Dalszöveg fordítások

Magyar és angol dalszöveg fordítások oldal 37

Találatok száma: 100455


Vezess baj nélkül

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ez az országút keményebb, mint a pokol kilenc bugyra.
A fények rémisztőek, akár az eső,
Amikor az utolsó üzlet is becsődöl, mert, semmit sem adtál el,
Vagy lekésted a vonatod.
Ez egy jó kis vasárnapokkal és gitárra teli hónap volt.
Hörpintettem egy nagyot a tegnapi borból
És magam mögött hagytam pár barátot, néhány birkát a szélben
És kielégített nőket.
Vezess baj nélkül, Uram, vezess engem,
Szavaid írd a porba, fekvőhelyemre!
Mondjuk, nem bánom, gyere nyugodtan,
És elfogadom a szerelmet is, ha itt maradok.
Havazd be a hegyeket és tedd pokollá a dombokat,
Szarvazd fel magát az ördögöt,
Majd azt a mihaszna marhahajcsár csövest,
Meg a csillagos koronás csavargót.
Vezess baj nélkül, Uram, vezess engem,
Szavaid írd a porba, fekvőhelyemre!
Mondjuk, nem bánom, gyere nyugodtan,
És elfogadom a szerelmet is, ha itt maradok.
Vezess baj nélkül, Uram, vezess engem,
Szavaid írd a porba, fekvőhelyemre!
Mondjuk, nem bánom, gyere nyugodtan,
És elfogadom a szerelmet is, ha itt maradok.


Menekülő halott*

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Hagyd abba, felemelem a fejem
Lassan visszanézek magamra
A tükörben látott tekintetem
Jéghideg, nincs semmi a szemeimben
Mit is kereshetnek bennük?
Kinyitom a szemem
A gyönyörű éjszaka
Abban a pillanatban eltűnik
A világ sötétségbe zuhan
De még ez sem elég ahhoz, hogy megállítson engem
Milyen szórakoztató ez a játék
A világom teljesen összeomlik
Most már csak egy
Menekülő halott vagy
Veszélyes, veszélyben vagy, kiestél
Menekülő halott
Fuss el, fuss el most azonnal
Azonnal fuss el
Adok egy esélyt, úgyhogy elég volt a viccelődésből, elég
Menekülő halott
Nyom nélkül tűnj el
Most már csak egy
Most már csak egy
Az idegesség, ami mintha
Megfojtana téged
A rettenetes hang, ami füleidben visszhangzik
A bennem élő ördög elmosolyodik
Milyen érzés?
Már tudod, hogy
A döntés, amit abban a pillanatban hozol, tönkre fog tenni
Még akkor is, ha megpróbálsz elfutni, semmit sem tehetsz
De azért a reményvesztett arckifejezésedért megéri
Vicces, nem gondolod?
A világom teljesen összeomlik
Most már csak egy
Menekülő halott vagy
Veszélyes, veszélyben vagy, kiestél
Menekülő halott
Fuss el, fuss el most azonnal
Azonnal fuss el
Adok egy esélyt, úgyhogy elég volt a viccelődésből, elég
Menekülő halott
Nyom nélkül tűnj el
De nem rejtőzhetsz el
Egészen odáig
Félni fogsz
A tested egyre feszültebb
És a hangod is remeg
De nem rejtőzhetsz el
Egészen odáig
Mint egy rémálom
Mert most már csak egy
Menekülő halott vagy
Veszélyes, veszélyben vagy, kiestél
Menekülő halott
Fuss el, fuss el most azonnal
Ne gondold, hogy ez csak egy álom
Ez a te valóságod
Nincs többé remény
Menekülő halott
Megint tűnj el nyom nélkül
Én most már csak egy
Én most már csak egy


Los Angeles

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
A kék hajnal végénél állva
Emlékezetembe véstem az alvó utcákat
A napfényt, mely csendben átölelt
Imádom imádom
Végigjárva az éjszaka nagyszerűségét
A közelgő új reggel
Színét, melegét, fényét
Imádom oh
Amint felébredtem, napfény áradt felém
A hely tele volt tiszta fehér utóképekkel
Mikor felálltam, az elfeledett álmok után kezdtem kutatni
És a jószerencse után, amit egy angyal rejtett el oh
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Oh én oh imádom
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Oh én oh imádom
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Ezen az ismeretlen reptéri kifutópályán futottam végig
A szabadság, amit életemben most először éreztem
Megdobogtatta a szívemet
Imádom oh
A délutáni napfény lelassítja az időt
Átjár a város hangulata, mikor benne sétálok
Amint eszembe jutnak az elfeledett álmok
Követni kezdem a dalt, ami megérintette a füleimet oh
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Oh én oh imádom
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Oh én oh imádom
Elvesztem Los Angelesben
Mikor elalszok, ölelj át szorosan
A karjaid között
Melegen, ölelj át szorosan
Egy angyal karjai között
Mikor elalszok, ölelj át szorosan
A karjaid között
Melegen, ölelj át szorosan
Los Angelesben


