Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 93

Találatok száma: 44538


King Richard

Through lonesome, desolate splendor of woods
A rider gallops unabated.
He blows the horn, he sings and he laughs
With joy, carefree and contented.
His armor is thick and his posture is strong,
Much stronger is his dedication.
King Richard is he, Richard Cœur de Lion,
The Lord's army blooms in elation.
“Welcome to England!” they say out loud -
The green leafy trees by the waters -
“We are pleased and happy, O King, that you have
Sprung free from that Austrian fortress!”
The King breathes free air, in his heart he is glad,
He feels born anew and enlivened.
That damp dungeon smell makes no longer him sad,
He, spurring his horse, is triumphant.

We're from the country

With the work done, I'm coming from the city
Everybody in the village knows that I'm the best
The shirt is sweaty but the pocket's full
a neighbour is fixing my dusty car
Helped him once and I'll help him again
We're from the country and we like it that way!
Everybody knows, everybody
Everybody's our friend
You don't need no invitation
Get your slippers off and come to the dance
We know how to work and how to have fun
We're from the country and we like it that way!
Got my place reserved at the village pub
But no one ever saw me being drunk
I'm a good man respect by everyone
Whoever comes in our house, we'll treat him good
We're from the country and we like it that way!

A bill

The masks were dropped
mess and a fight
The mystery of worlds
Kyiv swallows a smog
No extra words
death is counting a haul
The masks were dropped
mess and a fight
The war of the worlds
Kyiv swallows a smog
And at the gunpoint are
souls, so naked till the pain
The posts and tweets are oozing with bile and pus
Who does manage whom? - let us make paranoia
Thus it's easier, the Jewish people are guilty of everything:
Obama, Putin, Adolf, well and personally you
Yours 'today' is yesterday's day in Langley1
Sir Louis Cypher 2prefers Bently3 always
Big Ben4 rang five times, above the Mausoleum5 is nine o'clock
On the temple is a grey-haired strand - do not trust anyone!
Crypto-reptiloids manage geopolitics
It's bullshit to pour Indian man a fire-water6
To give every poor man a copper coin for each eye
Even in Hell, the ones sell the natural gas for boiling the cauldrons
Stigmata7will bleed,
an icon will cry in a hermitage8
I wanted to quiet, old-testament Jonah9
There are some variants: to the sky, under the ground, or to the jail
While we wait for a continue, someone writes a scenario
El commandante10 Yarosh!11
Red-black wings
Fire fury, winter Guerrilla12
The wind repeats fiercely:
'The moratorium for the fear!'
'The heaven hundred' 13
Stands on its patrol confront
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit
it will spill more
Sacrificial, scarlet,
it will charge a bill!
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit
it will spill more
Scarlet rivers will gush out,
They will charge a bill
The center of the city,
a heart has split up,
The seams of the barricades
A swing set of the blind fate
The freedom call
a deadbolt is cracking
The center of the city,
a heart has split up,
The seams of the barricades
A swing set of the blind fate
The desired thing is close
you're one step of a goal
The plot is banal: a mother buries her son,
The widow and children howl, somewhere the ones hiss: 'cattle.'
It will hardly be better, it will definitely be more fun!
The plot is familiar: a mother eats her children14
Someone like Priest Gapon15
but someone is undercover like a condom
Randomly you have been used, you will learn later
Or historians will think up, push a trigger!
This is a lesson of a small motoric, do learn my son!
And here in the prologue is a pain! And in the epilogue is a pain!
And in the obituary is main sense! The stupid naked king.
He lost his face and he would have lost his head
If he hadn't lost himself here, since his youth.
A splinter in the hypochondrium and the streets are crowded
And all want to grab the tits of freedom-bitch
To mix milk with blood in the name of life
Look, a red lough will splash out of a throat now!
El commandant Yarosh!
Red-black wings
Fire fury, winter Guerrilla
The wind repeats fiercely:
'The moratorium for the fear!'
'The heaven hundred'
Stands on its patrol confront
El commandant Yarosh!
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit it will spill more
Sacrificial, scarlet, it will charge a bill!
'The heaven hundred' stands on its patrol confront
It's a little bit of blood, it's a little bit it will spill more
Scarlet rivers will gush out, but who will pay a bill?

Don't Light My Fire

Don't (Don't) Don't (Don't)
Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire
(Don't) Go! (Don't) Go! (Don't) Go, go, go
Don't light my fire
Or not go to hell
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
Or not go go heaven.
Or not go go heaven.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
If you lit a fire to my heart,
stop the fire before you go home.
Extinguish before you go.
Then, Go go go go go go go go go go go go
Go to hell!
If you lit a fire to my heart, hot hotter hottest.
If you lit a fire to my heart, sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest. Sad sadder saddest.
Sad sadder saddest.
Get rid of me and my love, I beg you.
Don't light my fire, Don't light my fire.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
Fire on my heart (fire on my heart)
You set a fire on my heart.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
I could set a fire on you.
I'll be left alone to clean up the mess.
All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone All alone
Go to hell!!
Get rid of me and my love, will you?
Wipe my butt before you go. Go to hell!!

