Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 21

Találatok száma: 1102



[Chorus: Saša Kovačević]
Turn around slowly
Seduce me without shame
Wake the beast in me
And don't stop
In the darkness the body turns red
Three hundred degrees in you
Turn around slowly
And don't stop
[Verse 1: Saša Kovačević]
I love it, everything is spontaneous with you
Come on, now again, take it all off
Because you're burning, aren't you? You're like a spa
Your skin is shiny, hot, with you I melt like foam
I love the scent of your perfume from naked body
[Pre-Chorus: Saša Kovačević]
Maybe we're just an affair
And maybe there's nothing here
But something chronically makes me
want to be with you at any moment
[Chorus: Saša Kovačević]
Turn around slowly
Seduce me without shame
Wake the beast in me
And don't stop
In the darkness the body turns red
Three hundred degrees in you
Turn around slowly
And don't stop
[End: Saša Kovačević]
You change colors like
Like a chameleon
Dangerous, then sweet like silk
Hey, I'm not myself with you anymore

The Protopresbyter's Beautiful Daughter

I was still quite young, hunting the waterbirds when the beautiful prota's* daughter came for a swim.
She had no idea I was there watching her in secret through the reed and sedges and the night had fallen over the river like a cloak.
The moon was smouldering above the willow trees, a swarm of stars silvering in the sky and drops of water like pearls radiating all over her.
Oh, my crazy heart and crazy dreams, all of my friends were becoming lads already and I wanted only her, beautiful prota's daughter.
A strange song ringing on the road, that winter the wedding party came for her, from afar, some folks very foreign to me. And I was just passing by our street, the first snow was falling...And every now and then I still hear the jingle bells that are taking her away, nobody knows where...
In no hurry to get married, I remained a bachelor till now, you see, and I never met the beautiful prota's daughter again.
A life of peace and quiet, sometimes I play cards or write a verse, things are happening and I stay out of it.
I'm kissing the good ones and kissing the easy ones, some are 'the one' and some aren't, and they all are fairies and they all are Queens, and all are irrelevant in comparison to her.


Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
De tegnap szebb voltál mindenkinél, babám
Felébred bennem az ifjú
Egy régi orosz regényből,
Aki megőrül érted,
Őrültebb mindenkinél
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
Tudd, hogy szépséged elveszi a lélegzetem
Mikor sétálunk,
A boldogság mindig velünk tart
Te nem ismered a könnyeket,
Én nem ismerem a félelmet
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
Hadd vezessen minket az ébredéstől az alvásig ez a melódia


Hittem valamikor a hősökben.
Te voltál a gyengém.
Hittem valamikor kettőnkben.
Talán még mindig hiszek.
Kezed most elveszi tőlem
e kis reményt, optimizmust...
Hittem, hogy létezik a szerelem.
Miatta nem vagyok tiszta többé.
Mindig rámtalálhatsz
valahol e romok alatt.
Itt a lélek nem fojtható meg,
levegő nélkül is életben marad.
Mindig rámtalálhatsz,
mikor közelebb hoz minket e távolság.
A testünk összenő,
ha a szívem emigrál is.
Hittem, hogy a messziségből
gondolsz rám mindennap
Hittem, de most mégis más ébreszt téged, míg én egyedül alszom.
Kezed most elveszi tőlem
e kis reményt, optimizmust...
Hittem, hogy létezik a szerelem.
Miatta nem vagyok tiszta többé.
Mindig rámtalálhatsz
valahol e romok alatt.


Plans being spoiled,
sweaty palms,
again, right before my eyes
you lied...
When the head malfunctions,
loses the plot*
and you tell me it doesn't matter
there's no love here...Love!
If this isn't love
then I don't know
what binds us together, grips the heart
(here) in my chest?
If this isn't love, it's magic...
That binds us together, grips the heart
and then brings us apart...
For so many years we're lasting,
my crazy heart resisting you in vain.
When the head malfunctions
loses all direction,**
and you tell me, that is everything but love... Not Love!
If this isn't love
then I don't know
what binds us together, grips the heart
(here) in my chest...
* A Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian idiom that can be accurately replaced with 'losing the plot' English idiom but whose literal meaning is 'to break the tin mugs'.
** Literally: 'doesn't know where it's hitting', idiomatically: 'loses all direction'