Tökéletes éjszaka

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Én és a csajok
Kora reggelig fogunk bulizni
Mintha egy másik világban lennék ma éjjel
Beragadtunk a dugóban
De üvölt a zene a rádióból
Ha eltűnik a piros lámpa búcsút intünk neki
Reggelre varázslatosan fogjuk érezni magunkat
Minden itt van, amire csak szükségem van, tudod, hogy semmi sem múlja felül
Azt, ahogyan akkor érzem magam, mikor a barátnőimmel táncolok
Tökéletes energia, igen, hibátlanok vagyunk, igen, szabadok
Ennél az egész világon nincs jobb érzés
Ma éjjel
Nem érdekel, mi helyes és mi helytelen
Ne hívogassatok
11:59-kor talán még érdekelne
De éjfél után semmi sem számít
Gyere el velem egy körre
Itt a hitelkártyám, és jó a társaság
Élvezzük ki
Csini ruhában
Miért töltesz be még mindig?
Rád várunk bébi
Éjszakától reggelig, élő lassított felvétel
Minden itt van, amire csak szükségem van, tudod, hogy semmi sem múlja felül
Azt, ahogyan akkor érzem magam, mikor a barátnőimmel táncolok
Tökéletes energia, igen, hibátlanok vagyunk, igen, szabadok
Ennél az egész világon nincs jobb érzés
Ma éjjel
Nem érdekel, mi helyes és mi helytelen
Ne hívogassatok
11:59-kor talán még érdekelne
De éjfél után semmi sem számít
Reggelre varázslatosan fogjuk érezni magunkat
Minden itt van, amire csak szükségem van, tudod, hogy semmi sem múlja felül
Azt, ahogyan akkor érzem magam, mikor a barátnőimmel táncolok
Tökéletes energia, igen, hibátlanok vagyunk, igen, szabadok
Ennél az egész világon nincs jobb érzés
Ma éjjel
Nem érdekel, mi helyes és mi helytelen
Ne hívogassatok
11:59-kor talán még érdekelne
Ne hívogassatok



다친대도 길을 걸어 kiss me
쉽지 않음 내가 쉽게 easy
Stage, 위엔 불이 튀어, 내 body
Pull up and I rip it up like ballet
Damn, I really make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
Clap your hands, 너도 나와 같다면
Clap your hands now (Dream, dream, dream)
의구심 따윈 그냥 치워
그냥 말해 'I'm the real one' (Sheesh, sheesh)
조명 꺼진 뒤의 난 wander in the night
Don't know what is right
Don't know 'bout my rights
시기심, 의심, 불신, 이젠 friends of me, yeah
세상에게 난 반쪽짜리 seraphim, yeah
Mm, mm-mm, mm
I've been tryin' so long to show you, show you, show you (Oh)
(I'm the one that you need)
다친대도 길을 걸어 kiss me
쉽지 않음 내가 쉽게 easy
Stage, 위엔 불이 튀어, 내 body
Pull up and I rip it up like ballet
Damn, I really make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
수면 위의 백조가 돼 whippin'
때론 풀려, 나의 다리 but I keep it
Get, set, go, come and see me, I'm the fearless, mm
나의 발걸음은 매 순간 history, 이건 my way
영웅처럼 걸어 even if I am not flawless
편하게만 왔다고?
날 몰라봤다면 you have to know
I've been tryin' so long to show you, show you, show you
(I'm the one that you need)
다친대도 길을 걸어 kiss me (Kiss)
쉽지 않음 내가 쉽게 easy (쉽지 않음 내가 쉽게 easy)
Stage, 위엔 불이 튀어, 내 body (That's my body, that's my body)
Pull up and I rip it up like ballet (Yeah, yeah)
Damn, I really make it look easy (Damn, I really make it look easy)
Yeah, know that I make it look easy


EASY (English ver.)

Copy 'cause they mad that I still kiss me
Shit gets hard I’m making it look easy
Stage is burning up heat on my body
Pull up, and I rip it up like ballet
Damn, I really make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
Clap your hands, if you’re with me
Clap your hands now (Dream, dream, dream)
I keep it real, shout it out
Let 'em know 'I'm the real one' (Sheesh, sheesh)
When the lights are dimming down
Wander in the night
Don't know what is right
Don't know 'bout my rights
So greedy, turn my enemies
To friends of me, yeah
You call me a fallen angel
No more seraphim, yeah
Mm, mm-mm, mm
I've been tryin' so long to show you, show you, show you (Oh)
(I'm the one that you need)
Copy 'cause they mad that I still kiss me
Shit gets hard I'm making it look easy
Stage is burning up heat on my body
Pull up and I rip it up like ballet
Damn, I really make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
Yeah, know that I make it look easy
Zero to one hundred, keep on whippin'
Push the pedal to the metal on the surface
Get, set, go, come and see me, I'm the fearless
Every move I make is a living history
I do it my way
Hero undercover
But the journey makes me heartless
Got 'em so emotional
The jealousy, so uncontrollable
I've been tryin' so long to show you, show you, show you
(I'm the one that you need)
Copy 'cause they mad that I still kiss me
Shit gets hard I’m making it look easy
Stage is burning up heat on my body
Pull up, and I rip it up like ballet (Yeah, yeah)
Damn, I really make it look easy (Damn, I really make it look easy)
Yeah, know that I make it look easy



