A keresés eredménye oldal 19
Találatok száma: 1338
Hello, hello
You must be sleeping til now
Hello, hello
Quietly breathing in your sleep
I don't want to awake you
I choose to keep quiet
Hello, hello
I call you to come
Hello, hello
Is our morning greeting,
so when you wake up
Put my electro on!
When you listen to this
Dance and smile
When the day begins
Put my electro on
I see you dancing there
Again - you're beautiful - you have no shame!
You move like a river
Again - you hold the world in your hands
I'm quiet
before you
I know, this moment is perfect
Hello, hello
you're sleeping still, I am not
Hello, hello
Quietly breathing in your sleep
I love to watch you
And continue so
Hello, hello
it's absurd, but so be it
Hello, hello
I send you a greeting
I love to dance
Put my electro on
When you do this
And excite me completely
When the day begins
Put my electro on!
I see you dancing there
Again - you're beautiful - you have no shame!
You move like a river
Again - you hold the world in your hands
I'm quiet
before you
I know, this moment is perfect
Espionage Suspect
The men who were Moon’s election-camp
Were arrested as the espionage-suspect
By the red moisture, the Blue House is full of the damp,
There are no sane places by North’s long project!
Colourful boxes against our grave
Ticket in hand, we have travelled a long way
And I have not seen myself in several days
And man, it feels good not to think
The sea, the sand, the air
The salt in your hair
I'm not going anywhere
And we took a boat out to be mislead
In silence, we float as I
Look at the back of your head
Your head
Like two lovers on an unmade bed
Like two lovers on an unmade bed
Oh, watch out for that sun
It’s a powerful gun
I like it, I like it on you
I like it on me
I like love in the sea
I see you, you see me
Minden rendben van
Amíg velem vagy
Ha szólsz, ha nem,
Nem bánom, sose tévesztesz meg
Mindig futottam
Kutatva valami után
És mindig bizonytalan voltam
Amíg rá nem jöttem
Szavak sokszor nehezen jönnek
Sose tudtam,
Hogyan mutassam ki az érzéseimet
Ó nem, drága
Mindig türelmes voltál,
Kihúztad belõlem, amit titkolni próbáltam
Mindig futottam
Kutatva valami után
És mindig bizonytalan voltam
Amíg rá nem jöttem
Te, mindig te rád gondoltam
Te, te vagy az, akiért élek
Te, te vagy az örökké égõ tüzem
Te, te vagy a mindig fénylõ csillagom
Az este mindig jó társ
Egy pohár bor, a félhomályban
Te fekszel mellettem, én tele szeretettel
És reménnyel
I only care about you
Versions: #1
If I hadn't met you,
Where would I be?
How would my days be going?
Would I cherish my life?
Maybe I would have met someone,
And lived an ordinary life.
I wonder if I would also have,
Love as sweet as honey?
Let the time fly by,
I only care about you.
I'm willing to be influenced by the way you are.
How often do you become close to someone in life?
It's not a pity to lose vitality.
So I beg of you,
Don't let me leave you.
Aside from you, I can't feel
Even a hint of affection.
If there comes a day,
When you say you're leaving.
I would lose myself,
And disappear into the crowd.
I don't need any promises,
I just want us to be together every day.
I wouldn't be able to live on just
Memories that we had
Let the time fly by,
I only care about you.
I'm willing to be influenced by the way you are.
How often do you become close to someone in life?
It's not a pity to lose vitality.
So I beg of you,
Don't let me leave you.
Aside from you, I can't feel
Even a hint of affection.
Let the time fly by,
I only care about you.
I'm willing to be influenced by the way you are.
How often do you become close to someone in life?
It's not a pity to lose vitality.
So I beg of you,
Don't let me leave you.
Aside from you, I can't feel
Even a hint of affection.
The life of the slated, higher classes
In the morning, they drink a cup of the hot and iced Americana coffee.
And shout the socialized democracy and addict the considerable degree
Of communism. And the others asserted to the people warm-conservatism,
But they lose the way with void brains and seek for the centrism.
They admire the butcherers who killed his country people, and curse
Their country and founders, and do all things in order to fill their purse.
They regard the security is one thing and economics is the other.
And for their profit, they fall themselves as the peace-begger.
