A keresés eredménye oldal 2
Találatok száma: 69
Until Now
One more word from your mouth
Another moment and everything is new
A memory here keeps you in my mind
A promise that I still remember
If I only could
I would bring everything back
Is the time
that we spent together, over?
Just tell me
How do we go ahead from here?
I can't leave it
To ever lose you...
You take my hand and I'm melting like ice
I can't see the end to this sadness
A memory here keeps you in my mind
A promise that I still remember
If I only could
I would bring everything back
We can't leave it
I'm never ready to lose you
Until now
I'm tired of this game
It seems endless
We take a look backwards and I know:
We can't leave it
To ever lose us...
We can't (leave it like that)
To ever lose you...
How much longer?
minutes become hours
and weeks become months
but we haven't had the time
to talk about us
we haven't had the time
let's see what happens
it sounded like a plan
even though our feet
had long been raised from the ground
who even knows how long ago
it started seeming like
it doesn't hurt anymore
autumn is here again
and we press the knife
deeper and deeper
how much longer
do we lie to ourselves
this flame for us
doesn't disappear anywhere
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two
some are pretty big
and some are gone
I'm counting the scars
left from untreated wounds
there's still scars left
we are burning ourselves from the inside
hiding the truth like that
from everybody
and nobody notices
nobody notices that
what did you ask
whatever I answered
it's better for you to forget
it wasn't important back then
and it isn't important right now either
how much longer
do we lie to ourselves
this flame for us
doesn't disappear anywhere
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two
how much longer
do we escape from each other
I know that it could be
better for everybody
but not for us two
Áprilisi tréfa
Egy levél csupán, melyben nem magyarázod meg, miért,
S még tán bocsánatot sem kérsz semmiért.
Hogy is múlhatott el minden, ennyi emléket, mondd, hogyan törölhettél?
Egy levél csupán, mely az asztalomon hever
De hogy is téphettél egy szívet két félbe, hogyan?
Mintha mindaz csak egy ártatlan tréfa lett volna...
Azt kívánom, bár egy április tréfa lenne,
Mikor elmentél, s én magamban vagyok csupán, egyre
A hidegtől reszketek, most, hogy elmentél, Kedvesem
S minden csupán fölösleges dolognak tűnik nekem...
Április tréfa volt, tán csupán csak ennyi,
S tán mégsem tudtál tőlem olyan messze menni...
De mégis..., külön útra tértél, te drága,
S most minden sötétbe burkolózva vész a végtelen homályba...
Az a búcsú úgy tört el bennem mindent, mint még semmi e világon,
Beteggé tesz, meggyötör, már semmire sem vágyom,
Már nincs megoldás, hiába keresem,
Egy elhadart 'hát szervusz', két szó csupán, csak ez maradt nekem
E sok fájdalmat eztán el hogyan viselhetem?
Bár csak egy éjszakára újra eljönnél hozzám, Kedvesem!
Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só
Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só
Csipetnyi szerelem, csipetnyi méz
És ha mindezt összekevered
Elmondhatod, hogy megtörtént végre
Minden nap elsétált mellettem
Azt sem tudta, hogy létezem
Nem tudhatta, hogy a szerelmem
Tőle nem messze virágzott
A környékbeli boszorkánynál
Beszélhettem róla végül
Hosszasan, hosszasan nézett rám
Majd ezt válaszolta:
'Csipetnyi bors, csipetnyi só'
'Csipetnyi szerelem, csipetnyi méz'
'És ha mindezt összekevered'
'Elmondhatod, hogy megtörtént végre'
Minden további nélkül követtem
A nekem adott tanácsait
Hogy elnyerjem ennek a jóképű fiúnak a szerelmét
Mindent meg akartam próbálni
Vettem egy üveg brandyt
Százhuszonegy fokosat
És miközben erősen rá gondoltam
Bölcsen hozzáadtam egy
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
Csipetnyi szerelmet, csipetnyi mézet
És mikor minden összekeveredett
Történt, aminek történnie kellett
Tom topo tom tom tom to tom...
