Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 36

Találatok száma: 100455



“Popular songs say
‘Your life is precious’ but,
Even if I were replaced by someone else,
No one would care.
In these unchanging days,
Our borrowed selves are looking for a seat
Being unable to amount to anything
Is stopping our hearts
This wound that’s become a scab
It hurt so I scratched it off again,
And the words began to blur for a second time
I want to hear sad songs
What’s your favourite music?
What’s your favourite food?
Who’s the person you like?
I mean, it’s fine if it’s not me
I covered up my ears and screamed
Something like ‘no one understands!’
The truth is, even just superficially
I wanted to be loved
I'm not amounting to anything,
So I pretend that I’ve accomplished something
By mending just my shape.
I’ll be smiling all the time
I wonder what’s not enough?
What, at the very least, is fine?
This depressing time before 7 in the morning is…
Ahh, let me sleep a bit more
What’s your favourite movie?
What’s your favourite word?
Is there someone you’d like to see now?
Well, it’s definitely not me, right?
No, no, no future of the like
I won’t, I won’t, I won’t have hope
Not here, not here, no one is here
By my side, ohhh
I want, I want, I want to laugh together
To notice is all I want you to do
I was giving up one thing or another
The other side of the landscape blurs---
What’s your favourite music?
What’s your favourite food?
Who’s the person you like?
It’s definitely not me.” Like that,
I was always giving up in selfishness,
And hurt by my own conceit.
I finally realized that as I’ve grown older.
Tell me,
Am I… Am I too late?


Different minds

Some are pretty cautious
Others think they’re important
Yeah we’re so different, and none are alike
From the poor to the rich
Someone’s shy, someone talks all day
Some just prattle and don’t plan much
Some take chances, some are spontaneous
Others can’t live without a plan
I’ve crafted you a little song
About different types and temperaments
Yeah, why are you the way you are, what is it that makes
Is become so different here on our journey
Noisy and soft, quiet or wild
We’re often put in categories
We share humanity in A and B
Some are sweet, while some are disruptive
Some drive slow, others drive too fast
Some like healthy, while others like sweet
Someone rather pretty, and someone rather ugly
Is this all learned, is it just innate?
I’ve crafted you a little song
About different types and temperaments
Yeah, why are you the way you are, what is it that makes
Is become so different here on our journey
Some think too much, are always nervous
Walk around thinking of their half-empty glass
Others see the glass as half full
Put a lot into it and then go on a roll
I’ve crafted you a little song
About different types and temperaments
Yeah, why are you the way you are, what is it that makes
Is become so different here on our journey
Yeah I’ve crafted you a little song
About different types and temperaments
Yeah, why are you the way you are, what is it that makes
Is become so different here on our journey


Kono Yubi Tomare

As you wish
I will place my bet
There's no holding back
Love, hate, love, hate
Who's up first?
There's no fun in playing it safe
It's all or nothing
Love, hate, love, hate
Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?
Immerse yourself, it feels better that way
In a wonderful story full of thrills
We live, live, live, live
What you lose won't be missed
No tomorrow does not equate to no future
This era knows better than to dream
Come join me in this game, loving you, that's how I roll
Your poker face
When you've been cornered
Is it for real?
Love, hate, love, hate
Lying would be worse
Doubting is easier than believing
Love, hate, love, hate
Wouldn't you agree?
Feeling each other out is part of the fun
I'll turn your composure inside-out
And expose it, expose it, expose it, expose it
Getting hurt isn't such a bad thing
What's living without a bit of pain-breathing, that's all it is
This world is desensitized to betrayal
Come join me in this game, trust completely, that's how I roll
Ancient gods of plague sleep within our veins
Violence, revenge, sacrifice, jealousy
Let us rid ourselves of malice
And see who's the most tenacious
Love, hate, love, hate, love, hate, love, hate
Love, hate, love, hate, love, hate, love, hate
Love, hate, love, hate, love, hate, love, hate
Love, hate, love, hate, love, hate
What you lose won't be missed
No tomorrow does not equate to no future
This era knows better than to dream
Come join me in this game, take pleasure in embracing the truth
Loving one another is the greatest gamble


Doktor Doktor

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Doktor, doktor, adj nekem egy lobotómiát
Hogy ne lássam, ami előttem van
Csatt, bang! Szól az altató
Doktor, doktor, adj nekem egy orvosságot
Egy piros gombos végítélet napja melódiához
Tikk-tikk, bumm! És ez végzetes
Doktor, doktor boldogan beleegyezek
Vedd ki az agyam és az ép eszem
A neved a címkén van
Doktor, doktor hívd a családom
Mondd meg nekik, hogy könnyen mentem el
Tegyél fel az asztalra
Mert én, én csak hülye akarok lenni
Én, én csak hülye akarok lenni
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni
Doktor, doktor, adj nekem egy lobotómiát
Annyira beteg vagyok az autonómiámtól
Ding-dong, üsd meg a harangot
Doktor, doktor, adj nekem szimpátiát
Mer' tényleg kell az a műtét
Régóta várok már rá
Mert én, én csak hülye akarok lenni
Én, én csak hülye akarok lenni
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni
Én csak hülye akarok lenni
Nem akarok meghalni
Nem akarok sírni
Én csak azt akarom
Hogy elvesszem az eszem
Nem akarok meghalni
Nem akarok sírni
Én csak azt akarom
Én csak hülye akarok lenni
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Én csak hülye akarok lenni)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Hej, hej, hej)
Adj egy löketet, két löketet, vérrög (Hej, hej, hej)
Mer' a fejemben nem tudok megállni, nem fogok megállni (Én csak hülye akarok lenni)