Gangnam, American T-bone steaks, their sons are studying in America,
Is their first objective in their livings. But they shouted one Korea,
And always assert equality, fairness, justice, give others ear with the honey
Drops. But they are very stingy to donate the others with their money.
No brained warm conservative who doth not know the conservatism,
‘cause he was born with the gold spoon, or succeed with the vague-behaviorism.
In night, the socialists and conservatives cheer up their cups in classified bar.
They try to sweep the ladders for lower classes and make the new bar.
Donkie Innie is not a chandler
Versions: #1
Firstly, he appeared in with laughed face and in middle
Age, and asserted himself as a human rights lawyer.
He shouted in the equality, fairness, holding the candle.
The words only did him, and turned out to be a liar.
He entered on the platform as a candler,
But, people want him to sweep the olds as a sweeper.
He asserted that he could do everything like a juggler,
But so far, he turned out as a honey-fuggler
Walking to and fro, cried the equality and fairness,
Here and there, he sailed the candle revolution.
In China, he ate his many meals with aloneness.
He gave the big frustration the people in nation.
He is not a man who saleth everything as a chandler
Asserting, he can do everything, but only the stingy swindler.
Piggie Suggie giveth the waters
Piggie Suggie rideth a chopper in every week,
Very, very busy for giving waters at the farm.
Carrying the bucket, became the thicker arm.
Come back, go to swimming, so her skin is sleek.
Security servicewoman is very busy for work.
Frequently, she goeth to work to the pool.
Piggie Suggie wears the swimming suit from the wool.
After swimming, she eateth the meal from the pork.
Always, the buck passeth the Blue House
Always, the buck passeth the Blue House
The gold medal stopeth the Blue House.
Only they can do to gnaw the nation like a mouse.
And for the tax revenue, fining sever tax to the house.
Not they can know what to do or not,
‘Cause not studying and wearing redscope.
Peoples worry about the power shortage, in this summer so hot.
Now already, without the controlling, they run down the slope.
Rocketeering the house fee, then only, suppressing the demand,
Scattering the money and fining severe tax for the lacking.
With the ignorance, the all things, try to control and command,
Maybe someday, for making babies, they’ll make the law, doing.
Alas, Ms. Park she was not a braggart, calmly do what to do,
So, innocent peoples were instigated by the candle-agitator.
Now, there are full of the liars and bluffers do not know what to do.
Only, we can see these days, on the Television the cheap actor.
The Liar
Liar, Liar, tender face.
In the Palace, in deep place,
Shouting the anti-Japan, to spur the patriotism,
In late night-meal, odereth the Sushi with anti-Japanism.
Lawyer, Lawyer, sentimentally instigateth the human right,
He hath seeked for the money instead of the human right,
Never, Never hath talked over the right for deserters.
Never, Never, hath visited the gravestone of the dead soldiers.
Candle, Candle, People’s Revolution.
To the world, he hath bragged the Revolution.
He always hath hanged his lips, the Democracy,
Never hath told that it’s free or people democracy.
The old city in the desert
In the midst of the desert, there were cities.
For travelers, every day, there were parties.
Now the brickbats talking the old splendors.
The dust wind only welcome the passengers.
To the retraining camp, the residents were flung.
Without knowing, the sons twittering the Chinese tongue.
In memory of the writer, Ms. Bang
Here is the lady
Who was the freedom-fighter.
She did not agree with the injustice, tidy
Article, fight against them as a writer.
She was persecuted by the red government,
Never yield and stop fighting for the truth.
When she was in the cell for confinement,
Never did snap her heart, but seek for the truth.
The invincible fighter was lying not by the enemy
But by the disease. But she shall be the star
Henceforth, the nation that lost their way.
Be rest and twinkle in the sky as a star.
Tudom, hogy kellesz nekem
Kell, hogy szerethesselek
Szeretnélek látni, de annyi idő telt el
Epedek, hogy érezzelek
Érzem, hogy szükségem van rád
Hallanom kell téged
Ez akkora baj?
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Most odahúzol magadhoz
Mikor közel vagyunk félek tőled
Még mindig félek, hogy elmondjak mindent, amit tettem
Végeztél-e már a megbocsátással?
Vagy elnéznéd nekem, hogy megjátszom magam, Uram?
