Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 547


There’s No Light in My Eyes

Oh! there's no light in my eyes
nor clarity in my heart.
Oh! my whole life has grown dark
because of all the love I have for you.
Oh! darling, my mouth was filled
with the words I gave to you.
Oh! you ignited a fire in me
without giving me release.

Yellow Silk

The strands of your hair are of yellow silk,
with my hands - I braid them.
From my eyes fall tears,
for the sin that I've committed.
With you I should like to embrace
and admire your braids.
Come with me, my jewel,
I will love you and worship you.

In the Garden of Yemen

Versions: #1
In the garden of Yemen the moon drifts
A brisk wind blows
And I, in a shabbat dress
Am sitting on my doorstep
My groom will come
Young and pretty-eyed
I will sing to him
And he’ll clap his hands
My heart pounds inside of me
Hush, don’t wake Mum up
Don’t fear Tamar
Mum already knows
Mum already knows
Don’t fear Tamar
Mum already knows
Mum already knows
And in our apartment you will sit Tamar,
Your groom’s speech has saved him
And you will wear only expensive silk
And play on the radio
You will each pistachios
And listen to psalms
And two sweet ones
You will move on your lap
Give me your hand and I'll touch it,
Please don’t wake Dad up
Don’t fear Tamar
Dad already knows
Dad already knows
Don’t fear Tamar
Dad already knows
Dad already knows
In the garden of Yemen the moon drifts
A brisk wind blows
Close your eyes at once
In me are the lighters of a flame
My heart is beating
Hold me and don’t move
Turn my head
And I will not not know why
And my soul is shaking
And my heart fears
Don’t fear Tamar
This will pass tomorrow
This will pass tomorrow
Don’t fear Tamar
This will pass tomorrow
This will pass tomorrow


I have
Worried enough
About everything
Even though I know that In the end I can’t solve
Anything else except my own
It’s difficult
Not to help
When you see another person
But everyone needs to make their own choice
Whether they avoid or
Take responsibility
And if it was always
So simple
To find the keys to happiness
As trouble-free as you think
Everyone of us creates
Their own reality
And makes it as good as they dare
I have hoped for
Many years
That there wouldn’t be a reason to stay silent
About something so beautiful
When it should be cherished
And if something is hopeless
You could let fear choose
And if it was always
So simple
To find the keys to happiness
As trouble-free as you think
Everyone of us creates
Their own reality
And makes it as good as they dare


Csak egy másodperc elég, hogy a világom összeomoljon
Oh biztos vagyok benne, hogy távolról is hallod ezt a szörnyű hangot
Oh könyörgök neked, kérlek adj választ nekem
De ha válaszolsz, semminek nem lesz értelme, akkor mi hasznom lenne
És így az életem összetört
Alig kapok levegőt
és már nyitott vagyok a javaslatokra
A nap végén, az élet csak egy lecke
Miért nem látja az én szemszögemből
És hány perc van a nap óráiban, amit elvesztettünk
Én voltam vagy az érzései, én vagy az érzései azon a napon
Mert csak álltam ott csendben és néztem, ahogy a világom szertefoszlik
És így az életem összetört
Alig kapok levegőt
és már nyitott vagyok a javaslatokra
A nap végén, az élet csak egy lecke
Az életem egy lecke
Üresség, üresség
Az érzések, amik a levegőben kavarodnak, belélegzem, jön felém
Most már nyitott vagyok
Oh igen nyitott
Minden javaslatra
Az élet egy lecke
Most már szabad vagyok, hisz az élet csak egy lecke
Oh miért nem látom az ő szemszögéből?
És mennyi másodperc van az órákban, amit miatta elvesztettem
Azt mondta ő vagy a válasza, ő vagy a válasza azon a napon
Nos nem tudom tovább kiabálni a választ, szóval mi értelme volt az egésznek.

