Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 92

Találatok száma: 44538


Athena's Song

The waves can beat
Sometimes the weather is calm
Above us just a bright sky
The waves they measure
Our time they adjust
Rocking and swinging

I Remember It

Above us just a bright sky...
Hey! Now I remember it
The melody is familiar
I remember how I sat beneath the moonlight and I heard
Where did I hear?
That I remember
Do - I know it from somewhere
Magic of time
It brings back happiness that glided like a boat
I remember it so
I remember it
Oh! I can remember Mom
From that time
I remember how in the evenings I sat as well as waited
I remember the song
Above us just a bright sky
The waves they measure
Our time they adjust
And now I remember
Now I remember the song
And I will defy
The law of silence
Now I will sing majors (and) minors
Every single note
Like so
So she also did
Now I remember the song
And I remember love!

About the heart of men

Listen to this, beautiful girls in love
This song is about the heart of men
The splendor of their love disappears
From the morning sky along with the morning star
They promise many dreams of love
They all vow to love only you
But the flame of their love is swept away by a cold, wild wind
And the morning sun will find you alone
Do you remember when we loved each other?
Why did we feel that it'll last forever?
And I've believed it, in our sweet love
That for us, the dawn sun will rise on the west
And if I knew back then, that it hurts like that to love
I wouldn't have wanted anybody
And I would have put my love-struck heart into a nice golden box
And locked it with a silver key with both of my hands
Listen to this, beautiful girls in love
This song is about the heart of men
The splendor of their love disappears
From the morning sky like the evening star

I know you

Did you get everything you wanted
When you left me
You said ''this is the end'', but you didn't get a new beginning
With him you got everything you never needed
And I, with her, live through my pain
Filled with regrets, just like your smile
Where are you now, my only regret
Each of us gone to their own side of the universe
When souls stay together
People find each other easily, and
Two sorrows become joy
I know you well, you still carry a part of me in you
I'm still concealed in your dreams
Somewhere, love keeps a secret for us
Oh, if our heads were wiser
Now I know being proud is not a victory
as long as it hurts the heart
Where are you now, my only regret
Each of us gone to their own side of the universe
When souls stay together
People find each other easily, and
Two sorrows become joy

My baby

I know that she's that woman, there's no question about it
A loving wife, a soulmate
I've been waiting for this feeling for so long, finally it has found me
I can't believe it's not a dream, I can feel there are no limits anymore
I love my baby, I let the whole world know
I love my baby, I would go through fire and water for her1
I only want her, she's the only one on the smouldering stage of my soul
I love my baby, I let the whole world know
She's my, she's my better half
Whatever the future brings, she'll be with me
I've been waiting for this feeling for so long, finally it has found me
I can't believe it's not a dream, I can feel that there are no limits anymore
I love my baby, I let the whole world know
I love my baby, I would go through fire and water for her
I only want her, she's the only one on the smouldering stage of my soul
I love my baby, l let the whole world know
She's my most beautiful dream, so I'm screaming it to the sky
She's my most beautiful dream, so I'm screaming it to the sky
Baby, I don't want anybody else anymore, from now on, I don't want anybody else
I love my baby, I let the whole world know
I love my baby, I would go through fire and water for her (Only You and me, only You and me baby)
I only want her, she's the only one on the smouldering stage of my soul
I love my baby, I let the whole world know
  • 1. 'To face many challenges in the process of doing or accomplishing something.'

