A keresés eredménye oldal 40
Találatok száma: 1477
The Girl
This girl is a problem
And she doesn't seem to be very normal
This girl brought a mess
That wasn't very cool
Seeing from afar
I'm trying to understand
Who's the next victim
And who will be the next to suffer
Maybe she won't hurt
Maybe she even thinks it's normal
The fuck is she brought discord
Fight between friends is not cool
This girl is a delay
My friend is stuck in hers
She messed it up
I won't deny that I don't like her
Bohemian, in the cabarets of the city
You seek happiness
In your own illusion
Bohemian, Bohemia resumes
In the wine, the love, the jealousy,
Perfume, disillusion.
Bohemian, oh sultan, why do you want
To love so many women,
If you only have one heart?
Bohemian, think about life for a moment
And see that inconstant love
Only brings in the end, loneliness.
Bohemian, you stay in the road, in nights of moonlight,
Sleepless and singing
In the illusion of vicious kisses
And sinful caresses,
Bohemian, you live dreaming of happiness
But you are unhappy
You live, bohemian, smiling and singing
But your laughter doesn't speak of your suffering.
The Moon (Majora's Mask) vs The Sun (Teletubbies) - Epic Pixel Battle (April Fool's Day Bonus)
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
The sun from Teletubbies!
The moon from Majora's Mask!
Oh oooh! What do we have here?
I don't want to make you cry but you're gonna scream in fear.
You, a big bad? Zelda's not even in your game at all!
Now prepare yourself, you're about to fall!
You're about to meet with a terrible fate
Meeting me is one of the worst events you'll have to undertake
Not even your Teletubbies are going to defend you
It's not three days, but three bars, that will be enough to end you!
You must feel so important fighting against the small frys
Or don't you have the stones to pick on those your own size?
You're controlled by a buffoon, so don't act so smug.
You've been unmasked, you don't get a BIG HUG!
Come on, Tubbies, let's zap to more informative TV.
You think you're all powerful, but deep down you're just meek.
Without Majora, you don't have any power, they say!
Now say goodbye, my children: 'GO AWAY!'
Skull Kid:
For a sun, you aren't all that bright.
Thanks to your show, children's minds aren't quite right.
If I wanted to end the world, it's because of you guys!
Drink all your tubby toasts, choke on them, and die!
Majora's Mask:
Show no mercy, I won't give your life length.
My power is growing, I attack at full strength!
You're too hot-headed, sunshine, prepare for the apocalypse!
Thus your chance of victory was Termina-ted in the eclipse.
Who deserves the victory?
Who will be next?
How a Love Is Born
Perhaps you do not know how a love is born.
Now I want to show you.
I want to show you how a love is born—
perhaps you do not know.
Softly, softly, I will brush against you and our lips will touch—
and close—I will be close to you.
And like a butterfly resting on a flower,
I will caress you.
Softly, softly I will talk to you—softly, softly I will seek you—
and nobody will hear us—and nobody will find us
ever, ever, ever again.
And so, without a sound, a love is born.
Perhaps you do not know.
Softly, softly, I will brush against you and our lips will touch—
and close—I will be close to you.
And like a butterfly resting on a flower,
I will caress you.
Softly, softly I will talk to you—softly, softly I will seek you—
and nobody will hear us—and nobody will find us
ever, ever, ever again.
And so, without a sound, a love is born.
Perhaps you do not know.
Have You Ever Had Heart Broken?
It’s been a while, those few words
Settle in my heart again
In case you notice
I’m putting my head down, I have to hide myself
I’m trying to be calm, standing in front of you
But like a fool, I keep wanting to cry
And I’m comforting myself
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
More than the person who is with you now
You seem good, your comfortably smiling face
I knew you were different from me
When will I see you again?
I’m sure I’ll be waiting for that small chance
You’re getting farther away
Will you turn around at least once?
I haven’t even taken a single step yet
I haven’t gotten over you like you did
I still only have you in my heart
Even though I can’t find any of me in your heart
I still love you
Just like the person who is with you now
Yes, I’m alright, don’t look at me that way
I have no regrets from loving you before
Now I can’t do anything else for you
But when I see you again some day
I’ll smile for you, just like you did
But I haven’t forgotten everything
Your bright smile from today
Seemed like it was asking me to forget you now
But it’s still too hard for me to let you go
No more heat for two
No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.
No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.
Fall like drops of the rain
The whole world is just for you
We split the heaven
No more heat for two
Amphetamines took all that we had
The city drowned in the middle of adverts and shop windows
And those who were with me sunk, drowned.
Never Regret It
Never regret it—
any of your fifteen years.
Time passes and never returns.
Oh—never regret it—
kisses you give me.
Your sweetness
will not be lost.
Never regret it—
if you cry for me.
Perhaps one day you will smile.
You will smile thinking of your youth—
but for now you are close to me.
Do not tremble—trust in me.
~ ~
Never regret it—
if you cry for me.
Perhaps one day you will smile.
You will smile thinking of your youth—
but for now you are close to me.