Tom topo tom tom tom to tom...
Egy szép napon eljött hozzám
A mama hívta meg
Megitattam vele a gyógyteámat
És azóta minden megváltozott
Szeretem őt, ő is szeret engem, szeretjük egymást
Mint egy tündérmesében
Hogy egy fiú belédszeressen
Csak adj neki egy
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
Csipetnyi szerelmet, csipetnyi mézet
Csipetnyi borsot, csipetnyi sót
The sea rolls up upon the sand
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has a wife
It is married to the sand
Can touch it when it wants
Even the sea is married
Even the sea has little children
It's married to the sand
And the children are the little fish
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and it faints
Because it feels happiness
Hey, sea, you're a lion
You want to eat everybody
I do not know how can the man
Win you waves
Hey, sea, you don't melt your heart
(There isn't a) ship that doesn’t break you
Hey, sea, you didn't fulfill
What you’ve dealt with me
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody can hear what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
I heard the mermaid singing
In the middle of that sea
How many ships are lost
Hearing that sound of her
Even the fish of the sea
Peck on the whale
I never saw a single man
Going out with ugly woman
The sea rolls up upon the sand
Nobody knows what he says
It hits the sand and collapses
Because it feels happiness
Verse 1
Look what you've done again
I'm not usually like this
But I'm moving to your rhythm
You're the wind and the music
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart
Verse 2
Look what you've done with us
How my heart beat
It beats for the both of us
It beats exactly like yours beats
This force which has attracted me
It's something that's too hard to control
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
The memory of you doesn't, doesn't, doesn't leave me alone
Your scent is my oxygen, oxygen
You're a typhoon, yeah, you leave me breathless
Take me to, take me to, take me to cloud nine
Take me to your heart
The big oak
1. ||: Dear sisters, my dears, :||
||: let's go to sweep the sea, :||
||: to sweep from under the sea. :||
||: What did I find by sweeping? :||
||: I found an oak by sweeping. :||
2. ||: I took the oak onto my back, :||
||: I took it to father's garden. :||
||: Grow, oak, reach, oak, :||
||: grow, oak, into the sky, :||
||: slip your branches into the clouds. :||
||: The oak didn't grow, the oak didn't reach, :||
||: the oak didn't grow into the sky, :||
||: the branches didn't slip into the clouds. :||
3. ||: I took the oak onto my back, :||
||: I took it to mother's garden. :||
||: Grow, oak, reach, oak, :||
||: slip your branches into the clouds. :||
||: The oak didn't grow, the oak didn't reach, :||
||: the branches didn't slip into the clouds. :||
4. ||: I took the oak onto my back, :||
||: I took it to my brother's door. :||
||: Grow, oak, reach, oak, :||
||: slip your branches into the clouds. :||
||: The oak didn't grow, the oak didn't reach, :||
||: the branches didn't slip into the clouds. :||
5. ||: I took the oak onto my back, :||
||: I took it to my sister's door. :||
||: Grow, oak, reach, oak, :||
||: Slip your branches into the clouds. :||
||: The oak didn't grow, the oak didn't reach, :||
||: The branches didn't drive the clouds. :||
6. ||: I took the oak onto my back, :||
||: I took it to the groom's door. :||
||: Grow, oak, reach, oak, :||
||: slip your branches into the clouds. :||
||: The oak grew, the oak reached, :||
||: the branches slipped into the clouds. :||
7. ||: Come together, young men! :||
||: We will ponder :||
||: what will become of this oak. :||
||: The roots went to God, :||
||: the middle became church pews, :||
||: the treetop became a children's songboard, :||
||: the branches became an organ board. :||
8. ||: What left was little chips, :||
||: from which the maiden got a chest. :||
||: It screeched when it was closed, :||
||: it sang when it was opened. :||
||: It screeched like a church door, :||
||: it sang like a boat hatch. :||
Bathyscaphe Katiuscas
One-seat bathyscaphe
your focus on the abyss
of the deepest waters
those that only you can probe.
