Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 1102


He built a bridge across Drina river

He went away across the blue ocean a long time ago
His soul got stuck in throat, and Promised land was calling him
He was keeping in mind mother with her outspread white hands, rough Drina river, and people crossing it by ferry.
There was no day and night he suspended to pray to God and to live his Motherland.
Since youth his main desire was to build the bridge across Drina river and to found a new city.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, constructed palaces and helped people to pray to God.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, his name is firm, and united hearts in love in one whole.
A star of happiness was leading him that he always believed
He met a woman of his life and gave her his heart.
They were seeing the same dreams, he had a vision.
His desire to bring a dream into life was significant.
He was coming across with a great amount of people, rich and aglitter but images of his native region remained in his heart.
He became a spititually rich person
He never allowed somebody to destroy his marvelous dreams.
There were also hard days when he experienced sufferings.
His soul was telling him he would come back home.
He is not sorry about spent years and youth left in the world.
Old dreams came true now
There were great people, and now they exist who are ready to spend all their wealth to help people.
He visited all cities on Earth
Slobomir will become better, it will become a world center.

The sails

I´m not worth the pain, so don´t curse me now
the lost love is still love, it doesn´t die
I´m cold for days, on my heart is dust
the skin remembers your touch, like a touch of cashmere
And I don´t remember the names, or the face of women, without you I young getting old
and I don´t remember the number, passwords or ciphers, I don´t know this street or town either
and like the ship without anchors, the current drawn her in the restless sea
and God doesn´t want give you to me and he is braking my sails for a new shipwreck
I still keep that ring which I didn´t give it to you
because the heart understands too late and than want to return the time back
if you would love me again, I would fall on my knees
without you I´m just a flower without root

Russian Roulette

Why do you need her here, next to you, you are crazy
if you need girl like that instead of me
Blows my mind and leads me to the edge
The club is full, somebody would die to take me home
So I'm swinging drunk in spite to you
I'm wittingly doing this
Killing with my eyes
I'm turning you on in front of everyone
for revenge, my dear
Tit for tat
and i don't care what they say
I always have you on me
like a tattoo
I don't want treasure, to bribe me
I want you to care for me like a soldier on the guard
You are bad, you are evil, you are haunted, but I want more, I can't resist
When you were mine, ready to die like a man
Always risky, Russian Roulette
I'm unique which you can never copy
Handsome boys coming to me, it starts bothering you
Situation could escalate
Green of envy, you can't be calm anymore
[Chorus] x2

Angel of happiness

Dear God I've been asking for wings for a long time
why are you allowing me to kill myself slowly
when my heart stops let her tears roll
at least then let her think of me
I don't want a friend, I don't want a brother
I don't want my piece of heaven
her hands around my neck
that's the only thing I need tonight
Oooh take me God
so I can be her angel of happiness
oooh my faith
my love, my life
Dear God let me see her eyes
just once then forget about me
I don't have any other dreams, I don't have any other wishes
each new love is forever hers
(Chorus 2x)
I don't want a friend, I don't want a brother
I don't want my piece of heaven
her hands around my neck
that's the only thing I need tonight
Oooh take me God
so I can be her angel of happiness
oooh my faith
my love, my life


Who has stolen from the night
a part of the darkest colours,
and then weaved it into your eyes,
and gave them the glow, Romana?
Who has forced the birds
to give up their voice,
to become silent,
and lose their breath, Romana?
Wish I’d never met you,
or wanted you to be mine!
Wish I’d paid with my life
when I laid my eyes on you!
What’s a vulcano’s fire,
in front of the volcano of that ardor,
that you’re burning up with your dance,
and then throwing at us, Romana?
And all the eyes desire
to frantically devour you,
and all the hands would like
to at least touch you, Romana…
Wish I’d never met you,
or wanted you to be mine!
Wish I’d paid with my life
when I fell in love!
One night for you,
I was your song,
a song that gets forgotten
the next day already, Romana!
Because it’s stronger than passion,
your restless love,
that belongs to a world,
I’m not in, Romana…
Wish I’d never met you,
or wanted you to be mine!
Wish I’d paid with my life
when I lost you!
(translated by Gavrilo Došen)

