Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 82


The Bells Ring at Midnight

The bells ring at midnight...
The Child King is born,
He's Mary's son.
The Child King is born,
He's Mary's son, He's Mary's son.
The sky is all starlit
And the world is entirely frozen:
It's snowing and it's windy.
The world is entirely frozen:
It's snowing and it's windy, it's snowing and it's windy.
Of some famished wolf,
From the bottom of a black chasm
The howl reaches us.
From the bottom of a black chasm
The howl reaches us, the howl reaches us.
The Virgin and her Little Son
Are half dead because of the cold,
And the old man is trembling.
They're half dead because of the cold,
And the old man is trembling, the old man is trembling.
Joseph, very slowly,
Lights up, right there, a huge bonfire
And the angels sing.
He lights up, right there, a huge bonfire
And the angels sing, the angels sing.
The bells ring at midnight...
The Child King is born,
He's Mary's son.
The Child King is born,
He's Mary's son, he's Mary's son.

Peaceful night, holy night

Peaceful night, holy night,
calm and bright.
See the mother and the baby boy
the Son so holy there
Sleeping peacefully,
Sleeping peacefully.
Peaceful night, holy night.
Shepherds behold
the glory in the sky
and angels sing 'Halleluiah.'
For the child that has been born.

Dear Baby Jesus

Versions: #2
Dear Baby Jesus
You who are so good
Do me a favor
Leave Heaven one day
And come to play with me
You know my dad is poor
And that i have no toys,
I'm a good boy
Like you were yourself.
You'll see though that if you'd come over
We will have fun
Even without toys
Come over Baby Jesus.
Dear Baby Jesus
You who are so good
Do me a favor
Leave Heaven one day
And come to play with me
Come over Baby Jesus.
Come over Baby Jesus.

Dear Fir Tree

Versions: #2
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
Your leaves are so green!
You're not only green during summertime
No, in the winter, too, when it's snowy
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
Your leaves are so green!
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
I do like the way you look
So many times during Christmas
One of your trees delighted me
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
I do like the way you look
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
Your robe wants to teach me something:
Hope and persistence
Give us comfort and strength any time
Dear fir tree, dear fir tree
Your robe wants to teach me something

Angel from heaven

Angel from heaven spoke:
'Why did you get surprised and frightened
I'm now declaring a great joy
To come to all the people of the world
Our Lord Christ has now
Been born to us here today
And this shall be your sign:
The child is laying in a manger'
Now all the glory to God
As he gave his only son
That's why all the angels joyfully
Chant a thank-you for him
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Christmas Land

Many traveler asks the way to Christmas Land
But you can find there even when you stay on your place
I look at the stars in the sky and the lace they make
I've got to search some Christmas peace from myself
Christmas Land is not just a fell and some snow
Christmas Land is the human mind's empire where peace reigns
And the way there doesn't last that much
If everyone has Christmas Land in their hearts
People imagine a lot of things about Christmas Land
How dreams come true and everything's so magical
Oh, if I could get a big porridge ladle from somewhere
With it I could grant the world with peace
Christmas Land is not just wishful dreams
Christmas Land is the human mind's empire where peace reigns
And the way there doesn't last that much
If everyone has Christmas Land in their hearts
Many believe they'll find happiness in Christmas Land
But it will hide or fool the searcher
As you know, no mill grinds happiness
A human just has to look peace within themselves
Christmas Land is other things than just dreams
Christmas Land is the human mind's empire where peace reigns
And the way there doesn't last that much
If everyone has Christmas Land in their hearts
Christmas Land is not just a fell and some snow
Christmas Land is the human mind's empire where peace reigns
And the way there doesn't last that much
If everyone has Christmas Land in their hearts
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Now we shall light a candle

Now we shall light a candle
It's flame blazes
We're waiting for Jesus
Sleeping in his manger
Now another candle is lit
And the light expands
Father grants us with Jesus
The moment's getting nearer
Now the third candle is glowing
So bright and tempting
Oh, soon we'll have a king
Born in a stall
Now the fourth candle is lit
Christmas is dawning
We're waiting for Jesus
To save us all
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

