Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 83

Találatok száma: 44538



Na szóval
Neki1nem kell, hogy lássa maga előtt a napot2
Neki nem kell segítség fentről Istentől
Ha elveszíted őt, ne szomorkodj!
Mert ő szívrohamokkal fog megkínálni
Belefáradt a problémákba, amiket a fejének okoztál
Belefáradt az bizarr bazárod hazugságaiba
Belefáradt, hogy egyedül van éjszaka
Hogy ő a leghátsó a sorban a Földön
Úgyhogy Glória kilép a börtönéből
Glória többé már nem egy szétcsapott diszkós lány
Akiről álmodoztál
Glória - egyedül örökre már
Glória - elszállt, már az égben jár
Glória - már többé nem a rabszolgád, nem
Óóh óóh óóh
Ideje magadra nézned már!
Az összes szenvedésre, amit okoztál
Glória egy nappal előtted jár
Téged néz, a menny kapujában áll
Belefáradt a problémákba, amiket a fejének okoztál
Belefáradt az bizarr bazárod hazugságaiba
Belefáradt, hogy egyedül van éjszaka
Hogy ő a leghátsó a sorban a Földön
Úgyhogy Glória kilép a börtönéből
Glória többé már nem egy szétcsapott diszkós lány
Akiről álmodoztál
Glória - egyedül örökre már
Glória - elszállt, már az égben jár
Glória - már többé nem a rabszolgád, nem
Többé nem, többé nem a rabszolgád
Nem, nem, többé nem
Többé nem, többé nem a rabszolgád
Nem, nem, többé nem
Többé nem, többé nem a rabszolgád
Nem, nem, többé nem
Úgyhogy Glória kilép a börtönéből
Glória többé már nem egy szétcsapott diszkós lány
Akiről álmodoztál
Glória - egyedül örökre már
Glória - elszállt, már az égben jár
Glória - már többé nem a rabszolgád, nem
Nem, többé nem
Nem, nem, nem, többé nem
Nem, nem
  • 1. Nőnemű személyes névmás.
  • 2. Az égitestet nem a huszonnégy órát.

A mag

Pont, mint a mag
Nem tudom, merre menjek
Növök, koszon és árnyékon keresztül
A nehézségen keresztül érem el a fényt
Pont, mint a tenger, keresem a csodát
Megfejtem magam, lassított felvételben
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Fullassz meg, hogy a könnyeim esővé válhassanak
Öntözni fogom a földet, ott, ahol állok
Szóval a virágok újra nőni tudjanak
Mert pont, mint a tenger, minden élni szeretne
Elégetjük az ujjainkat
De megtanulunk megbocsátani
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Etess napfénnyel, etess levegővel
Etess igazságokkal és etess imákkal
Etess napfénnyel, etess levegővel
Etess igazságokkal és etess imákkal
Gyilkos bálnák képeit látom
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
d meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne
Mikor az utolsó fa is elesett és a folyók mérgezettek, nem eheted meg a pénzt, oh ne

