A keresés eredménye oldal 17
Találatok száma: 547
Hangosak, mint a szerelem
Versions: #2
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Teljesen feladnám a szerelmet az álmaimban
Mikor felébredek, az ágyneműm ázott az izzadságtól
Lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy
Hogy hangosak vagyunk, mint
Szerelem egy atomban, szerelem egy felhőn
Látni mindennek a születését, ami most még nincs
El tudsz képzelni egy szerelmet, ami ilyen büszke?
Sosem kell kérdeznie, miért vagy hogyan
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Azok után vágyakoztunk
A szépségük és az igazságuk után
Ezért elnevezzük őket
És valahogy segítenek nekünk átjutni
Azok után vágyakoztunk
Az egész fiatalságunk alatt
Lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz, lélegezz
Higgy, higgy, higgy, higgy
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Hangosak vagyunk, mint a szerelem
Who loves what he does
Today, maybe, I start to understand
That nothing will come out according to my wishes, nooo!!!
Today I can see how I used to think yesterday
And after all it was what it had to be!
It will be better to wait, it will be better to prepare myself more,
Because I learned that it's not about winning!!
It's about knowing how to play
And learning the game,
Knowing how to play
You'll enjoy the game.
Today, maybe, I start to recognize
That I was blind, deaf, mute and so far from the truth.
It will be better to bury what's dead and not disturbing
Because I learned that it's not about winning.
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Taking charge
We live scratching solutions
That try to scape from our wit
We keep holding situations
That go way out of hand
Lost in the great unnaturality
As fragile as crystal
Taking charge is knowing
The real escence of your being
Taking charge is learning
How to find the tip of the iceberg?
How to look for the needle in a haystack?
How to get busy without worrying?
How to leave what we like and does wrong?
Blinded by our individuality
Derailed between good and evil
Taking charge is knowing
The real escence of your being
Taking charge is learning
To bear it well
Let's learn to forgive and we'll be forgiven
Man is war, man is war
The world sickens more, andd more, and more
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Die and reborn
Once, I stole the morning star
In the top of a white mount
I gave it to a sad night
To enrich her cloak and her love
I just hugged myself
Again, I stole from the lakes
The depth of its water
I gave it to your little eyes, those that don't look at me anymore
Those that don't seek me anymore, but I'll love anyway
A magical guitar will sing to me
Talking about love stories
That only make me feel more alive
A stream flowing in the river will sing
Always whispers and talks to me about love
The one that makes you die and reborn
In the top of a white sky
I offered to your little eyes
So I could leave the imprint of my love
My voice and my dream
A magical guitar will sing to me
Talking about love stories
That only make me feel more alive
A stream flowing in the river will sing
Always whispers and talks to me about love
The one that makes you die and reborn
Empty Space
You gotta be my lover gotta be my lover
Gotta be my lover lover lover lover
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
Baby baby
Aigoo you got a boyfriend
What was I doing?
They say it's already like this
They say she left
This is not real
What is this, losing cows and no chance to fix it
What kind of failure is this?
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
You gotta be my lover
I only left my seat for a little while
You gotta be my lover
But maybe you didn't think so
How are you already next to someone?
Now I can only watch you from far away next to someone
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
What? How are you so normal
Did I just overreact by myself?
You even look prettier than before
I stumble over my words
I'm not interesting but I see interesting things
I soon return home and put the blankets over myself
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
Cuz I don’t know what to do
You gotta be my lover
I only left my seat for a little while
You gotta be my lover
But maybe you didn't think so
How are you already next to someone?
Honestly, I can't tell you to live well
How do I get out?
When I see you, I'm not like me
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
Everything that was mine
Now you are sharing with someone else
Like nothing happened
I still can't believe everything
Because of that pride of mine
Ok, alright I made a big mistake
But hey I’m human too
Can you please forgive me?
How can you change so quickly?