I’m a smarter baby, smarter
Smarter baby, smarter
하날 보면 열까지
간파해서 돌파하지
Wanna be a winner
Wanna be a winner
계획대로 돼가지
난 나비가 될 애송이
원하는 건 승리란 놈
I call it “sugar”
Plan대로라면 놓칠 리가 없지
내 sugar, sugar
누군 말해, 내가 mean-mean-mean-mean-mean
신경 안 써 쉿 쉿 쉿 쉿 쉿
내 패배 위에 필 아름다움 대신
더 강한 이름 'villain'을 택했지
So 그게 바로 me-me-me-me-me
내겐 보여, see-see-see-see-see
르세라핌 날 이끌어 to victory
I’m a smarter baby, smarter
Smarter baby, smarter
하날 보면 열까지
간파해서 돌파하지
Wanna be a winner
Wanna be a winner
계획대로 돼가지
난 나비가 될 애송이
I’m a smarter baby
Work hard in secret
아귀가 착착 맞게
I planned that, don’t be mad
Plan대로라면 난 될 수가 없지
그 loser, loser
누군 말해, 내가 mean-mean-mean-mean-mean
신경 안 써 쉿 쉿 쉿 쉿 쉿
내 패배 위에 필 아름다움 대신
더 강한 이름 'villain'을 택했지
So I just wanna be me-me-me-me
내겐 보여, see-see-see-see-see
르세라핌 날 이끌어 to victory
I’m a smarter baby, smarter
Smarter baby, smarter
하날 보면 열까지
간파해서 돌파하지
Wanna be a winner
Wanna be a winner
계획대로 돼가지
난 나비가 될 애송이
I’m a smarter baby
내 시계는 tick-tock
필요했던 shortcut
찾아내고 난 잡았지, huh
누구는 말해, “that’s all luck”
난 말해, “no, it’s not luck'
내 땀은 not lying, lying
Don’t slow down, 이 삶은 superfast
Best scheme, 내 머릿속에
갓생, 난 준비를 끝냈어
Dinner of the winner,
That is what I want to get
I’m a smarter baby, smarter
Smarter baby, smarter
하날 보면 열까지
간파해서 돌파하지
Wanna be a winner
Wanna be a winner
계획대로 돼가지
난 나비가 될 애송이
I’m a smarter baby



Verse 1:
Can't stop the heat in my veins,
Bad blood is my DNA
Can't hold me.
Feels like the world is my stage,
And I'm out here making waves for glory.
Run from the rumors ya heard,
Don't get too close, baby, you could get burned.
Locked, loaded, ready to go-oh-oh-ot-oh
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the smoke.
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the...

Verse 2:
I got the ice in my eyes,
'Cause I'm the dangerous kind,
I warned you.
My love, it comes with a price,
I am the bullet who'll never miss you.
I love to cross all the lines,
Yeah, that means that I'll double cross you.
Locked, loaded, ready to go-oh-oh-ot-oh
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the smoke.
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the...

You know l'm not makin up rules,
Because I was born to break them all.
It's the only truth that I'll tell you right to your face.
I'm riding out here in these dark streets,
Robbing you of all your sanity.
Revin' up my engine, yeah cause I am ready to go.
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the smoke.
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the...

Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the smoke.
Don't play with the fire,
Ready for the...



Senki se írjon az ezredesnek

Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)
Hatalmas városok,
Üres vonatok,
Se partja, se medre -
Minden kezdődik előlről.
Hideg háború
És az idő, mint a víz,
Nem ment el az esze,
Te semmit sem tudhattál.
Az ezredesnek senki
Se írjon,
Az ezredest senki
Sem várja.
A tűzvonalakon
Üres városok,
Amikben nincs senki
Veled korábban nem történt meg.
És leszakadt vonatok
Sovány szavaknál,
Nem ment el az esze,
Te semmit sem tudhattál.



Oh, I don't
Oh, I don't
Notifications ringing all day long
An unfriendly person on the other end1
My mind is overloaded
Hum hum2
Where did the affectionate you go?
An emoji heart in your place
It's time to let go
I'm dropping you, goodbye
I hope there won't even be a trace left
I burst into cynical laughter
Copying and pasting
My status message
Your light speech bubbles that flew through the night
May they explode with a loud bang
I'm bored now
I'm really going to go to sleep
Because it's not going to bounce back
This is our last
My heart doesn't change even if I refresh it
To the time when I didn't know you
I want to reset
I know everything (I know)
DMs that I erase and write every night, right?
Then (and then)
May you endure a storm5 of tears
You're good when I'm around
I try to leave but you cling to me
What kind of attitude6 is that?
I hope there won't even be a trace left
I burst into cynical laughter
Copying and pasting
My status message
Your light words that flew through the night
May they explode with a loud bang
I'm bored now
I'm really going to go to sleep
Because it's not going to bounce back
This is our last
My heart doesn't change even if I refresh it
To the time when I didn't know you
I want to reset
The mundane7 island where only us two live
I'm trying to escape
After erasing you completely
My heart expands a little
I can breathe now
Your speech bubble filled with tears
May it explode with a loud bang
I have no regrets
I'll sleep well too
From A to Z
We were too different
My heart doesn't change even if I refresh it
To the time when I didn't know you
I want to reset
  • 1. Literally says 'an unpleased counterpart' but this is following up the previous sentence about notifications, and is describing the person who they're texting is being unfriendly/stand-offish.
  • 2. '아뜨 아뜨' is an onomatopoeic expression in Korean that mimics the sound of someone humming or murmuring. It's often used to convey a sense of someone humming a tune absentmindedly or making a soft humming noise.
  • 3. 'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ' is a common emoticon used in Korean messaging and online communication. It represents laughter and is similar to 'haha' or 'lol' in English. The character 'ㅋ' is pronounced as 'ke,' and repeating it multiple times (such as 'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ') indicates increasing levels of amusement or laughter.
  • 4. The Korean emoticon 'T-T' represents a crying face. The 'T' represents closed eyes with tears streaming down, and the hyphen '-' or underscore '_' represents a downturned mouth, indicating sadness or distress. So, 'T-T' is commonly used to express sorrow, disappointment, or sympathy in online communication.
  • 5. The word '스토린' seems to be a transliteration of the English word 'storm'.
  • 6. The word '심보야' means someone's attitude, personality, or in general mind or heart, but it's generally used for something negative.
  • 7. The word '네모난' literally means square but when describing places it can be used to describe something as being rigid, inflexible, or lacking variation.For example, metaphorically '네모난' can describe a situation or environment that feels constrained, limited, or lacking in spontaneity.