Úgy belefáradtam, hogy védjem amivé lettem
Amivé lettem
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Hallom, hogy azt mondod
Hogy a szerelmem véget ért
Bentre került
Kettő között van
A pillanatok mikor kételkedsz bennem
Mikor nem érzed
A pillanatok mikor megkérdőjelezed
Hogy valódi-e ez
A pillanatok, mikor meg vagy törve
A pillanatok, mikor összefoltozod magad
A pillanatok, mikor gyűlölsz engem
És pillanatok, mikor meghajlasz
Hát ez én szerelmem véget ért
Bentre került
Kettő között van
A pillanatok, mikor gyógyulsz
És mikor a szíved megszakad
A pillanatok, mikor úgy érzed, hogy kegyvesztett lettél
A pillanatok, mikor fájsz
A pillanatok, mikor gyógyulsz
A pillanatok, mikor éhesen jársz és a lopás csábít
Zavaros időken
Káosz és fájdalom közepette
Én ott vagyok a szomorúságodban, a szégyen súlya alatt
Ott vagyok végig, a szívfájdalom alatt
Ott vagyok a viharban
Szerelmem, meg foglak óvni saját erőmből
Nem számít hol esel el vagy merre jártál
Sosem hagylak cserben
A szerelmem múlik el
Sosem múlik el, mmm
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Óh óh, óh óh, óh óh
Mars (Duett Version)
I want to fly to Mars with you
Just lie in the red sand
There are two moons and the stars
For us closer from afar
But no one has to know
We could look at the earth
Green forests, blue lakes
Counting the stars all day long
And float above dark clouds
We could jump a lot higher
We could sing louder there
Than down here on earth
My spaceship is ready for us
Come on, let's not waste any time
I want to go to Mars with you
Just lie on the red sand
There are two moons and the stars
For us closer from afar
But no one has to know
Let's fly to Mars today
Just lie in the red sand
My spaceship is ready for us
Come on, let's not waste time
No one has to know
Let's go to Mars today
On Mars there are no rules
There'll be no rain for a lifetime
From up there you can see
How quickly our troubles will fade away
We could jump a lot higher
We could sing louder there
Than down here on earth
My spaceship is ready for us
Come on, let's not waste any time
Let's go to Mars today (To Mars)
Just lie in the red sand (To Mars)
My spaceship is ready for us
Come on, let's not waste time
No one has to know
Let's go to Mars today
I want to go to Mars with you
Just lie on the red sand
There are two moons and the stars
For us closer from afar
But no one has to know
Let's go to Mars today
Just lie in the red sand
My spaceship is ready for us
Come on, let's not waste time
No one has to know
Let's go to Mars today
To Mars
A Katakombák
Váratlanul ez a birodalom utamra enged
A démont elengedik fogságából
Miért követnek engem a sorsom árnyékában?
Üdvözöl a sötét szentély
Megkerültem a megszűnés méhét
Elhagyom a fényt
Belélegzem a pestist
Elszórom a bitorló birodalom ragyogását
A kamrába, ahol sötét a fény és mérgező az oxigén
Megtölti a tüdőmet a halál szaga
A szenvedés hibái nagyobbak a félelmemnél
A sötétség megtestesülése
A felmerült helyzet beinvitál
A kontroll megszűnik, apró lélegzet litániába
Klausztrofóbia, a falak látszólag összecsukódnak
Belélegzem a pestist
A könyvtár felfal mindenkit, aki tanúsítja az ősi istenség tervét
Belélegzem a pestist, elhagyom a fényt
Örökre elcsendesítve a nap fényét
Hagyd a vágyad és térdelj le előttem
Keressen vigaszt a sötétben, a hegek gyógyulásában
Egyetlen pusztulás állítja helyre az élet érzését
Rögeszme, birtoklás
Kövess engem, és rájössz, hogy jogomban áll
És elveszem, ami az enyém
Ha van valamid, amit akarok
Akkor készülj a bukásra
Mert semmit nem hagyok
Mindent elveszek
A zűrzavar leple körül vesz
Meg kell ölnöm magamat vagy mindenkit aki körül vesz
Vajon találok valaha választ a kérdésemre?
Valaha felismerem a saját tükörképem?
