Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 191


Megjött a Ninja!

[Kórus: Yolandi]
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Legyél a szamurájom!
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
[1. versszak: Ninja]
Én egy nindzsa1vagyok, hé!
Olyan az életem, mint egy videójáték
Semmi sem zökkent ki, mikor koncentrálok
Egy játékos, egy élettel, korlátozott ideig a mikrofonnál (Hé, Ninja nyomjad!)
Nincs szarakodás, mindenkit kiirtok borotvaéles dalszöveg-dobócsillagokkal[f]A dobócsillag a nindzsák egyik fegyvere volt.
Aki az utamba áll és baszakodni próbál
Elsőrangúan nyomom
Vad, fékevesztett
Ninja skop befokte rof taal3
Durva rímek, durva időkhöz
Met fokol kos, skraal
Amíg ki nem pörgetem a három hetest az ATM-en
Totál éhezés van vagy lakoma
Amikor a borotva élén élsz
Maradok sharp-sharp!4
Betörtünk az $0$-el5
Energiával teli
Ilyen tuti zefet6még nem láttál
Ah! Amikor nálunk van mikrofonpróba, Hi-Tek7virítja, hogy mit tud
Hé, mi optimisták vagyunk, nem kibaszott depressziósok
Nem olyanok vagyunk mint a többi
Nekem UFO8a stílusom
Teljesen ismeretlen
Nem szarakodhatsz az új zef szövegemmel
Engem nehéz nem észrevenni
'Nem csinálhatod ezt, nem csinálhatod azt'
Hé, ki a fasz mondta ezt neked?
Azt csinálom, amit akarok
Kezelhetetlenül forró vagyok
Túl hideg, hogy megtartsatok9
A kiválasztottal nem baszakodhatsz
A kést akarom!10
Hé, én egy nindzsa vagyok!
[Kórus: Yolandi]
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Legyél a szamurájom!
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
[2. versszak: Ninja]
Ninja poes-kool11
De ne köpj bele a játszmámba, fiacskám
Különben elpicsázlak12
Kemény az élet, mikor elakadok
És lejárt az időm, átverekedem magam
Amíg ki nem lyukadok-lyukadok-lyukadok a túloldalon
Elképesztően csóró, egy cserkésző vadász türelmével
Ninja hardcore
Olyan mélyre vágtak, hogy nem érzek fájdalmat, nincs kín
Nem provokáld ki a szart mert megkapod!
Olyan vagyok mint egy vadállat a sarokban
Ami a hajnal eljöttére vár
Próbálja túlélni az éjszakát
Csak egy férfi, aki túlélni akar
A pengéim szabadon forognak
Lefejezek egy gyűlölködőt
Lenyűgöző könnyedséggel
Ez nem játék, fiú13
Ne szórakozz velem!
Úgy használom a mikrofon-kardomat, mint egy kibaszott vadember a sötét oldalról!14
Jin a janghez15
Tiszára Hi-Tek16, Ninja kibaszott népszerű Japánban
Láttam a jövőt de a kezembe soha nem kaptam semmit
Csak egy mikrofont, nagy álmokat és egy tervet
Fasza-szövegű, égben-járó17
Mint egy nindzsa!
[Kórus: Yolandi]
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Legyél a szamurájom!
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
[Outro: Ninja]
A picsába is...
Ez a legjobb dal, amit egész életemben hallottam!
Baszódjatok meg mind, akik azt mondtátok, hogy nem fog nekem összejönni!
Azt mondták, hogy vesztes vagyok
Azt mondták, hogy senki vagyok
Azt mondták, hogy egy kibaszott pszichopata vagyok
De nézzetek rám most, tele van velem az interweb18, az egész világon
2009, futurisztikus!
Megjött Ninja!
Yo-Landi Vi$$er
DJ Hi-Tek
Die kibaszott Antwoord
Dis mooi ne?19
[Kórus: Yolandi]
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Legyél a szamurájom!
Én, én, én
Én a pillangód vagyok
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
Szükségem van a védelmedre!
  • 1. Őt Ninjanak hívják, de itt köznévként használja a szót, ezért betűztem nindzsának.
  • 2. A 'hostile' ('ellenséges') stilizált betűzése.
    Egy genius.com-os hozzászólás szerint ez a 'hostile' zef stílus szerinti betűzése.
    A zef egy dél-afrikai ellenkultúra mozgalom, aminek egyik része, hogy szegény emberek megpróbálnak vagányul kinézni, a rendelkezésükre álló feltételek mellett.
    Ezenkívül a “Ho$h” (kiejtve: horsz) Sabela nyelven azt jelenti, hogy: Helló! (enyhén agresszív töltéssel).
    A sabela egy dél-afrikai dialektus, ami az ottani börtönökben alakult ki.
    A Die Antwoord szokott sabela szavakat használni a számaikban.