Do not tremble—
trust in me.
Do not tremble—
trust in me—
in me.
Don't Worry About It
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
take me in your arms and kiss me.
Money flies—it flies fast—
You never have enough,
When the end of the month comes,
you are completely broke.
Yet you know that I love you
and I do not want to leave you
if you offer me a white coffee
instead of a good lunch.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
You dream of a car
with 180 horsepower
to take me at full speed
to Cannes or Monaco.
Yet you know that I love you
so what does it matter
if we're only going to Suresnes—
the two of us on your motor scooter?
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
In terms of the future, you worry yourself—
but you are worrying for no reason
because the beginning of your retirement
is not coming tomorrow.
And then you know that I love you—
that I will love you forever.
In life, all problems
are erased by love.
Don't worry about it—
everything will work out, everything will work out.
Don't worry about it—
take me in your arms and kiss me.
La, la, la ...
Versions: #2
You, you destroyed everything I believed in
You turned my world inside-out
But you did it with such grace
You, you pulled my heart right out
You filled my stomach with butterflies
But time took them all away
And now I'm asking myself, just for kicks
If something had come of us
If I hadn't held back like I did
If you wouldn't have forgotten me so
I'll never forgive myself
Life's strange that way, isn't it?
Tell me, how did I get here
Just another guest, on your wedding day
I've kept something from you, you should know
Little flowers, in my dresser drawer, still hoping
And other musings, too
And I never did tell you
But it doesn't matter now
Life is a beautiful path
I'm saying goodbye to you all over again
And now I'm asking myself, just for kicks
If something had come of us
If I hadn't held back
If you wouldn't have forgotten me so
I'll never forgive myself
Life's strange that way, isn't it?
Tell me, how did I get here
Just another guest, on your wedding day
There is a celebration in Mouraria
There is a celebration in Mouraria
It is the day of the procession
Of Our Lady of Health.
Even Rosa Maria
From Rua do Capelão
Seems to have virtue.
Rich coverlets at the windows,
Loose petals on the ground.
Believing souls, rough people
Faith walks through the alleys:
It is the day of the procession
Of Our Lady of Health.
After a short murmur
Profound silence weighs
Over Largo da Guia
The Virgin passes by on a support
Everyone kneels down and prays
Even Rosa Maria
As if petrified,
In fervent prayer
Her attitude is such,
That the already defoliated rose
From Rua do Capelão
Seems to have virtue.
Your Man
I don't want a beef no I just wanna tell
that once again I made your man's bed
You won't get a text since his phone ain't on
He screams Etta bitch, it's wet and hot
Guys always tell me
I feel your rhymes and I love your curls
so fat ass you could make some cash
you shine like a star, let's take a cab
my roommate ain't home, I don't want it slow
rubber to be sure, there are bitches on my door
Lit mama is on fire like a lighter
When I spit, men are just my daughters
A pretty body, face and a good heart as well
I have so many gifts I'm like a birthday party
Girl come and collect your man
he's driving down my road and
Your baby is always lying next to me
I think your man fell in love with me
My moves are so sick it makes them sick
it's like a work out when I ride, it makes them sweat
Your daddy calls me mama
I'm your mother-in-law, bitch
He wants a fat rack
not a small one
I don't know why it happens
so many bitches hating
their men drive to my yard
I'm not selling drugs but they are asking for candy
Their dreams are wet, they dream about me, hallelujah
I try to keep my nasty down when I step in the club
Men are throwing cash to Etta's booty
I'm a rap star and I turn fivers into hundreds
You will see my face when you check the news
Girl come and collect your man
he's driving down my road and
Your baby is always lying next to me
I think your man fell in love with me
Szörnyeteg (Az ágyam alatt)hu
Szörnyeteg, szörnyeteg az ágyam alatt
Gyere elő és játszunk, mert szükségem van egy barátra
Olyan átkozottul közel vagy, hogy a lélegzeted is érzem
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki megmaradt nekem.
(Verse 1)
Érezlek a csontjaimban
Végigfut a hideg a hátamon tőle.
A rejtőzködés mestere vagy,
Csak akkor bukkansz fel, mikor senki sincs itthon.
Igazi vagy vagy csak hazugság?
Érezlek az elmémben
És a lelkemben,
De imádom, amikor beugrasz
Ez segít, hogy legalább érezzek valamit.
A takaróm az ajtó
Az ágyam a koporsó
Épp úgy zárul be,
Megyek, hogy bezárjam
És közben azt az altatót éneklem, amit te tanítottál nekem.
Szörnyeteg, szörnyeteg az ágyam alatt
Gyere elő és játszunk, mert szükségem van egy barátra
Olyan átkozottul közel vagy, hogy a lélegzeted is érzem
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki megmaradt nekem.
(Verse 2)
Mutasd meg merre kell menni
Azt hiszem én örökre elvesztem.
Most, hogy mindenki itthagyott
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki reményt ad.
Azt mondtam megrémisztesz
De melletted érzem csak biztonságban magam
És te pontosan tudod ezt.
