Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 191


Másik Kiút

Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
A hangok nem fognak elmenni
Itt maradnak napról napra
Borzasztó dolgokat mondanak
Hogy hogyan tűnj el
Nem hiszem hogy senki sincs otthon
És mi csak itt vagyunk egyedül
Jobb ha előbb megtalállak, mielőtt te találod meg a telefont
Jobb ha futsz, jobb ha futsz, jobb ha futsz
Igen, jövök utánad, amikor alszol, éjszaka
Igen, nem tudsz semmit se tenni
Nincs olyan hely ahova elbújhatsz, mert jövök utánad
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút számodra
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút számodra
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Felmész, ellenőrzöd és látod
Senkit sem érdekel kevésbé mint engem
Halál rosszul, azt hiszem úgy leszel
Ezek a hangok nem hagynak majd távozni
Térdre borulsz
Mi legyen a következő fegyverem?
Itt a vége, nem tudsz lélegezni
Csak ülj le, és pihenj velem
Jobb ha futsz, jobb ha futsz, jobb ha futsz
Igen, jövök utánad, amikor alszol, éjszaka
Igen, nem tudsz semmit se tenni
Nincs olyan hely ahova elbújhatsz, mert jövök utánad
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút számodra
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút számodra
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Tönkreteszlek, most tedd újra össze
Tönkre foglak tenni, most tedd újra össze
Tönkreteszlek, most tedd újra össze
Tönkre foglak tenni, most tedd újra össze
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!
Bárcsak lenne egy másik kiút!


Tell me....
Where do all the furious men come from
With their panic-stricken fear of anal sex
They look like they've always been furious (furious, furious, furious)
Furious at anything that's foreign to them
At anyone who is not combed properly¹
Full of desire for another one thousand years
It's always the same pattern:
They stir up hatred, they lie and then they change the topic
What do Boko Haram² have in common
With right-wing populist parties?
Without fear and hate they won't survive
What makes them this inhuman?
Their inferiority complex or megalomania?
Do we really need these kind of people?
I've got a plan but it's not quite finished (not quite finished)
I'll join the AfD³ and then I'll....
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Super gay, super gay, super gay, super gay
So gay, So gay, So gay, So gay
G'day, 8-8, primo hairstyles⁴
Great embodiment of the German culture
Maybe ******⁵ will be my lover (Whou)
I've got to overcome my disgust
Look for dialogue and solutions
I'll go undercover for a few years
The hilarious thing is, they think they're good Christians
The rhyme that goes here is too cheap even for me
You can't just sing against assholes all the time
You'll have to make sacrifices as a guitarist
I'll join the AfD and then I'll....
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Super gay, super gay, super gay, super gay
So gay, So gay, So gay, So gay
Fondling - or whipping for who likes it rough
This'll be a lot of moaning in the Bundestag⁶
I'll put the ugly guys on the plenar hall benches (not the plenar hall!)
All this wrinkly, saggy skin
My colleague sang about this some different time⁷
I'm already getting Herpes just thinking about this (Herpes)
Everyone's got to stand at attention at the faction meeting (Attention!)
I'll put Vaseline on my hand and I'll make them....
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Gay, gay, gay, gay
Super gay, super gay, super gay, super gay
So very gay, So very gay, So very gay, So very gay
Gay, Gay
So gay, so gay, so gay, so gay
Super gay, super gay, super gay, super gay (you're learning it best gay)
Gay, gay
Gay, gay
Super gay, gay, gay, gay
Awesome, awesome!


Ha a szavaid
El tudnák mondani nekem, honnan hiányzik a szerelem
Még megpróbálnálak
Megérteni téged
Te figyelmet keresel, én téged
Eljött az idő
Csak az maradt, hogy elmondd
Hogyan, hogyan lehet az enyém a szerelmed
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Fel kell adnom
Nincs többé esélyed
Bárcsak itt tudnék maradni
Csak egy dolog fog itt maradni,
Ahova a válaszok nem érhetnek el
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Nana nana na na
Na nana na na
Nana nana na na
Na nana na na
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Ó óó óó


Spreading out deeply familiar scenery
The feeling of that day, the moment I ran away
The meaning of each other, our promise
I'll remember always
Passed days, tomorrow's you
Far away passed beyond
Close your eyes in that time
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand You
Once again us forever
Tell me now
The day we support each other
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
Will you remember?
Long harsh
Fainted night of time yesterday
After wandering take a little break
Your voice suddenly heard
Makes me being myself tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
For life (for life)
When a miracle made by chance
Shines on us in the night sky
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand, you
Once again us forever
Tell me now
The day we support each other
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
Will you remember?
The heart that I couldn't say
Find in the time to understand it all
Hold our hands tight and look at the sky
Fly high with you forever
(Just take my hand)
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand, you (reaching out your hand, you)
Once again us forever (once again us forever)
Tell me now
The day we support each other (support each other)
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
I'll never forget

