Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 56



Minden alkalommal olyan, mintha idegenek lennénk,
habár még mindig nem ismerjük egymást igazán,
a városodban csak egy turista vagyok, sosem érzem otthon magam,
de valahogy mégis jobb, mintha külön lennénk.
A hétvégék közötti idő túl hosszú,
A telefonbeszélgetések, csak őrületbe kergetnek,
nem ismerem a mindennapjaidat,
és ha sosem beszélsz róla,
olyan mintha szekrénybe zárnánk.
Órák hosszat ülök a vonaton és minden lélegzetvételemet érzem.
Utálom a távkapcsolatunkat
Mindig itt vagy, de nem teljesen
Az elválásunk mindig őrületbe kerget
és hogy hol voltál, nem kérdezem.
Utálom a távkapcsolatunkat.
Egy órát várakoztam a pályaudvaron
A kezem megfagyott a kávé körül,
A barátaim kérdezgettek
mára mindegyiket töröltem,
Kíváncsi lennék, hogy felhozzák-e ellenem.
És vasárnap ott ülök melletted
és tudjuk, hogy meg tudjuk csinálni, hogy tudjuk kezelni.
Hétfőn újra felébredek,
És túl sokszor gondolom át, meg nem vagyok benne biztos.

Égve hagyon neked a lámpát

Amikor este hazasétálunk,
az ajkaink kékek a bortól,
és megosztjuk egymással a kabátomat,
amíg a sarkig nem érünk.
Az égbolt már hajnali színbe öltözött
de te még nem akarsz aludni,
Megfogom a régi kerekeket,
és a kikötőhöz megyünk.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Meghallgatom veled a lemezt,
amit nem is szeretek.
Én csendben vagyok,
amíg te hangoskodsz
és ha kéred leugrok a boltba
éjjel vagy nappal.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Nézem veled a bandát,
amelyiket nem is szeretem.
Veled leszek,
a legrosszabb pillanatokban is.
Nem érdekel,
a lényeg az, hogy együtt legyünk.
Érted elégetem
azonnal a kedvenc lemezeimet.
És ha számodra fontos,
akkor elhajózunk Barcelonáig.
A reggeli levegő túl hideg,
lassan melegszem fel.
Csak téged látlak,
és a város egyre csendesebb.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Meghallgatom veled a lemezt,
amit nem is szeretek.
Én csendben vagyok,
amíg te hangoskodsz
és ha kéred leugrok a boltba
éjjel vagy nappal.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Nézem veled a bandát,
amelyiket nem is szeretem.
Veled leszek,
a legrosszabb pillanatokban is.
Nem érdekel,
a lényeg az, hogy együtt legyünk.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Meghallgatom veled a lemezt,
amit nem is szeretek.
Én csendben vagyok,
amíg te hangoskodsz
és ha kéred leugrok a boltba
éjjel vagy nappal.
Égve hagyom a lámpát neked,
még akkor is, ha túl világos van így nekem.
Nézem veled a bandát,
amelyiket nem is szeretem.
Veled leszek,
a legrosszabb pillanatokban is.
Nem érdekel,
a lényeg az, hogy együtt legyünk.
Amikor este hazasétálunk,
az ajkaink kékek a bortól,
és megosztjuk egymással a kabátomat,
amíg a sarkig nem érünk.

A szív a torokban dobog

Olyanok vagyunk, mint a testvérek
mert itt olyan érzés, mintha otthon lennénk
Amikor az utcán haladunk
Nem gondolunk a tegnapra
Úgy hiszük, hogy egyre nagyobb lesz,
Mert egyáltalán nincs mit veszítenünk
Vakon megértjük egymást
és anélkül, hogy bármit is mondanánk.
A végső aggodalmat is elsöpröm az útból
ott ahol vagyok, minden mozgásban van
És nincs olyan kő, amely egy másikon lenne.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
Ez az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ,
mindent hátrahagyunk,
egyszerűen távol ezektől a szörnyektől
amik nyugtalanítottak éjszakánként.
Elengedjük minden gondunkat,
az éjszakába kiáltjuk a nevünket.
És ne állíts meg,
engedjük elmenni az utolsó vonatot
és az utolsó centik költsük el a pénzt,
nincs semmire sem szükségem.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
Ez az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ.
A szíven hangosan, a tiéd halkan ver.
De valamilyen módon,
a mi időnk csak most kezdődik.
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szív
És a torokban dobog a szív
igen, a torokban dobog a szívEz az az este, amiről beszéltünk?
Amikor a gyerekek később megbeszélik,
vagy a fények vándorlását a kikötőben
a torokban dobog a szív.
Ha azt mondod, hogy csak egyszer élünk,
és ki tudja, mit hoz a holnap.
Nem merünk kérdezni,
mert a félelem felfalja a választ.