100606 / For the dirty

came to earth so white
pure, with a smile on an innocent face
open, trusting
ignorant, dumb
they burned its wings, took it all away from it
right from the start beat it to the ground
then that same kid turns out to be a bad kid
'What's with it for it to be like that?
Should it be put in an institution?
Yeah! We'll help it!'
well who the fuck will help you?
evil was apparently committed in a previous life
drugs as a concern, drug death
substances silence the counterarguments, I'm so dirty
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
the environment screams:
'Buy or you're shit!
Without that you can't get this!
And without this you can't get it!
fuck no I won't buy
I can't take this same old shit anymore
same old patterns, I'll drink myself stupid
but that doesn't work anymore either
that's why we extend to illicit drugs
and from them let's pick a fitting, motivating alternative
or you can of course use everything mixed
and be completely out of your mind
be without being, move without moving
drop out
the dirty ones wipe themselves out of here
what might be the matter with them?
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for us dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
wash yourself bloody like a rape victim in the shower
bloody syringes reminding of us
but that dirt doesn't come off by washing
symptoms being treated, problems hidden
'Let's give them clean needles and they will get by!
And if they don't, so fucking what?
At least they'll die off from burdening us.'
they tried to paint me black
but it doesn't stick anymore, I'm pure again
I'm not dirty after all
you are
and you will be until you understand
and become clean
become clean again
this is for you dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head
this is for you dirty, it's in your head
wash yourself clean because it's in your head

I Will Bring to Him

Versions: #1
And so, since we have just crossed the wide and awesome sea
Now, where are you hiding
As the dessert is closing in on us?
You made a promise to give us the land
And we have come to meet You
But where are You spinning around (through the air)
When the horses are preparing for the holy war?
I will bring, I will bring to Him
Sweet mountain air,
I will bring to Him children's laughter,
I will bring to Him fire and wine!
He will come, my Beloved, He will arrive!
He will hear my voice shouting prayers on the day I cry out to Him!
If only I could...
And where are You hanging around
When the horses are ready for war?
I will bring, I will bring to Him
Sweet mountain air,
I will bring to Him children's laughter,
I will bring to Him fire and wine!
He will come, my Beloved, He will arrive!
He will answer my voice on the day I cry out to Him!
Faster, faster!
And where are You swirling around
When the horses are ready for war?

My Version

Everything seems worthless
It happens that sometimes
He finds every door closed
It happens that sometimes
I say let others play
Tqifsha in fame and career
It happens
All these chairs push me
To him he gives all the verses
That boxing explodes
For all the reasons that blow me
Tell you how many times G Up is entering
The whores broke up
Looks like a race with a lot of opponents
Where all these players
Greed for first place
Everyone talks about revolution drug weapons?
Put it all in the ass whores
And hop into the microphone
Shof up destination far
I have a clear plan
From the day I started
And how much for a commercial ??
I know how to paint but I give it
I have scene 1 step again
I'm on the street whore
Play if you can talk to me
Those who said RAP scan ??
This is a metropolis
Years of lightning speed wait
I come hungry as it is not just a matter of music
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm and rhyme I will always give
My version
It is Dose, G-UP
but our conditions were not met
we do not sign the contract
se jena vet n'administrat
Yo! Albanian wuts up?
we are not seeing you clearly
turn on the microphones
and set the stage on fire
And I know how to say it
not to look like diss
but are very low level
I am saying it honestly
all these types
SWAG YOLO trendy rrapers
me nam
will fail because they do not demand respect
but only fame!
They are temporary
scan place in history
until another HIT comes out
I do not remember them with anyone
and tell them not to do it in vain
as if they had invented any style
as if we wanted to do '' TRAP ''
as if we wanted to 'DRILL'
But what will you be like?
it depends on what success ...
If these are successful
better without success to die!
Money does not motivate me
that I have as much as I need
this time it is a curse
that all in the first is played!
I will be patient anyway
and I will stay true to them
my word and principle
I will not give up, I will fight
for change
Maybe I'm right
maybe I'm wrong ...
It is a promise
For all those who trusted in me
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Rhythm, Rhyme I will always give
My version

Többé nincs magány

Most nagyon úgy tűnik nekem,
Hogy tényleg tudod, mit kell mondanod
De a szavak csak szavak
Mutass valami mást
Meg tudod ígérni nekem, hogy mindig ilyen leszel?
Mutasd meg mit érzel,
Jobban mint eddig tetted
Nem akarok többé magányos lenni
Nem akarok többé ezért fizetni
Nem akarom megismerni a szeretőd az ajtómban
Ez csak egy újabb szívfájdalom a listán
Többé nem akarok idegeskedni
Tudod, hogy ki nem állhattam ezt
Szóval, mikor azt mondod, hogy szeretsz, biztosan tudd
Nem akarok többé magányos lenni
Ez elég nehéz nekem most a szívemmel, ami még mindig gyógyul
Nyisd fel nekem, ahogy tetted a barátnőiddel,
Aztán énekelj nekem és ez lesz a harmónia
Lány, amit velem teszel, az a minden
Arra késztet, hogy akármit mondjak,
csak hogy újra visszakaphassalak
Miért ne próbálhatnánk meg?
Mi lenne, ha megfelelnék neked, mi lenne, ha megfelelnék neked
Mi lenne, ha addig kitartanék melletted, amíg érzem, hogy megmozgatsz belül
Mi lenne, ha mennyország lenne
Mi lenne, ha összhangban lennénk
Mi lenne, ha egész az egész életem odaadnám, hogy találjak valamilyen módot arra, hogy melletted álljak