Meghalni A Felhajtásért

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hol a faszban vagyok
Mondd, most csak meghaltam?
Mer' nem értem miért
Vagyok egy szobában, amit nem ismerek fel
5:45-kor haltam meg
Egen,azt mondja egy felirat
És az anyukám kisírja a szemeit
Vagy a rádió mondja a hazugságokat
Egy kiskorú vétkes, egy autós karambol nyertese
Ne hagyd az ördögnek, hogy elvigyen egy vacsira
Kiskorú vétkes, egy autós karambol nyertese
Ne hagyd az ördögnek, hogy elvigyen egy vacsira
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Megásom a saját sírom arra a napra
Kidekorálom rózsaszín zoknikkal és arany lánccal
Két kövér köteggel a szememen
Egy dobozban vagyok, amit nem ismerek fel
Hidd el nekik, amit mondanak
És el fogsz repülni
Egy hideg hintón n-nappal
Miért van az a panaszos ijedtség az arcodon
Egy kiskorú vétkes, egy autós karambol nyertese
Ne hagyd az ördögnek, hogy elvigyen egy vacsira
Kiskorú vétkes, egy autós karambol nyertese
Ne hagyd az ördögnek, hogy elvigyen egy vacsira
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Egen, Polly
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat, Polly
Egen, Polly
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat
Én csak meg akarom nyalni a nyalókádat, Polly
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus
Én csak meg akarok halni a felhajtásért, a felhajtásért
Keresztre feszítetten, mint Jézus Krisztus


A Halott Férfiak Nem Erőszakolnak

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
Annyira megsértődnek, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
De hol marad a dühük, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A nők, a nők, a nők haldokolnak?
Ez az én testem
A testem hozzám tartozik, nem az államhoz
Ez az én testem
Én dönthetek róla, hogy mi a faszt akarok vele kezdeni
Ez az én testem
A döntési jogom a szabadságom joga
Ez az én testem egen, egen
Nem csak egy test egen, ki?
Elkezdenek egy háborút egy kreált jelenet miatt
A testem nem csak egy játszótér
A fegyveres férfiaknak, a hitükkel és mohóságukkal
Elveszik a szabadságunk, hogy párzunk mostantól
Ha a döntés szabadsága el lesz véve
Mennyivel több csecsemő fog mostantól meghalni?
Mennyivel több nő fog mostantól meghalni?
Mondd el, mennyivel több ember fog mostantól meghalni?
Ez sohasem volt “pro life, csupán pro fehér
Fekete anyák harcolnak az igazságért
És mi van a csecsemőkkel, meg akarod menteni őket?
Csak addig érdekelnek, amíg meg nem születtek
De az UK-ből való vagy? Nincs rád hatással?
De ugyanazon a hajón süllyedünk
Kiaknázatlan a düh, feminista erő
Az új generáció nemet üvölt!
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
Annyira megsértődsz, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
De hol marad a dühöd, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A nők, a nők, a nők haldokolnak?
Ez az én testem
A testem hozzám tartozik, nem az államhoz
Ez az én testem
Én dönthetek róla, hogy mi a faszt akarok vele kezdeni
Ez az én testem
A döntési jogom a szabadságom joga
Ez az én testem egen, egen
Nem csak egy test egen, ki?
Ezek a férfiak mind titokban művelik
Nem állva készen rá, hogy apák legyenek
Szóval hol van az ő hangjuk?
Hol az ő dühük?
Tettetve, hogy ez nem számít?
Büntesd az áldozatot szenvedtetve őt
Egyáltalán senki nem is hitt a lánynak
Most terhes lett a férfi gyerekével
Megerőszakolva a saját apjától
Ó, üvölteni szeretnék,
Addig, amíg bele nem török
Azt mondják, túl reagálom
De hogy mosolyogjak? Felvéve egy arcot?
Amikor az összes nővérem haldoklik?
De szabadok az erőszaktevők, gyermek molesztálók
Körbesétálgatva ízlelgetik a szabadságuk
A rendszer miatt nincs több abortusz
És bassza meg az összes gyerek, akinek szüksége lenne rá
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
Annyira megsértődsz, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak
De hol marad a dühük, amikor azt mondom, hogy
A nők, a nők, a nők haldokolnak?
A nők haldokolnak
És a gondolataim minden nap pörögnek
Mennyi jogot fognak elvenni a nőktől,
Non binárisoktól, transz személyektől erőszak?
Ez lenne a válasz?
Talán igen és félnek, hogy mi is felfedezzük
A női erőnk erejét?
Az erejét a dühünk mérőszámainak?
Mi vagyunk a boszorkányok, akiket máglyán égettek
Fekete, barna, indián nők helyettesítve
Csupán a fehér nők hangjával manapság
Akik nem ismerik a szenvedéseket, amivel ezek a nők szembenéznek
De ez a generáció készenáll a változásra
Mi kiállunk a nővéreinkért minden rasszból
Értjük, hogy a rasszizmusnak még mindig itt a helye
Annyi fiatal nő elnyomásában a mai napig
Szóval tartsd a méhemen kívül a politikádat
És a kezedet el a testemtől!
Elnézést Mr., az emberek haldokolnak
Az emberek, az emberek, az emberek haldokolnak,
Az én testem, az én választásom, az én jövőm
Vedd el a kezed a testemtől!
Elnézést Mr., a nők haldokolnak
A nők, a nők, a nők haldokolnak,
És amikor egy kurva fegyver több jogot kapott, mint egy lány
Tartsd a politikádat kívül a testemen!
Elnézést Mr., a gyermekek haldokolnak
A gyermekek, a gyermekek, a gyermekek haldokolnak,
Az én testem, az én választásom, az én jövőm
Vedd el a kezed a tes-
A nők haldokolnak, a nők haldokolnak
A nők a nők a nők haldokolnak!
Ennek a generációnak megvannak az eszközei, hogy elérjen egy fényesebb jövőt
Ahol az áldozatok nincsenek megbüntetve egy olyan rendszerben, aminek megvédeni kellene őket
Nők, transzok, non binárisok és a személyek méhhel rendelkezni fognak joggal, a saját testükhöz
És az erőszaktevők nem fognak többé szabadon sétálni nem!
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak!
Mi a fasz?
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak!
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak!
A halott férfiak nem erőszakolnak!



