A keresés eredménye oldal 29
Találatok száma: 1211
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Egy esős este volt mikor a képbe jött
Az út mellet állva, sem esernyő, sem kabát
Szóval lehúzódtam, és felajánlottam egy fuvart
Mosollyal elfogadta, szóval vezettünk egy ideig
Nem kérdeztem a nevét, ez a magányos fiú az esőben
A sors helyesnek tartja, ez szerelem-e első látásra
Kérlek ne rontsd el, csak maradj az éjszakára
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Mond hogy te is akarsz
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Szerető karjaim vannak, mibe belekapaszkodhatsz
Megtaláltuk ezt a hotelt, egy olyan hely volt amit jól ismertem
Varázsoltunk aznap este. Ó, mindent jól csinált
Kihozta belőlem a nőt, annyiszor, könnyedén
És mikor reggel felkelt, mindössze egy cetlit hagytam hátra
Azt mondtam én vagyok a virág, te meg a mag
Sétáltunk a kertben, ültettünk egy fát
Ne próbálj megtalálni, kérlek meg ne próbáld
Csak élj az emlékben, Mindig ott leszel
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Egy esti szerelem, csak ennyit tudtunk
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Szerető karjaim vannak, mibe belekapaszkodhatsz
Ó, óóó, Szeretkeztünk
Szerelmet mint idegenek
Egész este
Szerelmet csináltunk
Aztán egy nap történt, Újra találkoztunk
Eltudod képzelni az arcát mikor meglátta saját szemét
Azt mondtam: 'kérlek, kérlek, értsd meg
Más férfit szeretek
És mit ő nem adhat meg
mindössze annyit tudsz csak te'
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Egy esti szerelem, csak ennyit tudtunk
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Gyerünk, mond csak ki, te is akarsz
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Egy esti szerelem, csak ennyit tudtunk
Csak neked akarom adni a szerelmem
Mond csak ki, te is akarsz
Egész este...
Please, go ...
Sex, coffee, cigarettes ...
Please, go ...
You do not owe anything to anyone
I do not owe anything to anyone
If you do not like something
Please, go ...
We woke up in the morning
On your face it is written: 'I'm sad'
As if it was possessed by indifference
So sad, as if a
Doomsday had come
As if everything is flying along the МКАДу(Moscow Ring Road)
You look at me
And you want me to smile
But I can only imitate sadness
And if today I'm sad -
it means that i'm sad
And do not make me portray joy
You do not owe anything to anyone
I do not owe anything to anyone
If you do not like something
Please, go ...(X2)
Sex, coffee, cigarettes ...
A Photo
A photo, a photo, a photo, we all need a photo. (*2)
a photo, a photo, a photo under the winning flag.
a photo of the happy nation under the winning flag.
O, time, take a photo of us, Take a photo of us, time. (time = history, too)
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
Greenery, water, healthy sun and a clear blue sky dome.
Breezes of Peace and freedom. Milestones of arts and civilization.
And cities awake at dawn to the most graceful call and Adhaan.
this is our country,
our country Egypt, the Arabian, is a photo, a photo
a photo enlightened by faith.
Along the horizon, records and records, this one is for our prayers, this one is for our struggles through war.
A chimney whose fire is our haters' hearts. beneath it is steel, like our stubbornness.
In front of it, some of our most precious children, a worker and a sweaty engineer.
Young, and the youth have the most important place in the picture.
O, time, take a photo, take a photo, time.
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
we are all here in this picture fellows, doing what our treaty says.
starting by the smallest girl with braids leaning on plants.
to the farmer with a lot of benefits and favors, to the preacher who memorises the Qur'an.
to the soldier, the lion, who carries on his shoulder the shield of his homeland.
And those you can't see, but in the picture they're the clearest people.
the people who are under the heat of desert and mountains, with an eager heart,
exploding rivers of Black Gold out of sand.
other people covering it with greenery, and every color has its people.
teachers, scientists, laboratories and doctors of the working nation.
sweet men in their offices, serving with their souls when they deal (with their customers)
in the picture, there's no lazy, ignorant or careless about their duty, sleepy people.