I don't deserve to come back

Erase my name from all the phrases you say
Be silent if you're going to call me again
Don't pronounce me in vain if your heart is still half damaged
I don't deserve to come back
Burn my photos it's not fair to continue in your life
Lose my shadow if I follow you again
Close all the doors that remained open when I left
I don't deserve to come back
Don't try to forgive me
I never wanted you well
Don't try to forgive me
I don't forgive myself
Give my poor conscience a break
I don't deserve to come back
You have earned the right to detest me
To make it easier to do so will be my duty
No one has ever invented the God who redeems all my sins
And I don't deserve to go back
Don't try to forgive me
I never wanted you well
Don't try to forgive me
I don't forgive myself
Give my poor conscience a break
I don't deserve to come back
Give my poor conscience a break
I don't deserve to come back

I Won't (Follow Your Steps) Again

I lost a war in her look
I even lost my voice in the silence*
And in my dimmed stars,
the ashes of one love
The call hit me like thunder
I let the reins of fear go
I broke the chains that were still tying me
with a memory of one goodbye
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
I won't hide my scars
in case I forget to remember
And if your shadow haunts me
I'll close another door
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
She left me hours without any space and like sand between my fingers
she moved away, leaving my lips honey-sweet with bitter taste
And today, when I don't want it anymore, you decided to call me
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again
I won't follow your steps again
But, look, I've recovered from you
I won't follow your steps again

Volvera con Alejandro Sanz

I remember,
And I think of the time that we used to take without seeing ourselves
Two small children
That felt it all
And I keep feeling it for you today.
Memories that I have and I don't understand
That we might stop seeing each other
Looking for a thousand kisses
That are not our kisses.
I want to be with you until death.
Losing hope, I have looked for you in my dreams
And drowning, it will return
Surely it will return.
I keep feeling it and I miss you,
may my loneliness end.
It will return, I swear to you it will return,
That true love
From when you were small, surely it will return, it will return.
I look at you in time
And I feel that you are what I want
My girl, my dream,
All that I do not have
And I keep feeling for you today.
Even in my dreams,
I make up and I believe that I have you
That I touch your body,
And I know that is not true
And I'm turning crazy here without you.
Losing hope, I have looked for you in my dreams
And drowning, it will return
Surely it will return.
I keep feeling it and I miss you,
may my loneliness end.
It will return, I swear to you it will return,
That true love
From when you were small, surely it will return, it will return.

You will come back

If you go now
You have already decided you don't want me in your life
And I, by force, don't want you in mine
Why beg for the little bit you give me?
Good luck
Go and look for something that you say I don't have
Kiss other women, do not stay with desire
When you compare me and I start missing you
I know you will come back
Even though you say you won't and *make me cry
Begging for forgiveness but I want you to know
That I won't get back with you, not even by mistake
I know you will come back
And I will hear you, nothing else, *will see
What you're capable of and the day you come back on
I will take the opportunity and introduce you to
Who will replace you
But just don't regret, son
Because I'm not going back, not even to catch a moment
Good luck
Go and look for something that you say I don't have
Kiss other women, do not stay with desire
When you compare me and I start missing you
I know you will come back
Even though you say you won't and *make me cry
Begging for forgiveness but I want you to know
That I won't get back with you, not even by mistake
I know you will come back
And I will hear you, nothing else, will see
What you're capable of and the day you come back on
I will take the opportunity and introduce you to
Who will replace you
I know you will come back