Jobb egymás nélkül

Tudom, hogy végig a tűzzel játszottam
Mióta találkoztunk
Emlékek játszódnak a fejemben
Nehezen feledlek
Okkal menekülni, okkal maradni
Csak egy újabb este és minden rendben lesz
Jól éreztem magam, de most minden megváltozott
Nem tudom, hogy meddig tudom még eltűrni
Nos, újra itt vagyunk
Nem, nem akarok harcolni
Nem akarok elbúcsúzni
Mikor fogunk rá jönni, hogy jobb egymás nélkül?
Voltunk már ezerszer itt
Legalább mondhatjuk, hogy megpróbáltuk
Mikor fogunk rá jönni, hogy jobb egymás nélkül?
Mert egyikünk se akar egyedül maradni
Elengedtük egymás markát, nehezen lépünk tovább
Nem akarok harcolni, itt a búcsú ideje
Rá kell jönnünk, hogy jobb egymás nélkül
Szerettél engem mint a nap melegét
Érzelmeid kezdenek elhidegülni
Torkom szakadtából ordítok
És közelebb húzlak magamhoz
Okkal menekülni, okkal maradni
Csak egy újabb este és minden rendben lesz
Jól éreztem magam, de most minden megváltozott
Nem tudom, hogy meddig tudom még eltűrni
Nos, újra itt vagyunk
Nem, nem akarok harcolni
Nem akarok elbúcsúzni
Mikor fogunk rá jönni, hogy jobb egymás nélkül?
Voltunk már ezerszer itt
Legalább mondhatjuk, hogy megpróbáltuk
Mikor fogunk rá jönni, hogy jobb egymás nélkül?
Mert egyikünk se akar egyedül maradni
Elengedtük egymás markát, nehezen lépünk tovább
Nem akarok harcolni, itt a búcsú ideje
Rá kell jönnünk, hogy jobb egymás nélkül
Nem, nem akarok harcolni
Oh, itt az ideje elbúcsúzni
Voltunk már ezerszer itt
Legalább mondhatjuk, hogy megpróbáltuk
Rá kell jönnünk, jobb egymás nélkül
Nem, nem akarok harcolni (nem akarok harcolni)
Nem akarok elbúcsúzni (elbúcsúzni)
Mikor fogunk rá jönni, hogy jobb egymás nélkül?
Voltunk már ezerszer itt (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Legalább mondhatjuk, hogy megpróbáltuk
Mikor fogunk rá jönni (igen), hogy jobb egymás nélkül? (nem)
Mert egyikünk se akar egyedül maradni
Elengedtük egymás markát, nehezen lépünk tovább
Nem akarok harcolni, itt a búcsú ideje
Rá kell jönnünk, hogy jobb egymás nélkül
Jobb egymás nélkül

Cseresznyevirág lány

Nem akarok tartózkodó lenni
Nem bírom tovább
Csak azt akarom mondani: „Szia”
Annak, akit szeretek
Cseresznyevirág lány
Egész nap rosszul érzem magam
Attól, hogy nem vagyok veled
Csak ki akarok menni
Egy rövid időre minden este
Cseresznyevirág lány
Mondd, ez miért nem lehet igaz?
Sosem beszélek veled
Az emberek azt mondják, hogy kellene
Minden nap imádkozom érte
Hogy eljön a megfelelő pillanat
Cseresznyevirág lány
Csak biztos akarok lenni
Amikor elmegyek hozzád
És amikor a pillanat tovaszáll
Te mellettem leszel
Cseresznyevirág lány
Mondd, ez miért nem lehet igaz?
'Soha többé nem fogok szeretni'
Mondhatom ezt neked?
Ha megpróbálok őszinte lenni?
Cseresznyevirág lány
Cseresznyevirág lány
Mindig itt leszek neked
Ez azt jelenti, hogy nem kell vesztegetni az időt
Ahányszor csak adódik a lehetőség
Cseresznyevirág lány
Mondd, ez miért nem lehet igaz?


[1. versszak]
Hát, az utcák üresek, ahol futkostunk rég
És az összes autó tűzben ég
Igen, lehullunk mint a levelek az Édenkertben, Éden
Emlékszem most, hogy milyen volt a napfényben
Mikor hallottam egy ősi kórust
Az éjszaka közepén, mintha egy angyal énekelne, énekelne
Az idő nem szeret már téged
De én még mindig az ajtódon kopogok
Futhatunk örökké, drágám
Ha az örökké az, ami vár ránk
Óh, ideje, hogy haza vigyél!
[2. versszak]
Rávéstem a neved egy fára a kertben
Egy szóval, ami a vágyat jelentette
Mint egy mély óceán min hullámok daganak, dagadnak
És a szerelmed lezúdul akár egy vízesés
És nem szökhetem az ár elől
Itt a kezem babám, fogd meg, vagy hagyd lógva, hagyd lógva!
Az idő nem szeret már téged
De én még mindig az ajtódon kopogok
Futhatunk örökké, drágám
Ha az örökké az, ami vár ránk
Óh, ideje, hogy haza vigyél, haza, haza!
Még túl fiatalok vagyunk ahhoz, hogy belássuk
Hogy idővel minden változik
Igérd meg, hogy nem én leszek a hibás!
Az idő nem szeret már téged
De én még mindig az ajtódon kopogok
Futhatunk örökké, drágám
Ha az örökké az, ami vár ránk
Óh, ideje, hogy haza vigyél, haza, haza
Hadd halljam, ahogy kimondod!
Hadd halljam, ahogy kimondod!