Kasari bhanu

Sanyou kolte feri sake tara nindra aaudaina
Sadhai jhai aajapani juna chamki rahexa
Tara badal pari luki malai jiskauxa kin.?
Ho aaja dherai paxi timi sanga boleko tara juni biti sakyo hola mail mutu sampeko

My Land

I have become homeless
I have moved from one home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Who has sung your sorrow?
My land
Who has solved your problems?
My land
Who has been loyal to you?
My land
My moon and my star, my new way
I can't live anywhere but in you
They stole your treasures to enrich themselves
Everyone in turn, broke your heart
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Unsung and silenced
My land
Impatient without medicine
My land
My land
You're like someone who is awaiting
My land
You're like a desert full of dust
My land
You're like a grieve heart
My land
Became homeless
I moved from a home to another
Without you, I have always been with sorrow
My only love, my existence
My poems and songs have no meaning without you
My land
So exhausted of persecutes
My land
Silenced without songs1
My land
Impatient without medicine (hope)
My land
My land
Like someone who is awaiting
My land
Like a desert full of dust
My land
Like a grieve heart
My land
  • This song has released in 1998, the year Afghanistan was controlled by Taliban. And people were not allowed of listening or singing songs


The outside is framed
Feeling like faraway days
The small love you gave to me
Is like my picture that I don’t even know about
Time is passing
Feels so numb
Like this, like that
If only you would teach me
Like faraway memories
Like our encounter on that sunny day
Just like that
If only you would come to me
The outside is framed
Feeling like faraway days
The small love you gave to me
Is like my picture that I don’t even know about
What passes by
Can’t be caught
What flows by
Can’t be placed
Just by quietly looking
We’re beautiful enough
The outside is framed
Feeling like faraway days
The small love you gave to me
I don't know myself

I'm lost in the woods

Why did you go on a different path without a warning?
Why did you leave me alone with some everlasting thoughts?
You took that decision, an it's your right to choose
I probably can get to you but I'm supposing
(That) perhaps you grew tired of me as the days went by
Who said that now I no longer chase your heart like before?
And for the first time, I'm getting lost in the woods
North is south when you're not here
I used to escort you home
But now I'm getting lost in the woods
And I don't know which path will lead me to you
I'm getting lost in the woods
The thing is that I'm forbidden from taking the next step
I've never said we're not meant for each other
And the only choice I want is us to live together
Where would I end up if our love gets lost forever?
I will know the path from you becuse now I'm getting lost
Day has turned into night in your absence
Ah, you are my guide on my path and I'll get lost without you
Do I still have a place in your heart?
I will wait for a sign (For a sign)
That we will always be together (Always be together)
Without you, I'm lost in the woods
(I'm lost in the woods, I'm lost in the woods)
I'm lost in the woods (I'm lost in the woods)
(I'm lost in the woods, I'm lost in the woods)
I'm lost in the woods

Always difficult, always beautiful

Before sunrise
We'll be just divin'
Until when the clouds are pushed aside and the sun rises
Yeah life is lifey lifey
Yeah yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
There`s no answer for everything in the world
Another day has already uselessly passed
The continuty of Dormammu`s repetition is so ambiguous
Don`t be complacent ahead of time
Time has already flowed and passed
Nobody knows if things would change or not
There`s still a long way to think about giving up
I fly above the white clouds
The sky is a chance that is given to me
Everything is so hard (hard, hard)
It`s crazy, isn`t it?
Seems like it only looks that way to me
I just walk on my own
I just go towards myself yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
Life is the attitude of admitting all these things
Even when I know that itself isn`t easy yeah
I`ve been waiting for this frightening thrill for a long time
It`s blood and flesh to me
It`s a natural gimmick of life
I say let`s go against the falls
We go high above the clouds again
Before sunrise
We'll be just divin'
Until when the clouds are pushed aside and the sun rises
Yeah life is lifey lifey
Yeah yeah, huh
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah
Oh wait, I don`t know why
Together with you who were in a tangle at that time
Oh I still don`t know why
Why can`t it be solver yet?
You should know this one thing about how life is
There`s not only things that isn`t bad
It doesn`t fade away easily, does it?
It`s not bad that way
Always difficult, always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah always difficult, yeah always beautiful
But always difficult, yeah, yeah

