Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 47


Wasteful Hands

You could never hold on to anything,
not even a true smile
and you had the world, the whole world
in your hands.
You squandered it all away, even love
you let slip through your hands,
your wasteful hands.
You could never hold on to anything,
not even a true friend.
You had so much and always gave
everything to nobody.
You squandered it all away, even my heart
you let slip through your hands,
your wasteful hands.
Now you know
there’s no turning back
and I’m not who I used to be.
Stop thinking of me, it’s pointless.
Now you cry, now you want
a little bit of true love,
a little bit of love for your heart,
so lonely and broken.
There’s no one to give you a flower,
and no one to hold your hands,
your wasteful hands.


Marianne, you make me happy for one moment
And then I won't live anymore, Marianne
What is that great desire that you must chase?
You never pause for a moment here with me
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Where are you going to? Where have you come from, my love?
Where are you going, stay by my side for a little while
If you sell your dreams for being able to dream
It might be that you spend your youth in hopelessness
Marianne, you like flowers and you never notice
That I love you, Marianne
Marianne, Marianne


Homework: by tomorrow, you’re going to write ten common names, ten given names, ten collective nouns, ten abstract nouns, ten concrete nouns, ten primitive nouns, ten derived nouns, ten diminutives, ten augmentatives, ten pejoratives, ten compound nouns, ten masculine nouns, ten feminine nouns, ten independent nouns, ten common-gender nouns, ten defective nouns, ten indeclinable nouns, ten overabundant nouns, ten archaisms, ten neologisms, ten barbarisms, ten cataclysms…
We have words for selling,
words for buying,
words for making words.
Let’s go look together
for words for thinking.
Let’s go look together
for words for thinking.
We have words for faking,
words for hurting,
words for tickling.
Let’s go look together
for words for loving.
Let’s go look together
for words for loving.
We have words for crying,
words for keeping silent,
words for making noise.
Let’s go look together
for words for talking.
Let’s go look together
for words for talking.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

For Sergio

Because the wind
no longer tousles your hair
for your beautiful eyes
For you, my friend, I will sing.
For your days cut short
right in the midst of life
for your unborn children
for you, Friend, I will sing
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing
although my throat constricts
with pain I will sing
because a song is a caress
and with my voice… I’ll caress you.
For your happy banter
for your pale complexion
with my simple voice
for you, friend, I will sing.
For the sun which has approached
the sun which was also mine
but the Phantom of the Opera
was an assassin.
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing
although my throat
constricts with pain I will sing
because a song is a caress
And with my voice… I'll caress you.
Against those blind hands
against that black bomb
which has stripped the plump vine
of the hope of spring
I will sing...I will sing… I will sing

Out of anger

With no one you're gonna feel as good as with me
I know it, you still have your heart here
I dreamed only for you, what I do
But you don't tell me only with a word
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger
I don't want to let you cause I loved you
You have the answer, look inside me, not outside
You flow in my mind when I'm sad
You decide what to do
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger
Never, never gonna stop my feelings
When I don't have you, I miss you
Get ready cause I'm coming
Get ready, don't make a mistake by not coming
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
Don't do this to me out of anger
You gonna regret
Don't do this to me out of anger

Egy dal a számodra

Az ünnep alig hogy elkezdődött
Már vége is
Az ég már nincs velünk
A szerelmünk irigységet szült azokban, akik egyedül vannak
Az örömöd nekem büszkeséget szerzett
Oly hatalmas és már
Meg nem halhat
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad
A magányt, amit nekem ajándékoztál
Úgy gondozom mint egy virágot
Ki tudja, ha majd vége lesz
Ha majd egy új álomba kapaszkodom
Ha másnak mondom majd
Amiket egykor neked mondtam
De ma azt kell mondanom
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad
Oly hatalmas és már meg nem halhat
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad
Az ünnep alig hogy elkezdődött
Már vége is
Az ég már nincs velünk
A szerelmünk irigységet szült azokban, akik egyedül vannak
Az örömöd nekem büszkeséget szerzett
Oly hatalmas és már
Meg nem halhat
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad
A magányt, amit nekem ajándékoztál
Úgy gondozom mint egy virágot
Ki tudja, ha majd vége lesz
Ha majd egy új álomba kapaszkodom
Ha másnak mondom majd
Amiket egykor neked mondtam
De ma azt kell mondanom
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad
Oly hatalmas és már meg nem halhat
Ezért énekelek és énekelek rólad