It has no one but the whole revolutionary, the Egyptian, the Arabian, the human.
take a photo, time. take a photo, time.
I swear by God we're doing so well right now, O, my lovers I say it from withing my heart.
Our revolution, our photo, how sweet, in the frame of popular organization.
Nasser, we're all around him. Nasser, all the world have their eyes on him, Nasser.
Nasser, is a winner, and victory seeks him. the people are his guide and inspiration.
To those who always talk about him (in a bad way), get close to his thoughts and dreams.
Nasser, Nasser, Nasser.
in the photo, he put you before him, what do you say? (Nasser, Nasser)
Popular leadership, what do you say? (regular people set as leaders)
we say, our leader, here's our hearts, here's our days, here's our nights.
in the day of blood, we gave away our blood, why would we keep our nights?
now, the photo is complete with the leaders their hands in Nasser's hands.
the people and their homeland.. its time and work.. and their hope and hero.. the most courageous.
take a photo, time. (*3)
A photo, a photo, a photo, we all need a photo. (*2)
a photo, a photo, a photo under the winning flag.
a photo of the happy nation under the winning flag.
O, time, take a photo of us, Take a photo of us, time.
we'll get even more close, and him who gets away from the square, will never be in the photo.
In the photo!
24 000 kisses
Love me
as I love you.
If you leave me in charge,
for a whole day,
I'll kiss you
24 000 times.
I place bets all around
without losing more than ten seconds.
I promise in front of everyone
to give you 24 000 kisses.
I know not what's happening.
You see honey, the more I kiss you,
the more I long to hug you!
yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé...
I rather like it when you hug me
and because you know I'm not wooden,
I won't leave my place
when I give you twenty-four thousand kisses.
I draw a stick every ten thousand.
I'm now at at least eight hundred thousand,
but I don't want to stop!
yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé, yé...
And when at a hundred years
we need to leave the earth,
without even saying a prayer
I'm pretty sure Saint Peter
in seeing me always honest
will allow me to kiss you
for [all] eternity!
ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya...
My Last Exit
I had no choice,
Hopelessly, watched time,
I stayed away from the dream
I've lived what is served to me
Would you be the hope for me?
Would you be the peace that I've been looking for?
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
There must be a way out
My black clouds must disperse
While the sun is rising again
My heart must hug her
Would you be the hope for me?
Would you be the peace that I've been looking for?
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
Versions: #2
A big city stands tall on the cold frozen ground.
City lights shine in there, and cars make buzzing sound.
And above it's the night, and the Moon's like a prop,
And tonight the full Moon's glowing red as blood drop.
House's all right, [the] light is bright,
Heavens spread is in sight.
Where did sorrow come from tonight?
It seems I'm well and alive,
Concerns and griefs left my life.
Then where'd sorrow come from tonight?
Grace envelops the night - can see nothing in sight,
Beauty is in full swing - cannot see one damn thing.
And they all yell: 'Hooray!' And they all run ahead,
And a brand new day dawns above all that.
House's all right, [the] light is bright,
Heavens spread is in sight.
Where did sorrow come from tonight?
It seems I'm well and alive,
Concerns and griefs left my life.
Then where'd sorrow come from tonight?
(c) St.Sol: all rights reserved.
Your Seabed
Versions: #5
Should I ever obtain the right to kiss you
I will be yours forever after.
And whenever you're down with a fever
I will be kissing your forehead
to absorb your pain inside me.
The person who hates you the most is the one
running through every possible password
to discover an opening.
The person who hates you the most
is always the most gentle
against your every misbehaviour.
I am the one who should be feeling thankful
To be able to be swim inside your seabed,
To float across your neck like a sea wave
Yes, I am the one who should be thankful
So, if it comes to it, let me drown.
Let me drown for you.
Maszkabál, maszkabál,
Fogd a maszkod és el ne késs
Jól álcázva menj ki
Hév és izgalom ma este a levegőben
A boltnál találkozol a többiekkel
Kopogsz más emberek ajtaján
Csokit vagy csínyt, nincs választásuk,
A kis szellemek nagy zajt csapnak
De vigyázz... óvakodj - figyelj... vigyázz magadra
Halloweenkor az utcákon
Történik valami
Nem lehet elmenekülni az ismeretlen erőtől
Halloweenkor az utcákon
A lelkek felkelnek
Dönts: pokol vagy paradicsom
Ah - Halloween van
Ah - Halloween van... ma este!