Natalie Wood

Jump off the edge, but open your eyes in mid air*
And fall back on your feet, always fall back to the ground,
Your friends have betrayed you, stabbed you softly,
If you got away, it's because it wasn't your time
Hammering on your head
Won't help you understand, life is so stupid
That some people can't take it, sometimes they jump off the window
If you got away, that's because you weren't ready
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
You're mad at everybody because of your little failed attempts
You see their philosophy is to not pay attention
And it gets embedded deep in you, you end up wishing
That you'd become like them, nothing left to give
You should understand, I'm the only one who understands
You should grab everything that's worth taking
And when they knock you down, you scream 'everything has given up on me'
You can't escape this, nobody can, not even I
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
And if at times you feel happy
Then you want to spoil it all, destroy everything, kill everything
Just so that you can prove that life really is awful
Natalie Wood, Natalie Wood
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood, Natalie Wood

You Are Everything

I was alone in my dreams.
In my head, I kissed you
a thousand times.
Today I saw you standing at my door.
I wonder, are you looking for me?
I can see it in your eyes.
Only I can understand this look.
You're everything I want.
You're everything I want.
Come and carry me through the world.
Come and take my whole life.
You're everything I want,
you are everything.
We don't have long,
our time is running out.
Don't you see how the world breaks into pieces
a thousand times?
My heart fills up and dissolves.
Don't you know what you are to me?
I've seen you for far too long,
I just never mentioned it to you.
You're everything I want,
you are everything.
This star is burning up in a flash.
Our luck now hangs in the morning.
You're everything I want,
you are everything.
Come and carry me through the world.
Come and take my whole life.
You're everything I want,
you are everything.

I just want love

Calmy I tell you
Casually I want you
I want you to stay around me. You react like that again.
I want it everyday
Guess I'm obsessed with your scent
Every nerve comes to you
I'm in a hurry but I'm still trying to get used to it
You just need to be like that
The more the smile spreads, the narrower it gets
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
I'd whisper to you
I feel like I'm swimming deep
Breath and roll your eyes at every move
You can't miss a thing. Take me to your heart.
Greed is endless, thirst and pain
When I see it in my pupils, it's all washed away
I'm not good at it at but it's easy and simple
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
Tell me more roughly,
Draw me a world only for you and the two
You can get a little bit more drunk than the usual
I just want love, I just want love
Spit out more, even the little things
I want you to let me go, I want you to let
Just touch your fingertips a little closer
I just want love
Baby melt me in your arms
Put it like that in your eyes
You don't have to care about what anyone says
I just want love, I just want love
Tell me more roughly,
Draw me a world only for you and the two
You can get a little bit more drunk than the usual
I just want love, I just want love

The Winter

When I opened my eyes wide,
I fell asleep
The day the whole world was excited by the first snow
I unintentionally pulled out my hand
And was surprised by the colder touch
I didn't even know it was cold
The season full of you is special even when it comes again
On that exceptionally quiet night,
The night melted in the snow on my cheeks
If you take out the memories of that time,
The warm winter with you
A winter day shorter than summer,
At the end,
Everything wrapped me up quickly
Can you think of me right now?
Take out the words you couldn't say
In your long winter night
I didn't even know it was cold
The season full of you is special even when it comes again
On that exceptionally quiet night,
The night melted in the snow on my cheeks
If you take out the memories of that time,
The warm winter with you
You are in all my seasons
Clearly in the world seen by you
I won't let go
When your gentle voice
Falls around me enough
On that exceptionally quiet night,
The night melted in the snow on my cheeks
If you take out the memories of that time,
The warm winter with you
A warm winter with you


Where are you going with sad eyes?
Where are you going with your hollow eyes?
You're stimulating me because you sound like a lost song,
I'm being led by you
The thrill of the five senses, tempo 128
I want you tonight
Don't be afraid, enjoy it now,
No need to worry about anything else
As soon as your heart is drawn,
Leave your body to the current melody
Cuz Imma be your sinphony tonight
I’ll take control
The trembling of this moment,
The freedom to tighten me
Let me have you
Entrust your body to me
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Don't hide anymore, leave you to me,
We just wanna make you lose control
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Because the last movement is over,
We just wanna make you lose control
The blurred reason
That time has stopped,
I'm the only excel to leave myself
In this movement
Venom venom venom venom,
You say
But I don't know you're my poison
You gotta know
You gotta know
You gotta know
Who you are
I will help you
I’ll take control
The trembling of this moment,
The freedom to tighten me
Let me have you
Entrust your body to me
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Don't hide anymore, leave you to me,
We just wanna make you lose control
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Because the last movement is over,
We just wanna make you lose control
You are selfish ma tempo,
Just follow me,
I'm a show you how we do it,
I am your shadow
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Don't hide anymore, leave you to me,
We just wanna make you lose control
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
We are your sinphony, sinphony, sinphony
Because the last movement is over,
We just wanna make you lose control
Your sinphony