Imádom, amikor beugrasz
Ez segít, hogy legalább érezzek valamit.
A szemhéjam az ajtó
Az elmém a koporsó
És miután bezárták őket
Te előbújsz a szekrényből
És azt az altatót énekled, amit nekem is megtanítottál.
Szörnyeteg, szörnyeteg
(Verse 3)
Mentsen meg valaki, azt hiszem megőrültem
Vagy csak valaki ezt mondogatja nekem
A napjaim be vannak osztva, mint a kisgyerekeknek
Inkább álomban maradok, mint a valóság, nézzünk szembe vele.
A pincében töltöttem a nyaraimat
Kibaszottul szeretem, mikor így gyűlölsz engem
Sohasem akartam, hogy megszabadíts
A szörnyemtől, a szörnyemtől
Valaki hívjon egy doktort, egy doktort
Kibaszottul kinőttem már a bölcsőmeséket, szóval ne ajánlgasd, hogy beszéljük meg, ha nem tudsz leállni velük.
Gyógyszerekkel akarnak tömni
És bár valószínűleg nem fogom megenni őket
De ha csak a szörnyeteg a baj velem, hallgasd csak ,ahogy éneklem az altatót.
Szörnyeteg, szörnyeteg az ágyam alatt
Gyere elő és játszunk, mert szükségem van egy barátra
Olyan átkozottul közel vagy, hogy a lélegzeted is érzem
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki megmaradt nekem.
Szörnyeteg, szörnyeteg az ágyam alatt
Gyere elő és játszunk, mert szükségem van egy barátra
Olyan átkozottul közel vagy, hogy a lélegzeted is érzem
Te vagy az egyetlen, aki megmaradt nekem.
Gillowel vs. Morsay
Epic YouTube Poop Battle!
Go! Go!
Truand 2 La Galère! You're going to pay dearly!
You hide on the internet we come from the DISTRICT!
With your RELAX modes you want to share with the little brothers?
All you want is money, so go fuck your mother!
I fuck your wife, upstairs, your grandmother, in the basement,
And your kids, if they're good, I'm not going to boil them!
You've never interviewed me, yet I have a lot of plans,
Make you click, diss you, stab you, you and your subscribers!
Hi, everyone, it's Gillolel. And I'm in RELAX mode.
To fix a little piece of shit who stuffs syntax errors.
Stay in your suburbs, you and your raging troop,
I only interview youtubers who bring blue thumbs!
Gillolel touches the sky, you touch the tax credits.
You should be looking for a job, like me, that's what it's for!
Here, only I make the law! On Youtube I am the king.
Look at you, barking, you can't do anything about my voice!
I'm playing your voice in OFF, I'm crazy and I'm dick slapping you!
The Internet loves me. I'm clicking and I make money!
I'm slashing your whole family, even your chick, this MILF!
I get excited and my flow makes you short of breath, even your ears whistle!
I bring a fag, I tie you up AND HE SODOMIZE YOU!
You'd even get busted by Tai-Tai, and that's ridiculous.
The 15-18 propelled me, I respect them, they are my brothers.
Okay, you win, Gillo goes into FURAX mode!
You're gonna shit yourself, kid. Get the Dulcolax ready!
Your rhymes are like your guns, you shoot blanks, you're just a pussy.
Even my kids, for Halloween, wouldn't dare wear your clothes.
No, I didn't get hacked. This time, I did the math right.
Get on your knees, I'll put the rope around your neck!
I'm a potential disser. For you this is the last session.
I will spare the whole world the episode 2 of 'Revenge'!!!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Lunatic Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #10
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Back for revenge.
You're good at fighting, but in rap I'm one step ahead.
You're show off because you beat me a few times?
But, man, give me a break! You've always been behind me!
I didn't need anyone's help. I defeated all the champions.
I'm not the one who needs a CUT to stab bushes!
Can't you swim? Seriously, what a jester!
You don't need training, you need re-education...
Personally, it's not my grandfather who forgot my first name.
I could have called you ASSHOLE so keep it down a little bit!
Let's not talk about speed, let's talk about haste.
You may come first, but I made you finish second!
I can swim but I prefer to SURF on victory!
I have TCs, CSs, I'll show you my STRENGTH, you'll see!
Choose your Pokémon. I'm sorry! I'm first.
It's not my fault your grandfather always liked me better.
Okay you have a good DEFENCE but I have a better ATTACK!
You think you're proud of your Nuzlocke? All I lost was my RATTATAC.
I'm much more epic than your whole clique of pissers,
Pack up and leave or I'll take you in my sofa-bed!
Don't mention my grandfather, I haven't had a family in a long time.
I treat myself with HYPER POTION no need to go home to my mom.
Did you get a discount coupon to get your free bike?
I spent 1 Million and I didn't even use it!
Go back to your love life with your nurse.
While my grandfather, we all know it, is banging your mother!
And while you were hanging out, while you were training,
We shared to the little brothers and your mother, what a bitch!