I love you so much

I love you so much,
Don't ask me anymore, I love you so much.
That I wake up in yoou when you wake up,
And I become light when light knocks in your door.
And in the mornings
I strike the whiteness of your bed,
And I'm the black glow of your hair,
That falls over the warmth of your back, of your back.
I'm the adventure,
You're the reality, you're the tenderness.
I'm the freedom, you're the hope.
The life you give to me and it's not enough, it's not enough.
Today my dear
Let's make love with joy.
Let's try to live with fantasy,
Let's play fearless that today is the day, our day.
I love you so much,
I hide in the secrets of your room.
And I paint the colors of your flowers,
And I'm the man who loves you and removes your fears.
And I'm the fire
That brings away the sadness of the winter.
And when you're not here I'm the silence
Who wants to be your voice to say that I love you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The sound of silence

Old friend darkness
I want to talk again
Because I had again
A vision that softly
Was changing my way of thinking
I hear it talk
I hear it in the silence
I was walking in dreams
Among the fog and the city
Through cold desert streets
When a white and frozen light
Hurted my eyes
And also huted darkness
I saw it shine
I see it in the silence
In the naked light I saw
A thousand people maybe more
People who talked without speaking
People who heard without listening
And a sound that
Wrapped them mercilessly
I can hear it
Sounds of silence
Then I wanted to talk to them
Then I wanted to help them
I wanted to feel them like brothers
I wanted to take them by the hand
But they couldn't
They couldn't wake up
And understand
The day in silence
They kneeled to pray
That light was their God
I screamed them to wake up
That the truth wasn't there
That prophets, aren't neon lights
And that God
Always talks in silence
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Noé bárkája

Távirányítós sirályok repülése
És halott kagylók strandja
Egy acélcsillag az éjszakában
Megzavarja a tengerészt
Fehér csíkok a kék égen
Hogy megigézzék a gyerekeket és álmot hozzanak rájuk
A hold tele zászlókkal, melyeket nem fúj a szél
Milyen fáradságos embernek lenni
Elindul majd
Elindul majd a hajó
Hogy hova érkezik
Azt nem tudni
Olyan lesz, mint Noé bárkája
A kutya, a macska, én és te
Egy bika fekszik a homokban
Szívéből kerozin folyik
Egy bádogló minden kanyarban
Elpusztítja lovasát
Föld és tenger, fehér por
A sivatagban egy város veszett el
A ház üres, nem vár többé senkit
Milyen fáradságos embernek lenni
Elindul majd
Elindul majd a hajó
Hogy hova érkezik
Azt nem tudni
Olyan lesz, mint Noé bárkája
A kutya, a macska, én és te

Több mint bármi

Oária, raio
Obá obá obá
Több mint bármi
Félre az útból
Amit én akarok járni
Hisz a szamba annyira izgató
És én táncolni akarom a szambát
Ez a szamba
Maracatuból való
Preto Velho-i szamba
Preto a te szambád
Több mint bármi
Olyan szamba mint ez, annyira szép
Nem fogod kedvelni
Ha befejezem a táncot.

Rich kidz

Did you feel it, did you not feel it
Let him come out and say who does it better
Even if they they felt you
Y'all don't know, y'all don't know
Welcome to my block
You find me with friends
Hoods on our heads, smoking weed, bring them to our heads (2X)
Since I was a kid, I was rich man
Since I was in here we were rich man
We can't give a fu** about you
We are as a motherfu**** too (2X)
I do it for fun, I don't do it out of spite
I like it a lot when you dance up and down
I rap sometimes, but it suits me
It's becoming hot, like that time
I was lucky
Ya I think we'll stay for long
I drink to the end today we're going to become drunk again
The place is burning down like it's 97'
I'm asking myself how I can stop time for a little
Since I was a kid, I was rich man
Since I was in here we were rich man
We can't give a fu** about you
We are as a motherfu**** too (2X)

