Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 27

Találatok száma: 3981


Snow Is Falling

Snow is falling hard,
You will not come tonight
Snow is falling hard
Everything in my heart is turning black
If you were with me now
I don't know what I would give
Just to watch you
To hear your voice
You will not come tonight
Such despair, such pain
And the snow is still falling
Cold heartless snow
La la la
Snow is falling, still falling
But you're not here
Everything is white now
With my despair
It is sad to know that
That ruthlessness, this silence
Oh, how I hate this silence
This white loneliness
You are not coming tonight
My despair tells me that
And the snow, this snow
It is even more cold now
La la la...

You and I

If you want to say
words of love,
You know you can always call.
I’ve been worried since you left
I understand my mistakes.
But, you know, in life anything can happen.
Do you still remember sometimes
Dancing in the street,
sunrises by the river
Remember how it feels to fall in love,
The feeling we gave each other
You and I? You and I.
A long time passed since that day
And now it is
your last chance
to say I’m yours,
how much you love and understand
Listen, dear,
You set my heart on fire
Our love is not lost yet
I see that you are back

You and I

If you want to talk about love
call me and tell me what your thoughts are
Since you left
I have been worried and troubled
You know that
Let’s remember our days
When we danced together,
When we stood under the moon
Let’s remember our warm days,
When we were together
You and I, you and I
Time passes quickly
Incredibly, it’s been a year now
But I still love you.
You are still laughing at me and playing games
But if love hasn’t cooled down,
I’m asking you, please come back!
Only you can make me feel so worried
My love, you are a gift from heaven!

You and I

If you want to talk about love,
Call me and tell me what you think.
And since we left each other,
I'm worried about you.
That's the way it is.
Let's remember our best days together
How we danced together
And stood under the moon.
Let's remember our warm days
When we were together
You and I.
It's been a year since we left each other, time flies.
I love you anyway and I'm waiting for you.
And you play with me and laugh at me
If you love me, then come back.
Only because of you
My heart hurts so much
My love,
I’m longing so much for you

We came into the world

We all entered this world naked
Without knowing which gift fate would give us
You will choose your path
One day you will reach a crossroad
Many choose to walk down the easy path
Which is trodden, where not a single leg stumbles
Heart, soul and mind torment you constantly
Not for purity and happiness, but merely for money
Аre we born into this world just for the sake of money?
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart,
Opening your eyes for you, trying to direct you to the true path
But you are not listening to him, you are not trying to change
Wisdom reaches us very late,
When real truth shoots like a bullet:
We all arrived naked to this earth
And leaving it, we’re leaving everything behind
One day you will reach a crossroad
You will choose your path
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart
Dignity and honour do not rush to sell

I will enter the world

I will enter the world, my hands are empty.
What life will give me, I cannot know in advance.
Sometimes the sun comes through, sometimes everything is gray
Sadness and happiness walk along the same road.
Someone lives exhaustedly, counting every penny
Afraid of the future and lacking hope for happiness.
Someone is too rich, knowing neither work nor worries
For him, life is a game, and other people are rubbish.
Only a loved one will not give me his heart.
Only for a while will I have a friend
Then his road will turn to the side,
And the house will remain far away.
My soul will remain with me, which you cannot put in your pocket.
Perhaps it will show me the way.
Show me who needs my open hand
Who needs to kindle a fire in an extinct soul.
A smile through the tears, happy eyes
Good, born of good, will pass through many places
I will go out into the light, and my hands are empty
But a heart of gold will give what I myself am yet unable to.

O Mustafa Kemal Pasha May Your Coming Be Merry

Versions: #1
O Mustafa Kemal Pasha, may your coming be merry!
Long live along with your soldier, your nation and your flag!
Go go go,* forward, forward! Go forward!
March forward! Turkish soldiers never withdraw. Ahoy!
From right to left and from left to right
Wave** the flag, over the enemy. Ahoy!
Your shining star*** enlightens the universe
Your flag of the republic glides in heavens.
Go go go,* forward, forward! Go forward!
March forward! Turkish soldiers never withdraw. Ahoy!
From right to left and from left to right
Wave** the flag, over the enemy. Ahoy!

Where Have You Been!

