Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 38

Találatok száma: 1738


One Day My Friend Left Here

One day my friend left here
without seeing me, and since I didn't see him,
mother, I'm going to die now.
When he met me, it wasn't good for him,
for he was dying of love for me, and because of that,
mother, I'm going to die now.
He left here and dared not talk to me
neither dared I to him, and sad because of that,
mother, I'm going to die now.

Honest diary

Ah, why? Do I do these things I wonder
Ah, why? Nothing but him/her, it's always him/her
Because I'm already at my limit. Ah, again.. With this.. Look.. I went and said it again
Things like getting hate from people are only words
Says the one who's becoming truly alone
Actually knowing what it is, and be it too (alone)
What's next?
Looks like a tough time ahead
Me with a clever mouth, I presently can't do anything
I have no money, no love, but
I'm fine with this
I am. Tomorrow and the day after. Just a bystander
Just that was fine. It was fine
I'll just humor (trick) you with this crap, you said
You are really such an idiot
'I love you', such words are... lies
Especially you young ladies who spout it all the time
...Yep...Bull's eye.
Be it a close friend, a partner, or just someone you don't care about
You do it willfully
It's really funny, look (sounds like it's not really funny)
They look like they are piles of dust
These words used to... violate
Just as I realized. A person... Understood the fever.
Understood the ice so cold it's freezing to touch they both did
One day I'll feel a pain. And one day, the scar will vanish as well
I don't get it (there is no way/I don't know how)
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with that
Even with my rotting future too
And at the end
There was no choice but to grow up
It's really bad...
From Cookie with Love!

For a whole life

laughing with you has never been simple
it is same as crying , i have nothing to defend myself
when i am with you
to share this this unstable lifr
believe me ,for me,it has never been easy
but i will redo it , i will redoit with you
and if you forgive me ,wait for me
wait for me,like you have known to do , for a whole life
i will arrive with enthusiasm
of somebody who isnt even 20 years old
Go down with you the hailers of my years
believe me , for me , there arent many many
and i will redo, it redo it eith you
and if you forgive mr , wait for me
wait for me,like you have known to do , for a whole life
i will arrive with enthusiasm
of somebody who isnt even 20 years old
and when everything will pass , we will find ourselves drinking , we will find ourselves here
this has happned that we have remained together
not only for one night but for a whole life
this has happned that we have remained together
not only for one night but for a whole life

Sweetness of (One's) First Kiss

One moment *of eternity*
The first kiss from the one you love
Just one moment
of having a bit of taste (of it)
Just one moment
(that) seemed to last forever
That's your first kiss
When was it? How long ago (it's already been)...
Yet the sweetness still remains
Each time (your) eyes are to close,
why does the sweetness return on it's own?
(It) shall yet to fade,
but not the memory of your first kiss
Your heart will yearn
again and (yet) again you will love (another)
You will forget everything (else)
but not...
but not your first kiss
The first heartbeat of a longing/eager heart
Just one moment
of having a bit of taste (of it)
Just one moment
(that) seemed to last forever
Try as you might to forget (it)
(it's) hard to do
because your heart continues to sing
even when your lips become mute
Oh, how sweet your first kiss is...

Southern Cross Dreaming

Ah, the ocean blue shines wonderfully
My doubts fade away
We split a while ago
You bring back our dreams
Forgive me for that time
I cried without saying anything
'I won't meet that person ever again'
After a broken promise
You murmur casually
That you're someone who loves from the heart
I can't believe you with words
Loneliness started crying
The Southern Cross of the lovers dreams
I'm looking right now
I felt for a long time that we passed each other
Now you hold me like this
Even if you have a reason for talking
You are shy, you bite your lips
I'm amazed with an unexpected call
On a break you invite me
An invitation seems coercive for me
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

a great story

you are my love
you are my love master of all
bring in your beauty
you are my moon when it overlooks
what is this news
what did you do to me
you take my mind always
a great story
the love of my heart, people
she let me live in feelings
she melted me, let me live in love
get close and embrace me
in my heart and my soul I want you
what you hate, bury me*
how much I love you I adore you