123Pathetic, I can call you as I please too!
You'll never be as EPIC as my CHHHHAAA-RI-ZARD!
Your team, STAB! Your PAYNYSS, STAB!
All you can do now is crying and you know what? STABBBBB!!!!!!!
Insulting my mother and my team, everything I hate!
Do you want me to talk about your family? At least, what's left of it....
Your grandfather did great things. Your sister is respectable.
You're the bad little duck, buddy. Just a loser!
Professor Chen:
You disappoint me, Morsay!
Those words signalled your decline.
To be denied by your last loved one, hard to be an orphan....
But... what do you think you can win?
I already took everything from you, don't make me keep going!
I killed your RATTATAC, stole your dream of being a Master,
To finally take away the love your ancestor had for you.
Did you forbid your sister to give me the card? She did it anyway!
Call me brother-in-law, she and I love each other!
Nah! Nah! Naaaaah!!! He's lying...
Wake up, it's just a nightmare, everything will go back to the way it was.
I have money, I have talent, I have a team of thugs!
I was master before him. For a moment....
Come on, GO AWAY! Take your girl and go away...
All I've lost against you is time, so let me go!
You didn't experience anything, you didn't suffer anything, you don't know me!
Why don't you go cry about all your Pokémon that died in battle?
Face it, you're just a dirty kid
Who's trying to erase the traces of his past as an orphan.
You abandoned your sister to prove your worth
And you failed, now you're alone, so go ahead and cry!
It's not a nightmare, look in the mirror.
You will see a vanquished man, consumed by despair!
You're just a poor rival. Braggart and not social.
You dreamed of light but you are only my shadow, I embody your ideal!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
I feel so empty from inside
Hold me stronger
My soul tears apart
It doesn't get better
How am I to believe in love?
I see no dawnings
On this bleak planet
Everyone is on their own
Falsity is all around
If I knew it before
I wouldn't have kept silence but screamed
I would have not supressed it inside
Tell me about the dreams,
How can we believe in miracle?
Here everybody's concerned with themselves,
Here love doesn`t last
Come on let`s get out of here,
I want to see the dunes -
Under the feet (to feel) the sand,
The sand, the sand, the sand.
Come on let`s get out of here,
I want to see the dunes -
Under the feet (to feel) the sand,
The sand, the sand, the sand.
Come on let`s fly together
There, where there`s no time, or I.
There, where no one is awaiting us,
Where there`s no sense, no one lies...
Come on let`s get out of here,
I want to see the dunes -
Under the feet (to feel) the sand,
The sand, the sand, the sand.
Come on let`s get out of here,
I want to see the dunes -
Under the feet (to feel) the sand,
The sand, the sand, the sand.
Come on let`s get out of here,
I want to see the dunes -
Under the feet (to feel) the sand,
The sand, the sand, the sand.
The sand...
Thefish Vs. Magikbal - Epic Pokemon Battle
Hello, geeks! What's new on the disses? We'll see about that right now!
You've had too much!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Raaaaah! I have CHARI-RAGE!
No time to play ball, so get out!
Get out of your Pokeball and show me your face.
Unless you're afraid of my carnage!
I am the king of the waves, that's for sure.
No one can defeat my flow and certainly not a loser.
Don't take your chances or it'll end in drowning,
My rhymes are violent and will take you away like a CASCADE!
No matter how electric you are, the power doesn't flow.
I don't know what Lunatic has, but one day he'll realize
That you're not his type, so listen to me...
You don't belong on this team GO AWAY!!
What have I got to fear against such a small creature?
You're insignificant, your whole life is just a erasure.
One thing is certain, at the slightest opening,
Your life will take a whole new turn, you will suffer my BIT!
Start-up in progress... please wait...
Threat search... no danger!
The opponent is in front, the victory is certain.
Launching arguments about a hundred.
The enemy is not very smart, a lack of analysis.
Has he forgotten that my electricity paralyzes him?
Considering his weight and build, there's nothing to worry about.
An ETINCELLE and it will definitely be a breaded fish.
You talk about fighting, but I do.
You splash people while I electrocute them.
You're tall, impressive, but you scare people!
As for me, looking like an object, I'm interesting!
Humans think I'm a toy. They think you're a tuna!
Then change your tone before the thunder thunders!
No matter how much you weigh three tons, it wouldn't be in good taste
That for you the storm growls. So be careful....
Who's talking to me about weakness? Water is only conductive.
I have strength and my strength is destructive!
You're a degenerate! A failing Pokeball.
You don't even have sex!!! You'll have no descent...
You're not a magic ball, just an imitation.
I impose respect through INTIMIDATION!
I'm tall and heavy, but at least I have some elegance.
Then learn DESTRUCTION it will give us a break!
Infomercial Host:
Good morning, everyone! I offer you a Flash sale!
You will finally be able to get rid of this stain!
Hey, big guy! All that grease and dirt...
We took it away from you, admit it, it's less disgusting!
You got washed, rinsed, by the wash ball.
