Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 19

Találatok száma: 914


Music of Heavens

Versions: #1
The blue time tells me goodbye
My sheltering umbrella casts me aside
Without me noticing, summer came to visit
I howl. 'Where am I? Who am I?'
I kill the destination so that there is no end
I stitch the scenery together until there's nothing familiar left
I can't step out of this forest that I've built for myself
Why haven't I started walking?
Why haven't I made anything?
And so nothing has started
I surpass the corpses and those who rot but move forward
The blade of impulse that I ring out now smashes up the world
Before the glow of sunrise overtakes me
I don't care about this soggy, broken up sound
Music of heavens
The pick I whittled, the guitar that completely rotted away
Exposed my door in vain
The autumn that I passed through will soon be here
Let's begin, hide the unsightly truth
Why was I standing still?
Why did I continue the rejection?
And in the future where the trouble continues
The sound of buds blooming madly will cast aside the way back home
The blade of impulse that I ring out now smashes up the world
The sound piercing through those swaying bubbles
So beautifully they dazzle my eyes
Music of heavens
The petals of a now fully bloomed look of madness adorn the world
Before the glow of sunrise overtakes me
This raising voice touches its core,
Music of heavens

Pretty thing

Versions: #1
The way you are
From head to toe
It doesnt matter how
Just thinking about it
I know I will be
Dying for love
For love
Pretty thing
I`ll go everywhere you go
You dont even have to ask
Pretty thing
I`ll go everywhere you go
Like mornings
Like mint tea
Like going to the sea
Pretty, just like that
With a sleepy face
Fooling the sunrise
The sunrise
Pretty thing
I`ll go everywhere you go
You dont even have to ask
Pretty thing
I`ll go everywhere you go
If beauty lives in your eyes
In mine you arrived and decided to stay
To make it your home
To make it your home

Nina Santiago

Pico de Antónia1
It broke through the cloud
And it rained a lot
Labor pain
Energy not even to pray
I understood the meaning of the verb to love
Each with their experience
Nina Nina Nina
Nina Santiago with love
Nina, Nina, Nina
Nina Santiago my love
In your name
The cradle found the star and hugged each other
They were on the same level
Above you only God
Root and flower
Supernova Old Town
God keep you on your way
Mirror my mirror
Nina Nina Nina
Nina Santiago with love
Nina, Nina, Nina
Nina Santiago my love
  • 1. The highest mountain in the interior of the island of Santiago

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 4 Air S: Does your name instil, my saviour.

Air S
Does your name instil, my saviour, does it instil
Even the tiniest seed
Of that fierce terror?
No, you yourself say (No!)
Shall I now be afraid of death?
No, your sweet word is there!
Or should I rejoice?
Yes, you my saviour say it yourself (Yes !)

BWV 248 IV Cntata for New Year 2 And when eight days were passed.

Recitative T
And when eight days were passed
And the child was to be circumcised
He was given the name Jesus
as he had been called by the angel
Before he was conceived in his mother's body.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.

I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!

BWV 248 Cantata for New Year, 1.Chorus: With gratitude, with praise.

With gratitude, with praise,
fall before the Almighty's throne of grace!
God's Son
desires to become
the Savior and Redeemer of the world,
God's Son
suppresses the rage and fury of the enemy.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for new year 5 Recitative B S: O joy, thy name shall now alone.

O joy, thy name shall now alone
Within my bosom dwell!
Jesus, my true joy and pleasure,
My true treasure, share and hope,
Thus will I call thy name with rapture
When breast and heart for thee with love are burning.
My salvation, crown and health,
But, dearest, tell me now:
How thee to praise, how thee to thank.
King and shepherd, sun and radiance,
Ah, how shall I worthily,
My Lord Jesus, give thee praise?

BWV 245 János-passió 24 Ária B és Kórus: Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek.

Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek,
hagyjátok el szenvedéseitek helyét!
A Golgotára!
Keljetek útra a hitnek szárnyain,
A Kereszt dombjára.
Ott virágzik üdvötök.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 10: Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat.

Ária A
Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat,
egykor majd felébredsz mindnyájunk üdvére.
Most légy boldog
anyád kebelén
szívünk örömére.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 8: Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban.

