Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 34

Találatok száma: 1193



When the world is sleeping
And the night is awake
I'm looking for your shadow in the endless sea
You are leaving
And dissolving in the air, I see
You are my only island in the endless sea.
I am a traveller of love
I am a thirsty sleepwalker
I am your boat,
Which look, has left.
Just call and say
Just remember and smile
I'll come wherever you are
My unquenchable longing, I am looking for you.
When My song is a longing and I don't have sleep
It's dawn and spring in your heart
And suddenly you smile to me from far away
When my boat sinks because of pain.
I am a traveller of love
I am a thirsty sleepwalker
I am your boat,
Which look, has left.
When My song is a longing and I don't have sleep
It's dawn and spring in your heart
And suddenly you smile to me from far away
When my boat sinks because of pain.

Don't Be Late

My beloved, don't be too late
How nice to think that soon
I will breathe the warmth of your body
I know that you are already on your way to me
My beloved, don't be too late
My beloved, don't be late
Your calm glance, like an old picture
Silent and speaks infinite love
May you bring some of the calm with you
Raise up my spirit
When I come towards you
My beloved, don't be too late
My beloved, don't be late
Then, at the twilight hour at nightfall
A rain of sweet memories will fall on us
Like rays of sun that fall
On the ocean with brilliance somewhere out there.

Nem leszek próféta

Nem leszek próféta,
de a szívem már tudja
hogy nem fogok élni
egy pillanatig sem
mostantól kezdve
Nem leszek költő,
de a szívem tudni fogja
hogy elmondjam itt helyben
hogy én egyedül csak a te
boldogságodért fogok élni
Szeress engem, ha akarsz engem,
mondd meg hogy követni fogsz
valamelyik tengeren ott lesz
egy szigete az örökkévalóságnak
csak minekünk, csak minekünk.
Nem leszek próféta,
de a szívem már tudja
hogy élni fogsz bennem
egész életemben, és talán tovább,
még azon túl is.
Szeress engem, ha akarsz engem,
mondd meg hogy követni fogsz
valamelyik tengeren ott lesz
egy szigete az örökkévalóságnak
csak minekünk, csak minekünk. (2x)


Fordítsd vissza az időt
Adj még 1 esélyt
Adj nekem
Ha tudnád most,
Milyen rossz nekem nélküled.
Ha akkor tudtam volna,
Hogy nem tudlak elfelejteni.
Minden egyszerűen rendben lenne
Ne legyünk ostobák és forró fejüek
Ne legyünk büszkék és hülyék
Minden más lett volna
Le kellett volna hülni és nem dühösnek lenni
Ki ihlette nekünk ezeket az elveket?
El kellett volna küldeni a pokolba
Minden formaságot
Regisztrációt és esküvőt
A veszekedő szülök
Nem ültetetnék be ezeket az életbélyegeket
Semmi féltékenység, nem keresnénk alibit
Mint egy közhelyes melodrámában a szerelemről
Még mindig emlékszem, bár semmi sem fog visszatérni
Még mindig beszélek a jövőben a multról
Még mindig emlékszem, bár semmi sem fog visszatérni
(És te sem fogsz visszatérni)
Még mindig beszélek a jövőben a multról
Ha - és hány ilyen 'ha'
Mi akadályozta meg, hogy együtt legyünk?
Ez nem természeti katasztrófa
Csak mi vagyunk ezért felelősek
Nem fogunk, csak akkor lennénk
Minden kis pillanatban boldogak
És nem kellene hozzá
Ez a kibaszott 'lenne' minden sorba
Még mindig emlékszem, bár semmi sem fog visszatérni
Még mindig beszélek a jövőben a multról
Még mindig emlékszem, bár semmi sem fog visszatérni
Még mindig beszélek a jövőben a multról
Még mindig emlékszem, bár semmi sem fog visszatérni
Még mindig beszélek a jövőben a multról
Fordítsd vissza az időt
Adj még 1 esélyt
Adj nekem

