Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 32

Találatok száma: 1470


Tell them

The same shit always repeats itself
You come in until you regret
You hide the keys from me under the sofa
You don't care about anything that could happen
I look at you and you don't notice
You pass me a note under the
I'm sorry if it made you feel bad
Something between the two has begun to change
I wake up by the clouds
If I dream of your face
You have your fly down
I don't know why you insist on hiding
Tell them1 that they don't run, that they can stay
(that they can stay) (x3)
We can begin a dance between
The legs,
You ask me for it if I sing like the mermaids,
We're looking for something to help us escape
Surely somewhere else we can recover
In case you ask yourself, I've already forgiven you
I can't sleep embracing the past
If in the end we'll all end up the same
Six feet under neither good nor bad exists
(we're going to dance) (x11)
Why not sharing life?
Without affection, it's cold for us
Tell them that they don't run, that they can stay
If in the end we'll all end up the same
  • 1. here and throughout the song it's the singular they, in the Spanish lyrics the gender isn't specified but Natalia talks about only one person


Csukd be a szemed, azt mondják
Igen, bízhatsz bennünk, s valaki egy csapdába vezet
Már messziről érzem a hazugság szagát
A bába kezeitől egészen a sírig át vagyunk verve
Nemsokára újra kezdődni fog, mikor vas fog az égből esni
Ezúttal erősebb leszek
Ezúttal a végletekig fogok veled rohanni
Mikor a kutyák rajtunk lesznek
Ezúttal én vagyok a te embered
Ezúttal magam mögött fogom hagyni a kifogásokat
És én fogom kapni a golyót helyetted
Egy háborúban, pont mint a szerelemben, minden megengedett
Mindaddig, míg az érzéseidet ki nem mutatod
A te oldaladon állok, s ideje megtanítani egy leckét azoknak,
Akik minket el akarnak választani

Az olasz

Hagyjatok énekelni
Gitárral a kezemben,
Hagyjatok énekelni,
Olasz vagyok.
Jó reggelt Olaszország, spaghetti al dente-vel*
És egy partizánnal, mint elnök
Azzal az autórádióval, melyet mindig a jobb kezünkben tartunk
És egy kanárimadárral az ablak fölött.
Jó reggelt Olaszország a te összes művészeddel együtt
Azzal a túl sok Amerikával a plakátokon,
Azokkal a dalokkal tele szerelemmel,
A te szíveddel együtt,
Még több nővel együtt, és egyre kevesebb apácával.
Jó reggelt Olaszország,
Jó reggelt Maria
A te mélabúval teli szemeiddel
Jó reggelt Isten,
Tudod, hogy én is itt vagyok.
Hagyjatok énekelni
Gitárral a kezemben,
Hagyjatok énekelni
Egy dalt lassan, halkan.
Hagyjatok énekelni
Mert büszke vagyok rá,
Olasz vagyok,
Igazi olasz.
Jó reggelt Olaszország, te ki soha nem rémisztesz meg,
A te összes mentás borotvahaboddal,
És a te fehér csíkos öltönyeiddel,
És a te lassított felvételeiddel vasárnaponként a TV-ben.
Jó reggelt Olaszország a caffè ristretto-ddal**,
Az új zoknijaiddal az első fiókban,
És a mosodában lévő zászlóddal,
És a te Fiat 600-asoddal a maga karosszériahibáival.
Jó reggelt Olaszország,
Jó reggelt Maria
A te mélabúval teli szemeiddel,
Jó reggelt Isten,
Tudod, hogy én is itt vagyok.
Hagyjatok énekelni
Gitárral a kezemben,
Hagyjatok énekelni
Egy dalt lassan, halkan.
Hagyjatok énekelni
Mert büszke vagyok rá,
Olasz vagyok,
Igazi olasz.