8. Korál
Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban,
kinek uralma mindenre kiterjed!
Hol elébb egy jószág kereste táplálékát,
ott most a Szűznek gyermeke pihen.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 9: Pásztorok, menjetek oda.

Recitativo B
Pásztorok, menjetek oda,
hogy lássátok a csodát,
ott találjátok majd Isten Fiát
kemény jászolban feküdni.
Énekeljetek bölcsőjénél
kedves hangon altató dalt,
együtt a kórussal.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 10: Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.

Air A
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!

BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.

8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.

Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!

BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.

What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.

The best summer

Wind blows the text book to which page
Four seasons change very fast
Before the bell rang
Stay with my table mate one more time
This graduate is just a comma
Leaves flew and sun dazzling our eyes
There's a whole new world out of the school
How to make
A nice goodbye
Every memory is so special
When we join the social life in the future
Remember to look back our photos
Right here waiting to chat with you
Listen to your golden memories
Please don't forget those years
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry
The face we can recall
Leaves flew and sun dazzling our eyes
There's a whole new world out of the school
How to make
A nice goodbye
Every memory is so special
When we join the social life in the future
Remember to look back our photos
Right here waiting to chat with you
Listen to your golden memories
Please don't forget those years
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry again
This time
This moment
If it's very hard to say goodbye
Then we promise to meet up next time
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry again
Familiar faces
Missing you

Angel bodyguard

Protect me
In your arms
I want you to embrace me till I'm broken
Protect me
Love is a strange force
Because you're my angel bodyguard
On a sunny bench of the green park
Turning my back
I had a quarrel without hearing you
Yes, it's boring
Though I know your pride, I got upset
But my heart says the opposite, with your poker face
If you're not by my side, I can't live
Rescue me
A moment ago
I want you to finish that evil bug
Rescue me
Love is an ally of justice
Because you're my angel bodyguard
Because I say '1, 2, 3, 4, sorry'
Hey, since a while
Let me take good care of you
After all, I just tried you a little
I wanted to presume of your wideness to forgive me
Protect me
Don't break my heart
Before anything, I'm not scared
Protect me
Love is for our good
Because you're my angel bodyguard
Protect me
In your arms
I want you to embrace me till I'm broken
Protect me
Love is a strange force
Because you're my angel bodyguard
Unknown people, don't come close to me

Most, hogy elmégy

Én ma összetört lélekkel ébredtem fel
Ma búcsúzkodás nélkül bocsátottalak el
menj lassan, hogy ne érezd a lépéseidet
menj csendben, ne halljam a hangodat
Nem tagadom, hogy sajnos félek
szembenézni az élettel tenélküled
És most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
vidd magaddal az egész életem
Azt sem tudom, merre távozol
de megértem, hogy el kell hagynod
és most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
emlékezz, a szerelem várni fog terád
még akkor is, ha nem térsz vissza többé
ígérem, hogy nem feledlek el téged
hogyan is felejthetnélek el téged
Nem alszom, csak az arcod emléke kísért
Reggelenként általában Istenhez könyörgöm
hogy ne bántson hogy elszakadtál a karjaimból
Már nem bírtam elviselni ennyi fájdalmat
Nem tagadom, hogy sajnos félek
szembenézni az élettel tenélküled
És most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
vidd magaddal az egész életem
Azt sem tudom, merre távozol
de megértem, hogy el kell hagynod
és most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
emlékezz, a szerelem várni fog terád
még akkor is, ha nem térsz vissza többé
ígérem, hogy nem feledlek el téged
Tudom, hiányzik a szabad levegő neked
és percek múlva elhagysz engemet
a tehetetlenség, hogy elveszítelek
felemészti már a lelkemet
Tudom, hiányzik a szabad levegő neked
és percek múlva elhagysz engemet
Tudom, hogy ez itt az utolsó lélegzeted
s holnaptól már nem leszel velem
És most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
vidd magaddal az egész életem
Azt sem tudom, merre távozol
de megértem, hogy el kell hagynod
és most, hogy te elmégy tőlem
emlékezz, a szerelem várni fog terád
még akkor is, ha nem térsz vissza többé
ígérem, hogy nem feledlek el téged
hogyan is felejthetnélek el téged

BWV 245, 20 Ária T: Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte.

Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte háta
az égbolthoz hasonló!
Ott, amint bűneink
özönének árja lezúdult,
ragyog a mindennél szebb szivárvány,
mint Isten kegyelmének jele.


The son drank for another month
And at the beautiful dawn
He convulsed, crying
Now the liquor would win
Then mother entered the room
Hearing the lamentation
Quietly she looked at the drunk
Pale as death
She closed the curtains
Sat on a chair
As her son coughed
Blood on the floor
There was nothing to say
A hand was not reaching for the other
Mothers look went out
To the morning sun
So passed an hour, and another
And the sons bed went quiet
So mother got dressed
And pulled boots on
Crossed the field
To the neighbours house
Carefully stepped in
To the faint light
She was not in a hurry
There was only one concern
'Please call the church
my son just died'

BWV 245 20 Aria T: Consider how his back so stained with bleeding.

Consider how his back so stained with bleeding
In every portion
Doth heaven imitate,
On which, when once the waves and waters
From our own Flood of sin have settled,
The world's most lovely rainbow, arching,
As God's own sign of blessing stands!

Good day

Today is a good day
Day of realization
Today is a good day
To finish the job
Today I hate myself
I understand what I am
I know where I came from
And where I'm going
Today everything glimmers
In bright lights
Today is a good day
To see through the smiles
Today the lovely sun
Burns the liars
Today is a good day
The final day

Sumida river

If I follow you dressed in yukata
You look like my dad, stubborn and very shy
When the Tamaya fireworks bang on the Sumida River
This year I want to go on a journey clip-clopping my sandals
Ah, from the old times of Edo
I was the wife with who you exchanged sake cups
Tonight I'll drink a bit of sake too
Because I'm a good woman like mom
If I could have children like small eggplants
Thinking of you, I'd want to eat a watermelon
The happiness of the sparklers that can't be bought with money
Is little but for me it's Japan's best
Ah, from the old times of Edo
We were the spouses who appeared on Rakugos
Since every day I prepare you some tasty rice
Be a good man like my dad
Ah, from the old times of Edo
I was the wife with who you exchanged sake cups
Tonight I'll drink a bit of sake too
Because I'm a good woman like mom

In Your Smile

I know well that he's a jealous degenerate
That's why you've denied our love
How good that you've kept it quiet
How good that you've lied to him
How good for the three of us, it's for the best
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you

Angel who woke from dreams

Goodbye lovers
It's the time of promises
Often the silhouettes wave their hands
The street separates from twilight
An important address
Warmed up in my chest
Everybody place it
In the door of memories
Angel who woke from dreams
Don't be hurt and alone
I'll be near you
With my friend smile
Angel who woke from dreams
Even if the journey is far
Open the wings of freedom
And catch me
A diary covered in dust
Meets a faded picture
Because I could lament the season that goes away
But we won't be lovers
I overcut my hair
In the innocent sunlight
Soon will come again
Because I saw the brilliance
Angel who woke from dreams
I see you far
We will always be together
Under the same today's sky
Angel who woke from dreams
I started to feel hurt
In the middle of a lonely journey
Catch me
Angel who woke from dreams
Even if the journey is far
Open the wings of freedom
Someday I'll arrive
Without erasing my dreams

第六天魔王 (Dairokuten Maou)

Colorful is our flag
Black are your swords
Colorful is our enemy
Black is your punishment
Colorful is our flag
Black are your swords
Colorful is our enemy
Black is your punishment
Heaven, you lack the blessing
Light thirst, blood thirst1
The devil always rides
Heaven, you lack the fighting power
I drag everyone into this hell
It is the time of the lunatics
In the middle of the flood
grows our rising typhoon
In the middle of the flood
grows our rising typhoon
Indulge yourselves in lust
just a little bit more
Give your lives
We are in heaven
  • 1. Not sure about this part, there may be an error in the original lyrics.

