Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 126

Találatok száma: 44544


Weird tale

A new day begins once again,
The morning spotlight hits from the window again
And the phone's silent - disconnected...
There is no sun on the sky again,
Fights again - every man for himself,
And I feel that, the sun isn't more than a dream...
On the window glass there's a tale with a bad ending....
A weird tale...
And the rain knocks like bullets
And it's autumn on the streets.
And the wall of the cloud-bricks is durable...
The trees got sick with plague,
They got sick back in spring,
Leave-palms fly down, waving to us from above...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending,
A weird tale...
And then she'll come,
'Pack your things, - she'll say, - Let's go, give the body to the earth...'
But the body almost hasn't finished,
But the body hasn't received much love...
Weird thing...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending...
A weird tale...

Methinks I dreamed about falling leaves

Methinks I dreamed about falling leaves,
of ample forests and sombre lakes,
of sorrowful words reechoing -
however, I couldn’t make sense of them.
Methinks I dreamed about falling stars,
of weeping and pleading pallid eyes,
of a friendly smile reechoing -
however, I couldn’t make sense of it.
Like falling leaves, like falling stars,
I saw myself evermore come and go,
a dream’s immortal reechoing -
however, I couldn’t make sense of it.

Megőrültem Érted

Arról voltam ismert, hogy megcsókollak majd ezt elmondom mindenkinek
Ezzel elküldöm a lányokat egy szerencsekútba
Ha te vagy a barátom, én csak magamnak akarlak
Tudom, hogy lesznek ellenségeim
Addig, amíg érdekellek téged
De nem érdekelnek, hisz megkaptam azt, amit akartam
Oh igen
Jobb lenne, ha figyelnél arra, ami most történik
Közel tartalak magamhoz, te fiú, mint egy lassú tánc közben
Állj meg a piros lámpánál, ne gyere ide
Találkoztam vele
Aztán megszereztem őt
Biztosra mentem, hogy együtt maradjunk
Megszereztem a mérget
Hogy megöljem őt
Ha egy kígyót akar
Úgy értem, egy kétszínű valakit
Úgy értem, játszunk inkább bújócskát
Tudom, hogy meg foglak találni
Ügyelj arra, hogy menj el, vagy halj meg
És máris tudtam, hogy mit kéne tennem
Óvatosan kellett közelednem
De amint végre odaértem
Megőrültem érted
Érted, csakis érted
Megőrültem érted
Annyira, hogy már fáj
Rossznak érződik, pedig ez rendben van, ugye?
Fekete minden, és nincsenek esti fények se
Minden rózsaszín, csakúgy mint egy veszekedés után
Mindent kimaxoltam, és az ára helyes
Lehet kifizetem, lehet nem
Sosem szabályos
Jóva tudnám tenni, amit elrontottam
De jobban szeretem mégjobban elrontani
Az egyszerű unalmas, nincs szükségem erre
Nem tudtad, hogy őrült vagyok?
És máris tudtam, hogy mit kéne tennem
Óvatosan kellett közelednem
De amint végre odaértem
Megőrültem érted
Érted, csakis érted
Megőrültem érted
Annyira, hogy már fáj
Ennél a pontnál már végeztem
Nem én leszek az egyetlen
Úgy teszek, mintha ez a te hibád lenne
De ezért nem tudsz hibáztatni
Esküszöm, ha egyszer belekóstolsz
Átfogod venni a helyemet
És te fogsz engem őrülten szeretni
Szólaltasd meg a vészcsengőt
Ideges leszek, még vissza nem kerülök a karjaid közé
Add nekem a díjamat
Adj nekem mindent, amid csak van
Őrülj meg ettől a nehéz szerelemtől
Szeress őrülten
Mert én őrültem szeretlek

Shyness Boy

Versions: #1
At that party over the Summer
You were the one who approached me you know
On the phone its always
Only ever small talk with you
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For those inviting words, you know
Feeling impatient, I want to push today's limits
I'm falling in love
After our evening drive
You don't need to offer to escort me home
I've been sending you hints
Prepping to stay with you
Together until morning
You are my shy boy,
Your love is so vexxing
My hands tremble as I smoke
You are a hopeless man!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For that cliche, you know!
Your gentle eyes
Melt my heart!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For those inviting words, you know!
Feeling impatient, I want to push today's limits
I'm falling in love!
You are my shy boy, I'm waiting
For that cliche, you know!
Your gentle eyes
Melt my heart!