What’s up, Manon
Is it going alright?
These drums drum only for you
An example to each woman
W-O-W, wow!
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
M-A-N-O-N (let me sing for you)
Manon, come and transform with WiWa-tron
And FaceTime in your nightgown
Manon, Manon, Manon, Manon
Never again cardboard dreams
Manon, I’m in the mood for a quickie on the balcony
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
Manon, I want to go around the block with you
Manon, hair colour, chestnut-champignon
Manon, with you I share my last bonbon
Manon, you are that (bon-be-bon-be-)bon ton
Manon, I read about you in the colophon
Manon, it’s going off like a cannon
In love with each letter
In love with each letter
In love with each letter
In love with each letter
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
M-A-N-O-N (Ooh)
I'm called, I'm called
Manon, Manon

Your Light

It's another goodbye, you left again without me
And I got lost, maybe your path is not mine
You followed yourself, I can't claim you
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow with me
But I feel, that you're going away
And that I became the one who wants to reach you
And of course I got lost, now I'm going without your light
North or South, ¿where they are?
If you're not here, I always guided you home
But today I'm going without your light
Where will your path go
I'm going without your light
I believed, that the teaching was like to go on
And I think thought that there was a 'maybe' in your mind
¿Who am I?, if I'm not yours
¿Where I am if you're gone?
I always
Knew that you guide my steps, ¿Where I go without your light?
In the sun, nothing is real
Without your breath
My perfect reference is, ¿Where do I go without your light?
I don't know if I still matter to you
My illusion
Will guide me
With finally sharing your love
Until then today I'm going without your light
Without your light
Without your light

I got lost in the woods

Reindeers are cuter than people,
Sven, I'm going to cry now.
You feel something for her and these feelings are true,
Come on, Kristoff, open your heart
You disappeared again, walked down another road,
But you know that we can't be apart
I understand that you had to leave
I'll wait for you until morning if you need me to
But why do I feel like you're drifting farther away from me?
And why can't I hold you back anymore?
For the first time in my life, I got lost in the woods
Where's left, right? You disappeared
I always showed you the way,
But I got lost in the woods
And how should I know where you are?
I got lost in the woods
I was sure of my feelings
And didn't think that my soul would hurt that much
You're my light and hope
Life without you is unhappy, what a pity
You're my guide star, because I got lost in the woods
The days will turn into nights without you once again
You shine for me in the dark, because I got lost in the woods
I keep asking myself, why are we meant for each other (for each other)?
(...) it's happiness to me (happiness to me),
(...) I will wander in the woods (alone in the woods)
I will wander in the woods (alone in the woods)
I will wander in the woods

No traces in the forest

You go away as your path goes elsewhere
I was left alone, should I follow you or wait?
It's hard for me when a day goes by without you,
but I only overcome all obstacles for you
Does it feel like we're going to break up?
And why am I the only one still looking for a way to the heart?
As in a dream, it seems to me
that there are no traces in the forest,
here is there, down is up when you're gone
I wait days and nights, but there are no traces in the forest,
how do I find hidden paths?
There are no traces in the forest
Until now, my every step seemed simple
and I did not dream of wandering in the dark
Who am I? Let the time show
It's all nothing if you're not with me
Believe me!
I know, there's no way without you,
since there are no traces in the forest,
up is down, the day is the night when you're gone
Oh, you always guide me when there are no traces in the forest
Do you even care about me?
I'm just waiting for your sign (For your sign)
And I know I will only be your hero, (Your hero)
Until then, there are no traces in the forest
Traces in the forest, traces in the forest, traces in the forest
No traces in the forest
Traces in the forest, traces in the forest
No traces in the forest

Get Ready

(Go, Get ready)
cliche melody
Bored faces
This kind of vibe is oh no
Now, first
I’ll give you a nice, 4-beat rhythm
Ride into the groove
Is that wrong? No, Nah
However you feel
Put on some more instruments
Spontaneously, we’re out of control
Put some wings on your hands
Focus on this feeling
There’s no sheet music
Can you feel this?
This electric feeling
Get ready
Get, Get ready
We’ll fly wherever we want
Like the birds in the sky
Cause I’m feeling good
Get ready
Keep it simple
The more complicated it gets
The stranger the music can get
This tense and strange
Banquet of harmonies
Spontaneously, we’re out of control
Put some wings on your hands
Focus on this feeling
There’s no sheet music
Can you feel this?
This electric feeling
Get ready
Get, Get ready
We’ll fly wherever we want
Like the birds in the sky
Cause I’m feeling good
Get ready
yeah yeah yeah yeah
There are no lines here
Trust yourself, don’t doubt
yeah yeah yeah yeah
I can stir up your once calm heart
You got me when you want me, baby yeah
Get ready
Get, Get ready
We’ll fly wherever we want
Like the birds in the sky
Cause I’m feeling good
Get ready
yeah yeah yeah yeah
Get ready
yeah yeah yeah yeah
Get, Get ready
Close your eyes and feel it
How free we are
Woo I’m feeling good
Get crazy
Get ready
Go, Get ready