Sale Nadj** died in his sleep,
the day was just starting to grey,
and I don't know what's suspicious there
since he also lived in his dreams.
They say he must've felt it was the end,
roomer has it he never set the clock.
Well now, he knew he was losing that war.
Some people have bad dreams,
to others, each sunrise is a nightmare.
The priest was moaning the Psalm
as if it were a verse learned as punishment.
In front of the Chapel the nobility and scum
from the same regiment of the defeated.
Luckily he didn't have what to leave,
'cos he wouldn't have to whom...
He'd squandered his life his way,
his Will but a sketch on a box of matches.
Chorus: The patient fingers of inevitability are dispersing the prelude of a song I know well, and if there's anything else left to forgive you for...there you go...that too, I forgive you tonight. A roaring ocean of unavoidability, the sky is heavy on the soft teal of the ceiling, but that's nothing that can't be treated with two-three drops of tenderness in the wine from Ravanica.***
Yes, Sale Nadj died in his sleep,
I guess he was dreaming of Srem.****
That water well cold at the bottom
and the vine shade shadowed porch.
I guess he was dreaming of her,
whose name's known only to God,
and that what happened in the yoke of that dream
simply had killed him.
Chorus: The patient fingers of...
*A female given name, derived from the name for the marigold flower.
**A man whose first name is Sasha and surname is Nadj /nɑːdʒ/. Sale is a version of Sasha.
***Serbian Orthodox monastery. Pronounced Ravanizza, 'ts' as in 'ragazza' Italian for a girl.)
****A district in Vojvodina, which is a province in Serbia.


Jó párna voltam neked,
amin másról álmodoztál
valakiről, aki mézes teát ad neked lefekvés előtt
Akinek a szerelem az adásról szól
Hülye voltam és fiatal,
hogy megértsem, mit akarsz
hogy vegyek neked valamit,
és kivigyelek a városba
Magabiztos voltam,
ezért elbíztam magam,
ezt a rizikófaktort
nem vettem figyelembe
Isten most valóra
váltotta az álmaidat,
már csak azt adja meg,
hogy ugyanúgy szeressen, mint én
De én továbbra is
a rizikófaktort hibáztatom,
és ez, és ez, én vagyok
Azt gondoltam, megértesz mindent
ha nem vagyok ott, ha nem hívlak
mindig én voltam az első saját magam előtt*
ugyanazt a hibát megismételtem
Hülye voltam és fiatal,
hogy megértsem, mit akarsz
hogy vegyek neked valamit,
és kivigyelek a városba
Magabiztos voltam,
ezért elbíztam magam,
ezt a rizikófaktort
nem vettem figyelembe
Isten most valóra
váltotta az álmaidat,
már csak azt adja meg,
hogy ugyanúgy szeressen, mint én
De én továbbra is
a rizikófaktort hibáztatom,
és ez, és ez, én vagyok
Hülye voltam és fiatal,
hogy megértsem, mit akarsz
hogy vegyek neked valamit,
és kivigyelek a városba
Magabiztos voltam,
ezért elbíztam magam,
ezt a rizikófaktort
nem vettem figyelembe
Isten most valóra
váltotta az álmaidat,
már csak azt adja meg,
hogy ugyanúgy szeressen, mint én
De én továbbra is
a rizikófaktort hibáztatom,
és ez, és ez, én vagyok

Love went away

Love went away, love went away
Cathedral bells sing this sad song.
Farewell, my love, farewell my love,
It is so good that once you was.
As usually some people are in a hurry,
And life is passing by day after day.
I guess once more my heart will feel what love is
but maybe it will never love again.
The streetlights are the same, they haven’t changed
But all the trains, the ships and cars
This hour are running to the land of
Our memory about recent love.
Love went away, love went away
Cathedral bells sing this sad song.
Farewell, my love, farewell my love,
It is so good that once you was.
As usually, everything is stable
The days and nights come here still in turn.
My heart will meet somebody on this planet
Or maybe it will never meet her more.
But nothing can return this love and never
Though once it was, oh, once it was.
Of all the things it is the most precious
When in my soul bells are ringing on.
Love went away, love went away
Cathedral bells sing this sad song.
Farewell, my love, farewell my love,
It is so good that once you was.
Love went away, love went away
Cathedral bells sing this sad song.
Farewell, my love, farewell my love,
It is so good that once you was.

