Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 119

Találatok száma: 100443



When I was born
The earth wept as much as my weight
I was made of earth and heaven in small measure
I didn't need to breathe a word
Because heaven and earth were both alive
When I was born
The chestnut tree in the garden turned its head
I stopped crying for a moment
Not that an angel shook the tree
Me and the tree were brothers
When I was born
The world (cosmos) was busy smiling
I knew happiness immediately
Not because I was loved by others
I simply realized the beauty of living in the world
Soon death will bring me back to the old order
That's what it means to return


Hamburg is a beautiful city (new version)

Hamburg is a beautiful city,
there, you see
because it's located on the elbe,
there, you see
there are lots of girls, lots of girls,
yes to love, but not to marry,
there, you see
Oh, it's so difficult,
to go apart,
if it weren't for the hope
ror a re- reunion
Farewell, farewell, farewell
Farewell, farewell, goodbye
Hamburg is a beautiful city,
there, you see
because it's located on the elbe,
there, you see
it's not just girls, not just girls
the boys too, they're a blast on the Kiez
there, you see
Oh, it's so difficult,
to go apart,
if it weren't for the hope
ror a re- reunion
farewell, farewell, farewell
farewell, farewell, goodbye
farewell, farewell, farewell
farewell, farewell, goodbye
Hamburg is a beautiful city,
there, you see
because it's located on the elbe,
there, you see
there are many girls, many girls
yes to love, but not to marry,
there, you see
Oh, it's so difficult,
to go apart,
if it weren't for the hope
ror a re- reunion
farewell, farewell, farewell
farewell, farewell, goodbye
farewell, farewell, farewell
farewell, farewell, farewell, goodbye


Szarvak Koronája

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Keservesen tanulom meg azt, hogy amiről
Álmodsz, a benned lévő kíntól van.
Hosszú úton vagyok, sehol nincs válasz.
Meg kell tartanod a meglelt szerelmet.
Oly tehetetlen vártam, de a szerelem várt,
Mint egy angyal a sötétben.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi ezen a fejen nyugszik.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája
A sok kiontott vértől.
A nap végtelennek tűnt, értelmetlen,
A hívás, míg el nem jött a napfény.
Gyönyörre gondoltam, hogy véget vessek e fogságnak,
Aztán valami megmozdult énbennem,
Megtaláltam az utam, és most szárnyalok,
Szinte minden csillagot elérve.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi ezen a fejen nyugszik.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája
A sok kiontott vértől.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Ettől volt oly fényes a hit.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi az egész életemet adta.
Ma este kikiáltom a világnak,
Hogy emeljétek kürtjeiteket.
Ma este kikiáltom a világnak,
Hadd szálljon a hangotok.
Ma este kikiáltom a világnak,
Adjunk hálát, hogy megmenekültünk.
Ma este kikiáltom a világnak,
Hogy sose féljetek!
Vége a vágyódásnak, most pihenőhely kell!
Imáimra megtaláltam a választ.
Most úton vagyok és szárnyalok,
Szinte minden csillagot elérve.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi ezen a fejen nyugszik.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája
A sok kiontott vértől.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Ettől volt oly fényes a hit.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi az egész életemet adta.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi ezen a fejen nyugszik.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája
A sok kiontott vértől.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Ettől volt oly fényes a hit.
Nehéz a szarvak koronája,
Mi az egész életemet adta.


Oké vagy

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Oké vagy,
Benne vagy.
Annyi problémám van,
Életem nagy káosz,
Kell a gyengéd szerelem.
Csak add meg a címed,
Annyi problémád van,
Az életed nagy káosz.
De ha panaszkodni kezdesz,
Egy lány sem mond igent.
Oké vagy,
Benne vagy.
Igen, tudom,
Igen, tudom,
Szuperlány vagyok,
S imádok veled lenni!
Van stílusod s mosolyod a világot jelenti számomra,
De feleségül nem megyek hozzád!
nyolc után hívhatsz,
Szerelmi forródrót (31024)
Ha el akarsz menni
Az éjféli show-ra.
És ha még formában vagy,
Együtt ízlelhetnénk
A legszenzációsabb napot (Eper-Vasárnapot) a Champs-Elysees-n!
Oké vagy,
Benne vagy.
Együtt sokkal könnyebb,
Mint magad lenni.
Az élet sokkal jobb lehet,
Ha nem vagy egyedül.
Együtt sokkal könnyebb,
Mint magad lenni.
De ha csak a szerelem számít, bohócnak érzed magad.
Oké vagy,
Benne vagy.
Igen, tudom,
Igen, tudom,
Szuperlány vagyok,
Ott maradsz csak ülve,
Teljesen egyedül.
Inkább nekem táncolj,
S énekelj velem!
Oké vagy,
Benne vagy.