Red Moon

Wake me in the moonlight
Criminal in illusion
(You do it baby do it right)
Falling emotion
Indissoluble swamp
(Can’t let this go)
Gradually falling covering the darkness
Red moon light
Disappeared shadow fill you up
A subtle spread of fragrance
A night fool of moonlight
When a clear breath reaches me
I feel you
Breathtaking red light
Two shadows that have become one
I don’t want to get away from you, even for a second
Even though I have it I’m getting more and more thirsty
Come and take me now
On my life
Your shadow is the only thing that leads me
On my mind
That fingertip makes me helpless
The moment that the moon shallows us into one
A subtle spread of fragrance
A night full of moonlight
When a clear breath reaches me
I feel you
Breathtaking red light
Two shadows that have become one
I don’t want to get away from you, even for a second
Even though I have it I’m getting more and more thirsty
A dazzling and splendid trap
A beautiful struggle
I don’t want to be out of this dream forever
See the red moon on tonight
Lock you up in there
A precarious night
All I wanna do is take you down
Anything you want, and the things you will want
Is already yours
Every moment is like forever for me
The night my heart filled with blood, holding you
Come and take me now

She's Got Everything

This night is black
And still just cold air
Where you're away
I'm looking for someone else to fill
It's still like my night whatever comes
I feel empty
The Days keep goin on
And imma keep it straight it
Like as it was
And again yeh
I am yeh
Without a doubt
I put you in me
I was deceived again yeah
I gave you everything yeah
There's nothing left
I'm broken
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
This night is black
And still just cold air
I miss your scent in my heart,
I'll let you go
It's still like my night whatever comes,
I feel empty
Look at me at the edge of the cliff
I think it's my fault to include you
Ang again yeh
I am yeh
Without a doubt
I put you in me
I was deceived again yeah
I gave you everything yeah
There's nothing left
I'm broken
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
There's nothing left, i'm broken
There's nothing to lose
I think I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost
I think I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Cause you've got everything
You've got everything
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Nothing to lose
And nothing to prove

What pump

Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo-Landi Visser
Jack Parow
DJ Hi-Tek
Die Fucking Antwoord
What are you pumping? *
What are you pumping?
Pumping what, Pumping what, What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
Pumping what, Pumping what, What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
Pumping what, Pumping what, What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
What are you pumping?
Pumping what, Pumping what, Pumping what?
[Verse 1: Yo-landi Visser]
Fresh futuristic
Me I’m a misfit, drinking my 5 roses tea with a biscuit
I’m sweet and I’m twisted, like a koeksuster **
I'm calm, oh, we go ballistic, you can’t fuck with this shit
It’s dark and it’s different, pay attention or be like 'Fuck it, I missed it'
([Ninja] Joe, but she's dangerous/poisonous, oh jeez is it?)
Punch back brother, cause I spit when I spit shit
I missed it
My number’s unlisted
Yo fuck the system, I got my own system
Pussy, I won’t listen, my tricky-dicky song blows systems
You can hear me coming from the distance
Watch out people, I get up to mischief
You fucking disgusting thick lip on a tik rock
My style is poison, it’s a freak pack of gum
Dangerous babe up on page 3 of 'Die Son' ***
[Verse 2: Jack Parow]
What are you pumping?
Get drunk on pills
Rot inside as the cool pop singers sing
I appear out of the steam of the shower
Like a dream or a vision, a uncle on a mission
Mirror, mirror on the wall tell me who's ill
I'm touched with true skill
I bust the blue steel
Shit, the mirror’s misty
Sjoe, who can this be
Let's see the sexy reflection
Pure perfection, (guy) on a cig
Stonewashed jeans palm trees on my shirt
Fuck yes I'm dressed for success, my breath is fucking fresh
Jack Parow!
([Ninja] There you go, baby)
Look at that nice romantic Afrikaans superstar rapper
Fucking check me out, let the beat drop player
The name's Jack Parow, fuck Steve Hofmeyer
[Verse 3: Ninja]
Me and my super fresh look to the rescue
We come to gently caress you
Like two warm balls in a nice cold palm
Make you feel strange when the mic’s on
Okay, this is my song
Fuck you, I think you're a pussy!
I take you for a pussy cos you sound like a pussy!
You rap like a pussy and you sing like a pussy!
Hold my nose closed cos you stink like a pussy!
Alright lemme speak yo, all up in this freak show
Okay, check out my skill, no fucking clue
Like my name was Nigel
Don't insult me
I'll tell my mom
Okay, just leave it
If it doesn’t fit, force it, that’s my motto
I'm not weird, you're weird
I’m just flippin' new here
I rap like a sore thumb, what’s up with you brother?
I fit right in, like my cock in your mother
So don’t tell me I’ve got no fire
I’m running on the spot and I’m so tired
Hair getting blown back by my blow dryer
You fucker, you fucker
Uuh (Hosss)
2009 (Yo)
Die fucking Antwoord (Fresh futuristic)
Yo, DJ Hi-Tek (Clearly)
Yo-landi Visser (Some fucking fancy shit)
You check me out on the streets (Yo)
You check me out in a fucking fancy restaurant (We’re very fancy)
Yo, you check me out on page 3 in 'Die Son'
Yo, the fucking ninja (Ouch)
Stainless steel stab comin’ at ya
My chest hair nicely shaved (There he is!)
Donald Duck cap from the overseas (Cute!)
Don’t fuck with my style
Ninja... I’m a tiger
Yo, where the fuck is Jack?
I think he's in the toilet

