A keresés eredménye oldal 41
Találatok száma: 1477
Melon, melon, melon
He just like a telepuzik
And i like that telepuzik
Don't love... Don't love a melon
The Aria of Ivan and the Frog
Versions: #2
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
I've been going throw forests and looking for my arrow everywhere,
And what is this fucking creature sitting on the leaf?
It's completely green and cold piece of shit,
And it's holding my arrow in its arms
Like a joint of marijuana,
Well, what should I do? Where could I find a fiancee?
And why are you croaking, fuck your mother?
'You take me with you, I will be your wife!'
'What, must I take you?' 'Yes, me!'
'I'd rather jump headfirst into the deep swamp!'
'You take me with you, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'Holy shit! It ain't a happiness! How must I find that?
You, stupid frog, better tell me how we will sleep together!
Well, sex with you will be a myth,
'Cause you even can't fit for my fuckpole,
You'll burst like a condom!'
'Well, fuck off and die! If you don't wanna, don't take me,
But remember, my dear, let a frog tear you into small pieces,
If you return back without a woman, you father
Will fucking beat you down, I answer for my words!'
'Yes, of course, the King will really hit me,
I can't deny it, but, eventually,
Listen to me, green shit, I wanna tell you:
It's better for me to get some strikes in my ear or jaw,
But I will be single, I will live so as I want to do!'
'You take me with you, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'Actually, that's not so bad,
Somehow, my dick is itching,
I think I'll take this amphibia to the castle,
I won't have to byu her any jewels and luxury clothes,
If I am drunk as a cunt, she won't yell at me,
Listen to me, green frog, I agree!
Come here! You will be my fiancee!'
'Really?' 'No shit! You sit on my handkerchief
And let's go home with me. Have you climbed up, dear?'
'Yes, I have. I'm fine, darling!'
You have taken me home, I will be your wife,
I will be faithful for you, I am a happiness of your fate!'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
'I have taken her home, she will be my wife,
She'll be faithful for me... I've got a fucking happiness of my fate!..'
All fucked-up, fucked-up, fucked-up! (x3)
(Narrative Part)
So Ivan took the frog,
Put her in his pocket,
The frog nearly died there,
'Cause there was a bad smell going from Ivan.
Then Ivan came to the King,
He had overgrown hair like a hermit,
The King asked Ivan:
'How's your health? How's your wife?'
'Look at, father, I've brought my wife,
I am keeping well, Jesus saves me,
Although I've got the diarrhea
Because of the musty swamp water!
Here is she, my wife!
Yeah, she is green,
But I have a perspective
That I won't have a damned mother-in-law!'
'Okay, Ivan, don't be sad,
Zip your fuckpole forever,
I bless you,
If you are so goon!'
Ivan went to his room,
Put the frog on the table,
Began to view the frog
And scratch his dick.
'Well, how must I fuck her?
Shit, fuck your mother,
My dear, you at least fart
So I will be able to find a hole in you!'
At that moment, the frog
Gave a heart-rending shout,
Somersaulted through herself,
And a lady appeared in front of him,
The frog became to a nice chick
From her head to her cunt,
She was very beautiful,
Everyone would fall in love with her.
Feeling a lot of pleasure,
Ivan pissed in his pocket.
Loudly releasing gas,
He immediately ran to the toilet,
Having opened his jaws like a crocodile,
He took frog's skin.
And, farting loudly,
He flushed it down the toilet.
Suddenly thunder struck,
So Ivan's house became shaking,
His wife disappeared,
It was a big bummer,
But, on the other side of the window,
She managed to shout
'Koschei has stolen me,
Help me out before I die'
Ivan was grieving for three days,
Then, having saddled a horse,
He went for a long way,
Loudly ringing with his harness...
Face of an angel
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My worls is falling over
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
Innocence, in a world filled with violence
Passin' over consequences
And patience isn't a scapegoat for stupidity
Where is at the intelligence left?
I lost my focus
I took off my tinted shades, everything lies colorless
Your aroma remains when I open your room's door
Goodbye, my angel, the skies are qaitin for you
God I ask you, forgive em
But them, they don't know what they're doing
I swear they're gonna pay everything they did to me
R.I.P. my love, give me strenght not to destroy myself
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
There's no more tears left to cry
And I can't get you out of my mind
I look at the sky and your face's an image
which pictures itself while I keep on reminiscing you
I beg you for peace my Lord here on Earth along with the up in Heaven
I know we live in a hellhole
And that someday we're gonna meet in the afterlife
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to out this suffering into words
Only God knows how I feel
My world's falling down
My sand heart
Now is waitin
That God sends you my way
Tell me how to accept
That you're no longer here
The face of my angel
Flyin' up high
Pulp Fiction
You have one last chance, no more
I'm not threatening, that's the last warning
Always the same thing, you stolid!