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hat nap telt el, hogy utoljára láttam arcod, s a jelemet kérdezted
Elmondtam az enyémet, a kérdés, miért, mondtad: 'Minden rendben van'
Az első randin azt mondtad: 'Én voltam az ikerlángod előző életemből.'
S ma este telihold van, szóval vigyél ki a szabadba, akárhová!
Még nem csókolhatlak, maga a varázs vagy, úgyhogy inkább csak bámullak.
Elbizonytalanodom s bepánikolok, mert tudom, túl tiszta vagy ehhez.
Túl jó vagy nekem,
Én túl rossz, hogy megtartsalak,
Túl bús, magányos.
Csak te kellesz!
Igen, hatféleképpen mondhatom, hogy első látásra beléd szerettem.
Bár be tudnám keretezni azt, ahogyan rám nézel azokkal a szemekkel.
Állítsd le az időt, kedves, tekerd vissza!
Talán korábban kérnéd: 'Légy enyém!'
Látod, nem értettem a déjà vu'-t, amíg nem láttalak.
Túl jó vagy nekem,
Én túl rossz, hogy megtartsalak,
Túl bús, magányos.
Csak te kellesz!
Túl jó vagy nekem,
Én túl rossz, hogy megtartsalak,
Túl bús, magányos.
Csak te kellesz!
„Úgy érzem, csak távozom innen és...”
„Te mit érzel?”
„Én és te csak úgy elmehetnénk valahova, csak úgy elmehetnénk…”
(Tudom, ebben a filmben nincs boldog vég)
„Oké, szeretlek!”
(Tudom, ebben a filmben nincs boldog vég)
Menj aludni, majd álmomban látlak.
Ez mindent megváltoztat, most szabaddá teszlek!



Diena viena ir vėl kita
Tarytum čia, bet tas sustojo
Einu tai ten, einu tai šen
Ir kai sutems, ir vėl iš naujo
Rytoj, rytoj, rytoj
Pažadu mylėt tave rytoj
Laboj, laboj, laboj
Surasi tu mane nakty laboj
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar liksi šalia
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę luktelk
Naktis viena, naktis kita
Kaip visada, aš vėl iš naujo
Rytoj, rytoj, rytoj
Pažadu mylėt tave rytoj
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar liksi šalia
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę luktelk
Stovime tyloje grojančio radijo
Nebenoriu šokt, nebenoriu šokt
Stovime tyloje grojančio radijo
Nebenoriu šokt, bet man reikia šokt
Ar aš vis dar gyvas?
Ar tebepažįsti mane?
Saulė nepakyla
Pasakyk, ar likѕi šalia
Luktelk, luktelk
Dar vieną minutę luktelk
Luktelk, luktelk
Dаr vieną minutę luktelk