The Curtains are Down

The curtains are down
What a shame
Each one of us made his choice
And we went away
Each one of us took a different path
I'm no longer your companion
And you are not mine
What a shame
The curtains are down
I saw it in the way you talked
I saw the end
in your absent-mindedness and your depression
when you were with me
And in your eyes
I no longer saw a smile
I started seeing harshness
they were two thousand signs
What a shame
The curtains are down
I reached out my hand to you
And I was loyal
You returned it with harshness and forgot
You forgot all the promises
You crossed all the boundaries
And you chose to be stubborn
And chose that we go away from each other
And since this is your choice,
You are burning,
And I am in your fire.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Az élet folytatódik

Először vagy nagyon szerelmes
Elkerülhetetlen, kétségbe esetten
Az ég meggyógyult
Mint az utolsó vallomásban
Az álom világodba költözöl
Ami a szakadék fölött lóg
Megzavarodol a tavasztól
Szépség és kegyetlenség
Szépség és kegyetlenség
Amikor szerelmes vagy
Magasra szállsz
És nem hallgatsz senkire
És elfelejted az összes szentet
De amikor kinyitod a szemed
Egyedül orditol könnyek között
Tényleg az életem
Az életem folytatódik
Nem tehetsz különbséget
Keserűség az édesből
Ahogy az angyalok kedvesek
Úgy könyörtelenek
Nem emlékszel hol van az otthonod
Ahol mindenki megbocsátást kap
A szerelem elvakított
Csodálatosan vagy
Csodálatosan vagy
Amikor szerelmes vagy

Do you care

Will you hold me* when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Yaah ayy ayy
I have lifted every stone
I have tried again
I have searched** all corners but,
Not found it
Not found him
Destroyed it for myself
Beat my hope to death
I need more than a bit of luck
I need help
To find him
But when I find you
Are you giving yourself to me?
Will you care about me, when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Will you care about me, when you see me?
Will you hold me or again, again
Mm mmm
Rarely search for advice and help
Often managing by myself
But trying now to stand again
Where should I go?
Where will I find him?
But I have lifted every stone
I have tried again
I have searched** all corners but,
Did not find that who loved me
But when I find you
Are you giving yourself to me
Will you care about me, when I ask you?
Will you hold me or hold back again
Will you care about me, when you see me?
Will you hold me or again, again
Do you care?
Do you care?
Again, again


Nagyon szeretnék veled maradni még egy kicsit.
Nem, ezek nem könnyek, velem minden rendben, felejtsd el.
Aztán, megszólal a telefon, idegesitő csengőhang és a te kezed.
Újra és újra kicsúszik az öleléseimből. Csókollak, amíg..
Eltávolodunk egymástól egyre jobban és jobban.
Az egymásra szánt idő és figyelem, kevesebb és kevesebb.
Eltávolítom az időbeosztásomból a gyengéd találkozóinkat.
Hol vagy te? Hol vagyok én? Hol van a te és én?
Én nem kérek tőled semmit, nem.
Te tudod, én veled leszek, bármi legyen.
Mindent értek, ott kell lenned, ahol az lehetsz, aki vagy.
Mint ahogy a műhold nem hagyhatja el a pályáját, én próbálok közelebb lenni a bolygóhoz..
De mi csak eltávolodunk, jobban és jobban.
Az egymásra szánt idő és figyelem, kevesebb és kevesebb.
Eltávolítom az időbeosztásomból a gyengéd találkozóinkat.
Hol vagy te? Hol vagyok én? Hol van a te és én?
Eltávolodunk egymástól egyre jobban és jobban.
Az egymásra szánt idő és figyelem, kevesebb és kevesebb.
Eltávolítom az időbeosztásomból a gyengéd találkozóinkat.
Hol vagy te? Hol vagyok én? Hol van a te és én?
Nagyon szeretnék veled maradni még egy kicsit.
Nagyon szeretnék veled maradni még egy kicsit.


The language of love can be very wonderful
A word, a sign, a picture, a little gesture
Only our hearts can understand this language
Why does the red rose live?
Are the stars all lit at night?
Why do the butterflies happily flutter?
Does the chorus of birds sing in May?
Why can we be so nostalgic?
Why do our hearts sometimes feel joy and pain?
Hear the blackbird that sings so happily,
I love you, do you love me too?
Why does the red rose live?
Are the stars all lit at night?
Why do the butterflies happily flutter?
Does the chorus of birds sing in May?
Why can we be so nostalgic?
Why do our hearts sometimes feel joy and pain?
Hear the blackbird that sings so happily,
I love you, do you love me too?

