to you
It's all linear, paradoxical, I smile
Don't, don't get hurt
You, heart, I tell you that
You've given me enough to last me
I wonder if you gave to me, because I struggle naturally
You don't even understand what I say
And my agony
Nobody understands it
Nobody understands it
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
You spit words as if you don't care
You give up so easily and leave home hurriedly
I've given so much for so little
Know that I don't belong to you anymore
And my agony
Nobody understands it
Nobody understands it
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
Let words lie to us
My heart wants to feel
You distance me easily
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
How can you be so cold
Not even fire should thaw you
You pour venom into my glass
I just dream of loving again
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


[Bryant Myers]
Six in the morning drinking coffee
Like the color of your eyes (I miss your crazy things)
Where the hell did our love go?
If I gave you everything (Yeh, babe)
[Chorus: Bryant Meyer]
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, my world is so bitter
[Verse 1: Bryant Myers]
The Baby I want is you, you were my light
I feel as if it was a deja vu
You have me listening to Sin Bandera on YouTube
Maybe our love was only a love of youth
For me, it was so deep and so tall
All that was ours fell in a ravine (Ravine)
Baby, I loved you so much (Loved you so much)
And of our story only remained blank pages
Secret, I'm left wanting your warmth
Have you by my side, be able to make love to you
And I realize there's no one better
That will erase your smell, who will take away the pain
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, my world is so bitter ( Let yourself be taken by EL OG)
[Miky Woodz]
I don't miss a picture in my wallet of you 2x2
To see you every day and if I don't do it I don't feel like myself
Ours was a bomb that time has blown up (Bum bum)
I crossed the line and love ran me over
I miss seeing on the table the mess of your makeup
You are perfect in maones, a goddess when you wear a suit
Between us live a number of secrets that no one knows (No One)
Please, come back, don't let this end
I miss your fights, I miss hearing you laugh (Yeah, hold up)
I miss hugging you and giving you a kiss before sleeping (Yeh yeh)
I miss your presence and when you nag at me for cursing (True)
I miss being wrong and that you don't come to correct me
Baby, I'm done
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bathroom
In reality, all this shit is bad for me
On the outside happy, on the inside a deception
Because I can't be without you, yeh
[Chorus: Bryant Myers]
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something

The Big Question

This is an adventure.
This is the big question.
It fills all literature—
all science pursues it.
This is a hope.
This is the big question.
Since the start of time, each of us dwells upon it—
but no one has found the answer.
You, my love,
who hold the thread of my days—
you, who found the ways of the heart—
you too, in front of the darkness—
at times you cry.
This is a big mystery.
This is the big question.
Some nights, you are ready to give up
and others, you feel close to the answer.
You, my love,
who hold the thread of my days—
on the other side of the curtain of night,
you will know the color of infinity.
You will know the reason to die.

That’s My Secret

Why am I grieving? That’s my secret.
Why am I still leaving? That’s my secret.
To leave the one I love—that’s my regret.
I will keep his face in my mind as long as I am gone.
Why do I tear us apart? That’s my secret.
Too difficult to say aloud—I will be silent.
And there must be no tears—no drama between us—
you might perhaps want me again afterwards.
Finished—the two of us—our pretty romance.
Finished—bid goodbye to our happier days.
Let us pretend to go on vacation—
as if this day ending our love was just an accident.
In the course of our melody, it is just a long pause—
at least let us pretend that.
Why am I grieving? That’s my secret.
Why am I still leaving? That’s my secret.
To leave the one I love—that’s my regret.
I will keep his face in my mind as long as I am gone.
Why do I tear us apart? That’s my secret.
Too difficult to say aloud—I will be silent.
And there must be no tears—no drama between us—
you might perhaps want me again afterwards.