Tokyo, August, Sunglasses

The sun is firm and strong
A heat haze is burning on the asphalt
The sunlight just splashed out
from the watch someone was using
I came to this restaurant where they've let the blinds down
to drink a black tea (Just high noon)
Today, with my August sunglasses,
I'm looking at the city in monochrome
That couple wheeling a suitcase,
a surfboard and loaded wagon -
flee the city with everyone else!
In the grey summer sky,
there's a diffuse reflection through my glasses' frames
There's not many people here,
so being alone is nice
It seems like a midsummer
where I don't go anywhere is good as well
What a mystery, this year,
I'd like to remain in this peaceful city
Perhaps carefreeness is more important
than the romances I've lost (Oh I know)
This autumn, with my August sunglasses,
woo, I shall take them all away to an endless summer
At the office district, my blonde boyfriend
whistled in the direction I was walking
And I returned his smile
The sun is firm and strong
A heat haze is burning on the asphalt
I'm looking at the scenery
in my own tones
This midsummer where I don't go anywhere
is like an air pocket
Rather than romance, rather than love,
I am who I really am
In the grey summer sky,
there's a diffuse reflection through my glasses' frames
There's not many people here,
so being alone is nice
This midsummer where I don't go anywhere
is like an air pocket
Rather than romance, rather than love,
I am who I really am


1000 Women

It's easy to tell,
Stories about happiness,
When I can't buy happiness.
I lie shamelessly,
But it tears my soul,
That I'm losing you forever.
I miss everything I had with you.
I didn't even reach you, I didn't even say goodbye.
I'm counting down
But It's clear to me
It's too late for us.
Where you aren't
There are 1000 women
But I miss you.
Hey, my sorrow
From an unknown number
I'm writing to you
I'm losing my mind
I'm offering myself to everyone
Drunk and mad.
Hey, my sorrow
It's new year,
And you aren't here.
Everything is according to plan
I turn the page
And say that everything is fine.
Life is calling
A new love
But they all lead me to you
I miss everything I had with you.
I didn't even reach you, I didn't even say goodbye.
I'm counting down
But It's clear to me
It's too late for us.
Where you aren't
There are 1000 women
But I miss you.
Hey, my sorrow
From an unknown number
I'm writing to you
I'm losing my mind
I'm offering myself to everyone
Drunk and mad.
Hey, my sorrow
It's new year,
And you aren't here.
Where you aren't
There are 1000 women
But I miss you.
Hey, my sorrow
From an unknown number
I'm writing to you
I'm losing my mind
I'm offering myself to everyone
Drunk and mad.
Hey, my sorrow
It's new year,
And you aren't here.


I Want to Be Selfish

Since when did I stop being funny?
I couldn't even notice it
I've domesticated boredom
Where, where should we go?
The sky out a window, a broken clock
Those are things I'll always have in my chest
Let's try to believe, no matter what kind of tomorrow awaits
We want to be selfish for just a bit longer
Even if the weather report clouds our smiles
Ah, in a break in the clouds
Search for the sun's signal
Let's be selfish just a bit longer
If my steps are louder than anyone else's
Let's scream 'here we are!'
With ease, with ease, it's difficult
There are roads outside what's on the route map
It's okay to take your time. It's okay to be silly
If we go forward, it'll all be okay
The start of the rainbow, the noonday comet
I'm yearning now, my heart is moving
I'll raise it, no matter what future
We want to be selfish for just a bit longer
Always, yeah, this world is non-committal
But, time repeats
Towards a future with the best dawn
Let's keep dreaming a bit longer
The newborn cries of hope is rising, so
We'll reach our hands out straight ahead
In the sky I look up at, the patches of blue sky are gone
Let's believe, no matter what kind of morning
We want to be selfish for just a bit longer
Even if the weather report clouds our smiles
Ah, in a break in the clouds
Search for the sun's signal
Let's be selfish just a bit longer
If my steps are louder than anyone else's
Let's scream 'here we are!'
Let's scream now