Is your talent the best yet strongest? You know what?
Let yourself lit on fire, all through your body and soul!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring bring bring bring it!
Bring bring bring bring it!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
Make it loud! Make it loud!
Make it loud! YO! PA PA YA BOYS
Dance! Dance!
Best yet strongest, bring them on! You know what?
Let themselves lit on fire, all through its desperate situation!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring bring bring bring it!
Bring bring bring bring it!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
Make it loud! Make it loud!
Make it loud! YO! PA PA YA SONG
Dance! Dance!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring it on bring it!
Bring bring bring bring it!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
It's the festival! It's the festival!
Dance! Make it loud!
Dance! Make it loud!
Dance! Make it loud!
Make it loud! PA! PA! PARTY TIME!

Micronations Jet

Sealand: 'All right, let’s go find ourselves a new member!♪”
Seborga: 'I’m all for it! Even more so if it’s a cute lady!“
Wy: 'If they’re someone normal… I’d welcome them…”
All: At the top of our lungs HELLO! HELLO!
All: Fly across the sea MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s dance with all our might READY SET GO☆
Maybe we’ll make 100 friends♪ HETALIA
All: Oh, we found one! Kugelmuge…
Sealand: Even I, Sealand, Seborga: 'It’s art…'
Sealand: am a little weirded out by this! Wy: 'Me too…'
All: We’ll be back! Seborga: 'Since we shouldn’t be interrupting.“
All: A new encounter is CULTURE SHOCK!!
And the world is as one? THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Woah! That was so sudden, it gave me a fright! Fuu fuu!”
Wy: 'Haah… I hope the next person is normal.“ Sealand: (Fuu fuu!)
Sealand: 'Well then, let’s pick up our pace and get going!”
All: Moving on quickly☆ HELLO! HELLO!
All: Even Molossia is joining us MICRONATIONS☆JET
Hutt River postponed his decision LET’S GO! LET’S GO!
Sealand: And finally, the next is… that dude! Wy: 「Eh… will it be all right???」 Sealand: HETALIA
All: The Niko Niko Republic
has returned to
a normal Japanese citizen…
Sealand: 'Waah! Niko Niko Republic!!“ Wy: 'Is he over there?”
Seborga: 'Ladonia is looking our way like he really wants to join us…yeah!“
All: Even though we’re not the same size GOOD FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS☆
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Wy: 'Geez, is it just me or are all micronations weirdos?”
All: No matter what kind of eccentric guy comes along
as long as we show our real feelings to each other
See? We become friends♪
Sealand: 'Here we go!“
All: C D E F G A B C D
Sealand: 'They’re all such interesting guys, this is getting real fun♪'
Wy: 'Interesting, huh…more like…”
Seborga: 'It’s about time we find some cute girls☆'
Wy: 'Huh? …are we still going on?!'
Sealand: 'All right! Let’s get fired up for the next one!'
Wy: 'Geez…'
All: Chiming in together HELLO! HELLO!
All: to the west and to the east MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s speed up and READY SET GO☆
I wonder what kind of fellows we’ll meet HETALIA
All: We traveled to many places
where everyone is
and even though they are unique
we made more friends
Sealand: 'Look at how many friends we made☆ We really had such a great time! It’s so fun! And by the way you should acknowledge Sea-kun as a nation♪」
Wy: 'Ca-calm down!“
Seborga: 'How wonderful it is to have good friends!”
All: If we hold our hands together HAPPY! HAPPY!
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Let’s keep this up and go find more and more new members ♪'
Seborga: 'Back to the bella who awaits my arrival☆'
Wy: 'Let’s just call it the day and play soccer… grumble grumble… ah! Hey, wait up-!“

The Moon Is Bored

You're asleep for too long
And you're waiting on happiness to find you
That's sweeter to you
Than giving yourself away
In your life
Ships have sunk too often
And now you're disgusted
Afraid of love
Don't you understand? Everybody needs somebody
To wake him up with touches
My nights are sleepless since you're far away
I am the only one who knows you
The Moon is bored
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together
So we'd catch together
You're dreaming for too long
And waiting on happiness to find you
You prefer that
To hoping
I am standing in front of you
And I'm no longer scared by the guards
When I feel
Your arms around my neck
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together