Love me, Delilah

I'm totally mad
I'm mad
about your every gesture, and even
despite all
the taboos,
to the very end
I do love you.
You know nothing1
about the hidden secrets and the ties
of this endless love.
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
since my life
withers far away from yours
what do I care for a fate
that carries me away from yours?
You know how to say anything,
destroy anything
with a mere smile
you put me in chains.
You know how to lie,
and even worse,
curse me
with your hate.
you can do nothing
against this very love
that drives me toward you
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
Give me
the strength of a lawless love,
and despite all evidence
give us another chance
you know nothing
of what keeps me
in the garden of your loins
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
And with a scream
at the end of the night
in the hollow of your body
I want to sign
with love and its remorse
I am mad
Despite everything
love me, Delilah
  • 1. John Snow! Oops sorry...

A lass went picking flowers

A lass went picking flowers,
She wanted to make me a present.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, the prettiest of flowers!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, the prettiest of flowers!
She picked a carnation,
And then she gave it to me as a gift.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, carnation of mine!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, carnation of mine!
And I, a lad, didn't know
What to give her in return.
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, I've fallen in love with you!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, I've fallen in love with you!
So then, with no chagrin, I produced
A gold ring from my hand...
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, wait faithfully for me!
Hey, hey, lassie, eh, wait faithfully for me!

For one hour of joy

For one hour of joy, a thousand days, a thousand days...
For one hour of joy, a thousand days of sorrow!
For one look of your eye, I'd give my life, I'd give my life...
For one look of your eye, dear, I would give my life!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I cannot live...
Without you, my sweetheart, I cannot live, I'm bound to die!
Were you a fragrant flower, I would pick you, I would pick you...
Were you a beautiful flower, I would pick you joyfully!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
You are, my Milka, mine!
I am yours!

Bring some wine, alewife

Bring some wine, alewife,
As red as your face,
Let me drink, that I may drown my sorrows,
My heart hurts, it wants to burn away.
Let me drink, that I may drown my sorrows,
My heart hurts, it wants to burn away.
Oh, God, God, why did you create her?
-To torture and rack young blokes.
The whole village has fallen for her,
And everyone is drinking to drown their sorrows!
The whole village has fallen for her,
And everyone is drinking to drown their sorrows!

Red light

Call me to come over by your table,
I know you get turned on by smell of alcohol,
There, in front is my fast car,
Let's go, I'm bringing you home.
In my eyes you see one wish,
I want to see how are you in bed,
Call me to come over by your table,
Let's go, I'm bringing you home.
Red light is in my room,
That's a green light that you'll have me tonight,
Little camera will take footage of everything,
Tomorrow you'll just be a part of my sex collection.
Prove to me that you're in full strength,
allure me and cuddle me until dawn,
Call me to come over by your table,
Let's go, I'm bringing you home.
Red light is in my room,
That's a green light that you'll have me tonight,
Little camera will take footage of everything,
Tomorrow you'll just be a part of my sex collection.

My heart craves for you

My heart craves for you,
And that yearning often burns.
What else can I offer you
Of my heart and life?
What else can I offer you
Of my heart and life?
Gone are the ancient memories,
I haven't known happiness with you,
But believe me, dear, the time will come
When your every dream comes true.
But believe me, dear, the time will come
When your every dream will come true.
Without you, life has no charm,
Where you are absent, all is in darkness.
Therefore don't let your heart be in pain,
But come to he who loves you.
Therefore don't let your heart be in pain,
But come to he who loves you!

Take Everything

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry,
Or what to think.
You don't know whether you're coming or going,
Or where you are.
And you think that you're the owner of the truth,
Through the mouth of a shameless thief.
A constant anguish... A prison!
Take all of my clothes, if that makes you happy...
Everything you can find around here.
I am what I am:
Take everything!

Take away your great love
And I shall be much better.
Take advantage of this opportunity
And take your heart with you.

You don't know how to make me fly
And I'm leaving.
I cannot hear my own voice when I speak:
I'm not there anymore!
Each one of us gets in what he puts out.
To each their own, and then God knows:
Whatever shall be... That's what will come!
Take all of my clothes, if that makes you happy...
Everything you can find around here.
I am what I am:
Take everything!

Take away your great love
And I shall be much better.
Take advantage of this opportunity
And take your heart with you.

You've been able to destroy,
Annihilate and devastate it all so well...
And now, now there's nothing else left!
Take all of my clothes, if that makes you happy...
Everything you can find around here.
I am what I am:
Take everything!

Take away your great love
And I shall be much better.
Take advantage of this opportunity
And take your heart with you.