Sétáló ellentmondás vagyok testet öltve
Egy puszta eltérés
A sorok elmosódnak, ahol a hazugságok és az igazságok találkoznak
Paranoiás és biztos vagyok a saját halálomban
Nem számít, mennyire üldözöm, még mindig elkerül
Megkövesedett és pusztulás veszi körül
Mérhetetlen erő még csecsemőkorban is
Befejezetlenek leszünk-e a sötétben
Az ilyen pusztítás elrontja a gondolataimat
Felmerült a helyzet, és behívott engem
Az ellenőrzés megszűnt, egy sekély lélegzet litániában
Klausztrofóbia, hogy a falak látszólag összecsukódnak
Belélegezve a pestist
Örökre elcsendesítve a nap fényét
Hagyd a vágyad és térdelj le előttem
Keressen vigaszt a sötétben, a hegek gyógyulásában
Egyetlen pusztulás állítja helyre az élet érzését
Üdvözöld a sötét szentélyt
Hagyd el a fényt
Hagyd, hogy a pestis elpusztítson
Körözve a megszűnés méhében
Alteregók sokaságának megtestesülése
Eltakarva a monolittal
A spirál érett az elítélt elszigetelésére
Ennek ellenére az őrzött keresztes hadjárat céltért
Felkantározva a belső erővel
A halálraítélt halhatatlanná vált
Felkantározva a belső erővel
Belélegezve a pestist
Elhagyom a fényt
Mond meg, hogy van ez
Egy lépéssel közelebb vagyunk
Lassan mozgunk,
a megfelelő pályákon
Mondd el, hogy van ez
Előre haladunk,
annyira meg lettünk kínozva
Ó, mint egy sziget, mélykék tenger vesz körül minket
Te vagy a hullám, ami ellenem hullámzik,
apránként mosol el,
Lassan szétmálok, amíg semmi sem marad
Ha ilyennek akarsz engem,
ilyen leszek
Ha viszont szeretsz,
bárki lehetek
ilyen és olyan is
Azt hiszem kezdek megtörtni,
aztán el fogsz hagyni
és visszajössz
Az esélyek kezdenek halmozódni
Egyedül süllyedhetsz
a mélybe,
de vonzod a lelkem
Nem, nem engedhetsz el
Tudattad velem,
hogy a része vagyok mindannak amit csinálsz
Ó, mint egy sziget, mélykék tenger vesz körül minket
Te vagy a hullám, ami ellenem hullámzik,
apránként mosol el,
Lassan szétmálok, amíg semmi sem marad
Ha ilyennek akarsz engem,
ilyen leszek
Ha viszont szeretsz,
bárki lehetek
ilyen és olyan is
Azt hiszem kezdek megtörtni,
aztán el fogsz hagyni
és visszajössz
Az esélyek kezdenek halmozódni
Ha ilyennek akarsz engem,
ilyen leszek
Ha viszont szeretsz,
bárki lehetek
ilyen és olyan is
Azt hiszem kezdek megtörtni,
aztán el fogsz hagyni
és visszajössz
Az esélyek kezdenek halmozódni
Not an evening passes by
That we don't talk about you
We light candles for you
And we all sing your songs
Davor, Davor!
Days without you are empty
Because you were a medicine
That eases the pain
How can I thank you,
The only way I know and can is with a song,
And that little freckled girl
Is praying to God for you
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?
Davor, Davor!
Can you hear those angels
Who are singing my song for you?
Write a Love Song
The morning was gloomy,
Ana left last night
She changed her face
And her feelings
That happened last night,
Everything ended,
And this morning, people are calling me
Looking for a new topic
Write a love song,
Write something new,
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?
She just quietly said:
Since this night, I am no longer yours
And her palm was as cold as ice,
And there was not a smile
I didn't say anything
I just closed my eyes
Ana left last night
And love fell down during the night
Now they are requesting a love song,
Something new
Just leave out the tears,
People are used to that
And I am writing a love song,
But tears must be included
How can I sing about love
When I cannot hide my sorrow?