est időben

est időben
mikor a világ nyugovóra tér
a hely amit legjobban ismerek
repülök a Holdba
izgulni nem kell
hamarosan visszatérek
várakat építünk
égből és homokból
tervezzük saját világunk
senki nem érti
érzem jó
ameddig repülünk
a világnak, nincs vége
ha áll a nap
és keresel ott vagyok
a legjobbat adom
mindent helyre hozok
itt csak én hibázok
de helyre is hozok
és ragyogok
várakat építünk
égből és homokból
tervezzük saját világunk
senki nem érti
érzem jó
ameddig repülünk
a világnak, nincs vége
fordította Gaál György István

No Matter How Late

It doesn’t matter how late it is,
Because if you think the world is against you
I’ll come over, however far the way is
Want you to know you’re not alone (yeah)
If you need someone to talk to, no matter how late (yeah)
No matter what the problem is, you can count on me (yeah)
So don’t worry about it, I’m your nine-one-one
At 3 in the morning I’ll still pick up my iphone (yeah)
And if you need me, yeah, then I’ll come over
It don’t have to be special
Get in the car and I’ll be right there, it’s not so far
If you want, I’ll stay til early morning (early morning)
Or even longer, if that’s not enough, yeah, ‘ey
If your head is bursting again and you’re
Thinking about too many things too often, I’ll be there
If you’re worried again, then let me know
‘Ey, I’ll come over
And it doesn’t matter how late it is,
Because if you think the world is against you
I’ll come over, however far the way is
So that you know you’re not alone
Even if it just isn’t working out as expected (Woop)
I’m at the starting line and I’m driving to you tonight
I don’t mind, for you I’ll clear my schedule
So that you know you’re not alone, no
See the sunrise, if I pop in at your place (yeah)
Get you off the couch and we’ll go towards downtown
Back to our place (yeah) the whole world stops
You begin to talk, you’re feeling kinda odd, and I say
If your head is bursting again and you’re
Thinking about too many things too often, I’ll be there
Ey, if you’re worried again, then let me know
And I’ll come over
And it doesn’t matter how late it is,
Because if you think the world is against you
I’ll come over, however far the way is
Want you to know you’re not alone
Even if it just isn’t working out as expected
I’m at the starting line and I’m driving to you tonight
I don’t mind, for you I’ll clear my schedule
So that you know you’re not alone, no (Woah)
And it doesn’t matter how late it is,
Because if you think the world is against you
I’ll come over, however far the way is
So that you know you’re not alone
Even if it just isn’t working out as expected (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’m at the starting line and I’m driving to you tonight
I don’t mind, for you I’ll clear my schedule
So that you know you’re not alone, not alone

It's better not to see

When I remember you, I want to cry
when I remember you, I want to cry
It's unnoticeable how hard it is for me
that without you I don't want to live
These days, I swear on my everything
an old wound doesn't give me peace
it's like I'm holding ice in my hands
because of you I am struggling
It's better not to see
than to watch the sadness
It's better to be alone
than to give my heart away
to someone who I don't love
These days, I swear on my soul
all my dreams are crushed
it's like I have ember in my chest
I'm mourning because God isn't taking me away

월요일 (Monday)