Ribanc Pop

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ez a ribanc pop, verd ki a farkadat
Fordítsd a kurvádat ki, ki, ki, ki-ki-ki-ki
Ez a ribanc pop, vedd elő a melleidet
Csináld most, most, most, most, most-most-most-most
Ez a ribanc pop, verd ki a farkadat
Fordítsd a kurvádat ki, ki, ki, ki-ki-ki-ki
Ez a ribanc pop, vedd elő a melleidet
Csináld most, most, most, most, most-most-most-most
Lopd el a pasid szarság, baszd meg az apád szarság
Vidd a ribancod szarság, paskold meg a seggem szarság
Szopd le a farkad szarság, baszd meg a kurvád szarság
OnlyFans szarság, nincs szükségem kezekre szarság
(Érints) Érints meg itt és most
Érints meg itt és most (Érints meg itt és most)
(Kóstolj) Kóstolj meg itt és most
Kóstolj meg itt és most (Kóstolj meg itt és most)
Ez, ez a ribanc pop, verd ki a farkadat
Fordítsd a kurvádat ki, ki, ki, ki-ki-ki-ki
Ez, ez a ribanc pop, vedd elő a melleidet
Csináld most, most, most, most, most-most-most-most
Ez, ez a ribanc pop, verd ki a farkadat
Fordítsd a kurvádat ki, ki, ki, ki-ki-ki-ki
Ez, ez a ribanc pop, vedd elő a melleidet
Csináld most, most, most, most, most-most-most-most
Ribanc, ribanc, ribanc, ribanc pop, pop, p-p-pop
Ribanc, ribanc, ribanc, ribanc pop, pop, p-p-pop


Szuperhatalmú ribanc

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Én egy szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, el tudlak élveztetni
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, el tudlak élveztetni
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Látni akarom, hogy milyen nagy lesz, lesz
Látni akarom, hogy milyen nagy lesz, lesz
Azt akarom, hogy úgy dugj meg, mint az exed, exed
Azt akarom, hogy úgy dugj meg, mint az exed, exed
Én lehetek a kis kurvád, sosem kapsz eleget
Ha megteszed, cs-cs-cs-csináld, addig csinálod, amíg meg nem törsz
Én lehetek a kis kurvád, sosem kapsz eleget
Ha megteszed, cs-cs-cs-csináld, addig csinálod, amíg meg nem törsz
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, el tudlak élveztetni
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, el tudlak élveztetni
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok (Igen), el tudlak élveztetni (Igen)
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok (Igen), el tudlak élveztetni (Igen)
Szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok, kiköpni téged, mint a rágót
Élveztetni, el tudlak élveztetni (Mint)
Élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, igen
El tudlak élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni
El tudlak élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, é-é-élveztetni, élveztetni
El tudlak élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni
El tudlak élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni, élveztetni
El tudlak élveztetni
Én egy szuperhatalmú ribanc vagyok


Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Lovagold meg, csúsztasd meg, harapd meg, hatolj belé
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Tudom, hogy szereted, nem tudod elrejteni
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Forróbb, nagyobb, gyorsabb, hosszabb, vastagabb
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Látom, hogy izgatott vagy
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Még keményebben akarok menni
Még gyorsabban akarok elélvezni
Még tovább akarok kitartani
Lovagolni akarok
Lovagold meg, csúsztasd meg, harapd meg, hatolj belé
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Tudom, hogy szereted, nem tudod elrejteni
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Forróbb, nagyobb, gyorsabb, hosszabb, vastagabb
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Látom, hogy izgatott vagy
Gyerünk, érintsd meg a testem
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Keményebben baszni
Szeretek baszni
Gyorsabban baszni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni
Bánj velem úgy, mint egy kurvával
Kis mocskos ribanc, igen, szeretek dugni



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Gratulálok, hogy így tönkretettél mindent
Újra kell épüljön a lég s minden ilyen
S amit kapsz cserébe, az oxidáció
De kezdem úgy érezni, hogy kell kutyának a csont, mondd
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá
Erőlteted tüzed, majd tetteid fedi köd
Módszereid hidalják a rést hiteid közt
S mely vákuumot mázli szült, most ugyanaz tölt
De kezdem úgy érezni, a kutyán nincs vezető, mondd
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá,
Lá, lá, lááá, lálá lálálá
Már kezdem úgy érezni
Mintha fújna a semmi kék szele,
Már kezdem úgy érezni
Mintha tekeredne, keresve fojtandó torkot
Már kezdem úgy érezni
Mintha fújna a semmi kék szele,
Alig irányított mozdony fogyaszt horizontot
És fúj varjút és port
Már kezdem úgy érezni
Mintha fújna a semmi kék szele,
Álló robbanás odaadó, zúzza a roncsot
S viszi lelkét a fény
Megörökít, tárgyiasít,
Oly magasan célod
De kezdem úgy érezni,
Mintha csavarról egy kar válna le
Ne figyelj, halál-tudor
Jó struktúrád, nálam jobb a por
A te prédád úgy száll
Csak, hogy madártávból lássa, ki jön
Ne is figyelj, halál-tudor
Az élet vágy, vágyam elsodor
A te prédád úgy száll
Szeme tán oly gyémánt, mint az, aki jön
Ne is figyelj, halál-tudor
Sokkod jó, vágtám eltipor
Fantáziád úgy száll
Kéne nektek orvos,
mi fáj, ki jön?
Ne is figyelj, halál-tudor
Felvillanyzás, vágyam elsodor
Az egy kristály, én is már
Lehetnék a gyémánt azzal, aki jön
Ez kezd úgy festeni, mint
Egy örökös lúzer hajnala
Ez kezd úgy festeni, mint
Egy örökös lúzer hajnala
Ez kezd úgy festeni, mint
Egy örökös lúzer hajnala
Ez kezd úgy festeni, mint
Egy örökös lúzer hajnala