There is no more concession for you in me!
Before strong winds blowing
Before winter showing its harsh face
don't dwell on it! lets break up!
somehow or other!
I don't know where your mind is?
I couldn't hold the rope once, I can't hold it again!
Get out of my life!
Lets finish this pulp fiction
I love you so much, blah blah
Your life is a lie!
I don't need you,
You can take it or leave it, get this!
We will get used to it by time!
I gave up, I'm withdrawing!
The Sky Cried With Snow
Versions: #3
Once there trod the earth an old hag named Woe
And she tagged along those who were happy
And for miles around every garden bed wilted
Wherever she stepped.
And in the sky reigned the queen named Despondency
With eyes of blue-green colour
And with every morning she thrived more and more
While unceasingly bewailing
There's no good in making yourself a chariot into the sky
If your sleigh lies rotten and unattended
There's no good to appeal to God with your poems
If you while away time over sunflower seeds in idly gossip
Trust after that your fellow brother
I remember making a snowman together
I remember little kids rushing out of the yard
At the sight of the dick and all!
Did we have to laugh or cry?
It cried with snow
Once a star-crossed poet
Used to sing odes to frozen birds
He enlaced his lyrics with
A golden vernicle needle
And later on his own lyrical works
Didn't let him sleep off them
They found him in a noose
Who was he? What was his name?
There's no good in making yourself a chariot into the sky
If your sleigh lies rotten and unattended
There's no good to appeal to God with your poems
If you while away time over sunflower seeds in idly gossip
Trust after that your fellow brother
I remember making a snowman together
I remember little kids rushing out of the yard
At the sight of the dick and all!
Did we have to laugh or cry?
It cried with snow
So I decided to soar up
To meet those birds up there
But I'll only be a scarecrow, a piсket pillory
But I'll only be never-ending gloom
Let them fly by and by
Let them be unaware of how
We compromised on our souls
Idly gossiping over sunflower seeds
Life is such an odd thing
Like winter in early May
Hey, you, the hag of Woe, come out and dance with me
Just like my lot, you're lame
But lame in your right leg
On your left one, you hop all right!
I'll take you to roam with me
I'll have you on me, the poor thing
Do we have to laugh or cry?
With snow, the sky cries
Absent Dove
Five are the nights I cry
In the paths
Five are the written letters
Taken by the wind
Five are the black kerchieves
They are the witness
Of the five sorrows
I have inside me
Absent Dove
White Dove
Blooming Rose
I spend whole moons
Looking at the sky
With only one wish
On my mind:
That it doesn't comes down hurt
My dove
The one that comes molten
To the elements
It says, in a paper written
With green ink,
That with some patience
Everything can be reached
One that got it
Went to dance
From its garden to the Ark
Of the Covenant
A cage in the air
Is coming down
With all its bars
Of calamity
All the little birds
Are trilling
Although that, I can tell apart
My Swallow
I'm going to put on
A buttlefly's suit
Tomorrow, when it arrives
My dove
In the fingers, flags
Of three colors
And in the eyelashes, thousand
Of small candles.
I like I like
What do you like, what do you like
Me I don't know, it depends
I rather like honest people
What do you like, what do you like
I like to get the hell out of here
And escape inside my head
Don't know why I talk to myself
Instead of writing poems
But they would probably be crazy
Don't know why I talk to myself
Why I get the giggles
Maybe I like to laugh like a drain
I like I like
At times I like loneliness
The one you choose to talk to yourself
The one that doesn't hurt and you can forget
The one you can remove like a thorn
I like I like
At time I like loneliness
But I don't like screams when they last long
When emotions drown me in a sea of fury
When the lack of me makes me rant
What do you like, what do you like
Having a slightly silly smile
Writing a letter silently
What do you like, what do you like
I like to look at the emptiness
And imagine that maybe
Someone somewhere at the end of the world
At the same instant thinks of
The same thing as me
Someone ranting just because it feels good
To think about nonsense
I like I like
At times I like loneliness
The one you choose to talk to yourself
The one that doesn't hurt and you can forget
The one you can remove like a thorn
I like I like
At time I like loneliness
But I don't like screams when they last long
When emotions drown me in a sea of fury
When the lack of me makes me rant
I like silence so much and I don't believe anymore in time
Not easy to say, that's just how I feel
I see past and future intertwined
Nothing linear, everything is being played in present time
I like I like
At times I like loneliness
The one you choose to talk to yourself
The one that doesn't hurt and you can forget
The one you can remove like a thorn
I like I like
At times I like loneliness
But I don't like screams when they last long
When emotions drown me in a sea of fury
When the lack of me makes me rant
When the lack of me makes me rant
When the lack of me makes me rant
Come child
Come child, I will take you
to an enchanted land.