Don't lietome

I'll cram myself into a safe nook
I'll fix my eyes on a wall full of holes
I'll make a whiny post on the internet
You'll like it
You'll take one look
And I'll feel worse even thinking about it
I'm starting to close the gates
I'm not looking back
I'll cram myself, though I think I'm sick of it
It's easier to quash my anger when I'm among people
I don't wanna keep thinking about you
I wanna go home
I heard that I know him quite well
And I feel worse even thinking that
That this is someone totally different than me
And I am no one
This will never happen again
I'm not going to look for you in her
Don't block the way when I'm trying to pass through
There will be no photos today
This will never happen again
So it's good to waste your time for sleep
Just please, don't wake me up
Let it stay the way it is
I'm trying to blemish those days in my head
A discreet stopover in the shadow of the trees
It really hurts when I hear that he makes your blood boil
I saw on a website, among all the couples
Your best smile and his fangs
Then my phone suddenly died, I'm not looking back
This will never happen again
I'm not going to look for you in her
Don't block the way when I'm trying to pass through
There will be no photos today
This will never happen again
So it's good to waste your time for sleep
Just please, don't wake me up
Let it stay the way it is
This will never happen again
I'm not going to look for you in her
Don't block the way when I'm trying to pass through
I don' want any photos today
This will never happen again
So maybe I'll find time for sleep
Just please, let me out
It won't stay the way it is

Love Soldier

I crashed down at least ten heavens
I had God knows what in my blood
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
I would cuddle your face with my breath
I would never move away from sight
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
On my palm
Since the first moment
You're the holly drop
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
My angel
Sleep now
My shoulder is your city
I'm yours, don't worry
Love soldier
I would cuddle your face with my breath
I would never move away from sight
They were breaking me a hundred times, they never did
You came like joy in a load of sadness
On my palm
Since the first moment
You're the holly drop
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
As long as I live
Inside me only you will be
The symbol of happiness
For you I am
Ready to lose
Everything without a question
And to go blind
For the whole world
My angel
Sleep now
My shoulder is your city
I'm yours, don't worry
Love soldier

A Simple Thing

If you just look beyond the eye color
Touch under the skin
Listen beyond the voice...
You will know if I'm laughing
Or am I waiting for that one only hour
To be the only thing I know how
I am... Tu-du-du, ta-da-da
I am...tu-du-tu-du
I am a simple thing...
If miracles exist
Glances that speak
Each new wakening will be the best one
You will know if I'm laughing
Or am I waiting for that one only hour
To be the only thing I know how
I am... Tu-du-du, ta-da-da
I am...tu-du-tu-du
I am a simple thing...

