Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 33

Találatok száma: 1102


'2032': Track 10 – The Angel of New Life

It has always seemed to me
That our goal is clear
And we know what we’re searching for behind the threshold
And a lie is justified, too,
At times when we need it
For the sake of the sought-for results
And with the help of people’s lives
And the motives of their doings,
The destiny itself guides us to the goal
So, how could it be that
In fact, this very goal
Is now denied by our artificial god?
But you were
To be our angel of new life
The spring of yours
Has invited us
To the sunrise of the upcoming days!..
It would have been strange
To blame you now:
You already know too much
But how can we follow
This path without losses
That are meant to happen, as you say?
Life in our century isn’t simple
It’s full of contradictions:
Sometimes, happiness is just an illusion,
And probably, you will
Give us illusions, too,
Leaving something important out of sight
Because, if you are right
And the technical progress
No longer needs our naïve aspirations,
Then, now, our only goal
Is a stupid satisfied society
Where most people are just consumers!
But you were
To be our angel of new life
The spring of yours
Has guided us
To the dreams of our terrestrial path!..
And the day will come
And you’ll suddenly
Understand everything once again
And the day will come
And we’ll tell ourselves:
Our aspirations are worth it!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

'2032': Track 11 – The Results of People's Love

It’s just necessary for charismatic politicians
To be close to people nowadays
Even though, sometimes, it can be hard
To take the results of people’s love seriously
But neither television, nor the Net
Is able to replace human interaction in real life
And to get rid of all the visits and meetings
People themselves are so hard to change.
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, general view]
Emcee: Right after the 12th school of our city, the warm greetings to our wonderful leader comrade Milinevsky are brought by the pupils of the secondary school number 8!
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, close view]
Milinevsky: Listen, when shall we get back to Moscow?
Delegate: ASGU said she’d bring the train in the evening
She didn’t decide on the exact time, this is a closed city…
[At the ExCom‘s auditorium, general view]
Emcee: Dear Anatoly Sergeevich!
You’re about to hear the performance of the pupil of the 11th class “a” Limaeva Svetlana.
She has dedicated this song to our great party, our government, and to you personally!
*microphone's click*
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

'2032': Track 05 – The Congress

[At the conference hall]
ASGU: I give the floor to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party Anatony Sergeevich Milinevsky.
Milinevsky: Dear deputies, dear Politburo members.
Today, on the 23rd of July 2032, we’re opening the congress timed to Nikolai Iosifovich Plotnikov’s memorial day, who was an outstanding statesman of the Soviet Union and the General Secretary of CC CPSU.
And before we start discussing the agenda, I’d like to say a few words about the role of this person in our recent history.
It’s no secret that our country was in a rather difficult economic situation in the mid 80’s of the last century…
Sometimes, it’s so interesting to observe
The expressions of some deputies Regular smile
They will approve of my new course,
Unanimously, with no debates
They don’t want to waste their time:
Their vote is just a formality, it doesn’t matter that much.
[At the conference hall]
Milinevsky: …the international situation wasn’t easy either.
The bureaucratic layer didn’t fit the Marxist-Leninist ideas and turned out to be a hindrance to the development of our society.
Thanks to the managerial talent of Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov, who was elected as the CC General Secretary back in 1985, the situation was partly improved, and our country restored its positions.
But when Nikolai Plotnikov came into power, we followed a truly great path.
A remarkable progress in terms of the governance theory and artificial intelligence, along with the direct involvement of academic Plotnikov, allowed to finish the construction of ASGU – the Universal Automated System of Governance – 13 years ago.
At first it was being developed in the 1960s by the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics, and by its director Viktor Glushkov personally, for the sake of increasing the efficiency of the economic planning, but, after being connected to the State Information Network 4 years ago, it has fundamentally changed the whole structure of our governance as long as the lives of millions of Soviet workers.
Today, you will also hear her report in the voice form.
We all know, how much the state of things in the world changed, too.
Soviet Union’s territory was widely expanded thanks to brotherly people of Mongolia and North Afghanistan joining us.
Another memorable event of the last decades was the creation of the Middle Eastern Socialistic Confederation, whereas their people put an end to the medieval times and chose the innovative way of development...
ASGU: Dear deputies, dear Politburo members.
Now, according to the agenda, you will be presented a report by the Universal Automated System of Governance.
In this report, I’d like to acquaint you…
[At Kremlin office]
Why are you here? I’m making a report right now…
I know. I’ve already heard it all.
And I’ve told you I don’t quite agree with it.
It’s too early to make such kind of statements, I’m afraid.
[At the conference hall]
ASGU: … with some provisions of my new development program for the next 30 years till 2062, which will be implemented at USSR and, as much as possible, at the other countries of the socialist bloc.
Some of you have already had a chance to read about the so-called “theses” on a transition to the second scheme of manufacturing automation.
The transition of the main part of the production capacity to being controlled by me was already considered as the possible framework for partial abolition of commodity and money relations. However, it was opposed by certain conservative circles.