I missed you since I see you last time
You weren't like that when you left
You broke too, it's easy to see
Is it from yearning or regreting?
Tell why you back?
You lost everything
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?
Is it from yearning or regreting?
Tell why you back?
You lost everything
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?

You lost your hope
There is no more light in your eyes
Where is your colourful dreams?
Is it from yearning or regreting?
Tell why you back?
You lost everything
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?
Is it from yearning or regreting?
Tell why you back?
You lost everything
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?
Yet nobody loved you?

Day of the liberation of Donbas

In the hearts of all of us - Donbas,
Like a prayer, like the voice of God,
May it fly across the large steppes,
This song is sang about our birthplace of Donbas.
Until death, we stand on a crossroad,
Behind which the enemy awaits for long,
Wants to take away the legacy, and the speech,
But we must preserve it all.
Let the shadow fall down today,
We will wait for our moment,
Until the day finally comes,
The day of the liberation of Donbas.
For our freedom we fight the enemy,
We protect our loving home,
We believe the victory is on our side,
And the sun will peacefully shine again.
The war is not over yet,
But the spring will bring us victory,
In each of our hearts burns,
Like a holy fire - our Donbas.
Let the shadow fall down today,
We will wait for our moment,
Until the day finally comes,
The day of the liberation of Donbas.
And let the shadow lay on the sun,
But under the awareness of mining helmets,
The day will come, a great day
The day of the liberation of Donbas!

The Balsam Flowers

Just as my fingernails
Are stained with the pigment from balsam flowers
My heart is painted
With the teachings of my parents
Although the stars in the sky
Are countable
The teachings of my parents
Are not
Just as ships that run in the night
Are guided to safety by the North Star
I am guided by my parents
Who gave birth to me and watch over me
There's no point in possessing magnificent jewelry
If you don't maintain it
People who maintain their bodies
Will live life wonderfully
The desires of the person who lives sincerely
Will always run true
And as a result
She will prosper
You can do anything
If you try
But you can't
If you don't


Ovy On The Drums
Egészségedre, mami
Ah, ah, ah, ay
Ami nem működik, azt nem kell erőltetni
Öngólt rúgtál a mohósággal
Ez a hülyeség óriási volt számodra
Nem vagyok már többé itt, hogy belém ess
Visa és útlevél nélkül
Elküldtem a kamu szerelmedet nyaralni
Menj a francba és sose gyere vissza
Remélem mindent visszakapsz
Abból amit tettél velem, ha nem emlékeznél
Ne hívj megint, még a telefonomat is eldobtam
Amilyen mérgező vagy, már káros lett
Ami van, az van
Velem ne hibázzál
Amilyen mérgező vagy, nem akarlak látni többet
Megérkeztem a buliba, kiviszem az üveget
Aki szeretett téged, nem tudom már hogy ki ő
Hagytam értékelést, még egy csillagot sem kaptál
És elfelejtettelek mert nem hagytál nyomot
Többé nem nézek hátra, akkor sem ha parkolok
Van más, aki kész arra hogy elvigyen
A második a hotelben vár
És a harmadikkal ma este találkozom
Ne hívj, mert a számom megváltozott
Ha azt akarod hogy megadjam
Hívd az 1-800-menjafrancba-t
Nem tudom, hogy érted-e
Ne hívj, mert a számom megváltozott
Ha azt akarod hogy megadjam
Hívd az 1-800-menjafrancba-t
Ne hívj megint, még a telefonomat is eldobtam
Amilyen mérgező vagy, már káros lett
Ami van, az van
Velem ne hibázzál
Amilyen mérgező vagy, nem akarlak látni többet
Hogy a vágyad, hogy vissza gyere kialudt a próbálkozásokban
Úgy teszel mintha pazaroltad volna az idődet
Jól hangzik, mert én nem is számoltam az enyémet
Látlak a neten, nem hiszem el, milyen szánalmas tőled
Jó voltam hozzád, te meg mint a gonorrhea, így adod vissza
Két lábú patkány, Paquito megmondta
Egy kóborló állat
Ami mindent megeszik ami az útjába kerül
Idióta vagy
Ne mondd, hogy “imádlak”, inkább legyél őszinte
Ne mondd, hogy “szeretlek”, mert hiába lenne
Sírtál és mióta leléptem
Másik nővel vagy, de közben rám gondolsz
Ne hívj megint, még a telefonomat is eldobtam
Amilyen mérgező vagy, már káros lett
Ami van, az van
Velem ne hibázzál
Amilyen mérgező vagy, nem akarlak látni többet
Ismételd, mami
“Hogy néha nem cserélnek le jobbra
Még gazdagabbra sem”
Karol G és Becky G
Az igazi G-k
Ovy On The Drums