  • 3. Ez afrikaans nyelven (fokföldi holland) azt jelenti, hogy:
    'Ninja kibaszott király, durva nyelven adja'.
  • 4. A 'sharp-sharp' ('éles-éles') egy dél-afrikai szleng kifejezés, ami szolgálhat köszöntésként, elköszönésként, az egyetértés hangoztatásaként vagy lelkesedés kifejezéseként.
    Talán azt akarja Ninja ezzel kifejezni, hogy bármit is hoz az élet, ő nem fog összeroppanni.
  • 5. Az $0$ (2009) volt a Die Antwoord első albuma.
  • 6. A zef egy dél-afrikai ellenkultúra mozgalom, aminek egyik része, hogy szegény emberek megpróbálnak vagányul kinézni, a rendelkezésükre álló feltételek mellett.
  • 7. DJ Hi-Tek, a Die Antwoord producere, ő csinálja a zenét.
  • 8. Azonosítatlan repülő tárgy, tehát idegen a stílusa.
  • 9. A 'too hot to handle, too cold to hold' egy idézet Bobby Brown – On Our Own c. dalából.
    Ill. van még kettő lehetséges forrása.
    Részletek a linken olvashatóak.
  • 10. Egy genius.com-os hozzászólás szerint ez egy idézet az Aranygyermek (The Golden Child, 1986) c. filmből.
  • 11. A 'poes' dél-afrikai szleng szó, jelentése 'picsa'.
    A 'kool' pedig 'király', 'baró', 'fasza' stb.
  • 12.
  • 13. Lehet, hogy ez egy szójáték a Game Boy-al.
  • 14. Ez egy utalás a Star Wars filmekre.
    A mic-saber a ligthsaberből (fénykard) jön.
  • 15.
  • 16. DJ Hi-Tek, a Die Antwoord producere, ő csinálja a zenét.
    Egyúttal jelenthet high-techet is, tehát modern technológiát.
  • 17. Azon kívül, hogy saját magát írja le, valószínűleg a Star Wars univerzumbeli Luke Skywalkerre (skywalker = égen/égben járó) utal.
  • 18. Valószínűleg szándékosan használja az interweb kifejezést az internet helyett.
    Talán ez egyfajta önkritikus humor, amiben Ninja úgy láttatja magát mint, aki nem ért a technikához.
    Az interweb kifejezés használatát olyanokkal asszociálják, akik kívülállóként tekintenek be az internet kultúrába.
  • 19. ”Nem rossz, mi?” (afrikaans).

Big mountains are high

Big mountains are high, but
They are the mountains under the sky
If someone keeps going
Perhaps one day he will rise to the top
But he continues to say
The mountain is too high

I planted chrysanthemums

Out the window
I planted chrysanthemums
Under the chrysanthemums
I put a pot in to ferment Korean Sul(Sake).
When alcohol ferments well
And the chrysanthemums bloom
My friends come
Then the moon rises
Boy, please play the Komungo lyre for Us
Let's enjoy all night long together

Back to You

Don't know what to say
Don't know how to say
Everything in my heart has stopped yeah
Opening my eyes
It hurts so much
It hurts enough to regret it yeah
Baby only only you
Those times glimmer
Only only you
Fall into those memories
Even if you come back as if nothing happened
I would hold you tight like before
If I could come to you, can't stop the movement
If I could close to you, somewhere memory
If I could run to you, led to the depths
If I come back to you If I come back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
Don't know how to change
Don't know how to play it
Your empty space feels big
I miss that day, crying and laughing with you
I'm trying to forget that I ever saw you
Baby only only you
As if nothing happened
Only only you
Prettier, more beautiful
Like the moonlight hidden in the clouds
You are the one who will shine brightly out of the darkness
If I could come to you, can't stop the movement
If I could close to you, somewhere memory
If I could run to you, led to the depths
If I come back to you If I come back to you
I can't see you anywhere
A memory that will be somewhere in search of traces
I can't hear the pretty melody you sang
If I come back to you If I come back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you
If I come back to you back to you back to you

Don't Cry, My Love

That broken twilight of the moon
Growing coldness of the night
Seems to be the mirroring of us
Heart melting tale that will be
soon to be faded away
I don’t mind being the chevaller
I’m fine, I know
Time can not be rewinded
As long as you are there in the end
Don’t cry, my love
I will burn if it means that you’ll glow
Even a fleeting moment, will last
in my heart for eternity, my love
Closing your eyes tight
When you call me
I will always be there for you
Believe me, Don’t cry, my love
Here I’ll be
In darkness where my faith was lost
Your voice was keeping me alive
You were the only hope of light to me
You know, for me
the moment when you are gone
Means there is no meaning in my life
Don’t cry, my love
I will burn if it means that you’ll glow
Even a fleeting moment, will last
in my heart for eternity, my love
Closing your eyes tight
When you call my name
I will always be there for you
Believe me, Don’t cry, my love
Here I’ll be
You are my one and only
That gives me strength to bear today
What I have been dreaming of,
my love is you
Please remember this one thing
I’ll be at the end of your destiny
Never leaving you alone, ever
Don’t cry, my love
I will burn if it means that you’ll glow
Even a fleeting moment, will last
in my heart for eternity, my love
Closing your eyes tight
When you call my name
I will always be there for you
Believe me, Don’t cry, my love
Here I’ll be