Come child, come play
here in my garden of shadows.
Sweet child, I will show you
the way amidst the pain and sadness.
Don't cry child, this is the path
of beauty and dead passions.
Hush child, this is path
of life's disappointments.
Rest child, for soon we will go
into the calm and silence.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
I still love you
Do you remember our time together?
But the sun didn't warm us
and our stars fell down,
there were few left in our sky.
And now the leaves are falling,
while we sought spring together.
Do you remember our time together?
We must have run late.
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?
It will porbably hurt,
and nights will become longer.
I will let the pain loose
and yey I will love.
And the leaves keep falling
and we're out of time.
It is probably too late
or maybe too early?
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?
Did we float or did we fall?
We rejected each other.
Did we sing or did we cry?
Neither of us could say.
Did we lose or find ourselves?
I still love you, but should I?
Queen's reprise
So all that I've known till now
And believed myself to be, is a lie.
No, you have become a son for us
And we love you.
Why did you choose me?
Not us, but Moses
This is the finger of the gods.
Know, this is your house, Moses.
The basket with you,
The flow of the river for us has declared
That you live here.
Despite this revelation
Believe god, that you are my son.
Also the blessing of the gods
Do not search for a reason.
Loretana mornings (zamba)
The coyuyo* with its reveille
the entire jungle is waking up
the cacuy* in the morning
flee until the night comes back,
and very early in the morning
there in the distance
a cowbell is heard,
a person neglects her cattle,
which are leaving their filth behind as they walk.
Loretana morning
full of life
and full of sun,
full of colours
sweet and tasty
like the mistol*.
The second one is leaving!
With the noise
of the susunas
the hill is coming
the chiritás
swinging the hip
and singing a vidalita*.
Also the cachi juanas
they have awakened the green junal*
the singing of the sachas*
it makes the quebrachal* shudder.
A small, xenophobic shithole
But they have some kind grannies
They drink vodka and fight
I rather live in Kouvola than Lohja
Time travel to the 80's
Don't even consider
There's only one good thing about Kouvola: licorice
The promised land for people with weird hair
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Architectural wonder
The cradle of Kymenlaakso culture
In Kouvola you can surely be in peace
Having those fish-finger like moustache is still what's in
Kouviet Union, wtf?
Everyone's face is like an elephant's cunt, and not without a reason
I would be annoyed too
nickname: never again, never again
The most useless city in Finland
This ain't New York or anything
But by Finnish standards, I won't complain
Fuck off if you don't care, I don't give a fuck
Kouvola is home
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Kouvola, Kouvola
Building neat things from concrete
Yandere Chan vs Monika - Epic Pixel Battle #21
Epic Pixel Battle!
I don't feel any emotions...
Except pity for this girl so neglected she's not even an option.
You're leading a litterature club?
Well now draft your last will 'cause in my plan I won't tolerate any crossing-out!
Don't expect the title of 'Yandere-chan' 'cause you're overrated.
You're boring me but let me take a pic' when I beat the pants out of you!
You're a coward, pushing your friends to suicide and then delete them!
I would have killed them by my own hands, without leaving any trace.
Let me correct your mistakes, let's start with your nickname,
Isn't a Yandere one that is remotely controlled.
I've got all the info, Chan'! Ayano of her true name.
This battle is but a joke, and so is the day you were born.
Why are YOU looking at her? She isn't even finished.
'The guy who wrote this battle must be quite the moron!'
Let me get out of your sight all of her indelicates features. (Wait! What?!)
And now all there is, is JUST MONIKA
-What is the meaning of all this?
-Is it me or did she call you stupid?
-Ha! I kinda agree with her.
-Uhhh, Sumashu did you stop the music?
-Uhh, no, I heven't touched anything!
So, This is 'Epic Pixel Battle'? Don't tell me that you like this?
It's loud, rude and badly animated, you deserve better!
I'm gonna write a poem just for you! But before that...
You're all hiding behind famous characters yet in the end you're only nobodies...
Any last words?
{Stan Dusk}:
Cutting off my music, now that takes some guts!
My name's Stan Dusk, composer, expect to be decomposed.
I'm just writing peacefully all those music sheets just like a poem
And there's more love inside of it, than you will ever get.
Okay, lemme Sumashu, you're gonna get remixed in the blender!
The bitch will tone it down, while I will lead in this dance!
I am Safe and Sound! Not of random bits.
I wish you luck if you try and detune us, I'll leave you to the two sisters...