Like You

Like you, like you
I will never live
I will be scattered over the fields
Like winter is by the spring [x2]
Who are you, and who are you
To turn your back on me
And leave only
Pain and rockas behind you?
Who are you, and who are you
To hide the sun from me?
Who are you to bring me clouds?
Like you, like you
I will never live
I will be scattered over the fields
Like winter is by the spring
I will be scattered over the fields
Like winter is by the spring
Like you, like you
I will never live
I will be scattered over the fields
Like winter is by the spring


E yo
Wreck1the club
[Part 1]
I've been looking at you for a long time, hey
How you want to, but you don't dare to
Don't hold it in for so long, ay, and come with me
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
[Part 2]
C'mon, get it on, I'll get it on
You suggest and I provide
Break up with your boyfriend, break up with that fool
If he shows up, I won't answer
Leave him outside, leave, what are you waiting for?
'Cause you're mine, however I want
Leave him outside, leave, what are you waiting for?
If only he knew about the things we do
Leave him outside, leave, what are you waiting for?
If only he knew about the things we do
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
'Cause it's better this way, and it feels better
So that you can loosen up easily
And no, don't tell me no
'Cause you like it this way
It's better, and it feels better
So that you can loosen up easily
And no, don't tell me no
'Cause you like it this way
[Part 3]
I've been looking at you for a long time, hey
How you want to, but you don't dare to
Don't hold it in for so long, ay, and come with me
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
Dance close to me, close to me
If you liked it, we'll make it happen again
Close to me, come closer, come-come..
The serbian who puts songs for twerking2
  • 1. not sure how to translate, it means to go so hard at the club that you 'break it' :p
  • 2. (?)

As long as we live on this Earth

As long as we live on this Earth
We still have something holy,
Some plains, a native village,
A bell on a hill.
As long as we have a holy country,
And a pan-pipe that is still singing,
As long as our parents are alive
There is still something holy.
As long as we still have feelings for the springs
Or for an vanishing song,
As long as we have something holy,
We will live on this Earth.
As long as we still have feelings for the forests,
We still have a future,
As long as we don't forget the past,
We still have holy things.
As long as the morning star will appear
Even in the sky there will be a festival,
And is peace on Earth,
There still is something holy.
As long as we still have feelings for the springs
Or for an vanishing song,
As long as we have something holy,
We will live on this Earth.
As long as we have a far away village
And an everlasting language,
As long as you still have someoane you can call parent,
We still have holy things.
As long as we still have feelings for the springs
Or for an vanishing song,
As long as we have something holy,
We will live on this Earth.

The Right To Live In Peace

The right to live
poet Ho Chi Minh,
who struck from Vietnam
all of humanity.
No cannon will wipe out
the furrow of your rice paddy.
The right to live in peace.
Indochina is the place
beyond the wide sea,
where they ruin the flower
with genocide and napalm.
The moon is an explosion
that blows out all the clamor.
The right to live in peace.
Uncle Ho, our song
is fire of pure love,
it's a dovecote dove,
olive from an olive grove.
It is the universal song
chain that will triumph,
the right to live in peace.

A Bloody Fairytale

It happened in a country of peasants
in the mountainous Balkans
a troop of schoolchildren
died a martyr's death
in one day.
In the same year
they all were born,
their school days went on the same way
to the same celebrations
they were taken together
vaccinated against the same ilnesses
and all died on the same day.
It happened in a country of peasants
in the mountainous Balkans
a troop of schoolchildren
died a martyr's death
in one day.
And fifty five minutes
before the moment of death
the little troop
was sitting in the school benches.
And the same difficult exercises
they were solving: how much can
a traveler going on foot...
and so on.
Their minds were full
of the same numbers,
and exercise books in school bags
contained a meaningless abundance
of A's and D's.
A handfull of the same dreams
and the same secrets
both of patriotism and of love
they were clenching at the bottoms of their pockets.
And it seemed to everyone
that they will for a long time
that they will for a very long time
be running beneath the blue firmament
until they finish
all the exercises in the world.
It happened in a country of peasants
in the mountainous Balkans
a troop of schoolchildren
died a heroic death
in one day.
Whole rows of boys
took each other's hands
and from their last class at school
went peacefully to the firing squad
as if death was nothing.
Whole rows of friends
ascended at the same time
to their eternal resting place.