Can you please give me one last chance oh
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Cuz I don’t know what to do (what to do)
Please leave the seat next to you free
Baby cuz I don’t know what to do
(don’t know what to do)
From the first day I saw you to the last time we met
I’ve desired to hold you, have you and make you mine
But to have and to hold, to love and to grow
It takes two hearts that beat to the rhythm of one
When you push me away I taste fear and pain
Turns my fire to smoke with one word, with one stroke
Deep in my heart is desire to love
Deep in my soul is desire to grow
Deep in your smile is desire for more
Deep when we kiss, the feeling that can’t be missed
Let me live, let me die, let me laugh, let me cry
Let me burn in your fire, in flames of desire
Be my river of hope, my mountain of truth
Let me colour your life with the colour of love
Deep in my heart is desire to love
Deep in my soul is desire to grow
Deep in your smile is desire for more
Deep when we kiss, the feeling that can’t be missed
I’ve always wanted you, I’ve always desired you
You’re the one I’ve always loved
Take me up, take me down, take me into your arms
Spin the magic of love with one word, with one smile
My desire runs deep and I’m losing sleep
I wake up to the light, you’re the key to my heart
Deep in my heart is desire to love
Deep in my soul is desire to grow
Deep in your smile is desire for more
Deep when we kiss, the feeling that can’t be missed
(Deep in my heart is desire to love) Deep in my soul
(Deep in my soul is desire to grow)
Deep in your smile is desire for more
Deep when we kiss, the feeling that can’t be missed
Desire, desire, desire, desire love
Bestir yourself
sth doesn't exist since that doesn't exist
sometimes we stop
sometimes we continue
you may decide
you may choose
when you will set off
will it be because of boredom
or because of a habit
you are afraid to risk your heart
maybe everything happens
maybe everything appears
out of nowhere
bestir yourself, change yourself
Until you try
you won't know
who you really are
bestir yourself, change yourself
sometimes you become
when you stay
sometimes you disappear
when you stop
you can decide
how much you will suffer
at one spot (place)
bestir yourself, change yourself
until you try
you won't know
who you really are
bestir yourself, change yourself
Egy hely, ahová lehajthatom a fejem
Nézem, ahogy a Hold feljön az égre a sötét éjszakában
A Nap fényétől ragyogva
De a Nap nem azért adja a fényét a Holdnak,
Hogy a Holdtól tartozást várjon
Erről az jut eszembe, ahogy te bánsz velem
Szívességeket teszel, aztán hirtelen
Megfordulsz és elkezdesz kérdezgetni
A dolgokról, amiket vissza akarsz kapni tőlem
Elegem van a feszültségből, elegem van a nélkülözésből,
Elegem van, hogy úgy teszel mintha tartoznék neked
Találj más helyet, ahol kiélheted a kapzsiságodat
Amíg én találok egy helyet, ahová lehajthatom a fejem
Máshol akarok lenni,
Utálom, mikor azt mondod, hogy nem érted meg
(Tudod, hogy nem úgy értem)
Erőben akarok lenni, nem ellenséggel
Egy hely, ahová lehajthatom a fejem
Lehet, hogy egy nap olyan leszek mint te
És átlépek embereken, ahogy te és
Elfutok emberek elől akiket ismerősnek gondoltam
Aztán visszaemlékszem, ki voltál
Régen nyugodt voltál, erős voltál,
Nagylelkű voltál, de tudnod kell,
Hogy elhasználtad
Most meglátod, milyen csöndes az egyedüllét
Menj el
Te a legjobb részemet akarod elvenni
Máshol akarok lenni,
Utálom, mikor azt mondod, hogy nem érted meg
(Tudod, hogy nem úgy értem)
Erőben akarok lenni, nem ellenséggel
Egy hely, ahová lehajthatom a fejem
Fogd be!
Béke vagy erőszak
1. Versszak
Láttam, ahogy az emberek kinyújtják kezeiket és két ujjukat mutatják
A középső ujjuk és a gyűrűsujjuk mindig 'V' alakban volt.
Szóval megkérdeztem, mit jelent ez a szimbólum,
De senki, egyetlen lélek sem tudta megmagyarázni nekem.
A béke jele lenne ez?