Feloldódok 2

Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám
Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám
Fekszek és cigizek
Aztán felszippantom
Fel akarok szabadulni, mint egy bong felhő
Santán fekszek felfelé nézve
Bámulom a zöld felhőt
Egy komor élet belülről öl meg
Mint 6-os a lottón
A célba, mint egy rakéta
Gyerünk, felejtsd el
Fogd a józanságodat, vagy különben csalódott leszel
Porozod az orrodat? Én is porozom
Régóta nem találom önmagamat
Elveszve egy bizonyos epizódban
Feloldódok, mint jég egy italban
Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám
Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám
Fekszek, cigizek és most gondolkodom
Miért vetkőztetsz ki az érzelmeimből megint?
Nem lehet többé?
Nincs elég neked és nem kell befejezned
Ez rémesen beteg és érthetetlen
Egy ilyen sorsért nem jelentkeztem
Fekszek és mentem amim van
Egy másodpercnek sem kéne megszületnie
Ne zavarj
Egyedül akarok lenni
Miért van ez a háború?
Vegyél, ne provokálj
Tudom, hogy egy senki vagyok
Nem kell ismételned
Sajnálom, amikor elkezdesz szidni
Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám
Feloldódok, mint a sav
Csinálok egy csíkot, elszívok egy hasist
Hogy a végére elfelejtsem
Az összes kibaszott gonoszságot
Megnyugtat ez a robbanás
Szeretem a lassított felvételt
El akarom felejteni azt
Hogy az életben semmi sem vár rám

Afton Család

Eltévedtem és megijedtem, Hittem a hazugságainak
Hittem, hogy biztonságban vagyok és sohasem fogok meghalni
Most mégi egyedül vagyok, bújkálok a sötétben
Csak haza akarok jutni, de túl messzire mentem.
Mind erősek maradunk és örökké élünk
Minden nagyszerű az Afton családban
Az életük a tiszta őrületbe zuhant
Minden szétesik az Afton családban
Sosem mentem közel mert tudom mit láttam
A legboldogabb napon az életem mégis véget ért
Most egyedül harcolok szörnyek a sötétben
Élni akarok de túl messzire mentem
Mind erősek maradunk és örökké élünk
Minden nagyszerű az Afton családban
Az életük a tiszta őrületbe zuhant
Minden szétesik az Afton családban
Mindig színlelek, hogy ne lásd összetörtem
Szeretném ezt befejezni, de megfogadtam, hogy folytatom
Még mindig bújkálok a sötétben
Mint a szomorú lelkek szobák közt bolyongva egyre messzebbre megyünk
Mind erősek maradunk és örökké élünk
Minden nagyszerű az Afton családban
Az életük a tiszta őrületbe zuhant
Minden szétesik az Afton családban
Mindig kérve könyörgöm, mert félek az eredménytől
Térdre borultam hadd száljon a fejembe a dicsőségem
Most egyedül vagyok suttogást hallok a sötétben
Elkalandoztam a múltban emlékeket látva
Always begging please, yet the outcome I would dread
I've fallen to my knees, let my pride get to my head
Now I'm all alone, hearing whispers in the dark
I wander through the past, seeing memories afar


Versions: #1
Mielőtt összetörsz engem
Azt akarom, hogy megígérd nekem
A nap nem fog lemenni
A föld tovább fog forogni
Ez az álom, ami saját magát találja ki
Ez a szó, ami elzárkózik előlem
Ez a parázs, ami kettőnket meggyújt
Ez az áramlat, ami mindig folyik
Mielőtt felemésztesz
Azt akarom, hogy sose feledd
Holnap is fordul a szél
Holnap is elmúlik az idő
Ez az álom...
Még ha örökké is vagy
Akkor is látni akarlak
Ha már semmi sincs
Akkor érteni akarom

Nem feledve

A falka által hajszoltan
A végsőkig remélsz
Megviselt vagy
És mi jön most?
Mégis mi van veled?
A félelmed hozzám elérződik
És a farkasok ragadozni fognak
És a bárányok beszarnak
Ki vagy?
Ki vagy?
Mélyen magadba kell nézned
Ezen a kapun át kell menned
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!
Hamis eskü!
A gyávaságod
A vakságod
Semmivel sem törődtél
Ki térített meg?
Saját magadat gyaláztad meg
Mi van veled mégis
Áldozati állattá teszed magad
És a kígyó halkan öl
És a keselyűk kőröznek...
Ki vagy?
Ki vagy?
Mélyen magadba kell nézned
Ezen a kapun át kell menned
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
Eladva és elárulva!!
A gyökereink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az őseink - rég feledésbe merültek!
Az isteneink - rég feledésbe merültek!
A rendeltetésünk - sosem feledjük el!