On Sunday, the sun set down early,

On Sunday, the sun has set down early,
Making the cherry gardens O so cheerful.
In the garden the cherry blossom is white,
Oh, you gave birth to the little Christ
Oh honest people, O honest person
Christ is born - a joyous day
O Christ is born - this we will acknowledge.
Give Jesus Christ all the glory.
We the carolers, honestly suppose,
Dear brothers let us raise up the silver
Dear brothers let us take the silver in hand
And the legs are light - let us step so lightly
And let sing, the mountains, the valleys.
That all the valleys may rejoice,
All mountain valleys, and wide fields.
Wide fields, and the blue sea
That our native land may now rejoice.
To let go the ear of rye, of wheat,
To let go the ear, to let it go.
And we will be there caroling.
And Christmas is early - a joyous day,
With Christmas rejoices the little child
With Christmas rejoicing he enters into church,
On the carolers he looks upon
For the carolers are a cheerful people
They are caroling, this will always be.
It will always be, and yet it's God's will.
The songs do grow, this is their fate,
The gray cuckoo coos in spring
The Lord blossoms the grass with dew.
Sit do the brethren at Christmas early,
Let us yet carol O so joyfully
What will the music pour and flow out
A maiden will weave a wreath for Christ
For Jesus Christ She'll weave a wreath
An honest maiden - a gift for Him.
Oh, a star arose from behind the mountain,
They brought out the caroling cross from the church
They brought it out of the church, stepping over
The ancient customs not neglecting,
They don't neglect them, don't disregard them:
Allow us, O God, to wait for the people,
Allow us, O God, to acquire freedom
So that we can hear this voice again.

The Star Is Rising Up

Who wants to welcome the beautiful and lightful Star,
With numerous small points,
From the birth of Christ,
Like a lightful sun?
The Star is rising up
As a great mystery.
The star is shining
And is speaking to the world:
Today, The Pure1,
The Blessed2,
Virgin Mary
Is giving birth to Messiah.
In the famous country
Of Bethlehem,
As The Magi saw
The Star, they began their journey,
Following the beam,
To see Christ.
And as they found Him,
They approached Him
With meaningful gifts
Only for Christ,
Each of them having
A great joy.
Which joy?
The one we also get to have,
From our youth
To our old age,
From our youth
To our old age.
  • 1. literally 'the clean one'
  • 2. literally 'the absolute unguilty one'

The Carol of the Deer

A deer is proudly singing in the forest.
Go on, ler. Ler is ler1
A deer is proudly singing in the forest.
The hunter woke up.
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
He took his shotgun.
He chased the deer.
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
He cought it up up in the mountains.
Wait, friend, don't shoot me.
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
Spare my life
Because I'm not the beast of the beasts.
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
I'm the ruler of the sheep,
Of the majestic-horned sheep
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
From the top of the mountains,
Of the hoary mountains,
Go on, ler. Ler is ler
Of the hoary mountains.
  • 1. 'Ler' is a word often used in romanian Christmas carols which basically has no meaning, it just symbolizes the magic of Christmas. Its spelling is like 'laire' from the word 'claire'

The Angels In Our Countrysides

The angels in our countrysides
Have shouted the hymn of the heavens,
And the echo of our mountains
Repeat this melodious song:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Shepherds, for whom do you celebrate?
What is the object of all these songs?
Which conqueror, which conquest
Deserves these triumphant cries:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
They announce the birth
Of the liberator of Israel
And full of recognition
They sing on this solemn day:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Let us all search the happy village
Which saw his birth under its roofs
Let us offer him tender homage
And from our hearts and from our voices:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Shepherds, leave your retreats
Join yourselves to their concerts
And may your sweet bagpipes
Uphold the airs:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||

He Is Born the Divine Child

He is born, the divine child,
Play the oboes, ring out the bagpipes!
He is born, the divine child,
Let us all sing his coming!
For more than four thousand years,
The prophets promised him to us
For more than four thousand years,
We were awaiting this happy time.
Oh! But he is handsome, he is charming!
Oh! But his graces are perfect!
Oh! But he is handsome, he is charming!
He is so sweet this divine child!
A stable is his lodging
A bit of hay his little bed,
A stable for his lodging
For a God, such humility!
Leave, great kings of the Orient!
Come join in our celebrations
Leave, great kings of the Orient!
Come to adore this child!
He wants our hearts, he is waiting for them:
He is here to conquer them
He wants our hearts, he is waiting for them
Let us give them to him at once!
Oh Jesus! Oh All-Powerful King
Such a little child that you are,
Oh Jesus! Oh All-Powerful King,
Rule over us entirely!