At the green margin of a field

At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again. (x2)
A night full of restlessness,
Though my eyes are sleepy, I'm here for you.
Behind the back, evil, fear stifles the heart, Your lips tremble.
Streets are streaming with tears, my love for You is stronger than a gun.
Your prayers will engulf me
Woods will grow over the enemies
The body will heal, the fear will go away
My language will blossom in words
At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again.
You will return to your land
Soon the nightingales will sing for us
Black and Azovian1, Tatar2 and Kobzar3 melodies (2x)
Ukraine, we are with You
Ukraine, we are with You (x4)
At the green margin of a field,
Surrounded by the vast land of my dreams.
At the green margin of a field
We'll meet again.
  • 1. The Black and the Azovian Sea, on which Ukraine borders.
  • 2. The Crimea Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of Crimea. They are now again persecuted by the Russians. In the occupied cities of southern Ukraine, mass arrests of activists, also Tatar ones, are reportedly taking place.
  • 3. A Kobzar was an itinerant Ukrainian bard accompanying himself on a kobza, a multistringed instrument.


With the usual rush on shoulders
Between the jobs, which always calls
We forget the old friends,
Which aren't that many.
There's no time to visit
There's not even a time to call
Because we know that friends will forgive
That's why we can do it tomorrow. 1
But when friends finally meet
The joy rules in everyone's hearts
Because then nobody pretends
And nobody between the friends is redundant.
And when the old friends are together
They can do so much
Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand
Can change the whole life.
It's so easy to make excuses
That there's not enough time,
That one can't stop even for a moment,
Only then when one gets far.
So we drive past each other,
Because we avoid being late,
But as long as we do only jobs
Friends may be lost.
But when friends finally meet
The joy rules in everyone's hearts
Because then nobody pretends
And nobody between the friends is redundant.
And when the old friends are together
They can do so much
Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand
Can change the whole life.
With the eternal rush on shoulders
Between the jobs, which calls again
We forget the old friends,
Although they aren't that many.
So continues the flow of life,
And one must be able to run along with it.
We only wish that friend
Sincerely asks: 'How are you?'
But when friends finally meet
The joy rules in everyone's hearts
Because then nobody pretends
And nobody between the friends is redundant.
And when the old friends are together
They can do so much
Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand
Can change the whole life.
But when friends finally meet
The joy rules in everyone's hearts
Because then nobody pretends
And nobody between the friends is redundant.
And when the old friends are together
They can do so much
Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand
Can change the whole life.
  • 1. Literally - That's why one can tomorrow also.


I see myself
I'm falling for him
But I know myself
With no one I act like I'm with you
Like night and day
Like notes in melody
That's how you make me feel
Like a dream
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
'We're not going to be friends'
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
Are you coming
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Come on closer now
Imagine when we're together
I won't think anymore
No more, no more
Come on closer now
Cause it's my song nana
I won't think anymore
No more, no more
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
'We're not going to be friends'
Up all night
With you I'm dancing
Your eyes are saying
Are you coming
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby
Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby uhh baby

Goodbye, Mum

Goodbye, mum, but I’ll be back.
Goodbye, mum, don’t look at me this way.
It’s not true what people tell you sometimes.
I’ll be back one day like a bird returning to its nest.
Goodbye, mum, I will write.
I will never forget your words.
In the buzz of the city I’ll hear your calling,
In the buzz of the city, night after night, day after day.
When will I come back? Today I really don’t know yet.
I’ll be searching for my own way, for my chances.
The sound of the wind will bring my name to you.
Sunshine will warm you up with my happiness.
Goodbye, mum, time doesn’t wait.
Goodbye, mum, it’s already dawning.
Maybe somewhere far away I’ll find my own star,
But nobody can ever replace you.