Vissza akarok térni

Minden ami elkezdődik véget ér
Én, veled, mit csináljak?
Én, veled, mit csináljak?
Amikor megkapom a vitaminodat
És egy adag nagyon jó érzés
Bizsergeti az egész bőrom
És bár én nem akarok elmenni
Csak Te tudsz felpörgetni
Én csak vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Bár az idő múlik, én várok rád
Tudod, hogy ez a szerelem nem átmeneti
Ha nem vagy velem, meghalok
Mert esküszöm neked, hogy szeretlek
Baby ne menj el, Tini ne menj el
Maradj velem, táncolva ezen a strandon
És amikor az egész testedet csókolgatom
Egy óázist festek a sivatagodban
Bárcsak ez a nyár örökké tartana
Hogy soha ne menjek ki a gondolataidból
Buenos Airestől Cartagenáig
Teljesen szeretni foglak
Én csak vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
És bár én nem akarok elmenni
Csak Te tudsz felpörgetni
Én csak vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Vissza akarok térni, vissza akarok térni
Csókolni akarlak hajnalig
Veled együtt elakarok tűnni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni
Csak vissza akarok térni, csak vissza akarok térni
Még el sem mentem, és már vissza akarok térni

I want to be with you again

Everything that begins comes to an end
What am I supposed to do with you?
What am I supposed to do with you?
When I have the vitamin 'U'
a single dose feels good
tingling all over my skin
And although I don't want to go away,
only you know how to turn me on.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
(Yatra, Yatra)
Even if it takes time, I will be awaiting you,
you know that this love is not just something temporary.
When you're not with me, I crave being with you
because I swear that I love you, uh.
Baby, don't go, Tini, don't go,
Stay here with me, dancing on this beach
and when I kiss your entire body
I will paint on you an oasis where there was a desert.
May this summer last forever,
That I never disappear from your mind.
From Buenos Aires to Cartagena,
I will love you with all I've got
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
And although I don't want to go away,
only you know how to turn me on.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I want to kiss you until the sun comes up
I want to get lost with you (no, no, no)
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again,
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.
I just want to be with you again, be with you again
I haven't even left yet and I want to be with you again.

Starting over

Come, wait a bit, I made a mistake this time
We've done so much, don't leave me like this. No!
I promise I never wanted to cause you more pain
Mmmmh! I'm sorry
Don't leave me like this, don't leave me like this
Don't leave me (come back!)
If you leave I know I won't be able to bear it (come back!)
And if you could forgive me (come back!)
If you'd like we could start over
Babe, don't go, wait just a bit longer,
Darling I beg you, I have so much to tell, listen to me!
I offer you everything I have and you are everything
Don't think so much about it, I'll put aside what I am
I am what you want
Don't leave me (come back!)
If you leave I know I won't be able to bear it (come back!)
And if you could forgive me (come back!)
If you'd like we could start over
(Come back!)
If you leave I know I won't be able to bear it (come back!)
And if you could forgive me (come back!)
If you'd like we could start over
(Come back!) Don't leave me (No!)
(Come back!) No! (No!)
I beg you (don't leave me) come, wait (just a bit)
I beg you (It's so difficult) to convince you
To start (come back...! start over)
Don't go (No!) No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Don't leave me (come back!)
If you leave I know I won't be able to bear it (come back!)
And if you could forgive me (come back!)
If you'd like we could start over
(Come back!)
If you leave I know I won't be able to bear it (come back!)
And if you could forgive me (come back!)
If you'd like we could start... start over
(Come back!)
Start over
(Come back!)
Start over...

Come back, return to you

I´m starting march towards the horizon
I take the memory of your golden skin
looking for oblivion on the road
the desire to remember comes to me
take away this absurd loneliness from me
I imagine that you´re with me
you talk to me
between so much walking
I remember your face
I lack the light of your eyes, no
and I have desire to come back
Come back, return to you
I´ll turn back
you know well that, because I want to stay
I want to love you
Looking for oblivion on the way
instead I find desire to remember
take away this absurd loneliness from me
I imagine that you´re with me
you talk to me
between so much walking
I remember your face
I lack the light of your eyes, no
and I have desire to come back
Come back, return to you
I´ll turn back
you know well that, because I want to stay
I want to love you