When they killed Villa

I'm going to sing for you, gentlemen,
what came to pass in ,
in a savage ambush, gentlemen,
Francisco Villa died.
He had surrender his arms, gentlemen
to the leader1 of the nation,
but because he was dangerous, gentlemen,
the government killed him.
They killed Francisco, they killed him in an act of betrayal,
because as long as he lived, the nation would not be at peace,
that's why he died in an ambush,
with nine bullets to the heart.
With his best soldiers, gentlemen,
Francisco Villa was killed,
their blood ran no more, gentlemen,
the blood of men of honor.
In their car they remained, gentlemen,
all of them crowded together,
and that's how the great died, gentlemen,
the great revolutionary.
They killed Francisco, they killed him in an act of betrayal,
because as long as he lived, the nation would not be at peace,
that's why he died in an ambush,
with nine bullets to the heart.
  • 1. to the president at the time, Adolfo De la Huerta.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Words Don't Lie

I lose everything outside, I lose you,
on the inside, I feel myself exploding.
Nothing else can be saved,
I can only search for...
...Answers, things to say
But I look at you, I cannot respond.
Here I search for you, underneath the dust,
between the pages.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
I feel everything outside except for you,
on the inside I let myself be deceived.
Soon there'll be that fruitless smile
That doesn't have anything to say.
Turn around so you won't suffer and then
discover yourself more aware.
If I lose you, I find only myself
between the pages.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
Run away from the truth in order to
look at it from a distance,
escape from my reality in order to
search for your hand.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems like such a day.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems as such.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems like such a day.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems as such.

Take me out to dance

Take me out to dance
Take me out to dance
One of those ancient dances
No one can do anymore
Let your hair down, let them fly
Let them go fast around us
Let me look at you
Let me look at you
You're so beautiful I can't talk anymore
In front of those eyes of yours
So sweet and so strict
Even time stopped to wait
Tell me about yourself
About what you used to do
Whether this one was
The life you wanted
(Tell me) About the way you used to dress
The way you used to comb your hair
(Tell me) Whether I already had a place
At the bottom of your thoughts
Come on, mommy, come on
This night, let's leave them here,
Your worries and those talks about your wrinkles and your age
Come on, mommy, come on
This night, let's flee away
It's so long we haven't been together
It's certainly not your fault
But I always feel you next to me
Even when I'm not there
I still bring you behind me
Even now that I'm a man
And I'd like, I'd like to know you're happier
Yes, I'd like, I'd like to tell you many more things
But you know, mommy, you know
This life makes me shiver
The ones that have to pay
Are always thoughts
Bye, mommy, bye
I'm leaving tomorrow
But if you're feeling too alone
Then I'll bring you away
And I'd like, I'd like to know you're happier
Yes, I'd like, I'd like to tell you many more things
Take me out to dance
Take me out to dance
One of those ancient dances
No one can do
No one can do anymore
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Hamtaro Ending

Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy Oxnard, Bijou, and Boss let's go!
Zersnoo, Pepenelo, Sobs, Dapan, Dyhow Nardox, Joubi, and Hamtaro!
Hamster, Ham Ham, Ticky Ticky, Kushi Kushi Sunflowers and Hamtaro!
Make a wish, (uh-uuh-uh), believe it
Sing with us and it will happen
So give your best (uh-uuh-uh)
You know you can do it
And you'll live your dreams
Let's sing this song, it's just for you
Think about all the love in the air
Hamtaro knows what to do
This is the song you'll sing
Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy Oxnard, Bijou, and Boss let's go!
Zersnoo, Pepenelo, Sobs, Dapan, Dyhow Nardox, Joubi, and Hamtaro!
Small Hamsters, Big Adventures
Ham Ham, Hamtaro!