Ha támogatjuk egymást

19 volt, egy gyermekkel a szíve alatt
A város keleti oldalán,
Minden nap dolgozott,
Mosogatást vállalt éjszakánként.
Alig bírt ébren maradni,
Hozzá nőtt az az érzés,
Hogy a szerencséje
fordulóban van
Valamint el akarta érni az éjjeli járatot ami a városon át
Egy egyszobás apartmanhoz viszi
És amikor felkapcsolja a villanyt
Le akar ülni az asztalhoz
Azt mondva magának, hogy minden rendben van
Arra a napra várt amiről azt
Remélte, hogy a babája érkezik majd
Elő-ref 1
Sosem lesz egyedül, van akit a karjaiban tarthat
S, amikor az éjszakák hűvösek voltak, azt mondta:
Ref 1
A világ nem tökéletes, de nem is olyan rossz
Ha itt vagyunk egymásnak, és ez mindenünk ami van
Az anyukádként melletted leszek, és fogom majd a kezed
Tudnod kell, hogy mindig ott leszek neked
Amikor a világ tökéletlen
Amikor a világ kegyetlen
Ha támogatjuk egymást, akkor
Mindketten rendben leszünk
Az anyukádként fogom majd a kezed,
Tudnod kell, hogy ott leszek neked.
90 évesek voltak, és napjaikat
A város nyugati oldalán töltötték
Közel ahhoz a helyhez ahol eljegyezték egymást
Képeik voltak a falon, minden emlékröl amit közösen éltek át
És bár az élet soha sem volt könnyű
Hálásak voltak azért
,hogy együtt maradtak
S, bár néha nehéz volt,
Még akkor is ha a nő felidegesítette őt
A férfi sosem törte volna össze a szívét
Nem, sosem volt pénzük rá, hogy meg tudjanak engedni maguknak egy tetszetős autót
De sosem kellett utazniuk
Mert soha nem is váltak el
Elő-ref 2:
Még a végén is, a szerelmük erősebb volt
Mint az első találkozásukkor
Azt mondják:
A világ nem tökéletes, de nem is annyira rossz
Ha itt vagyunk egymásnak, és ez mindenünk ami van
A szerelmedként melleted leszek, és fogom majd a kezed
Tudnod kell, hogy mindig ott leszek neked
Amikor a világ tökéletlen
Amikor a világ kegyetlen
Ha támogatjuk egymást, akkor
Mindketten rendben leszünk
Szerelmedként fogom majd a kezed,
Tudnod kell, hogy ott leszek neked.
Tudnod kellett, hogy ott leszek neked...
23 vagyok, és a szüleim idősödnek
Tudom, ők sem lesznek örökké
És én félek az egyedülléttöl,
Ezért hálás vagyok, hogy van egy nővérem
Még akkor is ha néha harcolunk.
Miatta éltem túl, mikor a gimi kemény volt
Tudom, sosem hagyna magamra
S, utálom őt sírni látni,
Szóval megírtam ezt a verset, hogy elmondjam neki
Mindig mellette leszek
Elő-ref 3:
Azért írtam ezt a verset, hogy elmondjam neki, mindig mellette leszek
Azért írtam ezt a verset, hogy elmondjam neki:
Ref 3
A világ nem tökéletes, de nem is olyan rossz
Ha itt vagyunk egymásnak, és ez mindenünk ami van
A testvéred leszek, és fogom majd a kezed
Tudnod kell, hogy mindig ott leszek neked
Amikor a világ tökéletlen
Amikor a világ kegyetlen
Ha támogatjuk egymást, akkor
Mindketten rendbe leszünk
A testvéredként fogom majd a kezed
Tudnod kell, hogy ott leszek neked.
Tudnod kell, hogy ott leszek neked...


Eresszétek szét a gepárdokat
Egy rabló van szökésben odakint
Légiónk védelme alól
Elvitték Kleopátrát
Siess siess siess, jöjj vissza a dicsőségemért
(Kleopátra, Kleopátra)
Hozd vissza őt nekem
(Kleopátra, hey oh Pátra ehh ehh Kleopátra)
Siess siess siess, a fáraónk koronája
(Kleopátra, Kleopátra)
Királynőnk trónja üresen áll
(Hey oh Pátra, Kleopátra)
És majd az eljövendőbe szaladunk
Úgy ragyogva, mint gyémántok a zűrös világban
Egy zűrös, zűrös világban
Bőrünk bronz, hajunk kasmír
Ahogy ritmusra masírozunk
A palotában
Csillárok a piramisban
Remegnek az erőtől
Cintányérok csattannak a piramisban
Hangokkal lett tele a terem
Eresszétek szét a gepárdokat
Egy rabló van szökésben odakint
Légiónk védelme alól
Elvitték Kleopátrát
Afrika drágaköve
Mire jó egy ékkő, ha már nem értékes
Hogy szökhettél el tőlem?
Hogy szökhettél el tőlünk?
Istenként élsz az arany alatt
Megláttalak heverészni Sámsonnal
És hosszú hajával
Megtaláltam fekete királnyőmet, Kleopátrát
Rossz álmokat, Kleopátra
Vigyétek el
Küldjétek a gepárdokat a kriptához
Küzdelmünknek vége, királynőnk meglelte végzetét
Nem él már többé, nincs több kígyó szobájában
Nincs több, megölte Kleopátrát, Kleopátrát
Ragyogó nap süt keresztül a motel függönyén
Felkelni a barátnőd mellett, most hívjuk Kleopátrának, Kleopátrának
Nézem, ahogy megfésülködsz
Majd a tükörben ahogy felveszed a bugyidat
Majd a rúzsodat, Kleopátra
Majd a tizenöt centis magassarkúdat
Kapjátok el őt
A piramis felé tart
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
Striciskedés a beszélgetéseimben
Buborékok a pezsgőmben
Játszatok egy kis jazzt
Legfelső emeleti lakosztály, tekerem szivarjaim
Kiállított TV videokazettával
Rubintok vannak az átkozott székemben
Autómnak nincs üzemanyag tartálya
De még mindig faerezetes
A barátnőd már nekem dolgozik
Sztriptízel, fizeti a számláim
Így fizetem a számláim
Sztriptízel, fizeti a számláim
Tartsd kifizetve a számláim
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
Beállítottál hozzám munka után, megfürdetem testedet
Megérintelek téged helyeken, miket csak én ismerek
Nedves vagy és meleg, mint a fürdővíz
Szeretkezhetünk mielőtt elmész
Ahogyan kimondod a nevemet elhiteti velem
Hogy én vagyok az az ember
Bár még mindig munkanélküli vagyok
Azt mondod, hogy nagy, de be tudod fogadni
Lovagolj, tehenészlány
De szerelmed már nem ingyen adod, bébi
De szerelmed már nem ingyen adod
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
Így igaz
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este
A piramisban dolgozik
A piramisban dolgozik ma este