Second act II - When the night slips in

It’s the fear
That someone will find out
You want
To kill yourself
That creates


Retirement of Youth

After class in the upper corridor, your shoulder was trembling
The last thing my idiotic self thought was, 'Thank you'
before the time passed between us back then
we were really defenseless, weren't we
the way blooming flowers fall on youth
the way they fall is the very life of flowers
don't feel bad for how they bloom in the shade
the days we don't look cool is our way out
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme a burning
Make it Make it Make it Make it Love
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme
Days we can't return to
that evening I went over to you, pushed to do it by a friend
innocent smiles were stolen away from the two of us
in the old school building, the two of us heard it from far away
your eyes said the thunder roar 'was scary'
though I tried to clench my fists
though I tried to raise it up
what should I hit I wonder?
I couldn't hold up the weight of my arm, Keep on
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme a heart
Make it Make it Make it Make it a body
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme
Days still in my head
Back then, we were risk takers
and perhaps we were definitely idiots too
the way blooming flowers fall on youth
the way they fall is the very life of flowers
don't feel bad for how they bloom in the shade
the days we don't look cool is our way out
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme now
Make it Make it Make it Make it Make it now
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme now
Make it Make it Make it Make it Make it now
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme now
Make it Make it Make it Make it Make it now
Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme now
dreams of far, far away days



Everybody tells me: 'Maremma, Maremma'
And to me it seems a bitter Maremma
The bird that goes there loses the pen
I lost a loved one
Who goes to Maremma leaving the fresh water
Loses the lady and never fish out her again
Who goes to Maremma leaving the good water
Loses the lady and never find her again
The bird that goes there loses the pen
I lost a loved one
Cursed be Maremma, Maremma
Cursed be Maremma and those who love it
When you go there, my heart trembles
Because I fear that you will not return


Between Thermomix and Weber Grill

In the past I looked for my thrill in the mosh pit
Today I flip steaks on my Weber grill
In the past I had two rats and a dog
Today I don't dye my hair colorful anymore
Today I like to invite my buddies over for dinner
One of my buddies is a cop
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
My wild times are behind me
The guitar is hanging in the closet and I sit down at the piano
My wild times are behind me
I drive through my territory in my SUV
I used to be pissed off and hated the system
Today I buy shares and live very comfortably
I used to pour a pallet (of beer) in me
Today I treat myself to a glass of wine
Today I ride my jet ski across the lake
Today I'm running for the FDP
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
My wild times are long gone
Instead of a battle vest I wear a suit from the tailors
My wild times are long gone
And if the punks are too loud I'll call the police
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Instead of a battle vest I wear a suit from the tailors
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
Punk is dead and so am I
And if the punks are too loud I'll call the police


Shade of God

Solitude of my heart
Misses the like of you
Won't let the world
See you for a song
'Cuz you're different
You melt me, you know,
Your blue sea heart
Can vanish my woes
Next to you, there is love.
Living a heavenly life,
Your scent, angelic
Your eyes, a blue moon
Eyes that revive me
So special are you
Ok, whatever you say
Never before had love touched my heart
Don't leave my side
So jealous is my loving heart!
Wasn't easy to have you, you know
[repeats verse 3]


The Chagatai

Sons of Genghis
Onwards to victory!
If a king does not place his people on the road of truth
May the sands cover his city!
There was once a powerful king
A king without equals
Genghis Khan!
May all my children be without suffering
May all my children be without suffering
I have gone to Samarqand
I have gone to Turan
Oh Muhammad, Respond not to the infidel!
Oh Muhammad, Respond not to the infidel!