A pretty flower in the sky, its name is Erika
Running in the sky, defeating many Neuroi, Erika
Its sweet appearance captivates us
A pretty flower in the sky, its name is Erika
A cute flower that dances in the sky, its name is Erika
Lucky to bring us victory, Erika
Erika flies in the sky and gives a vow
A cute flower that dances in the sky, its name is Erika
High in the sky for a battle-free sky, Erika
Let's go both dawn and twilight together, Erika
We seek hometown everywhere
High in the sky for a battle-free sky, Erika


The XI Commandment

Listen, look, and be quiet too!...
Listen, to learn how to talk,
Watch, to learn how to build... how to walk.
Be quiet, to know what to do…
Listen, look, and be quiet too!
When you feel that the sin is so near,
And the Siren's voice steals you away,
You put a lock on your mouth every day
And pray to the holy relics so dear-
When you feel that the sin is so near!...
When you feel that the enemy is winning,
Snatching the faith from your soul,
Waiting for victory is your goal,
Keep your mind's candle up constantly burning-
When you feel that the enemy is winning!
When your arms are tired, and it hurts every bone,
For the fear of not growing too old,
Stay as you are and be bold-
The same lasting rough millstone-
When your arms are tired, and it hurts every bone!...
And when your eyes look to the sky with charms,
And you wonder what else you could do,
Listen, look, and be quiet too!...
Make new iron wings from your arms,
And fly to the skies above any storms!...


O Homeland

I have chosen you, O homeland
Lovingly and knowingly
I have chosen you, O homeland
Secretly and publicly
I have chosen you, O homeland
Let my time disavow me
As long as you remember me
O marvelous homeland, my homeland
O marvelous homeland, my homeland
You are evergreen, my heart
Even if sorrow shows in my eyes
Even if sorrow shows in my eyes
You are ever revolutionary, my heart
Even if all my pages are darkened
Even if all my pages are darkened
I was born in the time of low waters
I was born at the peak of exhaustion
I was born at the peak of exhaustion
A machine gun of violence and rage
And rage and rage and rage
And rage and rage and rage and rage



Come along, let us sing to the moon*
Take the most beautiful photos of her
Come, let us sing to the moon
Take the most beautiful photos of her
Whatever she wants to do, she can, it's her wedding
Whatever she wants to do, she can, it's her wedding
Come on, let us all sing, sing 'O moon'
Congratulate her, sing to her, and toss roses for her
And for her eyes, send her the most beautiful congratulations, congratulations, congratulations
How beautiful is her presence and how grand is her joy
How beautiful is her presence and how grand is her joy
In her lover and second half
Life has brought them together


I Was Born

And I ask myself after all this absence
Brokenly, why did I pull away?
When your love was above all the stars.
And I gave my heart until I ascended
Thinking I love life
As if I was born upon your lips.