Without You

Without you, without you
Without you, without you
As if I can’t take a step
Meandering around the same road
And l just stare at you from behind
At the end of a season each time
I stop endlessly
Why do I keep hesitating yeah
That wind gushing, everything is you
I’m shaken by your memories and reminiscences again
Oh in that moment when it was full of you
Once again I’m missing you alone
Without you, without you, without you so
The wind passing by me
I can’t be unaffected, why you are not by my side
Without you, without you, without you so
Without you, without you
Without you, without you, without you so
Without you, without you
I think about when we locked eyes
I think back on each small memory
In those scenes where you are everywhere
In the end I can’t call out to you
I just talk to myself Yeah
That wind gushing scatters from a long sigh
Can’t erase I still wait for you again
Oh in that moment when it was full of you
Once again I’m missing you alone
Without you, without you, without you so
The wind passing by me
I can’t be unaffected, why you are not by my side
Without you, without you, without you so
The meaning has been engraved and can’t be erased even in different times
The longing breath is at a standstill, cuz I’ll be right here
I’m here endlessly Oh Yeah Yeah
Oh the space where it was being filled by you
I was left by myself and meander around in that moment
Without you, without you, without you so
The warmth passing by me
Can’t be calm, why you are not by my side
Without you, without you, without you so
Now so that I can laugh it off (so that I’m used to it)
I want to be indifferent (Want to forget) Can’t run away from the parting
Without you, without you, without you so
Without you, without you
Without you, without you


The sweetest love
Do you know you are a little bit too much? You know that?
Too much sugar, no good for my health
It almost makes my head dizzy, oh It’s that much sweet
Restrain yourself a little bit
My god It lingers at the tip of my tongue
It’s too sweet sweet
My god it makes me laugh
You are my sugar
I can’t escape, no other way
I get addicted to you, cn’t believe it
My sugar spreads and scatters in my mouth
My sugar I get addicted to you, my sugar
Do you know you give me strength? You know that?
It feels skies and clouds (Oh I’m with you)
Sometimes my day oh it’s too bitter It’s like black coffee
Right now! I need you so yes
It’s you It feels like I am floating
It’s too sweet sweet
It’s you, you make me laugh
You are my sugar
I can’t escape, no other way
I get addicted to you, can’t believe it
My sugar spreads and scatters in my mouth
My sugar I get addicted to you, my sugar
My sugar
My sugar (Come on sing with me, oh)
My sugar
My sugar, oh
You are my sugar
I can’t escape, no other way
I get addicted to you, can’t believe it
My sugar full in my mouth
(It’s a beautiful day, oh)
You are my sugar
Sweeter than anything else
Everything feels like a dream, can’t believe it
(You got to know that It’s like a dream, my day)
My sugar keeps spreading and scattering in my hear
(Fills my heart baby baby, oh)
Swe, swe, sweet baby
Too, too much baby
Swe, swe, sweet baby (I need you my love)
Swe, swe, sweet baby (You’re my baby baby, oh)
Too, too much baby
Swe, swe, sweet baby
My sugar spreads

Something Good

Oh a night for you
A day when I want to show the whole world
Everything I have prepared
Oh, excitement, one two three
Both of our dream piles up little by little
What kind of dream are you having
If you and I are together with those clear eyes
You and me got
You and me got something wonderful
Trust me, take my hands
Let’s walk the bridge of night
In the night sky with starlight
Pouring down the love floats above
You and me got
You and me got something good
I said something good that will be made
By you and me
Oh my complicated heart
Becomes okay when I see you
I gently kiss your cute lips closed coyly
You become shy
Do you feel my love, something new
Whatever dreams you might have
I’ll hug you so that you can smile
You and me got
You and me got something wonderful
Trust me, take my hands
Let’s walk the bridge of night
In the night sky with starlight
Pouring down the love floats above
You and me got
You and me got something good
I said something good that will be made
By you and me
So many nights
I don’t have to meander
Every day is special moments
If only you are by my side
You and me got
You and me got something wonderful
You and me got
You and me got something good
Ooh yeah
You and me got
You and me got something wonderful
It’s now, take my hands
Let’s walk through the night
In the shivers that’s
Pouring we float our love above
You and me got
You and me got something good
You and me, you and me
We got we got
We got something good
You and me, you and me
We got very special something good
Yeah we can make
a special something good


I’m a buffalo
My eyes are so red
I’m a buffalo
I run faster than fire
Push forward
Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo
Push forward
Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo
Thump thump, let’s make a way
Let’s break the obstacles
It’s exciting La-la-la
Let’s devour
This city
It’s all mine
Chewing Chewing
The biggest here
The loudest here
So that they’d run away when they see me
I’m a buffalo
Headbutting everything
I’m a buffalo
I never get tired
Push forward
I am moving forward
I am moving faster
I will run continuously
Get out of the way unless you want to get run over.
We’re buffalo
nananananana nanananana
We’re buffalo
nananananana nanananana
Push forward
Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo
Push forward
Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo Moo
Push forward