I met you and it was night

I met you and it was night
you told me that you were going to be engaged
oh night, in your image, there cannot be another
oh the sleep upon my eyelashes
oh Bedouin, oh anklet of mine
the affection has made me cry
and i swear to Allah, i will dwell with the camels
and roam with the herds
oh drum and oh silent one
resound with your percussions
the black eyes of her love-struck me
and then blamed me of yearning for her

A párbaj

Tybalt, Tybalt, most meghalsz.
Tybalt, Tybalt, vége a vidámságnak.
Nem vagy más, csak egy pökhendi alak... sõt még annál is rosszabb!
A lelked csak sántikál, te meg azt hiszed, hogy szaladsz.
A hangod szólama, a járásod...
Egyszerūen hányingerem van mikor rád nézek.
Tybalt, Tybalt, megöllek.
Mercutio, nézz magadra!
Eszed ugyan van, de semmi más.
Egy egyszerū udvaribolond vagy, egy bukott költõ...
és mikor meghallom a neved
befogom az orrom. Ennek most vége.
Gyerekkorunk óta csak egyetlen dolog jár a fejemben,
a türelmem végre kifizetõdik.
Mercutio, megöllek.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, nincs ehhez jogotok
Ha megölitek egymást, azzal megölitek eszméinket és törvényeinket
Hagyjátok abba!
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Szabadok, mindannyian szabadok vagyunk
a döntéshozatalban
Legalább a szeretteitekért, az anyátokért, feleségetekért
hagyjatok fel az utálattal és tegyétek le fegyvereitek.
Élni és inni a jószerencsére
részegséget a bosszúvágy helyett.
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.
Hagyjátok abba! Elment az eszetek, ehhez nincs jogotok.
A halál várja, hogy eljöjjön az ideje, ne sürgessétek hát,
ne kövessétek el ezt a hibát.
Élni azért, hogy megértsük egymást, élni és együtt megöregedni...
Annyira régóta gyūlöl engem, Rómeó...
Ezt a mértékū pökhendiséget nem tolerálom tovább! Akárcsak egy dühös kutya,
Egy pipogya alak, aki túl nagyra tartja magát.
Mit képzelsz te magadról, nem vagy te király?!
Ugyanolyan vagy, mint mi. Sõt, még rosszabb...
Nézzenek oda, árad belõled a szeretet és a gyengédség,
olyan vagy, mint a keselyūk, akik alig várják a kiszolgáltatottságot.
Élni az nem más, mint harcolni, az élet nem egy színház.
Élni, szabadon...
Élni, mindannyian élni akarunk
halálthozó utálat nélkül
Élni és megbeszélni, tisztelni egymást,
akár még szeretni is egymást.

I'm lonely because i don't have you

Boring April rains have once washed off shadows from the wall
Since then i drink a few drops over the line of extent, over the line of shame
Once i loved all the way to the end of sky, where winds blow
Once i had everything i need for my soul
Now i don't know where to find a place for me in this wide world
I'm not lonely cause i have no one
I'm lonely because i don't have you
Once i loved all the way to the end of sky, where winds blow
Once i had everything i need for my soul
Now i don't know where to find a place for me in this wide world
I'm not lonely cause i have no one
I'm lonely because i don't have you (2x)
Now i don't know where to find a place for me in this wide world
I'm not lonely cause i have no one
I'm lonely because i don't have you

My Stories

Every morning wake up to check storу
Everyone watched but I just wanted to find one person
Where are you?
Why can't you see any story?
Not too hard to find your name
Because your name (if there) will appear only first
Do you understand my heart?
So don't make me wait too long
Waiting for lover stop by to see I'm sitting
Waiting for you hand prefer me, or heart rain ah
Waiting for lover stop by see what I eat today
Waiting for a reply
Don't make me wait
Oh oh... Oh oh oh
Oh oh... Oh oh oh
Lalala lala
Mу stories are just for уou
Lalala lala
And all mу heart is
Lalala lala
Ɩ just can’t saу Ɩ don’t care
Lalala lala
Ϲan уou just click it


In one hand Hanka1
In the other hand a small jug
And musicians around:
This is life!
Hanka prances,
As the beautiful rose