The Dentist

There was a girl
who didn’t want to go to the dentist.
She cried
and complained.
She didn’t like the dentist in Chicago.
Her mother told her–
–You have to go.
I think you have a cavity
–But mother, they don’t hurt.
I brush my teeth.
They don’t hurt. –But my daughter, I don’t care.
You have a cavity.
You are going to go now. The girl and her mother
went to see the dentist. The woman entered
and told her–
–Open your mouth and silence.
Your mother tells me that you have a cavity. –I don’t think so. –Your mother tells me that you want a filling. –Of course not!
–Dentist, they don’t hurt.
I brush my teeth.
They don’t hurt.
–Girl, I don’t care.
You have a cavity.
I’m going to operate now.
The dentist told her,
–I have a secret.
She smiled and showed her
something that scared her.
The dentist didn’t have teeth.
–Mom, she doesn’t have teeth!
The dentist didn’t have teeth.
–Mom, she doesn’t have teeth!
–Dentist, they don’t hurt.
I brush my teeth.
They don’t hurt.
–Girl, I don’t care.
You have A LOT of cavities.
I’m going to take all your teeth now!

An Original Song

A woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
won something incredible.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
celebrated with her students.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
She waited
and waited.
She wanted to hear the song from the genius.
With time, it happened:
Jennifer Bilby’s prize arrived.
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
received a call from the president.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
was invited to a parade.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
She waited
and waited.
She wanted to hear the song from the genius.
With time, it happened:
Jennifer Bilby’s prize arrived.
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
went to get her brilliant prize.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-
The woman,
Jennifer Bilby,
never lost her faith.
-An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.
An original song,
written by Señor Wooly.-


[Bryant Myers]
Six in the morning drinking coffee
Like the color of your eyes (I miss your crazy things)
Where the hell did our love go?
If I gave you everything (Yeh, babe)
[Chorus: Bryant Meyer]
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, my world is so bitter
[Verse 1: Bryant Myers]
The Baby I want is you, you were my light
I feel as if it was a deja vu
You have me listening to Sin Bandera on YouTube
Maybe our love was only a love of youth
For me, it was so deep and so tall
All that was ours fell in a ravine (Ravine)
Baby, I loved you so much (Loved you so much)
And of our story only remained blank pages
Secret, I'm left wanting your warmth
Have you by my side, be able to make love to you
And I realize there's no one better
That will erase your smell, who will take away the pain
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, my world is so bitter ( Let yourself be taken by EL OG)
[Miky Woodz]
I don't miss a picture in my wallet of you 2x2
To see you every day and if I don't do it I don't feel like myself
Ours was a bomb that time has blown up (Bum bum)
I crossed the line and love ran me over
I miss seeing on the table the mess of your makeup
You are perfect in maones, a goddess when you wear a suit
Between us live a number of secrets that no one knows (No One)
Please, come back, don't let this end
I miss your fights, I miss hearing you laugh (Yeah, hold up)
I miss hugging you and giving you a kiss before sleeping (Yeh yeh)
I miss your presence and when you nag at me for cursing (True)
I miss being wrong and that you don't come to correct me
Baby, I'm done
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bathroom
In reality, all this shit is bad for me
On the outside happy, on the inside a deception
Because I can't be without you, yeh
[Chorus: Bryant Myers]
I miss seeing you without clothes in the bedroom
I have secrets that I do not share
I keep your love in a flask
Your picture in a frame, baby, tell me something


Tudom nincs mit mondanom
A helyemet most átadom
Mikor rossz idők járnak
Mikor a lelkek is fáznak
Nem döntesz a magas fűbe
Hadd érjek el az önkívületbe.
Tudom nincs belőled semmi
Tudom nincs mit tenni
Mikor rossz idők járnak
És nincs beteljesülése a vágynak
Nem fektetsz a magas fűbe
Hadd érjek el az önkívületbe.
Gondolom, ezt azért kell tudnod:
Nem fogsz hiányozni, ha elsodor sorsod
Oly sokat voltam a mélyben
Számkivetetten, veszélyben
Nem tudnál elengedni
Hadd menjek dolgom végezni.
Tudom abban reménykedsz hogy találsz
Valakit, aki majd nyugalmat ad
Mikor rossz idők járnak
Mikor a lelkek is fáznak
Nem hempergetsz a magas fűbe
Hadd érjek el az önkívületbe.
Én csak egy fáma vagyok másodsorban
Én csak egy fáma vagyok másodsorban

Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka

If it happened a moment ago, I'd remember
If it happened a year ago, I don't know
You say it's a long haired woman. There are a lot here.
Sorry. Ask somebody else
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
She quitter half year ago. She didn't even saluted us
She took a Mary client, she made an uproar
You can't have such lack of manners
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
It's a girl who came from Yokohama
She was good for jitterbugging
She was there until three months ago. One night she picked a kitten
She scaped with the kitten
I don't know to where
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Though she said she liked Yokosuka
She looked pitiable with foreigners
Though she was a girl who didn't speak much
She talked with the kitten
She paid me in advance a month ago and she left
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
A while ago she was sitting on a box of that corner
A client touched her somewhere and she ran from the store
Somehow that girls doesn't want to be an innocent baby
Hey, you're in love with that girl, aren't you?
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mielőtt Megcsal

Most éppen
Biztos lassút táncol
Egy hidrogén szőke tramplival
És a lány biztosan kezd játékosság válni...
Most éppen biztos,
Valami gyümölcsös kis italt vásárol neki
Mert a lány nem bírja a whiskeyt...
Most éppen biztos, mögötte áll
Egy billiárd ütővel
Azt magyarázva hogyan találja el a golyókat...
És ő nem tudja...
Hogy a kulcsomat belemélyesztettem az oldalába
A szép kis megbütykölt négykerekű járgányának
Belevéstem a nevem a bőr üléseibe...
Két jól irányzott louisville-i ütést mértem a két első lámpára
Minden a négy kereket kilyukasztottam...
Talán legközelebb
Meggondolja mielőtt megcsal valakit
Most éppen
Biztos fent van színpadon, énekel valami
Proli verzióját egy Shania karaokénak
Most éppen biztosan azt mondja
'Részeg vagyok' és ő azt gondolja
Ma este szerencséje lesz
Most éppen biztosan csak legyint egyet
3 dollárnyi szállodai parfümöt magára fújva...
Oh, és ő nem tudja...
Hogy a kulcsomat belemélyesztettem az oldalába
A szép kis megbütykölt négykerekű járgányának
Belevéstem a nevem a bőr üléseibe...
Két jól irányzott louisville-i ütést mértem a két első lámpára
Minden a négy kereket kilyukasztottam...
Talán legközelebb
Meggondolja mielőtt megcsal valakit
Talán megspóroltam egy kis aggodalmat a következő lánynak,
Mert ha legközelebb megcsal valakit...
Oh tudod, az már nem én leszek!
Nem... nem én leszek
Mert a kulcsomat belemélyesztettem az oldalába
A szép kis megbütykölt négykerekű járgányának
Belevéstem a nevem a bőr üléseibe...
Két jól irányzott louisville-i ütést mértem a két első lámpára
Minden a négy kereket kilyukasztottam...
Talán legközelebb
Meggondolja mielőtt megcsal valakit
Oh, talán legközelebb gondolkodik
Mielőtt megcsal...
Oh, mielőtt megcsal... oh, oh

Let the wind blow

With a small nod, I made a last promise (with you)
It was like reaching the clouds, under a cherry tree
The scent of spring, the friendly footsteps
Let the wind blow, I will jump over it
Goodbye to this bordered word
It’s sad but, now I will walk to a different tomorrow
I can faintly hear the repeating tone of my heart
How many times have I searched for the future I can’t yet see
Running through the seasons, with you
There’s no such thing as a straight way,
on that day you taught me that
Your face looked like that of an adult, I felt frustrated
Dazzling sky, memories that have been carved
Let the wind blow, I will jump over it
Goodbye to this bordered word
It’s sad but, now I will walk to a different tomorrow
Let the wind blow, I will jump over it
Thank you, you’ve given me a chance
Don’t be afraid, from now on I’ll be drawing on my own
Again, I will not turn back

Ka Huila Wai

Ku wale mai no, ka huila wai
A`ohe wai `iau, E nini u ai
Ku wale mai no, ka huila wai
A`ohe wai `iau, E nini u ai
Hale ani ani ku, maui `oe no
He hoa kuka, pu me kaua
Hale ani ani ku, maui `oe no
He hoa kuka, pu me kaua
Aloha `ia no, `o`i `o lele
I sa lele ahea, i no ka moana
Aloha `ia no, `o`i `o lele
I sa lele ahea, i no ka moana
Aloha `ia no, o Waiohinu
Ka pali lele wai, a ke ko ae
Aloha `ia no, o Waiohinu
Ka pali lele wai, a ke ko ae
Mai noho `oe, a ho`o poina
I kahi pikake, ulu ma`ema`e
Mai noho `oe, a ho`o poina
I kahi pikake, ulu ma`ema`e
Ha`ina `ia mai, ana kapuana
A`ohe wai ia `u, e niniu ai