Secret love

Dance with me
Dance with me
Night covers us like a sheet
Nobody will see you here,
entrapped in my arms.
Play with me
Play with me
I'm the mouse, you're the cat.
Do whatever you please with me.
As the song goes, it'll be alright1
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?2
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
Dance with me
Dance with me
What we're doing together is neither the business
of narrow-minded persons3 or the law
This fight is ours alone4
Carry me away
Carry me away
Just like in the delta of a river,
what is me
and what is you
mix up but don't unite5
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?
And what if secret love...
When hidden love(rs)
can't get close, doesn't that
make vows written in chalk
even truer?
And what if secret love
was indeed true love?
No living witnesses,
only trees and wind.
  • 1. that's a rather anachronic pun. 'ça ira' means 'it'll be alright' in modern French, but the he refers to rather says 'That will happen for sure, all the aristocrats will be hung' Regular smile
  • 2. that's arguably nice-looking gibberish in French too
  • 3. 'bien-pensant' is also a trendy modern term, it really sounds out of place in a 18th century story
  • 4. what fight? Are they making love or war?
  • 5. another bit of abstruse French


A secret to make your heart tremble
(Only I know)
A secret that has a slight feeling
My little shh Little Secret
Even if we stay up all night
I won’t tell you, only I know
I hide myself among the crowd
But you always find me in the end
Look up and down, Look back
But this scent continues
The closer you walk to me
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Don’t ever tell, Hey)
Be confident, be prepared to look better
It’s not hard
Somewhere, somehow, I shine
As if I’m hiding something special
The eyes on me have grown, it’s always overflowing
So I confidently enjoyed it even more
But why do you think that’s all there is to see?
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Without you knowing)
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
Should I just tell you?
You’ll be surprised, can you follow me?
I’m pulling you, it’s a party you’ve dreamed of
In it, it’s me and you
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Without you knowing)
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
No one will know Little Secret Shh


A secret to make your heart tremble
(Only I know)
A secret that has a slight feeling
My little shh Little Secret
Even if we stay up all night
I won’t tell you, only I know
I hide myself among the crowd
But you always find me in the end
Look up and down, Look back
But this scent continues
The closer you walk to me
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Don’t ever tell, Hey)
Be confident, be prepared to look better
It’s not hard
Somewhere, somehow, I shine
As if I’m hiding something special
The eyes on me have grown, it’s always overflowing
So I confidently enjoyed it even more
But why do you think that’s all there is to see?
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Without you knowing)
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
Should I just tell you?
You’ll be surprised, can you follow me?
I’m pulling you, it’s a party you’ve dreamed of
In it, it’s me and you
Hidden in my heart, my little secret
A little secret that I wanna keep to myself
Will you whisper to me, my little secret
A little secret that will make you shine like me
(Without you knowing)
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
Come come come away in that short time
It’s a secret that will make you change (shh)
Come come come away (Come on)
While everyone’s asleep (Suddenly)
A secret that will make you dazzle more
No one will know Little Secret Shh

The Secret of Puente Viejo

After having lived so much
with secrets and promises
buried in the sand.
In oblivion, there remains a memory,
the town square that has
seen us wait knows.
For the embraces that never come,
for the betrayals that burn.
It is so difficult to love, live and dream
a new hope,
it is to laugh and cry, drink a toast and
sing for what may come.
The cycle of this full moon
that drives me to despair and finds out everything
and puts up barriers
to this heart of stone in Puente Viejo.
From the lies and the mud
the most beautiful flowers are born,
the hope and the truth and the
embraces that never come,
for the betrayals that burn.
It is so difficult to love, live and dream
a new hope,
it is to laugh and cry, drink a toast and
sing for what may come.
The cycle of this full moon
that drives me to despair and finds out everything
and puts up barriers
to this heart of stone,
the cycle of this full moon
that drives me to despair and finds out everything
and puts up barriers
to this heart of stone
in Puente Viejo.
The secret of Puente Viejo.