Wake up
It’s time to breathe
I’ve waited for you for a very long time
Finally, we are connected
Through your dream
My song
is calling out to you
All of my tomorrows was lost
But I want to find meaning after meeting you
So I’m going across time, across the memories
To this place where all light begins
Past the long darkness, past the long darkness
Past eternity, oh oh oh oh
Just come to me, I’m waiting for you here
The Universe
The moment you come into my eyes
A new world blossoms
We didn’t even have names
But we became “we” and now we can dream
Across time, across time
Across the memories
To this place where all light begins
Past the long darkness, past the long darkness
Past eternity, oh oh oh oh
Just come to me, I’m waiting for you here
Like the flowing river
In the end, we will meet
At the end of this fate that was promised with you
For you, for us
The Universe
Follow my light, follow my light
Follow this path, follow this path
The moment our hands touch
The day we become one
The day we get together, oh oh oh
That moment is now
I’m shining for you here
The Universe

If I'm Attacked by Grizzly♡

Hey hey, what if?
If I was attacked by Grizzly on my way home
What would you do?
On the way home, I met Grizzly
I can’t move because of fear if I saw it in the dark
If I call for help with my shivering lips
Will you come soon?
Hey, don’t treat me as a liar
It’s true, please believe Yeah
Even in pajamas, rush for 1 second
It can eat my bones while you change into a Y-shirt Yes Help Me
Even run barefoot before you doubt me
I want you to run without worrying about it
I’m glad to be with this person
If you met Grizzly on the corner
If you face each other in the shade, you can't scream, because you're scared
I will be frightened if you write me a letter with a left hand
Will you see it soon?
Hey, don't blow it off
Believe me Yeah
Even rush to work, throw everything away
By the end of your overtime work, you’ll be drunk
Yes Help Me
Please run everywhere before you doubt me
I can’t stand, even if I'm near, I want you to be upset
I love such person Yeah
Hi Grizzly on the way home
Help me, I’m afraid, I can't take a step
Right now, help me, come over here!
Looking at me
Please help me
Hey, don’t treat me as a liar
It’s true, please believe Yeah
Even in pajamas, rush for 1 second
It can eat my bones while you change into a Y-shirt Yes Help Me
Even run barefoot before you doubt me
I want you to run without worrying about it
I’m glad to be with this person
Thank you for being the only one

Strolling In The Nightmarket

Soon as you’re off work, we’re out for a relaxing night at the market
I know work’s always a mess, backstabbing and all
Well, put that aside, we’re off to enjoy the night
Street lights dancing with shadows swirling, we’re off to the market
To sei-ya-chi*
Skip this place, it’s got a line going
Better grab that table, time is a-slipping, and the fun’s gotta be happening
Keep the good stuff coming – tonight, I’m buying
Keep the good times rolling, cus my heart’s already falling
What a mixture of feelings, when we’re together, just chilling
It’s all music to my ears, let’s make tonight the night
Through the night market, like the sweet days of our fleeting youth passing
For my heart’s already falling
What a mixture of feelings, when we’re together, just chilling
It’s all music to my ears, let’s make tonight the night
Through the night market, like the sweet days of our fleeting youth passing
  • *. Properly romanized as “se̍h-iā-tshī”, meaning to stroll in the night market.


Give me the vodka , Anushka
And then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And be good to me again
Because when you are not good to me
I become even angrier
I spend the whole week curing
Ham again and again
And now I would like to drink another time
Just a tiny , little glass
You should really be ashamed of yourself
For taking the vodka away from me
Do you have no heart at all?
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And finally be smart
Otherwise i will go to Igor
He has a lot of it

I wish to die in youthful Spring

I wish to die in youthful Spring
When May’s returning, long-expected,
When everywhere is scented green,
And all the world is resurrected.
At things in life that I hold dear
I'll throw a glance, yet smiling calmly,
Then bless my death without fear,
And call her absolutely charming.

Everything is Possible (literal)

In the flutter of the city
glassy eyes stare
content with their emptiness
the chaos of the street lights.*
There's still a little time,
a little time remaining.
When the sun rises it is
all too late already.
Hey, listen, the big wheel is turning.
Just a second more and we'll break free!
Everything is possible!
Everything is beautiful!
Everything is possible!
The sky is the limit!
Kiss me, love me.
Show that you care.
Let it come, let it all come out.
So what if we get caught?**
Listen, I think that
the answers will become clear soon
so long as you don't let them
wipe away your stars.
Can you feel the big wheel turning?
Just a second more and we'll break free!
Everything is possible...
The sky is the limit.
Everything is possible...
Everything is possible...


