Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 154


Tartsd meg emlékeid!

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mind figyeljetek!
Az idő eljön, mikor mind elbúcsúzunk.
Érezd fájó szívedben,
Összetörve hagy ott belül.
De soha nem távozunk igazán,
Míg csak egy emlék is van a lelkedben.
Hát tedd az életben a legjobb dolgokat,
Addig kóstolj e világból, míg lehet,
Hozd ki legtöbbet egész életedből,
Addig járd e világot, míg teheted.
Tartsd meg, kit szeretsz,
Magadhoz közel, mert kevés az idő.
S ne hagyd, hogy szíved összetörjön,
Tudom, hogy ez néha reménytelen.
De soha nem tűntek el igazán
Míg csak egy emlék is van a lelkedben.
Hát tedd az életben a legjobb dolgokat,
Addig kóstolj e világból, míg lehet,
Hozd ki legtöbbet egész életedből,
Addig járd e világot, míg teheted.
S tartsd meg emlékeidet!
Kapaszkodj minden percbe,
Hogy életben tartsd!
A világ legnagyobb tragédiája:
Lelkek, kikre nem emlékeznek,
Túl nem élhető.
Hát tedd az életben a legjobb dolgokat,
Harcolj ezért e világban, míg teheted,
Hozd ki legtöbbet egész éltedből
Ragyogtasd fényed e világra, míg lehet!
S tartsd meg emlékeidet!
Kapaszkodj minden percbe,
Hogy életben tartsd!
A világ legnagyobb tragédiája:
Lelkek, kikre nem emlékeznek,
Túl nem élhető.
S tartsd meg emlékeidet!
Kapaszkodj minden percbe,
Hogy életben tartsd!
A világ legnagyobb tragédiája:
Lelkek, kikre nem emlékeznek,
Túl nem élhető.


Krisztus tagjai, gondoljátok meg.

Krisztus tagjai, gondoljátok meg,
hogy a Megváltó mit is ajándékozott nektek
a keresztség megtisztító fürdőjében!
Vérének és a víznek forrásánál
ruhátok hófehér lesz
mit a bűn beszennyezett.
Az új ruhához Krisztus szerezte
a vörös bíbort, és a fehér selymet,
a keresztyén díszét ez adja.


Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Igen, tudják,
hogy megint megsebezted magad
Nem tudják,
hogy már tele vagy fájdalommal?
Igen, tudják,
hogy megint megsebezted magad
A hanyatlás nem könnyű,
Aztán lassan emlékszel mindenre
Miért lett hideg a lelked,
és minden remény kifogyott
Belül halott.
Sosem elég, hogy elfelejtsd,
hogy te vagy a magányosak egyike
Lassan emlékszel mindenre
Ha most megijesztelek,
ne fuss el előlem
A fájdalmam rejtegettem, látod?

Lelki társ

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Összeférhetetlen, bár ez nem számít.
Mert valaki csak meghallja kiáltásom.
Mondd ki, ha igen,
Nehéz téged meglelni.
Az lehetséges, hogy Mr. Szerethető
Már életemnek része?
Pont itt, előttem,
Vagy tán álruhában vagy?
Ki nem vágyik arra, hogy valaki ölelje?
Ki tudja, hogy szeressen téged anélkül, hogy elmondanák.
Valaki árulja el, miért vagyok egyedül?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek?
Itt vagyunk újra, a körök végtelenek.
Hogy találom meg a tökéletes társat?
Mindenki számára van elég,
De én még mindig sorban állok.
Ki nem vágyik arra, hogy valaki ölelje?
Ki tudja, hogy szeressen téged anélkül, hogy elmondanák.
Valaki árulja el, miért vagyok egyedül?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek.
A legtöbb kapcsolat oly múlandónak tűnik,
Mindegyik jó, de nem maradandó.
Ki nem vágyik arra, hogy valaki ölelje?
Ki tudja, hogy szeressen téged anélkül, hogy elmondanák.
Valaki árulja el, miért vagyok egyedül?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek?
Ki nem vágyik arra, hogy valaki ölelje?
Ki tudja, hogy szeressen téged anélkül, hogy elmondanák.
Valaki árulja el, miért vagyok egyedül?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek?
Ha van lelki társa mindenkinek.

At the green margin of a field

At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again. (x2)
A night full of restlessness,
Though my eyes are sleepy, I'm here for you.
Behind the back, evil, fear stifles the heart, Your lips tremble.
Streets are streaming with tears, my love for You is stronger than a gun.
Your prayers will engulf me
Woods will grow over the enemies
The body will heal, the fear will go away
My language will blossom in words
At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again.
You will return to your land
Soon the nightingales will sing for us
Black and Azovian1, Tatar2 and Kobzar3 melodies (2x)
Ukraine, we are with You
Ukraine, we are with You (x4)
At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again.
  • 1. The Black and the Azovian Sea, on which Ukraine borders.
  • 2. The Crimea Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of Crimea. They are now again persecuted by the Russians. In the occupied cities of southern Ukraine, mass arrests of activists, also Tatar ones, are reportedly taking place.
  • 3. A Kobzar was an itinerant Ukrainian bard accompanying himself on a kobza, a multistringed instrument.


