Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 29

Találatok száma: 100455


Where did the first stars come from

From where the first stars in the sky will shine,
I will go there, beyond the dark rock edges.
I will look at the swans flying in the sky
And I will fly wherever they fly.
Because here - and there - across the sea - and everywhere,
Wherever I go, a poor thought follows me,
I'm always sad and I don't care anywhere

My soul is sad

My soul is sad even to death -
I put my hands down, come what may,
No punch will drill my brain anymore,
For I have already banished hope from it.
And here I stand, silent as in a dream,
Over the urn of my desires, broken into quarters,
And that I had to cast her into the dust so early,
My soul is sad even to the point of death.


Look what this silent heart has written here

Like a poor actor standing on the stage
Out of fear he forgot the words to his role
Or a creature overcome with rage
Whose anger won't let you move
Yes, I didn't believe I could say it
Too much love, I've lost faith
And I'm drowning in the feeling of rising floods
Under the passions too heavy a burden
Oh, let my books speak for me
Afterword of my silent heart
Which begs for love and reward
Although he won't say it in words
Try to understand what this silent heart is saying:
Listening with your eyes is the wisdom of love


Sweet love

Sweet love, come back so that no one can tell
That your strength is weaker than your desires
Desires, even though they were fed today
Tomorrow they will be back, as sharp as ever
So come back! Although today your hungry eyes
They squint, heavy with sleep
Tomorrow look again and the spirit of love
Don't want to kill yourself with too much weariness
Let rest be an ocean
Dividing the shores on which it came
Two young lovers in the morning
Bless the returning love
Or roll it up in winter, whose coat is frosty
Three times it makes us look forward to summer


The deep sea sleeps in the glow of the night

The deep sea sleeps in the glow of the night
The waves rustle gently
And my heart is so heavy
I remember old regrets
And these tidings of old
The sunken cities groan
And from the bottom of the sea I hear into the night
Prayers and bells sounds
But they will not save these cities
Prayers and bells ringing
Because what was once seized by death
You won't come back to life


At Jeziorecko

There by the lake, by the fast-flowing waters,
My girl was gathering bilberries.
She had already gathered a jugful
And was pouring them into a blue apron
When young Jacek came riding up.
“There are better bilberries here, girl.”
He jumped down from his horse and squeezed her hand.
“Be mine, dear girl, give your consent.”
“Ah, I’ll not consent, God forbid!
The sun is already low in the sky and the way is long.
Ah, I’ll not give my consent, I’m afraid you’ll betray me.”
“Don’t be afraid, girlie, I want to be on my way.
Be mine, dear girl, give your consent.”
“Oh, I’ll not give my consent, my dear Jacek,
For then I’ll no longer be able to wear my maiden’s crown.”


Consider well, mother

Consider well, mother, to whom you give your daughter.
Don’t give her to the first man to come along,
That would be a shame given her beauty.
For her beauty is like swift-flowing water,
Her right cheek has grown flushed
Like the wild rose.
And a wild rose only flowers once a year,
And my little heart grows heavy
If I do not like someone.
But if I do like someone, I stand aside.
Punish, God, oh dear God almighty,
The man who is pressing me.


The Sunlight at 7:30 AM

Sunlight at half past seven
Shining on the drowsy pedestrians
Searching together for a warmer touch
Waiting for you every day, time seems to stand still
This sorrowful face, yet so moved
A swollen pair of eyes
Bearing the remnants of a disaster
With me, focusing, the songs on my earphones resonate
Fallen in the same city, as if hoping for an invitation
Will you stay and confirm this connection?
Who made you cry, playing a heavy sad song
As if protecting you, whom I've never met, passing by every day
Offering a little comfort, wiping dry your eyes, looking clearly
In the long journey, left behind, you and I
A small tattoo
Hidden within long hair, marking memories
With me, paying attention, envisioning your spontaneity
Fallen in the same city, still holding romantic aspirations
At the end of the wounds, there is a beautiful scenery
Who made you cry, playing a heavy sad song
Embracing this life, it's not a sin even though I've never met you
Offering a little comfort, wiping dry your eyes, looking clearly
What did we gain in the path of love?
Who made you cry, singing a heavy sad song
If we pretend to have never met, it's pitiful for both of us
Exchanging a bit of comfort, pretending to have a chance encounter, is it possible?
Or have you already healed this pain long ago?
Who made me cry, encoring in silence
If I could replay the familiar chapters of the past completely
Every day at half past seven, reenacting the beginning of this love
Regrettably, you didn't look back at me from within the shadows.


The Sense of Family (TV series original theme)

We played at La Marette
In the secret of the backlight
We hid our first loves
Like our first cigarettes
Help me escape from childhood games
To let go of my past
To leave among the jaded
By maintaining my innocence
Help me, help me get out of my bed that's too small
If you love me, you have to help me, I want
To meet my life
I'm seventeen years old, and in my mirror
The woman smiles at the child
Then she slowly walks away
And the child gradually fades away
Help me, help me get out of my bed that's too small
If you love me, you have to help me, I want
To meet my life
Help me, help me relive the last sorrow
Lead me to the path, I want
To meet my life


To my sweetheart

My favorite season is something short
and it starts to melt away before I realize.
In the shifting landscape,
I will stand still alone and think of you.


The end of the side

The end of the side
At the moment of truth alone
I breath to myself slowly
Facing a clear fear
Come to me
Now you're too far
The loudness flows to me
Stays in my body
Keeping on distance
Breaking at the side
Closing my world in my hand
Without a glance
Increasing the way signs
Sticking to the distance
Without nobody
Without a shelter
Without control of your game
The end of the day
Letting only you to rest
It seems that clock hands
Are working for you
And who are you that have the audacity to approach
Leaving only escape directions
It's successful for you


It was a Love Like Cherry Blossoms

The spring breeze carries its scent
in the town without you.
The time when we painted distant dreams
is one to which I cannot return.
Indelible feelings that have lost a place to go
forever hurt in my heart

A megszegett ígéretek földje.

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
1. versszak:
Egy Biblia hever a komódon,
Egy tábla függ az ajtón,
És egy nőt ölelek, kit nem lenne szabad.
De már nincs visszaút.
Voltam már itt korábban is,
Ez a csalfa élet már semmi újat nem tud nyújtani nekem.
Eszembe jut, hogy valakit
Fel kéne hívnom,
És azt mondani, hogy a munka tovább tart, mint gondoltam.
De nincs szívem azt mondani neki,
Hogy már egy másikhoz vonzódom,
Így hát a megszegett ígéret földjére tartok.
Ma este átlépek
A hazudozás világába.
És utálni fogom magam, ha visszatérek oda,
Ahol az utcák gyötrelemmel vannak kikövezve,
És az életek hazugságokra épülnek.
Ez az a hely, amit a megszegett ígéretek földjének hívnak.
2. versszak:
Találtam egy cetlit a komódon,
És az ajtóban egy kulcsot,
A padlón pedig az arany karikagyűrűjét.
Azt hiszem, végül el kellett nekem mondania,
Hogy tovább nem vár rám,
És ő is a megszegett ígéretek földje felé tart.
Ma este ő is átlép
A hazudozás világába.
És utálni fogom magam azért, amiért erre lehetőséget adtam neki.
Mert az utcák gyötrelemmel vannak kikövezve,
És az életek hazugságokra épülnek.
Ez az a hely, amit a megszegett ígéretek földjének hívnak.
...és ez több, mint amit el bírok viselni.


Olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek, (amit korábban nem ismertem)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Megannyi vidéki kocsmabéli nővel volt már dolgom,
És aludtam már hollywoodi sztárok selyem ágyában is.
De mióta rád találtam, csavargásiam véget értek,
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.
Bizony, régen úgy kezeltem a nőket, mint egy üveg gint.
Pusztán azért, hogy tartalmukat kiélvezzem.
Ám most, hogy vagy nekem, minden gondolatom körülötted forog,
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.
Megmutattad nekem az igaz szerelem minden örömét és vigasságát.
Olyan szívet mutattál nekem, mi még a királyok aranyát is megolvasztja.
És a mennyország fölé emeltél,
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.
Bizony, régen, ha felébredtem, azt sem tudtam,
Ki fekszik mellettem és mi történt.
Most pedig réd ébredek, és egy szerető nő lágyságára,
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.
Megmutattad nekem az igaz szerelem minden örömét és vigasságát.
Olyan szívet mutattál nekem, mi még a királyok aranyát is megolvasztja.
És a mennyország fölé emeltél,
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.
Mert olyan oldalát mutattad meg a szerelemnek,
Amit korábban nem ismertem.


Just Across The Way

Just across the way a house is dark
I can hardly see
Just a cross the way lives a girl
Who's so in love with me
But I'm such a bitter soul
Who's mem'ries seemed to always get their way
So I live here with my memories.
She lives there with her love just across the way
Just across the way I can see her in the window watching me
With her face rest to the pain
And her eyes look more tearstained every day
But I'm such a bitter soul
Who's mem'ries keep standing in her way
I'm so lonely with my memories
She's lonely with her love just across the way
Just across the way
Might as well be in the heavens on a star
We're just close enough together
To see just what far apart we are
But I'm such a bitter soul
Who's mem'ries keep standing in the way
I'm so lonely with my memories
She's lonely with her love just across the way
Just acoss the way just across the way...



Oh, I don't
Oh, I don't
하루 종일 울리는 알림
반갑지 않은 상대
머릿속은 과부하 상태
아뜨 아뜨
다정하던 너는 어디 간 건데
이모지 하트 대신 널
보내줘야 할 때가 됐네
널 drop 안녕
흔적조차 남지 않길
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
피식 웃음이 나와
복사해서 붙여넣기
나의 상태 message
밤새 날리던 가벼운 너의 말풍선
펑 소리 나게 터트려
따분해 이젠
정말 자러 갈 거야
튕기는 거 아니거든
이게 우리 마지막
새로 고쳐도 바뀌지 않아 내 맘은
널 몰랐던 그때로
다 알아 (알아)
밤마다 지우고 쓸 DM, right?
그러다 (그러다)
눈물의 스토린 참아주길
있을 때 좀 잘하지
떠나려니 붙잡네
그게 무슨 심보야 너
흔적조차 남지 않길
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
피식 웃음이 나와
복사해서 붙여넣기
나의 상태 message
밤새 날리던 가벼운 너의 말풍선
펑 소리 나게 터트려
따분해 이젠
정말 자러 갈 거야
튕기는 거 아니거든
이게 우리 마지막
새로 고쳐도 바뀌지 않아 내 맘은
널 몰랐던 그때로
둘만 살던 네모난 섬
탈출하려 해
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너를 전부 지우니
마음이 좀 넓어지네
이제 숨이 쉬어져
눈물 머금은 빼곡한 너의 말풍선
펑 소리 나게 터트려
미련은 없어
잠도 편히 잘 거야
A부터 Z까지
우린 너무 달랐어
새로 고쳐도 바뀌지 않아 내 맘은
널 몰랐던 그때로


Sugar sugar

Chorus: honey, honey
you are sweet honey
your smile is seducting
oh honey
sugar sugar
you are sweet honey
your smile is seducting
And I'm going after you
I'm like a faithful little dog
I'm like a faithful little dog
well your kisses
are as sweet as honey
as sweet as honey
Chorus 1x
Oh sugar (sugar is
my baby, sugar is my baby)
you are sweet honey
your smile is seducting
hey! hey!


I will fly

(2x): I will fly oh oh
I will sing oh oh
blue painted in blue
walking among the blue clouds
And flying and singing
walking in the sky
closer to the sun
and the smallest land
it became a strange color and an angel from heaven was singing this sweet song
I will fly oh oh
I will sing oh oh
I'm blue and painted all blue, blue painted in blue
I will fly oh oh
I will sing oh oh


U (Greek version)

Lalalai lalalai
My heart beats
At your own beat
At an unknown place
Maybe at the stars away or at the moon
Lalalai lalalai
I’ll find you even if it hurts
When you leave me alone
I won’t run and hide
I want to find out everything about you
(La-la-la-la) x4
The sours of your life
Will be held with you
You feel lost
Inside a world you are part of
If you would leave this image
Even if you don’t ever meet her
The words of heart only you can hear
The party has started here and now
And let’s feel it’s fire inside us
The hour of our freedom has come
And whatever is inside us we will say it
When you overcome the fantasy
A world with rhythm is there for us
Lalalai lalalai
That’s how time rows
And our lost love is held tightly
I’m looking for the answers actors the galaxies
Lalalai lalalai
Who’s going to stop me
I’ll finally find you
And you will be by my side
It’s now or never and I won’t hold back
Nature is by our side
And the future is ours
Turned their back
Destiny again at us
But still even if I’m hurt
I want to be held by you
Step by step with you
In a perfect sky
Let’s go the party is here and now
And let’s feel it’s fire inside us
Let’s not waste time
Let’s go without getting tired
Let’s go the party is here and now
We follow the North Star
The hour of our freedom has come
We won’t ever be afraid again
Dance away from the world you don’t love
Your trip to the future has just started
Lalalai lalalai
My heart beats
At your own beat
At an unknown place
Maybe at the stars away or at the moon
Lalalai lalalai
I’ll find you even if it hurts
When you leave me alone
I won’t run and hide
I want to find out everything about you
This is a dream
Then I won’t wake up
And I won’t spread light
In this blurred reality
Now or never and I won’t hold back!



When my pacing horse is pacing,
the fog on the ground disappears,
when an eloquent girl appears,
the Seven Stars come together.
When my treading horse is treading,
the first fog clears up,
when my witty loved one shows up,
the first stars come up.
My sweetheart's two eyes
are like stars that rise late.
Her coarse braid
is like the cedar of my taiga pasture.
My young's beloved two eyes
are like stars that rise in the evening.
Her black braid
is like a remote land's cedar.
Its children are bold,
cheerful and happy, deng-deng
Its people are free
it is our Tuva, deng-deng



Odin, will you wait for me in the shadow?
Who will I see, when I reach Asgård,
By Bifrost I'll stand, unbound from my chains,
Give me hope for mead and peace.
Hope for mead and peace.
Are you waiting for me in the shadow?`
Are you waiting for me in the shadow?
Shall I follow the hidden trails?
Old ties from oblivion torn,
In the nights embrace, my faith I face,
In the nights embrace, Odin I face
Odin, will you wait for me in the shadow?
Who will I see, when I reach Asgård,
By Bifrost I'll stand, unbound from my chains,
Give me hope for mead and peace.
Hope for mead and peace.
Odin, will you wait for me in the shadow?
Who will I see, when I reach Asgård.
Shall I follow the hidden trails?
Old ties from oblivion torn,
In the nights embrace, my faith I face,
In the nights embrace, Odin I face
Odin, will you wait for me in the shadow?
Who will I see, when I reach Asgård,
By Bifrost I'll stand, unbound from my chains,
Give me hope for mead and peace.
Hope for mead and peace.



Wax on wax off
Mask on mask off
Heavy karma 12 folds
Wear the bitch like kimono
Ohh ohh ice cold
And we fishing for the gold
It’s a cult ×2
Run them up and run them off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
We do what the f**k we want
All ya bitches go home
YENTOWN1 pouring down
The blessing of the gods
YENTOWN ya we do the most
Pull up and pull out and ghost
Broke hoes ya you gotta go
Its over for you f** your hopes
Cotton candy in her nose
Your man hiding in my robes
“Maiko”2 her face is so white
“Taiko”3 he beat it so right
We do not support your op ass bitches no
Yall’s a whole bunch of sub ass snitches ya
I’m the top chef cooking in the kitchen
If you can’t take the heat
then get the f**k up out this bitch
Wax on wax off
Mask on mask off
Heavy karma 12 folds
Wear the bitch like kimono
Ohh ohh ice cold
And we fishing for the gold
It’s a cult ×2
Run them up and run them off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
We do what the f**k we want
All ya bitches go home
YENTOWN pouring down
The blessing of the gods
Light me up
Light me up
YENTOWN is amazing, right?
Are you earning money?
Where is (your) home?4
Who do you want to be?
Just a loner5
Your story is a “No”6
The places you can go to have become limited in this Zone
I'm telling you7, it's ugly
I'm gonna beat you up
With friends who are super lit
Freely8 cookin dope
If you have it, bend it
F**ked up, clear the way
With friends who are super lit
Freely cookin dope
Wax on wax off
Mask on mask off
Heavy karma 12 folds
Wear the bitch like kimono
Ohh ohh ice cold
And we fishing for the gold
It’s a cult ×2
Run them up and run them off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
Run it ×2
Run em up and run em off
We do what the f**k we want
All ya bitches go home
YENTOWN pouring down
The blessing of the gods
Light me up
Light me up
Flying high
Flying high
Why the f**k you sober
Money long like“soba”9
Light me up
Light me up
Super pumped up10 and lit
  • 1. YENTOWN is a Japanese Hip-Hop collective which Awich joined in 2017 as its only female member.
  • 2. The term 'maiko' refers to a young apprentice geisha.
  • 3. In Japanese, the term taiko refers to any kind of drum, but outside Japan, it is used specifically to refer to any of the various Japanese drums called wadaiko.
  • 4. Alternatively, 'Where is home?', since because of Japanese sentence structure there isn't actually a 'your' in the sentence, it can only be inferred based on context.
  • 5. 'はぐれもん' (haguremon) is a colloquial term that can mean 'stray' or 'loner.'
  • 6. Alternatively, 'what you have to say is a 'No'.
  • 7. っせーんだ' (ssenda) is a colloquial contraction of 'と言うのだ' (to iu no da), which means 'I'm telling you' or 'What I'm saying is..'
  • 8. '勝手に' (katte ni) is a phrase that can have several nuanced meanings depending on the context in which it's used, ranging from things like 'selfishly', 'on one's own', 'arbitrarily' to 'freely', 'without care', 'inappropriately'.
  • 9. Soba (そば or 蕎麦, 'buckwheat') are Japanese noodles made primarily from buckwheat flour. The length of soba noodles can vary depending on the dish and the preference of the chef or eater, but they are generally longer compared to other types of noodles like udon or ramen.
  • 10. 'ぶち上が' (buchi aga) is a colloquial expression meaning 'to be excited' or 'to be pumped up.'


Insane (Italian)

Ladies and gentlemen, for your entertainment
It’s a pleasure to introduce the latest comer in Hell
Killer of equal opportunities: Alastor!

Welcome back, dear ones (Hiya!)
I don’t know where I am
Or how I got here
But I’m certain I’ll figure it out soon
Surely, I’m not a saint
It isn’t a role that fits me
I’ve already tried sin
But I want a true king meal
When I’ll find you on the path
I’m going to satiate myself with your grief
I recognise that I’ll like that, how about that
Am I insane or not?
I’ve been dead for a while by now
But I don’t think I’ll rest
I’ll listen to you scream and plead
How much fun I’ll have
Hang on a moment - do I know you?
Were you a friend of mine?
You’ve got lost for far too long
But take it easy, I’m here
We used to have fun together
I’m wondering if you can answer me
I’d be curious to know
If you bleed dead
When I’ll find you on the path
I’m going to satiate myself with your grief
I recognise that I’ll like that, how about that
Am I insane or not?
I’ve been dead for a while by now
But I don’t think I’ll rest
I’ll listen to you scream and plead
How much fun I’ll have
(Come on, guys![Chorus: Mega Shinnosuke] I wanna be fulfilled, so I'm gonna enjoy this day
I'm curious, so I'm gonna be extra enthusiastic
There's no end to it, but tell me what you want.
Don't call it quits, many many wham,
Make you happy, yeah
Hustle, forever and ever
See, just wait for me, I'll make your dreams come true
If you wanna fly, tell me what you want.
There's never enough, many many love,
Make you happy, yeah
[Verse 1: Mega Shinnosuke] Happy days are always by my side
I don't know god or my baby's mama
Being reborn, I wanna go to your world
Starting to get obsessed, babe babe babe babe
Feeling down,
Getting some ice cream, going home at night, where you are
Forgetting all my worries, I'm gonna watch a movie,
Like a Baby Driver,
I'm gonna maneuver it
Make me good!
Make me sad x(
Like a doping, ya
iPhone, putting it on do not disturb asap,
Not caring about a thing
[Chorus: Mega Shinnosuke] I wanna be fulfilled, so I'm gonna enjoy this day
I'm curious, so I'm gonna be extra enthusiastic
There's no end to it, but tell me what you want.
Don't call it quits, many many wham,
Make you happy, yeah
Hustle, forever and ever
See, just wait for me, I'll make your dreams come true
If you wanna fly, tell me what you want.
There's never enough, many many love,
Make you happy, yeah
[Verse 2: who28] You're my angel
Putting the gas into the engine
My baby, shining even in the dark
Right now, I'm alone, I'm fine,
But I'm going crazy
Even though I know that in my head
(Yo, oh) 24 passes
(Yo, oh) Don't leave you anymore
Please let me know
A vision, projecting into my eyes
Please let me know
Liquid crystals, just shining
I make u sad, I laugh and you're crying
I need ur luv, I won't stop, tomorrow, the day after
Earning money in dollars and ¥, Monday to Sunday
I make your mama and your baby cry, I'm the worst
[Chorus: Mega Shinnosuke] I wanna be fulfilled, so I'm gonna enjoy this day
I'm curious, so I'm gonna be extra enthusiastic
There's no end to it, but tell me what you want.
Don't call it quits, many many wham,
Make you happy, yeah
Hustle, forever and ever
See, just wait for me, I'll make your dreams come true
If you wanna fly, tell me what you want.
There's never enough, many many love,
Make you happy, yeah


Red Rose

My home is in Curtorim, Salcete, my name is Rosaline
Everyone in my village knows me as 'Red Rose'
I work in a Parsi bungalow in Walkeshwar
When I walk on the street, I'm followed by a procession of men
Some of them give me chocolates
Some invite me to the movies
Some simply greet me
Some give me money
Many of my fellow Goan boys follow me
Wherever I go, I have no peace, they heckle me
Many of them give me a promise of marriage
I don't want such husbands, they drink country liquor
Now listen carefully, young man
From today onwards turn over a new leaf
Fling that booze into the sea
If you want to marry me
Even the Parsi boys wink at me
They call me 'Red Rose', some of them flirt with me
They say 'I love you' and ask me for a kiss
I don't want anyone else but a Goan as a husband
Parsis will give me a lot of money
They might take gold from me
When I die, crows will eat my corpse
Goans will give me a decent burial


Give me the Heaven

When i'm at my deepest, where are you, my love?
Your love burns every fiber of my being
Kiss me for the last time
Drown me with your scent, come on
If you're not beside me
My hopes remain for tomorrow
In the end, death has won
So fooled by the games of love
Bring and give me my heart
Even if death breaks down my door with your love
Don't think that I will be your pain, your loss
Even if you become my hell, burning me
Bring heaven to me
Before it's too late, before my heart is filled,
Before your love fades, come and stay by my side
I can't love, can i ever trust?
My heart had enough of your lies


Drugs change everything

[Intro: Ombladon] Drugs change everything
[Verse 1: Ombladon] Disappointed with your life, with the demands of your parents
You are easily caught in the mirage of drugs
You've always gone along with your friends
Without knowing the dark side of them
You started hanging out on the curb with the guys
And you still ended up on the curb without teeth in your mouth
You realized that it's no joke in this environment
When you were trembling in the tub and literally shitting yourself
Reality becomes distorted, you feel like your head is about to burst
Be careful how many grams you take, or you'll go to hell
When you snort, you experience a feeling of fulfillment
But in fact, everything around you is crumbling
You live like a vegetable for more than a month
Your sun with regret is about to set
Your future is reduced to just a plate
And a hospital bed or a prison cell
You manage, you make money, let me unravel the mystery for you
In reality, you've sold your mom's refrigerator
Face to face with yourself, you say, 'Should I quit? I can't!'
And you realize that your life is completely screwed
[Chorus: Cheloo & Ombladon] Drugs change everything, don't delude yourself
You play, you take risks and lose if you get confused
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality
Drugs change everything, don't delude yourself
You play, you take risks and lose if you get confused
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality
[Verse 2: Cheloo] If we're talking about drugs, we first exclude weed
We present the stages of dava (heroin) consumers
You have money in your piggy bank, you start with cigarettes
Well, this brown powder will make a slave out of you
You quickly move on to foil, you take it together with the guys
Isn't it great? These are the pleasures of life
You keep taking more and more, you're the real deal
You've completed the course, now you move on to the advanced level
You put the stuff in a spoon, diluted in Helas, that's how it should be
You light it with a lighter, let it boil
You put the belt as a tourniquet and prepare now
To hit the vein, it's a damn thing
Nothing around you is of interest anymore
You clench your fist tight and carefully inject, good luck!
Your dose keeps increasing in vain, where's the pleasure?
When the pain settles in throughout your body?
You should know that your dick won't get hard from heroin
In ten years, you'll be wrecked and become a ruin!
That's when the problems start, your dealer is high
'Here, take it, and you'll give it back to me when you have it'
The money is gone, you run with the TV up the stairs
It's your movie, you feel sick, you don't think about the consequences
You smash cars in the parking lots and steal at night, you take risks
The cops chase you, your bones hurt, you can barely move
The first time you get away, your parents pay the bribe
Now you've realized you want to quit in a hurry
Methadone is the base, you do it with alcohol and pills
Trying to remember what you've done for years
Your family watches over you in shifts, they come to turn off your light
And you suffer in the dark, amplifying your guilt
You brag to everyone that you've quit, but it's not visible
That you still have dark circles under your eyes and no one believes you anymore
The important thing is to quit drugs without bravado
Or we'll find you in rigor mortis, sprawled in the tub
[Chorus: Cheloo & Ombladon] Drugs change everything, don't delude yourself
You play, you take risks and lose if you get confused
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality
Drugs change everything, don't delude yourself
You play, you take risks and lose if you get confused
Drugs change everything, unfortunately
It's a dirty dream that you endure in reality



I had never thought my luck had to be so bad
May God never make anyone suffer the way I have
My husband is a drunkard, why did I marry him?
Do you know what he says every now and then?
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head
He became a drunkard, he was good before
I don't know what evil spirit has sat on his head
One day, he shaved my head after drinking
Do you know what he says every now and then?
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head
I can't even think about my future
My mind is in pain thinking of him
All of the drunkards have burnt their houses down because of wine
Do you know what he says every now and then?
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head
Come, my dear, come
I want some wine first
And if you don't give me any wine
I'm going to crush your head



We remember our beautiful journey to Lisbon
We left our homes in search of adventure, with hopes of returning to Goa
We met new people and experienced pure joy in the fields of Deva
We felt emotional and lost in the bustling city of Lisbon
We danced all night, living in the moment and making memories
We discovered new things and felt astonished
We explored the city of Lisbon and felt amazed
We will forever remember our trip to Lisbon, but now it's time to return home to Goa
We remember our beautiful journey to Lisbon
We left our homes in search of adventure, with hopes of returning to Goa
We met new people and experienced pure joy in the fields of Deva
We felt emotional and lost in the bustling city of Lisbon


Hakuna Matata

Timon: Hakuna matata
Are the wisest of words
Pumbaa: Hakuna matata
Wiser than you think
Timon: So take it easy
It's the best thing on earth
Pumbaa:: It's a tune
That sets you free
Timon: Hakuna matata
Simba: Hakuna matata?
Pumbaa: Yes, that's our motto
Simba: What's a motto?
Timon:Nothing1, but it rhymes with lottery1
it reached [over] to Torre Blanca2
a fire erupted from Agua Mueva,
it reached [over] to Torre Blanca.
Poor and rich folks
we are all the same.
We were left displaced
in the fields and barracks.3
We were left displaced
in the fields and barracks.
They gave us tents
which blown away by the wind,
they gave us stale bread4
that wouldn't go down with even water
they gave us stale bread
that wouldn't go down with even water
The pigeons flew

The Nightingales

The nightingales sing,
with sighs of love,
my soul, my destiny
are within your power.
The flower blooms,
in the month of May,
my soul darkens,
tormented by love.
Come quickly, o dove!
come quickly to me,
come quickly, beloved
run and save me.