Come closer

I've a touch strong in my inside
But I don't freeze cold
My fear makes me shake myself,
When I finally know a dream true it's arrived
Look here friend mine, come to meetings myself
I'm waiting you, at last I've came at your house
Caverns are my own style From inside and from out
The could past are here, And this moment comes to you
Come closer, and turn up my gathering
Come closer, I'm search you
A guidelines brought me for reveal my feelings and wishes
Come closer, Teach me to known
My age old was maximum
Difficulting totally
With all suffering, Im rise up me and look for who I'm
I know that I'm the difference, unknown to everyone
But today, my secrets, will be all discovered
Come closer, tremble yourself like me?
Don't be afraid yourself to me
A guidelines brought me to find my need answers today
Come closer, open the door please my dear
Thyself let me, I going to in, dont there're limits, for
Let me, I go in, no limits, for neither us
The whole waves are the sea
And it's memory
Wind as been find out
My child love, known your truthful
I found now
Come closer, hold on to your power
Turn yourself, into something new
A guidelines that brought me here for find myself, find yourself
Get closer.
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah

Picture In My Head

Another day has passed
As if nothing happened
I try comforting myself
By saying it’s alright
But I’m not alright
After I let you go
My heart has become empty
I can’t fill it up
With another person
Your eyes, your touch
They stay next to me like
The wind that won’t blow
The picture in my head is only you
Now I have nowhere to go
I can’t see anything
Miss you love you
But I have to let
All of your pieces go
Your eyes, your touch
They stay next to me like
The wind that won’t blow
The picture in my head is only you
Now I have nowhere to go
The picture in my head is
The picture in my head is
Only you only you
Only you only you
Only you only you
Only you
I can’t erase you


Yeah, I got fever, I keep moving
Staying still makes me more dizzy
Yeah, I'm okay with it, let's keep on just like that
If you are not into it, just get out of my zone
I don't give a fuck, I don't even remember anything about you
But still can hear your voices in my head
Shout out to the A-O-M to the G
I want to be a man just like Bjork
On the days I'm down, it's always raining
Playing some Brian Eno and smoking another ciggy
The whole life I'm trying to calm myself down but you keep fucking on my mind
Don't drag me down, I don't want to go back
Thanks to my family and friends
Brother, without any ambition I'm keep on going for you
The harder you work the easiest you live, that's my style
If you want me to share, then just go fuck yourself
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember a thing
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember you
I got 4 probs without your love
I've lost all the memory of my past
Oh, I think I saw you back then, it was you right?
I'm sorry, I don't think I even know you
Just ruin it, it's time to reflect on yourself
What's your name?
And what's your job?
What's your dream, even at night you won't get a chance to know me better
To find the calm, I need some pills
Shut the fuck up, you don't even know what I'm talking about
Fuck your awareness shit
Change, change your shitty position
My big brothers taught me everything I know
Without a hurry I've got up pretty high
Yo, bitch, just have to love me, since I have no plans
Did I become a star? Damn you, I'm easily walking around Hongdae streets
You're a fool if you hate me only out of jealousy
Oh shit, even today still it's quite dim inside me
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember a thing
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember you
In a time I won't even remember a thing
In a time I won't even remember you
Yeah, I can't remember even a thing
I'm still hoping for a better tomorrow
Everything spins around money
I pray for us to find our own way to get closer
If it's all just a dream
I need to wake myself up right now
Back then, my life used to spin around Xan
I wish my nickname was just a bad joke as a memory of my dark past
When I got fever, I was so freaking gross
Can't remember anything of those days, tired of pretending that I really do
Just wishing good people all the good
And nothing to bad people
We are all worth a lot of dollars
Dollars can be good, dollars can be bad
I hope you can realize that
Since the world goes to fast, we all have to rush
Trying not to stumble along the whole way
We all got a fever
Uh, we need to clear our minds a bit
Uh, I wish I was born just a fool
Stop the war of comparing
Each of us can't be superior each of other
They paid just to have my number
But those people will never know what real happiness is
Unclear estimate
How many nights we spent waiting for sun to rise
I couldn't even beg, my voice was just some useless words, yeah
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember a thing
Uh, I love when I got fever
You okay? In a time I won't even remember you

Kiss of fire

You burnin' through my soul, oh
Burnin' something serious
I can't help but feel the rush
U just took control, oh
No need to fight love
Nothing gets hotter
Hotter than us
You're in my mind
Can't forget
Caught in your love
Oh your love
It was only one time
No lie
I can't seem to shake you
Oh my
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
It's just the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Ooh girl the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Kiss kiss baby
Drowning in your eyes , I'll drown in them
Warning, whole my life is just unbearable
You're in my blood
You just got me on fire
You're in my mind
Can't forget
Caught in your love
Oh your love
It was only one time
No lie
I can't seem to shake you
Oh my
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
It's just the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Ooh girl the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Kiss kiss baby
Feel the fire, my desire
You're all that I want
Ignite the Fire in my soul
Never felt this feelin
Your smoke I'm inhaling
I'm burning from your kisses
Kiss of Fire
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
You got the kiss of Fire
The way you put your lips on me
You got that fire
Keep on burnin' me up
It's just the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Ooh girl the way you burn me
The way you burn me
Kiss kiss baby
Kissin' me, kissing' me right
Kissin' me, kissing' me right
Kiss Kiss Baby
Kissin' me, kissing' me right
Kissin' me, kiss me all night
Kiss kiss baby