The Girl As Well As Him

Versions: #1
An old legend is full of life
Again friends find the feeling
Cold ice melts
He tries to find a friend
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him
This feeling is so new for them
Whoever can reach it
Luck soars - Reaching the skies!
An old legend is irresistible
Charming everyone - Radiating brightly
Like the sun
The starts twinkle - Conquering the twilight
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him
They want to be close like so
The girl as well as him


How cold the sun rises up!
The world ready to stop.
No! It’s not like before.
I am resisting and bite the solitude.
Like a soundless movie, wordless, dream or real?
I don’t wanna lie to myself!
I still want to believe!
The heart still carries one hope
and here doesn’t want to die.
I don’t want to lose it,
I want to feel the life!
I want to kill the fear today,
I’m litting it up on fure,
the freedom, where kan I find it?
The breath doesn’t let me,
I still run, through darkness, I’m searching for my path.
A new day, I imagine it, every end has a beginning.
It won’t delay, it will bring me back somewhere in life.
I will exist!
The sun will come down, to warm me up, above my eyes now.
Don’t wanna lie to me
I still want to believe
The heart still carries one hope,
and here will not die.
I don’t wanna lose it!
I wanna feel the life!
The fear I wanna kill it today.
I’m litting it up on fire.
The freedom when will I findt it?

Willing to Marry a Han Husband

The rattan vines are so curvy,
They love to twine around big trees.
The little fish are so lively,
In clear pond they swim freely.
The Camellias are so gorgeous,
On the high mountains they flower.
The wish of a Baiyi* maiden,
Is willing to marry a Han* husband.
Her face is so fair and the gauze wear is so fine,
Willowy body and divine sweet look.
She is like the moon, when she is affectionate.
She is like the sun, when she is passionate.
I'm not fond of men in the mountains.
My heart oh, is only set for a Han husband, a Han husband.

Oh my love

Versions: #1
I would tolerate these blades that cross my body and make my tears flow,
I would resist these bullets, separate good and bad and set the sail,
I could see your soul full of waves and withering plants,
This is why I had to break the vase containing your spirit.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
It is better if I tell you one word instead of many ones, I am not romantic but I get jealous,
I cannot prove you my rigidity and I don't want to prove you that I am hard, I am calling you,
O my love I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
O my love.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
What do I have to do? I go away.
I go away from her, I will not disturb her anymore,
I know, seems like she will be back on her own desire,
O my love.
I would tolerate these blades that cross my body and make my tears flow,
I would resist these bullets, separate good and bad and set the sail,
I could see your soul full of waves and withering plants,
This is why I had to break the vase containing your spirit.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
It is better if I tell you one word instead of many ones, I am not romantic but I get jealous,
I cannot prove you my rigidity and I don't want to prove you that I am hard, I am calling you,
O my love I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
Come to me, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
I am here, I am calling you,
O my love, I am calling you,
O my love.
O my love, you came like the rain,
You are like from another planet, you came to my life, my small city,
And after this you went like the day giving place to the night,
And when you went your absence gave place to the boredom.
O my love.
O my love.

Our Priest Has Become a Hajduk

Geen leaf, walnut tree leafs, yo
Our Priest has become a Hajduk 1
He station himself at the main road
Carrying with him a long flintlock and some pistols.
Don't be amazed for nothing,
Just Because you see a Hajduk wearing prist robes,
A crazy Boyard
Has set fire to the Monastery!
The Priest is shooting the pistols,
The rich ladies are fearing for their lifes,
The Priest is shooting the bullets
Like thunder2 over the Earth!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
This Pries has been banished by the Church, yo,
He didnt do anything bad,
It's just that he became a Hajduk,
Wating in abush with the other Hajduki.
He didnt lose his faith, yo,
He left the holy tools3
And picked up the pistols
To scare away the Boyards!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
Our Father is healing his soul
At the pub,
With a pint of old wine, yo
And some lamb pastrami.
After all that feasting, yo,
His eyes are glued
To Nița, who's serving at the pub,
Her mouth is fragrant like forest berries!
Father, you be a Hajduk for a year
Then go to the altar
An pray for us, yo,
Cuz we're full of needs!
Father, please, stay for five more years,
Our country is full of enemies,
Both foreign and domestic,
Let's crush them like bugs!
  • 1. In Balkan folkloric tradition, the hajduk (hajduci or haiduci in the plural) is a romanticised hero figure who steals from, and leads his fighters into battle against, the Ottoman or Habsburg authorities. They are somewhat comparable to the English legend of Robin Hood and his merry men, who stole from the rich (which as in the case of the hajduci happened to be also foreign occupants) and gave to the poor, while defying seemingly unjust laws and authority.
  • 2. in the original lyrics they used 'lightning', but i used thunder since it sounds better in corelation with the pistol noise
  • 3. there is a specific vase in with the ortodox priests are carryin the incese, i dont know what it is called in english