Déli Földteke

Egy leharcolt kombival járom
hippi utamat, kótyagos fejjel.
Egy fura hölgyel összefutottam, tartottam.
Befogadott és reggelivel kínált
És azt mondta:
'Egy déli földről1 érkezett?
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe.'
Kenyeret veszek egy férfitől Brüsszelben.
193 centiméter magas és tiszta izom volt.
'Beszéled a nyelvemet?' mondtam
Elmosolyodott és egy vegemite2 szendvicset nyújtott,
És azt mondta:
'Egy déli földről származok
hol árad a sör, a férfiak okádnak.
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe, igen.'
Fekszem egy Bombay-i odúban
leesett állal, elálló szavakkal.
Mondtam a férfinak: 'Kísértésbe akar vinni,
mert a bőség földjéről származom?'
És azt mondta:
'Egy déli földről érkezett, (ó igen, igen)
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe.'
Déli földtekei tájon élek
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe.
Déli földtekei tájon élek
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe.
Déli földtekei tájon élek
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
Eredjen, álljon fedezékbe.
Déli földtekei tájon élek
Hol a nők ragyognak, a férfiak fosztogatnak?
Nem hallja, nem hallja a mennydörgést?
  • 1. A 'down under' több jelentésű: lent, déli félteke, valamint Ausztráliát szokták így becézni
  • 2. Ausztráliai kenhető szendvics feltét amit kenyérélesztőből és különböző zöldségekből és fűszerekből készítenek.

Rainy Summer Night

When the tears can’t be held back and start flowing
When the ocean looks at me
The unforgettable season becomes a cloud and appears
When the song I wanted to hear is playing, When your scent drenches me
The unforgettable season becomes a scar and appears
I’ll put my urge to cry in my pocket
I’ll get greedy for just a day
And call out your name
The rainy summer night drenches my heart
As I tear up with memories that I can’t forget
I try to comfort my heart
But the dew gathers in my sad mouth
The unforgettable season becomes tears and appears
I’ll put my urge to cry in my pocket
I’ll get greedy for just a day
And call out your name
The rainy summer night drenches my heart
As I tear up with memories that I can’t forget
Rain falls on the place we were together
If I tear up at the unforgettable memories of you
What do I do?

Number ONE

I’m Number ONE
Hey guys I’m back here
Never be gone anymore
We are, are the Number ONE
We are, are the Only one
We are, are the Number ONE
I’m Number ONE
(Let’s go)
I had my bright days
Every day, we touch touch down
There wasn’t anyone who didn’t know my name
But everything disappeared and it’s like time stopped
When things got bleak, I just crumbled down
I got got the power and
I got got your everything
Never and Never end
I can’t give up
The world I saw with a sober mind
It was so dazzling that my heart raced
I put everything on the line
(I am)
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best (Let’s go)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best (Let’s go)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE
I won’t stop like this
I’ll be hot again, I know
To the end, follow
(let’s get going)
All thoughts disappeared, I feel like I have everything
I threw away all the useless actions, rough motions
I got got the power and
I got got your everything
Never and Never end
I can’t give up
I’ve endured this world with my bare body
My heart races faster and faster
I put everything on the line
(I am)
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best (Let’s go)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best (Let’s go)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE
Even when a suffocating pain comes
I won’t throw away my pride
Until the day I come out of the shadow
Till the end of my days
Just keep on doing and I will never gonna stop running
I’m back here to do it nobody can break me down
The past isn’t important
Do not give up
I won’t give up, just trust me and follow me
Everybody never gonna stop
Hey Shawty! Do it again
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
(I don’t fall down I will be the best remember)
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best(Let`s go)
(No one will never forget me)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best
(I will show you look at me)
Number ONE, I won’t break down, I’ll be the best(Let`s go)
(I’m Number ONE in here)
Shout out loud that I’m back
A way up high up to the sky
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’m Number ONE I’m the only one
Number ONE