Love is blue

Versions: #2
Sweet, sweet, love is sweet.
Sweet is my life my life in your arms.
Sweet, sweet, love is sweet.
Sweet is my life my life close to you.
Blue, Blue love is blue.
Cradle my heart, my loving heart.
Blue, blue love is blue.
Blue, like the sky that plays in your eyes.
Like water, like the running water.
My heart runs after your love.
Gray, gray, love is gray.
My heart weeps when you go.
Gray gray the sky is grey.
And it rains when you are no more there.
The wind, the wind moans.
The wind cries when you leave.
The wind, the cursed wind.
My heart cries when you're gone
Like water, like the running water.
My heart runs after your love.
Blue blue love is blue.
The sky is blue when you come back.
Blue blue love is blue.
Love is blue when you take my hand.
Crazy, crazy, love is crazy.
A crazy fool like you and a crazy fool like me.
Blue blue love is blue.
Love is blue when I am yours.
Love is blue when I am yours.

Our love tango

Versions: #2
This is our dance, this is the last dance
That gives an end to our romance
Look : on my face
Full of souvenirs tears flow
Tonight, on my body,
The sadness is coming and invading me.
Remember our love tango
Three musicians were making us dance
You told me 'I will love you forever'
And you kissed me
The time erases
Even the most beautiful traces
Like steam on a mirror.
Tonight, there is a veil that separates us
And that we can't cross.
Tonight my hand is cold
It's too late to change the future.
Remember our tango of love
Three musicians were making us dance.
You told me 'I will love you forever'
And you kissed me
From this tango,
I have memories
And with this tango,
our story will end
La, la, la...
Dance with me our tango of love
In this cafe where we met
Hold me in your arms until the dawn
And make me turn around again
In our love tango .

The Cake Shop Bossa Nova

My friend eats seven cream rolls
And when he's finished those
He'll have even more sugary treats
He says good people don't get toothache
And it's great to travel all over the place
And have that sweet taste in your mouth
What a treat - sugar and coffee
And half a litre of Becherovka liquer
Lend me 500 (Czech Crowns)
Today's bill comes to 400.
Cake shop assistants all round the country
Flutter their eyelids sweetly at him
And in return he sings
This cake shop bossa nova again and again
My friend drinks elderberry juice
He says there's nothing better
It's a massive hit of glucose, he says,
And I should drink some too
Just look how many women
Would open their legs to carry his child
But I suspect
He'll just turn into a big fat ball
And when someone gives him a kick
He'll roll off out of my life
And I'll be alone, completely alone.
What a treat - sugar and coffee
And half a litre of Becherovka liquer
Lend me 500 (Czech Crowns)
Today's bill comes to 400.
Cake shop assistants all round the country
Flutter their eyelids sweetly at him
And in return he sings
This cake shop bossa nova again and again
My friend can't see his toes anymore
He's grown so fat
And he's just getting fatter
Sentenced to being fat for life
But people need glycids, he says
Our body is like a furnace
And it burns up all the sugars
Some get their kicks with alcohol
Some with drugs
But he gets his from eating sweet stuff
What a treat - sugar and coffee
And half a litre of Becherovka liquer
Lend me 500 (Czech Crowns)
Today's bill comes to 400.
Cake shop assistants all round the country
Flutter their eyelids sweetly at him
And in return he sings
This cake shop bossa nova again and again

Da barem odeš

Ne vjeruj mi ni jednu riječ
lako ću ti lagati
uzalud pitaš jesam li bio s njom
to već svatko zna
Budi barem malo ponosna
kad već nisam ja
Još mi ruke mirišu na nju
dlanovi se znoje
gledaš me s toliko ljubavi
dok se laži broje
Vidiš da te nisam vrijean
lažem tvojim očima
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratim njoj
da te lažno ljubim
jer i njoj sam lagao da te nisam dugo vidio
Ne vjerujem ni jednu riječ
lagat ćeš mi lako
uzalud pitam jesi li bio s njom
to već svatko zna
U meni više nema ponosa
lažem da sam jedina
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratiš njoj
da me lažno ljubim
jer i njoj si lagao da me nisi dugo vidio
I opet ću kupiti (kupit ćeš) sve, kod tebe (mene) i nje
vješto ću lažima sakriti istinu
ali netko je ugrijao ovo srce, zar ne
ali to neće potrajati
Da barem odeš
Da barem odem
da te grupo otjeram
da barem odeš, da barem odeš
pa da joj se lakše vratiš
da barem odeš
da barem odeš
Da barem odeš, da barem odem, da te grubo otjeram
pa da se lakše opet vratim njoj (vratiš)
da te lažno ljubim (me ljubiš)
jer i njoj si lagao da me nisi dugo vidio