Psalm 150

1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Last Night

Versions: #1
Kiss me, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Touch me, let me feel every moment, and forget tomorrow.
You know, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Touch me, let me feel every moment, forget about tomorrow
Forget it!
Kiss me, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
You know, tonight is the last, and tomorrow you're gone.
Kiss me, tonight is the last!


In my galaxy
I memorize every star
Their light doesn’t care about me
Billion years have passed in a day
“I’m about to explode”
“I’m about to explode”
I don’t know what to do
But the light is going away, the light is going from me
I fly away
“This is my last opportunity”
“I want to drawn your attention”
This one space
I hear your voice coming
It’s not possible to believe this wonderful miracle
Not possible to believe
I can’t find anyone like you in this world
I won’t give it to anyone, but
I know I know everyday, I will be cured by your warmth, yeah
Barely barely barely looking for you, I couldn’t believe what I found
Now I’m coming to you, to you...
Stubborn poem poem poem poem and
Unsolved mystery
World world world world honestly it is true or lie?
Barely barely barely looking for you, I couldn’t believe what I found
Now I’m coming to you, to you...
In your galaxy, I walk blindfolded
I wish this isn’t a end
Day by day
Tears drops from your eyes, it’s your world
I walk in the dark, without opening eyes
But the light is going away, the light is going from me
I fly away
“This is my last opportunity”
“I want to drawn your attention”
This one space
I hear your voice coming
It’s not possible to believe this wonderful miracle
Not possible to believe
I can’t find anyone like you in this world
I won’t give it to anyone, but
I know I know everyday, I will be cured by your warmth, yeah
Barely barely barely looking for you, I couldn’t believe what I found
Now I’m coming to you, to you...
Stubborn poem poem poem poem and
Unsolved mystery
World world world world honestly it is true or lie?
Barely barely barely looking for you, I couldn’t believe what I found
Now I’m coming to you, to you...

Welcome to Paris

Ooh la la!
Welcome to Paris
All friends are welcome
Ignore time
You are here, so have fun
There is no place for sad people here
In Paris, the city of dreams
Everyone smiles to life
(Happy day!)
We walk and pass by
We sing and we chant
The Parisians enjoy singing
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!
Paris is like love in my poems
Paris inspires the heart
Enjoyment everywhere
on the ground and in the sky
You will find a painter in every street
in Paris, the city of dreams
Ooh la la!
You will never feel like you're a tool
Since you are here in France
You are free
No one will reject what you do
No one will ask
This is better, it is delightful
In Paris, I'll never forget you my whole life
Oh Ania, I found you but the time
of this delightful dream is over
and how could it pass us by?
In Paris, the city of dreams
you look like movie stars
Let us caress the times
Forget the past and the future
In Paris
Roses are all over the streets
And roses carry all memories
Oh Paris, you are the land of harmony
The memory of Ania
And the dreams...
Ooh la la! Ooh la la!

We see each other

The walls of the house suffocate me
Longing for you, longing for you
I feel how the silence weighs on me
Longing for you, longing for you
My bedroom is a storm
It's too cold, it's raining constantly
It's as if the mirror is crazy
It makes a face at me when it doesn't see us together
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other
Only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
The doors slam in my face
Longing for you, longing for you
Whether it's night or morning
I miss you, I miss you
The photos come to life,
They play tricks
They just make movies
My house is foreign to me
And it keeps me outside because it misses you
The wind is calling out to you
Come home
Me with my mind on
How beautiful you are
The wind is calling out to me
Come home
You with my mind on
How beautiful I am
We see each other
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
We see each other only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other
Only if tomorrow is for both of us
Only when we see each other
We have no way to turn back time
We see each other only when we see each other...