Jealousy for that bad boy

There's not one good thing when he's not here, not one good thing
There's not one good thing thanks to him, not one good thing
He's a man who casts a magic spell in advance on Saturday nights,
then trifles with others and sneers at them with a cackle
You're so annoying, get out! Get out of my sight
You're so annoying, get out! You're an eyesore
For a qualification to talk about feelings of love, I bet that man would take an eternal holiday
There's not one good thing when he's not here, not one good thing
There's not one good thing thanks to him, not one good thing
But somehow his smile weighs on my mind
It feels like a romance between facing mirrors, how strange
He doubles my loneliness before pushing me away
He doesn't understand how other people one bit
(Hey bad boy!) Do you take pleasure in
(Hey bad boy!) depression?
For a qualification to talk about feelings of love, I bet that man would be eternally incapable
There's not one good thing when he's not here, not one good thing
How long will I be unravelling this mobius strip?
But the days he isn't here are unsatisfactory
That revolting smile is the only thing I like
There's not one good thing when he's not here, not one good thing
It's hopeless - there's not one good thing thanks to him
There's not one good thing when he's not here, not one good thing
I'm speechless thanks to him, I'm speechless


Kaze ga Kawaru Toki (English)

The wind dances, piercing through the sky
A future that feels like it's soaring is here
Etched in swaying hair, within my heart
I feel the beginning of an adventure
Birds sing the melody of freedom
Dancing high in the sky, carrying dreams
Time melts away in the blink of an eye
The winds of challenge are blowing fiercely
When the wind changes, the heart dances
Crossing over the sky to a new stage
When the wind changes, with the wings of courage
Let's go to embrace the unknown like the birds
The city pulses, embracing dreams
Hope spreads ahead as we start walking
The song of the birds resonates in my heart
The stage of adventure is right here, right now
Beneath the sparkling starry sky of dreams
Gazing eyes are carving out the future
When the wind changes, the heart dances
Crossing over the sky to a new stage
When the wind changes, with the wings of courage
Let's go to embrace the unknown like the birds
When the wind changes, the heart dances
Crossing over the sky to a new stage
When the wind changes, with the wings of courage
Let's go to embrace the unknown like the birds


In a corner of the galaxy

I'm sure you're now a small comet tired from wandering
Before long, you'll smile to me while leaving a trail of shimmering tears
1986, I'll be remembering
that nostalgic voice
There'll never be a day where I've forgotten you
(I belong to you, oh Lord)
I wanna stop the time, and with my hand,
(I belong to you, my Love)
warm up that cold body for you
I'm sure each one of us is an ark drifting through the flux of time
Believing in the days we can say, with undecorated words, were our friends
1986, I'll be remembering you
Even if you happen to take another distant lonely journey again
(I belong to you, oh Lord)
Your impossible dream sparkles in my heart
(I belong to you, my Love)
In the distance, I'm praying for the day it comes true
2062, please be remembering me
Even if you happen to take another distant lonely journey again
(I belong to you, oh Lord)
I wanna stop the time, and with my hand,
(I belong to you, my Love)
warm up that cold body for you


To you

You disappear into the crowd from behind
I had always made you fed up with my weak promises
Even the breeze whispers that I'm such a mean girl
and I can't be honest to my cruel failings in love
Now you and I can fall in love again
Inside two shadows that nestle close
Give me a chance, one more time
I only want you to stay if you really love me, you
I was scared that when the day came that we really couldn't see each other again
Everything would end for me
In the darkening city, lost in the flux of time,
my bombastic heart's in tears missing you
Now you and I can fall in love again
Inside two shadows that nestle close
Give me a chance, one more time
I only want you to stay if you really love me, you


Gipsy queen

I am your little one
I am gipsy queen
in my head, a golden crown
from your father and your brother
Chorus x2
Little, little, pretty little
For you, I was born
Little, little, pretty little
she got married to you
My unique destiny
your home is in soot
your soul is a white dawn
they called you, my love
Chorus x4


Lovin' doll

I entangle my legs while wearing high heels
And spend this final night with you
My shoulder where a sunburn still remains,
I want you to hold it tighter
'If we keep on living like this, one day,
it'll ruin us,' you say
But if you could, I'd like to love me as I am right now all night
(Cry, cry) A loving doll who was thrown out into a dark1 night,
alone with nowhere else to go, simply reluctantly calls out for you
I too understand that, for you,
this won't be your last romance
But to think that someone else will
quietly sleep next to you...
I force myself to try and find a joke to say,
but as usual, my face turns to a crying one at the last moment
Please comfort me acting like that with your touch, tell me I can surely be strong
(Cry, cry) A loving doll who was thrown out into a dark night,
alone with nowhere else to go, simply reluctantly calls out for you
  • 1. Because 'kurai' can be both クライ (cry) and 暗い (dark)



Do you prefer to be on your own, Rila?
No matter how much I call you, there's no reply
'How about a cup of tea?'
'How about some sunbathing?' You only heave a sigh
To find a person who'll be adored by you, a girl in love with love,
tonight we're together
And blown by this breeze, I'm not even gonna try to aim for you
Your flowers are red and white, it's a one-night dream
My sweet feelings sway, but it's best for you not to know
Even after they've dispersed
You play with words, Rila
No matter how much you talk, I don't believe you
But on the nights I get hurt,
I give you just the right amount of love and my mind changes
Your flowers are red and white, it's a one-night dream
My sweet feelings sway, but it's best for you not to know
Even after they've dispersed


How much do I love you

Come on, let me show you the roses
the green, the red, the houses, the courtyards.
How much do I love you, street bird,
how much I love you, how much I love you
Come to tell you sweetheart boy
how much I love you, how much I love you.
Come to let me teach you, that's kiss,
like red rose and like sunrise
How much do I love you, street bird,
how much I love you, how much I love you
Come to tell you sweetheart boy
how much I love you, how much I love you.
Come to show you the blonde ear(spike)
the stars that are silent to fall asleep
How much do I love you, street bird,
how much I love you, how much I love you
Come to tell you sweetheart boy
how much I love you, how much I love you.