You Left

You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer*
You left
You won't come back to see the loneliness of how pale I am
You won't come back, covering the nakedness of my destruction
I'll no longer hear your knocks on my front door
I'll no longer see your footsteps, your footsteps happily
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left
I won't come back to see your image in my window
We won't sit to laugh - you and I,
We won't dream anymore about your hope of peace and serenity
I will no longer see love in your eyes, in your eyes
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left
You left
Your last goodbye to me you said chillingly
You forgot
When you came to me you took my last prayer
You left...

Beautiful Havana

Havana, Havana, Havana
Beautiful Havana
Pretty is your Prado
Pretty are your streets
Lovely is your sea
My song comes to you
Like the groan of violins
That only play for you
They are seen flying in the blue sky
Doves as a symbol of peace
That is your glory
They are seen flying in the blue sky
Doves as a symbol of peace
That is your glory
Havana, Havana

Everything is clear

The days passed, sat at a window,
The years passed, lost in my thoughts,
The moments passed, in innocence,
And I saw nothing,
Now I'm here, in the light of the stars,
Now I'm here, my eyes are open,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
('I have something to give you too.
I should've given it to you earlier, but I was scared,
And now, I'm not scared at all.
You understand, don't you?' 'Yes, a little')
The days passed, wandering alone
The years passed, lost in my own world,
The moments passed, I had my eyes closed,
I was somewhere far away,
Now she's here, right in front of me,
Now she's here, close to my heart,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now that's she's close, I'm convinced my world is here.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
Since I found you.

A message to my lover

Do you write the poem with me?
Or you are a part of my mouth?
Or are you my voice?
How do you move to another space?
After you have lived in my eyes and my house?
You still ask me about my birthday
So Register your permission ..what you do not know
The date of your love for me.. the date of my birth
I complained you to the sky
How did you, how, to summarize
All the women in the universe
In vain, what I write my lady
My sense is greater than my language
And my feeling for you is skipping
My voice ... and my throat
In vain, what I write .. as long as
My words .. wider than my lips
I hate it all my writing
My problem .. you are my problem
Because my love for you is above the level of speech
I decided to shut up ... . And be in peace (Salam)


(The Weeknd)
So now he’s your heaven
You’re lying to yourself and him to make me jealous
You put on such an act when you’re sleeping together
All this cause I said I don’t want marriage, I don’t want marriage
I rather go half on a baby
Cause at least I know that it’s not temporary
And at least we’ll share something that’s real
I can tell that you’re just tryna feel
(The Weeknd)
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how you're doing, so that I can see
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how well you're doing, but you're doing bad
Because love cannot be bought
You lie to all your followers
Tell them that you're have the best time
I don't believe that when I call you ignore me
If after me there will be no more lovers
You and I were one
We did it on an empty stomach before breakfast
We smoked hookah and I blew you the smoke
And now in this war no one wins
If you ask me, no one is to blame
Sometimes problems come together
Let me speak, please, don't interrupt me
If I did something bad to you, then excuse me
People will believe you, you play that role well
But baby, you're not happy with him
(The Weeknd)
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how you're doing, so that I can see
It could be that you don't need anything, apparently nothing
Hawaiian vacations, my congratulations
Very cute what you post on Instagram
So that I can see how well you're doing, but you're doing bad
Because love cannot be bought
(The Weeknd)
So now he’s your heaven
You’re lying to yourself and him to make me jealous
You put on such an act when you’re sleeping together
All this cause I said I don’t want marriage, I don’t want marriage