[At Kremlin office]
The only things described in your program are technological advances.
I see no opportunities for the moral growth of a person!
That’s so absurd to hear nowadays
About this misconception of the age of enlightenment.
You know that labor productivity
Is a criteria of social development!
There’s a difference between a person that lives in order to work,
And the one that sits back and just watches you do everything!
I’m not going to deprive people
Of things that they enjoy doing.
And how many of them will turn into deadbeats?
I don’t quite understand this word.
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

'2032': Track 04 – In the Starry Vortex of Time

In starry vortex of time,
Dreams change their colors,
Some of them have come true,
While others have completely vanished,
But, also, there are the ones that have been attracting us by their strange light
For thousands of years,
And yet they are so elusive, it’s just a dream
That still keeps its secrets.
But the more difficult our goal is to achieve,
The more alluring it is
It makes us believe we can do this,
As if that goal was the only true one…
Still believing in that dream,
Standing on the edge of a cliff,
We’ve been searching for our own path,
Having forgotten about the endless lies
And this terrestrial world
Was only for us, and only because
We can destroy it
For the sake of the dream in just a moment.
And, maybe, it is so silly
To declare that our ultimate goal
Is something like a naïve children’s fairytale,
But it is worth living for!
In starry vortex of time,
In terms of ideas’ development,
History is a strict judge,
But it’s the most reasonable one,
The idea of the City of the Sun
Has been thought about for such a long time
Yet it still hasn’t been realized,
We can only dream about it…
But the more difficult our goal is to achieve,
The more alluring it is,
It blinds us with its light
And we are embraced by this wonderful dream,
And, maybe, it is so silly
To declare that our ultimate goal
Is something like a naïve children’s fairytale,
But it is worth living for!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

'2032': Track 03 – The Plenary

[An office at the factory]
*official time signal*
Dictor: Moscow’s speaking. Current Moscow time is 11 AM.
*news theme song*
Dictor: We’ll start from the latest news.
The plenary session of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union Communist Party was held yesterday.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the session was opened by the member of Politburo, the First Secretary of Leningrad Oblast CPSU Committee Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov.
In connection with the death of the General Secretary of CC CPSU, the Chair of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, the plenary participants observed a minute of silence.
The plenum noted the Soviet Union Communist Party and all the Soviet people have suffered a grievous loss.
Konstantin Ustinovich was an outstanding party leader and statesman, a patriot and an internationalist, a remarkable activist who fought to ensure the triumph of the ideals of communism and peace on the Earth…
First Radio Listener: Hey, are they going to propose Romanov? I’ve thought they were talking Gorbachov…
Second Radio Listener: Well, he was proposed by Andropov even. Still didn’t get chosen…
First Radio Listener: What about Grishin?
Second Radio Listener: Grishin?.. That guy didn’t really want to himself…
Dictor: The plenary participants expressed their deep condolences to the family and friends of the late General Secretary.
The CC plenary considered to choose a new CC CRSU General Secretary.
On behalf of the Party’s Politburo, the member of Politburo and the Head of the Ministers Council comrade Tikhonov delivered a speech on the issue.
He proposed to elect the First Secretary of the Leningrad Oblast Committee, comrade Romanov, as the new CC CRSU General Secretary.
The plenum unanimously decided to elect Grigory Vasilyevich Romanov as the General Secretary of CC CPSU.
Then the newly elected CC CRSU General Secretary comrade Romanov gave a speech…