But I'm scared... that for me her heart will go Doki Doki!
We're gonna crush this airhead with a crush for anybody!
You're just an easy girl, we already won this battle.
Do you know why? Because you are SO ALONE!!!
{Sainte Séïa}:
No one noticed you, so why do you keep going?
After I'm finished drawing you, I will delete you, embrace your destiny!
Too weak for a debate and so not interesting
(You just destroyed her!!) Easy! I am the mean one here!
I may not have the best pen but I can soar away with it!
You take this too seriously, We're only here to have fun.
In the end, you're just a program, I'll execute you whenever.
Monique is a real name, and Monika 'is a slut!'
Childish, but say, typical from youtubers!
Calling themselves artists but creating music every 3 months.
Geeks like you, I scare some everyday for fun,
Once I am done with the fourth wall, it's your dreams that I'll shatter!
Hidden in your tipeees, you're all begging for money.
Forced to include themself in this battle to feel like you exist.
Using the fan-service so it can be accepted
But this is only a rap for kids, let me just adapt it...
Hi there Mad! Oh... isn't your coloring beautiful!
'It's my big sis' drawing!' Seriously... How old are you?
And don't you laugh the two sound guys, replacements from this season.
Super-Sumashu-Buffon... And... What's your name again?
Then we have 123Lunatic, big pimp of this trickery.
Who has to explain his writting just because how bad it be.
All of you are proud of this? What a success story...
EPB is just a ripoff of the Epic Rap Battle of...
-There we go! She got shut down! Let's do this!
You've got no control here.
HA! Got nothing more to say?!
{Stan Dusk}:
With those eyes, green of jealousy...
You make me sick!
{Sainte Séïa}:
We'll have to explain to you how much you stand out here.
Together, it's time for the...
{Stan Dusk}:
You don't have the words to carry a weight against us.
Just give up!
You're just ridiculous, you easily fit in a USB key.
{Stan Dusk}:
{Sumashu & 123Lunatic}:
{Stan Dusk}:
You're less esteemed than you think.
If we had listened to them,
{123Lunatic, Stan Dusk, & Sumashu}:
Instead of you it would have been Sans!
{Sainte Séïa}:
I don't draw anybody, so be glad to play the extra.
Sharp as knives, our stylus will disfigure you!
{Sainte Séïa}:
You're playing at being a saint,
And a stalker
{Sainte Séïa & Madstalker}:
We're way ahead of you!
Your lyrics wouldn't mean a thing if I didn't write all your lines.
{Stan Dusk}:
All five of us are connected,
As your friends let us doubt about it.
{Sainte Séïa}:
Did you think about saving
Before killing them all?!
It's not up to you to deside how our story will continue.
Never forget that:
-Nicely done guys!
-For real, she really thought!
-Bye Bye, Monika!
Who deserves the victory?
Who will be the next ones?
Tell us in the comment section for the 4th season!!!
Dorina's Picture
We carried the cannon
In single-file through the mud.
First with song, then without
Until we were over the ridge.
We pieced it together
In the fog-front of ice and firn.
Hands full of scraps
Cold sweat on my forehead.
Every time
When I sat alone at the post
Every time
When the cold ate through my clothes
Every time
I carried it protectively like a shield
I held Dorina's picture
Sometimes we were blinded by the snow.
Many were frozen.
In the icy, cold wind
My companion went missing.
I sat there like a corpse,
Motionless for hours.
My eyes played tricks,
Saw ghosts there on the slope.
Every time
When I sat alone at the post
Every time
When the cold ate through my clothes
Every time
I carried it protectively like a shield
I held Dorina's picture
In the light of the flickering lantern
Lay listening posts overhearing.
In tunnels, deep in ice caves
They hear the glaciers whisper.
We're not alone here.
Nights, one hears them digging.
The enemy buries itself in the stone,
Hammering and scraping.
They tirelessly drag tons
Of explosives into the shaft.
Bright as 1000 suns
The explosion tears the night.
With a shock
Burst bones, rock and steel.
With a shock
The glacier rushes into the valley.
With a shock
Bodies fall heavily onto stones.
With a shock
Suddenly calm takes over.
It's like my dreams.
I lay on my back in the high grass
On the field, under trees,
Where I often sat with her.
In her summer dress, she comes to me.
The sun shines in her face.
She looks at me, smiles a bit.
A last time
Dorina's picture...
Még mindig dohányzom, mert azt olvastam valahol,
ha leszokom, mielőtt 26 leszek,
akkor nem lesz gond, úgyhogy hazudok magamnak,
mialatt meggyújtok még egy cigit.