Valaki ül a szántóföldön
Ami soha nem terem
Ragyogó szemekkel ül ott,
Várja, hogy a nagy tök felemelkedjen
Balszerencse, ha követ kapsz,
Mint a jó öreg Charlie Brown
Gondolod, hogy Linusnak igaza lehetett?
A kölykök azt mondják, csak egy hülye hazugság
De vigyázz... óvakodj - figyelj... vigyázz magadra
Figyelj most - téged hívunk...
És varázslat van a levegőben
Varázslat a levegőben... Halloweenkor
Fekete a rémülettel teli éjszaka
Hiányolni fogod a napot,
Ami nagyon hamar eljön
Megváltoztat téged
Kopognak az ajtón
Álom-e vagy valóság
Remegő lábakkal kinyitod az ajtót
És sikoltasz.. Halloweenkor
[Kai / Mike / Kai / Mike]
Hol vagyok
Van odakint valaki?
Mi történt?
A mennyben vagyok?
Vagy ez a pokol?
Egy fényt látok közeledni
Egyre közeledik
Olyan fényesen ragyog
Rám ragyog!
[Kai / Mike / Ritmusváltás]
[Mike / Kai / Mike / Kai]
Én vagyok az, a végzet a markomban van
Most hozd meg a döntésed,
Megváltott vagy leigázott
Megmutatom neked a szenvedélyt és dicsőséget
Ő a kígyó
Hatalmat és jólétet adok neked
Ő az ember megrontója
Ments meg a gonosztól!
Adj erőt hogy tovább mehessek!
Harcolni fogok az egész emberiség
megszabadulásáért és lelki nyugalmáért
[Harmonikus szóló]
De vigyázz... óvakodj - figyelj... vigyázz magadra
Igen, Halloween van
[Szólók / Kai]
Igen, Halloween van... ma este!
Consecrated Tonight
One step after another
For an eternity together
The night covers in white
And a canopy is spread
Above like a rainbow
In colors of eternal happiness
You are my helper
You are consecrated tonight
Somewhere across the ocean
Like Adam and Eve, just...
For us the world was created
A moment after another
Is an eternity together
Being sewn in a string of gold
Our entire life story
Begins here tonight
With the blessing of the bride and groom
You are my helper
You are consecrated tonight
Forever... (You are consecrated to me)
Somewhere across the ocean
Like Adam and Eve, just...
For us the world was created
You are my other half
Our souls are one
Since ancient times
And if the Creator
Shall reside in our hearts, then...
We will become one again, forever
We're suddenly showered by rain of the separation
Contemplate as well as you can, 'cause no way back, who's gone never comes back
Why have we got dirty this love
which's pure before?
Love for us was too difficult to have
Neither you nor I were able to continue relationship
One who loves by turning into mess can't forget, my dear
My heart in your hands is an exile
A sob in my throat is
On the way I met not only once scoundrels ...
On the way I met not only once scoundrels,
But for one I felt a special enthusiasm -
He treacherously flung a handfull makhorka* in the face,
A knife into the belly - and disappeared.
I am healthy, I survived, I didn't believe the surgeon,
Now and I believe revived him,
One cannot find such hands but in Amercia -
I won't forget him.
I set my dreams to apply the brakes,
Waited for a meeting and came to that place.
I really didn't fling makhorka in the eyes,
But then I began to smoke.
I never met with such pleasure
Such unconcealed scoundrels.
But now I am satisfied: oh, how he lay,
No breath, amidst fire-wood!