A legjobb műsor

[P.T. Barnum]
Hölgyeim és uraim, ez a pllanat, amire vártak (woah)
A sötétben tapogatóztak, az izzadságuk átáztatta a padlót (woah)
És a csonjaikba temetve ott van egy fájdalom, amit képtelenek figyelmen kívül hagyni
Elfojtja a lélegzetük, elborítja az elméjük
És mindent hátrahagynak, ami valós volt
[Kórus előtt: P.T. Barnum]
Ne ellenkezz, érted jön, feléd fut
Csak ez a pillanat, ne érdekeljen, mi jön utána
A lázálmod, nem látod, hogy közeledik?
Csak add meg magad, mert érzed, hogy ez az érzés ellep
Ez tűz, ez szabadság, ez szabadon árad
Ez a prédikátor az emelvényen és megleled az áhitatot
Elárulom neked, itt van valami, ami lebontja a téglákat minden falban, ami körülzár
Hát mondd, szeretnél jönni?
[Kórus: együttes & P.T. Barnum]
Ahol minden színes fényekben úszik
Ahol a szökevények uralják az estét
A lehetetlen valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
Fényre gyúlunk, nem hátrálunk meg
És a napfény most nem állíthat meg minket
Nézd, ahogy valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
[P. T. Barnum]
(Woah) Óriási, körbe gyűjtjük a renegátokat
(Woah) Ahol az elveszettek előkerülnek a cirkusz királyi koronájában
[Kórus előtt: együttes & P.T. Barnum]
Ne ellenkezz, érted jön, feléd fut
Csak ez a pillanat, ne érdekeljen, mi jön utána
Odakint vakító és azt hiszem, tudod
Csak add meg magad, mert hívsz és szeretnél jönni
[Kórus: együttes & P.T. Barnum]
Ahol minden színes fényekben úszik
Ahol a szökevények uralják az estét
A lehetetlen valóra válik, megrészegít
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
Fényre gyúlunk, nem hátrálunk meg
És a napfény most nem állíthat meg minket
Nézd, ahogy valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
[Kórus után: P.T. Barnum & Lettie Lutz]
Ez minden, amire valaha vágytál
Ez minden, amire valaha szükséged lehet
És itt van a szemed előtt
Ez az, ahol lenni szeretnél (Ez az, ahol lenni szeretnél)
Ez minden, amire valaha vágytál
Ez minden, amire valaha szükséged lehet
És itt van a szemed előtt
Ez az, ahol lenni szeretnél
Ez az, ahol lenni szeretnél
[Kórus együttes, Lettie Lutz & P.T. Barnum]
Ahol minden színes fényekben úszik
Ahol a szökevények uralják az estét
A lehetetlen valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
Fényre gyúlunk, nem hátrálunk meg
És a napfény most nem állíthat meg minket
Nézd, ahogy valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
Ahol minden színes fényekben úszik
Ahol a szökevények uralják az estét
A lehetetlen valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor
Fényre gyúlunk, nem hátrálunk meg
És a falak most nem állíthatnak meg minket
Nézem, ahogy valóra válik, eluralkodik rajtad
Oh, ez a legjobb műsor!
[Bridzs: Phillip Carlyle & Anne Wheeler]
Mert minden, amit akarsz itt van előtted
És látod, hogy a lehetetlen valóra válik
És a falak most nem állíthatnak meg
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
(Ez a legjobb műsor)
Ez a legjobb műsor (Oh!)
Ez a legjobb műsor!