Let Me Cry
I will tell you about my life
I will tell you why I breathe this way
Ask me how the songs hurt me
Ask me why I only write the sad ones
Do not ask me why the tears are flowing
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Every song, one memory
A part of those beautiful times
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, let me cry
A song brings back all the old loves
Friends, places, and guitars
You don't have to know what it means
But when I am crying, cry alongside me
I will tell you about my life
Let my tears flow
While I am singing about my town by the river
And about the park at the end of the town
And about her, wherever she is now
Cry alongside me
Long Haired Woman
Release your hair, let the birds nest in it
There isn't any tree left to take shelter
Release your hair, babies leaving this world without growing
Release your hair, the songs of earth will be chirp-less
While birds bear the bread crumps this timidly
And birds are such timid creatures
Do not make them sad, release your hair too
Release your hair, let the birds nest in it
There isn't any tree left to take shelter
Release your hair
Babies leaving this world without growing
Release your hair
The songs of earth will be chirp-less
Magicians' retribution
The ancient castle comes alive at night
Above it, lightnings spark inside a dark
Do come to it! The ones, who're waiting there for you
will tell about all mysteries to you
The heavy gates are gaping like a maw
They're calling me today to come inside or go
The destroyed castle calls under its roof
Creators of fire and the lords of the winds
All the magicians, living in the restricted area
Enough of verities! Let the Saint War be!
The Spirit of Fire, do send us heaven arrows
To get a victory in the Saint War...
We're waiting for the war, and we don't timid of it
The spears and swords are sparking with the Power
Eight wizards will stand in the circle of the ball
And they will sign the pact, which is based on blood
And the castle will collapse, to rise again
We have to win back the Saint Lands!
And the castle will collapse, to rise again
We're children of the lightnings and we able to win
It's probably (never)* too late for the two of us
Verse 1
Even if we disappoint** and forgive
Time never comes back
But we have to keep the party going
I listened to songs you sent
All of them are about you
Everything is about you
I have a photo of us where your eyes sing
Was it a beginning or something you'd rather forget?
Oh, all of our are all of our mistakes***
It's probably never too late for the two of us
Oh, do you see the sun rise over Stockholm City now
It's probably never too late for the two of us
Verse 2
The days have passed so quickly up there
I've been higher than I should
But somebody has to keep the party alive
I closed our bar again yesterday evening
Everybody asks about you
Everything is about you
Tried to forget everything here and start over
But there's a piece of your heart left on my floor
Oh, all of our are all of our mistakes
It's probably never too late for the two of us
Oh, do you see the sun rise over Stockholm City now
It's probably never too late for the two of us
Maybe we were too young then
Maybe we're too drunk now
The only thing I know is that I've always been yours
Please don't say you're sorry
Don't say sorry yet
Because, baby, I don't think it's too late
It's probably never too late for the two of us
Oh, do you see the sun rise over Stockholm City now
It's probably never too late for the two of us, no, no
It's never too late for the two of us
Oh, do you see the sun rise over Stockholm City now
It's probably never too late for the two of us, no, no
Unknown number
Man overboard!
Ay Ay
Hey, Who's calling me from an unknown number?
I ignore private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
If we're going to talk I'll call you
No I never answer [calls from] unknown numbers
I ignore private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
Ah but it's not [meant as] a diss, no
And it's not that I don't remember you
When I look down and shake my head at the display
I can't answer, it's some paranoia that has spread
Even i you only want to include me on your mix-tape
I have to know who it is before I answer
So I always look up the number on the web
Then I send a message where I explain [that]
An unkown number is something the Captain will never answer
Oh no I never answer [calls from] unkown numbers
I ignore private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
If we're going to talk I'll call you
No I never answer [calls from] unknown numbers
Never ever [answering] private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
But if you're calling ten times
And I'm hanging up, you can assume
That it means the Captain refuses to take your call
Why are you calling me to seriously threathen me?
When you should know that if there's a Captain there's a crew
What happened to your badman-attitude?
Calling me and regretting, you had badman- attitude
When you're talking about how you and your friends were
Badman longitude and badman latitude
So we never answer [calls from] unknown numbers
We ignore private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
If we're going to talk I'll call you
No I never answer [calls from] unknown numbers
Partillo ignores private calls
Wy are you calling from an unkown number?
Ah but I'm woken up at six by someone calling my phone
It's the boss at some job hat wants me to come in at seven
And if you can't work when he works, he gets mad
So then I hang up the phone because that's how I am
Oh no I refuse to be a slave to my phone
Always being available when they call me with [work]hours
I refuse to butter [someone] up, I don't have it in me
So I'm telling you to shut your mouth [and] send an email
Who's calling me from an unknown number?