My Land

Versions: #1
I wander around aimlessly homeless, from one home to another, I move and move.
Without you, sorrow accompany me in my wanderings, shoulder to shoulder with sadness
My only love, my existence, you are the symbol of belonging.
Without you, meaningless are my poetry and song.
My land, so tired of persecution,
My land, anonymous and silenced,
My land, in pain suffering without a cure,
My land
My land, who sings of your sorrow?
My land, who opened your doors?
My land, who has shown you loyalty?
My land
My moon and my star, my new path
There is no place I can live, if living is without you
They have plundered your treasures to enrich themselves
Your heart they have broken, everyone, one by one in turn
My land, so tired of persecution,
My land, anonymous and silenced,
My land, in pain suffering without a cure,
My land
My land, like the eyes of a star
My land, like the wilderness
My land, like a broken heart
My land
I wander around aimlessly homeless, from one home to another, I move and move.
Without you, sorrow accompany me in my wanderings, shoulder to shoulder with sadness
My only love, my existence you are the symbol of belonging.
Without you, meaningless are my poetry and song.
My land, so tired of persecution,
My land, anonymous and silenced,
My land, in pain suffering without a cure,
My land
My land, like the eyes of a star
My land, like the wilderness
My land, like a broken heart
My land

The Water Wheel

Just standing there, The Water Wheel
I have no water to ask for
Just standing there, The Water Wheel
I have no water to ask for
A standing mirror, you always are
A consultant, with us
A standing mirror, you always are
A consultant, with us
Loved it, really flew
When to fly, to the ocean
Loved it, really flew
When to fly, to the ocean
Loved, Waiohinu
The water -falling cliff, and the koa'e
Loved, Waiohinu
The water -falling cliff, and the koa'e
Don't sit down and try to forget
In a peacock, grow clean
Don't sit down and try to forget
In a peacock, grow clean
Tell me, I'll shout
I have no water to ask for
Tell me, I'll shout
I have no water to ask for
To ask

Ready Now

Oh, oh oh, oh oh
It's the end
Oh, oh oh, oh oh
Stop it now, even if I shout, it hurts
You're hurting me with your smile again
An ordinary man without a mask
I'm more afraid of that ordinary face
(Oh eh oh eh oh)
I struggle every day
So that I won't lose to dark emotions
(Oh eh oh eh oh)
I believe
This moment will pass by (Let it go)
An uneasy night that calls me endlessly
The pale light shine in the darkness
All this pain that seems to last forever
With my own hands, it's the end
We're gonna face it together
I'm ready now (Hey, hey)
I'm ready now, it's the end
The painful times
End brilliantly
'Cause I'm ready, It's the end
Oh, oh oh, oh oh
It's the end
Oh, oh oh, oh oh
Throwing the embers, without knowing how it'll grow bigger yeah
The pile of my ashes, inside that cruel joke
Please stop, even if I try to shout out bravely
It's a repetition of unanswered echoes all to myself
A path of endless trials
In the meantime, tomorrow will come
All this pain that seems to last forever
With my own hands, it's the end
We're gonna face it together
I'm ready now (Hey, hey)
I'm ready now, it's the end
The painful times
End brilliantly
'Cause I'm ready, It's the end
Honestly, I'm still nervous and scared
I'm afraid I won't stand it
It's a difficult path
But I'm gonna take another step
End this chain of the wounds
I gonna end it and start again yeah
From the new beginning, we can smile
Let's move forward now (Yeah)
I'm ready now (Hey, hey)
I'm ready now, let's begin
Get ready for another star
We'll have a glorious tomorrow
'Cause I'm ready, let's begin
End this chain of the wounds (Yeah)
We can smile
Let's begin
Yeah, yeah, oh woah

Akkor is szerettelek volna

Ha tudtam volna, hogy mi lesz ennek a vége
Ha az utolsó oldallal kezdtem volna az olvasást
Ha lett volna erőm sarkon fordulni
Ha tudtam volna, hogy ez mennyire fog fájni
Akkor is szerettelek volna
Ugyanúgy cselekedtem volna
Egy másodpercet se változtatnék meg
Egy érintést se cserélnék el
Ha tudtam volna, hogy összetörik a szívem
Akkor is szerettelek volna
Keserédes visszatekinteni most
Virágzás előtt elhervadt emlékek
Csak hogy magamhoz szoríthassalak
Csak egy pillanatra
Még ha tudtam volna, hogy ez lesz
Akkor is láthattad volna
Hogyan futok egyenesen a karodba
Akkor is szerettelek volna

See You Again

What if we never met
Would we be in less pain
I wish I could go back
And hug you for longer
I hope you remember this amongst many memories
Will it be all forgotten
I wish they could all reach you over this giant wall
Please, I want to see you again
Was it love
I dream of seeing you again
I can’t forget the time we were in love
I need to see you
If time had stopped
Wouldn’t I be holding your hand
If I could go back to you on that day
I’d tell you that you were my everything
I hope you remember this while your heart grows cold
Is this really the end
I wish it all reaches your cold heart
Please, I want to see you again
Was it love
I dream of seeing you again
I can’t forget the time we were in love
I need to see you
Could I love you more someday
I dream of being with you again for the last time
I can’t forget about our love
I need to see you again


My tired body is trying to wake itself up again
Like always I grab my phone that was tossed off to the side
Lights out, I give up on seeing light again and I lay back down
I can't even remember the last time I took a day off
I try to catch up on the lost sleep, but I can't fall asleep
White noise, I can't get the frequency right so I just get up
I just wanna get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Without having to think, get lazy lazy
Waste my day, spend my time
I'll worry about it later, I don't wanna do this and that
Let's just let's just get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Don't tell me what to do, take it take it
Leave it for tomorrow, do my best today
Forget about being mature, today immature is natural
Woke up in the morning
Well, actually, it was noon
You say my life looks great, that's wrong
I keep my head down down
I'm starting to wonder, is this really me
My dreams are fading out
I'm just tired of everything now
I want to run far away
Again, I'm falling now
Positivity with me
Who cares if I'm late
Negativity, f--- that
I'm late but I'm chasing
Money, whatever, will catch up in time
These days, I just want to swallow the time
I don't want it to slip through my fingers again
Easier said than done
I have to stop switching between laziness and productivity
I just wanna get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Without having to think, get lazy lazy
Waste my day, spend my time
I'll worry about it later, I don't wanna do this and that
Let's just let's just get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Don't tell me what to do, take it take it
Leave it for tomorrow, do my best today
Forget about being mature, today immature is natural
I want love, but I don't want to appear too eager
I got no time, I divy up the hours
We say the same things
But show different faces
The pressures that shadow me
I'm just going to leave them behind
For today, we're going to free ourselves from being tied up
We got no worries on our way
You have to wake up too
Once the sun comes up
We don't know what we'll do
I just wanna get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Without having to think, get lazy lazy
Waste my day, spend my time
I'll worry about it later, I don't wanna do this and that
Let's just let's just get crazy crazy (all day all day)
Don't tell me what to do, take it take it
Leave it for tomorrow, do my best today
Forget about being mature, today immature is natural

Lonely Flower

What's the point of regretting now
What's the point of realizing now
The ugly wilting flowers
Make my heart ache
You'll forever be my beloved
I live for you and only you
Like a flower without thorns
I wanted to be beautiful
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body
Love, what is love
Who are you to make my heart
Ache like this, what right do you have
I still can't find it out
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body

Fragments of love

My feelings are always painful and miserable
Now you leave by the door and your footsteps go away
For this love that always cries when we meet
Only I shrug my shoulders and plug my ears to words
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The fragments of a frozen love stick into my cold body
A word that it's always disheartening is 'goodbye'
When I start forgetting it, the passage of time carves it in my chest
I was always stumbling hiding my sadness
Only I search for the whereabouts of the love I lost
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The love storm I hoped to end, sticks into my withered heart

Secret love of tears

Secret love, even if I'm loved, there are only sighs
Secret love, to touch my sadness
Secret love, even if I'm hurt, there's only tenderness
Secret love, damped in tears even with a kiss
On a corner of the room where you used to come and go
Leaning against the wall with no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, now I look like a husk
In front of the door that I opened with the key
With the chin in a hand and no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, bonds were broken making noise


Unconsciously I liked you
Unconsciously I dreamed of you
Unconsciously I knew your name
Unconsciously I was walking by the city
Unconsciously I found your house
Unconsciously I opened the phone book
Unconsciously I started to walk with you
Unconsciously time passed
Unconsciously I started to live with you
Unconsciously we couldn't beak up

Cool man boogie

In Ginza, Harajuku, Roppongi
Baggy tops and hip bone skirts
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Afro hair, lame shirts
London boots, three piece suits
Rings, pierces and pendants
Cheeky striped trousers
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Coo, coo, coo, cool man
An empty appearance in the surface
Smoke, mirrors and deception, why?
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Youngs of now, discotheques
Jitterbug, twist and boogie woogie
All year long from morning to night
Staring at the fashion book
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Coo, coo, coo, cool man
I dream to be an adoring cool man


In the room with the blinds fully open
The summer light surges
Like the coldness of an ice cube
Your words melt tenderly
'You kept me waiting. Will you laugh saying it's a detour?'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman waits with the face of yesterday
By the window with the blinds half closed
The light interweaves, like a striped pattern
Relaxing on a rocking chair
Only your voice chases me
'You kept me waiting. Only you gave me troubles'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman cries with the face of today
In the room with the blinds totally down
Light doesn't pass, it's a momentary sea
The afternoon of sighs passes painfully
And I entrust my body to your words
'You kept me waiting. The next harbor doesn't even exist'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman carries the face of tomorrow

Body and soul

A dog's howl was incessant for a while
When I woke up and looked at the clock
Wasn't the night yet, and without changing of color
The moonlight shines on my hands
My words are useless
But I want to believe in warmth
My tears betray me
But we can share tenderness
Body and soul, body and soul
Now they melt into one
Woman who sleeps in my arms
A siren echoes faintly from far
It's on charge to lower the curtain of the night
Have I recognized in my sleep
Someone clinging to my chest joining her cheeks
Time is easy to change
I want to believe in tranquility
To you who don't call it love
I want to be sincere
Body and soul, body and soul
Now are one life
Woman who dreams in my arms
Body and soul, body and soul
Now they melt into one
Woman who sleeps in my arms


It's not the first year in the depths of the semi-precious mountains
In the darkness of mines and tunnels, an ancient serpent lives
He is fierce and merciless, full of strength
And do not count all the miners that he killed
No wonder Alan McCormack sets off
It is not for nothing that new armor measures on the chest
He swore to the people of those lands when he was drunk yesterday
That one will fight the creature, only the hop will come out
This is not the fate of a true warrior
This is not the lot of kings
Defeat the monster in a fierce battle
Even at the cost of your life?
Do not look for battle in the tunnels, trouble awaits you
Don't challenge the monster, don't go there
But King Alan cannot neglect a word
And goes into the mines, taking out a sword from its scabbard
Steel sang, stone cracked, the enemy was howling
But the hero cut off the monster's head
He threw off his cloak wet with blood, walked five steps
And fell with the monster next to the cold floor
This is not the fate of a true warrior
This is not the lot of kings
Defeat the monster in a fierce battle
Even at the cost of your life?
Centuries will fly by, the feat will not be forgotten
For a long time they will sing among people
The song how you defeated the monster in battle
Even though I paid with my life


Versions: #1
Why am I feeling
this lonely these days
The only thing that changes is the weather
I want to lean on people too
But there's no one to call
Is it my fault?
I didn't know back then
I overlooked their calls and attention
Did they
feel the same way too?
Only the excuses I've made will remain
Is it selfish? If only I knew how precious those times were
I can't go back, the old wounds will has gotten deeper
I think you and I weren't meant to be
No matter how much we try to blame the situation
I tried to avoid it but this is the truth
I think you didn't like me as much as I did
Is it my fault?
I still don't know
If what you said is really true or not
Whatever it was,
In the end what's left is
A wound that's wrapped up in an excuse
Is it selfish? If only I knew how precious you were
I can't go back, the old wounds has gotten deeper
Is it my fault?
I know now
I'm getting used to being left alone
Is everyone
feeling this lonely?
My heart feels like an empty street
Is it selfish? If only I knew how precious those times were
I can't go back, old wound has gotten deeper

Ballada a Fekete Halálról

Öreg kocsma a kék ég alatt,
Gonosz, mint egy függőség, dohos mint a húgy.
Sokakat és sokakat fogadott már,
De ők ivás közben elfeledték, hogy élniük kell.
Egyszer csak, egy messzi útról
Egy zarándok jött be, kinek a szemei
Feketék s mélyek voltak, mint a sötétség
Csontos kezében botot tartva
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Még ha el is rejtőzöl előle, még akkor sem menekülsz meg
Daj deli dol daj doli del
'Tessék egy leves, jámbor vándor'
Mondta a jó kocsmáros, de hirtelen elsápadt,
Mert a fekete szemek valójában szemgödrök,
Az arcáról halálos méreg folyik le.
A tömeg felkiáltott: 'Halál a város falain belül!
Száműzni őt! Száműzni! Hadd menjen el!'
S néhány városbeli megrángatta a ruháját
És pár inas kardot rántott.
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Még ha el is rejtőzöl előle, még akkor sem menekülsz meg
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Városlakók, lovagok, parasztok és papok.
Mikor felkelt a járdáról, a sovány kezeit,
A hegyek felé emelte, és ahogy ott állt
Némán átkot szórt a kastélyra.
Minden városlakó félt leállítani őt
Din dirin din, harangoznak az utcákon,
Az otthonokban este sírni kezdtek.
Mikor ez a nő végigsétál a városon
Fetreng a földön a fájdalomtól, és hebeg.
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Még ha el is rejtőzöl előle, még akkor sem menekülsz meg
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Városlakók, lovagok, parasztok és papok.
A jobb oldalán egy angyal repül
S halkan sír, és a bal oldalán maga az ördög.
Ő (a nő) mogorva, széltépázta ruhában,
Életeket vesz el, miközben a világon átrepül.
Tegyétek a halottaitokat a szekerekbe,
Égessétek el a szarvakat és a bundát.
Ecetes kendővel fedd el a szád
Talán megkímél téged a fekete halál
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Még ha el is rejtőzöl előle, még akkor sem menekülsz meg
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Városlakók, lovagok, parasztok és papok.
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Még ha el is rejtőzöl előle, még akkor sem menekülsz meg
Daj deli dol daj doli del
Városlakók, lovagok, parasztok és papok.