Take My Heart
There's this one boy who's different from the rest
He doesn't care about a thing
Knows how to spoil, a dreamy man
Each picture of him breaks the internet
Takes over my heart, I surf only to him
And his smile is perfect
So hot you wanna die
Yeah, he moves all the guys aside
Fills up my day
I cannot miss him
And how my heart melts like ice cream when I'm with him
Take my heart and don't even think
I'm a good girl who wanna
Dance all night long
Take my heart, never let go
'Cause only you make me feel good
Tonight, we'll dance all night, tonight
We'll dance all night, we'll dance all night
We'll dance all night long, just you and me
All the girls who are jealous of me, sorry
We just made a 'Story', I have to sneak into his heart
All the butterflies fly around in my stomach
It's like paradise
I'm in love
I don't have anyone apart from you
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
For you to become related to me,
The cold breeze that flows inside heart
For many 100 crore years,
we have to dance and party in moon
Hey, jumping out of nest
come out flying outside.. outside..
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
For you to become related to me,
The cold breeze that flows inside heart
For many 100 crore years,
we have to dance and party in moon
Hey, jumping out of nest
come out flying outside.. outside..
The sky, as you come and stand,
it will rise in a good manner
The earth, as per your order
it will revolve inside your eyes..
What is noon, if I forget you?
The days are not enough to talk everything
As my heart couldn't bear,
Without sleeping in your lap,
The sound of temple bell
I will listen to it with my two eyes
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
As you move your eyes in a typical manner,
I float, float in an unorganized way
I extract your air by coming inside you
and merge with you
Even for a second, if you are stay away from me
I will close my eyes and die
Even if the seas get dried,
Even if the seven mountains bend,
I will protect you,
do not have tears, O eye balls
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
I don't have anyone apart from you
Look.. look..
I saw myself inside you
No Answer (Hello Germany)
I got up this morning felt so bad
It’s weird, really feel out of whack
I got the urge to call home and I
Go to the hook and pick up the phone, sayin‘ –
Just wanted to say to all my friends
„Calling West-Berlin,
Where all those roads lead to an end
Germany am I getting through?
Something’s up I need to talk to you.
Hello Germany do you hear me?
Via satellite do you hear me?
Hello, hello Germany do you hear me?
Is there someone or am I wrong?
A cup of coffee, cigarette baiting time
And I’m still hanging on that line
Ringing up that girl can’t be too soon
Saying hey, hey wakeup darling it’s afternoon
Got still no answer no reply
Gotta give it one last try
Operator I count on you
(Overseas operator, may I help you?)
You’re the one to put me through
Hello Germany...
Let me know
Let me know
Hello Germany do you hear me
(repeat til fade)
The Angel Constellation
The rhythms weave in the lyrics,
Filling the inner life with meaning.
And the soul yet again doesn't understand what happened to it,
But I can feel how it's singing.
I can feel that it's intoxicated with an unearthly vision.
The simple vision of my girl.
I can feel how the poem sends me your gaze,
Guided by the stars.
That shade of sunshine covers the cracks on your lips,
The quiet harmony of your smile.
I'm rough around the edges, your psycho and your musician,
You're rays of sunshine in my Antarctica.
Too bad that I don't have the strength to say it all out loud,
That it's easier to put to a melody.
All these emotions are here in the song of my love.
Hold my hand tighter.
Don't doubt it - I'm with you,
Because I feel so good and at ease with you.
This feeling is so unusual.
And we're somewhere far away,
Somewhere above the ground, somewhere up high,
High, high, high above the sky.
There, where there's another galaxy.
There, where there's the angel constellation.
It shines in your eyes,
That beautiful angel constellation.
We speed up the hands of time in the biorhythms,
People hurry home.
I look in your closed eyes.
I can see how gently they sleep.
You're busy with those same problems,
You're busy with the routine as always.
Tried by that everyday routine,
But all this fuss is nothing for us.
Honey, remember how many times,
How many days, how many times,
We welcomed the summer just the two of us.
How many warm phrases, time at the bottom.
For as long as I've known us, I remember our strong love.
I remember every moment, every ray of sunshine,
The one that brushed the strands of your hair in the morning,
I remember every look, I remember how your soul
Touched my heart down to its very core.
And I her
Past the yards and the ruins, past millions of people -
Our love is above all laws.
We're beyond any rules. To hell with it, it's all as it should be.
The most important thing is that we have each other.