Versions: #2
Baby (baby)
baby (uah)
Our relationship is a secret, (I hope) no one will find out (uah)
baby,I always come with you when you come
for the rest of the world we're friends and we do it 'on the downlow'
and I'm alone in my bed, God is my witness
Our relationship is a secret
but we always get together
and everyone is talking about us
but we always smother each other in kisses
and you made me go crazy, yeh-eh
and around you I feel fine yeh-eh
nobody will ever know
that you're my woman
and nobody wants to see us together
so we'll hide
We make fabulous love
and I squeeze your hand
baby, it's after four
so it's early for sex
baby, with me you feel alive
but we always kill each other (no-oh)
people always find out your secrets
baby, sooner or later
Our love is a secret
but we always get together (baby)
and everyone is talking about us
but we always smother each other in kisses (baby, uah-uah)
and you made me go crazy, yeh-eh
and around you I feel fine yeh-eh
nobody will ever know
that you're my woman
and nobody wants to see us together
so we'll hide
Celibacy is impossible, I abuse you
and I'm addicted to your body
baby you're mine, I don't share you with anyone
and I always exhaust you in my room
Celibacy is impossible, without you I 'll kill myself
and you're mine, I don't share you with anyone
we made a pact for the rest of our lives
and we do it in my room and it's always out-of-this-world , baby
baby, baby
Our relationship is a secret, (I hope) no one will find out (uah)
baby,I always come with you when you come
for the rest of the world we're friends and we do it 'on the downlow'
and I'm alone in my bed, God is my witness
Our relationship is a secret
but we always get together (baby)
and everyone is talking about us
but we always smother each other in kisses (baby, uah-uah)
and you made me go crazy, yeh-eh
and around you I feel fine yeh-eh
nobody will ever know
that you're my woman
and nobody wants to see us together
so we'll hide
Uah-uah, baby (Real until we die , baby)
give it to me, give it to me
Baby (Real until we die , baby)
Give it to me, give it to me, eh
Uah, Karol G, uah (Karol G)
Baby (uah-uah)
Mera, tell me EZ (uah-uah)
Mera, tell me [?]
Mera, tell me EQ (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
The Untouchables, ¿do you hear baby? (Eh-eh)
Real until we die , baby (eh-eh)
Baby uy
Mera, tell me Frabian
Brrr, Anuel (no-no, uah)
Baby, baby(uah-uah)
Baby, baby,
Uah-uah, baby
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Ahogyan vagy

Felvittél magasra, a kékség felé
Mellettem vagy, amikor szükségem van rád
Ahogyan mosolyogsz, ahogyan mozogsz
Miért is kellene próbálnom, nem tudok túllépni rajtad
Az éjszakán át elvállaltál engem
Amikor egyesülünk, tudom, hogy hova tartozom
Amikor a tél eláraszt - a barátod fogok lenni
Amit létrehozunk, lehetséges, hogy örökké tart
És az időn keresztül, mely telik
Remélem, mindig létezni fogsz, létezni örökké
Ahogyan vagy, ahogyan vagy
Ahol hegyek emelkednek, melletted leszek
A szívem ki van jelölve, ahogyan a szerelmesek szokták
Ha külön vagyunk, átvágok a tengeren
Ne zárd be a szíved - ez a szerelem mindig szabad volt
Az éjszakán át elvállaltál engem
Amikor egyesülünk, tudom, hogy hova tartozom
Amikor a tél eláraszt - a barátod fogok lenni
Amit létrehozunk, lehetséges, hogy örökké tart
És az időn keresztül, mely telik
Remélem, mindig létezni fogsz, létezni örökké
Ahogyan vagy, ahogyan vagy

Down the stream

1. In the gorge where the moon rests by day
And black rocks are like a wall
Away from roads
A creek runs rapidly
Over stones.
And is it a really big trouble -
To rush all the time to who knows where?
It's enough to know you need to run -
That's the whole point of water.
Birds above are singing about something
And there's nobody.
Only elks and foxes
Come here to drink.
Down the stream (x3)
Water runs, polishing backs of stones.
Down the stream (x3)
I'm going to go while I have nothing to do.
2. Following the stream, I was going east.
And after some time I didn't recognize the creek.
Not knowing barriers, a waterfall ran,
The rapid mountain torrent.
And branches that wind dropped,
It (water) threw from height and broke in flinders.
And fearing of wild powers,
Pines on a bank
Stood and bowed.
Paying no attention to anyone,
It rages and has fun
And you can't drink or wash up your face,
You can only admire it.
3. And then the gorge brought me
To the valley where a river flows lazily.
Having found a shallow place in advance,
At evening time people bathe horses here.
The river forgot that it was a creek,
Forgot the noise of the waterfall.
There are tourist houses and beaches,
And even the curative beverage 'Borjom' is for sale.
I'm dreaming of the creek for some reason
And all I want -
To be in the gorge again
To wash my face and to get drunk.