Give Me Your Love

In the passing time
Among the passing people
I always waited for you
My pitiful future added anxiety to the love
Making me lonely once again
Even if we say goodbye
Just like the diary hidden in the drawer in your memory somewhere
Save me from being closed up
Give me your love
Until my tears dry up in this endless rain
Give me your love
Until the endless tears fill up your heart
Even if you say it’s not love, I’ll take it
Because my love grows by the day
Our love and the pain that we always whispered
It disappeared like foam
The future and the memories we had together become colorless
Making me lonely once again
Even if we say goodbye
Just like a piece of love that is hidden somewhere in your memory
Save me from being forgotten
Give me your love
Until my tears dry up in this endless rain
Give me your love
Until the endless tears touches your heart
Even if there are more scars than love, I’ll take it
Because love is bigger than the pain
The meaning of being born
The meaning of living
Is being with you
Give me love
Until my tears dry up in this endless rain
Give me your love
Until the endless tears touches your heart
Even if the scars grow bigger, I’ll take it
Because you alone are my everything

Forgive me my love

You flicker in the dark, you wanted to leave

Crow song

A tame fox locked inside a chicken coop
A butterfly with delta wings1
A goldfish in the kitchen sink
A dove of peace in military fatigues
A hopless, lone ant
A racehorse that never won a race
And the stork eating wide mouthed frog2
You're a crow, it's a pity!3
It's such a pity that you're a crow!
You're a crow, it's a pity, don't feel bad about it, you're a crow!
A zebra with a financially successfull kitchen garden
An immoral boar
A vulture in the VHF band4
A goose spinning on a chicken leg5
A sizeable tamed seal
A woodworm ticking in reinforced concrete
And a big city wolf with chickenpox6
You're a crow, it's a pity!
It's such a pity that you're a crow!
You're a crow, it's a pity, don't feel bad about it, you're a crow!
  • 1.
  • 2. This is a spin on a joke we have in Hungary. It goes like this:
    The wide mouthed little frog sets off to see the world.
    He runs into a hedgehog.
    [When you tell this joke, you say the frog's lines with your mouth as horizontally wide as possible.]
    - I'm a wide mouthed little frog. Who are you and what do you eat?
    - I'm a hedgehog and I eat insects.
    The little frog walks a little further. He runs into a cow.
    - I'm a wide mouthed little frog. Who are you and what do you eat?
    - I'm a cow and I eat grass.
    A few hundred meters away the little frog spots a stork.
    - Who are you and what do you eat?
    - I'm a stork and I eat wide mouthed little frogs.
    [You say the next line while sucking in your cheeks and squeezing your lips into a dot.]
    - And have you seen any around here?
  • 3. There's pun here that I can't translate. In Hungarian the onomatopoetic word for the sound a crow makes is 'kár' (in English it's 'caw' I think) and in Hungarian 'kár' happens to mean 'it's a pity' or 'too bad' (also 'damage').
  • 4. Very High Frequency band, a range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from 30 to 300 megahertz (MHz).
  • 5. This is a joke about the palace that spins on a chicken leg, which is an element in fairy tales in Hungary and probably other places too. For exmaple Baba Yaga is a witch in Slavic folklore and she lives in a chicken legged hut.
  • 6. There's a pun here that happens to work in English too. Chickenpox is called 'sheep-pox' in Hungarian and wolves are know for preying on sheep but the pun kind of works with chicken as well.

Tell me it ain’t so

Versions: #1
You and I, it may sound a little stupid
I’m raving mad, you’re kind of a jerk
Tell me it ain't so
Time after time, naivety won over
Don’t know if it was almost love or something much worse
that sentenced us to fall
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
That as much as you try to deny it, I’ve been your best mistake
Tell me it ain't so
Every time that I hear the phone ring
I can't help but to think that maybe
I’ll get to hear your voice
I already know, it’s kind of pathetic
That being happy,
so loved and happy
You still make me feel like this.
Tell me it ain't so, oh no
Because your memory haunts me every night
A shower doesn’t completely cool my skin
And as much as I try to deny it, you’ve been my best mistake
That even though it makes no sense
We can feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so
You and me
It’s maybe not illogical
Tell me it ain't so
That my memory haunts you every night
that a shower doesn’t completely cool your skin
that as much as you try to deny it
I’ve been your best mistake
And even though it makes no sense
You tell me I’m right
That even though it makes no sense
We can still feel the warmth
Tell me it ain't so
Tell me it ain't so.