Egy végtelen és magányos úton,
Omaha-tól keletre
Figyelsz a motorok
egyhangú morajlására
És az a lány vagy nő jár fejedben
akit tegnap éjjel megismertél.
De hamarosan gondolataid tovaszállnak
mint mindig
mikor már 16 órája vezetsz
és más nem nagyon tehetsz
És nem úgy éled meg mintha utaznál
Csak arra vágysz, hogy egyszer véget érjen.
Itt vagyok, ismét úton
Ott vagyok, fent a színpadon
Megyek, eljátszom a sztár-celebet
Tovább lépek, lapozok egyet,
Úgyhogy belépsz ebbe az útszéli étterembe
és érzed a rád szegeződő szemeket miközben kirázod magadból a hideget
Megjátszod hogy nem zavar semmi, miközben szeretnél felrobbanni.
Legtöbbször nem is hallod mit beszélnek, máskor meg igen
Oh, ugyanazok a régi közhelyek Ez egy nő? Vagy netán férfi lehet?'
És te mindig erőfölényben tűnsz, de nem mersz szembeszállni.
Merj kiállni!
Itt vagyok, ismét úton
Ott vagyok, fent a színpadon
Megyek, eljátszom a sztár-celebet
Újrakezdem, lapozok egyet,
Ott reflektorfényben, millió mérföldnyi távolságra
Utolsó cseppnyi energiádat is megpróbálod kicsavarni magadból
Ahogyan a veríték elönti testedet, hasonlóan a zenéhez ami belőled fakad, igen
Miközben ébren fekszel ágyadon a késő éjszakában
Fejed kondul csengő-bongó erősítők visszhangjában
Elszívod napod utolsó cigijét, emlékezve mit mondott ő
Mit mondott a nő
És itt vagyok, ismét úton
Ott vagyok, fent a színpadon
Megyek, eljátszom a sztárt, acelebet
Tovább lépek, lapozok egyet,
Tovább lépek, igen, igen
Tovább lépek, igen, igen, igen
Tovább lépek, igen
Tovább lépek, igen,
Tovább lépek, oo oo ooh
Tovább lépek
És elmentem

Calypso Italiano

Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso si! Calypso siciliano!
Do you know that a little wind of madness
blew throughout all of Italy?
In the streets, people dance wildly
to tunes that came from the West Indies.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso there! Calypso siciliano!
Mothers doing laundry
wear vividly colored scarves,
calling out in a placid tone:
'My doudou! My bird of the islands!'
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso there! Calypso siciliano!
The suitor who wants to please his piccina
no longer comes to play for her on the mandolin.
She prefers to barcarolles
the beats of Creole songs.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso si! Calypso siciliano!
But one day this little wind of madness
will blow far away from Italy
carrying to distant islands
a thousand serenades from Neapolitan women.
Calypso ay! Calypso ay! Calypso italiano!
Calypso si! Calypso oh! Si-ci-li-a-no!

Les rois du Monde (Hetalia Multilanguage)