My darling

Like I was dreaming
I hear your voice
You're here with a company
two tables from us
The devil waits
to finish the drink
I just want to catch your gaze
My misfortune did not surprise me at all
that you did not recognize me
because this is my soul
and without a door and without a roof
After you, it left empty
I'm like a shadow on your face,
every smile gives me pain
my soul, is a ruined home
only the winds live in it
[Chorus 2x]
Just go and disappear into the night,
do not break my old wounds
we are now just souls, two sailboat in the storm
none of us will go to heaven
My soul is a ruined house,
only the winds live in it

Comrade Tatavaičius

Did comrade Tatavaičius really do everything to make our lives more beautiful? Everything? In disco style?
If I had my own cabinet on the committee
I'd grab a hold of comrade Tatavaičius
I'd go out on the road
And I'd ask:
Why so energetic, Tatavaičius?
Why so unhappy, Tatavaičius?
Why so eloquent, Tatavaičius?
Why so exemplary, Tatavaičius?
A computerized Japanese wristwatch glowed
And everything is in disco style!
You only look energetic!
You just pretend to be unhappy!
You imagine yourself as eloquent!
You have proven yourself exemplary!
Talk, talk, comrade Tatavaičius
Write, write, comrade Tatavaičius
Approve, approve of the hazy future
A computerized Japanese wristwatch glowed
And everything is in disco style!
And I will take comrade Tatavaičius off the road
And I will cry with silver tears
And I will call on the telephone
And I will say:
Nothing happened!
A computerized Japanese wristwatch glowed
And everything is in disco style!

Crime scene

Hate me, feel free to hit me with your tears
Just don't, don't be silent
I can't endure that pain
Curse me, punch my soul
Which was once honorable
Just don't, don't be silent
I can't save myself from the silence.
I'm coming back from the crime scene
With my head down and without a medal
With my soul tainted
If I were any worse I might be of some use to you
I fell without a grain of gunpowder
Into that trench that is someone else's bed
With my soul tainted
If I were any worse I might be of some use to you
Hate me, cry for us
At least a little
Because my body was given to another
And the silence ruined everything
Curse me, punch my soul
Which was once honorable
Just don't, don't be silent
I can't save myself from the silence.
I'm coming back from the crime scene
With my head down and without a medal
With my soul tainted
If I were any worse I might be of some use to you
I fell without a grain of gunpowder
Into that trench that is someone else's bed
With my soul tainted
If I were any worse I might be of some use to you

A szemek sosem öregszenek

Hej, mikor ere a világra jöttünk
Én nem tudtam, hogy nekem születtél.
Te, ki mondta volna hogy épp te,
Ezer más közül, te fogod szivem megcélozni,
Hogy csak téged foglak szeretni?
Hej, a kezedbe adtam mindent,
Amim csak van, és nem sajnálom,
Tudd, ehhez a lélekhez nem kell már kulcs
Nem kell semmi, mert mindenem odaadtam,
Csak veled szeretnék megöregedni...
Dalom szállj hozzá ma éjjel,
Aludjon békésen,
Mond, mond el hogy a mindenem,
Mond hogy köszönöm!
Mikor elmúlik minden, az élet őszre fest minket,
arcunkra ráncokat vés,
Te örökre fiatal maradsz szememben,
Mert a szemek sosem öregszenek!