Telefonfüggő vagyok
Szorongani kezdek, ha nincs kartávolságra tőlem
Éberen fekszem, képernyő az arcomban
És azon tűnődom, miért nem tudok aludni
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Láttam ezeket a borzasztó dolgokat egy dokumentumfilmben
Eldöntöttem, nem eszek több húst,
hogy megmentsem a földet, amíg egyszer csak azt nem mondtam 'francba az egésszel'
Még egy hétig se bírtam ki
Olyan hű de tökéletes a felszínen, de az az igazság
Nem akarok ilyen srác lenni
De megvan az előre megírt szöveg, jobb ha ahhoz tartom magam
A címkém azt mondja, hazudnom kell
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
Sosem fogják meglátni azt az oldalamat
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Most csináltattam egy új tetkót, feszengek,
mert még a saját anyámnak sem mondtam el
Úgyhogy mikor hazamegyek meglátogatni a szüleimet
Sosem veszem le a pulóveremet
Nem érdekel, hogy igaz-e, vagy nem
Csak az érdekel, hogy jöjjenek a lájkok
Úgy olvasom a kommenteket, mintha mindenki őszinte lenne
Miközben a hamis életemhez tapsikolnak
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
Sosem fogják meglátni azt az oldalamat
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Mert hát én is csak ember vagyok
Ráteszek egy filtert, hogy természetesnek tűnjön
Mert hát én is csak ember vagyok
Ráteszek egy filtert, hogy természetesnek tűnjön
Nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
És senki sem tökéletes a felszín alatt
De mindenki próbál az lenni
Nem látod az iróniát?
Ó, hát nem látod az iróniát?
[verse 1]
Today I'm 21 and I do not know what to do
Tomorrow I'll be 22 and I didn't do everything I wanted
Maybe it's too late
Or maybe it's still early
Who said everything will be easy
Who said everything will be easy
[verse 2]
I graduated from university, but I do not have a job yet
Maybe I'm wasting my time and losing my best years
Maybe it's too late
Or maybe it's still early
I hope it's not too late
I hope everything will be alright
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
[verse 3]
Today I'm 21 and I do not know what to do
Maybe I'm wasting my time and losing my best years
Maybe it's too late
Or maybe it's still early
I hope it's not too late
I hope everything will be alright
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be fine
Everything will be
Baby Portable Rock
Despite the spring, you won't date me?
Baby, you don't feel good?
I'll go immediately to your house to meet you
Baby, won't you go out?
Phoning and taking a little advantage
I wanted to know if this love was true
Driving wildly to somewhere
Baby, won't go immediately?
The clothes I like the most are of sweet pastel
Don't you think this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
I noticed since this morning without knowing why
Bring your favourite record
Baby come to meet me
If the portable player starts spinning
Do you also believe this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
Did you noticed since this morning too?
Don't you think this love is true?
Baby baby baby immediately
Baby baby baby come to meet me
A premonition of a happy love
I noticed since this morning without knowing why
I think this year's spring will surely have something happy

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
You Ought To See
[Per Vers]:
They say that real mean shouldn't dance
They must just stand and stare, otherwise they're gay
That way of thinking is that of a boy, not that of a man
And I can feel that the music makes me go [?]
[Marie Key]:
You ought to see Per dancing
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You ought to see
[Per Vers]:
Yeah, I
I used to point towards a fake injury
But this track is my moves
It's the law of attraction
The groove makes it so that I forget that I'm insecure
So I dance as though no one's looking
Gambling everything, taking off my harness
Then let them stare until they go cross-eyed
[Marvelous Mosell]: You're not the best dancer
I know, right? But I'm marvelous myself
So I'll give my finger to those who think my moves are ugly
It's no contest, you can't vote my out
And there's no Nobel Prize
If you reveal that I don't have hips like Elvis
They're snapping selfies with my pelvis
As the background, like, all by chance
Hashtagging it 'spastic'
But fuck it! 'Cause this is a classic
So just take pictures
I've got moves changing coins to notes
Beware, it may cause eye cancer
Their eyes fug when I dance
[Marie Key]:
You ought to see Per dancing
[Per Vers]: There's nothing to discuss
You ought to see the stuff he can do
[Per Vers]: They ought to see Disco Per
You ought to see Per dancing
You ought to see
[Per Vers]:
If you don't shoot, you won't score besides own goals
Shake what you've got even if they're not a model size
Don't start panicking
About your shapes not being aerodynamic
Move those curves, shake that cookie jar
Twerk with your flat butt
And show some skin
Even though you like like chancellor Palpatine
Get those salsa moves all fired up
Don't give a fuck if your clothes are fancy
It's not about how perfectly you're singing, but how loudly
And if the floor is full, just use the tables
Sing along even if you don't remember the words
We're not born to be perfect
We're born to be real
Move your weight
And accept that cookie
Blame that boogie
Whether you're fancy like Micky Asalere
Or handsy like Hinterseer
There's no reason for you to feel inferior
'Cause no matter how bad it is, I'll be even worse
[Marie Key]:
You ought to see Per dancing
You ought to see the stuff he can do
You ought to see Per dancing
You ought to see
You ought to see him dancing
You ought to see him dancing
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
It would have been better that she killed me
When she crosses my mind
old wounds come to life
then three nights and days
I don't go out from the bar
It would have been better that she killed me
than loved me
because this way me without her
I neither live, nor die
When this wine gets me
and memories make me ill
I would give everything including this life