So go and fail elsewhere, to other shores....
I'm done with you and I have to admit it,
Your rap was powerful... like your DIP attack....
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Council of the 4's Diss (First Generation) - Epic Pokemon Battle #8
This is Bob.
Bob is not on the Council of the 4
So he decided to spam the comments.
Because Bob is a very dumbass.
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Make way!
I'm Olga, ice mistress.
I'm the one who throws a cold and freezes you on the spot.
Freezing you in horror, sublimated by my class!
I am the most deserving and important,
The first to turn down all these rookie vermin.
Sometimes I let it go, but not without making the slightest gesture,
Leaving you, you wankers, finishing the leftovers!
Are you done, Lady Glagla? I'm Aldo and I'm hungry.
For me it's snack time and for you it's the end!
Poor girl! You're crazy... let me break the ice.
I'm strong, I'm hot, it's going to be SUPER EFFECTIVE!
I have concrete muscles, a team of body-builders,
Victory? Drop it! None of you are scary.
I'm going to turn you into yogurt, except for you, the witch...
You're so out of date that you belong in a cemetery!
Huh, what?!! Who's talking about me?
May he be cursed for life! But rap I don't like it...
So let me do it mistress, I'll be there in a hurry.
These idiots who attack you will learn politeness!
My flow from the DARKNESS sounds like a funeral song.
My PSYKOS attacks, Aldo, will break your vertebrae!
As for Olga and Peter, Type ICE and Type DRAGON,
You're the only ones in the world using these stupid types!
The darkness BREAKS you, blocked in the HYPNOSIS.
It is serious to insult the black queen and anyone who dares...
Will get cold in the poison, end up with necrosis.
Death is a symphony of which we are the virtuosos!
Not another word, Pokémon! Peter is speaking to you.
Fighting? You're crazy! I'm not afraid of anyone.
On your knees in front of the master or I'll get out of my hinges.
I knew how to tame dragons, I will be able to submit you!
Agatha represents death? That's what's waiting for her.
I already have some stronger and much stronger substitutes.
Hey, athlete! Hit me! Ha ha! All in your arms, nothing in your head.
On the back of my DRAGOLITE nothing stops me!
BOREAL WAVES!!!!! So, does it hurt?
May your dragons weep, welcome to the icy age.
Considering my position, I've fought more battles than all of you combined.
I have more experience and I'm especially the sexiest.
WHAT?!! You're just a frozen tuna! Your number of fights is for sure, I have it!
I'm so trained, I'm eating your ice types with a frozen bite.
Peter! You dirty kid. Come and fight if you're a man.
Drop your dragons and I'll fight you in five seconds at the most!
Oh, what the hell! Let's get to the point... I'm not going to let some slut do it to me!
Or by a young moron, the PSY type shoots the bullies.
Peter, your dragon type is beautiful but it's useless...
The three of us are so good that almost no one has reached you.
But my dragons have no weaknesses.
Just a reduced resistance to the type everyone's leaving behind.
Being first is no use, I'm the last of the guards.
In a show you always have to save the best for the end.
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Bolde-Lee Vs. Rouroulette - Epic Pokemon Battle #7
Nooo, not rouroulette!!.. Oh hello and welcome to the Hard-Corner! Fortunately, death is not a fatality in video games. I have a tape to show you all this!
Come on!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Go! Go!
Welcome to this dojo, you little beetle.
Oh! But I recognize you, you're that little bird.
Who has not been able to fly far enough, nor high enough,
To dodge my assaults, thus resting in peace...
Are you asking me for a rematch? So don't disappoint me.
Let's go for an avalanche of kicks and punches!
Attention! This is not a training.
You may die... more seriously.
I accept all challenges but do not accept defeat.
Let's let the facts speak for themselves, my victory is already made.
I knocked you down once, didn't you find your grave?
Then let me drive you down, dig, to the next world!
Look at you! An egg that has never been able to hatch.
METEORE FIST! I'm sending you out there!
And if you come back again, braving death forever,
FIRE FIST! I will burn your soul on the flames of your body.
I'm coming back from heaven to make you go through hell.
From where I am, you're just a speck of dust.
You're right to have gloves, be careful with my claws!
You're just a little worm I'm eating for dessert!
I'm crazy! Nothing scares me.
Death is neither a fatality nor a mistake.
You beat me, and then what? Nothing left!
Locked up forever in site number one.
But you're a rock, Lee. I feel sorry for your adventure....
You beat me, but soon after you're overwhelmed with wounds.
Your master is ashamed of you, he abandons you, what a bastard!
While Lunatic loves me, I am his second capture.
I will be remembered. We already forgot you!
I wander in the heavens, watching your captivity.
So did you like my TORNADO of rhymes and violence?
Yes, I know, I'm CRU-AL, we call it revenge!
Revenge is a dish that I enjoy with delight.
Seeing this rage that emanates from our altercation.
Are you losing your temper? You lose the fight!
I have a STEEL mind your NORMAL type does not affect me.