And life went on… The country was moving
Towards our great dream,
Even though it was unclear whether we were getting close
To that distant illusive line.
And years will pass, children will grow up,
The leader will be changed two more times,
And, then, the unkind rain of gossips and doubts
Will finally stop, not being able to wash out the plinths.
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.
Alen Ademović - Ih lele dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Ih lele

Every day, when I get up
I kiss your shoe
I know that your father won't give you
My winged bird
Your mother went to women
To throw some magic
Without you, I cannot go on
What have you done now?
Oh hey... She left me
Oh hey... She left me
Oh... left with someone else 4x
Every night, when I sleep
I become a Superman
I come to you on a horse
And wake you up from your dream
Your mother went to women
To throw some magic
Without you, I cannot go on
What have you done now?
Oh hey... She left me
Oh hey... She left me
Oh... left with someone else 4x
Oh, how beautiful she was...
Those black eyes... I love so much
I will die
Oh God, what have you done?
Oh, she forgot my heart
This black hair... I love so much
I will die
Oh God, what have you done?
Oh hey... She left me
Oh hey... She left me
Oh... left with someone else 4x
Vicente Fernández - Mesa para uno dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

A Table for One

Versions: #2
Waiter, A table for one
Today I wait for no one,
My impossible love
is not coming tonight
Waiter, A table for one
And make sure it is the same one
that was every night
was a date of love
Don't take the flowers
Leave them
They form a part of yesterday
a day, that hurt me
Without pity
Last night, here in this place
She asked me while crying
Please don't return anymore
Waiter, A table for one
Now I wait for no one
My love will not come now
Nor will she return
Now I wait for no one
My love will not come now
Nor will she return
Vicky Leandros - Réponses dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
It's not the wind that blows
that will bend the pines,
But more the water at your mouth
That I used to love
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
I'm still seeking,
Without really seeking well
A corner of the aurora
A boy under the wheat
If I find him tomorrow
I would never want
To say the words that open
In secret the mirror
Of the heart that I will love
Of the heart that I will love
Knowing what I know
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
Megapolis - Moskvichki (Москвички) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Moscow Girls

I am her nighttime pilot
Together with musical strings
I will write down in my notebook
The crazy rise* of eyelashes
The melting mirage of the face
Every feature
And having finished it
I will tear out that page
Do you know how in Moscow empty pages melt?
Oh those crazy Moscow girls
Midnight decadence
Half-dark metro
The light is fading, and in the wires
Electric current weakens until morning
The grey leaves wilt
Of notebooks of past years
While tired Moscow
Sleeps, and it's not her business
What some resident** writes where - in a train
Oh those crazy Moscow girl
Aleksandra Mladenović - Ljubav ili ludilo dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Love or madness

Winter and summer
I am with you
no one is not like you and me
I'm dreaming you awake, I'm little weird
Well I'm not normal
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness
Chorus (2x)
It's so good to us, that's it
it's really good to us together
what is mine that is yours, it's written
little by little we are arguing
little by little we are making things better
but we live one for each other
And at day and at night
I want with you
I don't care for other boys
when you aren't close to me, like toxicated
I'm crying for hours
That I can't be anymore without you
heaven decided
I don't know is this love or madness
Tea Tairović - Igračica (Играчица) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