On the street*

Versions: #2
All the hurting he causes you, you‘re hiding it really well
Nobody sees the scars he‘s leaving on your heart
When you walk by, what do people do? They ask if you make love with him and you feel bad again and you understand that a love like that cannot last
On the street people already talk about it, (they say) he‘s married and he comes and only gets his pleasure, every evening
His touch makes you feel good, his kisses make you get naked
On the street they say you‘re such a fool to fall for a guy who is already in love (with another woman), if you had the guts to tell him, you would be the first one that won‘t forgive him
How can you sleep with him again and again if you know that he doesn‘t feel anything for you?
The only thing he does is look for excuses to make love... it is not right to feel like this, and tonight say „no“

Higgy a szerelemben

Higgy a szerelemben
és tőle ne félj
higgy a szerelemben
nélküle ne élj
higgy a szerelemben
és őrizd meg azt
higgy a szerelemben
lásd a rosszat s igazt
higgy a szerelemben
és őrizd meg azt
higgy a szerelemben
lásd a rosszat s igazt
add a kezed most nekem
összetartson a szerelem
add a kezed most nekem
mint ritka virágot
add a kezed most nekem
igaz szerelem a miénk
vezessen egy boldog világ felé
Higgy a szerelemben...

Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter

Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
all at once, the sky becomes black
the clothes hanging one by one are put inside
and it rains, it rains that God has forgotten us,
it seems to me like the Deluge
that washes the stones and that cancels the evil
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
then it comes day with a pink dawn
and the world seems to be something else
and another time, what should we do?
we sing, to dream of living.
If life is sleepy, what should we do?
We sing to dream of living.
Inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
inside the alleys, where the sea does not enter
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


As always, again,
the new year came and I bought it,
laying in the sand I read all
the chinese book that increases faith.
The tarot told me,
this is my year, finally it is,
I'll flirt a lot at the club,
I'll have health, money and love.
But april pulled my petals and I'm still alone,
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, may, alone,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Harassing the ichi
I achieved a veredict of a better time,
I stimulated the Chakras and the chi,
I feeded my inner being.
This time I felt it,
that fortune would come to me,
that the planets would align,
that I'd have a clean sweep in Mar del Plata.
I sold my soul to the devil,
and the unsold fish.
I removed my hair on winter
because I don't lose my faith.
And now we're on august,
alone, on deficit,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, alone, in comma
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
And december found me again naked,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Without your love

If I could hold that look
if I could turn back time
I'd say with my soul
that here lives the feeling
that joins us forever
that it's not a sudden thing
if I could confess how much I miss you
if I'm the same one who gave you her heart
I don't want to be used to
live this destiny without your love
without your love the mornings no longer smile
without your love I don't know from where does the sun come up
and the nights become much more distant
without your love
if I could I'd say so many things to you
after all the silences I lost
I haven't changed so much
and my dreams still wait for your love
without your love I'm a handful of memories
I'm the shadow of what I was one day
without your love the room is an exile
of illusions for you
without your love, without your love, without your love.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hiányzol nekem

Bár akarnál nekem lenni
a kikötőm, a tengerem,
a szerelmem örökké.
Bár akarnál nekem lenni
az éjszakáim, hajnalaim,
boldogságom örökké.
Szeretnélek én vezetni
a gyengédség és álmok útján
vezetnélek örökké.
Szeretnélek én szeretni
egészen a fájdalomig
szeretnélek örökké.
Úgy hiányzol nekem, ma éjjel is
hiányzol nekem,
a mosolyod, hangod, szemeid.
hiányzol nekem
az éj meg hosszú,
hiányzol nekem
az álom, béke, szerelem.
Hiányzol nekem


Again I dreamed my mother on a holiday...
And wondering boding is buzzing What did that dream mean?
A stool taken out under a mulberry tree like she is awaiting me from somewhere
I dislike it less and less when I'm right...
A dream book with bold letters...
That is easy with the dreams...
It's a bit harder when i interpret reality..
In the eye dark glare from the wild hazelnut...
And, soon,a new wrinkle, because of the only child, a sinner..
Linden summer dress with sewed details...
Goes along with large spots on a garden bucket..
In a row of lavish gillyflowers... In that dream she's younger than me....
Just like I would like to remember....
Oh mother, snow is falling..Neither that makes me happy anymore
It is gone forever...North wind is blowing over wasted land..
Ice has covered calm waters...
And it is stretching away forever...
Snowflakes are falling like hordes of minutes that are long gone
Nobody is scared because I'm late..that I haven't returned from the trip yet..
Does the winter have a soul?
The night is barren... That what follows me is not giving up...
I rarely meet people from my tribe
They are disappearing in the column from the other side of time...
Cheating whisper of our moral sense can lead us to do evil things...
I wasn't really a son who brings good news..
Faces that I love are passing by and I cannot do anything about it
To some strange dream that we will meet in
Oh mother, snow is falling..Neither that makes me happy anymore
It is gone forever...North wind is blowing over wasted land..
Ice has covered calm waters...
And it is stretching away forever...
Snowflakes are falling like hordes of minutes that are long gone
Nobody is scared because I'm late..that I haven't returned from the trip yet..
Does the winter have a soul?
The night is barren... That what follows me is not giving up...