You're so memorable, Lunatic replaced you.
You're so pathetic you've never evolved.
And you've never learned to fly, so get ready to fall.
It's time to get rid with a STRATOPERCUT!
No wonder, my dear friend, I am not finished yet.
Let me correct a couple of things because you're full of shit!
The first is to dare to talk about my estate.
A pathetic replica, made in your nation.
The second is to say that I lost my temper.
I told you I'm crazy! That I am without faith and law!
And the third, your STRATOPERCUT, is not for this time.
I trained in heaven and I send it back to you 100 times!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Giovanni Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #4
Seriously truand2laGalère raps better!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Truand 2 La Galère!
Send me your henchmen, share to your little brothers
By the tens, by the hundreds, they won't be able to do anything.
I'm not afraid of anything... I'm a real gangster!
So you steal the kids' pokemons?
ZUBAT, RATTATA, what interesting pokemons...
While you're at it, steal some great candy from them.
And just to prevent... also some potions!
Because I'm going to murder you, verbally, morally,
Mentally, violently, even literally!
I have no mercy, I take your henchmen one by one.
I'm going to stab them so much... they'll call me godfather!
I'll bleed you to death. It'll make tomato sauce.
And since you're Italian, I'm going to cut off all your legs.
You're making a mistake by confronting a guy this big...
But at least you have enough to make spaghetti bologna!
All right, are you done? Can I go back to my business?
Taking care of a kiddo... I don't have all day!
Go back to school! Go learn respect!
Or I'll call your parents..........well, I won't need it.
I have Italian roots and I am proud of it!
I know where I come from, I knew my mother, I knew my father.
And today... I respect my brothers.
My henchmen are my family and we're going to blow you to dust!
Your shitty humor won't hurt me
I'm stirring billions! What do you say, kid?
You think you're tough, but you're going straight into the wall.
You're not a little gangster... just a scumbag!
Stop it! I'm going to cry! I never knew my father...
On the other hand, the whole world knows my grandfather!
And how are you talking about family? You don't have any friends!
Your henchmen are here for your money. Not for your Panzannis!
I have a rare and class pokemon and, look my Charizard!
Let me see yours? Oh my God, my eyes hurt!!
Only dinosaurs? You have a prehistoric style.
I understand why you lose so often against Lunatic.
Why so arrogant? You have a lack of confidence?
Look how you're dressed, it looks like you just graduated from first grade.
You want to be a champion? Here, here are some TCs!
Because you lack technique, so go back to training!
If you want a duel, come on, my victory is certain!
I'll tell you a secret I'm the last arena champion!
And frankly... you're talking about my Pokemons
But Lunatic beat me twice, you, the triple minimum!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Peronist March
We, the lads
Shall be victorious, all united
And, as always, we shall issue
A cry from our hearts:
'Long life to ! Long life to Perón!'
To honour that great Argentine man
Who knew how to conquer (the hearts)
Of the great masses
Fighting against capital.
Perón, Perón... You're so great!
My general, how worthy you are!
Perón, Perón, great leader:
You're the first among all the workers!
Thanks to the social principles
That Perón has established,
The entire nation is united
And they cry from their hearts:
'Long life to Perón! Long life to Perón!'
To honour that great Argentine man
Who worked incessantly
So that, among the people,
Love and equality would rule.
Perón, Perón... You're so great!
My general, how worthy you are!
Perón, Perón, great leader:
You're the first among all the workers!
Let's follow the example
Of that Argentine male
And, following on his footsteps,
Let's all cry from our hearts:
'Long life to Perón! Long life to Perón!'
Because that glorious Argentina
With which once dreamed,
Is the effective reality
That we all owe to Perón.
Perón, Perón... You're so great!
My general, how worthy you are!
Perón, Perón, great leader:
You're the first among all the workers!
The Ancestral Abode
I'll reach freedom together with you,
To love, smile, flower, and happiness,
By the end of any night, there's a dawn,
By the end of any destruction, there's a flourishing,
In a free choice of head scarf,
A jail is not the answer to your protest,
A woman's singing is not a crime any longer,
There's no silence in your instrument sound,
Our Iran will be filled with hope,
Every alley will be filled with singing,
The cage will
be finally broken one day,
Flight is inherent in a bird,
Iran, Iran ...