And why, why
why should I be modest
when my body is
like time bomb
it's deaf age (late hours),
your room is dark
and on me yours
favourite wardrobe
And you, and you
sitting like a boss
you are watching me without touch
that is your punishment
eyes follow everything
what hips are doing
c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Your dancer
now is dancing for your eyes
that is my magic
there where borders don't exists
Your dancer
naughty calling you with finger
you look like hypnotized
while I'm making man's dreams come true
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
you are killing me with yor look
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
every move is killing
uuu yes, your cheeks are burning really
uuu yes, what will be if I stop right now
O are you, on border,
to finish this night in panic
on clinic, on Ibiza,
better run while you still have a chance
Your dancer
now is dancing for your eyes
that is my magic
there where borders don't exists
Your dancer
naughty calling you with finger
you look like hypnotized
while I'm making man's dreams come true
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
you are killing me with yor look
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
every move is killing
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
you are killing me with yor look
And you like when I'm wrapping (x3)
every move is killing
Yulia Savicheva - Gimni salatu oliv'e (Гимн салату оливье) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Anthem to the Olivier salad

Hello, Julia!
Hello, Kolya*!
And to all the people of Goodwill!
The feast awaits us -
Without it, after all, we cannot celebrate the New Year!
Our parade is going, and at once
We can all sit down, friends!
Hey, Julia, we're going to eat.
Hey, Kolya, I'm scared to listen!
Figure, my figure!
Oh, it doesn't forgive me, when I eat.
Hey, Julia, we all have a figure!
And even - a musculature!
But all the same - there is a miracle dish:
The salad with a wondrous name
Maybe it has a French name
But it became primordially Russian
It became more than an appetizer
It's a New Year's symbol!
They make it overnight
More than a million tons!
Hey, Julia! It's so delicious!
Hey, Kolya! Oh, I'm scared!
I'm scared - I won't hold out.
And I'll eat a spoon, maybe even two!
Hey, Julia! You eat, don't worry!
It brings benefits to people.
Just leave some for Kolya,
This salad with the wondrous name Olivier.
Olivier serves as an example -
Of tolerance and friendship.
Since in it can coexist
So many different things.
In Olivier - one for all, after all!
And further - all for one!
The peas are so wonderful,
Pickles and potatoes!
And eggs - even hard-boiled -
Fit perfectly in the friendly group!
The ham, like a bride!
In the embraces of mayonnaise...
Unity and perfection
Salad with the wondrous name Olivier.
Ah, Julia! With this salad
We will honourably meet the goat
Ah, Kolya! Let the feast
Be decorated every evening in the family!
We will prepare it with feeling
And people - they love it,
And many - look good with it
The salad with the wondrous name -
Grupa Regina - Lavica bijela dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

White Lioness

He'll lie to you that I'm a sinful fan of her
It'll lie to you that everything covered the snow
It will lie to you that you will only pamper me by evil
They'll lie, but never do not believe them, no.
It will lie to you, beautiful, young, from me to steal you
It's all good when you're my lioness next to me white
Everything is fine while these loves are still eager for the part
Everything is fine while you live with me, the lioness is white
Everything is good until the evil divides us, dividing us forever
He'll lie to you that I'm a shame for you and the world
He'll lie to you that I'm another name for sin
He'll lie to you that I spent nothing on anything
They'll lie, but never do not believe them, no.
It will lie to you, beautiful, young, from me to steal you
It will lie to you, beautiful, young, from me to steal you ...
Jaromír Nohavica - Pijte vodu dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Drink water