I can't understand it all
I can't figure it out
Why are we throwing missiles
Why attack
why spread out
Before they kill me
Before I get imprisoned
Before I get my brains blown out
Before they beat the shit out of me
I'll raise
Hands up for peace
I don't want everything
To be destroyed
I thought I knew it all
But it looks like I was wrong
This is a war and this war kills
Ours and yours, freedom and love
Everything's being covered up and we
are being told that the whole of the world is against us
the whole world is lying.
But I understand that he who fears all of the world's truth
he's the one who lies.
People lose everything, people are dying
What is this all even for
I'm not going to lose myself
I believe in it: NO WAR
It's not fucking easy,
I just can't do it here.
Patriots walk fast and don't believe anybody.
I'm not against the people, but I don't want no war
My heart's pounding, I dream of death,
I'm afraid that I'll fall asleep
I was born in Moscow myself
I didn't grow up in Russia, but I understand
That the Russian people are not stupid
But the truth just isn't allowed to reach you
Before they kill you
Before you get imprisoned
Before you get your brains blown out
Before they beat the shit out of you
Put your hands up
for peace
If you don't believe in destruction
You tell me that I don't know shit
That I'm propaganda
and that I'm wrong
But this is a war
and this war kills
Your loved ones
Freedom and love
They shut you down and they explain to you
That the whole world is against you
The whole world is lying
But you understand that he, who fears
Of all the world's truth, he himself lies
People lose everything
People are dying
I'm not going to lose myself
I believe in it: NO WAR
It's not fucking easy,
I just can't do it here.
Patriots walk fast and don't believe anybody.
I'm not against the people, but I don't want no war
My heart's pounding, I dream of death,
I'm afraid that I'll fall asleep

I'm happy

In everything I see you,
All thoughts are only about you
I don't need anything, I don't care
The happiest person in this world
I'm happy, I'm happy
I'm repeating it
Through the years, through the thoughts
I will be by your side
I'm happy i'm happy
I repeating it
Through the months, through the songs
I will be on your mind
It is unnecessary to elevate me
Just keep me on your mind
I'm happy when I'm
In your heart and in your memory

Christmas with daddies

A horse pulls a sled through the snow
Children lark in the rhythm of bells
Pity that it's like that just in a commercial
At home boredom, on the balcony it's raining on our tree
Holidays of generosity and happiness
Who brings gifts we have no idea
In every picture someone else
So we like to believe in everybody
In all Baby Jesuses?
So in me
Or in me
Even in me?
No, in me
God's child has been born
In a manger at north pole
Polar express there
carrying the three Wisemen
How come three?! When there's four of us!
Christmas tree was set on fire at dinnertime
Candies already burning
They'll catch a carp for us from the bath or a lake
Our Daddies
We bake like always Christmas treats
It smells so good already
Let's decorate and sing carols
Christmas will be saved by
Gifts at the very last moment
I'm looking for, that's a lot of effort
The animals too would like holidays
Of love and comfort
We'll release the carp back into the water
At our place Christmas are always tons of fun
Come on, come get the punch, I'm getting cold
For Christmas I might just be alone
Will be boring
Don't be silly come on over to our place
No, come to ours
Come to ours
Come to ours
Come on, come to ours
No, come to ours
Daddy don't worry I'll come you won't be alone
To fulfil children's secret wishes
Women to help get away from cooking
Christmas Eve come to us now
Merry Christmas we wish to all of you
Christmas tree was set on fire at dinnertime
Candies already burning
They'll catch a carp for us from the bath or a lake
Our Daddies
We bake like always Christmas treats
It smells so good already
let's decorate and sing carols
Christmas will be saved by