Ne átkozz, ne hibáztass, Anya

Ne átkozz, ne hibáztass, Anya
Ne kérdezz a sorsomról
Mindent amim volt neki adtam, Anya
Ne átkozz, ne hibáztass, Anya
Bárhova is megyek, gondolok rá, Anya
Mindenhova követ a kibírhatatlan szomorúság
Nappal és éjszaka is rá gondolom, Anya
Ne átkozz, ne hibáztass, Anya


She crossed the early line of her childhood,
she wore that dress colour of yesterday
and went, like a prayer in autumn, on her feet,
wounded, providing life
just at the corner, trembling, absent-minded
in her nakedness.
Her thin bones in cross
are rocking her in a faint light,
a guy is stroking her, and she,
a novice, is crying.
Ah, where is her love, her little charming prince?
A night so dark is releasing
cheap moons on her trousseau!
She drank her glass of oblivion and went out again,
fourteen sunk dreams, drowning.
The loneliness escorts her,
as a faithless dark dog,
barking at that dead moon that’s chasing her
with the shadow of her childhood.
Her thin bones in cross
are rocking her in a faint light,
a guy is stroking her, and she,
a novice, is selling herself.
Ah, where is her love, her little charming prince?
A night so dark is releasing
cheap moons on her trousseau!
She crossed the early line of her childhood,
she wore that dress colour of yesterday.
She drank her glass of oblivion and went out again,
fourteen sunk dreams, drowning.
Crying, selling, drowning, selling.


Versions: #2
In a whirlwind as a fire
Carried by fierce battles
One warrior set a blaze
A village he was born in
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
On the heartstone of a desolate house.
Cried one old mother
Above her a sabre raised
Warrior who pillaged
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
Dont rise your sabre on me my son
If your know about your sorrows .
I'm your mother because I recognized above your lips a mother's mark.
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
The jannisary dismounted from his horse .
Threw his sabre dropped his (horses) reins
Mother wanted to say something.
But she didn't say it.
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary


We are the one, we are victorious
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, victory
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
After an exceptionally long day, steps as heavy as a tortoise
Only for me, high up there’s a cloud called success
Sometimes I’m sentimental, sometimes I pretend to be strong
Regardless of how I feel, fear still finds me
Wake up, the time we waited for has come
Take off, put aside the sadness, over the skies
Even the hard times that we can’t forget
Because we were together they are just memories
Exhausted and drained
The time when you start to give up (Don’t break it down)
When you start feeling lonely (Raise your head up)
You’re never alone
We are, we are, we are the one
As always, as always we are victorious
We are, we are, we are the one
I won’t let go of your hand
I’ll always be by your side It’s okay
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, victory
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Waddup, waddup, uh
Compared to others, I took longer
Even if the tomorrow that I dream of and the reality of today are different
Even if sometimes I make mistakes and sometimes I get frustrated
I want to just quietly go on my way
Wake up, the time we waited for has come
Take off, put aside the sadness, over the skies
Even the hard times that we can’t forget
Because we were together they are just memories
Exhausted and drained
The time when you start to give up (Don’t break it down)
When you start feeling lonely (Raise your head up)
You’re never alone
We are, we are, we are the one
As always, as always we are victorious
We are, we are, we are the one
I won’t let go of your hand
I’ll always be by your side It’s okay
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, victory
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Alright, alright)
Look at the sky, gaze up there
Together we’ll go up
No matter the harsh wind or waves
If we’re together
Look at the sky, gaze up there
Together we’ll go up
There will be no problems no more
If I walk together with you
We are, we are, we are the one
As always, as always we are victorious
We are, we are, we are the one
I won’t let go of your hand
I’ll always be by your side It’s okay
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, victory
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, victory

Break, Dawn

Versions: #2
Do you hear, my darling
My horses trot,
Do you hear, from the mountains
Calling for you, my voice?
Trumpets made sound,
The battle is done
Bells are ringing, The dawn is breaking,
I'm returning, my blood
Oh, well, break, dawn
Wake my old mom
So she can see
Who's coming home
Oh, well, break, dawn
My true love, I want to kiss
And her pale body, I want to hug
When there, far away
I see the gray chimney,
The old plum, the childhood fealds,
I'm coming home, alive
And the best are not here,
They were taken by the war
I was guarded by a photo of you,
I'm coming back, my love

If you asked

If we ever meet,
we will not stop in our tracks.
We will only have the sole wish
to never see each other again.
One day when we will meet,
we will turn our gazes away.
We will hurry off like two strangers
so our tears won't be visible.
If you asked how I'm doing,
I'd tell you two lies:
That I have forgotten you
and that I don't love you.
If you asked how I'm doing,
I would withhold the truth.
It's now almost three years
that you are no longer here.
If we ever met,
while following our fates,
I wouldn't like to hear
that we both are suffering.