Socialist bathyscaphe
writing a tragic report,
comrade, machinist
at the oceanographic insititute.
Solitary bathyscaphe
you're on a planetary route.
Sunrays delve into the ocean blue,
the seaweed turns green and the stars shine,
it's become dark and the plankton lights up
and the whales sing 30000km away from here.
Sunrays delve into the ocean blue,
the seaweed turns green and the stars shine,
it's become dark and the plankton lights up
and the mermaids sing nearby to not exist.
Socialist bathyscaphe
writing a tragic report,
professor Yuri Puscas
at the oceanographic insititute.
Bathyscaphe Katiuscas
you are making a visionary atlas.
Sunrays delve into the ocean blue,
the seaweed turns green and the stars shine,
it's become dark and the plankton lights up
and the whales sing 30000km away from here.
Sunrays delve into the ocean blue,
the seaweed turns green and the stars shine,
it's become dark and the plankton lights up
and the mermaids sing nearby to not exist.
Like Ay!
Look me in the eye if I turn around
And do what you are going to do with me ay!
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
Until sunrise
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
What do you say? You say
Close the door and give me that love?
Close the door for me, the two of us until dawn
Close the door for me, now you will know me
You an angel, I a bad woman
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
I want to see you take off your shirt
You can't control yourself
I'll eat you up
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
Until sunrise
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
What do you say? You say ...
Close the door and give me that love?
Close the door for me, both of us til dawn
Close the door for me now, you're going to know me
You're an angel, I'm a bad woman
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
Like Ay! Oh! Oh!
And when you touch me
You touch my soul
That felt the best ...
I felt, feeling
And when you touch me
I touch the sky
That felt the best ...
I felt, feeling
Close the door and give me that love?
Close the door for me both until dawn
Oh life,
do you carry me in your journey
drag along
my heavy sleep?
I know
that the purest fountains
dissolving throughout the earth
won’t return
to the soiled snow
its whiteness.
Neither will dawn
with tired magic
among the black houses
the dead mimosas.
But alone
at evening’s frost
a flower seller will tremble
beside the fountain’s
Oh life,
does my desperate sleep
not weigh upon you?
To Follow Your Lips
When I once forget to tell you 'I love you'
You should know it won't be my fault
When my lips once forget you,
I will not be alive then
So don't let go of me, don't let go of me
Just hold me hard
Don't let go of me, stay beside me...
If only, if only it could like this forever
Forever like this, my love...
To follow your lips, to be worthy by your side
To give myself completely because I belong to you
To love you the way I know how, forever...
To follow your lips cause I am fading without you
To give myself completely because I belong to you
To love you the way I know how, forever...
Don't let our souls remain empty
Cause a love like this is what everyone dreams of
Don't let our words one day become
Just broken promises
So don't let go of me, don't let go of me
Just hold me hard
Don't let go of me, stay beside me...
If only, if only it could like this forever
Forever like this, my love...
To follow your lips, to be worthy by your side
To give myself completely because I belong to you
To love you the way I know how, forever...
To follow your lips cause I am fading without you
To give myself completely because I belong to you
To love you the way I know how, forever...