Just Dance

It's hard to say which kind of style
You would like to follow
Being happy for his happy
It doesn't work this time
Well listen to adrenaline's speaking
Don't say you're rushing to leave
Okay have some burps and then announce in advance tonight
Will untangle muscle and bones which being introvert for a long time
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories
No matter which kind of rhythm
Invite more people to keep it up
Who will be the first one, and then I'm going to mess it up
Very competent to acting crazy
Well listen to adrenaline's speaking
Don't say you're rushing to leave
Okay have some burps and then announce in advance tonight
Will untangle muscle and bones which being introvert for a long time
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories
You do what you want to do
What? Just do what you want to do
What do you want to do if not to dance now
Slightly broken can be forgiven
Selective forgetting of stagnant levels
Sweat a bit before going home
What do you want to do if not to dance now
There has no date, therefore, where is your strength
Instead of taking care of one hair as reeling silk from cocoons
Please waste your calories

BWV 248, II, 6 Recitativo: A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra.

A jel pedig ez lesz számotokra:
találtok egy kisgyermeket,
aki bepólyálva
fekszik a jászolban.


Létre hozok csak neked egy világot
Mert a mostani túl kicsi és soha nem fogod megtalálni
Azt aki majd meggyógyítja a nagy szíved, ha valaki megbántja
Az idő nem múlik a gravitáció nélkül
És még ha a hazugok igazat is mondanak
Lesz egy házunk a Marson időmegosztásban
Te vagy a hercegnő, aki ha megcsókol egy békát
Herceg lesz belőle
A testőr leszek, aki mindig melletted van
Aki neked adja az életét
A rosszak már eltűntek a veteránok miatt
Vissza kellett, hogy vonuljanak
Aztán jött egy cigány, aki a tenyeredből olvasott
Azt mondta nekem, hogy repülni fogsz
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Veszek neked egy dinoszauruszt akit Juannak fognak hívni
Ezerszer több ereje van mint Szupermannek
Hogy nyaralni mehessen repülve
Mert egy kicsit nagy ahhoz, hogy furgonba üljön
Ha minden szeretetünket leírom egy darab papírra
És az összes történetünk a tengeren van
Ha arra hajózol, elolvashatod őket
Így egy új világot hozol létre
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Habár nem ismerlek, nem ismerlek jól
Van valami a szememben, ami mindig a tiéd lesz
És minden éjszaka egy új történetet hozok létre
Mert egész életemben az én Elenám leszel

My opulent darling

Your eyes are two seas that drowned my heart,
Tonight, my dreams are boats in the deep.
I loved you and as long as I love I will breathe for you
When you're far, each minute feels more and more like death 1
But if you ever need me and you want to return, and you can't find the strength to face me again
Leave one of your tears, my soul 2 on my front steps.
If you ever need me on a winter night, come, cherish it 3 and kiss me on the mouth
Hide your silence in the colour of the moon
My opulent darling
My opulent darling
Your eyes are two witches that took my mind
And my nights are lit up by my grievances 4
But if you ever need me and you want to return, and you can't find the strength to face me again
Leave one of your tears, my soul, on my front steps.
If you ever need me on a winter night, come, cherish it and kiss me on the mouth
Hide your silence in the colour of the moon
My opulent darling
My opulent darling
  • 1. A takeoff on the old adage 'I can't live without you'.
  • 2. He's not talking to his actual soul here, but rather his love interest.
  • 3. Referring to their time together.
  • 4. As in, he can't sleep because he's so discontent.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

You tore it into pieces

You're telling me that you don't want my love,
That whatever you had with me was completely repulsive.
You're telling me that you don't want to touch me ever again,
And that you want to hide my light forever 1
You're telling me that you're going to go far away from me,
Then maybe you should fill my empty heart.
And here I am, shouting, 'What am I supposed to do?'
You're telling me that I will always lose those whom I love.
You tore my entire life to pieces,
And I have tears in my eyes from your soul.
You tore my body into pieces,
And grand dreams 2 remained in the dirt.
You're telling me that it's not worth it for you to stay near me,
You're opening the door and leaving me alone.
You're telling me that you're going to throw fire on my life 3
And maybe then you'd be mine alone.
You're telling me a thousand words that all judge me
Your eyes are now so far away that they're leaving me alone.
And if everything ended and I felt any pain,
You've forever bound me to you like a slave.
  • 1. This sounds like she wants to murder him.
  • 2. Literally, 'palace dreams'.
  • 3. Again, this sounds like a death threat.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου