Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 7

Találatok száma: 203


Light snowfall

Crying I threw at your back
A snowball full of hate
Now this hand and my tired chest
Yearn for the lies of a man
Hold me again please
There's a light snowfall outside
The sequence of sorrows suits a woman
As I have the fading snow close
I look for back to back warmth
If you were here, I could live
The remainders of dreams seem to fade
There's a light snowfall outside
You said to me 'Get drunk'
Red is the sad waterflower
'If the spring comes, I want a fresh start'
Decides in my heart, an unseen sake
Give me a bit more of sake
There's a light snowfall outside
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Going by the road from Hakata

City lights at the right, Genkai at the left
A steam train is splitting the night
If I pass under the barrier hiding my face
I'll barely have a seat like you
Ah, I preteded to be a woman travelling alone
Gazing through the window, however
Going by the road from Hakata in a party of two
A woman who couldn't fly, flew away
The fire of the strait baits are the lights of a place near the mountains
The hand that peels tangerines shivers
I don't know anybody worried about love
I remember a year passed
Ah, forgive me
Surely I'll achieve happiness
Going by the road from Hakata in a party of two
A woman who couldn't fly, flew away
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Depresszióval élni

Felveszem az új szoknyámat
Futni kezdek, 1, 2, bárhova mehetek
Még ha nincs is kijelölve az utam
Nincs szükségem bonyolult tweetekre
A saját szavaimat fogom használni
Még azokon a reggeleken is, mikor minden reménytelen
Mutogattam az emberekre, akik megbotlottak
És kövekkel dobáltam őket
Az az egy szó, még most is
Újra és újra téged üt
A mai érzéseim kitisztultak,
Leírom hát őket, nehogy elfelejtsem
Ah, kezd eltűnni az érzés
A homályt, mely mindennapjaim része,
Kiszínezem a kedvenc dalaimmal, de
Sehol, sehol, sehol sem találom
A tegnapi lelkesedésemet
Egyszerűen hozzászoktam a kedvességhez,
És elnyomtam az embereket
Téged, és azt a fájdalmat
Tudod, én valóban azt hittem, hogy megértettem
Itt vagy, s én boldog vagyok
Ebben a pillanatban boldog vagyok
Az indok, nos, igazából nincs is semmiféle
Egyszerűen csak boldog vagyok
A depresszió és az öröm közepett
Tudod, én,
Én még nem éltem eleget


Nem akarom, hogy bárkit is megöljenek
El fogok jönni és elkaplak
Mindig készen állok a harcra
Szóval ne vedd az összes felelősséget magadra, mindannyiunkat elsodort
Ne cipeld az összes súlyt. Mindig ezt teszed
Mindig lesz valami, amit nem tudsz irányítani
Túl fogunk jutni. A megváltásod elkezdődött
Nincsenek jelek
Nincsenek fények, akkora a rendetlenség mindenhol
Ne öld meg a reményeidet
Ráébresztesz, hogy kire van szükségem
Ott leszek, tarts ki
Meg fognak változtatni valahogy
Szóval hol vagy most?
El foglak érni hajnalra
Mielőtt átváltoztatnának
Az illúziók szétszakadtak
A bukott angyalok, akikkel együtt futsz, nem tudják
Hogy a fájdalmunk az, ami emberré tesz végül is
Meleg, régi szépia képek mutatják
A törékeny, drága világunkat
Meg kell védeni, válaszolj a hívásra
Tényleg mélyen a fejedben vannak?
Úgy irányítanak, mint egy kis marionettet?
Elvágom majd a drótjaidat. Gyere velem
Hadd szabadítsam ki a lelked szárnyait. Repülésre tudom bírni őket
Itt vártunk csak hogy újra egészek legyünk
Ne legyen több utálat, én mindig is a barátod voltam
Nincsenek jelek
Nincsenek fények, akkora a rendetlenség mindenhol
Ne öld meg a reményeidet
Ráébresztesz, hogy kire van szükségem
Ott leszek, tarts ki
Meg fognak változtatni valahogy
Szóval hol vagy most?
El foglak érni hajnalra
Az árnyékok előjönnek, illúziók születnek
A bukott angyalok, akikkel együtt futsz, nem tudják
Hogy a fájdalmunk az, ami emberré tesz végül is
Meleg, régi szépia képek mutatják
A törékeny, drága világunkat
Félre kell dobni, válaszolj a hívásra
Ha harcolni akarsz velem
Akkor gyerünk, harcolj velem
Mert csak segíteni akarok, ember
Te leszel a halálom
A seregünk erejét egy kasza vágta el
És ha elveszítünk téged, sosem fogunk túlélni
Elmehetsz, de előbb hinned kell
Egyszerre csak egy lépés, és tartsd magasan a fejed, fiú és
Szabad leszel

Sayonara Bystander

The sound of trains running near the riverside...
The color of sunflowers, hanging their heads in bloom...
The sunset paints a striped borderline.
The more I hear you say, 'Thank you'...
Why does it make me feel like I wanna cry?
It's as if I were a kid again.
I thought I'd stored my tears away in the refrigerator...
But better than anyone, I know the value of the one I desire!
Farewell, Bystander! We'll start walking from here.
No matter if this road will take us to Heaven... or somewhere not even close!
I want to laugh with you and stand by your side, just as you are!
I'll gather up all our pride, wishes, and dreams—
Keeping them in abundance, always on hand!
Even if I'm scared, so scared— to the point I'm about to go under...
... I'll make a promise to you!
In a rusted, ravaged shelter
I tried to hide myself again and again...
But I couldn't hide my head without my butt sticking out.
Things that seem obvious aren't actually so simple,
And talent isn't something that's born out of nowhere—
The reason why is already set in stone.
Sweat runs from my brow into my eyes, stinging...
But there's no way I could ever part with this one!
Farewell, Bystander! We've walked this far,
Even if the simplified pace of our clumsy writing is full of mistakes!
I'll declare in a loud voice, 'The night has come to an end!'
Learning more about humility, loneliness, and emptiness,
We'll go on to be even more loved.
Even if I'm scared, so scared— wishing I could throw it all away...
... I'll make a promise to myself!
Farewell, Bystander! We'll start walking from here.
No matter if this road will take us to Heaven... or somewhere not even close!
I want to laugh with you and stand by your side, just as you are!
I'll gather up all our pride, wishes, and dreams—
Keeping them in abundance, always on hand!
I'll protect you, I'll protect you— I'll offer you my everything!
I swear it, with you standing here before my eyes!

And then.. live on

People are creatures born from dreams
How can a blue sky look so suffocating?
The past and future are just short-lived moments
That exists between the blink of an eye
Oh time・・・ I could be a flower of spring in my next life
And then live on, and then be loved
ru ru ru・・・
And then cry, and then fall
People are freely traveling creatures
How can a starry sky look so lonesome?
In the wind whereabouts, hearts are accumulating loneliness as well
The ending of the season is making me notice it
Oh time・・・ I could be a shooting star of winter in my next life
And then live on, and then shine
ru ru ru・・・
And then burn, and then disappear
And then live on, and then be loved
ru ru ru・・・
And then cry, ru ru ru・・・ and then fall
♫You're free to reprint it, but please babe, give me the kawaii credits.
If you enjoy this work, consider supporting it by buying me a coffee!♫ https://ko-fi.com/K3K78A6V

It Seems You Were Born Alone

Once upon a time, in an ancient place
It seems you were born alone.
Crying and frustrated- but also laughing
The cradle was rocking.
Before long you grew up splendidly...
Then I guess you said you'd go on a trip.
With anxiety and hope in heart,
You embarked courageously.
Though you were born crying,
There aren't only tears.
There's laughter, anger, fighting,
and sleeping peacefully.
That's just a normal day.
That's just a normal day.

Lone Wolf and Cub

(The sound of walking in the rain)
Feeling sad in the cold rain
The internal spirit of the young child is frozen
Waiting for his father who hasn't come back yet
The job of my father is an assassin
(The sound of walking in the rain)
Killing people with tears in my eyes
It'd be fine, if I could come back alive, otherwise
The child would turn to bones in the rain
The child would turn to bones in the rain
Ah... Ogoro is only three years old
(The sound of walking in the rain)
(The sound of blowing wind)
Again, lonely with a hungry stomach in the north wind
Stroking the lock of hair on my head and walking alone
Waiting for my father who hasn't come back yet
The job of my father is an assassin
(The sound of blowing wind)
Killing people with tears in my eyes
It'd be fine, if I could come back alive, otherwise
The child would turn to dust in the wind
The child would turn to dust in the wind
Ah... Ogoro is only three years old
(The sound of blowing wind)
(The sound of walking on the frosty ground)
The feet that step on the frosty ground
Both of them are frozen stiff
The child who goes out to look for his father
The job of my father is an assassin
(The sound of walking on the frosty ground)
Killing people with tears in my eyes
It'd be fine, if I could come back alive, otherwise
The child would be frozen to death in the frost
The child would be frozen to death in the frost
Ah... Ogoro is only three years old
(The sound of walking in the rain)

The Hunter of Love

I hid the flame in my eyes and palms and walked
From the edge of yesterday
I’ll go open the door
And expose my sadness
Into the night of light
In the depths of your little chest
There is such an intense life
With beautiful magic, I want to solve
The secret of the world’s love
Even if I don’t know
Things like the meaning of my being born
The desert will, look, turn into spring
I was overflowing with love
To the point that I wanted to embrace
Someone who laughs by my side
Only you saw
The me who cried
Learns of love and begins
I shouldn’t have known about the song of love
When it comes to now, I understand
What you taught me
At that nostalgic shore
I want to meet you again
From my heart
Ascertain me
Who is living like this…
I was born to know about love
Now I chase love and advance
The Hunter…
of Love…

Save Us

Lord God,
Lord God,
Holy one, glory
Lord God,
hear us and feel pity
Hear us, Lord
Grant us peace
and save us from the enemies
Save us, God
Lord God,
hear us and feel pity
Hear us, Lord
Grant us peace
and save us from the enemies
Save us, God
(Grant us peace)
hear us
(and give rest to them)
Lord, feel pity
(Call me with the blessed to the place among your sheep)
Grant us peace
(Pious Lord Jesus, give rest to them)
Holy one, glory
(Lord God, Holy one, glory)
Christ show mercy
Free me from the eternal
Free the souls of the faithful from everything, Jesus
Grant us peace
Give rest to them
Holy, holy God
Lord God,
hear us and feel pity
Hear us, Lord
(Lord God, feel pity…)
Grant us peace
and save us from the enemies
Save us, God
(Lord God, feel pity…)
Lord, feel pity
(Lord God, feel pity…)
Lord God
Lord God

Sad Songbirds

I'm sorry I kept quiet until now
The truth is that he was there
I tried but couldn't tell you
It doesn't seem like we'll meet again
By the blue beach in the cool dawn
You seem just like a child
I was gazing vacantly far away
We're a pair of sad songbirds aren't we
I'm sorry I kept quiet until now
The truth is that he was there
But at that same time
I had fallen for you as well...
Although I love you now
I cannot separate from him
Even so I won't forget you
We are a pair of lost songbirds
Escaping from the advancing waves
And though I embrace your arm
Why is it you avoid my gaze?
Lets joke around like we always do...
I want things to always be like this
I can't go home but I can change
Even if I love somebody from now on
Our hearts will hurt won't they
I'm sorry I kept quiet until now
The truth is that he was there
But at that same time
I had fallen for you as well...
With your kind words and sighs don't condemn me...
With your kind words and sighs don't throw me away...