Of any race and/or faith you are,
Iran is shared for all the Iranians,
People wish peace,
Limu, Limu, Lima
Limu, Limu, Lima
God, let the sun shine
Over the mountains of blue
Over small the small hills
Like walking in the forest
In the summer
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
Nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé
Már jó ideje így van, ebben biztos vagyok
Elhagytál engem egy másik lányért
Itt hagytál engem egy letört világban
Ott hagytál engem az utcán fekve
Ott hagytál megfagyni
A testem porrá vált
Nem tudtam kijutni a lyukból
Magányos voltam, teljesen egyedül
Amikor a telefonom csörgött, nem voltam ott
Amikor a szüleim hívtak, csak ültem, és bámultam
Reméltem, hogy az életem, melyet átverhetek
Leveszi rólam az arcát ennek a magányos világnak
Engedd, hogy beleforduljak és beleforduljak a szeretetedbe, a szeretetedbe, a szeretetedbe
Rég volt már
És nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé
Elsétáltál tőlem
Hirtelen, és szabad lettél
Bolond voltam
Többet adtam, hogy rendben tartsam a dolgokat
De ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómnál
Ez az, amit kértem volna
Nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé, nem szeretlek többé
Elhagytál, itt hagytál egy kalitkában
A védelmem csak a düh volt
Nem szeretlek többé
Nem szeretlek többé
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Ha felbukkantál volna, ha felbukkantál volna az ajtómban
(Nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek, nem szeretlek)
Snow and hail are falling thickly,
They are falling steadily and piling up,
The mountain and the plain are covered with a white cotton hat,
Bare trees are blooming with flowers.
Snow and hail are falling thickly,
They are falling steadily and piling up,
They keep falling without stopping,
The dog is running around the yard with joy,
The cat is curled up beside the fireplace.
Metamorphosis of true holy radiance
Do you not believe it?
Were you to believe it you would surely move on (wake up!)
The radiance becomes the scared truth dwelling in your heart
Don't be afraid of the wavering me
We look forward to seeing each other with our own eyes
It's as if you feel it but then it seems to disappear
The painful fleeting dream
will now draw a meaning for the tomorrow
Being changed by love
When we had shed our weakness we could see our truth
Being changed by love
We can keep transcending despair and the likes of it
Mankind's will is very very fragile
however, mankind's hope is very very strong
You got it... that's the phase that signals the beginning
Did you know?
If you knew you would surely reach it (pursue it!)
That is the throbbing courage, seeking the radiance
Since you invite the unhesitating me
We link our hands together and the ring of destiny is born
Accept our wavering hearts
It's a gentle yet intense dream!
Tomorrow we will fly even further
When our voice eternally maintain the prayer we place our trust in it and put it into words
Our voices should eternally bestow zeal
Quickly, quickly, quickly come here
Simply very strong but just different
You got it!... Towards the road of the true holy radiance
It's as if you feel it but then it seems to disappear
The painful fleeting dream
will now draw a meaning for the tomorrow
Being changed by love
When we had shed our weakness we could see our truth
Being changed by love
We can keep transcending despair and the likes of it
Mankind's will is very very fragile
however, mankind's hope is very very strong
You got it, didn't you? It's the beginning
When our voice eternally maintain the prayer we place our trust in it and put it into words
Our voices should eternally bestow zeal
Quickly, quickly, quickly come here
Simply very strong but just different
You got it!... Towards the road of the true holy radiance
End Credits
You seem to be dancing in slow motion
Your heels draw a comma on the floor
You seem to not even notice that I'm falling in love with you immediately
You seem to not know how much I love you
Nadia Dorofeyeva:
It's intense, very intense, like the final moments of a film
Like the music which tells us that it's time for the end credits
It's intense, very intense, like the final moments of a film
Like the music which tell us that it's time for the end credits
I replayed all the clips of the film of our life,
I cut them apart and glued them back together, even if only in my mind
I saw the marks of your lipstick and got a lump in my throat
When that video turned on in my memory
It's intense, you know, pain can be very intense
And flash through like the clips from our movie
I can't take all my thoughts and complete helplesness
Over the fact that you're so beautiful
And you were so then, and you are so now
I can't tear away my loving eyes from you
I want to continue our novel, I want to continue our story
Nadia Dorofeyeva:
It's intense, very intense, like the final moments of a film
Like the music which tells us that it's time for the end credits
It's intense, very intense, like the final moments of a film
Like the music which tell us that it's time for the end credits
Nadia Dorofeyeva:
Tell me, why aren't we together?
Where can I loan some peace for my soul?
Why are you running up the stairs?
Why are you hurrying away from your destiny?
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!
The Consultant
Agile, Kanban
A play with labels
Scrum, Lean
We halt for a bio break
We broaden our horizons
We create a square matrix
We crank out crap
The consultant informs us
About the latest trends
The Emperor has
New clothes
The brain screams
Fuck this shit
But we have to hang in there
And take yet a little bit
Promotion to manager
Eyes are shimmering
The employee
Works his ass off
The consultant informs us
About the latest trends
The Emperor has
New clothes
This crap can't be avoided
Pretend to be happy
Prevents us from ending up
On the shit list
The consultant is laughing
On the way to the bank
Fills up
The Bimmer's gas tank
Phineas and Ferb (Opening) (Crootch)
We have one hundred and four days of summer
With the freedom from school!
It also means an ancient problem:
How will we spend this time?
For instance...
Fly away from the Earth, knock out a mummy,
Climb the Eiffel Tower!
Let's discover something unusual
And wash a monkey, too!
Surfing is obligatory
And nanophysics, too!
Take the Frankenstein's brain!
Find the bird, paint a field,
Lead your sister to craziness!
We know so well that it's not much of time,
Therefore it is so terrible!