Gyűrű az asztalon

Itt vagy ma éjjel, de lélekben máshol jársz,
hideg vagy és néma, akár egy keret nélküli kép.
Mondj valamit, mielőtt a gyertya kialszik,
mondd el mi történt velünk.
Itt vagy ma éjjel, de elrejted a pillantásod a kezeddel,
s én megértem, hogy többé nem vagyunk egy pár,
megértem, hogy elvesztettelek egyetlenem.
Csak egy szót mondj, mielőtt a szívem felég,
mondd, hogy gyűlölsz, mert máshogy nem bírom ki.
Lassan távolodj el tőlem,
hagyd hogy az ajkaink megremegjenek, legalább ezt engedd.
És mintha sosem akarnád és sosem akartad volna,
hidegen tedd le a gyűrűt az asztalra.
Fújd el a gyertyát, nem akarom hogy égjen,
érezni akarom a mosolyodat a sötétben.
Legalább hazudd azt, hogy így jó neked,
ha sírni kezdesz, olyat teszek, mit megbánok majd.
Itt vagy ma éjjel, de elrejted a pillantásod a kezeddel,
s én megértem, hogy többé nem vagyunk egy pár,
megértem, hogy elvesztettelek egyetlenem.
Csak egy szót mondj, mielőtt a szívem felég,
mondd, hogy gyűlölsz, mert máshogy nem bírom ki.
Lassan távolodj el tőlem,
hagyd hogy az ajkaink megremegjenek, legalább ezt engedd.
És mintha sosem akarnád és sosem akartad volna,
hidegen tedd le a gyűrűt az asztalra.
Fújd el a gyertyát, nem akarom hogy égjen,
érezni akarom a mosolyodat a sötétben.
Legalább hazudd azt, hogy így jó neked,
ha sírni kezdesz, olyat teszek, mit megbánok majd.
Lassan távolodj el tőlem,
hagyd hogy az ajkaink megremegjenek, legalább ezt engedd.
És mintha sosem akarnád és sosem akartad volna,
hidegen tedd le a gyűrűt az asztalra.
Fújd el a gyertyát, nem akarom hogy égjen,
érezni akarom a mosolyodat a sötétben.
Legalább hazudd azt, hogy így jó neked,
ha sírni kezdesz, olyat teszek, mit megbánok majd.
(Lassan távolodj el tőlem,
hagyd hogy az ajkaink megremegjenek, legalább ezt engedd.)
És mintha sosem akarnád és sosem akartad volna,
hidegen tedd le a gyűrűt az asztalra.
Fújd el a gyertyát, nem akarom hogy égjen,
érezni akarom a mosolyodat a sötétben.
Legalább hazudd azt, hogy így jó neked,
ha sírni kezdesz, olyat teszek, mit megbánok majd.
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EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Once upon a time they planted a linden tree

Once upon a time they planted a linden tree
Old Nestorov, mister Čeda and one another
I was new in that story
Neighbor's kid whom they let watch
Old Nestorov, while burning the weeds
Said to me: You are Young
You will enjoy its shade
Once upon a time I loved truly
I'm talking about the real love, crazy and powerful
I drove a thousand miles
Just like that ugly Frenchman in the beautiful movie
I followed the tracks under the engine
But she saved me
And she extinguished all the others
Hey, everything comes to its own
I'm familiar with the rules
Only the sadness is counted
Hey, once again, bells sound the St. Luke's day
It's autumn's fault
That I am always in the blue
Once upon a time she passed by me
With a guy whom I have known
I was ready to say hello
But she turned her head in time
For me to feel the blues
In my head
We said a stupid hi, and nodded the heads
All that what one has to do
It's OK, my doll, it's OK
Once upon a time they burned the leaves from that linden tree
Smoke climbed under the heavens
Up there they are, because they are gone,
Old Nestorov, mister Čeda and one another
He who didn't understant the tree
Before planting it
He never did anything
And he will realise once
That he doesn't know what's shade