Always there

Tightly united, it protects you from winter
Tightly united or by the heavy storm
Tightly united, let it be your support
Tightly united to rise again, the family
Immediately helps you in need,
Arms open for help
And always to give you a life advice
Tightly united to make it easier for you, the family
The family, the family
What is a family? Hearts joining together
With their love they accompany each other through the years
Tightly united in the midst of the storm
What is a family?
Hands open for help
All together
And always to give you a life advice
Tightly united to make it easier for you, the family
Tightly united
Tightly united
The family


Nothing Can Take It Away

In time of grace, in water's phases
The forgotten will come to you
In the land of morning, in the houses there breeds
An unbearable longing
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
I knead the air with a numb grasp
I mock myself so
With words I speak
With writings I try to guide life
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
My friends the winged forces
Argent shoulders
Brows of gold, illusory creatures
Taunt the seer
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
This happens here
Nowhere else
And here is everywhere
Not far from fields of crop
Where heaven and earth
Are on their bridal bed
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away
Nothing can take it away


Only with me

I don't know what I've done
To deserve what I have
A breath that sounds slightly different
Because I am paying attention to it
My mom asks me how I am
And the worries melt away
A man who is falling from his bike
And no one that says anything about it
Far away someone looks like you
And it appears to be you
You stood there waiting very long
But you only do that with me
Only with me
Only with me
Only with me
Only with me
Silences look alike
But this one is perfect
Encircled by masks in a world
That no one recognises
My father asks me how I am
And the worries melt away
Someone looks at me insistently
It's a poster on a flat
Far away someone looks like you
And it appears to be you
You stood there waiting very long
But you only do that with me
Only with me
Only with me
Only with me
Only with me


A Poetic Death

Say nothing, part at peace
My heart feels your reel
Yet I shall keep to this
Lonely nook of not knowing
You know well
You're the air I breathe, yet
Part with a calm heart
Let me die of longing
Me, Love was my sole sin
See, lost is my anchor
Have nowhere but you
ِYou, you turned into unburst tears
The seal on the lips of my regret
My last wish
Such a nocturnal solitude
So loving is my pain
Should I die of longing
Tell every living soul1
'A death so poetic!'
Not a word of rhe parting hell
Of the agony of moments
Of being in love with you
Yet not uttering a word
What becomes of me
Not knowing where you are
[repeats verse 3]
  • 1. Lit. everyone you see



There is a place you don't want to be
There is a place you will want to undress
Where death hasn't touched anyone
There everyone knows you and talks about
Catacombs California
Blood donation at Miami
They kill the vultures there
Nobody wants to die
There is a place you don't want to be
There is a place you will want to undress
Where death hasn't touched anyone
There everyone knows you and talks about
Catacombs California
Blood donation at Miami
They kill the vultures there
Nobody wants to die
We really like it there
We party hard
They all have a good time
But they don't feel well
They tell you constantly there how much they like you
Luckily they don't have something better to do
All right
Just forward
Hugs will come
Kisses will also come
Because you will forget your best manners
You will learn to be afraid of the
Most beautiful people
But it has such charm
This sweet disgust
It's the most beautiful thing
To feel sexy forever
Every day is a celebration
A ceremony will happen there
There is a place you don't want to be
There is a place you will want to undress
Where death hasn't touched anyone
There everyone knows you and talks about
Catacombs California
Blood donation at Miami
They kill the vultures there
Nobody wants to die
There is a place you don't want to be
There is a place you will want to undress
Where death hasn't touched anyone
There everyone knows you and talks about
Catacombs California
Blood donation at Miami
They kill the vultures there
Nobody wants to die



The party begins, more money than the lottery.
Girls want words of love,
they filled up my inbox.
I surpass the category, in ten minutes, I make a thousand.
Dance singers, get in my Benz,
I drive my jewelry.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
The guy with swagger,
more money than MoneyGram.
The fans talk thatI can’t love,
but I hit like Moroșanu,
A house on ten acres,
with higher education.
The boys actually want to marry me,
because of what I love, they are my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.
How sexy is the fan, hit the tambourine,
If you want sins, you’ve found the right person.
Don’t be shy, mommy, I want to spend the money,
you’re my fan, I love my fans.



