Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 31

Találatok száma: 1102


Céltalan eszközök

Már nagyon-nagyon régóta
Emlékszem az arcodra
Most már négy óra
Mióta átmentem a helyedre
És én alszom a kanapédon
Nagy biztonságban érzem magam
És amikor a takarókat hozod
Eltakarom az arcomat
Én tényleg
Szeretlek téged
Én tényleg
Szeretlek téged
És amikor gitározol
A húrok zengését hallgatom
A fém rezeg az ujjaid alatt
És amikor krokettet* játszol
Ámulok, és büszkeséget érzek
És azt mondanám, hogy szeretlek
De ezt nehéz hangosan kimondani
Tehát nem mondom el egyáltalán
És nem maradok túl sokáig
De te vagy az élet, amire szükségem volt
Úgy gondolok rád, mint testvéremre
Bár ez nagyon bután hangzik
És a szavak hiábavaló eszközök

She's got black hair

One girl, o mother,
Oh, I love so much.
She is so beautiful,
More than any other (x2)
She's got black hair
And green eyes
I love her, o mother
I will die for her
She's got black hair
Such beautiful eyes
I love her, o mother
She is so gorgeous.
When she looks at me, o mother,
All the sun shines
All the sun shines
And I am happy (x2)
She asked me, o mother,
Will I take her for myself1
If I don't take her
I am gonna die
I will make a wedding
And I'll get the music
And I'll get the music
And pay for it
  • 1. marry her

My lungs are aching

My lungs are aching
I have no more health
For, very close are
My last days
I will live today
And maybe tomorrow too
But then forever
Goodbye to my life
I don't mourn
My miserable life
For I have never
Felt happiness
Only pain and suffering
Bitter tears [have I] shed
In my life
I have not been happy
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi


Lehullott a dér reánk
Vért fagyaszt ereinkben
Te pedig szívem szorongatsz
És gyorsan felejtesz
Remeg a szerelem mint egy pálca
A nyár közepén megfagyott
Remegek én is, remeg a hang
Amióta nem vagyunk
Hiába melegít a paplan
A huzat a lelkemen keresztül ver
Lopom a Istentől a napokat
Veszítek még amikor nyerek is
De amikor senki nem látja
Megengedem a szívemnek hogy meglátogasd
Élem az életet megszokásból
Mint egy rab a magánzárkában
De amikor senki nem hallja
Megengedem a szívemnek hogy örüljön
Én és az élet, kutya és macska
A szív a legdrágább játéka
Lopom a Istentől a napokat
Veszítek még amikor nyerek is
De amikor senki nem látja
Megengedem a szívemnek hogy meglátogasd
Élem az életet megszokásból
Mint egy rab a magánzárkában
De amikor senki nem hallja
Megengedem a szívemnek hogy örüljön
Lehullott a dér

Mejra in the coffin

Water has risen from one hill to another
It took Mejra inside the coffin [with itself]
Come, Mejra, have supper with us!
[You] have supper, don't wait for me!
A ready dinner is waiting for me
in heaven with the houris
Say the Salaam to my old mother
Let her pray [the] five prayers
Let her fast the month of Ramadhan
Let her designate a qurban for Mejra
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

Let everything burn

You are doing it on purpose
Taking out your suitcases
Leaving for God knows which time
For a new chance
You are asking for a apology
and you are asking me why am I mad
I love it when they threaten me
now try your revenges
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
You always wanted much
You could not love
You remained loyal to yourself
And from the other side
I loved your flaws
Until you became my ex
Come on carry your things
I don't want you to ruin the end aswell
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
Let everything burn, burn
Let it burn burn burn burn burn
Chorus 2x
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
this town tonight is too small
for me and my friends
Let it burn, let everything burn
I will forget you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you
Welcome girls,
who will replace you