Egész éjjel vezettem

Menekülnöm kellett
A város füllesztö és kegyetlen volt
Lehet, hogy elöször fel kellett volna hívjalak
De szörnyen akartam, hogy eljussak hozzád
Álmodoztam, miközben
Az elöttem lévö hosszú, egyenes úton vezettem, ah, ah
Éreztem az édes csókodat
Szélesre kitárt karodat
Ez az irántad érzett láz egyszerüen eléget itt legbelül
Egész éjjel vezettem, hogy hozzád elérjek
Ez rendben van
Egész éjjel vezettem
Belopództam a szobádba
Felébresztettelek álmodból
Hogy szeretkezzünk
Ez rendben van
Egész éjjel vezettem
Mi tart vissza minket ebben a világban attól
Hogy elszakadjunk egymástól
Nem számít, hová megyek, hallom
a szívverésed
Rád gondolok
Amikor az éjjel sötét és hideg
Senki sem tud úgy hatni rám
Mint ahogy te
Semmi sem törölheti el a köztünk lévö érzést
Egész éjjel vezettem, hogy hozzád elérjek
Ez rendben van
Egész éjjel vezettem
Belopództam a szobádba
Felébresztettelek álmodból
Hogy szeretkezzünk
Ez rendben van
Egész éjjel vezettem
Éreztem az édes csókodat
Szélesre kitárt karodat
Az irántad érzett láz egyszerüen eléget itt legbelül
Egész éjjel vezettem, hogy hozzád elérjek
Ez rendben van
Egész éjjel vezettem
Belopództam a szobádba
Felébresztettelek álmodból
Hogy szeretkezzünk
Egész éjjel vezettem.... hogy szorosan átöleljelek

Csak te és én

Verse 1
Rúgjunk be!
Ki fogom önteni a szívem a számon keresztül
Semmi kétség, ez az év nehéz volt nekünk.
Koccintsunk egy jobb reményében!
És minden, amivel megküzdöttünk
Hazahozott minket, mert
Én és te, mi együtt átvészeljük
Csak te érted meg, hogyan érzek most, igen
És tudom, neked bármit elmondhatok
Nem fogsz ítélkezni, csak meghallgatsz, igen,
Mert te vagy a legjobb dolog, ami valaha történt velem
Mert kincsem, Te és én
Uralhatnánk a világot
egyszerre egy lépést
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Mert te vagy az egyetlen,
Aki úgy ragyog, mint a nap
Egy lépést egyszerre
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Verse 2
Rúgjunk be!
Felidézzük azokat a napokat
Mikor össze voltunk törve, megfizetetlenül
És utazgattunk hétvégenként
Amikor leutaztam, hogy láthassalak
És lefestenénk a várost
Túl sok lövés, el fogok ájulni
Mert én soha nem tudom feladni
Dugi vodkák, most kinyitom
És tudom, neked bármit elmondhatok
Nem fogsz ítélkezni, csak meghallgatsz, igen,
Mert te vagy a legjobb dolog, ami valaha történt velem
Mert kincsem, Te és én
Uralhatnánk a világot
egyszerre egy lépést
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Mert te vagy az egyetlen,
Aki úgy ragyog, mint a nap
Egy lépést egyszerre
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Verse 3
Belefáradva a háttérképbe,
Ezt a képernyőt bámulva
Hetek óta elmentve
Csak hogy láthassalak kedvesem
És ugyan messze vagy az otthonomtól,
Ez nem egy hétvégi bár
És oh a szívem gyengédebbé válik
Szerethetné a várost
Mert kincsem, Te és én
Uralhatnánk a világot
egyszerre egy lépést
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Mert te vagy az egyetlen,
Aki úgy ragyog, mint a nap
Egy lépést egyszerre
Csak te én én
(Csak te én én)
Mert te vagy az egyetlen,
Aki úgy ragyog, mint a nap
Egyszerre egy lépést
Csak te és én (csak te és én)
Igen, egyszerre egy lépést, csak te és én
Igen, egyszerre egy lépést, csak te és én


Az éjszaka hívja az árnyékát
A szemeim könnyeznek, mint az eső
Halkan esik az égből
Csak még egyszer beszélni akarok veled
Kereslek az éjszakában, amíg ébren vagyok
A szívem olyan csendesen dobog
Minden, amit akarok
Te vagy
Az éjszaka hívja az árnyékát
A szemeim könnyeznek, mint az eső
Halkan esik az égből
Csak még egyszer beszélni akarok veled
A szívem elolvad, mint a jég
A lelkem kettétört
Érzem a hideget a bőrömön
Olyan szomorú és magányos
Kereslek az éjszakában, amíg ébren vagyok
A szívem olyan csendesen dobog
Minden, amit akarok
Te vagy
Olyan csendes
Minden éjszaka a szívemet hallgatom
Oh, a nevedet suttogja
A szívem elolvad, mint a jég
A lelkem kettétört
Érzem a hideget a bőrömön
Olyan szomorú és magányos


Mikor kinézek az ablakomból
az ég mindig szürke
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Mikor kinézek az ablakomból
az ég mindig szürke
és együtt kezdek el sírni az esővel
A sötétség beburkolja a szívemet
csak a hideg fájdalmat érzem
Nem akarok tovább szenvedni miattad
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Csókolj meg
Ki fogja bánni, ha elmegyek?
A lábnyomokat elfújja a szél
Senki nem tart vissza itt és most
Még visszaforduljak utoljára
és szaladjak a szerencsémhez
mikor végre látlak?
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Olyan szomorú és magányos vagyok
Miért nem akarsz mellettem lenni?
Annyira szomorú vagyok és magányos
Nem akarok többé egyedül lenni
Csókolj meg