On The Edge Of The Water

On the edge of the water stands this idiot
he will soon see, it will soon happen
on the edge of the water sits this idiot
his eyes are open a crack, that it will not happen
And in the meantime small fish warm him
irking him, for his benefit
and his hands grasp a thing that has good in it
when he meets the road
He does not see when it is good and that everyone is happy
when his face is quietly burning
he is blind in seeing when something is different
that the world is new, that the world is beautiful
On the edge of the water sits this cutie
he is not worried now, and surely won't be
on the edge of the water lies this cutie
takes off his cloths and nothing matters1
He does not see when it is good and everyone is happy
when his face is quietly burning
he is blind in seeing when something is different
that the world is new, that the world is beautiful
So his heads turns from soft drinks
the friends of his parents take me
to a party in the city
and there are apparently, enough good reasons to think
that the world is beautiful
  • 1. alt: changes

I like that you’re not crazy in love with me

I like that you aren’t crazy in love with me.
I like that I'm likewise not infatuated.
That never would this heavy sphere float free
from under our feet, but firmly stay unabated.
I like that I can be diverting and absurd,
Careless and lose - without play on words -
Without the suffocating wave, red-faced deterred,
From the slightest touch feeling most awkward.
I’m grateful from the depth of my soul and heart
For you love me without even knowing it!
Thankful for the peace of nights we spend apart,
And for the rendezvous, though scarce, on eves sunlit.
For all the times we didn’t walk under the moon,
For the sun that over others shined,
For, alas, you aren’t crazy in love with me,
And, alas, I’m similarly not infatuated!


Do you remember how you said to me
with you my heart is not cold inside
and why did you choose to love another?
i am here missing you
your heart also knows
that my tears do not lie
And my heart can't stand the pain any longer
broken like a boy that wants you
and if only you will understand that i have no more strength left
mountains of emotions and a sea of hopes
She certainly remember days that we loved each other
why is she not here
and if she still loves me, she should come
embrace and tell me words that will calm, words that will soften
and if she still loves i am still here
I search for a refuge
a quiet place to escape
i wanted you to breath all day long
I wanted just to assume
that you only left for a moment
and that at any second you will1return
And my heart can't stand the pain any longer
broken like a boy that wants you
and if only you will understand that i have no more strength left
mountains of emotions and a sea of hopes
She certainly remember days that we loved each other
why is she not here
and if she still loves me, she should come
embrace and tell me words that will calm, words that will soften
and if she still loves
i am still here....
  • 1. lit: have too

The famous Teslić Brigade

Today it is my shift again
boring hours are passing by
on the other side are the enemy
with me in the trench my comrades
on the other side are the enemy
with me in the trench my comrades!
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud- I am proud of the brigade of Teslić
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud of the glorious Teslić brigade!
I hear someone singing out there
'bijelo dugme - selma ljubavi'
these are hard times
the grief must be drunk away
these are hard times
the grief must be drunk away!
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud- I am proud of the brigade of Teslić
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud of the glorious Teslić brigade!
Tomorrow it will be a new day
yet again someone will be in tears
I remember those days of sadness
all of my fallen comrades
I remember those days of sadness
all of my fallen comrades!
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud- I am proud of the brigade of Teslić
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud of the glorious Teslić brigade!
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud- I am proud of the brigade of Teslić
I am proud- I am proud of my home town
I am proud of the glorious Teslić brigade!

Little College Girl

Dear little college girl,
you can never hear my voice.
When I sing to you,
you sleep and cannot listen to
the words that I would like
to dedicate to you alone.
Dear little college girl,
I do not know that you are crying—I know you do not.
But do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.
And when you forget
but cry no longer,
I will sing to you again,
little girl, like this.
Dear little college girl,
if you feel very sad this evening,
no, do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.
And when you forget
but cry no longer,
I will sing to you again,
little girl, like this.
Dear little college girl,
if you feel very sad this evening,
no, do not cry because
one day surely you will find
the one who knows—but my eyes
speak to you alone.