Drink water
Drink potable water
Drink water
and don't drink rum
Drink water
Drink potable water
Drink water
and don't drink rum
Drink water
Drink potable water
Drink water
and don't drink rum
One sad railroad worker
drank eggnog on fifth platform
it glued his mouth
and diesel engine killed him
Drink water
Drink potable water
Drink water
and don't drink rum
Drink water
Drink potable water
Drink water
and don't drink rum
In Becher's family
they drink becherovka straight from bucket.
That is why every Becher
has sore liver and spine
Drink water...
(In slovak)
I drank Gorbatschow brand vodka
and then I said this and that
I got three years for that
Now I drink chlorinated beverages
Drink water...
(In polish)
We are boys from Warsaw
We are going by train to Ostrava
Four litres of vodka and lot of beer
We are such good colective
Drink water...
One lady in Americe
Embarrassed herself very much
She drank rum in one gulp
And vomited on White house
Drink water...
Alice in Wonderland (OST) - Pravil'nyy sovet | Правильный совет [Very Good Advice] dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Good Advise

I give myself good advise,
but it is so hard to follow.
Here is a key to all my disasters,
to be patient – the very best advise,
but it is so hard to follow
when one needs to wait, but wants to know an answer.
I should have, when beginning my journey,
thought on what is ahead,
remembered that happiness can deceive.
One day I’ll give myself good advice,
but it is so hard to follow.
Ah, when will I at last become a bit wiser?
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful.
Dragana Mirković - Brate Moj dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

My brother

What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Go on, tell me.
What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Come on! Tell me.
Ref. 2x
She isn't worth your pain
or your love.
Which woman dares to wound my brother
and not to pay with her tears?
It'll get better, my brother,
believe me on this.
Don't mention her name,
just forget her.
Ref. 2x.
Come with me, my brother,
I'll take you
but do not speak a single word about her,
don't, please!
Željko Joksimović - Isto je dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

All the same

Versions: #2
It's all the same, when I win them over
or when I lose them.
It's all the same, when I don't want them
or when I’m kissing them.
It's all the same,
nothing no longer touches me.
It's all the same, when I give up
or when I fight.
When they fall in love with me,
they only make things worse.
Everything I touch,
I turn it into you.
Where are you right now,
to be good enough for you as imperfect as I am,
where are you to tell me,
good luck when I'm leaving,
and to stay by my side
when the whole world turns its back on me.
Where are you right now,
to watch me grow old.
Where are you, so that I can fool
my destiny with your kindness,
because you are the only thing
I never managed to ruin.
It's all the same, when they hate me
or when they're kneeling.
It's all the same, they make me ill
even when they heal me.
It's all the same,
nothing no longer touches me.
It's the same, when they judge me
or when they defend me.
They are all only here
to stop the time after losing you.
Everything I touch,
I turn it into you.
Where are you right now,
to be good enough for you as imperfect as I am,
where are you to tell me,
good luck when I'm leaving,
and to stay by my side
when the whole world turns its back on me.
Where are you right now,
to watch me grow old.
Where are you, so that I can fool
my destiny with your kindness,
because you are the only thing
I never managed to ruin.
Anastasia Timofeevich - Volshebniy Svet (Волшебный свет) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Magic light

I don't know, what will be, but I know, without a fear
Do listen, people, I'm here
I don't need much-freedom swallow, to exist
South, North, West and East
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no
I'm a free bird among the emptiness,
What's happening in the world, do see
Let's give each other a smile
And joyfully soar in the sky(soar in the sky)
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no
My planet, above which the sun is shining
My planet, where always children smiling and talk about nice things
Magic light, star shine
In it yes and no, for the world is not simple sometime
Magic light- is my dream, in it yes and no, in it yes and no
Victor e Leo - Eres tú (Tem que ser você) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

It's You (It Has To Be You)

One day your feet are going to take me
Where my hands are able to touch you
You will be more than just a dream
And I'll be able to overcome this loneliness
You have to know about
(Know about) my love for you
I will tell you
That I, I love you
I can't deny
That the heavens embrace me when you look at me
I know that it's you
That you're my destiny, my faith
It's you, I know, and there's no need to understand
You will be more than just a dream,
And I'll be able to overcome this loneliness
Aco Pejović - Ne diraj mi noci dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Don't take away my nights