Mindig mikor esik az eső

Mindig mikor esik az eső
Belemerülök a világodba
Démonokkal harcolsz
A levegő amiben élsz
Érzed a közelgő szakadékot?
(Ne ugorj)
Belülről szakít szét
Dühös vagy az érzelmektől
De már itt vagyok neked
(Fogd meg a kezem)
Nem fogsz magányosan elsüllyedni
Együtt túljutunk ezen
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Belemerülök a világodba
(Belemerülök a világodba)
A részeddé válok és tartom a kezed
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Egyedül én tartom a kezed
(Egyedül én tartalak)
És én vagyok az egyetlen, aki megért téged
Mindig mikor esik az eső
Mindig mikor esik az eső
A könnyeid hiábavalóak
A fájdalom elviselhetetlen
A levegőben érződik a haragod
Mert elveszettnek érzed magad
Bukásra születettnek
De most csak előre nézzünk
(Minden rendben lesz)
Nem fogsz magányosan elsüllyedni
Együtt túljutunk ezen
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Belemerülök a világodba
(Belemerülök a világodba)
A részeddé válok és tartom a kezed
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Egyedül én tartom a kezed
(Egyedül én tartalak)
És én vagyok az egyetlen, aki megért téged
Mindig mikor esik az eső
Mindig mikor esik az eső
Mindig mikor esik az eső
Belemerülök a világodba
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Belemerülök a világodba
(Belemerülök a világodba)
A részeddé válok és tartom a kezed
Mindig mikor esik az eső
(Mikor esik az eső)
Egyedül én tartom a kezed
(Egyedül én tartalak)
És én vagyok az egyetlen, aki megért téged
Mindig mikor esik az eső
Mindig mikor esik az eső

The smell of death

The dance starts again at the trumpet call
The dignity collapses at the roar of the bombs
The imperialist dog between embargos and police
Fights with the ghosts of its own hypocrisy
Humanitarian terrorism and satellite peace
The truth sedated in a nuclear base
Between ruins of hospitals and lives wiped away
The yankee builds its democracy
The wind of the West
is whistling stronger and stronger
Among the human ruins
A smart bomb
Planetary justice
The world opens its doors
Totalitary peace
Only the smell of death
The smell of death, the smell of death
Iraq and Yugoslavia, Cuba and Afghanistan
Lead on Palestine, Nicaragua and Vietnam
Between praises of race and civilization
The eagle in stars and stripes keeps flying around
The wind of the West
is whistling stronger and stronger
Among the human ruins
A smart bomb
Planetary justice
The world opens its doors
Totalitary peace
Only the smell of death
The wind of the West
is whistling stronger and stronger
Among the human ruins
A smart bomb
Planetary justice
The world opens its doors
Totalitary peace
Only the smell of death
The smell of death, the smell of death

A Heart of Stone

The dimness of feeling
Dust in the eyes
Once we were one
Now it is two
It began when I forgot my name
And your haze hides the sky
Peace today
Already there will not be and seemingly also not tomorrow
If myself I do not know how to comfort
To give a place for a broken heart
I do not want a heart of stone1
Teach me yearning
To get excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me
I do not want a heart of stone
Teach me yearning
To excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me
What I would give
For one ache
That the sky should fall
That a storm should break through
That true tears will tear my heart
And from the depths of the heart will emerge a pure prayer
A pure prayer
I do not want a heart of stone
Teach me yearning
To get excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me
I do not want a heart of stone
Teach me yearning
To get excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me
Millions of stars in the sky
Yet one star is mine
Him I desire
One sign glows in me
One sign glows in me
To get excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me
I do not want a heart of stone
Teach me yearning
To get excited like a child
Make it that everything then touches me

Fragments of love

My feelings are always painful and miserable
Now you leave by the door and your footsteps go away
For this love that always cries when we meet
Only I shrug my shoulders and plug my ears to words
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The fragments of a frozen love stick into my cold body
A word that it's always disheartening is 'goodbye'
When I start forgetting it, the passage of time carves it in my chest
I was always stumbling hiding my sadness
Only I search for the whereabouts of the love I lost
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The love storm I hoped to end, sticks into my withered heart

Secret love of tears

Secret love, even if I'm loved, there are only sighs
Secret love, to touch my sadness
Secret love, even if I'm hurt, there's only tenderness
Secret love, damped in tears even with a kiss
On a corner of the room where you used to come and go
Leaning against the wall with no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, now I look like a husk
In front of the door that I opened with the key
With the chin in a hand and no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, bonds were broken making noise