No, we're not a couple in love. No, we're not a couple on the edge.
You're with me as though we're at the war front - you're my loyal soldier and friend.
You've come to love my voice, which in the morning will whisper 'my dear.'
You fall asleep so humbly, and I still don't get it (yes) -
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her. (1)
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
Rays piercing the windows, in the warm quiet of the rooms
Your silhouette will paint midnight for me.
All common sense is lost in the fog, the secret signal is encoded,
Being apart will never touch us.
No, we're not a couple in love. No, we're not a couple on the edge.
You're with me as though we're at the war front - you're my loyal soldier and friend.
You've come to love my voice, which in the morning will whisper 'my dear.'
You fall asleep so humbly, and I still don't get it (yes) -
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
And I her, and I her - I don't know why she loves me and I her.
I have travelled to Magadan
You think, that's not suitable for my age,
I very seldom open my soul, -
I'll tell you about Magadan -
When I saw the Nagaiskaya bay and highways, -
I flew there quite offhandedly.
Once I have travelled to Magadan -
I ran way from myself like from consumption.
There I was at once dead drunk by vodka.
But I saw the Nagaiskaya bay and highways, -
I flew there quite offhandedly.
With me flew rumours following my footsteps,
Leaving behind aeroplanes and snowstorm, -
I flew there to my friend nevertheless!
And I saw the Nagaiskaya bay and highways , -
I flew there quite offhandedly.
I gave my enemies no cause -
To open their veins, not to tear their aortas, -
I suddenly flew to Magadan. Damn!
I saw the Nagaiskaya bay and highways, -
I flew there quite offhandedly.
Indeed I left behind there many ladies, -
They wrote to me: 'All your ladies beat it!' -
It doen't matter - but I've travelled to Magadan. We are quits!
And I saw the Nagaiskaya bay and highways, -
I flew there quite offhandedly.
When the matter of coldness approaches, -
Even if it's far and to one's cost,
I want to travel to my friend in Magadan - Agreed!
You did not see the Nagaiskaya bay - you fool!
I flew there quite offhandedly.
Welcome Fights
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
Walking in the morning, people are coming and going.
the look in their eyes reminded me of 1956.
Walking in the evening, I saw the eyes of the revolutionists.
the look in their eyes reminded me of (The Free Officers).
I saw a political meeting, its words is an exciting tune.
There couldn't be enough chairs.
for there are millions
millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights.
One moment we glance.. everyone's quiet.. we listen happily.
Abdelnasser, our lover.. standing between us giving us a speech.
we answer him, he answers us.. a leader and his soldiers.
Say what you want to say.. we are your men.. your right arm.. say.
Abdelnasser says God is greater and the day of Al Azhar is in me.
O, people here we are again defeating the invincible.
I have no more promises, only fights and struggles.
and many many bitter fights, my brothers.
Ask, and you'll find 30 million commanders in every square.
Abdelnasser says in every door in the treaty there's a torch to guide us.
Let's see where our great jihad (struggles to fight) is taking us.
To happiness, Nasser! To prosperity, Nasser!
To happiness and prosperity we'll make a road on the Nile
its name in Socialism is Heavy Manufacturing.
But we have to multiply our production many many many times.
We'll manage if we're in need, and we'll fight profligacy.
with the money we save, we'll fight the colonialism.
and we'll make a great wall to protect the lives of the workers.
that's from A to Z the whole plan.
and God we seek.
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!
we have our plan in hand and we're so ready.
you, who's against us, will be sad, you're against great people!
a mountain of granite is cracked.
nothing can stop us, what about the day of freeing Palestine?
and we swear we'll never never never again be patient to a perfidious.
I swear by the valuable blood, and the sweat of foreheads
no more courtesy for them, and there's no way but a full revolution.
O, our working hands, plant sincerity and harvest, God is supporting.
harvest, repeal, reveal and refuse betrayers and pushies.
we'll make our way with the light of our principles, and to us is the plain win.
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!