Props to the highest Rocker*
And the watskebuurt**
Watsebizzy bizzle rob robber***
People are seriously talking [about ut]
But they do not know what the fuck is up
But loads is happening seriously
Will those vocals come in, or should I start
You are a whining sjembek****
But you do not know whatsup, whatsup, whatsup
You are a fake rapper
But you cannot reach the ground, reach the ground, reach the ground
You are a fake rapper with a crown
But you do not know what is the trend is, what the trend is, what the trend is,
You are a sjembek without claws
And you are not 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout
Dirty Freddy****** as if you do not know
And you drink till the motherfucking bottle is empty
You only have money if you swap the beer bottles*****
Only then you have a lot of money, yo uh, for sure
You are laughing but I am not make a motherfucking joke
Pus from my dick you can hand me a lukewarm beer
I am spacing, but am not from Star Trek
I am not Bust-a-Bust (Busta rhyms) but I will break your neck
Eh-eh eh-eh
Comes out of my ass
Mother and daughters, they despise me
I am in Baksteen, as if you do not smell that*******
Because one is fat and the other is used
I am first class scum
And you are washing your hands while peeing
Look at me and you know what time it is
Baksteen, the rest is history
You are a whining sjembek
But you do not know whatsup, whatsup, whatsup
You are a fake rapper
But you cannot reach the ground, reach the ground, reach the ground
You are a fake rapper with a crown
But you do not know what is the trend is, what the trend is, what the trend is,
You are a sjembek without claws
And you are not 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout
What is the trend
Chew (literally just a random word)
Whatsup in the shed
Is it quiet at yours or nagging neighbours?
Are the beers free or just fucking expensive
And are you ‘bout it or a sad figure
For all women and chickies all over The Netherlands
I have that woman on my dick yo we love Jiggy (ref to Will Smith’s song)
‘bout it ‘bout it as crazy with that gold in my mouth
Two faces, one formula just like Lauda and Nikkie
You are a whining sjembek
But you do not know whatsup, whatsup, whatsup
You are a fake rapper
But you cannot reach the ground, reach the ground, reach the ground
You are a fake rapper with a crown
But you do not know what is the trend is, what the trend is, what the trend is,
You are a sjembek without claws
And you are not 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout, 'bout it 'bout
whatsup, whatsup, whatsup
whatsup with your man
Fuck, fuuuuuck you are spacing
Seriously dude why are you talking to me fucking hell
You are talking but you do not know whatsup with you
You do not even know whatsup with me but whatsup with you
Fucking hell, fuuuuuck, people are on crack lately seriously
I was walking through central station and a junkie walked up to me
He was asking for one euro (euro one fucking euro)
I said here I have twenty cents, he replies no I don’t need it
So I say yea yea okay I know you I know you
You are from North [Amsterdam]
(Uhh yes I am from North how do you know how do you know)
I say, I know you mother I did my newspaper round for her********
(Uhh my mum my mum? I haven’t seen her in 25 years)
So I say fuck you man I sell her crack stupid slut
Fucking hell fucking fucking junkies at central station
Seriously the only cool spot at central station is the fucking pizzahut
And uhh and and and and a meetingpoint, but that is fucking closed
Anyways central station is the Boss
Dirty Freddy is the Boss, Baksteen is the Boss, Heist Rockah is the Boss

told you so

look here, look here, look here
i've been thinking of you
look here, look here, look here
we ran into each other
i don't think it's just a coincidence
but maybe that's just me
it seems like you're listening to me
even if it feels strange, i keep looking at you
it felt like a coincidence for a moment
i look and look and look at you
when i was breathless with pain
and when my heart was full
just like today
you were always by my side
to you who always felt it too
to you, to you, to you
look here, look here, look here
i've been thinking of you
look here, look here, look here
we ran into each other
i don't think
it's just a coincidence
my heart and yours
the familiar feeling passes
as if i'm someone else
my face that you see
isn't at ease
that strange feeling in my heart
to you, to you, to you
look here, look here, look here
i've been thinking of you
look here, look here, look here
we ran into each other
i don't think
it's just a coincidence
my heart and yours
are the same
it's not summer
but why do i feel warm when i see you?
there's so many people
but why do i only see you?
all of my days
are following you
my heart and my eyes
see you everyday
look here, look here, look here
look here, look here, look here
look here, look here, look here
look here, look here, look here
i don't think
it's just a coincidence
my heart and yours