The black cat

Once upon a time, a black cat lived in a corner,
and everybody in the house hated it.
Still, the song is not about
how people did not get along with the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
There's a ruckus in the courtyard all day
as they shoo the cat out of the way.
Still, the song is not about
how the whole house chased the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
Even to meet its sweetheart
the cat had to run for miles.
Still, the song is not about
how these lovebirds purred together.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
The poor cat was pitch black
from ears to tail, darker than night.
And the song is actually about
what a drag being a black cat is.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Az ipanemai lány

Nézd, milyen gyönyörű, csupa báj
Tiszta mennyei harmónia
És ő egy leány
Ki idejön és továbbmegy
Édesen ellibeg az úton a tenger felé
A lány teste sárgásan aranylik
Az ipanemai nap ragyogó fényében
Csípője ringása egy versnél is gyönyörűbb
Ez a legszebb dolog, amit valaha láttam.
Ó, miért vagyok ennyire magányos
Ó, mert minden annyira szomorú.
Ó, a létező legragyogóbb szépség
A szépség, ami nemcsak az enyém
Ki tovább lépeget teljesen egyedül
Ó, ha ő ha csak tudná
Hogy amikor elmegy mellettem
Az egész világot megtölti bájjal
És még sokkal szebbnek tűnik
Mert a szerelem még szebbé teszi

Pass me the salt

Pass me the salt, the salt hurts
pass me the time, the time is not there
pass me at least the moments that I lived with you
pass me the wine, I mix it with my blood
pass me the dreams, I make them run
pass me stars, chasing the day
and they do not know where it is
we loved each other betrayed and caressed
we took ourselves, left and repented
and found again
for every child we loved and grew up, we were awake so many nights
now you see them going around the world, with our eyes
ah yes, you ask me what love is
I do not have the words that poets have
it's not for me
ah yes, you ask me what love is
I do not have the words but I know that in my heart
I have nothing but you
Look at us now, you expected more
nothing is the same, but you are more beautiful
that not even a shooting star, I would have asked for more
we offended, defended, struck
and obstinately never forgiven
we came a long way, and there are still to come
every breath, every step that remains, I want to do it with you
ah yes, you ask me what love is
I do not have the words that poets have
it's not for me
ah yes, you ask me what love is
I do not have the words but I know that in my heart
I have nothing but you
ah yes, you ask me what love is
I do not have the words, but I know that in my heart
I have nothing but you
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

The first time

Tell me about when you saw me for the first time
you hardly remember
or relive everything like
how was it then?
I looked tired
hanging from a crooked moon
or maybe I was careful
do not lose my eyes
in your eyes again
and you remember the world
how many turns on himself
the time was slow
or was he running like crazy?
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble it at the bottom
what we were
what we are now
how we will be one day
you remember when
you killed me for the first time
you have targeted the center
and you hit a little by mistake
and by mistake you have won
and the world trembled
how many turns on himself
time is running out
or do you still stay next to me?
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble it at the bottom
what we were
what we are now
how we will be one day
I do not remember that time
in which I saw you and you were another
you do not remember that time
in which you took off the air as well
I do not remember your face
when you made my face
I do not remember my house
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble you at the bottom
and what we were
we are not now
and maybe we'll be one day
Yes, but now the world makes no sense
if you have canceled everything with a gesture
the story that we were
the days we are now
and the absence we will one day
talk to me about when
you loved me for the first time

A need for me to take you

Need to take you
as they dumped you
alone, adrift and orphan
my little child, how i feel for you.
The silk garment
in the river I threw it
poor rags i give you to wear
my little child, how I love you.
A long path I took you, a distant path
night and day walking
I got hungry and suffered
but I can't let you go.
In dark days and cruel
I wash you and baptize you
in the frozen water
do not cry and don't be embittered.
In my opinion,translations can always be subjective. Feel free to give feedback :)
C'è solo un gran conflitto tra ragione ed emozione!