Still feeling it

The first concert
The first dancing heart
The first rush
Disco for the first time
Rather Weezer than Sisqo
The first cigarette
in the school's lavatory
So much has been happening
and the moments pass by
Just this feeling
persists forever
We can still feel it
We can still feel it
And we are dancing like the first time
And we care a fat lot about what it looks like
Because we are feeling it.
Flew for the first time
told a lie to our parents
And the first money
was invested in ordering Panini Pictures
We drove my old Golf
You had golden Air Max
squeezed into 501
we made a journey on our own
It was so long ago
And so much has happened (since then)
Just this feeling
persists forever
The first own band
kipping on the night bus in the mornings
Together all seasons of Friends
The gas station's brackish liquor
which burned so bad
I never forget that moment
On our lake-side park bench
Where our names are still engraved

Band From Your Youth

Versions: #2
Where the park was yesterday
Now there's a house
The trucks are coming tomorrow
To build a penthouse on top
The city is changing
The Green Party said
Each winter new, big things are being planned
The radio stations play the best
From the last decades
And the worst crap
From today and tomorrow
I walk through my neighborhood
And I feel like I don’t belong
I'm worried about my favorite bar
The bands from your youth
They split up long ago
And the others are making weird electronica
I understand that you're angry
Disappointed and frustrated
That you don't know where to put all your anger
Just empty out your soul
Just put everything on me
We can talk
Or drink and be quiet
Grunge will be back again, for sure
And Oasis isn’t dead
And we’ll find a remedy for growing old
Against growing old
You want the bands from your youth
Let's go out again, until 8 in the morning
We used to bring a beer to breakfast for the hangover
The clubs are the same
Is 'Chance' still in?
Do you think everybody still goes to Erika’s to eat at night?
The bands from your youth
They split up long ago
And the others are making weird electronica
I understand that you're angry
Disappointed and frustrated
That you don't know where to put all your anger
Just empty out your soul
Just put everything on me
We can talk
Or drink and be quiet
Grunge will be back again, for sure
And Oasis isn’t dead
And we’ll find a remedy for growing old
Against growing old
You want the bands from your youth

Start Anew

I turn the alarm clock off again
I roll over, oversleep the Friday
Facebook and emails are avoidable
I need a different lightning rod
I stop myself, take my time
Deceleration was never so close
I let go and perceive
That everything around me is resting
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me
Give my Mac away at the ticketcounter
My cell phone lies at the bottom of the Alster
The car was only on loan
And now stands in the middle of Berlin
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me
Before insanity corrodes your soul
Before the tempo forgets our hearts
Before the people relocate their houses
Use their summer homes, for nothing
(Let's start anew)
And the people drive their cars in
Stock up on canned food in the store
(Let's get away from here)
All the banks close, and money comes to an end
Come, we'll finally leave
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It becomes hectic here
Let's start anew
Let's get away from here
Before doom
It gets hectic here
Let's start anew
It feels right
It feels right to me

Chamber with sight

Yet again what belongs together
exploded yesterday.
By faith in the paradise
which made him become a lunatic.
Now everyone starts praying
and clings to something
that turns out to be inexplicable, after all
The hurricane seasons comes early
This year more rapidly than ever.
The waves overwhelm the dyke
which more probably than not will no longer suffice next year.
Let's quickly gather our things together
But where to put all this junk?
Maybe we should ask dear god?
And when the world only shams itself
(when) a maniac gives speeches,
Do you log off and turn away
in your chamber with sight?
And when the news tell
who's having another go at harrying the planet
You redirect and turn away
in your chamber with sight.
The people take the drama in
and live out their fears.
The riposte is nicely planned,
The opposition has been prewarned.
And somewhere the rockets are flying,
and the camera is trained on it,
The odds are it will never truly change.
How am I to narrate this nonsense?
What am I supposed to tell my child?
That everywhere on this planet,
there are only insanes?
(That) indeed we knew it all,
but we didn't take any actions.
Or do I lie to their face?
And when the world only shams itself
(when) a maniac gives speeches,
Do you log off and turn away
in your chamber with sight?
And when the news tell
who's having another go at harrying the planet,
You redirect and turn way
in your chamber with sight.
in your chamber with sight.
in your chamber with sight.
And when the world only shams itself
(when) a maniac gives speeches,
Do you log off and turn away
in your chamber with sight?
And when the news tell
who's having another go at harrying the planet,
You redirect and turn way
in your chamber with sight.