A glass of milk, half filled
A piece of bread, half pulled
Last night’s haze, yet to clear away
Thoughts of today, in endless sway
Fill a cup with tea,
Turn the book to page 67, stanza 3
Clouds drifting, grace in the sky,
Tomorrow’s breeze still carries hopeful signs
It’s the echos of my heart too late to diagnose
Frame by frame, fake illusions
It’s the racing heartbeats cannot slow down
Thump, thump, fall into abyss
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
Past days? Old times? Season changes. I seek answers
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock. Clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
Through days and nights, from weeks to months
Walk to the street’s other end,
Where green and red lights blend
The blankness behind me sways and disperses,
Colors fill my heart, as it immerses
On the wall, the vines attest,
Sketching vaguely the love that two connect
Between her and him lies
The memory that quickly dies
Space and time sealed, no turning back
It’s the obsession in my heart that keeps hindering
One by one, the lonely revelries
The stage is flooded with silent screams
Bear a pallor, ticking and tocking, the trust’s dissolving
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
Past days? Old times? Season changes. I seek answers
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock. Clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
Through days and nights, from weeks to months
Time has stolen things from me, stolen things from me
Tomorrow? The future? Hopes forgotten, senses shaken
Hands in clocks keep ticking tock, clocks keep ticking tock, dialing around, around me
Through days and nights, from weeks to months



You know, the star's song
Over the meadows and fields
It's pretty, so far, and so long
So on, the lines that it yields
Its voice is in silence and is strong
We kept it between us forever among
Down the wet cascade, we fall during the Fall
Our garden is in the arse. but you see the shooting stars
See the hangman behind us, see the trenches, and you cuss
I fell asleep to the gun sounds, muttering, ran out of nouns
Like the mightiest waterfall, my thoughts washed off all
And so on, the only curse flew away alone
If dreaming was a sin, go bang the tocsin
Connections won't save you from stars, so naive
You know, the star's song
Over the meadows and fields
It's pretty, so far, and so long
So on, the lines that it yields
Its voice is in silence and is strong
We kept it between us forever among
The stars will show the way - I am still here
They will get you to me - I am bound with fear
Ceiling light flickers
I feel like I'm out there, under the sky and all hers
I will stay and hear
The stars will show the way - I am still here
They will get you to me - I am bound with fear
Ceiling light flickers
I feel like I'm out there, under the sky and all hers
I will stay and hear
You know, the star's song
Over the meadows and fields
It's pretty, so far, and so long
So on, the lines that it yields
Its voice is in silence and is strong
We kept it between us forever among
Fly high to the stars, easy as heck
To reach goals, no joke
To achieve what you lack
I wouldn't trade it for smoke
To never stop
Your day, the final is ready to drop
And stars are falling, so quiet
Burning down how they desire it
And stars are falling, so quiet
Burning down how they desire it



What a lot I like huțulcuța,
Huțulca 1, Huțulca!
But I also like my girl,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Huțulca makes me happy,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
And my girl loves me,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Dancing is vibrant at Cârlibaba 2,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
But Huțanu 3 is just sitting,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Come on Huțane, let's dance,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Huțulca from Brodina,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Come on, don't think about it,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Come dance, we'll make room for you,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Take your girl by the waist
Huțulca, Huțulca!
And spin it like that, with passion,
Huțulca, Huțulca!
Hey, huțulca, huțulca,
I love my job!
But also, huțulțulca,
Cause' I dance with my girl
  • 1. Romanian old traditional folk song for dance from Moldova, Bucovina area. A cheerful dance that can be danced both in chorus and in pairs
  • 2. It's a commune located in Suceava County, Bukovina, northeastern Romania
  • 3. A Romanian surname