Share and give each other various pain as a one of pleasure
Can't feel my step
Just walking no need to deceive sloppily
Sometimes trample and sometimes kick up
There is only free will to obey the laws of creation
A new morning is the hope morning
The eyes light dull color of black horse
Sensitivity is just given and receive
Trample and sometimes kick up
Obey the laws of creation
Then the blue sky
The heart and the body are polarising has strong contrast
Feeling pure happiness
I affirmation all daydreaming linking fear in the darkness to extremely time
as brilliant action express your inclination
Also the love out of harmony

Longing of beloved

Let me be the weeping lover with longing of beloved
Let me be the weeping lover with longing of beloved
Let me burn with the fire of love
I couldn't see her beautiful face, I lament for you
I couldn't see her beautiful face, I lament for you
What will I be with the sorrow, shedding my tears
The fire of separation, beautiful grief wreathed me like a glimpse of mirage
I am afraid that I'll be burned until the judgement
Beloved, have some mercy! Don't hurt my heart
Come, I'll be the helot in the dungeon like Joseph if you wish
I am suffering like a nightingale, I shriek in the rosery.
I'll be happy with the hope of coming together with beloved.

Nina Končareva

Sunday morning underneath Stara planina*
The sun shines on wedding kolo* and the guests
Thin, tall girls, with hands full of gifts, are dancing
The prettiest of them all, in a white dress, Nina Končareva
Beautiful girls, wedding doves, are dancing on their own
Because there are no men in this village underneath Stara planina
A gunshot echoed through the sky, froze the wedding party
Two grey falcons woundedly cried out and started flying
The forest shook, the birds and Stara Planina went silence
Two riders on black horses flew out of the forest
The sun has set, the evening came, there was no one in the village
And Nina Končareva, in her white dress, was waiting for her darling
Black horses were carried by rage, the riders were tired
White shirt, red, bloody, was lowered in front of her
She took the white shirt, bloody, she brought it closer to her chest
And for a very long time, Nina Končareva hugged her darling
The night has passed, the dawn was shining over the village beneath the mountain
And white dress of mute and stiff Nina Končareva
And white dress of mute and stiff Nina Končareva


Aaaa he he
We came with Yousri Nokta Naaaaabi
Until we go to Haji Sunnah
We are arrogant, you were a fool until now
Do whatever you have in your chat
Come and read about all the misery that has become a misfortune
Every single word of mine
Similar to the merciful
I sing for you
Lah lah
This is definitely a wound
Which gets worse little by little
Hard life
The past is passing
There are those who
Make a bet on your life
Every loss in this life
They are bad tired
Fatigue Yes, fatigue
Because they need a mercy
We still sell, so pain
My every word is the best
It has an arrangement that has not been seen anywhere
I sing for you
Let's go up
Until we reach God Himself
Flight Flights
Let's go forward one by one
We laugh at games
Because of the fear of judges' exams
Together further forward
We stay out of the poverty line
Until some idiots
With everything illegal
I know you know what I mean
There is no need to name a tax to become najis
Because life is hard and
It costs. Well, Haji
It does not look like a jar to be satisfied
There is a secret to every choice he has
Because there is no group leader
Plus no charge
And no official is idle for any time
Every official you see is either asleep in his chair or following a bad job!
We are better than someone who is your fan right now
We are going to be one of your top players
No need to push anyone, we go under siege
Needless to say, the hard way


An ember
can become flame with a breath
just as fast into rust
I gave
all that I could of myself
can't understand, but I had to go
it will never be as it was
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
then it turned quiet
no one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
In a while
we can look back on
a time no one could enjoy
a game without rules and answers
raw and cold
we toiled when it mattered
the drive was extinguished brutally
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
then it turned quiet
no one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
No one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
No one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet


[Verse 1]
Bipolar, there's no other girl like her
Or maybe there is, maybe I love her
Or maybe not, maybe I love her
Or maybe not, or maybe yes
I hate you so much but I'd like to conquer the whole world with you today
I hate you so much, I hate you so much
But on the other hand I'll die if you don't text me
I hate people who say you're supposed to say 'very much' and not 'terribly'
Though I guess that's the correct way
Though actually fuck what's correct
After all it doesn't matter, at least not today
I'll worry tomorrow, fuck the cops
Though actually what is an old lady supposed to do if someone steals from her
No, fuck cops, and you leave that grandma alone
Today I look like you can watch me
Today I feel like Jordan
Today I look like you can watch me
Today I feel like an orgasm
I think I shouldn't be saying such things
But on the other hand we're supposed to be ourselves
We're supposed to be kind and love eachother
But this guy is driving like a fucking idiot, fucking hell!
Turns out it was an old man
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
[Verse 2]
Young people cool down with xanax nowadays
Around me are only dragons, only Tabalugas
Criminals are collecting records on me
Me and Kuqe, Anja Rubik standing next to us
Bomboclaat, we're from ghetto
Twenty people, there's a lot of us
Respect the planet, don't kill animals
She's vege but she asks for meat
Squadshit, squadshit, she says she's been listening to me since squasi
Tell Kasia, Basia, Asia that I don't have the time and I'm making cash
And if you hate me that's great
This bass is so fucking loud I didn't hear you
And I won't hear you later, later, later, late... at all!
Tonight the whole gang is here
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
Jesus Christ, may God forgive us
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
I drive up to the block, block, block, block, block
I turn him into Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue
No one asks me how I feel but how much this car burns
Flexxy, Quebo and Rosalie in the dressing rooms
Kilogram of ganja on the block
I made a label so they would stop dealing
Kilogram of ganja on the block
Flexxy, Quebo and Rosalie in the dressing rooms
Kilogram of ganja on the block (Kilogram of ganja on the block)
Flexxy, Quebo and Rosalie on the block