to kiss her lips
Chorus. 2x
If it would have been possible
to spend the night by her side
I would have said 'yes' to that this very moment
to be my last
Chorus. 2x
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
90 min
Yah, this is Italy
Schools to the nuns
Favourite team
(Giuro la do ?) I swear you will fuck me
Without a job
No hard feelings
This is Italy, yes
This is Italy, yes
This is Italy, guns and dialect
They speak with a thick accent
Bro, it's not that I can't hear you
I really can't understand what the fuck you just said to me
Ristretto [short espresso], caffè corretto [espresso with alcohol]
Summer, fucking Cornetto [ice-cream brand]
Kids that grew up on a football field
Then go down to the square to take a swing
To kiss the rings on cut-off hands
Unemployed with paid holidays
Mafia doesn't do holidays, they will kill you during the summer
They make a TV series, and everything has already been seen, like a déjà vu
Technology that takes you far away
We struggle to speak Italian
Now I have social problems
Luckily, this year we're gonna win the World Championship [in football]
Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable
The show is about to begin
It's like flying in economy
But without the sick bags
Bodies covered in scratches
Faces that ask to be slapped
But they always get applause
Applause, applause, applause
Applause, applause, applause
90 minutes of applause [reference to Fantozzi]
This is Italy, it's a twisted mind
Shut your mouth or they'll take away your witness protection
News, you know, here don't really inform you
Racists that listen to hip hop
Something's not right
Italy and its snobbish charm
Milan is boredom and smog
It's an old story that is going on for a while
But doesn't end, just like Turandot [the opera]
The powers that be: open accounts but close the ports
Steal money, impossible to oppose them
People smile with cuts on their wrists
Ambulance, hey, we are already dead,
Struggling in a sea of hate, drowned by our regrets
I've never seen God but we've met
I hate the Church but I'm Christian
Before being a true Italian, try to be human
Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable
The show is about to begin
It's like flying in economy
But without the sick bags
Bodies covered in scratches
Faces that ask to be slapped
But they always get applause
Applause, applause, applause
Applause, applause, applause
90 minutes of applause
Summer in Italy, Latin American influence
They are looking for a summer hit
Rum and cocaine, codeine
Seems like they have the 'dog cough'
I loosen the belt
Suck my dick [Spanish slang]
These shitty rappers, I won't let them win
I will return to the top and give them a push
Passengers, please be informed that this plane
Is about to crash
Fasten your seat belts
Lebon (??) is at the mic
Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable
The show is about to begin
It's like flying in economy
But without the sick bags
Bodies covered in scratches
Faces that ask to be slapped
But they always get applause
Applause, applause, applause
Applause, applause, applause
90 minutes of applause
Like you're flying
She was so breakable, was so fragile
When you got to know her
Like a leave of a rose, so soft
She was a bit shaky, and sometimes a bit angry
But you could handle it
That's what I thought
The time passed and it seems like that
It went better with her bit by bit
Slowly she found the power
Your love turned out to be the right colour
And then happened
What I'd never expected
From the ground
You helped her building
Till he could do everything herself
Until she stood
Till she her legs and wings
Well, I hope she enjoys
All the beauty she sees now
And that the wind will carry her wings forever
Because you grant her luck
Despite your tears of sorrow
But I hope that she arms her for the fall
Because you know, my love
She seems much stronger than you now
But appearances are deceiving
She doesn't see it
Because if you fall, sometimes it is like you are flying
It feels like you are flying
He was so caring and charming
When you got to know him
Such a remedy for the pain
You kept going, broken heart
But he was unstoppable
To nice to be true
From the start
A sea of flowers he has there at your pedestal
But when he got you
Just as fast as he came, he went
Well, I hope he enjoys
All the beauty he sees now
And that he then find his luck there
Because you don't want to weigh him down
Despite your tears of sorrow
But I hope that he arms him for the fall
Because you know, my love
He seems much higher than you now
But appearances are deceiving
She doesn't see it
Because if you fall, sometimes it is like you are flying
It feels like you are flying
So don't think, my love, that you are the weakest
It's not that difficult to leave
Because when the storm rises
And everybody starts running the strongest trees will keep standing
And a head in the clouds yet doesn't say that someone can fly
Again and again the shortest route
Makes you faster
But does it make you wiser
I'm so proud of you
When I see how strong you are
And you become stronger
My heart's yours
You needn't complain
Nor live in fear
No, you needn't be afraid
My heart's yours
It is wise and obedient
It won't go elsewhere
You can sleep in peace
My heart's yours
It's yours, it's yours
It's yours more than ever
How it's [no longer] mine
And when I leave
Hold your tears
I'll return soon
My heart's yours
Ever since this autumn evening
You've brought me joy
If it's no one's,
My heart's yours
It's yours, it's yours
It's yours more than ever
How it's [no longer] mine
Ever since that autumn evening
You've brought me joy
If it's no one's,
My heart's yours
My heart's yours
My heart's yours
Time of the dark night
Versions: #2
It was a dark night when it came to my dream
That vision of mine was so horrifying
It got me upset
When my body just decomposed
Then I noticed that I was the nightmare
Once the greatest man in all Russia trusted me
But when he betrayed me, he got the curse
It took them all to their graves
But the little girl did not want to die!