When I once forget to tell you 'I love you'
You should know it won't be your fault
I'll Be Right There
Summer air
It's so gentle
I'll find the keys
I'm on my way
Getting there
Wherever I want
Wherever my soul
Is free
I fly in my mind
The speed is still rising
There is someone deep inside
Turning the steering wheel
Changing directions
I promise to go
Wherever you are
It's time for me to go
There are no boundaries anymore
Only you and me
I'll be right there
The city lights turning on
Roads are being emptied
This is the beginning of the two of us
Go a little further
Born somewhere
It's a miracle
You cry in your heart
My name
I fly in my mind
The speed is still rising
There is someone deep inside
Turning the steering wheel
Changing directions
I promise to go
Wherever you are
It's time for me to go
There are no boundaries anymore
Only you and me
I'll be right there
Pulls you
He pulls you to me
Pulls you
You to me
He pulls me to you
He pulls you to me
Pulls you
Wherever you are
It's time for me to go
There are no boundaries anymore
Only you and me
Wherever you are
It's time for me to go
There are no boundaries anymore
Only you and me
I'll be right there
And then – if it happens I go away –
there’ll remain something
of me
in my world –
there’ll remain a slender wake of silence
amid the voices –
a tenuous breath of white
at the heart of azure –
And one November evening
a frail little girl
at a street corner
will sell so many chrysanthemums
and there’ll be the stars
ice-cold, green, remote –
Someone will cry
who knows where – who knows where –
for me
in the world
when it happens that without return
I’ll have to go away.
(Milan, 29th October 1930)
I’ve much faith in you. It seems
that I could await your voice
in silence, for centuries
of darkness.
You know all the secrets,
like the sun:
you could make flower
geraniums and wild orange blossom
on the rocky depths
of quarries, of the legendary
I’ve much faith in you. I’m quiet
like the Arab wrapped
in a white barracan,
who listens to God ripening
his barley round the house.
(8th December 1934)
The Room Of Silence
When the darkness begins
And the night speaks with the wind
Fantasies go hand by hand
And the time is like thin sand
Those who feel our lives almost blown away
Goes from you,
The room of silence begins
United in the naked neon light
Ten thousand people, some cry
Everyone talks, but they don't ever listen
Many listen, but they don't ever talk
And like tears, words fall into the sea
Cold and empty -
This is the room of silence
And in the fountain, one stone falls
When will he ever be down?
Many stay by one closed door
And they ask themselves: Why am I here?
Then the happiness is a short time for many
Endlessly far -
This is the room of silence
We are all equally like this man,
The one that wants everything but can't do anything
His eyes are hard from the rain
He wants to cry, but he can't anymore.
And his song is for many way too far
Without time
Begins the room of silence
And in the fountain, one stone falls
When will he ever be down?
Many stay by one closed door
And they ask themselves: Why am I here?
Then the happiness has a little time for many
Endlessly far -
This is the room of silence
In the mirror
Verse 1
The world is strange, my dear,
I won't let us get lost in it
I know that now it's a little harder for us
I feel your heart in my chest
The path between us doesn't believe in tears, dear
And time doesn't wait, no
The light falls from the mirror on regrets
I still look for the angle and the opportune moment
. . . to tell you what I feel now, now
I'm caught in the middle
I have so much to tell you
Except that now a path gets in our way
I see you in the mirror, you see me in the mirror
Only shards of glass and soul gather
I'm caught in the middle
I have so much to tell you
Except that now a path gets in our way
I see you in the mirror, you see me in the mirror
Only shards of glass and soul gather
Verse 2
You are the soul of my soul
My heart is your home, know
Paint me with sweet words in it,
Dance me with memories,
Heal my soul with good thoughts
Please look for me in glances
I'm fed up with us smiling at each other from a distance
Waiting like on needles one day
. . . To hold you against my chest
I'm caught in the middle
I have so much to tell you
Except that now a path gets in our way
I see you in the mirror, you see me in the mirror
Only shards of glass and soul gather
I'm caught in the middle
I have so much to tell you
Except that now a path gets in our way
I see you in the mirror, you see me in the mirror
Only shards of glass and soul gather
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Morning Steps
Versions: #2
Silently-silently, moring tiptoes
into the chamber.
Quietly pours sun oil
into day's lamp.
Silently-silently, behind the house
(s)he lifts canopy of heaven,
silently-silently, from the eyes of the house
(s)he takes the veil of sleep.
Silently-silently the house awakes,
the barn and stables and storehouse too.
Morning lays the sheets of mist,
wordless and quiet.
Silently-silently tending,
(s)he sends the night away.
Birdsongs as keys,
birdsongs as keys,
songs chiming on the belt.