It is possible when Phineas and Ferb appear here to have fun!
It is possible when Phineas and Ferb appear here to have fun!
Bum Bum Dale Dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Figyelj, a szeretetem
Nem tudom, hogy érzed-e
Hőt kapok
Ez meleg
Mint egy bors, ami ég a szájában
Mint egy rossz gettó
Ahogy megérint
Mert így tudod, hogyan kell megcsókolni a száját
Észrevesz mindent, amit okoz
Csókot akarok
Adj, adj
Nos, tudod
Soha ne hagyja abba
Soha ne hagyja abba
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
(Reykon vagyok, a vezető)
Jöjjön a dolog, gyere
Pár tequilitás anyu jön, gyere, gyere
Ha fűszeresről beszélsz
Jobb, ha elviselsz
Abban az időben Maite, hogy te
Nem mondta, és észrevettem
Nézd meg az összes ruhát, amit eltávolítottam
Nem tette meg a problémát, amikor lehúzta
És szerette, amit tettem vele
Nem mondta, és észrevettem
Nézd meg az összes ruhát, amit eltávolítottam
Nem tette meg a problémát, amikor lehúzta
És akkor boom bum dale, dale
Mondd el, mit akarsz ...
Csókot akarok
Adj, adj
Ennyit jól tudsz
Soha ne hagyja abba
Soha ne hagyja abba
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Reykon vagyok, a vezető, hé, hé
Ne felejtsd el
Maite Perronival
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum dale, dale
Bum bum, add meg!
A királynőd
Ha tudta volna,
Hogy hogyan is nézel rá, megrémült volna
Ha tudta volna,
Hogy hogyan is képzelegsz róla, megbánthatna téged
De engedj az időnek,
Talán adhat még egy esélyt, hogy újra megtaláljátok egymást
Időbe fog telni neki, hogy elfelejtse az összes előítéletet, annyi biztos
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Még akkor is, ha két úrnő együtt nem elfogadott
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Ti, királyok nem is foglalkoztok ezzel, mert ez nem az, amit ti szerettek
Ha tudta volna,
Hogyan tekintettél rá, még akkor is, ha lány vagy
Ha tudta volna,
Hogy sokkal jobban tudnád szeretni, mint a király
De talán egy nap
Látni fogja az összes szerelmet, amit te tudnál adni neki
Én hiszek az olyan történetekben,
Amik néha jól végződnek
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Még akkor is, ha két úrnő együtt nem elfogadott
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Ti, királyok nem is foglalkoztok ezzel, mert ez nem az, amit ti szerettek
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Még akkor is, ha két úrnő együtt nem elfogadott
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Ti, királyok nem is foglalkoztok ezzel, mert ez nem az, amit ti szerettek
De azt hiszem, egy nap el fogja fogadni,
Hogy ő is egy kicsit jobban szeret téged
Én hiszek az olyan történetekben,
Amikben mások még nem hisznek
És te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Még akkor is, ha két úrnő együtt nem elfogadott
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Ti, királyok nem is foglalkoztok ezzel, mert ez nem az, amit ti szerettek
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Még akkor is, ha két úrnő együtt nem elfogadott
De te nagyon akarod, hogy a te királynőd legyen ma este
Ti, királyok nem is foglalkoztok ezzel, mert ez nem az, amit ti szerettek
Prima Donna of the Lumberyard
In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper
When Ruusa came to the lumberyard
Every man got a wound in his heart
They called her a 'Prima Donna'
And I guess she deserved that name
Love raged like wildfire
And it spared no one
Only an ice pack the size of a mountain
Could have cooled us down
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung on the top of the timber stack
Lead by Aapeli Jumppanen
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
We exercised madly on the timber stacks
So Ruusa would notice
We laughed at the orders of boss Petteri
Though I guess he was right
In an hour we hardly made a pile
For we had no time for that
We did handstands and somersaulted
To draw Ruusa's eyes to us
We felt as if in midst of planks
A most charming flower had sprouted
Though Jumppanen broke his leg
He took no time off
Boss Petteri hollered and nagged
For we screwed up all the work
The men had their heads in the clouds
And we sang to Ruusa:
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Fower of the sawmill'
Only Petteri grit his teeth
Our gang just kept singing to Ruusa
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
The wise men tell the stupid ones:
Love is nothing but suffering
Petteri gave us a final speech
In the master's cabin
He just said that workers
Who don't even work
Must leave this lumberyard
You got the money and there you go
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung as the gates closed
And we walked away
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper
Wanting a man
Long have I searched for a beauty
Long have I waited for a beauty
Weeks have gone by
Long have I searched for a beauty
Long have I waited for a beauty
Into that wolf's mouth
Tongue on the weasel's plate
On the bear's palm hands
I repeat, I repeat, young maiden
I repeat, to a man
For these maidens
For these beautiful chicks
Engagement comes screaming
Big money jingling
If only the groom would treat well
Stay in the evenings
Where are you, my blood?
My good swelling flesh