Coconut Candy

I went up the road
that takes me to the misery
instead of stone, instead of asphalt,
at the least give me war
don't throw me on the ground
don't break the chain
(It's just) I miss the (little) taste of coco that one that is in your look.... Yeeeh
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
love, you are my candy, you are my good
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
like a beehive that gives honey
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
nothing hurts me as much as you do
Take me to the road
that takes me to your house,
little spring of flowers, little flower of my valley
come and take this pain off me
come radiate your details
(It's just) I miss the (little) taste of coco that one that is in your look.... Yeeeh
And that (little) taste of coco that I know is in your lips is missed
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
love, you are my candy, you are my good
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
like a beehive that gives honey
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
nothing hurts me as much as you do
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
love, you are my candy, you are my good
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
like a beehive that gives honey
Candy of Coco (Coconut candy)
nothing hurts me as much as you do
Ay like you, ay like you

Miért ül egyedül a lány?

Miért ül a kicsi* egyedül?
Mert,mert szereti őt**
Szereti,de (a férfi) már továbblépett
(Ő) szélvihar a fejemben
Az óra hevít,az óra lehűt
Hadd hevítsen,hadd hűtsön
A szív mindennek ellenáll
Mert ő,ő csillag,mely nappal is ragyog,
És ő az,aki tudja a választ
Miért ül a lány egyedül,ha a kedvese nem jött el?
Miért (ül),hogyha annyira szép,hogy nincs,aki ne közeledne hozzá?
Miért ül a kicsi* egyedül,
Miért,hogyha nem jött el (a kedvese)
Azért,mert szereti őt**
Szereti,de (a férfi) már továbblépett
(Ő) pillangó a hajamban
Megy az óra,repül az óra
Hadd menjen,hadd repüljön
Visszatér,ha elkezd emlékezni
Mert ő,ő csillag,mely nappal is ragyog,
És ő az,aki tudja a választ
Miért ül a lány egyedül,ha a kedvese nem jött el?
Miért (ül),hogyha annyira szép,hogy nincs,aki ne közeledne hozzá?
Miért ül a kicsi* egyedül,
Miért,hogyha nem jött el (a kedvese)
Azért,mert szereti őt**
Szereti,de (a férfi) már továbblépett

Szeretni foglak

Úgy foglak szeretni, ahogy senki más nem tudna
A szíved úgy fog érezni, ahogy kellene
Tartani (ölelni) foglak, amikor senki nem tenné
Mert megígérem, hogy a legjobbat érdemled
Elélek Kaliforniában
Szeretem az életet, de rád vártam
Hgy fordíts az álmaimon és megcsavard a sorsom
De Istenem, remélem még nincs túl késő
Szeretni foglak, szeretni foglak
Szeretni foglak, tudom, hogy tudnálak
Úgy foglak szeretni, ahogy senki más nem tudna
A szíved úgy fog érezni, ahogy kellene
Tartani (ölelni) foglak, amikor senki nem tenné
Mert megígérem, hogy a legjobbat érdemled
Néha nehéz megtartani a kontrollt
Amikor minden álmod homokká porlad
Kell neked valaki, hogy felvidítsa a napod
De ő csak elveszi a levegőd és arrébb fújja
Úgy foglak szeretni, ahogy senki más nem tudna
A szíved úgy fog érezni, ahogy kellene
Tartani (ölelni) foglak, amikor senki nem tenné
Mert megígérem, hogy a legjobbat érdemled
Úgy foglak szeretni, ahogy Ő sosem tudott
Mert tudom, hogy a legjobbat érdemled

Why is the girl sitting alone?

Why sits the girl alone?
Because,because she likes him
She loves him,(but) he passed.
He's wind in my head
Hour heats me,hour cools me down
Let it heat,let it cool
Heart will resist against everything
Because he,he is a star which shines also during the day
And knows the answer
Why is the girl sitting alone when his love hadn't come to her?
Why,if she is beautiful like that?
There isn't a man who wouldn't approach to him
Why is the little sitting alone?
Why if he hadn't come to her?
Because,because she likes him
She loves him,(but) he passed.
He's butterfly in my hair
Hour flies away,hour flies in
Let it go,let it fly
He'll return when he remembers
Because he,he is a star which shines also during the day
And knows the answer
Why is the girl sitting alone when his love hadn't come to her?
Why,if she is beautiful like that?
There isn't a man who wouldn't approach to him
Why is the little sitting alone?
Why if he hadn't come to her?
Because,because she likes him
She loves him,(but) he passed.