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
The same goes for reusing parts of my translations in your own (parallel) translations. Id est: it is forbidden. (If a translation is IYO slightly wrong, I'd be glad if commented or PMed.)
If you want to translate my translation into a third language or use it as a basis, you are welcome. Especially if you do it on this website. Just be so kind and mention it and me. :) You can also notify me (in addition, it would make me recheck my work and maybe find errors that you wouldn't copy then) but you don't have to.
Most of my translations are works in progress. One never knows when a revelation can strike. One word: recheck.
Party day
1. Someone came behind the door, and jingled the instrument
Someone came behind the window and started singing.
Someone came in the morning and gifted me flowers.
Someone came late in the evening and brought a new tune.
Listen, my friend, listen, you listen
Listen how the yard is ringing of singing voices
Listen, oh friend, listen, you listen
Listen, how my bosom is echoing of the sounds of instruments
2. They came with a friend and they came alone
Voices so colourful sounding under the sky
They came with a komuus and they came with a drum
Flutes, bagpipes could be heard on the streets.
Listen, my friend, listen, you listen
Listen how the yard is ringing of singing voices
Listen, oh friend, listen, you listen
Listen, how my bosom is echoing of the sounds of instruments
3. There was dancing barefoot, dacing knee deep in grass
There was dancing alone and many together
Jumping in the air and laying down
There was spinning, spinning to the rhythm of the instrument
Listen, my friend, listen, you listen
Listen how the yard is ringing of singing voices
Listen, oh friend, listen, you listen
Listen, how my bosom is echoing of the sounds of instruments
The song of Ainaguli the Kirghiz
I'm a little Kirghiz
I'm not Estonian
I'm a little Kirghiz
I'm not Estonian
I speak, speak Estonian
And speak, speak Kirghiz
I am good
And I am clever
I am a good girl
My Kirghiz....
My name is Ainagul
My name is Ainagul
My name is Ainagul
The mole's party
There lived a mole in the forest
among spruces young and old
Under the root of the juniper tree
his living quarters deep under ground.
He invited guests,
furry and feathery
A crow and a magpie came,
a hawk and a witty raven too.
The bear padded proudly,
the spikey hedgehog rolled,
the rabbit with a short tail,
the squirrel with pointy ears.
Running came the elk,
late came the fox.
Then everybody sat at the table,
tasted the party food.
The bear sucked on a honey cake,
the rabbit sipped the dew drink,
the raven ate the gooseberry,
the hawk drank the crane drink
The elk ate the moss soup,
the squirrel chewed on a cone,
That was in the daylight,
a merry party.
The best friend (Leopold's song)
For a good friend
are open my door and my soul
my eyes and my ears
and my family circle.
If you want, you can always come,
I'll wait with the window open
or if you want, fly through
the TV channel.
Oh boys-girl,
this life is good
When everybody
has a comrade and a buddy
When your yard is also the yard of your friend,
then no wish is too big for you!
How exciting and rich
does the Saturday become
when your friends
come to visit you!
For a good friend
are open my door and my soul
my eyes and my ears
and my family circle.
If you want, you can always come,
I'll wait with the window open
or if you want, fly through
the TV channel.
The heart beats
The heart beats thump, thump thump!
Open door, door, door!
Then we'll go with Malle
fishing into the island.
Hopsassaa, with Malle
fishing into the island.
When the tailwind is good,
the boat'll fly like a bullet.
Then we'll have time
to talk secret talk with Malle.
Hopsassaa, talk secret
talk with Malle!
When the fish are gutted,
everything talked,
then we'll go with Malle
to the countryside to sell fish.
Hopsassaa, with Malle
to the countryside to sell fish.
Oh, what a busy day I have
Oh, what a busy day I have!
Early in the morning,
I rode on my grandad's knee, patted his cheeks,
chewed on a gingerbread, asked and questioned.
But later during the lunch, I just had
to get onto mother's lap, had to count her buttons.
Oh, and all the other things that I did!