Look at the Finger

And there you are satisfied
With that glass in your hand
And your cherry vape
Living that single life
And that pic you posted in this little bar
The atmosphere is full, heart empty
But one thing I'm certain of
That account doesn't add up
When you want to return
With longing for me
And I'm going to tell you
Look at the finger, look at the finger
When you want to return
With longing for me
And I'm going to tell you
Look at the finger, look at the finger
It won't do any good to run after me
And there you are satisfied
With that glass in your hand
And your cherry vape
Living that single life
And that pic you posted in this little bar
The atmosphere is full, heart empty
But one thing I'm certain of
That account doesn't add up
When you want to return
With longing for me
And I'm going to tell you
Look at the finger, look at the finger
When you want to return
With longing for me
And I'm going to tell you
Look at the finger, look at the finger
It won't do any good to run after me
It won't do any good to run after me


Money, Gold

Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
East to west, all is yours
And you want my hands
To take money from your pockets
C'mon, c'mon
In the Emirates one night
On life support in the morning
That's what awaits you, deal with it
I'm not worth it to you
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better
With me, your chances are down to zero
But I'll be your guarantor in the case of a downfall
East to west, all is yours
And you want my hands
Opa-opa-opala, you were really into me
Op-op-opala, you'll kiss my feet
Money, gold - I don't care for all that
Even if you were a sheik, it wouldn't matter
You'll give me everything for my love
To bathe in gold, to ruin your life, until you find better


Desert Theater

La la la...
I had a dream

Mr. Morning, Mr. Night

It’s morning in the distance. It’s night nearby.
The deep red sun revolves overhead.
This is somebody’s morning. Night is next door.
Nearby, I can see a twilight-coloured figure.
I watch the march of dead ants.
They float towards the evening sun.
I gaze upon a procession of dead people.
They form a queue at the border between morning and night.
The sun is in the distance. Rain is close by.
Someone’s balloon is above the clouds.
I hear someone’s voice, a voice right next to me.
That figure is noisy, doing nothing but crying.
I am praying, far away from the grave.
A large tower blocks my path. I lose my way.
Someone is praying for me, but I can’t hear.
I can’t hear, but their prayers are definitely reaching me.
I watch the march of dead ants.
They’re rolling along like small clumps of dirt.
I gaze upon a procession of dead people.
We walk together at the border between morning and night.
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La…
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La…
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La…
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La…
It’s morning in the distance. It’s night nearby.
It’s morning in the distance. It’s night nearby.


On a Sunny day in May

Little leaf of chicory,
On a sunny day in May,
On a sunny day in May
I went on a footpath.
I approached a lilac,
To give me a flower for cure,
To give me a flower for cure,
To make peace with my beloved.
'Lilac with offshoots
And with many flowers on them,
And with many flowers on them,
Look into my eyes,
Look into my eyes
And you'll see a pain in them.
Bend down an offshoot of yours,
To pluck a flower from it.'
The lilac answered me:
'Young girl, my flower,
Young girl, my flower
Doesn't heal your love.
There are no flowers on earth
That can save you from loving.
Look for the cure and you will find it
In the man you are in love with.'
I reaped a lilac flower
And I returned to the footpath again.
I forgot the trouble and the mourning,
Because my beloved appeared on the way.
And we went to the village in the valley,
Shrieking with joy and singing all the time.
And we went to the village in the valley,
Shrieking with joy and singing all the time.
I forgot the trouble and the mourning,
Because my beloved appeared on the way.
And we went to the village in the valley,
Shrieking with joy and singing all the time.


Paper Doll

Wandering, wandering, far away
Wandering, wandering, far away
I want to go, I want to go
Where the cold mornings are
Where, oh where, oh where…is it?
On this painful night
Tell me, where could you be?
Where could you.. be? Tell me!
Friends of mine, they don’t stay
They can be seen one by one jumping away
A paradise, it seems, For you and me
Thats found in our dreams!
Scattering, softly we’ll
Fly higher up into the air
Far away we go, so it seems
Just you and me!
While stuck in our dreams!
In rain, past the storm
Each second it’s farther
Gone, farther gone
Where, oh where, oh where….is it?
On this dreary day
Where will I go, I don’t know!
I don’t know, where I’ll go!
Friends of mine, they don’t stay
They disappear, one by one hiding away
Slowly reaching out, I grab onto
Your hand. This doesn’t seem real!
Promise me, we’ll go softly
Scattering into the air
Paradise bound, it
Seems, just you and me
Let’s never return