Rainwater against the window
The room is gloomy.
I opened the window.
It's not refreshing.
That building in front of the workshop.
Darkness to cover the sky
It's like my place
Oh, my God. I feel like I'm alone
Friends who were in a similar to each other.
The building across from that workroom.
I don't care. I don't care.
But sometimes it's too much.
A secret
I'll tell you. Listen.
I pretended to be strong.
It's not really.
Will you hold my hand?
Lately I been kinda crazy.
It's like everyday.
Appears to be a Monday.
But I keep my head high.
Look out the window.
Someday, I'll be in my rooftop house.
The sun will shine.
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
I love you like a Sunday
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
I love you like a Sunday
I swear to god
I still love you
But I don't know if I'll get it back.
Not like you.
If I give it to you, I'll always get it multiple times.
How can I pay you back so much?
You deserve the best.
You have to go where you want to go.
Shout out to friends
They doin they thing
I want to be a good friend.
A good man and a good son.
What money can do
It's not U know what I mean
You have to hold the money in your hand.
Hand cream U know what I mean
Southside muthafucka
Southside muthafucka
Gold spoon muthafucka
Someone's swearing.
Some people don't understand.
Some people think it's a joke.
But I don't want anyone to know
I came all the way here without my hands open
The reason why a rich man bought it and suffered is because
Just one u can't tell me nuthin
Lately I been kinda crazy
It's like every day.
Appears to be Monday
But I keep my head high
Look out the window.
Someday, I'll be in my rooftop house
The sun will shine
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
I love you like a Sunday
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
Lalalala lala
I love you like a Sunday

If You Are Well, then It's a Fine Day

I say you are the April sky
Your laughter illuminates our surroundings
The spirit of a light breeze
Dances in the luminance of the spring
You are the wisp of clouds on a dry April day,
The gentle wind at dusk,
The serendipitous sparkle of stars,
The soft rain sprinkling on flowers
The gentlest moment is when you bow your head
Like a shy lotus flower swaying in the crisp breeze
Time akin to water, forever wordless
If you are well, then it's a fine day
The gentlest moment is when you bow your head
If you are well, then it's a fine day
You are like the ivory field after a snowfall
You are the nightly full moon
You are the innocent,
white lily floating on the reflective water in dreams
You are the blooms of tree after tree
The swallows trilling on the rooftops
You are love, hope, warmth,
You are the April sky
The gentlest moment is when you bow your head
The bittersweet sound of a farewell
Time akin to water, forever wordless
If you are well, then it's a fine day

Where Can I Find Such a Good Man

Develop a monochrome photo of being deceived
To remind myself of a persistent soul

First Love

If one day you must go, don't need to bid farewell
It's said that first love would finally leave and be no longer faithful
If one day you must go, don't need to feel sorry
It doesn't leave me sorry to let me reminisce another day
Love, always not so perfect
Don't have to find out why
Love, always with some repentance
Don't you know acquaintance is also fate
Might I lean on your body
Snuggling in dream with eternal infatuation
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Don't leave regret to this first love
Could you lean on my heart
With tenderness, ardently love and perpetual obsession
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Beg you not to leave my heart
If one day you must go, don't need to bid farewell
It's said that first love would finally leave and be no longer faithful
If one day you must go, don't need to feel sorry
It doesn't leave me sorry to let me reminisce another day
Love, always not so perfect
Don't have to find out why
Love, always with some repentance
Don't you know acquaintance is also fate
Might I lean on your body
Snuggling in dream with eternal infatuation
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Don't leave regret to this first love
Could you lean on my heart
With tenderness, ardently love and perpetual obsession
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Beg you not to leave my heart
Might I lean on your body
Snuggling in dream with eternal infatuation
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Don't leave regret to this first love
Could you lean on my heart
With tenderness, ardently love and perpetual obsession
If we break up tomorrow and take away the melancholy
Beg you not to leave my heart

I have realized I loved you

Versions: #1
I have realized I loved you
You were late for our date and I got scared
Before that, I always thought I didn't care
But that day I was afraid you'd never come
I have realized I loved you
When a simple sentence that you uttered
Turned the boring night like many others
To a fairy tale with magic light all multi-colored
And imagine
Just recently I spoke
With somebody about love
I said that love is fiction, that I won't fall
Into this trap, not ever, I will never believe it
I've never been a dreamer
And, look, here I am
I have realized I loved you
It is way too late already to redo it
My indifference seems to be gone forever
I give up and towards my love, I'm now going