I made the the house untidy,
climbed and hurry-scurried,
tore my pants.
Even though it's nearly evening,
my little kitten asks
for my attention,
that lazy kitty.
Asks me to rock itself,
to move the tip of it's tail.
Aren't I diligent,
my days are full of doing.
Dandelion child
Yellow hair,
A greenish dress
A greenish dress
A little bit short
Don't go anywhere
from behind our window
Don't go wandering
anywhere alone
Merry and fit,
dandelion child.
We love bathing (Traveling song)
We love traveling
and truly we love it the most I guess.
You ask why?
You can swing in your yard,
but it's good to move around.
When you see alot (of thing),
you'll remember a thing or two.
We went to the countryside,
a horse lived there.
And a cow opened its mouth
and said moo.
A raven said caw
and a boat glided in the water,
in the boat sat an old man.
He too was from the countryside.
When you have good friends,
try to keep them.
There's nothing else to wish for
then friends who are loyal.
We love bathing
and jumping on one leg.
You ask why?
It's just nice to bath
and to jump on one leg.
Standing on our head
makes us merry too.
When you are merry,
what better is there.
When playing is in full swing,
oh, if we might be together.
Warm summer wind,
apples ripening in the trees,
it's August
there are songs on our lips.
When you have good friends,
try to keep them.
There's nothing else to wish for
then friends who are loyal.
When you are merry,
what better is there.
When playing is in full swing,
oh, if we might be together.
Warm summer wind,
apples ripening in the trees,
it's August
there are songs on our lips.
When you have good friends,
try to keep them.
There's nothing else to wish for
then friends who are loyal.
When you are merry,
what better is there.
When playing is in full swing,
oh, if we might be together.
Warm summer wind,
apples ripening in the trees,
it's August
there are songs on our lips.
When you have good friends,
try to keep them.
There's nothing else to wish for
then friends who are loyal.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
tender snow, tender snow.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
The forest is gleaming and the ground is glittering.
Passing are sleighs, sledges,
along the road, wintery road.
Over the swamp and the pasture,
over the hayfield.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
tender snow, tender snow.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
The forest is gleaming and the ground is glittering.
In front of us the fires are glimmering,
on the wintery road, on the village road.
Happy holidays everywhere,
all across the land.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
tender snow, tender snow.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
The forest is gleaming and the ground is glittering.
In front of us the fires are glimmering,
on the wintery road, on the village road.
Happy holidays everywhere,
all across the land.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
tender snow, tender snow.
Jingle, jingle sleighbell,
The forest is gleaming and the ground is glittering.
Kill me
Alone I'm alone
But there’s a guy in my bed
Sayin’ Hi
Friends, we're just friends
You have a place saved in my lonely pillows
And, you and me ooohh
We have a good reason to stay
And a good reason to go, oh-oohh
Now I feel I’m half alive, babe
Don’t let me go
Kill me, kill me
with your smile, bang-bang
I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you
baby, do it bang-bang
Kill me, kill me
your gun, bang-bang
I love you, I love you
baby do it (let's go)
You know that I want you ,my baby, in the bed
your body dancing until the morning
I like the girls from The Dominican Republic
they keep a girl in a good condition
and I've been told she screams quite good
when my hand touches her skin
she moves slowly, and takes away your space
and the only thing you can think about is her power
And , you and me ooohh
We have a good reason to stay
And a good reason to go, oh-oohh
Now I feel I’m half alive, babe
Don’t let me go versuri.online
Kill me, kill me
with your smile, bang-bang
I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you
baby, do it bang-bang
Kill me, kill me
your gun, bang-bang
I love you, I love you
baby do it (let's go)
And you and me, ooohh
We gotta go go go
We gotta go go go..
Kill me, kill me
with your smile, bang-bang
I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for you
baby, do it bang-bang
Kill me, kill me
your gun, bang-bang
I love you, I love you
baby do it ...
