Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 11


This is the Truth

There is some good in the bad
Empty streets bring peace back
And in peace, thoughts become clear too
They become apparent, they become clean.
And then you realize that through our whole life
There is someone who divides all of us
Because this time it was aimed against men
But it stops here, people are waking up.
This is the truth!
For the sake of all the bad things we did
For the sake of all the good we did not do,
This is the truth.
This is the truth!
Those are new secret signals
That bad people sent to us
To subdue us
This is the truth!
There is some good in the bad
There is something that keeps us going
When sorrow and helplessness come together
When a person loses its voice
The land has not turned its head away
It did not desert us
She wants us to be human
There is no other way, it is the only rescue
This is the truth!
For the sake of all the bad things we did
For the sake of all the good we did not do,
This is the truth.
This is the truth!
Those are new secret signals
That bad people sent to us
To subdue us
Nature remembers
Nature gives in return
One who does not appreciate that
Pays the price
This is the truth!
For the sake of all the bad things we did
For the sake of all the good we did not do,
This is the truth.
This is the truth!
Those are new secret signals
That bad people sent to us
To subdue us
There is something good in the bad
You are not alone in this world
There are still humans around, life awakens
Light is coming, I know it well...

Love in the stone

Who knows which one hour, who knows which one day is behind
I'm leaving a trace for her to know, I'm still here
Life made rocks of the tears
This love stayed in the stone
It's not important, no, I will tell her everything and let her go
Just to see her for a moment, at least
A heart is following itself when our hearts see each other
Happiness has never arrived because she's never disappeared from my heart
Because of her, I'm destroying everything that's in my soul, for so long
And then I'm building dreams of the sand
Because of her, I'm getting old for so long and I still live
For that, to God throws me next to her heart


For years on I've believed to people,
They say to me that you're beautiful, good with crazy ones,
Even if they overstate it, the naive ones still believe
I will stay crazy and alone for you if you need me anytime
No matters if you are alone or you belong to somebody
I still love you for who you are, my the craziest one...
One hundred and one other's touch, to put the frame off the heart
Another one wouldn't be able to unlock it, that what I keep only for you
One hundred and one of them don't spare themselves, they start to love me, but in vain
There is no such shape, just you
were so mine
Hit over a heart, I'm suffering like a twin
And when you don't do well, I feel bad too

I'm waiting for you

Life, What's this life if it's without you?
Sea without a sailor
An abyss without a bottom
Happiness, why did it last so short?
And I've been searching it for too long, too long
And my soul is tired of my body without you
You are still an oasis of my wishes, my angel
I'm waiting for you
Revive me
Not while I'm alive, neither in my dreams, I will not let anybody to harm you (or 'to speak badly about you')
I'm waiting for you
Find me
That we can breathe the scent of love
That desire win over the mind
I'm waiting for you
The heart is following my every thought
I'm trying in vain
To hide a trace
The sky, only the sky knows my story, I'm searching your fingers between mine ones
And my soul is tired of my body without you
You are still an oasis of my wishes, my angel

Övé lehet a szerelmed

Eső jön észak felől
A párna illatos, de hűtlenséged fáj
Nem vagy itt, a reggel ébreszt fel
Ki csókolt meg, kitől ég a tűz a szemedben?
Aki elvitt téged, el is vitt tőlem mindent.
Eladtál engem....
Harcolhatsz a szerelemért, de nekem már nincs erőm
Nincs, nincs már erőm.
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...
Te nem szeretsz, nem szeretsz engem.
Szerelmem száz évig is kitart
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
A legnagyobb szomorúság folyik az ereimben
Övé lehet a szerelmed
A lelkem már belefáradt
De engem te fogsz elhagyni.
Nem hagysz el...