I ignore private calls
Why are you calling from an unknown number?
If we're going to talk I'll call you
Why are you calling from an unkown number?
I ignnore private calls
I ignore them completely
So never call us
We'll only call you
Hey, that's how it is
Oh never call Kalle B
He'll only call you
Hey, that's how it is
Never call Partillo
He'll only call you
Hey, that's how it is
Oh if you wanna talk to Gunvernör
Just cut it out
It's to no use
No it's to no use
No it's to no use
I am the Tsar of the beasts
I am a Lion, and i am very stubborn
I am the Tsar of the animals
Don't approach me when i will be drunk
I fight lonely in the ring
I was surrounded by a pack of hyenas
I'll tear them all to pieces
When the lion is hurt, he is very dangerous
He is friendly and proud at the same time
I am a worthy enemy but also suitable for friendship*
I am a child of the sun,
And not a stone under water*
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I am a lion and there are many wounds on my body
Each scar is a new level, a new rank
The jackal will be pleased when i fall
But I don't break, I don't feed on carrion
Each tear, who breathes under the back
Then I will cook his meat with wine
Enjoying every moment
I'm always at the level, at the level of the sky
My nerves are made out of steel, not like the rest
But if you crossed the border, do not stop
I am a lion, this is my kingdom, my pride*
My territory, there is no deceit here
No lies, no betrayal, no dirt
I am responsible for this, I must
I achieve everything myself
Although I have no mane, I have no collar
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I have no mane, but I am a lion
I have no mane, but I am a lion
But I am a lion, but I am, but I am a lion.
I'm sure we freak them out just by holding hands
You're reported when you opt out of the 'rat race'
I'm not a mutant
Red Rocket March
Misery and hunger weigh down heavily on us,
Enslaved, oppressed are the working masses.
White Terror rages without mercy,
Forward, Proletarians, to the counterattack!
Red rockets illuminate the night,
Show the way to unfold power.
Workers, peasants, in city and countryside,
Join your hands for the fight.
Red Russia, you workers' state,
You went in front of us with liberating action.
From oppression and misery emerged
The free homeland of all working people.
Red rockets illuminate the night,
Red soldiers stand guard.
Workers, peasants of the Soviet Union
Protect the revolution.
Slaves at the plough, in mine and factory,
Fight for the workers' republic.
Finally discard the burden of your bondage,
Join together and start marching!
Red rockets illuminate the night,
Give signals for the last battle.
Workers, peasants, liberate yourselves,
Forward, follow Lenin's Party!
If I Hadn’t Met You
Another day has passed without you,
Sadness has found me again.
If I hadn’t met you,
Today I wouldn’t be able
To love, to miss, to desire.
Tears shine in my eyes again,
The tears nobody will stop anymore.
If I hadn’t met you,
Today I wouldn’t be able
To love, to miss, to cry.
Today, I wait for you in vain.
Another dawn wakes me up,
Another night bids me goodbye
And I learn to live from scratch.
What could I confess to you?
Nobody loved me like you did.
If I hadn’t met you,
Today I wouldn’t be able
To love, to love, to love.
Today, I wait for you in vain.
Another dawn wakes me up,
Another night bids me goodbye
And I learn to live from scratch.
What could I confess to you?
Nobody loved me like you did.
If I hadn’t met you,
Today I wouldn’t be able
To love, to love, to love.
Tsunagaru Connect
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
Wait? I just said something just now
Ah, it's not what I meant (uh, um...)
Why can't I convey my emotions?
What should I do... (Ah. Ah. Ah..)
My thought process is a mess
It's continually loading...
[Ctrl] + [Z] doesn't fix it either
Maybe complex customization will work
It's not enough? What will then
If only I could install it
How imperfect (what is the correct answer?)
How uncertain (where is the answer?)
There's doesn't seem to be an instruction manual
Let's get started first...
It's a different appearance, and a different shape
But why do I still feel the same?
The true feeling of connecting...
Is always the same!! (⸝⸝>▿<⸝⸝)
Thank you for sharing your warmth with me
I want to convey it to the fullest
My colorful! Smile! Shows how comfortable I am♪
With everyone who connects with me
This is my favorite place
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
I'm sure I tried my best
But nothing changes (I want to give up)
I'll keep trying
But I don't think I can (A. Wa. Wa..)
