A keresés eredménye oldal 1
Találatok száma: 69
Szülőhazám a Szerelmem
Versions: #1Szerelmem vagy te, szép hazám,
Neked adtam szivem,
Te vagy, viruló észt hazám,
Vágyam és örömem.
Szívemben napfényed ragyog,
Ha te örülsz, boldog vagyok,
Szerelmem vagy te, szép hazám,
Nem hagylak téged el,
Teérted száz kínt, száz halált
Elszenvedek, ha kell.
Irigy szava hozzád nem ér,
Képed, mint rég szívemben él,
Szerelmem vagy te, szép hazám
S majd megpihenve lent
Öledben béke vár reám
Észtország, drága, szent'.
Madárraj őrzi álmomat,
Poromból friss virág fakad,
[Verse 1]Hagyjuk, hogy megmondják nekünk, mit tegyünk, miért, miért, miért?
Azért élünk, hogy méltó dolgokért haljunk meg, ya, ya, ya
Megígértük, hogy sosem hagyjuk el a büszkeségünket
A szavad semmit sem ér, ha hazudsz
Emelt fővel állunk és felnézünk, apánk büszke lenne ránk
És boldogan felkészülök az utamra
Mi leszünk az utolsó lélegzők itt
Hé, énekeld ki a szíved, fiú
Minden embernek, nagynak és kicsinek
Oh, ha már minden más elveszett
A jövő még mindig a miénk marad
[Verse 2]
Azt hittük, azért születtünk, hogy veszítsünk, miért, miért, miért?
Ne pazarold a lélegzetet, ideje dönteni, ya, ya, ya
Megígértük, hogy sosem hagyjuk el a büszkeségünket
Minden nap megpróbálják hazugsággá formálni
Emelt fővel állunk és felnézünk, apánk büszke lenne ránk
És boldogan felkészülök az utamra
Azt mondtam, 'Hé, énekeld ki a szíved, fiú
Minden embernek, nagynak és kicsinek
Oh, ha már minden más elveszett
A jövő még mindig a miénk marad'
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem
[Verse 1]
Hagyjuk, hogy megmondják nekünk, mit tegyünk, miért, miért, miért?
Azért élünk, hogy méltó dolgokért haljunk meg, ya, ya, ya
Mindegy mivel próbálják darabokra törni az életünket
Tudom, hogy mindig fel fogunk állni
Azt mondtam, 'Hé, énekeld ki a szíved, fiú
Minden embernek, nagynak és kicsinek
Oh, ha már minden más elveszett
A jövő még mindig a miénk marad'
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem, remélem
A jövő még mindig a miénk marad
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Remélem, remélem, remélem
Some Things
I love you in silenceLike someone who listens to a symphony
Of silences and light
We are fear and desire
We are made of silence and sound
There are some things that I don't know how to say
There would be no sound
If there was no silence
There would be no light
If there was no dark
Life is really like that
Day and night, no and yes
I love you in silence
Like someone who listens to a symphony
Of silences and light
We are fear and desire
We are made of silence and sound
There are some things that I don't know how to say
Every voice that sings about love doesn't say
All that it wants to say
All that is silenced
Speaks louder to the heart
I silently talk to you, passionately
I love you in silence
Like someone who listens to a symphony
Of silences and light
We are fear and desire
We are made of silence and sound
There are some things that I don't know how to say
There are some things that I don't know how to say...
You're not
You're not like the other lovesI feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
I've been going to nightclubs
And fell for loves that lasted one night
But I found a place in your heart
So as not to fall into the mud again
You're not like the other loves
I feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
I wasn't living even if I was saying that I was living
My biggest love in life
But what I loved was fake
Until I met you and you changed me
You're not like the other loves
I feel so strong with you
You're not like the other loves
You're my last stop
My Summer
My summer begins againIt's the stuffiest afternoon of the year
In the garden, we are drinking wine, white and cool1
Light conversation and my thoughts sail away
The sea burbles, the light changes colour
From the radio, some tried musicians crack through
They are given some medicine, they take some medicine*
of snow and bushes [it's] imbued2
Nerves, laughter grassy, on stages a startled
gaze, we feel warm and in the distance, Siberia is in flames and
gusts of wind change, it's time to get
ready, having taken a look at each other3, we must go
What inflames next, don't wanna know
The winds of the world are quiet like swines in rye
I listen to more rap, I become a nut-head4
But my summer begins again every day
it starts, starts every day
My summer begins in a new manner every morning
There have never been this many spare moments
Barefoot at 5 am I amble 5 inside
When around me the world falls into a heck
But this train is gone, give me a blanket
We still have time to die here by bonfires
before the catastrophe runs to my doorstep
Then give me paper and give me fire too
The sun swells over and behind the meadows
Pleasant buzzling around the summer house
Free of consequences just a while longer
and in the yard apples are ripening
The winds of the world are quiet like swines in rye
I listen to more rap, I become a nut-head
But my summer begins again every day
it starts, starts every day
In my heart, eternal July when I, you see,
get drunk on love, art, vodka
and when I close my eyes, it has all arrives
Unfortunately too late already
I sink on the sand and in the clicker of three-trunks
I fall asleep on the veranda, cards in my hand
Cookie crumbs on my blanket and book
Hands carry [me?] to bed, half-asleep
I wake up in mid-November
in the centre of the town and there is hollowness in my thoughts
Between twos of summers
and in my dreams still hands around [me?]
The winds of the world are quiet like swines in rye
I listen to more rap, I become a nut-head
But my summer begins again every day
it starts, starts every day
Next Week
Maybe I haveoverlooked1 the blessing of my life
and every day [s]he stands there
over the crossroad under a white umbrella
Hair pushed behind her ears
When the weather has become cool
the substance of her eyes is hot
I roam around and by the end of the sunset(?)
I show my teeth and won't develop
To shake, without violence, the comfort of anxiety
out of your sleeves is hard.
And hopes shatter into 100 pieces
When the weather has become cool
the substance of her eyes is hot
There is an endless amount of time +for it+ until it ends
Caught2 endlessness won't make me right3
I do everything the next week
and I promise I will write to her
It hasn't all dwindled 4 and
I somehow still manage
I am truly afraid to miss out on
her who could meet
me, red-handed, when watchfulness is asleep,
would paint four walls with a light colour
Still, I uselessly let myself be cowardly
When the weather has become cool
the substance of her eyes is hot
I push the door closed finally
and if/when something suddenly dawns (to me),
I won't take it was a surprise or damage
Say hello at the right moment
I'd even imagine if necessary
When the weather has become cool
the substance of her eyes is hot
There is an endless amount of time +for it+ until it ends
Caught endlessness won't make me right
I do everything the next week
and I promise I will write to her
It hasn't all dwindled 4 and
I somehow still manage
Love of Distance
I remember that, when I was in the houseof my mother, in the farmland,
I had a window that looked out
onto meadows
I Don’t Know
I think your way of smilingis sweeter than the sun
on this vase of flowers
already a little
faded -
I think that maybe it’s good
that from me fall
all the trees -
That I be a white, deserted yard
to your voice - that maybe
draws the shady paths
for the new
4 October 1933