Ангели Вісник Співають

Ангел, вісники, співають
'Слава рождену королю!
Мир землі і милосердя
Бог і грішник примирилис '
Радісно, вставайте народи
В переможним небесах
З ангелими провіщайте
'Христос народився у Віфлеємі'
Ангел, вісники, співають
'Слава рождену королю!'
Христос небесним прославен
Христос всевічний Господь!
Пізні бачти, Він прийшовши
Нам воплотився з діви
Покритий тілом устіий Бога
Вітаймо втіленого Бога
Задоволений так з нами жити
Ісусе, це наш Еммануїл
Ангел, вісники, співають
'Слава рождену королю!
Вітаймо рожденого Миру!
Радуй Сина Праведності!
Світло і життя для всіх, що Він приносить
Ris'n з зціленням у Його крилах
Легко Він висуває Свою славу
Народжений, що людина вже не може померти
Народжений для виховання синів землі
Народжений, щоб дати їм другий народження
Гавкай! Співають вельможі ангели
'Слава новонародженому королю!'

Sessiz gece

Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Her şey dingin, her şey parlak
Orada bakire Anne ve Çocuk
Kutsal çocuk öyle tatlı ve masum
Uyu cennetin huzuru içinde
Uyu cennetin huzuru içinde
Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Çobanlar kendinden geçer görünce
Uzaktaki göklerden nurlar yağar
Göklerin sahipleri haleluya der
Kurtarıcı İsa doğdu
Kurtarıcı İsa doğdu
Sessiz gece, kutsal gece
Tanrının oğlu, aşkın saf ışığı
Senin kutsal yüzünden yansıyan parıltılar
İyileştirici rahmetinin şafağıyla
Senin doğumunda İsa Hazretleri
Senin doğumunda İsa Hazretleri

Nicholas Walked through Meadow, Carefully,

Nicholas walked through meadow, carefully,
St. Nicholas with an enchanting bag,
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Open up the door - Nicholas has come,
He comes blessing the Ukrainian nation.
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Already St. Nicholas is at your house
You will gladly greet him with a respectful bow.
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!,

The Dark Night

The dark night with darkness encompasses the world.
The dark night with darkness encompasses the world.
Darkness encompasses the world
And the Most Blessed Virgin walked around the world,
She came to a rich man (2), asked to spend the night:
'Lord your lordship, put me up for overnight,
For the dark night (2) has overtaken me. '
And that Lord his lordship did not want to sleep,
Having told his servants (2) to drive out the dogs.
But those dogs recognized Mary
Before the Mother of God (2), fell to their knees.
And the Most Blessed Virgin walked around the world,
She came to a poor man (2) asked to spend the night:
'Lord your lordship, put me up for overnight,
For the dark night (2) has overtaken me. '
'Oh, I'd gladly put you up for the night
Only I do not have (2) a bedroom to give '
'You do not need to trace your evenings,
Just let me (2) go to my sweetheart. '
Is the sun rising, does the moon set?
Then the Blessed Virgin (2) gives birth to Her Son.
'Get up a woman, get up. How long shall you sleep?'
Already our stable (2) has shown in the world '.
'If I would have known that it was Mother of God,
I would have laid out (2) mine own bed.
If I would have known that Mother with Jesus,
It would have laid it out (2) with a white sheet '
The old year passes by, New comes in (2)
Christ is born!

In the Field the Field, the Plowman Plows

In the Field the Field, the Plowman plows
Chorus: A Generous Evening, A Good Evening
To Good people For All-Evening (For good health)
With that Plowman the Lord does walk
Saint Peter does prod them on (lead the horses)
The Mother of God does bring food in
Brings in food, while asking of God
Do plow my son this here furrow
For we will sow the wheat there
From a small kernel to a good measure
And from the Other Grain, quite a lot

From Year to Year

From year to year I find myself,
At the window with Santa Claus
The frost is plenty, the path is hard
But it's an ancient custom.
The frost is plenty, the path is hard,
But it's an ancient custom.
Today with my ancestors I sing in coral unison
The holy and good carol.
Still 'Santa' was also in their time,
Old Santa Claus.
Still 'Santa' was also in their time,
Old Santa Claus.
It is a holiday and there is dancing,
In your house now.
But there are fireplaces without a fire
And tomorrow is Christmas.
But there are fireplaces without a fire
And tomorrow is Christmas.
Now I will leave you, be of good health,
And happy for Christmas.
But do not forget, when you are cheerful,
Christian, be good!
But do not forget, when you are cheerful,
Christian, be good!