How much this life hurts me
When I see you, my eyes revive
You told me that you can't do it anymore
My nights were to blame
Don't take away my nights (Literally, don't touch my nights, meaning nightlife)
I can't live without them
Don't take away my wine
Allow it to make me drunk
Don't wake up my dreams
I'm dreaming of you
Send me Gypsies
To play music for me
Does a tear glance in your eye
When you remember those days of ours
A half of my heart loves only you
The other half is taken by pub (it means- the other half belongs to pubs and clubs)
Dvicio - Quién Soy dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Who I Am

I want to be the kid who never hide
For fear of failing
I want to be the captain of my horizon
Celebrate the freedom
I learned that everything in this life hides a thousand reasons to love
I discovered words that correspond to me today
I haven't stopped dreaming
I haven't lost the way where I'm going
Who I am
My way affirms where I am
Who I am
Oh oh
Who I am
I saw the falling rain in a lot of illusions
And I had to accept it
And even the force is not seen
Our hearts
It is the most lethal weapon
I learned that everything in this life hides a thousand reasons to love
I discovered words that correspond to me today
I haven't stopped dreaming
I haven't lost the way where I'm going
Who I am
My way affirms where I am
Who I am
Oh oh
Who I am
Oh oh oh
Who I am
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Who I am
Oh oh oh
Who I am
I want to be the kid who never hide
Celebrate the freedom
Miloš Vujanović - Skidaj se sa ljubavi dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Get Off The Love

You could have had everything
everything you wanted, my love
with your innocent beauty
you could even do things which you couldn't do before
But you declined
everything offered to you
and you fought for me
like for the air
I'm at the bottom again
I'm with my vices
but I know one thing
Again again
you'd do it all again
but wings and plumb
don't go together
Two faiths
don't go together, believe me
I'm faithful to my vices
but you're faithful to me
Get off the love
You could have had
everything you wanted, my love
you could chose
chose with your finger
But you
declined every girl
and you fought for me
like for the air
I'm at the bottom again
I'm with my vices
but I know one thing
Again again
you'd do it all again
but wings and plumb
don't go together
Two faiths
don't go together, believe me
I'm faithful to my vices
but you're faithful to me
Get off the love
Chorus (both)
Again again
you'd do it all again
but wings and plumb
don't go together
Two faiths
don't go together, believe me
I'm faithful to my vices
but you're faithful to me
Get off the love
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
Marijonas Mikutavičius - Pakeliui Namo dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

On Our Way Home

A foreign city is awakening us again… with our radio receivers
And foreign to us is the mist before the last train home.
We’re on our way again, travelling back
Somehow, on steamboats, aeroplanes…
Even forgetting to wave to the stewardess with a birth mark on her lip. If that sea is still there, in which we drowned our love last year
Get our rooms ready and get some more wine
If those streets are still there, in which we met last year
What could be better?
We’re on our way home
We’re on our way home
On our way home! And we get off the stuffy, dusty bus, older than any one of us
And I’m almost the same I was, when I got on it a long time ago
And shared a cigarette with my friend, like in our school days, yeah
Dividing it by two
And we saw places I haven’t been to in a long time. And if there’s still something left on which we sat last year
A free chair at the table, if I might pull it up more closely
And if that girl is still free with whom I talked nonsense last year*
We missed all this, missed all this, missed all this… We’re on our way home (on our way home)
We’re on our way home
On our way home! And if there’s still something left on which we sat last year
And if there’s still one free…
We’re on our way home (on our way home)
We’re on our way home
On our way home!
We’re on our way home…
Marijonas Mikutavičius - 40. dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I offered her wine
I know how to behave with girls
I let my hand
Slide down her ballerina body
I said, “If you want love,
We can go to my place.”
She said, “Love I surely want,
Just not with you.”
That left the biggest hole in my soul
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
But again I came back home alone
And quietly I said to myself
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
I took some more wine
Until they closed the bar
The night belonged to the glass
And the morning to aspirin
All of a sudden the world turned over with me
What happened then, hopefully no one will remember
In a nutshell—I woke up dead
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
But again I didn’t go to work today
And quietly I said to myself
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re
My grandpa would always say that every age is great, wonderful and beautiful like a field of strawberries…
What do I know, grandpa… What do I know…
And everything looks just the same way as before
The same wishes and youthful desire
And I willingly made the same mistakes
When you’re fo-fo-fo-fo…
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
Everything won’t just end when you’re 40
And so on, hell knows how many times until the end which is waiting in the distance.
TK - Buscando la victoria dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Looking for victory