A Song of a Broken Youkai Who Loves Humans

Beside the dark fog, I hear the sound of water
Unaware of the invisible figure, I chase after it
Where shall we dance? To the mechanical waltz
Who will wander in, knowing nothing at all?
Captured and deprived, blue eyes
There's no way to escape
Break, restore, until the original form is unrecognizable
Even coincidental fate is a mechanical trick
There's no way to go against it
Reaching out both hands, I convey my love for the youkai
In the deep darkness, the sound of water is muffled
Our overlapping fingertips see a spilled dream
What are you trembling for? What are you afraid of?
Can you at least bare your true self to me?
Sway, wither, green hair
I won't let you leave
Begged, destroyed, everything went somewhere
Vividly, intensely, burning hot
I can't even get close
Grasping both hands, I convey my love for the human
Eventually, the end comes to our waltz
Will you please forget even my name?
Lost and returned to the original place
Emotions can't flow backward
The more I wish strongly, the youkai noticed we're drifting apart
Even coincidental fate is a mechanical trick
The farewell is sudden, at the end
The day I was loved, goodbye
My beloved human
A Song of a Broken Youkai
In a place with white walls, only the heart breaks
Searching through the fog
Left behind in the night


Star's Love Letter

I go out to the garden, in the moonlight, on a warm night
I try to re-read the love letter I wrote to you
I'm quite pleased with how well I wrote it, I wrote three pages
A cricket landed on the letter paper, how rude of it
I'll go see you, I'll go see you
I love you, do as you like, I'll go see you
On Asahi Street, at dinner time, the usual stray dogs
Sometimes tell me stories about you that I don't know
Even when I grow old, and my life ends, becoming stardust
The song I sang to you yesterday will flow throughout the town
I'll go see you, I'll go see you
I love you, do as you like, I'll go see you
Even though it was such a fun summer vacation
Even though I got along well with your mom
When autumn came, and winter passed, you said goodbye
Counting on my fingers how many decades have passed, I get on my bicycle
I'll go see you again, I'll go see you
I love you, do as you like, I'll go see you again
I'll go see you again, I'll go see you
I love you, do as you like, I'll go see you
I'll go see you...


Invitation From Spooky

For we who can't go home, can't go home
There is company. (There is.) (There is.) There is in the other world
Together with the fish that can't return to the soil
We're writhing upon the shore (hill)
We ebb away till we're dried up and turn to dust
And are transferred to the top of a small mountain (the mountain)
That's why
We can't go back no matter what. We can't be sound asleep
Within the sea. Tonight too, we're just suffocating a lot
Too dry, dizzy, dry, dizzily dizzy
For we who can't go home, can't go home
There is company. (There is.) (There is.) There is in the other world
A written invitation for us who wander
They're in our own world. (They are.) (They are.) A banquet will be open to us over here
Together with the corpses that can't go back to the soil
We're having conversation on good terms
Their bones echo with a clatter-clatter
And they're inviting us to come and run away
That's why
We're concerned no matter what. Staggering here and there
We can't decide. Tonight too, where can we go to not get mad?
Look there, stagger, look there, staggering
Since we're lost kids who can't go back, can't go back
We can't go anywhere. (Can't go.) (Can't go.) We just can't go
They're beckoning to us lost kids
It's in our own world. (It is.) (It is.) At least a hiding hole is, too
For we who can't go home, can't go home
There is company. (There is.) (There is.) There is in the other world
They're opening the banquet, the party
They're in our own world. (They are.) (They are.) A written invitation from fun ghosts


The Sky Cries

I only see through the darkness, the regrettable future they left for us...
The rips shown by the sky extend, and they let its sadness appear
The rain fell in the salty water like tears, because exactly like me the world cries...
It spills its tears on me... And I will keep following it!
I, for a long time, let the blood flow out of my veins by all the wound they inflicted on me
But it's by the cries...
Rain turns into storm !
That's the world that's losing itself
By piling up all that hatred! It comes, and it goes...
When the sky finally cleared up...
Only all this world's pain will let our deep eternal rips show again!
But it's by the cries,
That everything turns into rage,
That rain turns into storm
That's the world that's losing itself... (x2)
The sky spills its tears on me... And I follow it!
The sky spills its tears on me... It melts me and makes me forget everything!
It spills its tears on me... And I will keep following it !
The sky spills its tears on me... It melts me and makes me forget everything!
I, for a long time, let the blood flow out of my veins by all the wound they inflicted on me
Rain falls against the tears, exactly like me the world cries... The sky cries...


Jet Black

Past mistakes
Unforgettable memories
The present stands still
Against my will
Accept everything
For the sake of my future self
Close your eyes
Replay the memories
Actions that erase the lingering attachment to the past
Throwing myself into the indelible past
It's meaningless
Take another step forward with your own feet
Accept your current self
Use everything as nourishment
Slice through the jet-black darkness
Take another step forward with your own feet
Close your eyes
Replay the memories
Actions that erase the lingering attachment to the past
Throwing myself into the indelible past
It's meaningless
Take another step forward with your own feet
I'm here
I'm by your side, pushing your back
Aim for the golden tomorrow
Take another step forward with your own feet