To see you again

You changed the school
and today I don´t see your name
in my english book
if destiny wanted to not be
the owners of decision
What´ll be with walk with you
my star is still turning
and looking for your light
To see you again
I´ll be the rain that wet your skin
to see you again
I´ll go by ship or train
I´m still turning in the classes
and I see the smiling ghost of you
if destiny is ours
you´ll see it crosses us somewhere
and it´ll be a thousand walks with you
and my star will stay floating on your sky
to see you again

Tell Me If You're Coming Back

I know you're still mine
And that you still love me
And that you'll come back one day
And I want that day to be today
I know you're still mine
And that you still love me
And that you'll come back one day
And I want that day to be today
And I want that day to be today
And I want that day to be today
And I want that day to be today, because
The moon falls and I miss you more than yesterday
Tell me you'll come back, I need you here
The moon falls and I miss you more than yesterday
Tell me you'll come back, I want to fuck you
Just like I used to
[Verse 1]
Baby, how are you?
They say you've got 20 guys behind you
Tell me which of those fuckers you're seeing
You know none of 'em is better than me
Don't try and forget me, babe, because you won't
Come on, who are you seeing?
None of those assholes measure up
[? missing lyric] and me doing tricks on my Haya motorbike
The waves tell me about you when I visit the beach
I write your name and your daughter underlines it
I miss your kisses on my lips
The sex in the truck
When I'd give it to you in four and you'd go crazy
Come back, my dick's calling you
I bought a forty just in case some bastard touches you
And no, no no, I'm not possessive
If you yourself said that ass is mine
You've got me in your Snapchat all day
To see what you're wearing or if you checked out mine
And no, no no, I'm not possessive
If you yourself said that ass is mine
You've got me in your Snapchat all day
To see what you're wearing or if you checked out mine
The moon falls and I miss you more than yesterday
Tell me you'll come back, I need you here
The moon falls and I miss you more than yesterday
Tell me you'll come back, I want to fuck you
Just like I used to
[Verse 2]
(Yeh yeh yeh)
Not supposed to think 'bout you, but I'm always fantasizing 'bout you
Your private parts in my bedroom, topless with the [? missing lyric] Gambino
Your body with mine, together
Wild cat, they'll see I'm your Gambino
You've got me smoking and looking to the sky
If I see you with another, get jealous so fast
For you I cancel on all those whores, babe
Won't buy Victoria if you're not the model babe
And no, no no, I'm not possessive
If you yourself said that ass is mine
You've got me in your Snapchat all day
To see what you're wearing or if you checked out mine
And no, no no, I'm not possessive
If you yourself said that ass is mine
You've got me in your Snapchat all day
To see what you're wearing or if you checked out mine
I know you're still mine
And that you still love me
And that you'll come back one day
And I want that day to be today
I know you're still mine
And that you still love me
And that you'll come back one day
And I want that day to be today

Come back, come back

This passionate love
feels so excited
to come back,
I'm on my way to madness
and tough everything tortures me,
I know how to love.
We left each other long ago
but the time to lose
has come.
You were totally right,
I listen to my heart
and I'm dying to come back,
And come back, come back, come back
to your arms, again
I'll go where you are
I know how to lose, how to lose
I wanna come back, come back
Just learning.

Tudom, hogy visszatérsz ...