I Don't Love You

Go, I don't love you anymore
I don't even want to mention your name
Go, I don't want to close
My eyes thinking about you
Your cryings are useless
Go, I got to know you anymore
Tell me to whom I can tell what I want to say, now that I lost you to the gossips of the jealous ones
I'd built a golden palace for you, in the city of my dreams
With what passion and what enthusiasm, had I lost my heart, faith, and belief
Go, I don't love you anymore, I don't even want to mention your name
Go, I don't want to close my eyes thinking about you anymore
Each time someone knocks on the doot, your picture comes to my mind
That you were dropping by near morning to see me, holding a red rose
How childish you were looking at me and I was believing your look
Then again when you were leaving, I was picking the petals of your Go, I don't love you anymore, I don't even want to mention your name
Go, I don't want to close my eyes thinking about you anymore
The stories of yours and mine are over, but someday you'll sit alone
You'll see the silk of my past love again in the mirrors
But the one who was kissing your tears and you
Were like the breath for him is no longer there
The one whom, the carpet of the ground, a sunshade, with you, were all he wanted
Go, I don't love you anymore
I don't even want to mention your name
Go, I don't want to close
My eyes thinking about you

Vertically looking

Vertically looking
Down there all is well
The black water doesn't change
The black water doesn't change
Vertically looking
Walking is a matter of habit
Only a vulgar convention
Only a vulgar convention
I see everything I'm not supposed to see
All from here
Vertically looking
Goes on a while stops for a while
A friendly convincing
Now I'm taking a stone along for a swim
Vertically looking
Everything's destroyed and fucked up
Cheerful appearances
Believe and eat slop
I see everything I'm not supposed to see
All from here
Vertically looking
Everything's completely different
Synonyms lose their meaning
Synonyms lose their meaning
Vertically looking
I'm a bloody atheist
God's my witness that's truth
God's my witness that's truth
I see everything I'm not supposed to see
All from here

Tie me up

Tie me up,
with the rope I'm pulling along.
Tie me up,
for a better tomorrow - the worse yesterday,
tie me up,
and I'll give you the love.
Tie me up,
don't let me get away.
Tie me up,
what can I do, they are taking me away,
tie me up,
and I'll give you the love.

Arise, Serb

Once again they're throwing us in the pits,
the knives are cutting once again,
women, old, and even kids they're murdering,
a lot of mothers cry sour tears!
Arise Serb! It is the last hour!
To find salvation for the Serbian people!
They're taking our sisters and raping them,
what good are they shouting,
they wound them in the worst possible way,
making them give birth to young Muslims.
Arise Serb! It is the last hour!
To find salvation for the Serbian people!
Hey Serb, wherever you are,
what have you in your heart and soul,
history is repeating itself,
again the Serb must pay for everything.
Arise Serb! It is the last hour!
To find salvation for the Serbian people!
Hey Croats and you Muslims,
your days are numbered!
Don't you touch the Serbs again,
you are guaranteed not to survive.
Arise Serb! It is the last hour!
To find salvation for the Serbian people!


When nothing seems to go right
When stress comes up to your shoulders
When I see you, my heart becomes at peace
All of my worries and thoughts just disappear
Get into the car
Let’s get some air
Don’t eat and just come
I’ll do everything for you
So Let’s go for a drive
Oh yeah girl, my body is struggling
Oh yeah girl, my heart is struggling
The only thing that can heal this is
Only you, girl, only you
I’ll go get you girl around evening time
Whenever I needed someone
You was always there fa sho
If I’m Jay-Z, you’re my Beyonce
Together we can run the world
Which car should I pick you up in?
Take the Foreign
Next to me is your seat
Until I can take you in a private jet
It’s all for me and you I’m a keep on hustling
When nothing seems to go right
When stress comes up to your shoulders
When I see you, my heart becomes at peace
All of my worries and thoughts just disappear
Get into the car
Let’s get some air
Don’t eat and just come
I’ll do everything for you
So Let’s go for a drive
We worked hard
So today, let’s go somewhere
Me and you
Girl, I’ll show you the world
A global couple like Victoria and Beckham
You know me, you can get your hopes up
100 out of 100, I’ll try girl
No matter what I’ll always be there you superman
I’ll always protect you baby
You can’t ever get lost, I’m yo GPS girl
I’ll go anywhere with you cause you are so special
Let’s move to the next level, on to the next level
Put away your worries, it’ll be our eternal vacation
When nothing seems to go right
When stress comes up to your shoulders
When I see you, my heart becomes at peace
All of my worries and thoughts just disappear
Get into the car
Let’s get some air
Don’t eat and just come
I’ll do everything for you
So Let’s go for a drive
Let’s go for a drive
Let’s go for a drive baby
In this foreign car baby
All night long
Let’s go for a drive
Let’s go for a drive baby
You’re the only one that I want, my girl
I’m not a CEO (CEO)
But I got a lot of money so Let’s make a video
I wanna enjoy a oceanside highway
Baby, are you gonna stay the night?
When nothing seems to go right
When stress comes up to your shoulders
When I see you, my heart becomes at peace
All of my worries and thoughts just disappear
Get into the car
Let’s get some air
Don’t eat and just come
I’ll do everything for you
So let’s go for a drive