To love you

I can't keep quiet when it hurts
Cause my heart isn't made of stone
I turn to leave, then I stop
I have nothing but your love
My dear, my dear
even when you're not here, I'm dreaming about you
even if the sky were to collapse
let them shoot me, I still won't let you go
So that's why love me like no woman ever has before
I can only see you when the curtains are lowered
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
Cause I'm thirsty only for you
Serve me some poison, I'll drink it
Don't ask me why I don't have anyone
why I love to be alone
why I tell you how beautiful you are
you're here even when everyone leaves
I just want you to love and for me to love you
even if everything were to burn until daybreak
Gold and dust, you and me
I have everything you could wish for
your trace is in my heart
your name stays here (in the heart)
Against the world, just you and I
if you're in the dark, I'm here
everything will be on my lips


It doesn't happen, Understand that It doesn't happen without you ( Pretty much means : I can't live without you )
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
I miss you
It doesn't happen, My love It doesn't happen without you ( Pretty much means : I can't live without you )
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
It doesn't happen
I know that you are close
Cover me with your eyes
And nothing is needed
Just dance lambada
Ay-ay, whirled ay
Ay-ay, you are my Ellay
You know, you are not enough for me
Baby so I can't
It doesn't happen, Understand that It doesn't happen without you
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
I miss you
It doesn't happen, My love It doesn't happen without you
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
It doesn't happen
The most dangerous, wild
Such is she
But, the most nicest prom
So fragile mine
Dance with me
With me
Dance with me
With me
It doesn't happen, Understand that It doesn't happen without you
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
I miss you
It doesn't happen, My love It doesn't happen without you
I call but You are not answering
Look, My face is not smiling
It doesn't happen

Hymn of the 5th Vilnius Brigade of the Home Army (We will go faithfully)

[Verse 1]
When the homeland is bathed in tears,
the martyr's blood cries to heaven.*
Who fights for freedom and takes revenge for blood**?
It is the 5th Vilnius Brigade. x2
[Verse 2]
And the chief leads it on a bold trail,
'Łupaszka' - unknown hero.
Only to die with him and fight to be able to
cut free the beloved country from bondage. x2
[Verse 3]
We will follow in your wake faithfully,
Because you are with us, God is with you.
We will boldly stay under the hail of bullets,
until the golden horn of freedom sounds.
[Verse 4]
Through bold assaults and fights for years
for the enemy he has become destruction.
And the song flows free and proud into the world
behind the 5th Vilnius Brigade. x2
[Verse 5]
Today our tasks are fight and work hard,
The fate is unknown for the future.
For beloved Poland, he leads us into battle
'Łupaszka' our beloved chief. x2
[Verse 6]
We will follow in your wake faithfully,
Because you are with us, God is with you.
We will boldly stay under the hail of bullets,
until the golden horn of freedom sounds.

Is there a man

A man here?
This night never ends
As if it is going against me.
Such sufferings came to me
As if a rabbit hunted by falcon.
Is there a lover? Is there a lover?
Is there snow on the mountain in sight
If there is snow on top of the mountain.
Is there a man to melt it down?
The rabbit hunted by falcon
Has its home in the desert.
But a poor refuge like me
What do I have in this city?
Is there a lover? Is there a lover?
Is there snow on the mountain in sight
If there is snow on top of the mountain.
Is there a man to melt it down?
I built a palace for my love,
And built a minaret with flowers.
It has been a long time for him not coming,
And I am yearning for his path.


How many dirty secrets
Do you hide in your head
While looking for answers
In the hands of cheerful friends?
More and more people here
Speak in alien language,
Here among the social networks
You write the chronology of your days
How your eyes lose their youth
Every day
And threads of hair change their gold
To silver
The river of time washes away the cost
Of every name
Life is a play, and it owns
Your face
How many different things
Are needed to be distracted
From the fact that the attempts to knock
Won't open any new doors
There are more and more roles
That you won't be able to play
There are so many mirrors,
For which we won't have enough stones
This is how your eyes were losing their youth
Every day
And threads of hair were changing their gold
To silver
The river of time was washing away the cost
Of every name
Life is a play, and it owns
My face