I'll look for victory in your full heart.
you'll touch my absence you'll cry in rythm.
you'll smell my caresses when you want to sleep.
you'll erase the desire while you kiss my history.
And you'll want a friend when you lack a lover.
and you'll want a lover when you lack love.
and when you want love my love will be gone.
and when I'm not around you'll find in memories.
Speaking to the deaf showing to the blind
I sense myself impotent desire.
flavouring in my eyes watching in my mouth
I wait for you subtle inconsciousness.
And just remember while you bring to life.
the days, its nights confused intentions.
sharing the rains extended trust.
And you'll look for victory when you lit your dream up.
if your dream overcomes you I'll be your intention.
because I learned to smell your words.
because I learned to listen to your look.
because I learned to talk with your skin.
because I cared for you while you were sleeping.
becasue I holded you when you suggested it to me.
Because I taught you to dress your fears.
becasue I taught you to draw your tenderness.
and your eyes were wetting any desert soul.
and your eyes were telling I want to trust in you.
and my soul was accepting to mix with yours
and the worst of all is that maybe I love you
and if maybe I love you there will be no more victory.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Alen Islamović - Alcatraz dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


When the arms of destiny reach out for me
when they set me a trap
and when I enter where nothing is
where no one is waiting for me
Don't write me letters
in that dead end
and don't send me birds from the south
nor the messenger pigeon
Ch. 2x
I'll withstand Alcatraz
and all the punishments
but without you
I don't know will I survive
Don't write to me, deceive yourself
I'm the wrong one to you
here it's raining cats and dogs
from day to day
Ch. 2x
Ch. 2x
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
Maya Berovic - Mala lomi (Мала ломи) dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

The babe is dancing / The babe breaks hearts

And I'm pretty and young
I know that it hurts
when I seduce
dancing with my hips,
And he's handsome and young
the whole city loves him
and he's one of those
who breaks your heart
Empty bottles
whole clubs are thrilled
empty souls
only lies, naked bodies
among us
in the hotel rooms
although I didn't want it
I'm looking for you (who are like that) again!
She's pretty even without make-up
and alone in the nights
she breaks hearts with her eyes
she dances around the bar
with her divine body
only high heels on her
and Victoria's Secret
It's dawning
and she's driving everyone crazy
there's no way
that she'd kiss somebody's lips
she's pouring a drink
it's pouring down her lips on her breast
tomorrow it will be like:
she doesn't remember, she killed herself again (with an alcohol)
The babe dances
The babe dances
The babe breaks hearts
The babe dances
The babe is pretty
prettier than anyone else tonight
while she's decently twerking, twerking
100 BAM1 bills are flying
your eyes are exactly like quicksand, sand
and a smile on your face
like when a devil comes to get his property
she's never sober
she mixes whiskey and the white2
some chill is gliding down the back
your body is worth
you're a star
when I look at it, it tears me, it splits me
the club burns totally
when Maja dance with her hips!
After the noise of the ATM
you'll need a lawyer
the babe is lethal
her gaze is like a rapid fire from the machine gun
she's hot like Qatar
from the neck, I'm taking off that gold from her neck
she'd like to be famous
if nothing, just rich
her lips like Angelina's3
when she kisses me, I drop unconscious
she was growing up with the angels
and she fell to the devils
I'm looking at her like I watch the movie
she acts in every cadre
she drives me like a velocity
she captures me like a radar
She's pretty even without make-up
and alone in the nights
she breaks hearts with her eyes
she dances around the bar
with her divine body
only high heels on her
and Victoria's Secret
It's dawning
and she's driving everyone crazy
there's no way
that she'd kiss somebody's lips
she's pouring a drink
it's pouring down her lips on her breast
tomorrow it will be like:
she doesn't remember, she killed herself again (with an alcohol)
The babe dances
The babe dances
The babe breaks hearts
The babe dances
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
Lana Jurčević - Kuda da krenem dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Which Way To Go