At last one afternoon my tears stopped
Putting on my best dress
I left the city
I started skipping lightly
I tried to laugh
Am I feeling good?
However on the big mirror of the store
My heart is projected when I look
Tears of yesterday, today and tomorrow
I can't hide them
The distant days when I was a child
Telling little lies to dad
I stood quiet
Though nobody notices
On the mirror
A sorrow face was projected
Since that day I discovered
That mirrors carry magic
Mirror, mirror, check
The way I am now
What do I love? What do I want?
What do I hide? All is projected
Mirror, mirror, now I am
That way
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Go My Friend, Go

This is the feast of St. John's Eve.
This is the feast of St. John's Eve.
Your promised ones will all be at the celebration.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Your promised ones will all be at the celebration.
Yours is not there—I feel sorry for you.
He is at Paris or perhaps in La Vendée.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
What will he bring to his beloved
with all his earnings from hard work?
And the gold ring—and the white gown.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
And the gold ring—and the white gown.
If he still thinks of it during his long absence
and does not offer his heart to some other girl.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.


Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!

Ha Megölnék Valakit Érted

Sajnálom, hogy ezt tettem, a vér az én kezemen szárad
Bámulok a tükörképemre, nem tudom, ki vagyok
Gyakorlom a beismerésem, abban az esetben, ha vallanom kell
Azt mondom majd, megtanultam a leckét, hogy jobb ember leszek
Összepakolom a cuccomat és
Letörlöm a falakat
Kimosom a ruháimat és
Átsétálok a folyosókon
Mindent érte csináltam, így én nem éreztem semmit
Nem tudom, mit fog mondani
Így majd megkérdezem, mikor felhív
Jobban szeretnél (jobban szeretnél)
Ha megölnék valakit érted?
Fognád a kezem? (fognád a kezem?)
Ugyanazok a kezeket, mint amiket akkor használtam
Mikor megöltem valakit érted
Átadnál engem a rendőrségnek? (átadnál engem?)
Mikor azt mondják, hogy szabadon vagyok
Elrejtenél engem, mikor (elrejtenél engem, mikor)
Az arcom a hírekben szerepel?
Mert megöltem valakit érted
Hallom a szirénákat közeledni, látom a villogó fényeket
A külvároson hajtok keresztül, álruhámat viselve
Felbukkanok a küszöbén, hogy a szemébe nézzek
Azt mondom neki, 'én vagyok', de nem ismer fel engem
'Nem látod, hogy menekülök?' Mondom, 'kell egy hely, ahol elbújhatok'
Kérdeznem kell tőled valamit, beengednél kérlek?
Csak hadd magyarázzam meg, nem, nem hazudnék neked
Tudom, hogy meg fogod érteni, ha hagyod, hogy itt maradjak éjszakára
Meg kell értened, hogy akit megöltem, az én magam vagyok
Átváltoztam abból, aki voltam azzá, akivé akartad, hogy legyek
Követtem az irányodat, megtettem mindent, amit kértél
Remélem boldoggá tesz, mert már nem fordulhatunk vissza