Vagy a 'V' az erőszakot jelöli? *
Tudja-e bárki, mit mondanak, vagy egyáltalán mit csinálnak ők?
Béke vagy erőszak?
Mit tudhatok én?
Béke vagy erőszak? x2
A béke jele lenne ez?
Vagy a 'V' az erőszakot jelöli?
Tudja-e bárki, mit mondanak, vagy egyáltalán mit csinálnak ők? x2
Béke vagy erőszak? x4
Béke vagy erőszak?
Mit tudhatok én?
Béke vagy erőszak? x3
2. Versszak
Szóval azt mondtam, hogy ugyanaz az a kettő,
Mert választanom kellett egy opciót magamnak.
Az emberek pesszimistának neveznek,
Szavakkal, melyek hosszú idő után öngyilkosságot követelnek.
De én ragaszkodom hozzá,
És ismét ragaszkodom hozzá.
Időbe fog telni, sok időbe,
Talán 5 év, talán 10, vagy 20,
De remélem megtudom, mielőtt még meghalok.
Kórus újra
Béke vagy erőszak?
Mit tudhatok én?
Béke vagy erőszak? x2
A béke jele lenne ez?
Vagy a 'V' az erőszakot jelöli?
Tudja-e bárki, mit mondanak, vagy egyáltalán mit csinálnak ők? x2
Béke vagy erőszak? x4
Béke vagy erőszak?
A tiéd leszek
Én leszek a vized,
tisztára moslak
folyékony békével.
Én leszek az étered,
belélegzel majd
és nem engedsz ki.
Láttalak szenvedni,
láttalak sírni,
keresztül az egész éjszakán.
Hát én leszek a vized,
tisztára moslak
folyékony szomorúsággal.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az oldatod,
megfürdetem a lelked
színtiszta folyadékban.
Én leszek a horgod,
sosem hagyod majd el
ezeket a gyógyító partokat.
Láttalak szenvedni,
láttalak sírni,
napokon, napokon át.
Hát én leszek az oldatod,
a démonok elsüllyednek és elúsznak majd (tőled).
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
Én leszek az apád,
én leszek az anyád,
én leszek a szerelmed,
a tiéd leszek.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
A tiéd.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Can't See The End
Can’t see the end, the questions continue
I ask myself again and again
If I can endure through these things
Then as if it’s nothing, I say, why can’t I?
Actually, it’s been really hard
The fact that there’s not a single person
Who will listen to my secrets that
I’ve been keeping makes me sad
This reality makes me cry
Can’t see the end
When I open my eyes in bed
I still haven’t come out of my gravity defying dream
Is it morning? Is it night? I don’t even know
As I wash away the haziness at the sink
But everything stays the same
I see myself in the mirror with
several days worth of makeup
My skin is ruined and I feel like I lost my goal
The dark circles underneath just get deeper
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Can’t see the end
I ran all the way from the start without rest, but why
Where did my usual self go?
What am I chasing after every day?
I pray every day that it
won’t be a lie
when I say I’m ok
But why are the expectations so high?
I wipe away the bursting tears
I think of my family and dream once again
Can’t see the end,
leave me alone
Actually, I’m miserable,
after I finish a packed schedule
Expectations from friends and family
follow me into bed
I can’t even close my eyes and sleep
I forgot how to go for it all
Now I have a habit of avoiding the little things
Can’t see the end, typical words “have strength”
It’s not the same as before,
why am I so desperate?