Where have you been until now
Like i have waited only for you
among all of others (girls)
Baby you know it well
Your heart says
that you are made for me
Baby you know it well
Your heart says
that you are made for me
Come on, come on, come on
Let your heart go crazy
Why couldn't you
Come on, come on, come on
Don't put out the fire in your chest
Do whatever you want to do
When night falls you be here (here)
On the other side of the bed
Your body is messing with my mind
Be my trouble
New night will fall
And the conscience will disappear
You are putting the flame out for too long
Know that masks will drop
Take the worst from inside me
Be the best for me
Here the love takes you the furthest
Swear in the name of it
Where have you been until now
The one like you
Cities haven't seen
Baby you know it well
That heart stops (stops)
When you are next to me
Come on, come on, come on
Let your heart go crazy
Why couldn't you
Come on, come on, come on
Don't put out the fire in your chest
Do whatever you want to do
When night falls you be here (here)
On the other side of the bed
Your body is messing with my mind
Be my trouble
New night will fall
And the conscience will disappear
You are putting the flame out for too long
Know that masks will drop
Take the worst from inside me
Be the best for me
Here the love takes you the furthest
Swear in the name of it
My Angel I will be the best for you
My Angel I will be only yours
My Angel You just stay here next to me
A a Angel A a Angel
New night will fall
And the conscience will disappear
You are putting the flame out for too long
Know that masks will drop
Take the worst from inside me
Be the best for me
Here the love takes you the furthest
Swear in the name of it

When there is no us

Versions: #2
do you ask yourself what they'll tell you about me nextday
whom I've been with and wheher i've had fun till dawn yesterday
do you ask yourself what'll happen to me while you're next to another
and whether the sorrows you couse me worth my trouble
Chorus :
where shall i seek a new happiness for me
when you've just crushed you and me
where will a find a salvation for my soul
when we don't exist for you no more
are you asking yourself, why has all this happened just to ourselves
whether i'm in love now or have got to live by myself
are you asking yourself, are my dreams still about you
and whether at those nights i long for you
Chorus :
where will i find joy anew
now that this one had been crused by you
where will i find an escape for my soul
when there's no us anymore

To Special Police (Who's crushing Turkish Bunkers)

Who goes in fight first
who is crushing turkish bunkers
that is odreda Seljkovana special police
Policeman and specials from odred Sejkovici
you are pride to Serbia like famous Nemanjici
Fought in Gorazda, drank Visegradska water
Fought for olovo,kladanj ,Serbian Sarajevo
Policeman and specials from odred Sejkovici
you are pride to Serbia like famous Nemanjici
Infrantry brave soldier never had a defeat
Arilery crews killing from the sky when they are needed
Policeman and specials from odred Sejkovici
you are pride to Serbia like famous Nemanjici

There is no better woman than Rakija

Oi rakija, sour sljivovicha
you made me drunk many times
ref x2
There is no better woman than Rakija
she is rocking me for 3 days
Oi rakija i love you so very much
and you rako are slowly pushing me into a ditch
There is no better friend than Rakija
when i drink her i dont know what's sadness
ref x2

Első szerelem

Akkor még semmit sem tudtam
és nem hittem, nem gondoltam
hogy a földön bánat is van.
Nekem csak az volt a fontos
legyek bal szélső játékos
vagy csatára a csapatnak.
Derült égből jött a villám
maga a nyár mosolygott rám
mikor a szemébe néztem.
Szőke haja volt a lánynak
s benne díszes koronának
fehér selyem masnit hordott .
Első szerelem, így jöttél te titokban, csendben
örök időkre megbújtál ott valahol mélyen a szívekben.
Mire elmúltak a sulis évek,
rajzregények a pad alatt,
A kislány is felnőtt közben
sminkjét nézte a tükörben
és a csillogásra vágyott.
Így lett egyik napról a másikra
egyre halványabb a szikra,
tudtam már mi lesz a vége.
Már nem töprengtem azon sokat
miként hozzam le a csillagokat,
idegen lett már énnekem.
Első szerelem, így jöttél te titokban, csendben
örök időkre megbújtál ott valahol mélyen a szívekben.
Fent jár most a fellegekben,
gyermekáldással néz szembe.
Otthonra, és boldogságra lelt...
Egy mérnökhöz ment férjhez
Kinek karrierje fényes
Ott fenn a magas körökben.
Én még Isten napjait lopom.
Én még bírom, én még tudom
a békét megteremteni magamnak.
Boldog vagyok csak mert élek
verset írok, s az égre nézek
Még a régi széltoló vagyok.
Első szerelem, így jöttél te titokban, csendben
örök időkre megbújtál ott valahol mélyen a szívekben.