The price you give me
To stay by your side
Giving you back evil for love
Is too much
And I can't do
More than I do now
You don't want to understand it, my darling
I don't love you
I am giving you wounds
Real wounds
Every time you look at me
And I don't want to look [back at you]
Opened without pity
Every time that you ask of me
Another opportunity
Only wounds
When I tell lies
So you don't suffer anymore
We are like this
No matter what we do
I feel guilty, and you
But I can't do
More than I do now
You don't want to understand it, my darling
I don't love you
I am giving you wounds
Real wounds
Every time you look at me
And I don't want to look [back at you]
Opened without pity
Every time that you ask of me
Another opportunity
Only wounds
When I tell lies
So you don't suffer anymore
Only wounds
Every time you look at me
And I don't want to look [back at you]
Opened without pity...


I played it in slow-mo
For a better understanding
What's wrong with me
When I lose control
Pretending to be someone else
Hiding my inner self
It's hard to tell apart
Who I am as well
I go back to the days
When I was strong
And I didn't mean to harm you
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I'm gonna be the heroe I couldn't be
Defeating who I once was
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I know there's more than meets the eye
Easier said than believed
I have to accept it
Time goes by against me
I’m observing
This lie that threatens
My reasoning
I go back to the days
When I was strong
And I didn't mean to harm you
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I'm gonna be the heroe I couldn't be
Defeating who I once was
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I know there's more than meets the eye
Easier said than believed
I think I reversed everything
It’ll be my time
For tables to turn around,
Tables to turn around.
Someone tell me
Everything’s gonna be alright
It’s just my head
Making up these shadows
Oh, oh, oh
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I'm gonna be the heroe I couldn't be
Defeating who I once was
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I know there's more than meets the eye
Easier said than believed
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I'm gonna be the heroe I couldn't be
Defeating who I once was
I wanna go to bed and wake up
Having a story to tell
I know there's more than meets the eye
Easier said than believed

Yayou Hoi

The way you talk to me
The way you look at me
The way you speak to me is too sharp
It makes me dizzy
The way you talk to me
The way you look at me
Your eyes are venomous
You are so mean to me
Why do you hate me
Why are you ice cold
Can you say the same thing
in front of my mom and dad?
I'm just a little baby
in front of my mom and dad
Can you say the same thing
in front of my mom and dad?
I'm just a little baby
in front of my mom and dad
The way you talk to me
The way you look at me
The way you speak to me is too sharp
It makes me dizzy
The way you talk to me
The way you look at me
Your eyes are venomous
You are so mean to me
You are so mean to me
You are so mean to me
You are so mean to me
You are so mean to me
Why do you hate me
Why are you cold-hearted
(Way you talk to me)
(Way you look at me)

Lamentations of a Stepchild

Oh mother...mother
How my fate is that night
Ever since my mother had lived
Although now it has been replaced
As my stepmother
It is no longer the same
My biological mother
I still cherish with all my soul
Filled with love again
(Oh mother!... Oh mother!)
My stepmother's only love
Is for my father only
When father is beside me
I am adored and pampered
But when father leaves
I am despised and abused
Like an unfilial child
Never to be bothered again
Oh my stepmother
Have mercy on me!
As if I am your own child
In order for me to be faithful

Trust, Hope and Love

Trust, hope and love
It's a beautiful connection
Trust, hope and love
All becoming into one
Trust, hope and love
For all
Trust, hope and love
And for us as well
At a moment whilst meeting
Don't you ignore this
To make each memory
Sweet and memorable
If it is painful
It'll disturb your heart
You should try to walk
Get some fresh air
And avoid pain
So smile for me
Everything will soon pass
Trust, hope and love
For all
Trust, hope and love
And for us as well
At a moment whilst meeting
Don't you ignore it
To make each memory
Sweet and memorable