It was an oppressively hot day,
enough to melt an ice-cream that I only just bought.
I was brought along again to a summer holiday at a country town
when I fell in love at first sight.
I wanted to say something, so I asked the way to the sea although I knew.
'Is it your first time to this town?'
was the awkward reply.
The second day I spent looking for you.
I tried walking around the same place.
I saw you from behind and ran up.
I got to see you again.
Blossoming flowers grow straight and unfalteringly reach for the sky.
I wanted to say something once more, about this feeling I now felt.
'Is the spot next to you vacant?'
It's a song of falling in love one summer.
Without getting to see you the third and fourth day the time limit drew near.
The sound of the waves was pleasant enough but I was feeling pressed for time.
Between being a child and being an adult one's heart is busy changing.
It's fine, it'll surely pass.
For this summer is special.
On the fifth day, 'What a coincidence,'
came the voice I was searching for. I turned around.
Captivated by how smart you looked in your uniform, I felt nervous.
A pure white, one-sided love, such love is definitely unblemished.
Many times I want to speak about you and about me.
Can I see you again tomorrow?
It's a summer story of youth.
I got to enjoy this season when insects sing
and stars dance thanks to you.
This time tomorrow I'll be somewhere where we can't touch.
Unable to do anything at all about it,
a feeling of helplessness welled up inside me.
'I'll wait for you next year it's a promise,' you say.
'Good-bye, I'll come again.'
I'll tell you then, how
from the first moment I saw you, I loved you.

Intensifying Feelings

I really want to see you.
I'm too close and I can't say it.
Ah, tears of snow flowed down and disappeared.
The day we first met, you acted aloof,
and you were hard to get along with.
One day passed, then one month passed,
and I found out how kind you are.
Being confused, hesitating, misunderstanding,
this girl lost in her feelings can't figure it out.
But the words you said that day will never disappear.
I really want to see you.
Why can't I say it,
ah, even though I realized you're the dearest thing to me?
I really want to see you.
Though I might be too late,
tell me, where should I go?
When I tripped, your voice was there for me
and saved me.
His voice told me 'Smiles are weapons'.
The person that understands me most.
Misunderstanding my true intentions and my public attitudes,
and because I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings,
I again swallowed down important words.
I want to be touched by your hand,
though we're so close.
ah, I know that it's not the best thing to do.
You're far away from me.
Though this love is breathtaking,
tell me, where should I rest?
I've locked up the memories
that are in the palm of my hand,
but, these feelings,
they'll never disappear.
I want to see you.
Why can't I say it,
ah, even though I realized you're the dearest thing to me?
I really want to see you.
Though I might be too late,
tell me, where should I go?

Két szív

Nos, nem volt semmi okom azt hinni, hogy ő mindig ott lesz,
de ha nem vagy hűséges ahhoz, amiben hiszel,
sehová sem fogsz tartani,
mert bár fáj, nem fogod elengedni
Ne nézz le, csak fel nézz,
mert mindig ott fog állni mögötted, csak azért, hogy emlékeztessen
Két szív, de az agyuk egy rugóra jár
Tudod, mi csak két szív vagyunk, akiknek egy rugóra jár az agyuk
Mert nem egy könnyű dolog ezt megérteni,
Az életem túl nagy része függ tőle, és olyan, mintha vak lennék
Ez tanít arra, hogy sose adjam fel
Annyi szerelem van, amit sosem fogsz megismerni
Elérhet téged, nem számít, milyen messze vagy
Akárhol is légy
Két szív, de az agyuk egy rugóra jár,
Az idők végezetéig egyszerre ver a szívük
Tudod, mi csak két szív vagyunk, akiknek egy rugóra jár az agyuk
Örökké együtt míg világ a világ
Ő tudja (tudja)
Hogy mindig különleges helyet foglal el a szívemben
Tudja, tudja, tudja
Igen, tudja (tudja)
Nem számít, milyen távol vagyunk egymástól
Tudja, hogy mindig számíthat rám
Két szív, de az agyuk egy rugóra jár,
Az idők végezetéig egyszerre ver a szívük
Tudod, mi csak két szív vagyunk, akiknek egy rugóra jár az agyuk
Örökké együtt míg világ a világ
Tudod, mi csak két szív vagyunk, akiknek egy rugóra jár az agyuk
Örökké együtt míg világ a világ
Két szív, de az agyuk egy rugóra jár,
Az idők végezetéig egyszerre ver a szívük

A gyógyulás

Nyugodj meg, hagyd, hogy forogjon a világ
Nincs más hely
Fogd meg a mentőkötelet
de a hús szőni fog helyette
Újra együtt,
mostanra már csak hegek vannak
Menj nyugodtan, csak tedd
Ahogy az élet hosszabb lesz
mindig meglesz az, amire szükséged van
Maradj velem kedvesem
Ahogy az élet egyre nehezebbé válik
Bármilyen fájdalom is ér, meg fogsz gyógyulni
Meg fogsz gyógyulni
Kilégzés, hagyd, hogy jöjjön
Hagyd, hogy visszatérjenek a színeid
Fordulj sarkon,
mindig mikor rádparancsol
Csak zárd ki az ördögöt
Hagyd, hogy ezek a karok öleljenek
Tudod, hogy lent vagyok
Meg fogsz gyógyulni