The world is separated by good and evil
It's complicated to be the king there
And it's strange though sometimes
It's hard to understand who is the king and who is the clown
Kings of the world, Planning ahead
They haven't noticed, They're already dead
They eat the fat, And they toss us the bones
Transparent kings, Sitting on paper thrones
Every mouth and charming eye bring euphoria and offer pleasure
If a kiss smacks, if legs fly, pants slide and canons fire
subdued us?
To abide their morals and power is nothing but a waste of time
There's one thing everybody around here is aware of:
The true heroes - that is us!
The kings never go their own way, they feel fearful
about what is said. High in their ivory towers only air, no love penetrates
But for two kings
there isn't a place in the world (we're the kings)
so they're fighting
even amongst themselves (we're the kings)
And we down here
are laughing at him who
even a king
is a slave
We make love, we live life
Day after day, night after night
What’s the point of being on Earth
If it’s to live
It often falls out that in our life
The soul gives in to the body
We're born for love
And we're mere kings in it.
Here, here people make love and celebrate, here people drink like animals
Here people party, here people dance, 
Our time will come! We are prepared!
To obey to their morals and power is nothing but a waste of time
There's one thing everybody around here is aware of:
The true heroes - that is us!
(Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable!)
we live life
Day after day, night after night
What’s the point of being on Earth
If it’s to live life on our knees?
We know that time is like the wind
To live is what’s important
We don’t give a damn about morals
We know that we are not evil
We're the kings of the world
we've the sex, the wine, the singing
we live to have fun
we don't have ethics
without laws or lawgivers
only life matters
night and day, every moment
because time is like the wind
We'll take the chance!
Kings of the world, kings of nothing.
When Papa scolds, the dogs cower.
Look at us, less than nothing!
Kings of the world, kings of the sewer.
It reeks up above, it reeks below.
We're the kings of nothing at all!
Lost in the streets
The city's mice
Roosters of the hen-house
Puppies in heat
Without happiness
But both of you know that I
I'm not you
No fear,
I never feel
And I dreamt
Oh I dreamt
I dream the death of my enemy
To see women scream beneath me!
I dream of seeing this city in flames
And to challenge God
I dream
I am the master, not the student!
I dreamt, I dreamt
Oh Romeo, I would die
There's a witch between us
I dream
I dream

You found yourself alone

I tailed you, I watched silently
Where the humanity vanished from you.
You transformed in a moment
And you found yourself that way!
Orotund words, authentic conceptions
But if wind comes like that, you throw that afar
You turned around in a moment
And you found yourself that way!
You wanted everything
Until lastly you found yourself alone.
Your film has been shown
And you watched it alone.
You wanted everything!
You always fend your blue to others
In the cross-fire of the defamation!
You transformed in a moment
And you found yourself that way!
You never knew when to stop
I won't give more chances.
You turned around in a moment
And you found yourself that way!
You put your hands on my shoulders
And you lied to my eyes!
You feared, you burned, you crucified me,
You stamped me out, you stabbed me in the back!

Ma Jolie

What happened to us, we don't talk anymore
I want to know if you think of me or not
What happened to us, we don't talk anymore
I want to know if you think of me or not
[Verse 1:]
Ma Jolie ma Jolie, black magic was done on us
May the bad return twice to them who have done us wrong
It's better we don't see each other anymore cause I know I'm not good for you
When you're with him, you close your eyes and think of me, ma Jolie
We were soulmates from the very first day
You came wearing a black dress
But I wanted to see you in a white dress
Since the day you were gone, I've only had bad days
What happened to us, we don't talk anymore
I want to know if you think of me or not
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
But if you do ever think of me, then write me a song
[Verse 2:]
Don't misunderstand me and think that I want you back
I know you don't want me, what's happened has happened, fuck it, it's done! Aye
You've opened a fake account to watch my stories
I know you watch them ever since we split
You opened a fake account to watch my stories
This snap is for you, I know you can see it
I don't want you to come back to me, nor do I want to come back you
But if you call me to see me, only you know what I'll do to you
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
But if you do ever think of me, then write me a song
We drink our sorrows, we smoke our problems
We close our eyes, and the time rewinds
You're cooking me lunch
I'm holding you from behind, smelling your scent
Your scent reminds me of spring
Maybe we're not together anymore
But when we open our eyes, at least the memories remain
What happened to us, we don't talk anymore
I want to know if you think of me or not
What happened to us, we don't talk anymore
I want to know if you think of me or not
We don't talk anymore, (ma Jolie)
We don't talk anymore,
We don't talk anymore, (ma Jolie)
But if you ever think of me...