Amikor rád gondolok,
szomorú vagyok.
A szerelmed nélkül
semmi sem létezik.
Mennyire nehéz
megbirkózni az egyedülléttel,
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Amikor rád gondolok,
magányosnak érzem magam.
az életem részévé váltak.
Semmi sem ugyanaz,
az igazat megvallva,
amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Egy ilyen szerelem
reményt ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
önbizalmat ad nekem.
Egy ilyen szerelem
nem adhat többet nekem.
Amikor rád gondolok
és te nem vagy itt.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz szerelmem.
Tudom, hogy visszatérsz, tudom.
Szeretném, hogy mellettem legyél.
Dana Kósa

Let's Go

Versions: #3
Hello, hello
Are you so bored, too?
Irritated and stressed by the narrowness of the city
Aren't you tired by now, too?
The streets, the people, the masses
Aren't you sick of it?
I can't breathe anymore
I hardly see any sky
The high-rises have blocked out my soul
I'm always reachable and still reach absolutely nothing
I can't take it here anymore
Let's get out of here
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The rain stops filling streets
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The people stop asking questions
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go
The city devours the quiet
With flickering lights
Swallows days and nights into itself
Harried faces in the scrambled mass
Everyone has to be fast everywhere
I've read between the lines
That we both want to be away from here
We're stuck here
Buried in the rain
And dreaming of summer in Sweden
Let's get out of here
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The rain stops filling streets
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The people stop asking questions
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Let's get out of here
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The rain stops filling streets
We'll finally be able
To make decisions again
Let's get out of here
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The rain stops filling streets
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go
Behind Hamburg, Berlin, or Cologne
The people stop asking questions
We'll finally hear
The sea and the waves again
Let's go, let's go, let's go

In a thousand years I'll see you again

I'm leaving now and in a thousand years I'll see you again,
I haven't finished yet, I have much to do
but it won't be long, I've almost resolved it
and you'll see that I'll be done soon.
Few were the words you gave me
but (those) few I came to understand,
there was only a handful that truly knew you
and I knew you best for your way of being.
Your footsteps are no longer heard in the hallways
nor the water that you ran in the mornings,
the sun no longer warms me nor does it diminish,
only the immense pain remains.
In the end, the time came all of a sudden:
the wind arrived hastily through the window
the moon set and everyone awakened,
but you stayed with the night, sleeping.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


You won't return

How much loneliness how much emptiness is in my soul
Because since you are not even in the memory
I'm not calm
How much darkness how much cold is in my bed
I need your heat, you left and the flame went out
And to think that I had you here and I did not understand
I thought you'd never get tired
I thought you'd never leave
And suddenly you say you're going to leave
You say we'll meet later but I know it's not like that ...
You will not return I know that this goodbye is final
Of our love that hurts
To know that it's done
What we thought was eternal is over
You will not return I know that this goodbye is the end that hurts
Know that you are leaving even if you say that you return I know that you will never return ...

Returning to You

The gypsy bewitched
My soul and my body,
That woman cast
Her spell,
She cursed me
And I lost my north,
I brushed against death in her curves,
He who deceived you
Is no longer the same
Today he returns to love you,
He left the abyss,
I will have salvation
Give me your forgiveness,
If you say yes
I'll return to you,
The gypsy bewitched
My soul and my body
That woman loved me for my money
She cursed me
And I lost my north,
Now I know that I'll arrive at the right gate
The gypsy bewitched
My soul and my body
That woman was condemned to death
She bewitched me
And I lost my north
Now I know that I'll be able to love you
That I'll be able to love you
And I will love you

Rímek LIII

Visszatérnek az éjfekete fecskék,
fészket rakni mind erkélyedre száll,
és szárnyukkal ablakodon kopogva
játszik a fecskepár.
De ők, kiket szépséged megigézett,
és úgy vélték, hogy tovaszállni kár,
azok, akik nevünket megtanulták...
nem térnek vissza már!
Visszatérnek a jerikói rózsa
indái, kertfalad rügyfödte vár,
virágok nyílnak, oly gyönyörűszépek,
kelyhükben fénysugár.
De ők, akiken harmat csöppje rezgett,
s mi csodáltuk, bévül remegve bár,
hiszen szirmukról a nap könnye csordult...
nem térnek vissza már!
Visszatérnek az égő, szerelmes szók,
hallod őket, visszhangjuk visszajár,
mély álmát szíved elhagyja, mint fészkét
a költözőmadár.
De némán, megbűvölten, térdre rogyva,
mint aki Isten igenjére vár,
ahogyan én szerettelek... jegyezd meg,
nem szeret senki már!