Close to You

A woman has a sincere smile if she is talking to you
She puts on a light dress if she is going out with you
A woman has a steady walk in the night with you
(Because she is holding your hand)
She lets a starry sky make love with you
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll count, close to you
Close to you
A woman touches her hair if she thinks of you
(In a single one of your gestures)
A woman forgets about her problems if she is crazy about you
I'll only think of you
And I'll mimic your gestures
I'll only get crazy for you
And you know how many stars I'll look
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll love
If you can, you hope
That this woman will grow up
In no hurry
If you can, you hope
Because a girl that dreams
Has no choice... Close to you!
She loves and it's enough... Close to you!
So she stays... Close to you!
And she doesn't make mistakes... Close to you!
I'll smile
I'll get crazy
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll see
I'll only smile at you
And I'll dress up in sky for you
I'll walk in the night with you
And you know how many stars I'll count
Close to you
Close to you... I have no choice
Close to you... I have no hurry
If I'll have you later
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


I see you are looking for me, I see you are calling me
I see you are leaving me expensive gifts
I see, you would try with me again
Where were you when I needed you?
See, I've became a female deceiver
I lose in everything but I bluff well
You were everything to me, I wanted everything just like you
But the weak ones learn from bad examples
Café café, café café
Welcome to café where tears are served,
Where the sad ones are hanging out
Welcome to my café
Café café, café café
Welcome to café where strangers are kissing
And in the end they always lose
Welcome to my café
See, I've became untouchable
My heart is like a desert at night
You would try with me again now
Where were you, when I needed you?

Just like that

Tonight I'm closing another door and I'm going away
I will give me memories away as if they were some small change
Someone will need them, someone who'll love you
But like me - never anyone will
Another victory you'll write in your diary
I'll carry my debacles with a smile
You don't exist, I've made you up
to be my fallacy forever
You leave just like that, you say 'the end' just like that
I would never be able to get over it just like that
I forgive so easy, like I have nothing to do with it
I fool myself just like some crazy stranger
Another victory you'll write in your diary
I'll carry my debacles with a smile
You don't exist, I've made you up
to be my fallacy forever

I'm calling you

I'm dying of wish to have you by my side
to break me in a moment
that at noon of my life
you lay your shadow upon me
I'm dying of wish to have you by my side
that your steps turn the right way
where you will find
just a woman in love
Ref. 2x
I'm calling you, the doors are open
I see you in my eyes
do you know that you are my love?
The roads are passing through my dawn
without me in the distance
It's almost day, and it doesn't say there
which road leads to you


You're young and beautiful and me like a goddess
And someone like you can't be born twice
You're both med and pain for my wounds
And then I ask myself why don't you come back
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Even if years pass
I keep the words 'I love you'
To tell you again like I used to those days
Lips that used to kiss
Allowed you to kill them
But you've sworn that I'll never be alone
Now I sleep alone
Without you I'm not myself
Like a street without a number
All of my secrects
I'd only tell you
And you know very well
That somewhere there I'm on
The half of the way to happiness
You're just the only thing that's missing
Arms can't embrace
As much as lips can lie
And heart can't love
As much as eyes can cry
And I just want a moment and an eye to eye look
You're cold as ice and Moët at night
Chorus: 1x
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone


I travelled to distant places,
In a search for a beautiful wife.
I was looking for beauty,
But I didn't realize that she'd be jealous as well.
I have a wife, I have a wife,
And I will die from her.
She's even jealous on the little sister.
I have a wife, I have a wife,
I will die from her.
She's even jealous on the friends.
I have a wife, a very jealous one,
Jealous and also.... kuvedzika1????
Oh, she embarrassed me,
To not go out with my two friends.
Ooh, when the neighbors come by to drink coffee,
She closes the door, and doesn't let me in.
She doesn't let me in, to see them,
Oh, the jealousy kills her, and she will kill me.
  • 1. I've never heard this word before.


At the foot of the mountain
Sarajevo nests, of stories a whole fountain
In it rests. Folk of yester times
Left their lasting marks
some a mark, some a devil’s furrow
But looking back, who can know
Who did well, who did not
And which wars were fought
Who a bitter tear shed
As flute and horn their tune led.
At the foot of the mountain,
Sarajevo nests, of stories a fountain
Of old songs a treasure pot
Of love that poems know not
Forever silent its children will remain
With sadness their lives underlain
They will be taught venom and hate
Dreaming about a distant, happy fate
At home, they will fear their shadow
But looking back, who can know.

