Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 164

Találatok száma: 99664


Tram nr. 10

I look into the mirror
See myself in the nice suit
My road takes me to the Bee Manor on the 10th of the month
Another marathon has finished
For me, lasting a month
The moment shrinks to nothingness
Until the door opens
Tram nr. 10
In its two-track shimmer
Take me far way, for the length of two weeks
Tram nr. 10
Our hearts beat in sync
Come sit in the traincar of dreams
In the sunlight and sunset
Warmth filled mobile room
Conductor Jēkabs smiles at the children
Calls me by my surname
The trees and the flowers, the grass
and the dripping ice-cream all greet me
In the Bee Manor awaits me
subsistence minimum
Tram nr. 10
In its two-track shimmer
Take me far way, for the length of two weeks
Tram nr. 10
Our hearts beat in sync
Come sit in the traincar of dreams
Tram nr. 10
In its two-track shimmer
Take me far way, for the length of two weeks
Tram nr. 10
Our hearts beat in sync
Come sit in the traincar of dreams



You're the one who always talks to me
You're the one who always comes to me
in the evening
Inside you is fresh information
How our nation lives, and whether it exists at all
You're the one who always talks to me
You're the one who always comes to me
in the evening
Inside you is fresh information
How our nation lives, and whether it exists at all
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Old news pile up in one big chunk
Computers save up these old news
Inside you there's always the old information
How people live in Germany, and whether
there's any people there at all
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.
Calm, calm 'Panorāma', it's watched by every
Mr. and every Mrs.


Come with me

In my life yards will never end,
I can't bury the hutchet even if I want,
There're still news for me, though they're sad,
I'm two steps away from success, in a step of abyss.
Come with me,
Come with me,
Come with me,
Come with me.
Un-bottled beverages, the shop, the house,
Mixed with garbage, the snow melts under the window,
The city is split in two by the dirty river,
The garden of earthy delights is at a glance.
Come with me,
Come with me,
Come with me,
Come with me,
Come with me.


Az Ok

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Nem vagyok tökéletes személy,
Sok dolog van, amit bár ne tettem volna.
De folyamatosan tanulok,
Sosem akartam ilyeneket tenni teveled,
S el kell mondanom, mielőtt elmegyek.
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd:
Találtam magamnak rá okot,
Hogy megváltoztassam azt, ki voltam,
Okot az újrakezdésre,
És ez ok Te vagy!
Sajnálom, hogy bántottalak,
Ez az, mivel minden nap együtt kell élnem.
S a kín, mit átéltél miattam,
Bárcsak el elvehetném az egészet.
S az lennék, ki felfogja minden könnyedet.
Ezért akarom, hogy halld:
Találtam magamnak rá okot,
Hogy megváltoztassam azt, ki voltam,
Okot az újrakezdésre,
És ez ok Te vagy!
Nem vagyok tökéletes személy,
Sosem akartam ilyeneket tenni veled,
S el kell mondanom, mielőtt megyek.
Azt akarom, hogy tudd:
Találtam magamnak rá okot,
Hogy megváltoztassam azt, ki voltam,
Okot az újrakezdésre,
És ez ok Te vagy!
Leltem okot, hogy megmutassam
Az ismeretlen oldalamat,
Minden tettemnek oka van,
És ez ok Te vagy!


Мой мармеладный

Не позвонила, не открыла и не спала,
Почти душила, но забила на твои слова.
Опять мне кажется, что кружится моя голова,
Мой мармеладный, я не права.
Поцеловала, обнимала, после развела,
Почти любила, но забыла про твои слова.
Опять мне кажется, что кружится моя голова,
Мой мармеладный, я не права.
Попробуй муа-муа, попробуй джага-джага,
Попробуй у-у, мне это надо, надо.
Опять мне кажется, что кружится голова,
Мой мармеладный, я не права.
Совсем остыла, не простила и не берегла,
Потом решила и забила на твои слова.
Опять мне кажется, что кружится моя голова,
Мой мармеладный, я не права.
Ему шептала и шипела, и опять звала,
И целовала, но забыла про твои слова.
Опять мне кажется, что кружится моя голова,
Мой мармеладный, я не права.


»Der Broadway singt und tanzt«

Eine magnifique Reportage!
Das Debüt der Negersängerin als Wahrsagerin
Ulrika im Maskenball,
bisher nur als Lieder- und Arienvirtuosin bekannt,
nun mit großem Orchester und berühmten Stimmen:
»glückte vollendet«.
Vorfälle, dramatisiert: Alles Kompromißler,
nur bei einem einzigen der Versuch, »gegen die Mühle
der Mehrheitsmeinung«
»die Wahrheit an den Tag zu bringen«
(großartig - aber siehe Pilatus).
Kaiserinmutter und Prinzessin Irina:
ein »mit fast unerträglicher innerer (!) Spannung
geladenes Duell«,
drei Hochstapler kommen noch dazu -
(wenn das nicht prima ist!)
Noah und seine Familie - die ganze Sintflut,
die Fahrt der Arche bis zum Aufstoßen,
»der bekannte Patriarch«
eine »im tiefsten Sinne spannende Haltung«
»fast betäubend«,
dem Komponisten wurden die Songs
per Telefon von New York nach St. Moritz vorgespielt
(allerlei! Arche-Noah-Songs!)
Dagegen unser Europa! Vielleicht Urgrund der Seele

Let's Talk

Let's have a talk, let's talk for a bit
Spill whatever goes on in your heart
I won't say a word, I'll just listen to you
Even God shares the pain with me
For years you've been coping on your own
And there's no one to fill the void
Chained up deep within, cannot retreat anymore
I've found the way and what needs to be given
Everything, even if it means to suffer
I'm still here, just don't leave, now's not the time
Understand that even, even if I was wrong, and not just once
I swear, words that were written in blood
Now let it go, let me go a little
To make all of your dreams come true
I'm strong and fit for battle because
You've blessed me in all the fortunes
What's left is to open up the door for me
'Cause I'll be back in just a few minutes
And when everything goes by the book
I won't remember all those wars
Everything, even if it means to suffer
I'm still here, just don't leave, now's not the time
Understand that even, even if I was wrong, and not just once
I swear, words that were written in blood
I'll give everything, even if it means to suffer
I'm still here, just don't leave, now's not the time
Understand that even, even if I was wrong, and not just once
I swear, words that were written in blood
Let's have a talk, let's talk for a bit


Your Closeness (to me) is Like Fire

Once you jump into my thought
Your shadow makes me awake (all the night)
But you don't ever think about me
I'll wait, and that day shall come
Your Closeness (to me) is like fire
Your Separation (to me) is like fire
A fire is raging inside my chest
It's out of me to choose
O my treatment1
Once you jump into my thought
Your shadow makes me awake (all the night)
But you don't ever think about me
I'll wait, and that day shall come
When you say: 'I Love You, I'm Waiting for you'
And I'll Wait for you to say those words
Your Closeness (to me) is like fire
Your Separation (to me) is like fire
A fire is raging inside my chest
It's out of me to choose
O my treatment1
My heart bears a lot of feelings
When it felt (your love), it felt strange (to my heart)
When you're beside me, You're sitting inside my heart
Even when you're far away from me, (you're still) close to me
I will never let you off, Rage your fire up
I like the fire of your love
Your Closeness (to me) is like fire
Your Separation (to me) is like fire
A fire is raging inside my chest
It's out of me to choose
O my treatment1
I got deep in your love
But you're sitting in my soul for years and years
You see and you know
How are you dear to me?
I will never let you off, Rage your fire up
I like the fire of your love
Your Closeness (to me) is like fire
Your Separation (to me) is like fire
A fire is raging inside my chest
It's out of me to choose
O my treatment1
Once you jump into my thought
Your shadow makes me awake (all the night)
But you don't ever think about me
I'll wait, and that day shall come
When you say: 'I Love You, I'm Waiting for you'
And I'll Wait for you to say those words
Your Closeness (to me) is like fire
Your Separation (to me) is like fire
A fire is raging inside my chest
It's out of me to choose
O my treatment1
  • lit.: treatment of my condition


To the Moon

Hold me
Hold my hand
Draw me closer
We'll sing together
Like there's no tomorrow
It must be that even stars
Shine in rhythm with us
Just let it last
Let them fall on us
Ooooh, hold me
Hug me tightly
Until it hurts
I don't want this night to ever stop
At least one more time, before we leave
Don't turn on the lights, I don't want an ending
Close the club
Don't let anyone out
While the song is playing
We're floating
A meter above the floor
We are lighter than air
We are same as comets
We are racing through the centre of the universe
The morning is far away
Yesterday doesn't count
Time stands still for us
We are waiting for clock to strike
Ooooh, hold me
Hug me tightly
Until it hurts
I don't want this night to ever stop
At least one more time, before we leave
Don't turn on the lights, I don't want an ending
Close the club
Don't let anyone out
While the song is playing
Let's dance to the moon
It's waiting for us, firm and strong
Shinning restlessly



My heart breaks
My voice cracks
I'm sick of seeing another crying mother
And a father screaming
It cannot be
How do we move on, and what do we do from here?
And it's nice to see a nation coming together
To the other's wellbeing
Without any prejudice
But it's less nice when it doesn't help
And the prayers are replaced with tears
Thank you for all you've done
Thank you, Bar-El
Heaven is waiting for you
A Hero of Israel
The angels that will reside with you up in the heavens
Will rejoice to no end
And we've lost you forever
But we promise to remember, Bar-El
It makes no sense
A reality such as this
How can life keep on as usual?
Moving cars
Children's laughter
Only with us the sky is falling


Sweet Tears, Bitter Love

Sweet tears, bitter love
Only you, no one else
Sweet tears, bitter love
Yesterday happiness, today sadness
I don't trust you anymore
You left me again in the no-no-northern seas
To freeze
Instead of being melted by your lips
I don't trust you anymore
You have di-di-divided us into two halfs again
Which hurt
Loneliness poisons the soul
Sweet tears, bitter love
Only you, no one else
Sweet tears, bitter love
Yesterday happiness, today sadness
I don't trust you anymore
You left me again in the no-no-northern seas
To freeze
Instead of being melted by your li–
Sweet tears, bitter love
Only you, no one else
Sweet tears, bitter love
Yesterday happiness, today sadness
Sweet tears, bitter love
Only you, no one else
Sweet tears, bitter love
Yesterday happiness, today...
Yesterday happiness, today sadness



Tom & Jerry
Isn't it free to dream?
Let go of your excuses about discount
(Let go of the excuse)
This, this is just game
Feel, plant the rose of the thought
Fall in love with your life
Also with yourself
Resist the every hardship
Only cry because of happiness
Never lose
Reach out to light
Turn your face to it
The fortunate path
Awaits you
Why don't you know happiness
Look around and see the heart and mind
People say a lot
There is nothing real on their faces
I love the person who smiles a lot (ey)
With that person I swallow the sadness(ey)
In this wave we have a twisted rhythm
We want the utopia which no one can understand
This, this is just game
Feel, plant the rose of thought
Fall in love with your life
Also with yourself
Reach out to light
Turn your face to it
The fortunate path
Awaits you


I don't know yet

As time goes by, where do we go?
I don't know yet
You're by my side, don't leave
I still love you
If you leave, where do you go?
I can't know
Stay by my side, don't leave
I still love you
When I walk alone and the dark night comes,
I think of you and walk crying
Even the pure white flower petals you sent me
Wither away in my tears
If you leave, where do you go?
I can't know
Stay by my side, don't leave
I still love you
When I walk alone and the dark night comes,
I think of you and walk crying
Even the pure white flower petals you sent me
Wither away in my tears
If you leave, where do you go?
I can't know
Stay by my side, don't leave
I still love you



I do not know what it should mean,
That I am so sad,
A fairy tale from ancient times,
that I can't get out of my mind
The air is cool and it darkens,
And the Rhine flows calmly

Sky and Flowers

Busy butterflies flitting back and forth
White feathers can be torn
Everyone sleeps
Close your eyes and wait for the sky to rain
Decaying petals stain the table
In green water
Lying there, unable to swim
Drowning in the water, I saw a new world
The setting sun shines on this room,
In a transparent vase
It will float behind your eyelids
They will be blooming with color
Sky and Flowers
Sky and Flowers