Maybe not

I drive slowly
I don't want to arrive anyway
And if even the brake gets tired
You'll understand
Under the sky of September
What you like
So you can run away
In the weekend
The leaves
The street
Two motorcycles that flash their lights at me
And a cottage on the river
With my friends that go on a cruise with their bikes1
You took the stars
The nights when I go out without sleeping
The dreams that I have in the daytime
The words that I wrote to you
And while you're at it
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake2
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit3
Or maybe not
I only want to distract myself a bit
To lose myself in a pop song
Yes, to pointlessly lose myself
In a dance that moves slowly
The leaves
The street
Your mother who got hurt
You took the stars
The nights
Then you might as well
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Then take this song too
While I'm drinking a Coke at the gas station
At full volume to stay awake
And some hangover to feel better
And don't tell me that you'll really wake up on Monday
Without a mess in your chest
A mess in the bed
The last pack and then maybe I'll quit
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
Or maybe not
Maybe it's only bad weather
The sun will be shining tomorrow anyway
The sun will be shining tomorrow anyway
  • 1. I had a hard time understanding this line. I even talked to some Italian natives and somebody suggested that they're getting their bikes to the boat for when they finish their cruise so they can use them afterwards.
  • 2. He is probably talking about the music that's playing in his car.
  • 3. The last pack of cigarettes and then maybe I'll quit smoking.


I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!*
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
I have an instrument, I'll play it a little bit there
For a while the moon shines in the sky
86 revolution - you're sleeping at home in the bed!*
Understand your only nationality
I put the song to 'Red Birch'
How many different thoughts,
Become the path to dark eyes
Snatched, dragged, exchanged, handcuffed in the dark.
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
Kairat Rysqulbekov: 'Ahmet Baitursynov told us:*
My Kazakh, my country, be patient, resist being torn
Your cattle in the despoliation, your soul in captivity, Open your eyes - wake up!
You still don't sleep well?
You wanna sleep, where is your sleeping bag?'
To be different
Day after day, flip from style to style
Your people who don't fight won't ride in the name of freedom.
They won't understand, don't feel its taste
Those who have forgotten their home, choose the one that's gone.
When your dreams are shattered 'for the country',
Left ashes are gonna be lit up from black candles in here, in this castle
In the meantime, if you don't think, the sun is gonna set!
I shouted 'Wake up!'
Got threatened 'Stop!'
My sweat isn't wasted!
Heroes that share the same wish with the country,
I followed their path,
Told about their 'efforts' loudly but no one listened.
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!
I'll be 'the young' that Magzhan said!
I'll lead my entourage!
Ruling the country with art,
I live ahead of others!

It's time

We have, we all have in our heart
The same notebooks
And the same teachers
We have, we all have in our heart
The child we were
Cries, dreams and fears
It's, it's, it's time
It's, it's, it's time
It's, it's, it's
It's time
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well
We have, we all have in our heart
The first love at first sight
And first soul mate
We have, we all have in our heart
Friendship stories
Lifelong or one hour
It's, it's, it's time
It's, it's, it's time
It's, it's, it's
It's time
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well
It's time
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well
To change our rules and codes
To share our lives, our ways
To chase away the bad luck
To arrive safely
We don't give up, we're doing well

No Money

I've got no money today
neither credit or cash
Driving on my last gallon
in a borrowed car
Everyone thinks I'm rich
but I don't have one cent
I work like a dog
and I want more
The tax folks came to the door
and asked to come in
But they weren't kind with me
demanding that I go with them
Everyone thinks I'm rich
but I don't have one cent
I work like a dog
and I want more

The Poet

Cottages are thinking of the fence, gardens are thinking of spring
Gardeneres are thinking of harvest, I'm thinking of fantasizing
The night is thinking of a way towards light, the light is thinking of the blind owl
The soil is thinking of distant clouds, I'm thinking of falling in love
What did I do, other than sit around watching tears and shedding tears?
When the fable garden was burning, what was I, except some haystack?
Sacralizing water is what I do