Mr Vicepresident

Mr Vicepresident, (how brave...) sorry that I don't address you as tú,
I address my brothers, my friends and my people as tú
and Usted have mocked artfully of my trust,
so why to treat you with the 't' in the initial,
if You don't deserve treat nor family salute.
Mr Vicepresident, (double agent...) don't vice preside me,
even if an ordinary employment is not so easy to find for you,
maybe as substitute goalkeeper or making counterfeit CDs
or better as carpenter with your cutting saw.
Mr Vicepresident how stupid is to treat the others as stupids,
(Seriously and face to face I say it)
make up your mind with certainty if you're passive or active.
(Soon, don't be so hesitating)
Mr Vicepresident, I suggest you another adjective
call yourself straight Mr Vice Negative.
Mr Vicepresident, (I'm angry...) sorry that I don't screw you,
but a good curse makes you more decent
and you sir, decency has failed you lately,
so why to curse you with the 'c' in the initial,
if You aren't worthy for me to make an effort by damning you.
Mr Vicepresident, don't vice betray me,
Don't crawl as a snake conspiring in the corners
Better get a job and clean your broken pride,
though who will help you as helper or copilot.
Mr Vicepresident, by now I say goodbye
(With respect, the one you didn't have with me)
or saying correctly, I stay, you are gone...
(like a bat out of hell of the ship)
Because the vote of the people doesn't go to the oblivion.
Mr Vicepresident, you are who says goodbye.
Mr Vicepresident...
How does it feel...
Mr Vicepresident...
Repelent, depressing, enough.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


That you collect stamps or that you sniff some
That you can't live without womans or that you put 'herbs'
into the atlas
Ya can call them anyhow, i call them addictions ...
As long as them provokes you delights!
It's about dependency, doesn't matter what's the drug'
When you're 'burying' yourself into something and you've
forgot the purpose!
You're trembling and something just doesn't add up
Whether that it's the mouse' or the fishing rod'
You're always finding yourself some other preocupations
Most of them taken from other people
You forget about friends and mostly about anything else
And you influence on your turn others
It's an excuse or a pretext when you don't have an excuse
It's your consolation when others accuse you
It amuse you when by bush telegraph
You discover your obsession at other person in another form !
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!
To have a boring boss and a stable work
To stay in a studio apartment not in a village
To have an humble attitude
To wait after a legacy from a senile old lady
To live long, just for the sake of doin' it
To have a familly , to spill out n beams of childrens
To not smoke, to not drink, drogs to not sniff
To not have OPPINIONS or ideas ,
To not long, to not want...
To be good, to have a high class behavior , waiting the 'vacation'
From the afterlife
You conduct yourself in this manner!??
You're a indoctrinated victim !
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!
If we're talkin' about addictions, humans learns all his life
Sometime i'm wasting myself so hard, you see: like now !!
I don't have obsessions i only have pervesion fantasies
I'm running from reality, for days
Bored out by lies
Come on, come on, com true (with me) !!...
What's your vice,.. your 'socially/ordinary' accepted delight !?
Y'all posing in better saint christians, than St Petru
Y'all hypocrites/ fake
Eat my jun* till it runs 'three foot high '!!
Lots would want to give a run but they die of fear
I begrudge nothing...
Let's roll a small one!!!
The sensation is unique, dose of risk is small!!
My addiction implies only pleasure and psyhological dependency
Friends are 'buit genetically' to brake you, to corrupt you but
they're also the ones that's educating ya !
'Trust me when i say it : In life you must be 'fair'...
'Compairing yourself to me you really see yourself perfect!?'
I'm inhalling in my chest, the dirty air of Bucharest
I'm finalising, i roll a spliff and i let you to think ...
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!
Trading of addictions, nothing unusual
I'm searchin' continously an exit from the trivial
I don't have any bariers at my imagination...
Without addictions we'd all be just some robots !!!!!

Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül

Hé, az én életemet
Csak ez tartja fenn
hogy mi együtt vagyunk
Hé, de fáj ez nekem
Ahogyan te szeretsz engem
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer
Nincs szerelem fájdalom nélkül
Nézd nézd, hová vezettél engem
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hosszúak a nappalaim, rövidek az éjszakáim
Nélküled nekem nincs oltalmam
Hé, én veled mindenre képes vagyok
belebetegszik a szívem
ha te nem vagy velem
Hé, de én nem tehetem azt,
hogy csak akkor szeresselek
hetente csak egyetlen egyszer