And the best part is,
That every moment with you is precious,
I believe in our destiny,
Let happen whatever is going to happen.
Love is pain at times,
And it is sometimes lovely,
Making a promise to you, that
Nothing split both of us up,
Wishing to arrive home.
Seeing you on our sofa,
Wishing to play at astronauts at night
with our children,
Living to see instant,
When our daughter will bring her love,
Clenching my fists,
Putting a question to myself,
Whether I deal with it,
When they leave the family nest,
And emptiness from them
Disables entire room,
I wanna see children's parties,
And expression of your face,
When you look blamessness
under gloriole in our children,
I wanna hold your hand
When first they see the light of day,
Smelling your hair,
Wishing the moments move back,
Returning to desk,
Where we inscribed clearly,
that we will be together in good times and bad times,
Living cheerfully,
I love you,
Nothing divaricates us,
So that you are lovable daddy,
And I am lovable mummy,
Vital love,
We can have it,
Faith is essential,
Crystal children's love,
We can have it (we can have)
Saying in dispute,
That my heart suffering,
Living of falses, of grace you're breaking up on me both ways,
I wish, I didn't have to play at it,
who will call first in former times.
Because two people are love
And four people are unit,
Wishing to delete all phone numbers in a depression.
Not to confide in somebody, who could have his seaport,
Sailing with you,
Even if crew jumping from ship,
You are my partner into severe time,
Even into

We're singing beautiful music

When we are on vacation we go to the south where the sun shines all day.
It is wonderful to lay on the beach, when we get back to the house it rains
And we drink red wine in the tavern
In the night the old song rings out from the emotions of desire and the dream of happiness
And all hearts sing along
We're singing beautiful music. when the mandolin plays and I lay in your arms the world is so beautiful
We are singing beautiful music, I can feel the desire
And when I shut my eyes I can see love
Every day the sun hangs red in the sky and the fishing boats go out in the bars and restaurants in the harbor everyone was laughing and seemed happy
And a man with a thousand wrinkles around his eyes sand a song that is as old as the world itself about the love of a lifetime and a homeland on the sea and everyone stands up
raise your glasses of red wine the song of summer nights invites us to sing on

Ran Kan Kan [Mambo Kings' Version (OST)]

Frog, saguaian1and rumba, hair...y spider
Frog, saguaian and rumba, hair...y spider
Frog, saguaian and rumba, hair...y spider
Frog, saguaian and rumba, hair...y spider
Ran kan kan, kan kan
But they sound, the kettledrums sound,
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Tito, Tito, make the kettledrums sound for me.
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy with the kettledrums
Ran kan kan, kan kan
But they sound, the kettledrums sound.
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Ah how, ah how the kettledrums sound,
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Tito, make me have a good time with the kettledrums.
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Oh how they sound, they sound, hey negro2the kettledrums,
Ran kan kan, kan kan
Tito Puente make me have a good time in a delightful way with your kettledrums.
  • 1. someone from Sagua, a place in Cuba
  • 2. not offensive in Spanish

꿈걸음 (Hai Cheng) (Korean Version)

Over the sea
Lying down quietly under the star-studded sky
The wind blows with none the wiser
Hoo hoo Hoo hoo
It's like a dream
Or is it a dream?
I don't want to wake up
Breathe on the sky and wipe it clean
Until it becomes transparent
And I can see your smile
If I follow
The laughter of flower petals
Would I finally reach where you are
I continue this endless walk
I don't stop stop stop I don't stop
I see you so clearly
Like you wouldn't believe
It's like a dream
Or is it a dream?
I don't want to wake up
Take me to her
My wind my wave
So my footsteps never stop
So her face never fades
This road the sun and the moon lights
On it, I continue to walk
Would I be able to see you
With that brief thought, my tears
They don't stop stop stop they don't stop
Still, here I remain
I want to tell you
From my precious memory
That wishing for you
I continue to walk through my dreams
Through through through my dreams

She alone

She alone – does not see the sky
Near the lantern – oath and faith
Faith stole you drawing a heart
There are places? Let them prige
In the bedroom alone! Light – lantern
Fades in dreams. For your drum!
Unison Unise Unise …
Above your head … it carries …
Kamry or karma? – Couple or drama …
In my karma +1 in your soul is not a chalp
Rider Crime. Heart hinted. I AM
Soul did not sell her yet
Shrouded theme, cars, programs, problems
There is time to saw a bustle … on loved ones and do not sleep
And what else do you want to say about our flock?! Do!
Everything that lies wrong here, pour and divide
She alone – does not see the sky
Near the lantern – oath and faith
Faith stole you drawing a heart
There are places ? Let them prige
In the bedroom alone! Light – lantern
Fades in dreams. For your drum!
Unison Unise Unise …
Above your head … it carries …