In the old farm

Versions: #2
In the old farm ia-ia-o
How many animals does Uncle Tobia have? ia-ia-o
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Attached to a cart ia-ia-o
There’s a small quadruped ia-ia-o
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Among the boxes and broken tools ia-ia-o
Where the mice are fatties ia-ia-o
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey don-don-donkey
There’s a sheep, sheep she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Very fat and very big ia-ia-o
Always dirty like crazy ia-ia-o
There’s a pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Then on the edge of a ditch ia-ia-o
Playing with a bone ia-ia-o
There’s a beautiful dog, dog do-do-dog
There’s the pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s a sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
In the silent room ia-ia-o
After having abundantly eaten ia-ia-o
Sleeps the ox, ox, o-o-x
There’s a beautiful dog, dog, do-do-dog
There’s the pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o
In the old farm ia-ia-o.

Italian Christmas

Feel the warmth of the city
Feel the madness singing
See this sun over me
It brings back the cheerfulness I've lost with you
Free to live like this
Still walking south
I find how this sea can enchant
How I can sail my longing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
We'll keep dancing together
As long as our cheerfulness is intact
Look how this face changes
When I see your smile
When I sing for you
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
Dancing, dancing...
An Italian Christmas where love lives
Underneath a starry sky my skin gets heated by the sunlight
An Italian Christmas for those who love love
For those who live dreaming of summer and winter in the sunlight
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Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Oh, That Hour Has Finally Come

Oh, that hour has finally come,
When I can be here to see you,
With little hope for the mutual feelings.
I languish in the dark,
I'm not purebred - that's a minus,
But I'm noble - that's a plus.
Just for your eyes
I'd fight against a dozen cats.
I'd plunge in abyss without hesitation.
I'd burn up or get drowned for your sake,
No one is hearing me - that's a minus,
But I'm not kicked out, either - that's a plus.
Oh, that hour has finally come,
When I can see you again,
Already having hope for the mutual feelings,
Now you've proved - you're not a coward,
You are so tired - that's a minus,
But I love you - that's a plus.
We won't be separeted ever
By cats, hardships or years,
- I was so looking forward.
- I went through a lot.
We suffered so much - that's a minus,
We're together now - that's a plus.

duck tales

life is a storm
here in Duckburg
airplanes are taking off
everything is traveling, moving
they're solving all crimes
fighting evil
the ducks! woo-hoo
the duck stories never
end! woo-hoo
and there's no need to exaggerate they're
even when danger lies in wait for them
a strong wind is blowing
what do you do then? join
the ducks! woo-hoo
every day there are adventures of
ducks! woo-hoo
victories of heroes
who dare! woo-hoo
they irritate the scoundrels
the ducks! woo-hoo

Belle With Beautiful Hazel Eyes

Oh, belle with beautiful hazel eyes
My heart has fallen for you, what is going to happen to me
(Oh, God) don't give this love to your servants
Addictance is a diseaster, it will be hard
Don't make me cry so that you can laugh, too
So that you can reach your desires and goals
I'm afraid you'll fall in love with some stranger
Don't fall in love, your golden name will turn to be bronze
I'm Gevheri, I have been burned out in the fire of seperation
The longing of my friend does not get out of my heart
I wanted you from God, a while ago
He'll give but I'm afraid it will be hard

Nem vagy egyedül

Milyen mély az óceán,
Milyen mély a szerelmed
Szerelem van a szemeimben
De hogyan érzed magad
Mikor nem kapsz eleget
Félúton a paradicsomba
Ó, a szerelmem a te szerelmed
Örökké és még egy napig
Nem vagy egyedül - ott leszek neked
Nem vagy egyedül - bármit megteszek
Nem vagy egyedül - Te vagy az egyetlen számomra
Nem vagy egyedül - ez nem tragédia
Nem vagy egyedül - Te vagy az egyetlen számomra
Nem vagy egyedül - semmi sincs ingyen
Megtöröd a csendet
Megtörök a szívem
Olyan vagy, mint egy rózsa a hóban
Álmomban beszélek
Nem szakadok szét
Bébi, sosem fogok elmenni
Ó, a szerelmem a te szerelmed
Örökké és még egy napig

Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám

A szerelem mint az óceán
Ég benne az odaadás
Mikor mész, mész, mész, ó nem
A szívem égni érzem, mikor jön az éj.
Menni fogok, megyek, megyek, megyek, ó nem
Bébi, szeretni foglak minden éjjel és minden nap.
Bébi meg foglak csókolni, de el kell mondanom:
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
A szerelmed mint a mennydörgés,
Tűzön táncolok, égő szívvel
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
Ó leány, nem vagyok vadász,
A szerelmed mint egy vágy ég a lelkemben
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
A szerelmed olyan, mint a mennydörgés,
Ó, a szerelem olyan, mint a mennyország: oly' nehéz rátalálni
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
Ó, leány, nem vagyok vadász,
A szerlemed mint egy folyó folyik az eszemben,
Érezni az álmaid szárnyalását, az álmok sosem halnak meg.
Nem megyek, megyek, megyek, ó nem
Szemeid egy történetet meslnek, ó bébi nem aggódj,
Mikor mész, mész, ó nem,
Bébi, mert én szeretlek minden éjjel és minden nap.
Bébi, meg foglak csókolni, de el kell mondanom
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
Ó, leány, nem vagyok vadász,
Szerlemed mint a vágy
Ég a lelkemben.
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
A szerelmed olyan, mint a mennydörgés.
A azerelmed olyan, mint a mennyország, nehéz rátalálni,
Nincs arc, nincs név, nincs szám.
Ó, leány, nem vagyok vadász,
Szerelmed folyóként folyik az eszemben.


[Verse 1]
Stay here and watch me swing
Like old shoes hung out in the sun
Stay here and watch me walk
On the overhead power lines
You know what?
Staying with your feet on the ground is difficult, impossible
You know what?
That today I just want to stay between the clouds
And smoke a bit of weed with you
In the highest place possible
It's as if there weren't any gravity
And we could look down at everything from the top of the city
You're even with me when you're not here
I keep confusing my dreams with reality
And this venom
At this point, is my medicine
If I fall from the sky
It will take me and bring me back to the top again
[Verse 2]
Stay here and watch me stumble
And even forget my own name
Stay here and watch me gravitate
Between the lights of the night club
Like a constellation
You know what?
That even standing here tonight is difficult, impossible
You know what?
Call a taxi to bring me back between the clouds
I don't even know where my house is anymore
You've been my longest journey
It's as if there weren't any gravity
And we could look down at everything from the top of the city
You're even with me when you're not here
I keep confusing my dreams with reality
And this venom
At this point, is my medicine
If I fall from the sky
It will take me and bring me back to the top again
Don't worry about tonight
We're alive as long as the sun rises

A Little Bit from Me


The both of us exhausted at dusk,
Time doesn't breathe.
Without prejudices, without thinking why,
We join our lives.
We've decided to blend into one single being
By tasting every part of our skins,
Kiss by kiss and without giving up.
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
And your body dies of desire... Of desire!
You know that I've lost all sense of decorum
Just so I can love you,
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

There are silences that know how to lie
Under the full moon.
Without permission, nothing needs to be forbidden:
We break all the barriers.
This has been something only between the both of us:
Everything was written deep in our hearts!
I look at you, you look at me,
I give you my life...
Your life is my own ¡ah!
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
And your body dies of desire... Of desire!
You know that I've lost all sense of decorum
Just so I can love you,
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

If we're both feeling equally,
We shouldn't ever renounce to loving:
We only need to take the risk...
Oh, oh, oh...
And, even if you prefer it so,
You shall never forget my love
Because I've reached very deep.
And you know that, deep inside,
Inside your heart,
I know that you cannot forget me.
I'm a scar that you won't ever make disappear
Even with the passing of time.
Understand that you shall never find
Someone like me.
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

(Shake it!)
Your heart is the one in power
And it wants my samba...
From Cuba to Spain
I'm giving my soul to you...
You know that you're my addiction!
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications...
(There's no need for so much fuss, baby...)