O, sea of the revolution, you thunderous, make your thunder in order.
the eye of the enemy won't sleep because of the sound of the working machines.
and you, our youth, move, it's your turn in history.
with your hands, Egypt must prosper in the age of rockets.
and our youth stood up and said 'O, my lovers, it's my turn I'm here for it!'
thanks to the white hair and the sincere people.
with regards to the sincere people, the socialists, have a peaceful life
many real regards to Gamal Abdelnasser and his brothers, may he live for his country.
me, you, and him are fine and in peace.
with regards from us to our hope, the Great Union.
we'll live, make our future and say 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights (war fights). Who participates is so lucky!
with their flame we are blessed and turn out winners.
Millions of people pounding their heels saying 'we all are ready!'
O, welcome fights!
Goodbye, My Friend
Versions: #2
Goodbye, my friend, it's hard for me to speak.
With each passing day, it gets harder.
I wish to say many things to you,
From all the pain I am speechless, I am speechless. (X2)
Like a planted tree, upright, well-known.
A strange wind had uprooted its roots.
The tree grew over the years,
Climbed and climbed, touched the clouds,
Bore fruits and brought shade to the weary,
As nature does.
And as the tree, so did the man grew,
Wished for a land of his own like all others.
God gave and only God will take,
You are my friend and my brother.
Goodbye, my friend, it's hard for me to speak.
With each passing day, it gets harder.
I wish to say many things to you,
From all the pain I am speechless.
The tree grew...
Goodbye, my friend...
Snow White
My Snow White, winter arrived, look
It's cold but I'm alone
We're waiting for you, I and Sarajevo
Where are you, at least to know?
Little fires from your honey lips,
Oh, how was it, Snow white
Look, Snow white, it's snowing again
What's it worth for me when you're his?
But sometimes they are the first snowflakes
to melt from your lips
It will be better, but the worse winter
Ours, no, never
Wherever you were, come back to me, sweetheart
I love you like I never did
Forget about me and keep away
Forget about me, and keep away
It may be good for you
Breaking up maybe good for us
This is the only solution
Consider everything has gone
operation successful!
Isn't that better than finding us..
Leading ourselves to pain
Before you leave, remember..
That I have never wronged you
I did't notice that I was lost
I was happy that I crushed into you
But I was shocked of you!
Better not to speak now
Not to make myself tired and sick
I knew, and still learning
I'm got well soon
I hope you are now pleased
That we don't think of the past
Now I no longer get upset, finally it's normal
I will forget about you oneday
Your way is opposite to mine
We are not same direction
as you have been cruel too much
Leave me, I mean good bye
Life never stops!
You're always born at the wrong time
Your first word is I and not you
Your godfather is the love
that only lasts one summer
This golden shoe, doesn't fits you
Your parents hurt each other with words
and always hit you with them
That's how the feelings die
Like a butterfly in the snow
Born to soon
But proud and free
Your mother is the sun
Your father is the moon
Half sun, half moon
Half-Child all alone
as Half-Childs are
Your mother is far away and hot
Your father is near and cold
Seldom someone loves you
And you search a hold
Like the look of your eyes
endless and wide
You float between here,
here and there
Same distance from the cold
Same from tenderness
You won't stay here
and you won't go away
Your mother is the sun
Your father is the moon
Half sun, half moon
Half-Child all alone
as Half-Childs are
Your mother is far away and hot
Your father is near and cold
Seldom someone loves you
And you search a hold
Your mother is the sun
Your father is the moon
Half sun, half moon
Half-Child all alone
as Half-Childs are
Your mother is far away and hot
Your father is near and cold
Seldom someone loves you
And you search a hold
I think, I love you
Would you believe it if you found out
That maybe you're the special one in this heart of mine
Maybe you'd think
That I'm kidding
I love you, I love you
I think
I think I love you
Only you and no one else
But my heart can't say
What it feels
Why don't you notice
Maybe you'll love me
Because as I said,
I think I love you
Would you believe it if you found out
That maybe you're the one that makes my heart beat
I always dream about you even if I'm awake
I love you, I love you
I think
I think I love you
It's okay
I'll wait for you
It's okay
When I see that the time is near
That you'll decide to love
You'll remember
You'll remember
I think...