Hey, the wind's blowing from the Danube

Hey, the wind's blowing from the Danube,
it always hits the poor rube,
wind blows from the Danube.
If it weren't blowing from the Danube,
the cold wind wouldn't be so rude,
wind blows from the Danube.
If it weren't blowing from the Danube,
the cold wind wouldn't be so rude,
wind blows from the Danube.
Hey, the wind's blowing from the Danube,
lay with me, you'll be saved,
wind blows from the Danube.
I won't lie down next to you,
you'd find me very hard to woo,
wind blows from the Danube.
I won't lie down next to you,
you'd find me very hard to woo,
the wind blows from the Danube.
Hey, the wind's blowing from the Danube,
lay with me, you'll be saved,
wind blows from the Danube.
I won't lie down next to you,
you'd find me very hard to woo,
wind blows from the Danube.
Hey, Johnny, my Johnny
why must you be so tiny?
wind blows from the Danube.
Had you been a bit bigger,
you could've been a soldier,
wind blows from the Danube.
Hey, Johnny, my Johnny
why must you be so tiny?
wind blows from the Danube.
Had you been a bit bigger,
you could've been a soldier,
wind blows from the Danube.
If you were a bit bigger,
you could've been a soldier,
wind blows from the Danube.


Liquor cha cha cha

Work finished, got busy
Vodkalimes and solvents
We packed our car
Drank during the trip
As much as we could
We beat each other
At the festival entrance
A tortilla tried to get to our pants
A police caught Anssi
Went through his backpack
and scoped his butt
And they yelled, liquor liquor, cha cha cha
Liquor liquor, cha cha cha
First the heat plagued
Then the clown preached
Threatened to survive the cabbage
Anssi brought it from the car
Drank the turpentine
And was like an animal
And he yelled, liquor liquor, cha cha cha
liquor liquor, cha cha cha
liquor liquor, cha cha cha
liquor liquor, cha cha cha


Tropical Mystery

On the beach, when walking along the water's edge, don't cross your arms
Knowing each other for just two hours I think we're too close
On the beach, I won't tell you my name
Try to guess it
If it's a summer day's love
It's as wonderful as it is mysterious
Who are you?
A future lover?
Only time knows the answer
Pose a mystery, solve a mystery
The key to the secret is umm
A mystery, mystery
Don't look straight at me
You'll decipher the depths of my heart
Who are you?
A future lover?
I feel like I've seen you in my dreams
Fingers tied, Fingers untied
The key to the secret is umm
A mystery, mystery


O Iran

O Iran, with your borders, a jewel-laden realm,
Your soil, the fount of sublime artistry and craft!
May ill intents be distant from you
May you endure in strength eternally !
O foe, if you are from granite , I am iron-clad,
I offer my life for the pure soil of my homeland.
Since your love became my duty
My thoughts stray not from you.
For your name's glory, lives we forsake:
May our land's soil be eternal.
Mountains' rocks, pearls and gems,
Fields' soil, more precious than gold.
How dislodge you from my heart?
Tell me, what would I do without your love?
As long as spheres revolve, heavens stand high,
Divine light will always guide us.
Since your love became my task
My thoughts have ne'er strayed far from you.
For your name's glory, our lives we disregard:
May our land's soil be eternal.
O Iran, my glorious paradise,
In you, fate brightly shines.
Even if fire falls on my body
Only your love shall I nurture.
My heart, shaped by your soil, water, and love,
Without your love, my heart falters.
Since your love became my task
My thoughts have ne'er strayed far from you.
For your name's glory, our lives we disregard:
May our land's soil be eternal.