Just like a knife, my breath is sharp as it today
Words doesn't really matter, the hate on your face is enough
I am quiet this time, and I couldn't hear the truth yet
Is leaving, is the best way to escape today?
Why are you looking at me, from far away
Your causeless leavetakings are, leavin' a scar on my soul
My body is trapped, in between four walls
My body gets crushed, every time I breath
I always see same faces across me
Bad delusions are swarmin' around me
Whose voice is this, it confuses me
Every breath, which takes me to the end a bit more

real love

My hand reached out
Although the two of us are far away
You've given my hands to me to hold
And walk me over through the thorns
My babe, you will see
It's all because I love you
I don't know how to say it
so you can feel it
Every thing I want
It's the dawn of the night that melts quickly on the leaves
I bring the sunshine back to you
It's sunset print my lips on the cheeks
I see lipstick as a color
that makes my life
More warm things
With happy and sad desires
Leaning on this shoulder
Your side of time stopped passing
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
I know I gave you
My dream is complete
You're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
Still know crowded streets in a hurry
I personally always believe you're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing can change
When we're apart
Babe, I need you to stay
Seeing you everyday
I need ya
If moment I slow down
To see you always smiling
And looking at my eyes you promise not to leave
It's the dawn of the night that melts quickly on the leaves
I bring the sunshine back to you
It's sunset print my lips on the cheeks
I see lipstick as a color
that makes my life
More warm things
With happy and sad desires
Leaning on this shoulder
Your side of time stopped passing
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
I know I gave you
My dream is complete
You're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
Still know crowded streets in a hurry
I personally always believe you're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
I know I gave you
My dream is complete
You're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see
Baby girl, I know you're my real love
Still know crowded streets in a hurry
I personally always believe you're real love
I feel your touch
I need your love
Think can you see
It's nothing hard to see
It's nothing hard to see

A thousand years

Promise, i will never forget you
How to win, how to
Love you without falling.
For you, i look at you
And i can say
My doubts go away
Somehow they are gone
You got closer
I could die
And wait a life for you
Don't be afraid to feel
I would love you for a
Thousand more years
I would do it for a
Thousand more years.
There is no time
She is beautiful, i feel
I must dare
Nothing will stop you
From telling
When in front of me
I will always take care
of you
Every breath i will
You got closer
I could die
And wait a life for you
Don't be afraid to feel
I would love you for a
Thousand more years
I would do it for a
Thousand more years
I always knew that i
Would find you
No time to say
That I would love you
For a thousand more
Love you for a
Thousand more years

Helgoland / Heligoland

Green is your land,
Red are your edges (cliffs),
White is your sand,
The colors of our Helgoland (a traditionally Frisian North Sea island, now part of modern Germany).
Embraced by sea, green, and stone
A strongly rooted rock for all.
Forsite's (Frisian version of the God Forseti) throne,
Bring us trade and law.
Holy land, we Frisians are crazy about you.
Deät Lun (name of Helgoland in its local Frisian language).
Gods and kings, lords and servants,
They toasted to Helgoland, horns full of mead.
Weda (Frisian name for the God Odin), he brought the twelve law-speakers there.*
They wandered in the dark, he heard their prayer.
With a golden axe they split your ground
From your boiling/bubbling spring streamed the law.
The tribes were then bound and kin forged.
Freedom was the highest law in the Frisian heart!
Thunder came into your blue skies
Fire and destruction devoured your noble body.
Lightening and bad spirits haunted you all around.
No matter how dark it was, your flame never dampened.
Red rock of Anna and soft sand of Düne (small island that was once connected to Helgoland),
You were a haven for every Frisian,
For Klaus Störtebeke with his Victual Brothers privateers.
For warriors and robbers, for every rogue.
*The verse is based on an Old Frisian legend from the Codex Unia. A translation into English is available here:

Style innocent

Style is innocent for you
Tasteless, boring.
How are you doing?
Can't ignore.
Must be able to exaggerate like that.
Yes, you're succeeding.
But I
Undress unnoticed.
It's cold.
But how else I can be like you?
And it's not because I feel pity or jealousy.
Everything hurts like that
Hurts out of nowhere.
Everything's exaggerated.
Exaggeratedly colored with green threads.
Three more days
You'll be noticed
If circus will be free
Clean from old clowns.
In seven acts
View is spectacular.
You show off,
You play with me
You yourself wished
To see everything.
But I
Undress unnoticed.
It's cold.
But how else I can be like you?
And it's not because I feel pity or jealousy.
Everything hurts like that
Hurts out of nowhere.
Everything's exaggerated.
Exaggeratedly colored with green threads.
Three more days
You'll be noticed
If circus will be free
Clean from old clowns.
Everything hurts like that
Hurts out of nowhere.
Everything's exaggerated.
Exaggeratedly colored with green threads.
Three more days
You'll be noticed
If circus will be free
Clean from old clowns.
Clean from old clowns.