Friends, uncles and aquaintances

I miss having dinner at Grandma's house every Sunday
Watching Iniesta play1, I feel like staying here
I miss the hungover mornings after a party
It's stormy today, I feel like staying in bed
(We can't do this anymore)
Nanana (...)
I've got an itch for a party that's making me mentally unstable
I don't think I empathise with people at all
But I can see that I've learned to value the small moments
But I'm calm, doing a project with strangers on my rooftop
Looking for flats on Habitaclica2 and I think I'm addicted to Vinted
Wallapop3 whilst I'm peeing sat down, wasting time
You insult the radio for always putting the same songs on
I've made a playlist for you of tunes I've discovered
The hits of this month, and of the next
Windows lowered, it's you and I at Golden Hour
The sun strikes you on your face, and there's smooth music playing
It's 10 o'clock in the morning and I ask if you're coming and you tell me
- Hey, did you know I'm in a group? I play for the Tyets.
- What?
- The Tyets!
- What kind of group?
- A band! A, a band!
- Catalan trap doesn't really...
- No...4
Right now I've got a Dropbox that's called 'Songs that will be big soon',
I'm wearing Bowie's toupée, I always quote Josep Pla5
If you want to be a genius, they say that you have to look the part
I've a sneaking suspicion that I've bet on the winning horse
A stratospheric hit, get ready because it'll go gold
Tyets, Amics6 and money, may Benidorm shake in fear
It's already late afternoon and I'm still feeling inspired
Come on, I'll put a Queen song on, disguise it here and there
I'll sing you two seconds of it. You already caught me. (Girl uh uh uh)
I'm a fool, I mess everything up
I'm lucky you're here, that I have you, that when you see me with a long face
You always come, hold me close and in my ear you say: don't worry, everything's fine
Nanana (...)
  • 1. Spanish footballer Andrés Iniesta
  • 2. Apartment searching site
  • 3. Spanish classified ads site
  • 4. This entire spoken section is a reference to the song '4-3-3' from Els Amics' 2009 album Bed & Breakfast
  • 5. Famous 20th century Catalan journalist
  • 6. the names of the bands who have made this song

Donbas is with us

In the deep darkness, a beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.
The year was graceful and fruitful,
And with blood and death it was painted,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.
And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red,
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
May be it that you die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!


On party. It is necessary for all their own on the part!
Scuffle. Teeth are brushed from the glasses of vodka
On sneakers! Everyone knows from his cheerful!
On party. On the fled skins PAU dense
Circuits are flown. Bits fell
Salam from Ayhala with * ka Sao pumping!
Music, brother. Music, under the kayfam!
Dad with childhood taught so that for her to tear here!
5 seconds and did not go to you already went (уу)
Throw out nah * my palevo ruding the mulzo!
5 seconds you found 5 seconds and you came
5 seconds you remained to score this ziplock!
New brothers closed parties
Dressed everything closely they saw nipples
Notes Music brothers. Although that I.
Right now read out do not consider too much!
Money is. Not a problem! Money is
All system! C * ka, Money Samad
So I scarce this time! At that time
Everything is allowed. Just do it is necessary
C * ka, if you deer! That is pushing. Forever!
On party. On the party a lot of scuffle!
On the sneaker. All the fraternity adik is three stripes!
All those nipples. All those nipples smoke only Boshki!
All those nipples. All those nipples. All those nipples!
On party. There is a lot of scuffle on the party!
Scuffle. All the fraternity adik is three stripes!
On the sneaker. All those nipples smoke only Boshki!
On party. On party!
On party. It is necessary for all their own on the part!
Scuffle. Teeth are brushed from the glasses of vodka
On sneakers! Everyone knows from his cheerful!
On party. On party. On party!
On party. It is necessary for all their own on the part!
Scuffle. Teeth are brushed from the glasses of vodka
On sneakers! Everyone knows from his cheerful!
On party. On party. On party!