Blood Flow

Now, I was unsteady
This heart has drawn a story
The heart-pounding beat keeps flowing
The color of a miracle
Passing through the noisy streets
I found a wormhole in the back alley
I spent my days without touching it
With a frustrated face
If I could see through your eyes
What kind of light would shine?
In this world
No matter how much I move, I can't sleep
Like it's hazy, like it's elated
A new wind has blown
If a hole that can't be filled opens up at night
Let's go out with the key
Now, I was unsteady
This heart has drawn a story
The heart-pounding beat keeps flowing
The color of a miracle
Without understanding, just
In the direction this heart is approaching
Beyond you, I'll run through
A distant, distant place
Let's dive into the stage of the future
What should I call this feeling?
It's inexplicable
Until the final curtain
Through a night and a morning long ago
We raised our first cry
If you wake up and still remember
There's no other choice, let's jump out
Trembling, now
I release this story into the night sky
Even if my feet suddenly stop
While breathing
If I straddle destiny, just
In the direction this body is approaching
Increase the speed and run through the era
Gradually reaching
Even if we're separated someday
Just ride on and keep moving forward
Your voice still echoes
Now, I was unsteady
This heart has drawn a story
The heart-pounding beat keeps flowing
The color of a miracle
Without understanding, just
In the direction this heart is approaching
Beyond you, I'll run through
A distant, distant place
A distant, distant place


Protective Tree

Above a rainy sky
a grand tree of water spreads its roots and stands guard.
It lets the seeds of life fall.
Please, please. The tree’s fruit is juicy.
Please, please. The eye of the sun is bright.
Blue, blue. New leaves grow.
Blue, blue. They grow on the grand tree.
Sunlight. Moonlight.
The grand tree bathes in them above the sky.
It swallows up all the ascending souls and spreads seeds.
Please, please. Drink its sweet nectar.
Please, please. Smell the flowers.
Blue, blue. The roots spread.
Blue, blue. They gather at the grand tree.
Please, please. Gather, cabbageworms!
Please, please. Eat the new leaves.
Gray, gray. The grand tree withers.
Gray, gray. Even so, eat!
The butterflies, butterflies, butterflies bloomed
They bloomed upon the gray, gray, grand tree.
They were vivid, vivid flowers.
The grand tree laughed for a moment and disappeared.



Gather the stars, and dissolve them in tea
Sip a meteorite
With the moon in mind
I softly fell
Into the hole where everything is nice
Returning home to mother earths stomach
Let's gather up tears and build a sea
We'll dye the sad saltwater a sky blue
Swimming eternally
A cloud is born
I'll rain down
Gently disappearing and being born
With the night in mind
I softly fell
Dissolving into the gentle den
Tearing out of mother earths stomach
The flowing blood bath boiled
Dissolving into the gentle cave
Striving eternally



I stepped out onto the balcony, leaned against the blue railing, and smoked a cigarette
Uncertain days, I walked and confirmed them
The sun sets later now
It's gradually getting warmer
The wind is starting to feel nice too, shall we open the window?
While gazing at the madder red sky, leaning on your shoulder
There was a dreamlike everyday life at some point
Detours are an unnoticed form of happiness
Engraving the unchanging stairs and scenery
Into a slumber
The white walls are dyed by the warm sun
When I cross the beautiful city, somehow I feel sad
Thinking about the changing scenery and future life, into the darkness
I gently closed my eyes
While gazing at the madder red sky, leaning on your shoulder
There was a dreamlike everyday life at some point
Detours are an unnoticed form of happiness
Engraving the unchanging stairs and scenery
Into a slumber
Into a slumber
Under the madder red sky, children are laughing
I sank my tears in the dawn sea


Moon Rabbit Back

Key step, ambiguous love, a taboo to demand what's not there
We stand so close, but if the moon waxes and wanes, it'll disappear, right?
The so-called human world cherishes the fleeting moments and praises impermanence
As if to add 'nashi' to troublesome things, even you say to keep it in check
Blue head, a clear and cloudless mind
Roulette, even if there's no luck, trace the footsteps and jump
Life is long and monotonous, says the relaxed oversleeping bunny
All together now, take a running start, and at the moment of awakening, moon rabbit back
Make noise, make noise, make noise, the evening is a feast with the morning as a sacrifice
Can't live in solitude, the rabbit is guided by the moon
Sway, sway, sway, drunk on the undecided crossroads
My shadow, hiding and peeking, the rabbit is waiting and apologizing on the moon
(Are you ready?) If you wait for the right timing
(Not yet) It'll run away in its prime
(Are you ready?) If you decide to face it
(It's okay now) You've found your dream
Free bet, betting everything to make up for the lack of momentum
Clean way, no intention of rushing to death in the unexplored wilderness
Even if it's a start from the bottom, with constantly evolving rules
Become the tortoise that drags down the one who's leaning back at the very top
Spin, spin, spin, it's becoming so that someone benefits
It's not that there are no dreams or hopes, the universe is pushing you
Disturb, disturb, disturb, the morning moon laughing far above
Hiding its head but not its ears, the universe is born for you
(One more time) With a single thump
(Not yet) Stretch out today
(Are you ready?) Even if it's a little awkward
(It's okay now) Let's find you
Make noise, make noise, make noise, the evening is a feast with the morning as a sacrifice
Can't live in solitude, the rabbit is guided by the moon
Sway, sway, sway, drunk on the undecided crossroads
My shadow, hiding and peeking, the rabbit is waiting and apologizing on the moon
(Are you ready?) If you wait for the right timing
(Not yet) It'll run away in its prime
(Are you ready?) If you decide to face it
(It's okay now) You've found your dream
(Hey, one more time) With a single thump
(Not yet) Stretch out today
(Are you ready?) Even if it's a little awkward