They go, space is large,
they stay near each other,
they want to talk.
But what one of them talks about
the other one already knows
For ever since their dimmed
and forgotten beginning,
it's the same old story.
In dreams each meets himself,
Loves himself, is complete.
Each goes no farther than
the other, or than himself.
© Christian Guernes

Az egem vagy

Az ajkaim vétkesek, a karjaim vétkesek, de jól tudom, hogy mindig szó nélkül átölelsz
Még mindig a hangoddal beszélek, még mindig a lélegzeteddel lélegszem,
és nem tudom, hogy miért mindig azokat bántom meg könnyen, akiket a legjobban szeretek
Te az egem vagy, te vagy a mindenem, még mindig úgy szeretlek, mint az első napon,
minden hazugságban te vagy az egyedüli igazság,
veled a csillagokhoz mennék, veled leföldelnék,
a szívem a szívedben van, cask a szerelem tehet meg mindent,
egyik lany sem, olyan mint te, óh, soha nem akarlak elveszíteni, elveszíteni
Mi kényszerít arra, hogy éjjel egedül az éjszakámmal legyek,
holott az egyedüli igazi dolog az, amikor veled vagyok
Még mindig a hangoddal beszélek, még mindig a lélegzeteddel lélegszem,
és nem tudom, hogy miért mindig azokat bántom meg könnyen, akiket a legjobban szeretek
Te az egem vagy, te vagy a mindenem, még mindig úgy szeretlek, mint az első napon,
minden hazugságban te vagy az egyedüli igazság,
veled a csillagokhoz mennék, veled leföldelnék,
a szívem a szívedben van, cask a szerelem tehet meg mindent,
egyik lany sem, olyan mint te, óh, soha nem akarlak elveszíteni, elveszíteni

Leave Me Alone, Pretty Nastya

I'm being pursued by Nastassja Kinski
Every day she comes into my dreams
She tells me that she loves me, like really sincerely
And that she's languishing without me
I'm slightly worried about this beautiful young woman
I cannot approve of her stance
She keeps my picture like some infatuated teenager
My picture, in her wallet
It's all very nice and very flattering
But my face is not made for disguises
My views about those things are old-fashioned
Leave me alone, comrade Kinski
It's not your fault, don't take it personally
It's about principles or something like that
I was born for another woman
Leave me alone, pretty Nastya
I cannot understand what she sees on me
Except that I'm tall, handsome and blond1
As soon as I open my mouth, her face turns red
And she rushes to smooch me
Her gaze sweeps men off their feet
But I'm resisting as best I can
She hugs me strongly, all Greco-Roman2
She wants to kiss me movie-style
Slow down lassie, hold your fire
Just go back to your rotten West3
To Paris, Texas and among Cat People
I'm not going anywhere from Bačka4.
  • 1. He's actually short and chubby
  • 2. As in Greco-Roman wrestling
  • 3. As in rotten capitalist West
  • 4. The region where Novi Sad is located

Play tonight just for her

Everything in life is a passing thing my friend
Love, sadness and all of the happy days
Now when she's gone let the roses cry
Like the withered leaves on a autumn branch
Play tonight just for her
I will sing, mourn, and pay
Play tonight just like she is here
Even tho I'm bringing her back just in my toughts
I was just a bystander in that world
I was playing a boem,sang and drank
Sometimes i dreamed a happy dream for a moment
But hid a internal sadness deep in my heart
I'm protecting our love with memories tonight
And I'm returning to where I was happy
Next to overfilled glasses and a broken heart
When I could i would drink all the pain away

Is it possible?