I think I love you
I will love you
In your first love, I knew you were hurt
But for my love, expect it to be real
That’s why with me you’ll be happy, and you won’t cry anymore
I only need you, and no one else
I will love you, even after my life
I will love you, and it’ll be your hope
There’s nothing like my love for you
I will love you, even after my life
Now that we’re together, forget the past, darling, I will protect and truly love you
That’s why with me, you’ll be happy and you won’t cry anymore
I only need you, and no one else
I will love you, even after my life
I will love you, and it’ll be your hope
There’s nothing like my love for you
I will love you, even after my life
I will love you, even after my life
I will love you, and it’ll be your hope
I will love you, even after my life
Ok Darling (Feat. Julian)
Ok darling
Ok darling
Don't, don't go far away from me
And don't, don't run away from me
And don't, don't get angry with me, don't
Ok darling
Yes, yes, you are my darling
Yes, yes, you are my destiny
Yes, yes, I'm on fire from you, yes
Ok darling
Between us there is love, between us there is longing and heart
Between us there is love, between us there is longing and heart
Yalla yalla (1), yes
I love you, I adore you (2)
She said would you want to get a brownie outside
She don't want to love me long time (nope)
She got teen spirit and she a prom night
She like bonfires and her eyes a camp sight
I think she _____ like ___, she queen
She want to be on my team
She cannot be on my reach
Her beauty got her glowing like bleach
Don't, don't keep me awake at night
And don't, don't, and you're on my mind
And don't, don't, make a fool out of me, don't
Yes, yes, open your heart to me
Yes, yes, let me love you,
Yes, yes, weli weli(3) from you, yes
Between us there is love, between us there is longing and heart
Between us there is love, between us there is longing and heart
Yalla yalla yes
I love you, I adore you
Ok habibi
I’ll give you half of my heart
I’ll give you half of my love
I’ll make you laugh when you’re tired
Now I want to
Take on your pain
Your baggage
Finally, I can tell you
I love you
Everything in front of me
Gets blurry
I stop walking and look at the sky
Dreams that were never fulfilled
Every time they become tears
You always embraced me
My one and only person
I’ll give you half of my heart
I’ll give you half of my love
I’ll make you laugh when you’re tired
Now I want to
Take on your pain
Your baggage
Finally, I can tell you
I love you
I’m always near by
When I wanted to escape
Acted like a child
With so many flaws
The one and only person who held me
I’ll give you half of my heart
I’ll give you half of my love
I’ll make you laugh when you’re tired
Now I want to
Take on your pain
Your baggage
Finally, I can tell you
I’ll give you half of my heart
I’ll give you half of my love
I’ll make you laugh when you’re tired
Now I want to
Take on your pain
Your baggage
Finally, I can tell you
I love you
There arrived in Monaco ...
There arrived in Monaco
some voyak,
Went to the casino und squandered capital, -
And his inner voice
exclaimed despairingly:
'Oh, what the hell - again lost!'
The bankrupt began to yell: 'Who has said that?!'
The croupier shrugged indifferently with his shoulders,
The porter pointed instantly to the exit,
There hit him someone on the eye - now, in general, a scandal.
And he cried again: 'Who has said that?!
The same voice who told me the numbers! ..' -
He shot himself in the mouth - and was at once quiet.
The poor man doesn' exist anymore, it's a pity about the capital.
In My Travels
In my travels my dream...
And in the sun's path my blood runs...
The kingdoms of poetry have wings..
And i'll fly with them to the nations...
The horses and the night know me so does the sword, the spear and the pen...
The horses and the night, the desert and the sword, the spear and the pen...
And the heart's prince shouts for me , as the heart has enough illness within...
I'll travel the earth in my time, and my wounds will not heal...
In your just sword that's gripping in your hand willingness and generousity...
If noticing the wound sets a fire within you.. i'll walk to you in pain.
Khalouni N3ich
ناخد أنا راحتي..
لي فات مات..
ولو من ذكرياتي..
ننساو شويا الهم..
من الماضي نتعلم..
دنيا هكا بغات..
عشها وماتندم..
مايهمنيش كلام الناس مايهمنيش..