Now she won't stay alive, this is my revenge
Time of the dark night will rise upon the girl
Time of the dark night, darkness is coming
The perfect revenge tastes so sweet
Time of the dark night - I get to kill!
I feel how I'm getting back my powers
I'll cover the smell of corpses to perfume
As she shall crawl
Towards her doom
Dasvidanya, Anya, so it is!
Time of the dark night is full of horror
Horror is fulfilled!
Time of the dark night brings her pain
A perfect nightmare for her!
Time of the dark night - brings death!
Time of the dark night will rise upon the girl
Time of the dark night borns and beats her (to revenge)
The girl is soon the last one of her family
Time of the dark night
Time of the dark night
Minions, rise on your wings
Avenge the injustice (time of the dark night, time of the dark night)
Find the cursed princess!
Time of the dark night, time of the dark night, time of the dark night!
I get my revenge!
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
The day of the hawk
And the day of the hawk came
one morning in September,
they opened the day wide
they quartered his belly
And it was sliding downstream
at the gates of Santiago,
with the claws of fire
and with the eyes of the dragon
And your wife, begging
at the embassy in the grip of the winds
'' Please, give me a sign of hope
in this nest of snakes .'
And at the end of the evening
they turned off the fires in the stadium
'Please, give me a flower so as not to die
and a flag to die.'
And the day of the hawk came
under the artillery
of traitors, working for
a police chief
And it was sliding downstream
on the squares and on the Moneda
while Victor sang
he saw the falcon on its prey
'I do not sing to sing
nor for having a beautiful voice'
you shouted to the people in chains
to alleviate their pains
'I am singing for the guitar
that is right and has sentiment.'
while the knives blades
hissed in the wind.
' I don't sing to sing
nor for having a good voice
I'm singing because the guitar
is right , and has sentiment.'
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
I wish well
Much better days are still ahead
Know it now
All these mixed feelings will become clearer for you
Where it will take you further, take you further
take you further finally, a ray of light
You listen to me
I reopen myself to you
You listen to me
Now it is time for me to be on my way
Be so kind and let go of my hand
I feel myself like an open book if I stay here
I know I hurt you and myself as well
But now I must be on my way
Your chapter in this book would be too good
In your thoughts I can be some other man
I know myself differently
This relationship only makes us strangers for both of us
I cannot keep you
cannot keep you
I can no longer be with you
Listen to me
I will set off
I wish you only well
Started To Miss
I've never thought that you could just leave me like that
I appreciate that, good job. Nice move...
I didn't have that courage
Or I don't know.. that talent
I just couldn't move, I regretted
You used to tell things, all the time
And you used to go mad if I interrupted you once
I accepted all that you've said, I standed in awe of you
You thought that I was happy, I wasn't
When you're gone, you know,I started to miss you
I started to wait for you to come*
When you're gone, you know,I started to miss you
I started to wait for you to come
I had to do something interesting
I had to find a way somehow
I thought, I got ruined. I moved, I got wasted
You've told 'you cannot forget', it came out to be that you were right
What was I talking about? Oh, I was abandoned
Would I make a splash if I tell?
I became wrong when I was right. I faded just like a rose
At the end, I found the cure in dance
When you're gone, you know,I started to miss you
I started to wait for you to come
When you're gone, you know,I started to miss you
I started to wait for you to come
I thought that I could move on
I fell to drinks and alcohol (?)