My people

My strength is the years
that we spernt together
Days, seas and snows
And whatever comes, wherever it goes
I still have their laughter in my ears
Their bright eyes
That's all my money
I've never had more.
My people, my hearts
Away from you, not even a day
I cut my breaths in half
to give you air (to breathe).
And when fires keep me up all night
and there is no more left to burn,
I think of them loving me
and I have (enough) cigarettes till the morning.

Hero Comes Cardo (Ang Probinsyano Theme)

How could anybody not know Ricardo Dalisay?
Despite the danger, he will put his life on the line
He's naturally brave, will not back away from anything
His sole goal is to purge evil
He's naturally brave and has a heart of a fighter
To right the wrong, is a pledge he will fulfill
The love for our nation, is what he pledges to
That's why he is an ally to every people
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should be afraid
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should be afraid
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should hide now
You cannot knock Cardo Dalisay out
His bravery in fighting can't be matched
He will protect, the oppressed for their rights
With the Vendetta joining him in his fight
He will put his own life in the line
Those who try to stop him will surely be hit
You can be sure that Cardo will keep fighting on
We will show that good will prevail in the end
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should be afraid
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should be afraid
Here Comes Cardo
Here Comes Cardo
His foes should hide now

The eat shit song

One day, a school teacher
Lectured before his students
'If you don't get 100 points in the test
You won't become admirable people'
Eat shit and die!
Eat shit and die!
The most admirable thing in this world
Is a computer
One day, a serious father
Called his son and said
'Think only about working
Work diligently everyday'
Eat shit and die!
Eat shit and die!
What works diligently without complains
Are the parts of a machine
One day, the director of a company
Gather his employees and ordered
'If you abandon your efforts
You can't live like a boss'
Eat shit and die!
Eat shit and die!
Slaves are bought with money
But my heart is mine
One day, a politician teacher
With a big face said
'Study seriously
And you'll become like me'
Eat shit and die!
Eat shit and die!
Having two names and making off with taxes
Is something I want to do too
One day, a holy religious leader
Gave a sermon to his believers
'If you are patient in this world
Surely you can go to heaven'
Don't lie you son of a bitch!
You said it, son of a bitch!
Don't lie as if you were pretending
You holy messenger of God
One day, a government higher up
Announced to the news reporters
'To protect freedom and justice
We must not make war'
Don't lie you son of a bitch!
You said it, son of a bitch!
For you to benefit
You kill us
One day, a Soviet higher up
About the issues in Czechoslovakia said
'To save our comrades of the danger
Forgive us for invading you'
Don't lie you son of a bitch!
You said it, son of a bitch!
Czechoslovakia says nothing
But they know well your feelings
One day, an American higher up
About the issues in Czechoslovakia said
'What I saw was terrible
Communism is unacceptable'
Don't lie you son of a bitch!
You said it, son of a bitch!
Stop invading Vietnam
And don't come back anymore
One day, a great novelist
Being at an election said
'To make a country of young
I abandoned literature'
Don't play the spoiled, you son of a bitch!
Don't play the spoiled, you son of a bitch!
Don't choose to follow the young
That's what geezers do
One day, a wrinkled old man
Called the young people and said
'Our majesty is God
Your attitude is unacceptable'
Don't lie you son of a bitch!
You said it, son of a bitch!
When the emperor goes to the toilet
He asks God for help

What will the wind bring with it?

What will the wind bring with it,
What, what will it bring today?
Smell of rain or waves of heat.
What will the wind bring with it,
What, what will it bring today?
A child's laugh or a greeting.
If spring came to the garden
The wind will bring me a rose’s leaves.
If summer returns to the seashore,
So the wind has a warm corn aroma.
What will the wind bring with it,
What, what will it bring tomorrow?
The morning voices in the square.
What will the wind bring with it,
What, what will it bring tomorrow?
A new song or a familiar old tune.
If autumn has come to town,
To me the wind will bring a cold change.
If the winter returns to the gardens
Then the wind will bring clouds.
If the wind will bring with him
To, to the streets,
Happy day, good news.
I will wait for the wind with hope,
Because the answer is still carried in the wind.
I will wait for the wind with hope,
Because the answer is still carried in the wind.