Versions: #1
You call me at five in the morning (Wuh)
Just to find out who is in my bed(nah)
I don't have time for your drama
Don't call me at five in the morning
[Version 1]
Maybe ı'm going rumba with my sister
You wanna call me but only when you want it(that's how you feel)
I want to dance tonight
I will have fun without scolding
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
You get jealous if ı dance with someone else
I'm not theirs, ı'm not yours
I know you're watching me, I see you
You looked at me, ı'm moving(ey)
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
I want to do you rom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom(I did)
You want rom-pom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom
I want to do you rom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom(I did)
You want rom-pom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom
(You want rom-pom-pom-pom)
[Version 2]
I don't need money for drinks
You are busy, you work hard
He' got money,but ı'm working too(İ'm working)
I don't ask if ı want, i do
You want to analyze my skin, ı know
I'm not one of them, you know well
I told you more than once(once)
That ı won't lower my level
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
You get jealous if ı dance with someone else
I'm not theirs, ı'm not yours
I know you're watching me, I see you
You looked at me, ı'm moving(ey)
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
(Pay me the drinks,
I feel too much,
I also work,
I don't ask if I want)
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
You get jealous if ı dance with someone else
I'm not theirs, ı'm not yours
I know you're watching me, I see you
You looked at me, ı'm moving(ey)
You get jealous when you see me with others
I do what ı want, ı'll enjoy
I want to do you rom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom(I did)
You want rom-pom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom
I want to do you rom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom(I did)
You want rom-pom-pom-pom,pom-pom-pom-pom
(You want rom-pom-pom-pom)
You call me at five in the morning
Just to find out who is in my bed
I don't have time for your drama
Don't call me at five in the morning

Little-Little Man

Versions: #1
Little-little man, little-little man:
set free your canary, for she wants to fly…
For I am she, little-little man:
let me leap.
I’ve been in your cage, little-little man,
little-little man, who gives me a cage.
I say little because you have neither understood me,
nor will you ever understand.
I don’t understand you either, but in the meantime
open for me this cage, I want to escape

Kasari bhanu

Sanyou kolte feri sake tara nindra aaudaina
Sadhai jhai aajapani juna chamki rahexa
Tara badal pari luki malai jiskauxa kin.?
Ho aaja dherai paxi timi sanga boleko tara juni biti sakyo hola mail mutu sampeko


The swaying shadows of trees, drunkards roaming as a crowd

The Young Bachelor

A young man walks by
With a shabby jacket worn over his shoulders
Between his dry, chapped lips
Tucks a spliff of weed
Clearly staring at the drifting clouds
A gloomy face became visible
With an unsteady and misguided pace
His sweat mixed with dust from the streets
Oh, you young bachelor
You are restless, trying to look for a job
Relying much on your degree
Four years have passed
You wrestled with books
Trying to guarantee your future
Your footsteps have stopped
In front of the classified ad pages for an agency
Surfeited, you weakly walked on
In front of the office door
The sign reads: 'NO VACANCY'
For a job that you've coveted
Never caring to try again
Yet you get the same word
Clearly staring at the drifting clouds
A gloomy face became visible
Oh, you young bachelor
You are restless, no longer working
Relying much on your degree
Four years have already passed
You wrestled with books
But everything is in vain
Half broken, in despair, he said: 'I'm sorry, Mother'

(A Letter To) The People's Representatives

For those of you who sit around discussing
For those of you who used to go on a safari
Over there at the DPR Building
The People's Representatives form a great crowd
Merely not a group of close friends
And moreover, not family relatives
With our hearts and tongues, we hope
That you please hear our voices and then convey them
Never hesitate, never be afraid of such obstacles
Speak loudly, never be silent!
We put it in your safari pouches
The future of us and this country
From Sabang to Merauke
Our brethren were not chosen through lottery
Although we do not know who our brethren are
We do not need champions
A silent champion, champion he'eh, a champion? ha ha ha......
The People's Representatives should be people themselves
Never sleeping at a hearing about the people
The People's Representatives are not a choir
Who only know how to sing of the song: 'Agree!......'