Voisins du zero

I like the street but my cloak's gotten wet,
Water is above and below.
I pick up my phone at midnight and call,
Answer with an annoyed 'Yeah'
The city from above - a colourful frame
She keeps saying - bet on the zero
I bet myself, but where I don't care
As I'm landing into her trap.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been in luck.
I integrate well in the industrial scene,
And that's probably luck.
But the rain destroyed my wonderful collage,
And so I bet on zero.
The balance rose in value once more,
Our follies have made an entente.
The second is gone, that we could escape
To not breathe on the one-two-three.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.
Voisin du zero. It is an odd move but -
The zero's been lucky.

Akuna Matata

Akuna Matata
Everything has changed
Akuna Matata
What a wonderful word
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Yes, our motto
What is a motto?
Nothing, just nonsense
Yes, these 2 words save everyone
Yes, for example, take a look at Pumba
When he was just a piglet
I'm just a piglet!
Is everything all right?
Moving story
It's a shame when he eats
It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring
I know my skin is thick, I am sensitive
When my friends go, I have pneumonia
I wish I was with you
I'm sorry to hear that
Shame on you
I want to change my name
For example, Brett
I'm embarrassed and ashamed, I'm very upset
Won't you stop me?
No, I do not stop cultured pig
Akuna Matata
Everything has changed
Akuna Matata
What a wonderful word
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Akuna Matata
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna matata
Don't give in to anxiety, smile every day
The wisdom of our lives
Akuna matata

Until Today

Until today
I loved you I won't deny it
Until today
Because I'm tired of being your plaything
I hope God forgives you
Because I can't
You killed the love, don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
It was your fault because you didn't value me
It was your fault
Because you always thought
That you were always going to have me at your feet
It's over, can't you see
It's your fault and you no longer interest me
It was your fault and it'll stay on your consciousness
You killed the love
Don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
Until today
I loved you I won't deny it
Until today
Because I'm tired of being your plaything
I hope God forgives you
Because I can't
You killed the love, don't continue crying
Because other arms are waiting for me
It was your fault because you didn't value me
It was your fault
Because you always thought
That you were always going to have me at your feet
It's over, can't you see
It's your fault and you no longer interest me
It was your fault and it'll stay on your consciousness
You killed the love
And I've had good luck
Until today


Should I die? Should I die?
Could you bury me here,
With a gaze of yours.
Doesn't it 1 know that? Doesn't it know that?
It goes running into the deeps of its ending
And that! Farewell! To you!
It's a gift from me

A Broken Heart

I'm looking for a quiet road
To get away from you
I've promised in my heart
That I won't see you any longer
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred
In the midst of it, the fog bathes the morning dew
The cold makes my heart freeze
You've made a wound in my heart
It is you who made all those false promises
You have been so dear to me
You turned my love into hatred

Dead Season

The freedom of rifle butts,
The freedom of police batons, hitting with full swing,
The era of semi-decay,
The party is getting better and better -
Why would I need any other freedom?
I'm living not bad as it is,
If only there was an opportunity for a trip to the sea...
I don't ask any extra questions.
The dead season
Just won't end,
Dead season.
The freedom of birds locked in cages,
The freedom of animals in traps,
Barracks, metal bunk beds,
The camera lenses -
Why would I need such freedom?
I remember everything not any worse than you do.
Before the breechblocks start to clang,
Open your eyes.
The dead season
Just won't end,
Dead season.
The dead season
Just won't end,
Dead season.
The dead season
Just won't end,
Dead season!