Can you forgive me (get over it)
That I wasn't only yours
I had my bad days
I was playing, I cursed the happiness
Can you forgive me (get over it)
That I betrayed you for a night
You'll feel pain since this moment
It's killing me long since
Which way to go tonight, oh, sorrow
When I crashed everything by myself
And that we were building for a long time
I threw into the wind
Which way to go, where to escape
When everything is here inside of me
Here you are, I'm laying before your legs
I'm begging you to stay here this night
Don't ask me how nor for what
It was a brainless night
If I could change something
I would like to erase it
Can you forgive me (get over it)
Do you have all the power of the universe
You'll feel pain since this moment
It's killing me long since
Which way to go tonight, oh, sorrow
When I crashed everything by myself
And that we were building for a long time
I threw into the wind
Which way to go, where to escape
When everything is here inside of me
Here you are, I'm laying before your legs
I'm begging you to stay here this night
Here you are, I'm laying before your legs
I'm begging you to stay here this night
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
Branislav Mojićević - Žena bez morala dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Woman without ethics

I am going out again
I can't believe with my own eyes
I feel like I am in a street
Of red lamps
The dolls are free
For anyone
Everyone of them has
Deep decolletage
But I am wonder where are you?
Will you forgive me?
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Everyone else are on the edge of scandal
What am I doing with a woman without ethics
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Boys like me always late figure out
The women like you they can not pay
When I look back in my head
I never had better
You came from heaven to me
But I sold you
Those cheaps and jays
Made me a company
I wanna knock out
Myself now
I stil wonder where are you?
Will you forgive me?
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Everyone else are on the edge of scandal
What am I doing with a woman without ethics
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Boys like me always late figure out
The women like you they can not pay
(the women like you,no,they can not pay)
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Everyone else are on the edge of scandal
What am I doing with a woman without ethics
The women like you I can count with my fingers
A long time ago you are endangered species
Boys like me always late figure out
The women like you they can not pay
Tanja Savić - Van dometa dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Out of Range

Maybe you're not worth this effort.
Maybe I should tell you GOOD BYE.
But what to do when I am so foolish.
If something is wrong, I see it right.
'Cause, honey, your love grows,
but love toward yourself.
I don't know what's so good there
that made me fall for you.
I know that heart still inhibits me
to be out of your range.
And even if you are godforsaken, I know
that I am yours, that I am yours.
I'm falling into same crisis again.
Everything fell on my back*.
I don't know why I'm still into you
when you don't even care.
Dvicio - Quédate dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


I haven't begun with the right foot
And I missed some words
But I like you since a long time ago
And I'm led by my heart
You were waiting for someone who'd give you
What you wanted to hear
And then this crazy came to make you see
That nothing can be calculated
If you leave and close that door
If you leave, you lose the best one
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
I had good intentions
With a perfect plan, I came close
You had a thousand reasons
The look on your face said 'Go away'
If you leave and close that door
If you leave, you lose the best one
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
It burns me
It burns me
I feel that I may be late
My desire to love you is left waiting for what you will say
And if it's not with me
Tell me who can be better
And if it's not with you
This crazy guy loses his mind
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
Tell me to stay and this time
Just stay and I'll give to you
I'll give to you the best
I'll give to you
Any corrections are welcome.