Ways To Cook An Eggplant

There are seven different ways to cook an eggplant,
the first one to make it is Elena's grandmother,
she cuts it into small pieces1 and serves it for supper.
They call this meal: a dish of eggplant.
My uncle Cerasi, likes to drink wine,
lots of wine, wine, wine
with a lot of wine, he feels fine.
The second one to make it is the wife of the Shamma
she hollows it and fills it with herbs, and lots of rice
they call this meal: a dish of dolma2.
The third one to make it is my cousin Esther di Chioti
she hollows it from inside, fills it with lots of rice
this meal is called: a dish of almondrote3
The alburnia4 is delicious in both color and smell,
come, we'll prepare supper we'll enjoy it together,
before the worm comes and takes the flavor away.
On the tables of the feasts, the jandrajo5 always shines
we make little cakes


I've lost my good chances,
I haven't found my way, today...
Summer has unravelled
The sky has been burnt away, today...
And within this nightmare
I have crushed trails made out of ashes


Climbing walls that rise is the clear objective
Of a lightwell abandoned
By those who built there lives there.
Keeping the dust hidden by all the blocked walls,
Where that voice which saved them clamours
And roars once again!
I follow all the steps, the steps
As if this were still your, our bedroom...
Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!
Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!

Climbing atop the stairs, paintings all around,
Fragments of plaster and concrete,
Saving the walls from that past.
To preserve stories from an entire world, that's yours
Where that voice which saved you clamours
And roars once again!
I follow all the steps, the steps
As if this were still your, our bedroom...
Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!
Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!

And we jumped above the walled up gate
With ropes, drawn maps and torches tied to our heads.
We were looking for the hidden treasures left by granny:
Glass bottles containing letters
And rooms where we could breathe her last breath
So she could say goodbye, before leaving...

Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!
Explorers who find everything
From the ones before, who guide us and are not here anymore!



Two Rivers

My water is black
Like your water is white
So it is written
When your water is white
My water is black
Spoken with human voices
Lift your face from the ground
Gaze upon the rising moon
See, how clouds gather
Feel winds on your skin
Every day is alive
Time is a smoldering circle
There was a current here once
Work of man was done here
So it is written
Crying and laughing
Perhaps mostly crying
Spoken with human voices
Searching for a powerful place
Looking for stones
That had in them marked
The places where to watch
Every day is alive
Time is a smoldering circle
Two rivers alongside
Flowing opposite directions
One to north
One to south
There's water to bathe
Travellers of the two paths
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead
One for the living
One for the dead


Brave Heart

Running away and giving up, anyone can do
But if you have just a moment to do it, let's keep moving forward
There's something only you can do for this blue planet
To not let its light fade away
Seize! the dreams you pictured
Protect! your precious friends
Surely you can become a resolute version of yourself
An unknown power dwels in your heart, and when is set ablaze
No matter what your wish is, it's not a lie
I’m sure it will come true… show me your brave heart
It's not always sunny days, so sometimes
Even if it's cold and rainy, let's just open our umbrellas
There's no map for how to live, that's why freely
We can go anywhere we want, and you too
Run! faster than the wind
Aim! farther than the sky
You will meet a new version of yourself
An unknown courage sleeps in your heart, and when you realize it
Even the downpour inside your chest
I’m sure will stop… show me your brave heart
Seize! a dazzling tomorrow
Protect! your loved ones
Surely you can become a resolute version of youself
Break! that weak version of you
Destroy! the walls you hit
Your warm heartbeat will surely become your weapon, so
Believe in your heart


Diamond Drum

On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
On a copper-cover boat
With a copper-clad sheet
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
To the undermost heavens
To the uppermost earth
On a copper-cover boat


The Chilled Acid

Carrying with embarrassment for arriving here.
I here you melodic and beautiful voice
[Like] escape from the sun to sit under the tree.
[I feel] with hope and freshy.
Your sound is still inscribed in my heart.
I stopped thinking about bad life in my past.
Let the shitty life into the Ganga.
We promise to be together.
But I’m not the only one of you.
You also have gentlelove, another guy, I begin to distrust.
I love you until I can’t live without you.
My heart is broken because I ever trust you.
Like you hand out the freshwater for me to drink,
So, I feel glad that it would make me cushy.
But the fact is, you took the poison for me.
[I must] torture with the poison of “The Chilled Acid”.