Your favorite group
No one understands how this love works
It doesn't break, it doesn't collapse
Nothing will destroy it
I lend them my brain to examine
To annul you from my mind, not even burning my neurons
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Hard, the experts look for a cure
Because I love you insanely
They don't trust that I'm human, girl**
I subject myself to science with lateness
For me, the testosterone only is activated for you
Come and study my brain
Because my conduct isn't normal
And this heart, God made it eternal
Know that this feeling is immortal
In the book of Guinness it will end
A man who has never loved a woman more
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Perpetual, impeccable like light
The insanity of my attitude
I'll tell you again, no one will understand me
You playboy
The Kingz
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Hard, the experts look for a cure
Because I love you insanely
They don't trust that I'm human, girl**
I subject myself to science with lateness
For me, the testosterone only is activated for you
Come and study my brain
Because my conduct isn't normal
And this heart, God made it eternal
Know that this feeling is immortal
In the book of Guinness it will end
A man who has never loved a woman more
Mami, I love you infinitely
Solid like a meteor
They'll never understand what I feel
Perpetual, impeccable like light
The insanity of my attitude
I'll tell you again, no one will understand me
Let's go
Mike fon, fon-fon
Primo, pero dilo
They look at it superficially like an enigma
As though I'm missing a screw, finished off and without a way out
Your craziness disturbed
I yearn for you and value you
More than I do my own life
Yo, ay yo
Te, ay te
Ay Mami yo te amo (I love you)
Yo, ay yo
Te, ay yo
Hasta lo infinito mi amor (Until infinity my love)
Hasta lo infinito, bebé
Te A-aa-mo

DuckTales Intro (Indonesian)

Life is like a hurricane
in Duckburg.
Everyone is racing each other
like a duck.
Solving a mystery,
rewriting history.
DuckTales woo-hoo~
Every is action
DuckTales woo-hoo~
About the good and the bad
The danger is threatening you
and the stranger awaiting for you.
We are the epitome of
DuckTales woo-hoo ~
Every day is action
DuckTales woohoo ~
About the good and the bad
DuckTales woo-hoo ~
Not other stories but
DuckTales! Woohoo!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Airplane Windows

Right in the center
you arrived like an anticyclone
right in the center
you shot and i lost my mind
you knit a spiderweb
burning my bowels
arriving to that corner
I see my eyelashes jumping/falling
all those rheums
from plane window dreams
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
from acid rain
cellophan paper smiles
my skin is burning
in fireproof flames
and no one will ever see it
I don't know if i want to escape
or rather get caught
by this darkness
To melt in a frozen hug
in an invisible cage
from this apparent reality
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
lost in this sea

Huey, Dewey, Louie on Adventure

Come along to Ducktown,
Meet some familiar faces
Scrooge, Donald, people and animals
Offer suspense
Here, where most things happen,
Where most live
Join us - aha!
On adventures with Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!
Adventures with Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!
They got a solution when it's pinching
That's when it really takes off piping
Cause a ruckus with Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!
Adventures with Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!
Adventures with Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!
No, no one's quite like Huey, Dewey, Louie - aha!

DuckTales Intro (Dutch)

Life is a whirlwind
Here in Duckstad
Cars, lasers, airplanes
Darn, it is something
Brave heroes draft into the fields
Ducktales (woaw!)
Everytime you experience more in
Ducktales (woaw!)
Everything you dream happens in Ducktales
Sometimes you've been put in a thight spot
You have to run for your life
Just hold on thight to
Ducktales (woaw!)
You hear, you see everything in those
Ducktales (Woaw!)
Get into the adventure with
Ducktales (Waow!)
Yes, every week you enjoy
Ducktales (woaw!)