Empty table blues

Holy shit, holy shit
Holy shit, holy shit
By the empty table, by the empty table
I'm singing the blues
I don't give a damn about the empty table
By the empty table I'm singing you the blues
Blues can be a bit short, blues
Blues can be a bit short, blues
Blues can be a bit short, blues
Blues can be a bit short, blues
Cause there's no more vodka blues
Cause there's no more vodka blues
Cause there's no more cigarettes
Withdrawal blues, withdrawal blues
Withdrawal, withdrawal, withdrawal, withdrawal, withdrawal blues
Withdrawal blues for two
Wednesday blues, Tuesday blues



Be it a prophecy, be it an evil as is...
My soul is so full with sorrow,
An ancient and scary myth
That never ceases to follow...
I dream up the waters of the swift Rhine,
The fogs, that are floating slow,
And only the setting sun's shine
Make the peaks of the cliff glow
On the throne is a marvelous maiden,
And the throne is the cliff so up high
Her hear braids are purely golden
The flame of her rings's burning bright
And everything's so sparkling and shiny,
And she sings an ancient tune
The spell-song is old and mighty
It spreads over waters so soon...
Here comes a boat and all of a sudden,
The charm takes over the matter -
The rower forgets the rudder
And goes on just starring at her...
The rower will inevitably perish
In his boat that is so fragile,
He dies when he acquires a fetish,
The singing of Lorelei!


Since I've Been Dreaming of You

I'll take you, to start the day
With the first ray of the sun around your neck
You are closeness, you are coffee, eternal morning, my healthy food
I won't let anyone hide you from our perfect day
The whole world around us is now an open wound
That doesn't know
How to forgive
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
We are running on the pavement
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
Everything smells like the truth
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Everything smells like the truth
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Everything smells like the truth
On the Moon
We have created a new crater
From champagne
Last night when we were celebrating
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
We are running on the pavement
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
Everything smells like the truth
(I do not understand
This world
Without you)
(I do not understand
This world
Without you)
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Everything smells like the truth
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Since I’ve been dreaming of you, you exist
(Oooooooh, ooooooh...)
Everything smells like the truth



My light, bury yourself with me,
Maybe we will sprout in the spring,
And we'll give ourselves again to the great crowds,
Otherwise it won't be good, my light.
My eyes widened from so much twilight
And my soul, as well, for so much night,
And my soul, as well, for so much night.
Let's be among those who know how to endure
The passing of clouds and the flow of rivers,
The passing of clouds and the flow of rivers.
Not every burial means death,
Up to the waist and well above the waist.
My light, if we will go far away,
As a cloud passes, as a river flows,
We will bury ourselves in a book,
Silently like two large grains of wheat,
Silently like two large grains of wheat.
We will bury ourselves in a book,
Silently like two large grains of wheat,
Silently like two large grains of wheat.


Two Birds

We are two birds, perched on branches in a strange land.
We are not into tales, songs, or conversations.
hat much we did not fly that we have forgotten how to fly.
Stuck in the middle of the path, forgotten the way forward.
No comrade , no greetings , and no one bears a message.
Alone on a tree in the vast fields and deserts, we lack refuge.
Our heads are on each other's wings, yet we yearn for a gaze.
Pure and innocent, we remain free from sin,
silent and filled with sighs.
We are two birds, perched on branches in a strange land.
We are not into tales, songs, or conversations.
hat much we did not fly that we have forgotten how to fly.
Stuck in the middle of the path, forgotten the way forward.
With every winter that claims us
we resurrect with the arrival of spring.
Our cold bodies crave the touch of sunlight,
and until spring unfolds, our sole hope lies in patience.
Waiting becomes our only solace.
We are two birds, perched on branches in a strange land.
We are not into tales, songs, or conversations.
hat much we did not fly that we have forgotten how to fly.
Stuck in the middle of the path, forgotten the way forward.


See how with me you

To win or to not make it in time
You can slow me down
When your gaze love filled
Will be the thing that will smear me
On the walls, if no one
Will grab me off of Earth in time
See how with me you
See how with you I
Two days later
The neighbours will have had enough
Of the way you play with me
See how it doesn't work out
You'll have to yield
Joy, where do you come from
I will run away south
On heaped white clouds
Don't worry, I'm not some
Way too clever Hippocrates
Who would pity the time spent with you
Neither are you the kind
Who lives in that fairy tale
Where the princesses sleep in a glass coffin
See how with me you
See how with you I
Two days later
The neighbours will have had enough
Of the way you play with me
See how it doesn't work out
You'll have to yield
Joy, where do you come from
I will run away south
On heaped white clouds
See how with me you
See how with you I
Two days later
The neighbours will have had enough
Of the way you play with me
See how it doesn't work out
You'll have to yield
Joy, where do you come from
I will run away south
On heaped white clouds