A lánc

Hallgasd a szél fújását, nézd a nap felkelését
Fuss az árnyékban
Átkozottak a hazugságaid és a szerelmed
És ha te most nem szeretsz
Sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Még mindig hallom, ahogy azt mondod sosem töröd el a láncot
És ha te most nem szeretsz
Sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Még mindig hallom, ahogy azt mondod sosem töröd el a láncot
Hallgasd a szél fújását, lejön az éjszaka
Fuss az árnyékban
Átkozottak a hazugságaid és a szerelmed
Törd meg a csendet
Átközött a sötétség és a fény is
És ha te most nem szeretsz
Sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Még mindig hallom, ahogy azt mondod sosem töröd el a láncot
És ha te most nem szeretsz
Sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Még mindig hallom, ahogy azt mondod sosem töröd el a láncot
És ha te most nem szeretsz
Sosem fogsz újra szeretni
Még mindig hallom, ahogy azt mondod sosem töröd el a láncot
Lánc... ami összetart minket
(fussunk az árnyékba)
Lánc... ami összetart minket
(fussunk az árnyékba)
Lánc... ami összetart minket
(fussunk az árnyékba)


Versions: #1
Ikki, flikki, ikki, kikki
Ahe-em, Gé
Well look your bro lives sweet like juice
Ballin' even though mom was always baked
A good start equals half the work
But a good start remains the half
The second half, but I don't need no help
Wiwwelien was eleven, I did everything myself
I went to school myself, now I'm on TV by myself
And I laugh inside cause of the sluts that I bring
Now see them looking, so keep looking
All the fatties want to look like me
But brother, forget the thing,
Step aside, she wants an autograph
Kaleidoscope in his eyes
I look up, my pupils getting big
The world is flat again, yeah
Save for your round butt
A wavelength of distance
From your celestial body
She's of spectral class
Unearthly powers (yeah)
I erupted when she laughed at me
You look back in time
When you look at her
Yeah she's practicly
Inter(nail polish)galactic
Sorry if i'm exaggerating
Even when I look up
Even when I'm ever dead
You know I'll still be somewhere
I'll still be, in the air like stardust
I'll be gone in the sky with diamonds on my neck*, bitch
Diamonds on my neck
Gone in the sky with diamonds on my neck, bitch
Diamonds on my neck, diamonds on my neck
diamonds on my neck, diamonds on my neck
Back in the days Young Yayo was nothing but young
No rapmoneys, no paper, no fun
Untill, out of nowhere, he was on TV
Suddenly his whole life changed, bam
Shows in the weekends, money in the bank
Happily on stardust, but does it still count?
He wanted a taste of every type of drink
They tried to tell him, but he was always so numb
And after a while he was down in the dumps
When out the air came falling Lady Luck
She was his baby and he was back again
And the butterflies in his stomach said no to the drugs
I've got my moccaprincess on my sofa
The sound of my voice still pays the bills
Sometimes I look back and raise my glass
To the stars in the sky and say 'thank you'
The world is flat again, yeah
Save for your round butt
A wavelength of distance
From your celestial body
She's of spectral class
Ooh, unearthly powers (yeah)
I erupted when she laughed at me
You look back in time
When you look at her
Yeah she's practicly
Inter(nail polish)galactic
Sorry if i'm exaggerating
Even when I look up
Even when I'm ever dead
You know I'll still be somewhere
I'll still be, in the air like stardust
I'll be gone in the sky with diamonds on my neck, bitch
Diamonds on my neck
Gone in the sky with diamonds on my neck, bitch
Diamonds on my neck, diamonds on my neck
diamonds on my neck, diamonds on my neck

Már Halott

[1. Versszak: J-Dog]
A kígyó éve van
A barátok túlértékeltek, szóval ne hibázz
Távolról figyelem ahogy megmérgezed a tavat
Egy hamucsíkot hagysz magad után
Üss ki, de újra felállok
Az esőben nem érzem a sajgó sebeimet
Túl sok az imádkozás, vajon elég lesz valaha?
Az esőben és kiöntöm a beleimet
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Már hal-
Mát hal-
[2. Versszak: Danny & J-Dog]
Itt vagyok megint a kés pengéjén
Néhányan az életünk végén születünk
A halál éjszakáján izzadságban úszva ébredni
Biztosan álmodom
Látom az uradalmad végét
Érzem hogy gyűlölet tölti meg az ereidet
Nézz rám most, letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok
[Átvezetés: J-Dog]
Nézz rám most, ahogy letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
Nézz rám most, ahogy letöröm a láncokat
Lángokban hagyva az egész birodalmadat
[Refrén: Danny & J-Dog]
Utálni akarsz
Meg akarsz próbálni megtörni
De nem tudsz megölni
Mert már halott vagyok
Megpróbálhatsz letörni
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok
Mert már halott vagyok