Duckburg, yeah that’s the city
Where it all happens
Rascals and planes with propellers
Feel it in your body
Life is scary
History is changing
In Ducklife, ooh ooh
If you want excitement, just watch
And for a cheap price, you get Ducklife!
D-d-d-dangerous are
Those who hunt
Be careful
Every day
But you’ll always be saved by
Ducklife, ooh ooh
If you want excitement, just watch
And for a cheap price, you get Ducklife!
First or last, it doesn’t matter!
In Ducklife!
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

DuckTales (Latin Spanish)

Many adventures there
in duckburg
With the bad guys
and also the good guys
There will be mysteries,
stories of birds
Ducks, wo-oh
Great adventures with the
ducks Wo-oh
Ducktales we
call them
Great dangers
to circumvent them
to dodge
This and more you can enjoy with...
Ducks, wo-oh
Ducktales of
emotions Wo-oh
Ducktales by
heaps Wo-oh
You will see everything here with
Ducks, Wo-oh.
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Master Champion

It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
In the Crystal World,
Where WE live
There are Crystal Monsters everywhere
Caves, forest, mountains
Where they are
Companions and friends to help
but there are bad ones
they all have the power!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion
I wanna know how to do it
it has been my dream
i wanna be the greatest
the best of them all! YEAH!!
1, 2, 3, Hit it!
It's charisma
inspiring US
To respect
To look up to
To get the title named,
Master Champion
They are not easy
Challenging us
To reach
To deserve it
To get the title named,
Master Champion

Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna

[Verse 1]
A fél éjszakát bulival töltöm,
együtt nevetek a srácokkal,
túl sok bort iszok,
és koccintunk a szép időkre.
Azt hiszed minden rendben, ezt mondom a barátaidnak,
de tudom, hogy hazudok, egyedül fekszem az ágyban,
és csak te jársz az eszemben,
de erről te sosem fogsz tudni.
De ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
elmondaná, hogy még mindig hiányzol.
[Verse 2]
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna, hallanád ahogy azt mondja 'Még őrzöm a helyed'.
Azt mondják, az idő begyógyítja a sebeket,
de én mindenhol csak a te arcodat látom.
Azt hiszed minden rendben, ezt mondom a barátaidnak,
de tudom, hogy hazudok, egyedül fekszem az ágyban,
és csak te jársz az eszemben,
de erről te sosem fogsz tudni.
De ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
elmondaná, hogy még mindig hiányzol.
És ha el is mondanám, lenne valami ami megváltozna?
Ugyanezt érzed te is?
Vagy idegenek vagyunk, akik csak magukat okolhatják?
És igen, gondolkodom, hogy még mindig szeretsz-e?
De ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
elmondaná, hogy még mindig hiányzol.
Ha ez az ágy beszélni tudna...
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EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Duckburg Intro (DuckTales)

In the amazing Duckburg
The earth is shaking
We all have a hurry
Once here, once there
It can be possible
Ridiculous and terrible
Who knows! Woo-hoo!
In Duckburg there always is something new! Woo-hoo!
What is new comfortably says woo-hoo!
D-d-d-dramas without borders
They lurk here behind the door
And what about it, it is quite for crying! Woo-hoo!
Sometimes we laugh with the word quack quack! Woo-hoo!
Here in our Ducky Duckburg! Woo-hoo!
Every moment is something new! Woo-hoo!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Ducksadventures (DuckTales) [Intro]

They live like hurricanes
Cars, lasers, planes
All up to date
A good mystery
To make history!
Ducks! Woo-hoo!
Adventures all day
Ducks! Woo-hoo
Fun, risky stories
they're here!
behind you
There's a stranger
near you
It's best to run and go away,
Ducks! Woo-hoo!
Adventures all day
Ducks! Woo-hoo
Fun, risky stories
they're here! Woo-hoo!
Not bad wolves nor fairytales
Ducks! Woo-hoo
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

The Adventure Hunters (DuckTales) [Intro]

Here comes a hurricane
Excitement comes
It's got racing and aeroplanes
It's got sensation
Old castles
Beautiful duels
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Our friends
face them
But there are dangers
which chase them off
All of that
happens in
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
It's the adventure
hunters! Woo-hoo!
All of them are great
figures! Oo-oo!
Therefore, the kids just want
DuckTales! Woo-hoo!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to