I Don't Believe You

Now I know that perfect
Doesn’t exist
You gave me a reason to many
I'm still counting it
Like in a wandering stranger
Fear is multiplying
Will I ever understand
What I'm fighting for
I know it's a trap, a deception
Oh, wow, oh, wow, wow
And how to forgive a mistake
It’s all that
Is tiring me
I don’t believe you
When you whisper to me that you love me
(I don't believe that that's an assault)
Neither fire nor sleep
Haven’t been existing to me for a long time
(If it could be okay, but it never ends well)
I know you know it yourself
When you kiss me, your palm is sweating
I don’t know you
When you whisper to me that you love me
Yo, we used to be a symphony
A harmony divine (Ooooooh)
Now all I hear is dissonance
(I don’t believe you)
It's significant to everyone
Who we are inside (Oh-oooh)
Been hidden for too long
(I don’t believe you)
I see it in your eyes
We danced in the rain
Now we're lost (Ho-oh-ooooh)
In the storm
We preform like we mean every word
(I don’t believe you)
But I know it's a show
It's a few months deep
Trust goes both ways
Mine's gone with the beat
I collect bullets, I hide wounds
That suits me
(In order to marry well
That's how I was taught)
Like in a wandering stranger
Passion’s in the night
Naked in the dark
I stand alone
I know it's a trap, a deception
Oh, wow, oh, wow, wow
And how to forgive a mistake
It’s all that
Is tiring me
(You paint a picture by the colours I keep giving)
I don’t believe you
(I don’t believe you)
When you whisper to me that you love me
(I don’t believe you, you)
Neither fire nor sleep
(Neither fire nor sleep)
Haven’t been existing to me for a long time
I know you know it yourself
(You know it yourself)
When you kiss me, your palm is sweating
(I loved you, I'm telling you)
I don’t believe you
When you whisper to me that you love me
Listen, we used to be a lot of things (Ooooooh)
And I used to give a lot of thanks
(I don’t believe you)
I couldn't see the blessing ring (Oh-oooh)
The craziness, the victory
(I don’t believe you)
We howl at the Moon
Like I'm lost in the dark (Ooooooh)
And soon by the plane too
All from the start
(I don’t believe you)
To realizes from the lies
That they smite me
Severing ties
Bye, girl
Good riddance


Love lyric

I came home in the evening
And took some corvalol 1
After that some validol in addition 2
And washed it down with alcohol
To drown out the sound of moans of love
And now I sit all alone
But with me is my loyal friend nicotine
I can see, you're not happy with me
Life has sent me through a circle of hell
Oh, why did I fall in love with you
In my head an orchestra is humming
And I still have to finish my exams for the semester
To my friends with unsolicited advice
I will answer: get lost 3
Oh, why did I fall in love with you
And the heart is still so young
But already broken and sick
The sight of medications on the counters
Excites the watchful eye
Oh, why did I fall in love with you
  • 1. A heart medication and sedative popular in the post-Soviet countries
  • 2. An anxiety medication popular in the post-Soviet countries
  • 3. The literal translation here would be 'go to a forest'


I Remember, Winter

I remember, winter, how much I once loved you,
How eagerly I was waiting for you to come.
And how happy, and how excited
I gathered in my palm small snowflakes, like some pearls.
I remember, winter, how much I once loved you,
When under white snow lace, under a linden tree
In which only a leaf struggled, dry,
I was shot by the first hot kiss.
But today you are dearer to me than you once were,
Because the big flakes of cotton, caught in my eyelashes,
Take my mind back to the forgotten love,
And the stars of hope light up inside me.
I remember, winter, how much I once loved you,
When the wing of love, passing between my eyelids,
Turned the wicked and icy breath of winter
Into a whisper of springs, a gentle murmur of waters.
I remember, winter, how much I once loved you,
When under white snow lace, under a linden tree
In which only a leaf struggled, dry,
I was shot by the first hot kiss.
But today you are dearer to me than you once were,
Because the big flakes of cotton, caught in my eyelashes,
Take my mind back to the forgotten love,
And the stars of hope light up inside me.
I remember, winter, how much I once loved you,
When under white snow lace, under a linden tree
In which only a leaf struggled, dry,
I was shot by the first hot kiss.
But today you are dearer to me than you once were,
Because the big flakes of cotton, caught in my eyelashes,
Take my mind back to the forgotten love,
And the stars of hope light up inside me.