Why did you get wrapped up in me
When you knew my faults
Why did you love me that much
That you put all things aside
Why did you love me that much
That you put all things aside
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you couldn't resist me
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you didn't get over me
Why did you get wrapped up in me
When you knew what would happen?
Why did you love me that much
when you knew you would be sorry
Why did you love me that much
when you knew you would be sorry
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you couldn't resist me
I told you I was trouble
and that my smile would easily distract you
But you loved to be near me
that's why you didn't get over me

The second woman

To someone - hope, to someone else - happiness
To someone a love that's forever
Someone is at the door, and to someone it's being knocked
They are escaping to some better world
Someone's afraid, someone knows it
Find a shelter, I don't have anyone
Is she better since she's yours
Do you have everything with her
Does she wake up restless each morning
Or she doesn't know you like I do, like I do
Like, like I do, I
My name is sorrow, my name is the second woman
My name is the sleepless night
My name is rain, I'm falling, then I get quieter
My name is the night without us
Nanana anananana
Nanana 7x
Is she better since she's yours
Do you have everything with her
Does she wake up restless each morning
Or she doesn't know you like I do, like I do, I
My name is sorrow, my name is the second woman
My name is the sleepless night
My name is rain, I'm falling, then I get quieter
My name is the night without us
Without us
Nanana anananana
Nanana 6x
My name is sorrow, my name is the second woman
My name is the sleepless night
My name is rain, I'm falling, then I get quieter
My name is the night without us
Nananananai 2x
Oh oh
My name is sorrow, my name is the second woman
My name is the sleepless night
My name is rain, I'm falling, then I get quieter
My name is the night without us
Without us 3x

Two Airplanes

Your outfit suits you, like out a movie
But, for the first time, I didn't tie your tie this morning
Where did you go all dressed up on Sunday
It couldn't be that I have feeling it's what I have been running from
We are like two aeroplanes in the dead of the night
None of us see the ground
Just the dust from the strength of our motors
While everyone is flying with their wings without jet fuel
You're leaving, it seems that you're leaving
Forgive me for everything that I have done, everything that you do now
And thank me, thank me
That I am now sharing my sadness with her
Act it out well, like out of a horrible movie
Shine like the love that used to protect us
When tears start falling, just close your eyes
Swallow your pride 'cause that's what you do best
We're like two aeroplanes
We're like two aeroplanes
We're like two aeroplanes
None of us see the ground
Just the dust from the strength of our motors
While everyone is flying with their wings without jet fuel
You're leaving, it seems that you're leaving
Forgive me for everything that I have done, everything that you do now
And thank me, thank me
That I am now sharing my sadness with her
You're leaving, it seems that you're leaving
Forgive me for everything that I have done, everything that you do now
And thank me, thank me
That I am now sharing my sadness with her

The little blue house

The little blue house,
is invaded with silence,
the house of my childhood,
it hurts when I see it.
However it's stronger than I,
I would come back, without hesitate,
I would take that route
that leads to my memories.
It's here where I grew up,
where I found out about life,
those beautiful days escaped already,
always vibrating inside me.
The little blue house,
to my eyes, it's the same
it's here that those people I love
had precious days.
My youth lies here,
down this road,
my youth lies here
somewhere in this garden.
The little blue house,
is invaded with sadness,
but it is for me, anyway
the house of precious days,
the house of precious days
precious days.
Just learning.

Honest I'm sorry

We're looking at the same sky
I am comforting myself that memories still kiss you
So I send you birds
They come back because they're afraid of the cracks
We're looking at the same moon
Yet we're so far away across the world
Some are followed by miracles
To us, the distance and target are the same
Now I have everything, I have everything, but I know
I miss only you
And now when I can give you everything
You're not even coming in my dreams
Maybe I'll meet you
Somewhere alone again
To tell you
One honest 'I'm sorry'
We were both good, each one of us to oneself
We were taking care of our shadow
While passions were leading us
We were running away from love like from hate
Ohh 3x
Chorus 2x
Now I have everything, I have everything, but I know
I miss only you
And now when I can give you everything
You're not even coming in my dreams
Maybe I'll meet you
Somewhere alone again
To tell you
One honest 'I'm sorry'

Honey Lips

There where no one never goes
I went, right there, because of her
oh because of her, wherever, wherever
I would hold the clouds in the sky (for her)
What would happen to me, I wouldn't worry
Oh because of her, I will do it all, I will do it all.
Honey lips, and love is known
Heart of ice, but I love her
In her eyes there are a thousand colors
My love
Honey lips, and love is known
Heart of ice, but I love her
She is in my heart, but she left hers
My love, my love
That what I never gave no one
I would give to her and then I wouldn't regret it
Oh because of her, I give her everything, I give everything
I would hold the clouds in the sky (for her)
What would happen to me, I wouldn't worry
There she is, my life, my life.