Teacher Oemar Bakrie

With a black crocodile-skin bag
'Good Morning' said Mr. Oemar Bakri
'Today, I think, this coffee is delicious'
With a black crocodile-skin bag
'Let's go give an exact science lesson'
It's your stunned student, maybe he's been waiting
He pedaled his bike through the potholes
It's always like that since the Japanese period
But he was surprised as he entered the gate
As many policemen carried fierce-looking weapons
Mr. Oemar Bakri was shocked: 'What on earth!?'
'Fighting, sir!' The student replied like a champion
Mr. Oemar Bakri was afraid, without doubt
His old bike sped up then withdrew
Then chaos, in fog, he hurried home
Oh damn! Standing and flying away
Oemar Bakri, Oemar Bakri, the civil servant
For forty years in service
Being an honest, devoted teacher, indeed eats his heart out
Oemar Bakri, Oemar Bakri, had created so many ministers
Oemar Bakri, even professors, doctors, engineers too
So why is Teacher Omar Bakri's salary been cut off?
Oemar Bakri, Oemar Bakri, had created many ministers
Oemar Bakri, made a brain like that of Habibie
So why is Teacher Omar Bakri's salary been cut off?

My thoughts are still with you

My thoughts are still with you
Once in a while, on lonely twilights
It is still unusual to be without you
But I will get used to this too.
Our love was beautiful, it is a shame, that it's gone
It is pointless to blame each other
If I would hate you, because you are no longer mine,
I would disown myself.
The people are going about their way happily
Wherever I look, the heart is joyful,
And among then, I, pull myself together,
because life sobers one up.
And if my sadness flies away,
The light breaks through the dense clouds,
It only happened in my thoughts,
that once I visited you.
One year has past, and as always in March,
Spring is here, but it's not the same.
One year has past, and a feeling has past,
Why did you tell me you would stay next to me?

I lift my hat

Quietly, as the water gurgles,
Quietly go the months by,
You have no time either, I notice that on you,
Never mind, until the heart beats
Never mind, until the sun shines
Don't ever count your years
And I lift my hat
If you show your true
So turn to me, you can see
that I do the same, oh, oh, oh,
Do not wait, even for a moment, just say something already,
And believe me, between us, there will not be
any age gap
So turn to me, and I will take my glasses off.
You don't need power, that bothers me so much,
it doesn't cover anything at all,
Stay like this, stay like this with me,
vis-a-vis, and you will feel good.
And I lift my hat...
Quietly, as the water gurgles..
And I lift my hat...
And I lift my hat...
So turn to me and I will take off,
So turn to me and I will take off,
So turn to me and I will take off my hat.

You, the sound

The sound of music, your sound
All over the inhabited world
High with hope and holy faith
Captures your voices skillfully
The magic wand of your tones
Kindles life in solid rock
Bridles tears, soothes pain
Lifts the soul to the world of light
Bridles tears, soothes pain
Lifts the soul to the world of light
Lifts the soul to the world of light

The nobles

During the reign of the kings, the nobles had to put a (jousting) helmet on
and - whether they wanted it or not - to beat the other nobles.
Hereto they had God's blessing, Hallelujah
and thus, my dear God, they were compelled to tournaments.
A nobleman would die for a lady, who hands him a rose,
they went to - For The King, when the king hanging by a thread - beat each other.
Hereto they had God's blessing, Hallelujah
and thus, my dear God, they were compelled to tournaments.
And even if the king himself came,
I'll say: Hey boy, hold your horses,
don't start a battle anymore
your (glory) days are gone.
Even the lady with roses can be indifferent to me,
to today's man suit a shield does not fit.
These times are finally gone, Hallelujah,
no one is running zealously to tournaments anymore.
These times are finally gone, Hallelujah,
no one is running zealously to tournaments anymore.

Friday Saturday

Versions: #1
Don't come on Friday Saturday
It's the day of the voter
Don't come on Friday Saturday
It's the day of the voter
It's the day of the voter
It's the day of the voter
Don't come on Friday Saturday
It's the day of the voter
No we're not animals
Only human
No we're not animals
We are the world

Life is the Lord

As the sun's rising you're waking up
Your eyes are opening and the light flows
It's waiting for you, this long family
Come and incorpotate with us
If you're ready, do what you can
This beutiful land is everybody's
Because the sun goes around, it's light reaches everything
The enternal life lives inside you
Because the life is the Lord, our souls are soar
The good wins over the bad, this is the way
And if you're going, believe me, they're waiting for you
Because the life, the life is the Lord
Because the life is the Lord, our souls are soar
The good wins over the bad, this is the way
And if you're going, believe me, they're waiting for you
Because the life, the life is the Lord