Életem Legrosszabb Napja

Nos, a menedzser hívott
Azt mondta, utálja, hogy elsőként kell
Közölni a hírt
De a cég hívott ma
Azt mondták, muszáj megszabadulnunk
Úgy éreztem magam, mint egy váza
Amit leejtettek a tetőről
Könnyek gördülnek le az arcomon
Uram, mihez kezdjek?
Éreztem már fájdalmat eddig is az életemben
Egy törött csukló és egy
Törött szív
De ez biztosan csúnya
Sebet fog hagyni
Olyat, ami talán nem gyógyul meg
Így azt mondtam
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
És nem tudom, hogyan fogom túlélni
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
Bevallom, kínszenvedés
Megtalálni a fényt az alagút végén
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, a legrosszabb nap
Az életemben
Nos, feladtam a diplomámat
És elköltöztem otthonról
Az álmomat követtem
Most nem tudok sehová sem menni
Így felhívtam az anyukámat és
Ordibáltam a telefonon
Úgy viselkedtem, mint egy gyerek, de
Már teljesen felnőtt voltam
Éreztem már fájdalmat eddig is az életemben
Egy törött csukló és egy
Törött szív
De ez biztosan csúnya
Sebet fog hagyni
Olyat, ami talán nem gyógyul meg
Így azt mondtam
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
És nem tudom, hogyan fogom túlélni
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
Bevallom, kínszenvedés
Megtalálni a fényt az alagút végén
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, a legrosszabb nap
Az életemben
Így azt gondoltam magamban, hogy
Most itt az idő, hogy válasszak
Összeszedhetem magam vagy beadhatom
A derekamat a szomorúságnak
Így megesküdtem a szívemben, hogy
Sosem fogok veszíteni
Addig csúsznék, míg meg nem csinálom
Mert bizonyítanom kell valamit
Éreztem már fájdalmat eddig is az életemben
Egy törött csukló és egy törött szív
De ez biztosan csúnya sebet fog hagyni
Olyat, ami talán nem gyógyul meg
Így azt mondtam
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
És nem tudom, hogyan fogom túlélni
A legrosszabb, életem legrosszabb napja
Bevallom, kínszenvedés
Megtalálni a fényt az alagút végén
Ez az életem legrosszabb napja
A legrosszabb, a legrosszabb nap
Az életemben


Here very weird thing...
And i don't know, what is that.

Letter found in the shirt of an American soldier dead at Vietnam. June, 1972.

When you wrote to me I wasn't there anymore,
when you called me there was noise here
and I couldn't hear what they said
about those cardboard heroes.
I remember the heroic farewell
with high flags and honoring shouts,
and you, crying softly,
for my future, for your future.
And here today,
of what kind of heroism can we talk about
besides that of the one who under the sea
bursts inside the mines for his love?
And now
what can you and me expect
looking at these children who will never become
children like you and me?
If my bones come back home, don't cry for them,
and throw away the medal they will give you
and forget I was killed in action.
Because it was not like that, because I was just another murderer
and I don't even deserve death.

Beach Et Cetera

Let's go by car
In a caramel mood
In dynamic rhythm
The radio station we're interested in is BBC
Along the coast
At Magellan Festival
In tune with energetic music
Flying around gulls are BOAC
At the American wharf
Getting nervous for some reason
Full speed in swimsuits
At Matsubara, we drink liqueur in no time
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's go bashfully
Way too picturesque, attractive, long and happy beach
Let's go to the beach
Let's venture into there
Popping rhythm makes us get in the mood to fall in love
Day and night
I want you to come closer to me
Cell phones, mine and my boyfriend's are ringing
That pelican looks sad
Bobbing on the waves
Everyone is lonely
So we apply that perfume even to fish
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's sacrifice personal feelings
The person on a perch is Harrison Ford
We are super lucky girls
Let's go in high spirits
Let's go energetically
Let's run about in tune with rhythm
Let's go to eat crabs
Let's go bashfully
Way too picturesque, attractive, white and happy beach
Let's go to the beach
Let's venture into there
In tune with rhythm, we're falling into temptation
Popping rhythm makes us get in the mood to fall in love

Tunisian Hadrah

O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations .....
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
When on the world..
.. the Day of Doom doth loom.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
O, My Lord!
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
When bounteous God, just punishment on sinners..
..does inflict.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations .....