I Hope For A Miracle In Vain

I pray to God to bring her back
To unfaithful steps,
I travel, but I don't know whom to
Carried by the northern wind
Long time ago a sea entered into blood
Her code is inside the veins,
Since she's no longer here
I'm a bit out of myself
I get over her hundred times a day
And then I go back to her like crazy,
I still swear on love
I hope for a miracle in vain
I pray to God to bring her back
To meet her by chance
And then again I dream of her being happy
I still bloody miss her
Long time ago a sea entered into blood
Her code is inside the veins,
Since she's no longer here
I'm a bit out of myself
I get over her hundred times a day
And then I go back to her like crazy,
I still swear on love
I hope for a miracle in vain
My heart is like a ship,
And his sails broken,
Happines broke against the floor
Because it's not meant for us
Na na na na
Na na na na
I pray to God to bring her back
To meet her by chance

A General Without Ranks

Life gave me just a few slaps
Luck erased me from it's adress book
I changed the world
Corrected crooked paths
Heart led me, people used to call me restlessness
Love threw me where the space is darkest
I changed the stars
Each day a different country, town
A general without ranks
For the touch of those palms
I would now give my life
For peace
A rose without a root
My murdered love
I breathe so I'd wipe your tears
And kiss your soul with my lips
Because you're all the best of me
Heart led me, people used to call me restlessness
Love threw me where the space is darkest
I changed the stars
Each day a different country, town
A general without ranks
For the touch of those palms
I would now give my life
For peace
A rose without a root
My murdered love
I breathe so I'd wipe your tears
And kiss your soul with my lips
Because you're all the best of me
A rose without a root...

Ha ezt hívják szerelemnek

Újra a városban vándorlok
Nem tudom, éjjel van-e vagy nappal
nyugtalanul kialvatlanul
mindent magam mögött hagyva
És te valahol ott ülsz ővele
egy mesterkélt romantikában
gyertyák, asztal és így tovább
Csak egyedül a fagyos szél
jár énvelem, ahogy te,
De ő nem céltalan, kialvatlan
Bármerre is megyünk
Amikor valaki rád néz
minden nagyon jól néz ki
és tudod, ez nem igaz
Autó és lakás, polgári álom
és én szerettelek téged
Hadd öleljelek, hadd szeresselek
hadd lássanak velem az emberek
Ha ezt hívják szerelemnek
akkor én nem szeretlek
Add a legdrágább ajándékokat
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog
Hadd öleljelek, hadd szeresselek
próbálj meg boldogulni velem
de ez nem lesz lobogó tűz
ez csak félhomály lesz
Nekem te voltál a világ, vásároltál egy virágot
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog
Újra a városban vándorlok
Nem tudom, éjjel van-e vagy nappal
nyugtalanul kialvatlanul
mindent magam mögött hagyva
És valahol együtt ülsz vele
mesterséges romantika
gyertyák, asztal és így tovább
Nekem te voltál a világ, vásároltál egy virágot
de tudd, hogy ez az arany nem ragyog

Like In A Dream

Keep it safely inside you
Because everything is written somewhere in the sky
Each breath, each word.
Keep that child inside you
Because if it once leaves you
It leaves you forever.
Find the beauty in everything
Forget about the bad news
And let yourself be carried by the
River of love
Love me with your hands and with silence and with words
Be my quiet harbor, something holly to my heart.
Love me sincerely, a bit shy and naive
Both when I fly and when I hit bottom -
Love me
Like in a dream
Keep that smile on your face
From two heavens you can choose from -
Choose the brighter one
Love, keep the love inside you
That's a gift, something to love for
Something to die for.
My soul is full of you, every thing else is unimportant
Walk over my heart, it's fitted for you
Love me with your hands and with silence and with words
Be my quiet harbor, something holly to my heart.
Love me sincerely, a bit shy and naive
Both when I fly and when I hit bottom -
Love me
Like in a dream

Good night

You thought it wasn't love
God knows what, God knows what
But see everything is changing
You're where I used to be
You can bet on me
Even when you're pulling out my heart
You thought that everything with us is
Temporary, temporary
But when your not here everything hurts
Damn, damn
You can bet on me
Even when you're pulling out my heart
Good night my dearest shame
I've forgiven everything
I've hosted all your secrets
Good night you were my life
For everything that you're to blame
This round was on me
Good night
You thought that everything with us is
Temporary, temporary
But when your not here everything hurts so
Damn much, damn much
You can bet on me
Even when you're pulling out my heart
Good night my dearest shame
I've forgiven everything
I've hosted all your secrets
Good night you were my life
For everything that you're to blame
This round was on me
Good night
I was in a quarrel with the sky
And it seems that I'll more easily
Buy tiny lies with silver
Than admit in front of you
That I've loved you so
Good night my dearest shame
I've forgiven everything
I've hosted all your secrets
Good night you were my life
For everything that you're to blame
This round was on me