The harem

I'm dancing with you,
over your shoulder I'm looking at him.
Angel or devil,
who am I, I don't know anymore.
This madness killed me,
this magic drunk me.
You killed everything in me,
so many hearts I wounded.
(So many hearts I wounded.4x)
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.
And I'm wronging again, but I know
you will come my head,
black soul, you are black all of you,
black eyes like nights.
From such as you, I have headache,
kiss such as you is crime,
such as you kiss is the best
they will come my head.
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.

Call me

(Call me, call me)
You're the pruned branch
in the tree of my dreams,
the love which is nothing anymore
but it's you.
Call me, call me if you cry
call me if you lose your way in life
always count on me
as the friend who never forgets you.
Call me, call me if you suffer
call me if you feel like the world is forsaking you
call me and your sin will be forgotten
with only saying ''come''.
Call me if you need me,
if you see the abyss open at your feet
call me if you feel lost
but don't ask me to believe in you again.
Call me if you need me,
if you see the abyss open at your feet
call me if you feel lost
but don't ask me to believe in you again.
Call me if you cry,
if you need me, call me.
Just learning.


Come on, talk with me
We weren't together too long ago
Like a machine you scan my body
Come on, go with the old
I remember that you fell
I don't know what you are doing
but you weren't like this
I can see you regret
and that you still dream of me
I can see that you love me
and that you lie to other women
You can see that I don't want you
Forever, I am happy
I can kiss (whoever I want) tonight
No one holds me
Now peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open, Open, Open
Little girl, your house sleeps
Now peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open open open
no one is a cow
Tonight except for her
Except for her
Except for her
Come on, dance with me
We weren't together too long ago
Don't worry that it's late
Come on, go with the old
I remember that you fell
I don't know what you are doing
but you weren't like this
I can see you regret
and that you still dream of me
I can see that you love me
and that you lie to other women
You can see that I don't want you
Forever, I am happy
I can kiss (whoever I want) tonight
No one holds me
Now (there is) peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open, Open, Open
Little girl, your house sleeps
Peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open open open
No one is a cow
Tonight except for her
Except for her
Except for her
Peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
Open Open Open
No one is a cow
Peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
Open Open Open
No one is a cow
Now Peace, peace, peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open, Open, Open
Little girl, your house sleeps
Peace, Peace, Peace
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
No one is to blame
Open, Open, Open
No one is a cow
Tonight except for her

Super natural

The head of a deer on the wall
has turned and laughed at us both.
The windows closed again.
And the bed doesn't stop jumping.
And there's no explanation
to what we both cause,
there's no science that can stop us.
Tell me what you see when I look at you
Tell me what you see when you're with me
You and I are something supernatural (x2)
The look of that painting on the wall,
pierced us and wants to possess us.
There's no presence that doesn't feel tempted
to pass some time with us both.
And there's no explanation
to what we both cause,
there's no science that can stop us.
Tell me what you see when I look at you
Tell me what you see when you're with me
You and I are something supernatural (x4)

I've Known It's Over For a Long Time

After everything, the words disappeared
There's nothing to cure the heart
Because I know
Each of us must continue alone.
After everything, the rhymes disappeared
Our song's time is up
And I know
Each of us must continue alone.
I've felt for a long time that I am alone
And that I don't have you anymore
Our body are freezing from rain
And our fights are becoming more and more quiet
I've known it's over for a long time
And that I don't have you anymore
Your lips are chapped because it's cold
It's not my name on them
I've known it's over for a long time
And that ropes tying us are broken
And now I know
Each of us must go for himself
After everything, the rhymes disappeared
Our song's time is up
And I know
Each of us must continue alone.
I've known for a long time, honey...
Our body are freezing from rain
And our fights are becoming more and more quiet
I've known it's over for a long time
And that I don't have you anymore
Your lips are chapped because it's cold
It's not my name on them
I've known it's over for a long time
And that ropes tying us are broken
I've known for a long time
You're gone
Our body are freezing from rain
And our fights are becoming more and more quiet
I've known it's over for a long time
And that I don't have you anymore
And now I know
Each of us must go for himself