Tech-tech mom

Flat shoes and short-cut sideburns
Techno-mom cooks in the kitchen
When she dances to the computer
Digital-oven simmers the stew
In the opened window a flying robot
Tomato, tometo, here flying
Mom techno-catches them
You can replay the scene once more
Dad comes home early today
TV-phone was talking it
Out of honeycomb building's system door
Riding on a metallic snake
He comes to meet me and mom
He comes to kiss me and mom
He comes to meet me and mom
He comes to kiss me and mom
Mom's house is a cassette-house
Everything there is in techno-sizes
Baby-sit in a panorama-bed
Dream a dream in metal-color
Dad is crazy about my mom
Mom's smile is a sunshine
If she smiles, our hearts are
warmed just like an air-conditioner
I am mom's best friend
I am mom's best friend
I am mom's best friend
I am mom's best friend

Rossz lány egy jó családból

Én olyan
A fajta lány vagyok
Ki marad mindig kezelhető
Rossz lány egy jó családból
Ha még
A mennyországom
Túl erőltetett
Mint pokol a hetedik mennyben
Egy rossz lánynak egy jó családból
Szeress ahogy vagyok
Szeress úgy hogy
Valami mást tettem
Mint az élet túladagolása
Édes az élet
De nem nekem
Ma este
Ugyan az vagyok
Mindenkinek aki szeretett
Azt akarom, hogy emlékezzenek
Az ő rossz lányuk egy jó családból
Rossz lány egy jó családból.

The Responsible

The fault of my foolishness
the blame lays on you
you treated me with sweetness,
patiently only you.
Restlessness (concern) I've got in life
only for you, woman,
I do have to pin the blame on you
of my dreadful sorrow.
Your eyes, you lips,
your sweet gaze
my soul has been spellbound (beguiled)
and I don't have anything to do other than crying.

Female Pronoun

This is the last defeat
That’s not, i can’t stay
Wasn’t it over
Does everything end like this
Even you keep your promise
Your promise doesn’t keep you
You would be gone even without leaving your seat
There are snow
While we pretend that we are walking
An old song
That we were laughing right behind
Don’t touch
Keep mocking, you beautiful devil
With my nonstop crying picture
Don’t believe
You are just like them
While you are standing right in front of me
I was telling about you but it left missing
Maybe I should keep quiet
While helpless body smells like betreyal
Don’t be upset
For the people that you killed
Please don’t touch
Don’t touch me
Don’t do anything from now on


I wish if you were here with me
my life would've been colorful
the mood would've been sweet
and I would've said 'bye bye' to my sorrow
I don't want these people
I don't see any of them
no no, don't let the crowds fool you
if you come, you'll cancel them out
stop, stop playing hard to get
stop, stop coquetting
the night is at its start
don't apologize, there's no way
how could I laugh and be cheerful
when you are not sitting here?
a little bit, a little bit and I will cry
and no one feels me
my eyes are set on the door
waiting for handsome cutie
and I hate anyone who asks me
why is your lover absent
stop, stop playing hard to get
stop, stop coquetting
my heart, my heart is aching
where are you who understands me
this is the most I've ever missed you
come on, be gentle and have mercy on me
a chance to meet, a chance
to write a love story
I've set the proper vibes for you
it means I'm going to spoil you
stop, stop playing hard to get
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


Use me

Damn me, I'm dying
Because of a wind blow
In one moment I lost everything
That's why I'm tired
Of trusting
People that don't repay the thought
And that leave you like shit
Luca is strong anyway, he holds up
He doesn't know what bitterness is
You can slap him if you please
You better not call him anyway
Even if he is suffering the pain of hell
He's a worthless friend
He can only sing
How many times have we been together, tight
Inside a room
With no accusations or prejudice
Just for the sake of feeling good and having fun
Do what you want
Use me, use me, use me when you please
use me, use me, use me
Damn me, I'm losing it
be it a dream or a goal
I am willing to show
What I have deep inside
I'm not going to stoop to their level
for money or anything
the only important thing to me
is being able to stand up tomorrow
and I don't need a hug
my bravery is enough
And I believe that
you're the sun, not just a sunbeam
You never know what you are going to be
Whether you win or lose
I can't stress it enough
You don't need to hurt yourself so bad
What teaches you but doesn't make you understand
is going to make you useless. I'm not here, now
Use me, use me, use me
use me, use me and throw me away