I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
Why, tell me, why should I be different?
I'm like this and I don’t care what they say about me
I'm like this
No, I'm not changing, I don't bargain
I’m in a constant battle with the world, I don't bargain
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
Tell me what happens to me if it doesn't matter to me
If I don’t care what role awaits me
What will happen to me?
No, and again: no
All I say is: no
You have to feel it unspoken as well
You have to feel it!
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it
I won't be a muttonhead, there's enough of it


Nem tudtam befejezni a történetet közted és köztem
Megpróbáltam törölni a memóriámat közted és köztem
Még mindig fájnak az emlékek
Te elmenték és megfagyott az idő
Elhagytál engem anélkül, hogy bocsánatot kértél volna
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Kinyílik egy seb, amit agy másik szerelem nem tud bezárni
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Rájöttem, hogy a kezedet nem tudtam elengedni
Miattad voltam ennyire gyáva
És most már késő odaadni a szívem
És bár megesküdött, hogy nem felejt el, én ragaszkodom a fájdalomhoz
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Hiányzik a levegő és elfelejtem, hogy nem tudok lélegezni
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni (oh, uoh)
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni
Egy szerelem mindig adott ezer ígéretet közted és köztem
Rád vártam, de nem érkezel meg, csak én maradtam
És bár változott a történet vége
És te elmentél anélkül, hogy azt mondtad volna „Sajnálom”
Ez a történetet én befejeztem
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Kinyílik egy seb, amit agy másik szerelem nem tud bezárni
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Rájöttem, hogy a kezedet nem tudtam elengedni
Miattad voltam ennyire gyáva
És most már késő odaadni a szívem
És bár megesküdött, hogy nem felejt el, én ragaszkodom a fájdalomhoz
Amikor nem vagy itt, amikor nem vagy itt
Hiányzik a levegő és elfelejtem, hogy nem tudok lélegezni
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni (no, no, no, no)
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni (ia, ia, ia)
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni (oh. oh-uoh)
Nélküled nem tudok lélegezni

The gardens of September

When they left school, kids were selling their books
I watched them do, dreaming of following them
But too shy, I was going to invent imaginary games
But tonight I slept in your arms and the past just fell silent
It's a spring, it's a summer
That September gives me to love you
Here are my hands, take a good look, they don't shake anymore
And I have deep inside me
I have a huge sky deep inside me, immense love
And then again, another world of love for you
Rivers, and meadows, and hills
Where all the gardens of my melancholy go to bloom
In its light, the whole Universe is in me
But the strength to live, I think I'm still looking for it
The gardens of September are dressed in new colors
And girls are more beautiful when they are dressed in new loves
You walked close to me and your eyes were covered with sadness
And suddenly I was afraid that loving you my heart would hurt
That day, I thought I heard you without understanding you
I wish there was never autumn in the gardens of September
It's a spring, it's a summer
That September gives me to love you
Here are my hands, take a good look, they don't shake anymore
And I have deep inside me
I have a huge sky deep inside me, immense love
And then again, another world of love for you
Rivers, and meadows, and hills
Where all the gardens of my melancholy go to bloom
In its light, the whole Universe is in me
But the strength to live, I think I'm still looking for it


As you can see, I've returned with more strength and will
In the fog or in the sun, but blessed is he who knows
While I'm looking at the city, a bitter, sneaky tear slowly goes down my face!
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because, when night arrives, lot of people are afraid!
While I'm looking in the sky, I'm the only one left searching for the new beeing, to find what's mine
There are those who waste words by simulating compassion, but I tell them: «Dear man, look at the flame in your eyes!»
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because when night arrives lot of people are afraid!
I'm under thousands of stars, the cold breaks my skin
A breath of pure air,
only darkness for a friend
But I want to look at your eyes again to find a planet of mine where drams are reality.
In the Borderland there is not a single flag left!
Because when night arrives lot of people are afraid!