Versions: #2
Never walk along the shore in August
I had the thought that you went with another
I can no longer do anything since you have left
Even though you are no longer here you will not forget
It was a story of love
But now I only feel the pain
Wherever you will be
Whatever is you path
Without you I feel clandestine
Wherever I go
I see your face
It is an eternal, eternal August
Eternal, eternal August
It is an eternal, eternal August
Wherever I go
I see your face
It is an eternal, eternal August
I know now that you do not know who I was
I feel the heat of feet on the sand
You were my light when I was lost
I always felt that you protected me
I will always be here for you
And also wherever you are
I want to make you happy
And you will no longer return, no
And there is nothing more to do, no
And now alone, now, only I am left

The bikina

Versions: #2
The bikina is walking alone
and the people are starting to gossip,
they say that she has a sorrow,
they say that she has a sorrow that makes her cry.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
She passes by, showing off her royal grace,
she passes, she walks and she sees us without caring so much.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She doesn't allow anyone to comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
The bikina has great sorrow and pain.
The bikina doesn't know what love is.
She is arrogant, beautiful and proud.
She won't let anyone comfort her.
They say that someone was there and then left.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.
They say that she spends every night crying for him.

It's Not True

Next time
That I fall again
If you see me persisting
Don't look back
I won't be in me
If I want you one more time
Even if I say that this is it
I will be lying
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true
And if I still
Miss it
Let me heal
The wound that burns
Let me stay
With the best memories
The story's over
Don't look back
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true
And if you try to speak to me to make things up
There's no turning back
If I tell myself that I'll forgive you
There's no need to believe
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true

A Shower

[Verse 1, Artem Pivovarov]:
And if I were like everyone else – you wouldn’t wish for me.
But if I were like everyone else – you wouldn’t count the stations.
And if I were like everyone else and life were to begin over again…
But we are used to be like hurricane, you and I.
[Chorus, Artem Pivovarov+Mot]:
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
What do you need me for?
[Verse 2, Mot]:
What for did you go through the vital, through all my pain points?
What for to wind up yourself again: with whom I was and whether I was alone?
What for we again on shards (What for?) compress springs of feeling? (What for?)
May the day be damned when we suddenly become strangers.
We will simply dance without sound, without spectators.
We understand everything without words, without epithets.
Two tries, around twenty words each,
for God’s sake and to stay right there.
And if I were like everyone else – you wouldn’t wish for me.
But if I were like everyone else – you wouldn’t count the stations.
You don’t know what I am silent about, but you will hear it all in the song.
And it will be instead of thousand my words to you.
[Chorus, Artem Pivovarov+Mot]:
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
What do you need me for?
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
Don’t pour like a shower, better warm me.
Don’t pour like a shower, what do you need me for, what I am for?
What do you need me for?
This work (if otherwise isn’t stated below) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Don’t forget to press the green 'Thanks!' button if my translation was helpful (no registration’s required).


I will admit that often I
Ask myself a question:
Why do I love you?
What is special about you?
Obviously, in your kind heart there is
A small piece of magnet
And it, attracting strongly,
Is disturbing and beckoning me
And that's why, I will not lie,
I always enjoy being with you
Now I know whose fault it is
It’s that magnet to blame!
Sometimes our quarrels
Seem to be ridiculous
And, I swear to myself to
Never see you again, but ...
Seasons come and seasons go
But like many years ago,
I cannot, I cannot
Live without you even a day
And that's why, I will not lie,
I always enjoy being with you
Now I know whose fault it is
It’s that magnet to blame!
Oh... that magnet!
It’s that magnet to blame!

Moon of August

The know it but they always hesitate
they will be winners and losers
they are not afraid of love
they don't have anything to lose
On the trees they draw love
many peole seem to be in love
they look at the same moon
it is the same with friends and strangers
An ornament that was hanged by pain
and hapiness is jealous of it
a song that was written by the sky
whoever listens to it is amazed
and none fool 'put it down'
a fool from love
and give the light as a present to her(love)
that is traveling him
with eyes wide shut they look at him
the are hugged and they are kissing
they celebrate their first win
in a battle that seems to be lost
And as much as they see it, they resemble to it
they are watching for hours stuck
the shining that they admire
both winners and losers

The naughty gypsy

The naughty gypsy has a well-off fame
but when he starts talking he's a stammerer
The naughty gypsy plays well the tambourine
last night accidentaly he touched me in the leg
He wants to win my heart
I can't understand him
by his way of talking
I want to smother him with kisses.
The naughty gypsy is a very funny guy
when he wants to hug me he speaks in pig latin
Iway isskay youway
Iway eezesquay youway
Iway eatay youway
I love you dear
The naughty gypsy is very sly
sideways and passing by he looks at my curl1
The naughty gypsy takes all as a joke
he doesn't care for my love, such an idiot
  • 1. she tried to say 'the ass'
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Beta - carotene