Whalien 52
Versions: #2
The most lonely creature in the world
I’m a whale
Do you wanna know my story?
I’ve never told this to anybody
Yeah, c’mon
In the middle of this wide ocean
A whale talks in lonely low-pitched tone.
The mouth closes from deep loneliness
knowing that no amount of shouting will reach another.
Whatever, it’s fine. No matter what happens now, I don’t care.
When only the punk called loneliness will stay by my side
This padlock that gets locked, utterly alone in loneliness
Someone says, “Hey bastard, you’re almost like a celebrity now”
Oh fuck that, Yeah, so what?
Even if someone is not able to stay by me, that’s fine.
The things that are carelessly said to me become a wall
Even my loneliness becomes a pretentious act in your eyes
Locked in those walls
Even if I can’t breathe
Towards that surface,
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Singing alone like this
Although I’m like a deserted island
will I be able to shine brightly?
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Trying to sing again like this
Until this song with no reply
reaches the tomorrow
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
This endless signal wave
will someday reach
Even the other side of the earth
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
Even the blind whales
will be able to see me
I sing again today
The world can never know
How sad I feel
My hurt is like oil and water that can’t be mixed
For me, the attention ends when I’m breathing at the surface
I want to show as well,
the small lonely kid in the depths of ocean
My worth. Everyday
I feel motion sickness from my worries
The sticker is always below my ear
Never end,
Why is there never an end, every time hell
As time passes
The Neverland in the cold abyss
But I always think
Even if I sleep like a shrimp now, to dream like a whale
The praise that will come one day
Will make me dance every day
Being myself, Ye I’m swimmin’
I go towards my future
With that blue ocean
I believe in my hertz
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Singing alone like this
Although I’m like a deserted island
will I be able to shine brightly?
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Trying to sing again like this
Until this song with no reply
reaches the tomorrow
Mom said that the ocean is blue
She said to strongly express my voice
But what should I do?
This place is too dark
And full of other whales that speak differently
I juss can’t hold it ma
I want to say I love you
This song on repeat that I’m singing by myself
I run over this same music sheet again
This sea is too deep
But I’m still grateful
(that even if I cry, nobody will notice)
I’m a whalien
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Singing alone like this
Although I’m like a deserted island
will I be able to shine brightly?
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Trying to sing again like this
Until this song with no reply
reaches the tomorrow
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
This endless signal wave
will someday reach
Even the other side of the earth
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
Even the blind whales
will be able to see me
I sing again today
No touching
he's my sweetie
no touching
he's the air
my soul and breath
All of them will be damned
everyone who gets close to him
and anyone who thinks one day
one day to reach him
I swear, life is worthless without him
doesn't worth a dime
I can't be fed away with him, I can't leave him
I don't love any other
he's my lifeline
a piece of my heart
you're all dreaming
that I'll every leave him
there are no couples like us
and no love like ours
you're all dreaming
anyone who tries to get close to him
and that I'd let someone
reach his love one day
his charisma has enchanted me
his look and his laugh
I like his tenderness
his heart and his gentleness
I get upset and get jealous
and jealousy kills me
and in his love, I can take
his bad and good
I get upset and get jealous
and jealousy kills me
and in his love, I can take
his bad and good
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا
The Snows of January
Versions: #3
The moment has come
My sweetheart to have an honest talk
I have waited a long time to see if you would change
And you don’t even look at me
At first, you said that once
The snows of January come
Going to see the Virgin Mary and then getting married
would be the first thing (after the January snows)
Now the snows of January are gone and
The flowers of May have come
As you see I have endured earnestly (a lo macho)
And I just silence my bitter pain
Now the flowers are gone and the winter has arrived
And you don’t even look at me
And that is why I tell you that finally, the moment has arrived
Have an honest talk
At first, you said that
When the January snows come
Going to see the Virgin Mary and then getting married
would be the first thing
I can’t stand your lies anymore
This wait is destroying me
Looking at how the years have passed
I do not plan to die waiting
Now the snows of January are gone and
The flowers of May have come
As you see I have endured earnestly
And I just silence my bitter pain