Half-Colored Sentiment

Somehow, no matter what, I keep repeating
Yeah, even today, I haven't changed
Look, I'm getting fed up with anything
Saying goodnight to tomorrow again
Being assertive is my forte
Even yesterday, my words were just nice
Now, even if I aim for it, it's too late
I'm just waiting for tomorrow again
I still don't know the taste of what I chased
Reaching out my hand to the 'Hi' I can't leave
The cigarette smoke sways and wavers
Exhaling in place of my emotions
Where do the dreams I painted disappear to?
Ah, I've had enough
The cigarette smoke floats and bobs
At first, it's rich in color
Don't let my thoughts fade away
I can't put out the fire yet
Don't linger here
Don't gaze at me with half-colored eyes
It's here, surely in my pocket, always
The wish I made as much as I smoked
The past I want to forget, wet at my feet, I ran away
I thought I'd had enough of smoking it all
But I light it up in solitude
The cigarette smoke dances unsteadily
It's like the movement of emotions
How far do I have to go to grasp it?
Ah, it's already bad
The cigarette smoke floats lightly
Like words, it's light
Let my thoughts resound again
I thought something like that
The cigarette smoke sways and wavers
Exhaling in place of my emotions
It seems to be rising somewhere...
I can't put out the fire yet
The cigarette smoke slowly permeates
Until the cry of emotions turns to ash
My thoughts will never be interrupted
I want to spit out the current situation, the anxiety
Even though I swayed a lot and fell
After all, I still can't put out my fire


해야 (HEYA)

Let's get it
Look at it
Pay attention
얼어붙은 맘 어디 깨볼까?
놀라버렸던 네 심장 말이야
맘에 들었어 넌 그냥 say yes
내가 널 부르면 '얼음 땡'
(Da-da, da-dun-dun)
널 노리는 내 두 눈
숨을 죽인 그다음
한 발 낮춘 attitude
때를 기다리는 pose
어둠 속 빛난 tiger eyes
날 감춘 채로 다가가
새빨간 말로 홀려 놔
방심한 순간 claw
우린 더 높이
하늘에 닿을 것처럼 외쳐 너를 깨워
올려 봐 노려봐 넌 내 거니까 다
자꾸 널 보면 탐이 탐이 나
해야 해야 해야
한입에 널 삼킬 때야 (탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
이미 내가 이긴 패야 (널 보면 탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
뜨겁게 떠오르는 해야
별안간 홀린 그 순간 bite
단 한 번에 난 널 휘리휘리 catch ya
더 높이, keep it up
Happily ever after? Nope
(Da-da, da-dun-dun)
못 기다린대 못 돼버린 내 맘이
겁 따윈 없는 척하지 마 너 감히
멀어져 넌 가니 어차피 한 입 거리 (Hey)
옳지 착하지 더 이리이리 오렴
네 맘 나 주면 안 잡아먹지 right now
내 발톱 아래 뭘 숨겼을지 watch out
우린 더 높이
하늘에 닿을 것처럼 외쳐 너를 깨워
올려 봐 노려봐 넌 내 거니까 다
자꾸 널 보면 탐이 탐이 나
해야 해야 해야
한입에 널 삼킬 때야 (탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
이미 내가 이긴 패야 (널 보면 탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
뜨겁게 떠오르는 해야
별안간 홀린 그 순간 bite
단 한 번에 난 널 휘리휘리 catch ya
휘리휘리 휘리휘리
휘리휘리 휘리휘리
더 붉게 더 밝게
타올라 뜨거워도 좋으니
더 높게 더 높게
숨어도 넌 내 손바닥 안이니
깊은 어둠이 짙은 구름이
또 긴 밤 아래 널 감출 테니
Chew and swallow
Get ready for it, baby
(Listen when I say)
자꾸 널 보면 탐이 탐이 나
해야 해야 해야
한입에 널 삼킬 때야 (탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
이미 내가 이긴 패야 (널 보면 탐이 탐이 나)
해야 해야 해야
뜨겁게 떠오르는 해야
별안간 홀린 그 순간 bite
Da-da, da-dun-dun-dun