You're just a happy child
With your head in the school bag
And my thirties
Passed by in the eternal struggle
To indulge everyone
That's all I do
To create something for us
And put bread on the table
And so day by day
Where ever life sends me
With a new wound here and there
But still I must go on
Nothing is hard for me
I would give everything for you
All the secrets that the world hides
Oh, if only I knew those
But, I'm scared, cause
I can't give you each and every answer
What is time? Why does it fly by?
What is happiness? What do you measure it with?
What is love? Come on, remind me
What is life in faith?
It remains a secret till the last day
We are a small portion of a greater plan
And each new day is a new gift
A new chance for you
To be better than I am
Like a story too deep
When it comes to an end
Quickly, in a blink of an eye
Life goes through your fingers
When the pale moon sets
Sun will shine again
And when a soul finds peace
Pain will cease in an instant
But, still, the answers
None of us has them all
What is time? Why does it fly by?
What is happiness? What do you measure it with?
What is love? Come on, remind me
What is life in faith?
It remains a secret till the last day
We are a small portion of a greater plan
And each new day is a new gift
A new chance for you
To be better than I am

Oy! My Homeland

Oy! My homeland
Mountain of icy rocks
A fainted herd, lamb and kid goat
happy golden citrus
Abbeys, wave, gravestone
clay domes on houses
A village that is not settled
An olive next to another
Land! Land of my legacy!
Palm tree with many fronds
Malicious fence line made of nopal
A stream with some water
Smell of fruit trees in spring
A caravan chiming a song
Sand castles around the sea
A shadow falls (from) a sycamore
Land carved into the desert
Magic of the planets
Vapor, the anger of a heat wave
A hut in the fall of the leaves
Vineyard, vine, drowsy, not drowsy
Tumulus in ruins unearthed
Blue-sky nights and howling jackals
A pump pumping
Oy, oy, land the heart covets!
The dill, the thornbush
Cistern digger, secret, outlined cistern
Eagle in the sky
Smell of fruit trees in spring
A caravan chiming a song
In a sea of light drowns everything
And the sky-blue is all over
Smell of fruit trees in spring...

Wish Concert

I walk all night long through our streets
And hang posters up everywhere
This will be the show of the century
The party of a lifetime
And at the very top are our names on it
All come in because nobody stays outside
You are on the guestlist plus 1000
Bring your clique along, we will need them
Then we are all complete
I just want to party totally carefree
Every second is a miracle
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert
I just want to party totally carefree
Every second is a miracle
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert
Today dreams come true, today everyone knows everyone
Yes when the curtains fall we are at the start
1000 foglights bring the crowd to quaking
Today life is a testdrive
All come in because nobody stays outside
You are on the guestlist plus 1000
Bring your clique along, we will need them
Then we are all complete
I just want to party totally carefree
Every second is a miracle
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert
I just want to party totally carefree
Every second is a miracle
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert
We play the playlist, that only to us belongs
That all of life is a wish concert

The Miracle

It's enough for me
Your hug alone is enough
And that glance that makes
the rays of dawn shine
This printed dress
flowing over the body makes you
look like the color of life
In a world torn in two
Simply write to me
with lipstick on a mirror
Write I'm here
I will love you as long as I live
You will see the miracle
sparkling magically
Making every impossible possible
It's not enough
A kiss alone is not enough
I will knit a wreath of kisses
That you will always wear
in your hair
You are the last haven,
the lattern* of the sea
You are the haven of the heart
In a world torn in two
Simply write to me
with lipstick on a mirror
Write I'm here
I will love you as long as I live
You will see the miracle
sparkling magically
Making every impossible possible
  • *. πυροφάνι= fishing technique using light to attract fish

The World Is So Very Wonderful, How Could I Have Been So Sad?

Versions: #1
Have you ever believed in love? That all turned out to be a pack of lies?
Have you ever been misunderstood? Does forgiving someone no longer matter?
You once had dreams too. Why did you let them go on?
When despair becomes such a familiar affair
A sigh becomes but an occasion in one's life
Yes indeed, it is so truly clear to see
The world is so very wonderful. How could I have been so sad?
There is serenity after a heavy rain, and miracles do happen.