I'm crying in my room by myself
My thought process is just negative
Nothing is going the way I planned
I fell apart so easily
But I want to try
And make myself dance again
It's okay if I'm flawed (always always!)
I won't hide it anymore (I am me!)
Even if I don't reach my target
I'll keep moving forward...
It's a different color, and a different dream
I'm heading to the future
Where I'm sure it's going to be wonderful!!(⸝⸝╹▿╹⸝⸝)
I can't see it, but I feel it
Thank you for your warmth and kindness
I want to sing to the best of ability
Happy! Smile! I want to deliver it♪
I'll come across my own originality
This place is precious for all of us
You don't have to be perfect
I'm going somewhere with everyone
If there is something I can do
I'm going to find it, Ah
It's a different appearance, and a different shape
But why do I still feel the same?
The true feeling of connecting...
Is always the same!! (⸝⸝>▿<⸝⸝)
Thank you for sharing your warmth with me
I want to convey it to the fullest
My colorful! Smile! Shows how comfortable I am♪
With everyone who connects with me
This is my favorite place
A bouncy heart!
A flying tension!
Now, let's connect them all!
Tale of a Dark Cloud at a Pawnshop
Without light
We use dangerous instincts
To do the arithmetics
Selling blood won't save you from poverty
Money is the division in this universe
Who exchanges iron for gold
Who exchanges their brains for garbage
Tomorrow depends on the market
Freedom is in the hands of the west
Quite normal
A sad song becomes a best seller
Troubled riders seem to be of surplus
Who exchanges luck for breath
Who exchanges soul for rice
Please choose
Between the treacherous tavern of fate
Or the kindergarten of god
Can't say
So the singers become talons
The Iron Curtain weighs heavy on the youth
Who exchanges dark clouds for stars
Who exchanges daggers for light
Near the house
Buying a new tomorrow
Not choosing
Not asking the market about tomorrow
Freedom is in the heart
So they say
Devotion in circles of devotion,
tenderness touches tendernesses…
It is your inward that incessantly
caresses itself, so they say
The smile in your own mirror
I see you could be doing a little better
I know you're hurting, don't let anyone close
Small feet in an ice cold ocean
Head underwater, pretending as if everything's fine
Loved by the others but you didn't love who you were
'Cause the boy in the reflection couldn't ever find good answers
They said your life was like a bed of roses
They said you were never wrong
But there was one thing you were missing
It was the smile in your own mirror
Dived into the ocean
In freedom for you
Underwater to scream
So no one could hear you
Drop the act, you're allowed to cry
You should've told someone, but know it's not easy to tell
Don't listen to all the voices in your head
That tell you you're weak, it's okay to have it rough
Loved by the others but you didn't love who you were
'Cause the boy in the reflection couldn't ever find good answers
They said your life was like a bed of roses
They said you were never wrong
But there was one thing you were missing
It was the smile in your own mirror
Dived into the ocean
In freedom for you
Underwater to scream
So no one could hear you
They said my life was like a bed of roses
They said I was never wrong
But there was one thing I was missing
It was the smile in my own mirror
Good Night, Elisabeth
[1st Strophe]
It is the cold Sophie
Who there in front the door stands
Who knows if she will ever be well again
Lay thyself warm ah
And this here is the big box
Which worries me here
Much to heavy for one alone
Even much to heavy for (us) both
And this here is the bag with the souvenirs
And this here is the bag with black and white photos
Most of them are unsharp
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
[2nd Strophe]
And this here is the thick wall
I have built it all alone
I know not anymore how or howso
They were suddenly simply there
The old records, the old songs
The old stories, the old books
The old pictures, the old colours
The old struggles, the old scars
Elisabeth, the bag with the souvenirs
Is so much too big and to heavy for me
I let it there stand
I let it there I let it there when I go
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
[instrumental bridge]
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Let me loose
Let me go and let me tee and let me forth from here
Ohh, good night Elisabeth
Sleep well
Dream sweet
It comes a new morning and a clear light
One for thee and one for me
And let us never forget what is been
It is the cold Sophie
Who there in front the door stands
Who knows if she will ever be well again
Lay thyself warm ah