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Won't give up
I take the frame off your picture
And collect all your necklaces
Your shoes behind the door
I put in the suitcase
Wherever you go I am not needed there
But then you are standing in front of me
And everything will be clear between us
No, we won't give up
Even when the things are bad
It cannot be like that
We will come out all of this together
No, we won't give up
When you bring the skeletons out of the closet
No, it won't break us
We will come out all of this together
It is what connects us
I would swipe the dust off your wishes
And would fulfil them quickly
Then you are standing in front of me
So everything will be clear between us
No, we won't give up
Even when the things are bad
It cannot be like that
We will come out all of this together
No, we won't give up
When you bring the skeletons out of the closet
No, it won't break us
We will come out all of this together
We won't forget
We will continue our way
Time will not break us
Because we still have time
No, we won't give up
Even when the things are bad
It cannot be like that
We will come out all of this together
No, we won't give up
When you bring the skeletons out of the closet
No, it won't break us
We will come out all of this together
It is what connects us
In the neighborhood of the moon
Even if we drew a path one night,
I don't have you in my embrace, my sweet love
We changed the route, my heart
And we live apart, you aren't by my side anymore
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
The stars were falling on the ground
When we fell in love at our first kiss
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
But when the morning came, the dream became rain and everything was lost
I gave you my hands so you can hold on
But this night the loneliness is my company again
And you who I loved so much are far away from me
You aren't anywhere, you aren't by my side anymore
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
The stars were falling on the ground
When we fell in love at our first kiss
In the neighborhood of the moon
Sometime we lived together and dreamed
But when the morning came, the dream became rain and everything was lost
Versions: #2
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Kindness is a weakness,
Nothing of it is real
We Need a PR to present ourselfs to the world ,
You get yourself dresses from a top brand ,
You change cars non stop,
But You see your family only on pictures on your desktop
We jugde after wealth
And no matter how expensive things are, You find them almost in every Pocket
On every mobile you have, You sound the same ,
Meanwhile your bicicle could also take you anywhere
Love, can‘t be found,
Can‘t be met
Even if we want it,
We may only find it in fairytales
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
With eyes only on our cellphones, messeging
We look mainly down and less to the sun,
Depending on red lips and big butts,we leave our families behind
The devil laughs out loud in hell ,
Even in church there is no love, only business to make
Our brothers next to us are too greedy,
And if times are difficult, people turn their backs in you
Love, oh we want it all,
But we pass one after another like we are robots,
We‘re loosing sight of the really important things in life,
While we are chasing After money,
The Love disapears
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Love, can‘t be found,
Can‘t be met
Even if we want it,
We may only find it in fairytales
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Being at the top of our society ,
They teach us this already at school,
Ignore everything around us,
Becaude of that love‘ s that rare today
Because we want to rise in our society,
They teach us this already at school,
And now, Love has become rare.
The children of your neighbourhood
When I get drunk, fall to the ground and get soiled with mud
When I get drunk, fall to the ground and get soiled with mud
i put forth my two hands, push and stand up again
i put forth my two hands, push and stand up again
The children of your neighbourhood, they tease me
The children of your neighbourhood, they tease me
'Again you are drunk' they yell to me
'Again you are drunk' they yell to me
The children of your neighbourhood, those little rascals,
The children of your neighbourhood, those little rascals,
how i want to catch them and beat them up clean!
how i want to catch them and beat them up clean!
Oúte me 100
Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Me éna vlémma móno me ékanes kai lióno
se erotéftika, pagidéftika
Tóra ého kollísei se ého erotefteí
stou érota na páme thélo to nisí
Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Mou évales fotiá mésa stin kardiá
eímai foul erotevménos, épatha zimiá (x2)
An poté se háso, den xéro pou tha ftáso
ísos trelathó, ísos trelathó
Noiótho mageménos, se ého erotefteí
kai exartiménos me éna sou filí
Oúte me 100 de s 'allázo egó
ého kóllima mazí sou, póso s’agapó
Mou évales fotiá mésa stin kardiá
eímai foul erotevménos, épatha zimiá (x2)
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
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