Versions: #2
I thought you're the only one in the world
I believed in all the lies
you told me
But my heart still seeks you,
damn woman
What to do, where to wander
I have no idea either
Chorus 2x
Is it possible
that you've forgot me
Is it possible
that you kissed an other man
Is it possible
that you've disappeared
Let me get drunk this night
I'll make a miracle
I'll destroy everything
Because my heart has no peace
since she is gone
she has destroyed one life
she took everything away

After you

Versions: #4
You go away...
Love has for you
The smile of another girl
I would like but cannot be
angry against you. From now on,
You are going to forget me.
This is not your fault
But, however, you must know
That after you
I will not be able to realy live anymore,
I'll only live remembering you.
After you,
I will have wet eyes,
Empty hands, a heart without joy.
With you,
I had learned how to laugh
And my laughter comes only because of you.
After you, I will be only a shadow...
Of your shadow....
After you...
Even if a day, I live a new life again,
If I hold the promise
Who links two humanbeings
(perhaps) forever , After you
I might be able
To give some tenderness
But nothing from my love.
After you
I will not be able to realy live anymore,
I'll only live remembering you.
After you,
I will have wet eyes,
Empty hands and a heart without joy.
With you,
I had learned how to laugh
And my laughter comes only because of you.
After you, I will be only a shadow...
Of your shadow....
After you...

Boža The Jack

This is a story that I very much enjoy telling
It's the story of Boža AKA The Jack.
Some sing him praises, others pity him
Yet others say: 'Oh, brother,
He was as rotten as a decayed tooth.'
From here all the way to Budapest and to Srem in the south
Stories about him are still told in shady gambling circles
And they say: 'He never played on credit in his life!'
And they all agree that these days
There are none like Boža The Jack
He had some land somewhere, that was more-or-less known
Even though he never said a word about it
He was supposed to be a veterinarian, but he was always pigheaded
So he lived off gambling all his life
Oh, that man followed cards as if he saw through them
Always cool as spritzer, always dangerously silent
And only when warding off bad luck he'd say a verse
And everybody still remembers the words for warding off bad luck
As said by Boža The Jack
It's no use having money, my nephews*
It's no use being eager
Nor gazing sternly nor having sticky fingers
I still cheat a little better
Oh, yeah!
But the card is a whore, excuse my French
Because I just tell it as I hear it
And if I was lied to, then I'm lying to you now
Everybody knows this story, from the devil to the priest
Because many scoundrels were left with nothing
There's a gambler hiding and lurking in every one of us
And waiting for the right moment
He once played cards with some Russian emigrant
That was a loan shark as rich as a prince
There was also the post office manager, endearingly called Ljupče
And some smuggler that the whole district was looking for
Oh, that was a game, stories are still told
Onlookers in trance, cold sweat breaking
A heap of money on the table, let's not mention the amount
And he drew a queen on eighteen*
Cool as ice, Boža The Jack
Have you heard about the time when he played with a certain baron
For four days? That was war!
He had strong cards all the time, so he won a carriage
A black horse, a cigarette case, a walking stick and a watch
The baron later complained that the deck was old
That he drank too much, that he was caught up in the excitement
But all the losers moan, that's a well known thing
And everybody loses at least sometimes
But never Boža The Jack
It's no use having money, my nephews
It's no use being eager...
In gigolo matters, he was no Tarzan
But he was by no means a hare
He had some ladies here and there, but we all know very well
That what counts with women is some fifth ace
Love is a game in which bluffing often doesn't work
A heart is harder to get into than the best safe
He had his ladies of diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs
And he remained faithful to them
Until the judgement day, Boža The Jack
My dear gentlemen, he disappeared without a trace
Giving the whole story a weird tone
Some horse traders swore that near Sombor they met
Some guy that looked exactly like him
Maybe cards took him all the way to Prague or Vienna
Nobody's heard a word about him for a long time
Is he still hanging around on Earth or has he thrown in the towel
And now plays with angels in heaven
Raub, Préférence and Pontoon*
It's no use having money, my nephews
It's no use being eager...