The forces of the sky

You think it's a story but it's really true
That the Solomonars* cross the skies so blue
Owners of the storms, the wizards of the rain
I see Solomonars on my sky today.
You, Solomonar, rider through the clouds
Straddle the dragons and ride in horizons
You blessed forever with disenchanted iron
You give clear days always to the one who wants well.
Hail and sorrow to the one that's miser
If he just thinks bad and the forest abuses
Short and ugly days, putrid now and always
Dragons and mudslides to crook him some more.
Diligent guardian of mountain, field, and cloud
Masterful owner of the wind that's loud
You charm for good with ancient animal word
To cast evil spirits far out of this world
I received you well, as the customs tell
Set your iron now in my doorstep bold
And look towards the stars, tell me what they hold
Old Solomonar, gifted as you are.


I want to tell you

I met you in the windy season
We walked together along the deep green road
The wind that blows through is a little warm
The tears on my cheeks dried up
I had a feeling of summer
Let the wind carry this thought, I want to tell you
I want to meet you and say thank you for your clear eyes

The sky and the trees are turning red
I listen carefully, the wind is singing
I can't say it clearly enough I've always been frustrated
Like a bird that spreads its wings and flies
I want to flap my wings
Glowing skies and shining clouds
We are alive
I want to see you and hold your hand
I want to say I love you
Let the wind carry this thought
I'll send it to you. ・・・・


Things that will never change

You're here, I'm here
When I look back, There are so many smiles
Cherry blossoms bloom, the seasons change
Still there you were
Far away ( far away ) Far away ( far away )
On the slope where the heat haze rises
Someday the landscape will change
There are some things that will never change
In the heart
I'll walk on, chewing on the happiness of having met you
One year on, ten years on
For ever and ever
When I was sad, when I was happy
And when I was in pain, you were there
As if it were a matter of course
You were there in the scenery I could see
Always (Always) Always (Always)
I can't stand still
Someday, when I let go of your hand...
I'll have a future of my own
You were there for me
Supporting and sharing with each other
You gave me so much love
Thank you
I'll walk on, chewing on the happiness of having met you
One year on, ten years on
My thoughts will remain the same
And always will be. ......



You are like the wind
If I close my eyes, I can still see your twilight
I wonder what you're thinking about
You were opening your eyelids
Your eyes are like beads
I could just faintly smell the scent of spring
Clear and sunny, flowers in bloom
If they bloom, it's the spring's fault
If even the rain ceases,
The rain will clear your mind
The sound of my beating heart is calmer now
We are the spring wind
Let's cross even those clouds
And head off into the far, far distance
You're like a clear, sunny sky
If you open your eyes, they splash blue everywhere
I wonder what's so sad to you
You were opening your eyelids
Your eyes are like beads
Just now, I could just faintly smell the scent of rain
Cry for tears, weep for the sky
If you cry, it's the rain's fault
Because even above that torrenting raincloud
Lies a clear, sunny sky
Let the earth reverberate
We are a spring storm
Let's cross even that vast ocean
And head off into the far, far distance
Let the rain fall down, let the grass grow tall
Sheep, clouds, they're all spring's fault
Spring lives in my heart like the wind
And so I eagerly await for the sky to clear
Clear and sunny, rip the sky apart
If they bloom, it's the spring's fault
If even the rain ceases,
The rain will clear your mind
The sounds are beating into my heart
We are the spring wind
Hear the sound, hear the wind
And make this song calm itself
Clear and sunny, flowers in bloom
If they bloom, it's the spring's fault
Let's cross even those clouds
And head off into the far, far distance