Our home is far

Our home is far away in the hills,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
Your home is far away in the hills,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
The mountains will echo.
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
Carry burdens over the passes,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
May trees grow tall wherever they are planted,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
May the garden thrive and blossom,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
I have sent the sheep to graze,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
I have sent the cattle to graze,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
I will take my sweetheart to the apple orchard,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.
I will pluck apples for my beloved,
Le, le, le, le, le, le dear.



My heart is like those collapsed houses,
Broken bones, violated fences,
They must be placed within the abandoned ruins.
I will ride a horse along those foreign rivers
And feed on the spawn of fishes:
Move to the lakeside home.
I have seen a black sea, it was all white,
Even the salt was astonished, it wouldn't mix with the sands.
Who has seen one sea with two colors?
The homeless heart is dirty and confused.
Ah, a poor dark-hearted thing:
Move to the lakeside home.


Excuse Me

I'm feeling awesome
And that got people talking
So I smiled and said 'Excuse me'
'My peace is too much for this place'
The saddest sentence I've ever heard:
'Don't look so happy'
I said 'I'm indecent, so?'
'Why is it bothering you though?'
Been ready for a fight since the beginning
Peace is my right, with all my sweat
I said motivation is in my genes
My mom and dad are hustlers, with pride on their faces
So just stand there and seethe now
I'm feeling awesome
Am I driving you crazy? Excuse me then
Say whatever you want now
Is this all you've got? Attack!
Surrender, put your hands up!
Have I triggered you? Excuse me then
Don't look so sad
Bend but never bow
Defying the current my whole life
You really thought I've got no problems?
I was able to keep standing 'cause I was thankful
I've been ready for a fight since the beginning
Peace is my right, with all my sweat
I said motivation is in my genes
My mom and dad are hustlers, with pride on their faces
So just stand there and seethe now
I'm feeling awesome
Am I driving you crazy? Excuse me then
Say whatever you want now
Is this all you've got? Attack!
Surrender, put your hands up!
Have I triggered you? Excuse me then
Don't look so sad
I'm not the person you want me to be
And I don't regret a thing
You could get mad, even scald me
Or try to stop and stone me
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry (Sorry, not sorry)
So just stand there and seethe now
I'm feeling awesome
Am I driving you crazy? Excuse me then
Say whatever you want now
Is this all you've got? Attack!
Surrender, put your hands up!
Have I triggered you? Excuse me then
Don't look so sad


Nobody Knows How Much I Think About You

Please, I'm asking you to help me forget him
I don't want to love him anymore
I don't want to suffer anymore, it hurts me
No one knows I'm dying
That the feeling is suffocating me
No one can see that I'm on my knees in pain
No one knows how much I think of you, how much I cry in this hell
No one can imagine that behind my disguise
I can't forget you
It all reminds me of you when we were together
When we used to walk on weekends
Those afternoons I'll never forget
But now...
There's not a phone call, not a message, not even a hello
We're like strangers
Neither of us agree to be just friends
I haven't heard from you since you left.
And without knowing where you're going, you've drifted away from me
No one knows I'm dying
That the feeling is suffocating me
No one can see that I'm on my knees in pain
No one knows how much I think of you, how much I cry in this hell
No one can imagine that behind my disguise
I can't forget you
We were everything and ended up being nothing
I'm trying to talk to you again to see if you still love me
But I'm so afraid that someone else will come along
And fall in love with him, because that hurts me so much.
And it hurts my heart
When you really love
When there's no other man
Who makes you feel special
No one knows I'm dying
That the feeling is suffocating me
No one can see that I'm on my knees in pain
No one knows how much I think of you, how much I cry in this hell
No one can imagine that behind my disguise
I can't forget you
You may be far from my eyes
But not from my thoughts
Nothing is forever, I've understood that
But I'll carry you in my heart
No one knows how much I think of you, how much I cry in this hell
No one imagines that behind my disguise
I can't forget you.
Uh-oh, oh-oh (uh-oh, oh-oh)
I can't forget you (I can't forget you)
I can't erase you
The musical melody
Along with Magda
Romantic rap


The Head of the Rabbi

Tales do You wish, beauty child ?
I have many to relay.
Of one syren of salt,1
of one nightingale and one star,
of one candid little lass
that a sorcerer stole,
of one gallant trovadour
and one odalisque moor,
with her pearls of Bassorh2
and her shawls of Lahore.3
Dulcet tales, epic tales,
of dames and cavaliers,
of cantors and condottieres,
of landlords and slaves,
of scandinavian boscages
and crystal alcaz[ær]s.4
Tales of immortal bliss,
divine tales of amours
that dresses of colours
the oriental fantasy.
Tell me, which ones You crave ..?
Very formal people say
that oriental tales
pleasent to the females,
so, if one of those You prefer
will see fullfilled your desire
because I know a tale of Islam5
that about a lover treats
and it a pharsi apprised me
[when he] arrived from Isphahan.6
Distressed at his heart,
from Orient a monarch great,
immediatelly congregated
all the wise men of the Realm.
Everyone expressed their stance7
and without find the verity
amid of their anxiety
in council they decided
to call with urgency an old man
astrologist of Baghdad.
Started journey the ancient,
he come, at the stars he saw,
knew in them to know
the sovereign's sadness,
and understanding the arcane
as an old aware8
for the immense stupor
of the courtesan meet,
to the monarch told: 'Oh, King !
You are dying of Love.'
After, the arrogant soveregin,
with imperious orders
calls all the stunners
women of the domain
that his autorithy comprise