I fought myself all the time
Oh, if you knew how much I've changed
In the Hotel to the Paradise
What feels well? Tell me!
A Rendezvous with strictly closed door
Yeah how do you come
To such a Rendezvous
To have the things glad
and having it good together?
Where don't you get ripped off?
I give you the recipe cause of friendship
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm, she's called Alice
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
Husband, Husband
Does your spouse behave yourself now and then -
For reasons you can not
Officially discusses -,
Yes, does she throws you out,
Even from your house?
Husband, then be glad
You sleep much better elsewhere!
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm,
For sure (?)
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Night Dance
I'm arriving in the morning
All of my lives have blown away
In this game with you
that I play for hours
Don't sleep yet, the burning sky
don't let the darkness take you hostage
I still need you to keep my will to live
Don't go yet, don't go yet!
Night dance, escape
Through a night I'd run with you
Every light has died
and the wind has blown away
in this rain I have copied
my bodies data
This is a night dance, escape
Through a night I'd run with you
Escape your bodies captivity
Let's hallucinate happiness
Night dance, let's escape finally!
Jigi Jigi
Jigi Jigi
The night of naughtiness,
(the night) of the recommendations of the love of husband and wife
the desires melt red like the rose in betel nut
Ah, there I laugh
Ah, there I fell in the trap (of love)
The night won
And modesty lost
Ah, a little
Ah, here I feel it
The sparrow stole the nose ring
of the moon
Jigi Jigi [x4]
Look, the open locks of hair mingle with the pillow
the earrings emanate a tune when played with
ah, the bottles of perfume opened!
where our breath mingled slowly
ah, dew drops fell
where he slowly touched me
Jigi jigi
the night of naughtiness
jigi jigi
(the night) of incidents of the heart
jigi jigi
(the night) of the limits of goodness
jigi jigi
the night of naughtiness
(the night) of the recommendations of the love of husband and wife
the desires melt red like the rose in betel nut
ah, the betrayal
ah, the punishment
you gave me the pain, now you only give me the medicine
ah, a little
ah, the fun
what you just did!
you gave me the pain, now you only give me the medicine [x2]
This is the translator's own work and must be cited during reproduction.
Midnight girl
The stage is pitch black,
the auditorium is so silent, so orphaned
a concert that has passed,
lives only in the hearts
Broken drumstick
a worn down changing room drowning in cigarette smoke
a lonely guitar, a few paper cups
everyone has gone already
I'm listening to the silence,
my head rings, songs gone burn inside it
deep in the centre, I'm waiting
but surely she won't come today
Midnight girl
I've been waiting for her for years
Searching for her
In empty silence, behind lying words
Midnight girl
I know one day she'll come and find me
Scorching flame, the hope never falters
Only she understands my crazy dreams
My never resting heart
my soul burning in fever, my life
is what I'm waiting as long as possible
I believed
I believed,
That nothing could happen to me,
But suddenly what happened?
Around me, everything has changed,
At once.
I'm no longer the man I used to be,
And I no longer know where I'm going.
Deep inside, all's been crushed,
Night's arrival
Left me hapless,
In me, I know it,
Something broke.
I believed,
That I was master of my destiny,
But life escapes from my hands,
And I'm no longer sure of anything
Night's arrival,
Left me hapless,
In me, I know it
Something broke.
I believed,
Life [was] an easy game to play,
But it's all about starting again,
Around me, everything's changed.
Hm hm hm .....................
The madman
You're a madman, the doctor said
that I can't think about you anymore
and I have to change my obsession
and save what's left to save: me
You're a madman, yeah, but the others will never know
the mountains I'll build with the crumbles you give me.
Only a madman like you that digs through the entire city
to come out next to me,
to come out next to me
and he does it.
You're a madman, my friend said
that you'll soon mess me up
but to love is to put yourself to the test
and to show yourself who you are.
You're a madman but I know how much you'll keep me warm
how many times I'll browse through your moles
how much time I'll wait sitting in the heart of a bar
talking with a cup of coffee until your first step comes
straight towards me
Neon-like words
love is not
you'll find in a bank
No one is ever
himself alone
no one is ever,
no one is ever
not even the wise man
- sometimes he's worse
Who you are isn't very important
my life was just passing by
I'll know how to be your light, your ambient
your little happiness stove
Because a madman like you lacks advertising
but if you'll stay with me I'll make a star out of you
Give me a role in your movie, a skin that fits me
because now I'm here
Because now that in someway you're mine
you can't get rid of me
Neon like words
who knows who you are
what kind of comics are we
No one is ever
himself alone,
no one is ever,
no one is ever
not even the wise man
- sometimes he's worse
No one is ever,
no one is ever