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
Maybe what I want is over there at the end
Getting what I want will be harder than just
But I can’t be impatient
If I’m lost again, I need to find it again
Feels like I’m floating in space
I don’t know where to go
But the stars far away pull me
I Can Feel It, I Can Feel It
I feel like I can be a light
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them. :)
Svi prevodi koje postavim su moji, tj. ja sam ih prevodila, sem ako ne postoji izvor originalnog prevoda. Ako primetite bilo kakve leksičke ili gramatičke greške u nekom od mojih prevoda, molim vas da mi javite kako bih ih ispravila. :)
It makes me cry
It makes me cry your love
How much I love you, my love
But you destroyed my soul and my illusion
It hurt me so much
That you miss me and you ask me to forgive you
You're already sorry, and to forget your words
And that your life is already another one
You have changed for my love, my love
But you have left my soul so hurt
You screamed at me that you could not bear me anymore
Because I was nobody
With a poor heart, with a poor heart
My love
It makes me cry, your love
How much I love you, my love
But you destroyed my soul and my illusion
It hurt me so much
Back I can not, it does not heal my pain
I can not stop my heart from bleeding
I'm sorry honey
But you have left my soul so hurt
You screamed at me that you could not bear me anymore
Because I was nobody
With a poor heart, with a poor heart
My love
It makes me cry your love
How much I love you, my love
But you destroyed my soul and my illusion
It hurt me so much
Go back I can't, no, it does not heal my pain
It didn't last long enough for my heart to bleed
I'm sorry my love
It makes me cry your love
How much I love you, my love
But you destroyed my soul and my illusion
It hurt me so much
Why should I be yours
You hear songs about love, but you don't know about mine,
Eternal hostage of my dream, here the guilt is yours alone.
You'll quietly say: 'Choose to take a step beyond the edge again
And don't listen to them, if they tell you to take a step back.'
Why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if we aren't together, why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if it feels crowded, why should I be yours?
All that I remember by heart: I'm not scared of just two words,
I couldn't understand how you could swim from nowhere to nowhere.
So we couldn't remain between the sky and people.
Just for those few nights you simply wanted to be mine.
Why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if we aren't together, why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if it feels crowded, why should I be yours?
Why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if we aren't together, why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if it feels crowded, why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if we aren't together, why should I be yours?
If there's not enough space, if it feels crowded, why should I be yours?
Someone is going to make you cry
You don't know what it is to love
That's why you hurt
And you take advantage of love
That I cleanly give you
I know very well that you hurt me
And yet here you have me
And I hope that you don't have regret
Of having caused me this pain
Before you arrived
My life was different
I did not feel any pity
My world was colored
With your evil and your pride
You had it sad
With your lies you left me dead in life inside my heart
You make me cry and I don't deserve it
Because I don't do anything more than love you
And give myself completely
The wounds you leave me today
Will heal over time
The day is coming fast
That someone will also make you cry.
Someone will make you cry when you fall in love
And you are going to remind me
Because the love that I give you can not be equaled
It will not be easy to find someone who truly loves you.
Someone will make you cry when you fall in love
And they're going to hurt you
As you do with me today
And there won't be any back-peddling
Because that's how destiny is
You will feel the loneliness and this damn cold
Someone will make you cry
And that will be your punishment.
You make me cry and I do not deserve it
Because I don't do anything more than love you
And give myself completely
The wounds you leave me today
Will heal over time
The day is coming fast
That someone will also make you cry.
Someone will make you cry when you fall in love
And you are going to remind me
Because the love that I give you can not be equaled
It will not be easy to find someone who truly loves you.
Someone will make you cry when you fall in love
And they're going to hurt you
As you do with me today
And there won't be any back-peddling
Because that's how destiny is
You will feel the loneliness and this damn cold
Someone will make you cry
And that will be your punishment.
Poem of Seven Faces
When I was born, a twisted angel
one of those that lives in the shadows
said: Go, Carlos! be a misfit in life.
The houses watch the men
that run behind the women
The evening maybe was blue,
there weren't so many desires.
The tram passes full of legs:
white black yellow legs.
Why so many legs, my God, asks my heart.
Yet my eyes
ask nothing.
The man behind the mustache
is serious, simple and strong.
He barely speaks.
There are few, rare friends
the man behind the spectacles and the mustache.
My God, why have You abandoned me?
if You knew that I was not God,
if You knew that I was weak.
World world vast world
if my name was Harold
it would be a rhyme, it wouldn't be a solution.
World world vast world,
more vast is my heart.
I shouldn't have told you
but this Moon
but this cognac
put people crazy like the Devil.
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