Gimme that beat
Got me flyin’ in my dreams right now
모두가 불가능해 안 된다고 하지 왜
Can’t lose can’t lose can’t lose
It’s impossible
2 AM 2 AM 꿈속이 익숙한
잠든 까만 밤에도
I know you I know you
You know me 너 없인
모든 게 Impossible
한 걸음 걸음 나의 꿈에
Movin’ on movin’ on
가까워지는 너의 맘이
To be strong to be strong
Got me flyin’ in my dreams right now
모두가 불가능해 안 된다고 하지 왜
Can’t lose can’t lose can’t lose
It’s impossible
Got me dyin’ to realize it now
모두 너로 가능해 넌 날 완성하게 해
Without you without you without you
It's impossible
Just one more just one more
열어줘 Let me know
난 끝내 너의 맘을 Touchin’
하나뿐인 나의 꿈이 저 멀리 너에게 닿아
크게 번져가는 Beatin’
멈추지 않아 이미 우린
Movin’ on movin’ on
익숙해진 함께란 말이
To be strong to be strong
Got me flyin’ in my dreams right now
모두가 불가능해 안 된다고 하지 왜
Can’t lose can’t lose can’t lose
It’s impossible
Got me dyin’ to realize it now
모두 너로 가능해 넌 날 완성하게 해
Without you without you without you
It's impossible
Gimme that bеat
Realize with you, with you, with you, you
You-you, realizе with, with, with, with
Got me flyin' to realize it now
Can't lose, can't lose
Can't lose, it's impossible


9 Days

잠들지 못한 새벽
불 꺼진 차 안에 잠시 몸을 기대
내 일주일은 매번
이틀쯤은 더 길게 가는 듯해
I try 어제보다 오늘
빠르게 달려가 계속 day by day
난 숨차도 I'm doing my best
후회는 안 남게
때론 발이 무겁지만
계속 나아가야 해 we alright
I've been out here nine whole days
매일 반복돼 무대 위의 난
I've been going nine whole days
매일 반복해 내 꿈은 too far
이 감정들은 truth
나 계속 움직이는 이유
I've been going nine whole days
이겨내야 해 거울 앞의 날
무대와 Lesson 또 Recording (Yeah)
눈뜨면 또다시 되풀이 (Yeah)
어색했던 모든 게 조금씩 (Yeah)
일상이 돼가
좀 이제는 알 것 같다가도
낯설어 여전히
Why can‘t it be easy
쉽게만 보였던 모든 건 어려워
끝없는 연습과 노력
난 날 하루도 멈출 수 없어
I try 더욱 올라가는
기대와 한계를 넘어 day by day
난 끝까지 I‘m doing my best
늘 내게 약속해
때론 잠시 넘어져도
나를 믿고 계속 달려 나가
I've been out here nine whole days
매일 반복돼 무대 위의 난
I've been going nine whole days
매일 반복해 내 꿈은 too far
이 감정들은 truth
나 계속 움직이는 이유
I've been going nine whole days
이겨내야 해 거울 앞의 날
I should’ve known
I should’ve known
I should’ve known
끝이란 없어 매 순간
또 다른 나를 향해 나아가



Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Mikor kezdődött?
Félek, hogy mindenki ki fog nevetni
Próbáltál elszökni, de
Most eltévedtél
Mikor elalszok, részegen
Semmire sem emlékszek
Arra gondoltam, vajon miért csinálom most ezt?
Miért csak én? Nem, mindenki más is ilyen
Folyamatosan úgy tenni, mintha rendben lennék
Annyira szánalmas
Ugyanaz a nap
Telik el ismét
Meddig kell még kibírnom
Amíg visszamehetek?
Egy hideg és magányos éjszaka
Bármiféle gondolatok nélkül, egyedül sétálok ebben a sötét szobában
Azt mondtam, jól vagyok
De úgy érzem, mintha apránként elveszíteném magam
Éjjel-nappal, újra meg újra zuhanok
Rossz alkony, félrenézek, de
Éjjel-nappal, újra meg újra zuhanok
(Segítség, valaki vigyen ki innen)
Hozd helyre, rendben lesz
Hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság
Még akkor is, ha megint próbálsz hihető kifogásokat gyártani
Még akkor is, ha megpróbálod behunyni a szemed, ha elfordulsz
Tudod, már tönkretettek
Nem mehetsz vissza
Ugyanaz a nap
Telik el ismét
Mit kell tennem
Hogy véget vessek ennek a sötétségnek?
Egy hideg és magányos éjszaka
Bármiféle gondolatok nélkül, egyedül sétálok ebben a sötét szobában
Azt mondtam, jól vagyok
De úgy érzem, mintha apránként elveszíteném magam
Éjjel-nappal, újra meg újra zuhanok
Rossz alkony, félrenézek, de
Éjjel-nappal, újra meg újra zuhanok
(Segítség, valaki vigyen ki innen)
Hozd helyre, rendben lesz
Hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság hazugság