Tell Him

His heart bless his heart
How much I love him
This is mine from close to my soul
Next to him, I’m going to stay next to him
I’ll kiss his cheek
This is my love not a stranger
Tell him, tell him
Every night I’m giving him tenderness
And talk to him and talk to him
His absence is in me what happened
Tell him, tell him
If I could see him and tell him
My love my love
From your absence I’m getting upset
I will not go far away from him
If he was Genoa
He stays as my love no matter what happens
Should I tell him what do I want to say
I miss him so much
Every night I write poetry for him


I can't stand my desire to meet you
It's down-pouring in the street at night
Your call that comes near
Has a cold voice
I know your heart is away
But tell me that at least
Happiness is only with me
Burning is only with you
Gratitude and farewell is just a novel
I just wanted to be sure
That the love is smashed
Locked by the rain sound
One day I stopped a car
The city lights in a kiss
Went melting
I know that now I yearn
For the couple of tender days
An escape in the dark
Meeting you was a mistake
When I stop, it aches. A heartbreak
Happiness is only with me
Burning is only with you
Gratitude and farewell is just a novel
I can't stand my desire to meet you
I just wanted to be saved

Half moon, don't hurry

Night, stop the time from now on
Half moon, don't hurry
I spilled wine
And threw your shirt
With a thin Georgette dress by the window
I wore my naked body
Your gaze (don't turn it away)
Upon my reckoning (Do you want my love?)
Something seems to happen
While you kiss me, try to take off my pierces
If you can't do the trick, you're not a man
Kill me softly, just tonight set the trap
I turned up the volume
Of an old TV
I don't want to hear
Nor my own tactics
My aim (Don't forgive it)
Upon your perspective (I want to tease you)
I'll make an incident happen
If I drive you crazy, try to unzip my fastener
If you take off my clothes, I can be a woman
Invite me with thee eyes, I want more
Night, stop the time from now on
Half moon, don't hurry
While you kiss me, try to take off my pierces
If you can't do the trick, you're not a man
Kill me softly, just tonight set the trap


Come, lay next to me
So tight to my stomach
I will whisper in your ears
What you really feel inside me
Is still by me
Only me, your heart and you
I want to get close to you, come, lay here
I must tell you, I want to have you forever
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
Just give me a chance
Ah then we'd make such a beautiful balance
If you could feel what I feel now
If you feel next to me, you will also say that
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love in your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
In the shape of you
Do you feel my heartbeat?
It knocks like a hammer,
Which builds love
In your shape
Do you feel my heartbeat?
This is the sound of a melody
Like how I see you
My symphony of love for you
For you only
For you only

Ye Sons Of Men, In Earnest

Ye sons of men, in earnest, prepare your hearts within
The wondrous Conqu'ror cometh, whose power can save from sin
Whom God in grace alone, hath promised long to send us
To lighten and befriend us, and make His mercy known
Oh set your ways in order when such a guest is nigh
Make plain the paths before Him, that now deserted lie
Forsake what He doth hate, exalt the lowly valleys
Bring down all pride and malice, and make the crooked straight
The heart that's meek and lowly is highest with our God
The heart now proud and lofty He humbles with His rod
The heart that's unenticed by sin, and fears to grieve Him
Is ready to receive Him, to such comes Jesus Christ
'Twas thus St. John hath taught us, 'twas thus he preach'd of yore
And they will feel God's anger who list not to his lore
Ah God ! now let his voice to Thy true service win us
That Christ may come within us, and we in Him rejoice !
Translation by Catherine Winkworth

Deep Wounds Heal Slowly

Remember the first takeoff
Remember the first touch kissing on the roof
The night looked still
Remember the heavy grief
Remember all the ugly words, I meant none of them
I was lost and alone
What hurts more
To hold on to what was or to say goodbye and let go
I ask but there's no answer
Two thousand tears that I chose myself
I walked away
When we needed help
Trying to tell myself that there was nothing we could have done
But the only thing I have left is memories and guilt
And deep wounds that heal slowly
Endless thoughts
What was interrupted, can I take it back
New words a new story
But what would change
If I take the initiative and turn around
I ask but there's no answer
Two thousand tears that I chose myself
I walked away
When we needed help
Trying to tell myself that there was nothing we could have done
But the only thing I have left is memories and guilt
And deep wounds that heal slowly