I Wasn't Right For Her

She liked classic music and jazz
She mostly read Pearl Buck
Her great-grandfather was a Russian prince
He came all the way from the Urals
I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
No never was I right for her
I wasn't right for her
She saw mostly the entire world
London, Paris, Amsterdam and Rome
She drove a blue Renault 5
She drove it quite decently
But anyway, I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
She lived like a watch
A strict plan for every day
She wanted to know it all
What's happening, who's with whom?
I'm a completely different kind
Oh, so wonderfully free
I don't give a damn about her jet set
So, that's it
It wouldn't have been much of a marriage
When the wife's idol is uncle Freud
While her husband is superficial and lightweight
Football, Coca Cola and Pink Floyd
Oh, mama, I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
No, really, I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
We run into each other occasionally
She asks me what I'm doing now
She tells me in short lines
What's happening, who's with whom
I tell her that I grieve
Play cards and drink a lot
Hang out with clouds
She says: It's your own fault
But anyway, I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her
No, really, I wasn't right for her
I wasn't right for her

Panonian sailor

I'm looking at Banat, Srem and Bačka
From the top of Fruška Gora
I'm looking, and there's turmoil in my soul
There was, according to books, a sea here once
It waited for me and then it dried up
I'm a born mariner like Magellan
Or even better, like Admiral Cook
In this plain among the fields I'm losing hope
A sea dog marooned in the cornfields
My sea doesn't exist
And I don't know what to do
My old man says that Danube isn't bad either
My sea doesn't exist, but
I still live in hope
That maybe someday we will meet again
My life is therefore bitter like tonic water
My despair is endless and bottomless
But luckily, there's Moon the lighthouse
Guiding me through the blue waters of dreams
Oh, why did it have to happen to me
I don't know should I cry or should I laugh
Some sailors maybe lose their ships
But to lose a sea is exceptionally bad luck
My sea doesn't exist...

Lips Like Million Watts

Whisper in my ear
What a cool idea you have
I'm here, without a plan
That you love me, say with delay
Come, come, come you
Come, you crazy head
No one has the right
To spoil our night
Each touch is
Remembered by my skin
I'm yours
Remember that
You tell me: 'Tell me what you'd like
Abu Dhabi or Havana?'
And I would like you, nothing else
Every night, every day
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Kiss me slowly
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Touch me like that
Come, come, come you
Come, you crazy head
No one has the right
To spoil our night
My body's flashback is
Your's forever
Crazy about me totally
You tell me: 'Tell me what you'd like
Abu Dhabi or Havana?'
And I would like you, nothing else
Every night, every day
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Kiss me slowly
What you do to me now...
Lips (strong) like million watts
Touch me like that


Good afternoon, have all of you
I'm Vicente, I live in la Paternal -by here-
Hey Gladis, explain your relatives
That I'm Vicente, and I really love you -ah! love!-
Boy, come inside, get upstairs
That the boss lady, is in good mood today -thank God-
Hey mom! Serve another dish of gnocchis
Vicente came, with the girl to lunch -how good-
Mr Pablo, if it's for me don't worry
Just a while ago, I lunched at the inn -what can you do-
It doesn't matter! Have a coffee
We have lots of things to talk -me and you-
Mr Pablo, I earn 200 thousand pesos
But with Gladys, we want to get married -in front of the altar-
Vicente, I think it's convinient
To tell you, that your income is a jazmin -don't make me laugh-
Oh dad! I love Vicente
And I ask you, to stop bothering -tell him, mom!-
You see, mom! It's always the same in this house
Why do they ask, if one can't think -goddammit-
But dad, don't get mad at the boys
Vicente is good, honest and working -I certify it-
Mrs, thanks for the flowers
We'll marry in halfway April (maybe May)
We'll marry in halfway April (maybe May)
Your grandchildren, will thank you (in a month)
Your grandchildren, will thank you
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I wanted to steal you

In my heart, there's a huge wound,
And that wound is you.
You wanted to make a huge sin,
To seize my wife from me.
I am going to church, and praying to God,
That God forgives you all.
[Sofi:] (Chorus):
I wanted to steal you,
From your wife, from your kids.
I wanted to steal you,
To be only mine.
The tears of your wife,
Cause me a lot of qualm.
I love you so much,
But your wife had won.
I only wanted a little adventure,
But you've gone into deep water.
Love had blinded you,
You even wanted to sell my children.
Me and my God will forgive you all,
But my heart, you know, never...
[Sofi:] (Chorus.)
[Zvonko:] (Chorus:)
You wanted to steal me,
From my wife, from my kids.
You wanted to steal me,
To be only yours.
The tears of my wife,
Cause you a lot of qualm.
You love me so much,
But my wife had won.
[Sofi:] (Chorus.)