Karácsonyi szerelem

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Karácsony, szeretlek
Te vagy az igazi
Oh, úgy vártam ezt a karácsonyt
A szívem már kint van a fehér utcán
Tegnap éjjel álmomban havazott
Te egész nap a paplan alatt vártál
Karácsony, szeretlek
Mint a fehér hó
A lehullott hó
Megérkezel a napomba
Karácsony, szeretlek
Oh, te vagy az igazi
Remélem, ez a nap
Örökké tart majd
Karácsonyi szerelem
Karácsonyi szerelem
Maradj a szívemben
Karácsonyi szerelem
Karácsonyi szerelem
Erre vártam
Ma van karácsony napja
Úgy futok oda, mint egy kisgyerek
Olyan érzés, mintha a felhők közt repülnék
Ha valaki hall most
Megállítaná az időt?
Karácsony, szeretlek
Mint a fehér hó
A lehullott hó
Megérkezel a napomba
Karácsony, szeretlek
Oh, te vagy az igazi
Remélem, ez a nap
Örökké tart majd
Hogy őszinte legyek, félek, hogy el fogsz menni
Mert a mai nap rövid
Egész végig rád vártam
Velem maradnál még egy kicsit?
Karácsony, szeretlek
Mint a fehér hó
A lehullott hó
Megérkezel a napomba
Karácsony, szeretlek
Oh, te vagy az igazi
Remélem, ez a nap
Örökké tart majd
Karácsonyi szerelem
Karácsonyi szerelem
Maradj a szívemben
Karácsonyi szerelem
Karácsonyi szerelem
Erre vártam
Ma van karácsony napja



Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)
Gondolom, én vagyok a hibás
Nézd, mi lett belőlem
Úgy élek, mint egy bolond
Az, hogy megbíztam az emberekben
Egy szörnyű rémálom kezdete volt
Minden pénzt megadtam neked
Az egész szívemet neked adtam
Az álarcos bulidon
Rohadtul részeg voltam
Még az átkozott múltbéli napok is
Véget értek
Ez egy gyönyörű éjszaka
Azt hiszem, megtaláltam magamat
Ma éjjel nem akarok józan lenni (józan)
Fenékig, az egésznek rohadtul vége van
Törd össze
Törd össze
Ez az én hétköznapi történetem
Add ki magadból
Add ki magadból
Kiabáljatok őrült hangosan, mindenki
Öntsd ki
Öntsd ki
Míg véget nem ér ez az éjszaka
Add ki magadból
Add ki magadból
Mindet, minden apró részedet
Azokkal az édes szavaiddal
Mindent beleadtál abba, hogy mindent elvegyél
Nézz magadra
Többet akarsz, miért nem?
Nem baj, ha igen
Illik hozzád bébi
Remélem, ez a részed sosem változik, uh
Annak ellenére, hogy tesztelsz engem
Annak ellenére, hogy tesztelsz engem
Annak ellenére, hogy megölsz engem
Még akkor is, ha megint kést döfsz belém
Nem érdekelsz engem
És az a nap sem, ami mintha maga lett volna a pokol
Ez egy gyönyörű éjszaka
Azt hiszem, mindenem megvan
Ma éjjel nem akarok józan lenni (józan)
Fenékig, az egésznek rohadtul vége van
Törd össze
Törd össze
Ez az én hétköznapi történetem
Add ki magadból
Add ki magadból
Kiabáljatok őrült hangosan, mindenki
Öntsd ki
Öntsd ki
Míg véget nem ér ez az éjszaka
Add ki magadból
Add ki magadból
Mindet, minden apró részedet, igen igen



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Azt mondja
Bébi, gyere és kövess engem
Ma este nincs semmi, ami rossz lenne
Az okokat hagyjuk meg későbbre
Maradj velem még egy kicsit
Nézd, ahogy elmegyek
Most lesüllyedek, egyes egyedül (távol)
Hol vagyok?
Sötét köd homályosítja el a látásomat
Hallom a figyelő hangokat
Nem tudom, kicsodák
Próbálom elengedni a nyomást
A csillagokat próbáltam elérni
Mondd meg, ismét rá fogok találni önmagamra
Ha túl messzire megyek?
Igen, tudom
Inkább lennék
Elveszve a fények között
Elveszve a fények között
Elvesztettem az eszem
Segítenél tompítani a fájdalmat?
Minden éjjel
Jeges érzelmek
Hadd kóstoljam meg
Hadd érezzem jól magam
(Oh zuhanok)
Ez egy jó éjszaka lesz
(Oh zuhanok)
Örökké te és én
A tükörképeimet már
Fel sem ismerem
Érzem, hogy élek, időpocsékolás
Inkább lennék
Elveszve a fények között
Elveszve a fények között
Elvesztettem az eszem
Segítenél tompítani a fájdalmat?
Minden éjjel
Jeges érzelmek
Hadd kóstoljam meg
Hadd érezzem jól magam
(Oh zuhanok)
Ez egy jó éjszaka lesz
(Oh zuhanok)
Örökké te és én
Ez össze fog törni
Ez biztosan össze fog törni
Ne, nehogy felébressz
Ebben az álomban akarok maradni, ne ments meg
Nehogy megpróbálj megmenteni
Szükségem van egy módra, hogy
Szükségem van egy módra, hogy tovább álmodhassunk