Dear priest
고백할 게 있어
피 한 방울과 tears
그저 연극일 뿐
이건 은밀한 독백
아름답지만 born bad
예측하지 마 no way
You just talk too much
Oh, 아름답지만 섬찟할 거야
첫인상은 강한 게 좋지
Oh, 다정하지만 얼음장 같아
Gonna make you crazy
Ooh, 평온했던 심장이
나를 볼 때, yeah, I like that, 멎을지 몰라
Now, I'm changing, can't you see? (Five, six, seven, eight)
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don't hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don't hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오
Oh, 절벽에서 turn
처음 보는 색채로 물든 동공
그 감정은 pure
그 눈빛은 love
쉽지는 않을 거야 out of control
향기 가득 채워 둔 미로
연기 속으로 널 밀어
여섯 방울 magic syrup
And we pop into the mirror
온몸에 붙어있는 pearl
두 손가락으로 swirl
보여줘 달콤한 curse
Let them burn, yeah
Ooh, 평온했던 심장이
나를 볼 때, yeah, I like that, 멎을지 몰라
Now, I'm changing, can't you see? (Five, six, seven, eight)
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don’t hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don’t hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오
손끝으로 아센디오
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don’t hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Watch me, don't touch me
Love me, don’t hurt me
Watch me, don't touch me
주문 걸어 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
손끝으로 아센디오


Csipetnyi szabadság

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Hosszú hajú fiatal lány itt mellettem
Testemhez simul, elmémet melengeti.
Alszik csendben, sosem tudván,
Hogy holnapra nemcsak egy újabb dologgá válik,
Amit magam mögött hagyok.
Mint azok a nagy kerekek, én is rovom az utat,.
Mint azok a folyók, melyek a tengerbe ömlenek.
Mert inkább elmegyek, tudván,
Hogy bolondot csináltam volna a szerelemből,
Mielőtt az bolondot csinált volna belőlem.
Csipetnyi szabadság, csak ennyi jutott.
Mindenem, mit még eztán elveszítek, Istenem,
Oly üres, akár a zsebeim,
A fejem búbjától
A cipőm talpáig.
Végtelen országút, magányos szél fú.
Mondj valamit, amit még nem tudok.
Női karokba burkolódzva
Mondd csak, miért kéne elmennem?
És amúgy sem nagyon akarok.
Csipetnyi szabadság, csak ennyi jutott.
Mindenem, mit még eztán elveszítek, Istenem,
Oly üres, akár a zsebeim,
A fejem búbjától
A cipőm talpáig.
Csipetnyi szabadság, csak ennyi jutott.
Mindenem, mit még eztán elveszítek, Istenem,
Oly üres, akár a zsebeim,
A fejem búbjától
A cipőm talpáig.


Ice Queen

(I-I-I'm in the castle)
다가오지 못하고 망설여 다들
해치지 않아 난
연습하고 활짝 웃어 보여도
어울리지 않나 봐
사람들은 말해 있잖아 쟤는
서늘해 좀 어딘가
But I don't care (I don't)
No, I don't care (Don't care at all)
그때 날 향해 걸어오는 너
어쭈, 겁 없네?
Who's that who's that who's that boy?
Hold up
I-I-I'm in the castle
절벽 끝에 높고 뾰족한 집
나의 맘은 dry ice 영하의 온도
얼음처럼 섬뜩 차가운 queen
I-I-I wanna listen
궁금해 넌 무슨 말을 할지
그 새하얀 입김 사이로 어디
한 번 뱉어보겠니
Woo, woo, ah
Woo, woo
감당할 수 있겠니
나쁘지는 않아 그 넘치는 패기
생긴 것도 제법 cute (He's cute)
한여름의 태양 같은 그 눈빛
눈을 뗄 수 없거든
너라면 좀 어떨까 함께해도 좋을까
상상을 좀 해봤어
You and me 모르지
그때 날 향해 손을 내민 너
어쭈, 겁 없네?
Who's that who's that who's that boy?
Hold up
I-I-I'm in the castle
절벽 끝에 높고 뾰족한 집
나의 맘은 dry ice 영하의 온도
얼음처럼 섬뜩 차가운 queen
I-I-I wanna listen
궁금해 넌 무슨 말을 할지
그 새하얀 입김 사이로 어디
한 번 뱉어보겠니
Oh, 그래 혹시 혹시 만일 만일 너라면
이런 내 마음도 녹일 수 있을지도
까짓 사랑 그따위
한 번 해볼까 어디
Ay, 각오했니 You ready?
Watch it burn, hold up
I-I-I'm in the castle
절벽 끝에 높고 뾰족한 집
나의 맘은 dry ice 영하의 온도
얼음처럼 섬뜩 차가운 queen
I-I-I wanna listen
궁금해 넌 무슨 말을 할지
그 새하얀 입김 사이로 어디
한 번 뱉어보겠니
Woo, woo, ah
Woo, woo
(I-I-I'm in the castle)