Tsoi is dead

My hands are growing not where the should,
My legs lead me not where they should.
And boomerangs don’t fly back.
The cold sings my songs,
The environment surrounds me,
Somebody has chosen this day for me by chance...
And the intrusive zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The stable zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
30 years I didn’t want to wake up,
I don’t like new music,
I was watching same films, without any alternatives.
I went to clarify the information,
Reliable source - wall on the Arbat,
There was written by Russian on the concrete: “Tsoi is alive!”
But the intrusive zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The stable zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The chronic zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The panic zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
Pathologist was wrong,
Why has he given the oath of Hippocrates?
I wasn’t agree with him at all that time,
War was already ended, and we didn’t know,
We believed, that we didn’t lost the youth,
Than was losing new trains.
The intrusive zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The stable zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The chronic zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”
The panic zoomer sounds in my head:
“Tsoi is dead”, “Tsoi is dead!”

A Szobádban

Szeretem, hogy éjjel a szobádban
Te vagy az egyedüli aki megért engem
A gyertyafény melegében
Oh, elképzelem mit fogsz tenni velem
(A szobádban)
Életre kelek amikor veled vagyok
Bármit megteszek amit csak akarsz
A szobádban
Szeretek a szobádban lenni egész nap
Mikor elmész szeretem felpróbálni az összes ruhádat
Nem fogod megbánni ha marasztalsz
Megtanítok neked mindent amit egy fiúnak tudnia kell
(A szobádban)
Életre kelek amikor veled vagyok
Megvalósítom az álmaidat
A szobádban
Olyan jól érzem magam a szobádban
Zárjuk ki a világot
Olyan jó amikor csókolózunk
Soha senki nem őrjített még meg ennyire
Szeretem, hogy éjjel a szobádban
Te vagy az egyedüli aki megért engem
A gyertyafény melegében
Oh, elképzelem mit fogsz tenni velem
(A szobádban)
Bármit megteszek amit csak akarsz
Csakis veled akarok lenni
A szobádban
A szobádban
Olyan jól érzem magam a szobádban
Zárjuk ki a világot
Olyan jó amikor csókolózunk
Soha senki nem őrjített még meg ennyire
A szobádban
A szobádban
(A szobádban)
(A szobádban)
(A szobádban)
(A szobádban)

Don't Look At Me Like This

Don't look at me like this when I sin
Help me, I would so love to make up since a long time
How could I live with you if you didn't exist?1
Everything became mine, the earth and the sky
I've been trying to find my place since a long time
I don't want to know, where will I go
Where will I belong tomorrow
Still, there's a place I long to go back to
You're the one, who's my reason to live
When I'm with you, I know where I'm headed
Because of you, I pay for my sins
You're the only sanctuary for me since nobody else gets me
Don't look at me like this when I sin
Help me, I would so love to make up since a long time
How could I live with you if you didn't exist?
Everything became mine, the earth and the sky
Don't tell me what's bad, I've seen it
Little kids caked in mud and dirt
No matter how you deny it, it doesn't help
You can never forget where you came from
I've been looking for you in others since forever
On my long road, wherever I've been
Now I know again, that there's hope
Only if I could have your heart, I'll be different, don't be scared!
Don't look at me like this when I sin
Help me, I would so love to make up since a long time
How could I live with you if you didn't exist?
Everything became mine, the earth and the sky
(Little Tyson)
Me, I always took it in stride what fate has brought
When I screamed in silence it shook even the sky
Sometimes I looked up confused, when I didn't know where to go
Or I was only interested if a path was a done deal
It doesn't matter anymore, what happened is gone, but the thorn stays inside
What's nothing to others, but it's a mountain for me
Tell me what to do, how could I be always good, when it's like this?
No worries, when I'm gone, the people will understand me
I don't mind it if they detest me, at least they're learning from me
Because of this, I took up everything, I know they'll learn from it
Tell me, what good is it for you if my heart breaks?
I've seen too much already to lose my faith
Trust me, I never gave it up cheap, not like that
I would admit to it, if it was me, who's at fault
Maybe you believe this because of all the lights, but you should look at my past
I'll take one or two mountains apart before I leave
Don't look at me like this when I sin
Help me, I would so love to make up since a long time
How could I live with you if you didn't exist?
Everything became mine, the earth and the sky (x2)
  • 1. I don't understand this line. My best guess is that he implies that he loves her so much that even if she didn't exist, he would try to figure out how to live with her.