Black Rover

A simple stage
With a desperate thirst, we wish
It's like droplets on a string
It's just way too hard to fight upon this stage
See the pattern shown on top
The horizon is coming up
No matter if it's damaged or not
With the hope in both our hands.
We can fight against the waves
Overcome them
Rise above them
Spread your wings, cry out!
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down?
Back up, get far of the sky
Black rover!
Someday we'll go just you and me,
But right now it's dyed too black to see
We live in dark, chaotic times
Black rover!
So long we played
The things that you see are lies
You can't see them if you try
Will anyone come forward?
Who is to blame?
They've all tried to hold me down
But now I've turned it all around
Got the hope I need to get off the ground
Stay alive and try another day
With the hope in both our hands.
We can fight against the waves
Overcome them
Rise above them
Spread your wings, cry out!
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down?
Back up, get far of the sky
Black rover!
Someday we'll go just you and me,
But right now it's dyed too black to see
We live in dark, chaotic times
Black rover!
With empty hearts they line us up to take us away
Let's escape, we'll make our break, I'm opening the door!
Just open your eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
We know we are reckless
Just open your eyes like us
Just open your hearts like us
Just open the world like us
Don't stay, don't blame!
That's right!
Get down
We all let you know this time
Can you bring me down?
Back up, get far of the sky
Black rover!
Someday we'll go just you and me,
But right now it's dyed too black to see
We live in dark, chaotic times
Black rover!
With empty hearts they line us up to take us away
Let's escape, we'll make our break, I'm opening the door!
Let's go next stage.


The world stopped
out of sheer fear
what to risk
Death concretizes
- the worst enemy
- through dignity and self-determination
-and has
always been there...
Now everyone wants
to survive
But how
but when
The air threatening
The neighbor dangerous
Just locked up,
tied up, wrapped up
the world stands still
All that's left is
or the escape
into inner experience.

Blessed Are You

Blessed are you people, blessed are you,
who have the love,
blessed are you, who can dream!
I don't now, I don't now
if one day I'll be able
to forget what I feel for you.
I still heard with you
the words of love,
which I can no longer forget,
but which you can say.
And therefore blessed are you,
blessed are you, blessed are you,
who talk about love!
Blessed are you, blessed are you,
who have the love,
blessed are you, who can dream!
I don't now, I don't now
if one day I'll be able
to forget what I feel for you.
I envy you people, I envy you,
because you have everything,
everything I don't have
and that I will never find again.
And therefore blessed are you,
blessed are you, blessed are you
who have the love!
Blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you!

Over the hill

I'm so tired in this place
But everything drives me to it
The songs will be silent
Where I was not, I can't go
I'm so tired in this place
But everything drives me to it
The songs will be silent
Where I was not, I can't go
Since I crave further dissipation,
Asleep I try my luck
In the old days, things weren't all that different
Memory is just a trick
Since I crave further dissipation,
Asleep I try my luck
In the old days, things weren't all that different
Memory is just a trick
Memory is just a trick
I'm so tired in this place
But everything drives me to it
The songs will be silent
Where I was not, I can't go
I'm so tired in this place
But everything drives me to it
The songs will be silent
Where I was not, I can't go
Over the hill,
We grow wings
Set out
To always see the sun
Over the hill,
We grow wings
Set out
To always see the sun
Over the hill,
We grow wings
Set out
To always see the sun
Over the hill,
We grow wings
Set out
To always see the sun
Set out
To always see the sun


Arguments, numbers, reasons
seasoned with a bit of fear.
Many, big, weighty,
also retold understandably.
And the questions are quickly
led into shallow water
quietly and quietly, well-dosed,
the words play WITH the wind.
Here a sentence and there a picture
until the doubters doubt and the teaching
gains strength.
were not looked at,
one doesn't see them!
because otherwise one could notice,
that the monument
is sinking into the mud.


A flower in the snow
seen so often
that I overlook it.


A stormcrooked tree
grown in the wrong place
that, however, doesn't give up.

Hazy notion

that has long
lain sunken in the dark waters
of my knowledge
is slowly
floating upward.
It can already
see the light
on the water surface
But the sky
it looks upon
is blurry still.
A water spray
breaks the light,
still shaking
the clear image.
that has long
lain sunken in the dark waters
of my knowledge
is slowly
floating upward.
A hazy notion yet
– just a feeling –
but inching
closer & closer
to consciousness
more & more
the light.
that has long
lain sunken in the dark waters
of my knowledge
wants to learn
how to swim.