Naples is a song

They want to move Naples
To which country I don't know,
Billionaires who consume money,
Lots of them are here.
One day, there,
It will be revealed
That Posillipo is displaced.
But the Vesuvius? Try to find it!
But to move it,
They don't know yet how to do it.
No, nothing turns out
To move Naples from where it's situated now.
Yes, there are many projects
But who makes them
Can do nothing.
Everybody wants Naples,
But no one can move it.
Someone wants to move it to America,
Someone wants to move it to Japan,
But Europe is reasonable,
It says: 'Let it stay with me!'
Then to Germany?
To France or to England?
Another war can begin
To decide which country must have it.
But to move it,
They don't know yet how to do it.
No, nothing turns out
To move Naples from where it's situated now.
Yes, there are many projects
But who makes them
Can do nothing.
Everybody wants Naples,
But no one can move it.
How many engineers come here!
But what projects do they make?
They come and go away,
But they go away to come back.
Someone wants to pull it by a winch,
To extract it fully.
Someone wants to divide it somehow,
Piece by piece, and then unite it again.
But to move it,
Now it's me who advise them how to do it.
No, nothing turns out,
But the way is easy for who wants to do it:
When any beautiful song
With all the passion
One can sing,
Across all the world
One can transfer Naples in the heart.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

The Color of your Eyes

The color of your eyes rose my interest
And I am only feeling like seeing you again
Tell me that is not forbidden
Maybe I will encourage myself and will ask you
meet you Saturday at ten
The color of your eyes, stole my attention
You are getting inner my heart
You're perfect in every single way
with trouser or dress you take my breath away
The only thing I want is
that you were the dream that comes true
I am so into you and that is the whole true
I feel excited, I don't know if that ever happened to you
If I could I would meet you from Monday to Sunday with no stop
This thing I feel is incomparable
And if you see me to blush, if you make fun of it I will not be mad
I only know that I fell in love with you
The only thing I want is
that you were the dream that comes true
I am so into you and that is the whole true
I feel excited, I don't know if that ever happened to you
If I could I would meet you from Monday to Sunday with no stop
This thing I feel is incomparable
And if you see me to blush, if you make fun of it I will not be mad
I only know that I fell in love with you

The Last Song

This is the last song that I make to you
I'm tired of living deceived just thinking 'bout you
If you see me tomorrow
With my arm in arm of another one
Pretend that
For you I'm nobody
But always remember that
You ever made me cry
And remember the chance you lost
I'll never give you again
And the beautiful love songs
That I made to you under the moonlight
I confess
You'll never hear others like them
And I know you'll listen this song
Playing on the radio
You'll remember that your damn pride
Made me cry
I loved you so much
I ask you don't cry
But feel inside you the pain of the love
Then you'll perceive the importance of love
And you'll cry a lot when remember everything that happened
This is the last song that I make to

Lost in the Silence

Don't rush at all
And place, on the scales, your heart and your hope
Save an embrace for me
And guide me with the light in your eyes
As it shines brighter than the sun.
And, lost in the silence
I would look at you and understand you
Ignoring the jealousy
Sacrifice, on our bed, my very self
And lost in the silence
Ignore all doubts, do not stop
And test your instincts
It will be a great challenge
I want my name to be the one you whisper today
And hides in you
Do not rush, for I
Will know how to wait for you
In silence
Don't rush at all
And allow the current to drag away the sorrow
Show me the right way
To avoid the chasm
That's the best way
To prevent the sun from going away
I wish
I would not feel such great sadness,
That I could stop and, slowly
Become invisible.
I would play at getting to know you
Like the first day we met
This is the game that would allow us to prove
That there's still something that unites us
And, lost in the silence
I would look at you and understand you
Ignoring the jealousy
Sacrifice, on our bed, my very self
And lost in the silence
Ignore all doubts, do not stop
And test your instincts
It will be a great challenge
I want my name to be the one you whisper today
And hides in you
Do not rush, for I
Will know how to wait for you
In silence