Our secrets

Our secrets
keep them for us
don't you talk about us
if we fight, it's okay to fight
that's our business
no matter how many times we hurt, no matter how many times we get tough
tomorrow we will forget
and whoever has any advice
tell him to keep it to himself
it's okay if you hurt me or blame me
but don't you ever leave me
any third party, be sure
they're only trouble
I can't take it
if something happens
and people gloat on you and me
understand that love is manners
and you're the most precious thing to me
our lifetime together matters a lot
I hold it within my eyes
and those who came to you came to me today
but would I talk? they wish
we've only got each other
heaven heaven/hell hell
it doesn't matter who's wrong
I apologize to you
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


it didn´t happen

I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It didn't happen, It didn't happen for me to come see you again
It didn't happen for me to breathe again, breathing your air
My blurry days are your lit up nights
You've become such a stranger, but me, i'm for you
Still, your dream is still following me
Still, your wounds are on my wings
Still, I jump awake from your happy dreams every night
Look, look and see my bad, unexpected fate
Look, look and see the flood that is in my teary eyes
Look, look and see that you are far and I get lonelier and lonelier every night
I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It seems as though no one cares about my distress
There's no one in my rainy night
Now is not the time for my regrets
It seems as though in my heart, your grief still resides
My heart is still stuck with you
It seems as though, still, your pain is stuck with me
Look, look and see my bad, unexpected fate
Look, look and see the flood that is in my teary eyes
Look, look and see that you are far and I get lonelier and lonelier every night
I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It didn't happen, It didn't happen for me to come see you again
It didn't happen for me to breathe again, breathing your air
My blurry days are your lit up nights
You've become such a stranger, but me, i'm for you

Dreamin' rider

Waiting impatiently in the side shore
He's now sailing to the space between the tides
His board slides through the blue sea
When I see him holding a finger over the waves
Willing to sail, I dance in the air
Dreamin' rider, the vector of the wind
Sea wind rider, betting everything
He runs
In the city, he's always silent
His look is a bit lonesome
Breeze, alone facing the open sea
When he turns around and smile
He's someone who speaks the language of the wind
Dreamin' rider, his strength
Sea wind rider, doesn't know anybody
He is free
On the beach, I take off the mast
On his toasted back, I whispered just with the fingertips
Dreamin' rider, without holding a helmet
Sea wind rider, through the wave fences
He slides
Secret feeling, the shy west wind
Secret feeling, I feel it in him
Dreamin' rider, the vector of my chest
Sea wind rider, decides free
Dreamin' rider
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

desire (for)

when i miss you
the seconds pass so difficult
again in memories of you
you are with me every moment
even in the warm summer
my bones become cold
when your body is not here
why is your smell on my pillow
i'm alone in the nights, they are not the same without you
i can't sleep as if i can't breath enough
the light of the sunshine falls on my eyes
why is your smell on my pillow
why can't i get the thoughts to you out of my head
i am still talking to you in my mind
i just ask for your love
why is your smell on my pillow
i saw your lies and sins and I cried
i cried, i'm the one who cried
i closed my bar and went somewhere i can not come back
now the pain of drowning, i made mistakes
when my heart gets cold because of seeing you again
getting you in my arms , the taste of kissing you
between 100 memories , i am searching for you
yes , you were right , i made a mistake

Tutto, ciò che era bello

Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco
La forza ubriacamente si svegliante dal desiderio
La passione di primavera sorge dal profondo
Da me
Il segno di un mano femminile trema sul mio corpo
Capisco la chiamante parola d'estate insieme a te
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco
Il vento comincia ad attaccare
Non ci sono più notizie, non c'è una lettera
L'alba piccola calma
la mia febbre alta
Il sole ancora brilla,
Ma le albe porta il gelo
Ma non devi avere paura, finchè vivi
Ci deve aspettara l'inverno
O, Ci deve aspettara l'inverno
Per coprirmi con la neve
E non mi svegliare
Dal mio sogno eterno
Dal mio sogno eterno
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco
Tutto, ciò che era bello,
Tutto, ciò che ancora aspettaremmo
È già in noi
Brucia negli mei occhi
Il fuoco

in love

in love i'm staying up in your absence my love
tired, scared, that your not coming back my love
I'm living in expatriation
my days are hard
don't be long my love
I'm scared of tomorrow
in seconds in hours I'm waiting for my love
It is reasonable to forget my love