Forget the insults, we are together again
We are mixed together like funk and jazz
Why hold the grudge, to get rid of whom?
No matter how much I wanted, I could not forget you.
The silent treatment is necessary
We deserve it, we are worth of each other
Maybe with someone else, I'd better run away
Okay, stay in touch! Call me, lazybones!
My frank carotene beta
I called 01 (fire department), asked them where you were
On the internet, under somebody else's nickname
Which of these windows shall I shout out of?
All and now, buy the fucking thing.
I don't remember the lyrics, zilch, nothing.
Lena, oil, a kilo of fire.
What difference it makes if you are Sveta or Katya?
The silent treatment is necessary
You shove me behind glass bars
Private messaging someone else, I'd better run away
Okay, stay in touch! Call me, lazybones!

Around the mind

Everybody has painful things that they always pretend not to see
The tomorrow mostly just looks the same as today
The approaching everyday life is like a boring dream at this rate I will be set adrift
I don't understand there was a moment in which I was truly happy
Once again...
Inside the ever revolving time I extend my hand and grasp both shadow and light
In the end of my hesitation that started to break there is just a single thing I believe in that I must not forget
For some reason I felt something different in the wavering scenery of the usual wind
That day when we met by chance both of our futures entwined so that the time can keep passing
We shall go through the coming hardship​s
At this rate without us separating my overflowing tears shall become my nourishment
I must not stop
Beyond the dawn that is dyed white I start going on my dream with only a handful of hope
In the end of my crumbling hesitation I must not let go of the only person I love
Inside the ever revolving time I extend my hand and grasp both shadow and light
Beyond the dawn that is dyed white I start going on my dream with a handful of hope
In the end of my crumbling hesitation I must not let go of the only person I love

Voices of Hiroshima's Birds

Aaaah... Aah...
- Where? Where are they?
- Who?
- Where are they?
- Who? Who?
- Men!
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest... A nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
Aaaah... Aah...


I know I fell in love,
I went down, lost without knowing
that when the sun rises,
your love is gone.
It hurts to recognize,
it hurts to make mistakes,
and hurts finding out
that without you is better,
except from the beginning.
I got lost,
the second I saw you,
you always made me
the way you wanted.
Because I always was mistaken
and didn't want to see it.
Because I gave my life for you,
because all that starts has to end,
because I never had more reasons to be without him before,
because it's hard to make decisions
because I know it's gona hurt,
and today I could understand
that this woman,
you always made her,
immensely sad.
Today, when I can't hold it anymore,
I'm still determined to leave you behind
due to your unkindness
I am hurt.
I got lost,
the second I saw you,
you always made me the way you wanted.
Because I always was mistaken
and didn't want to see it.
Because I gave my life for you,
because all that starts has to end,
because I never had more reasons to be without him before,
because it's hard to make decisions
because I know it's gona hurt,
If I felt this way,
I don't know why I remained
betting my life on him.
Because I always was mistaken
and didn't want to see it.
Because I gave my life for you,
because all that starts has to end.
Because I never had more reasons to be without him before,
because it's hard to make decisions
because I know it's gona hurt,
and today I could understand
This woman,
you always made her, immensely sad.
Just learning.

Around the World

Versions: #2
I sing a little song a little Melody
Do you heard it once then you never forget
I sing a little song and its wonderful
And everyone is singing together we're singing la la la
Just la la la la la
I sing a little song just la la la la la
I dance the cool beat just la la la la la
Come everyone and sing together just la la la la la
Then it of course will be a hit just la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la la la
I sing a little song cause i'm so happy
Doesn't matter what happens otherwise I have nothing in mind
And if i feel once stupid and i lack of bravery
Then i sing a little song and i feel better again
I sing a little song a little Melody
Do you heard it once then you never forget
I sing a little song song and its wonderful
And everyone is singing together we're singing la la la
A little song (4x)
La la la la la
La la la la la la la, la la la la la (3x)
La la la la la la la

Thinking about you

Today, I woke up thinking about you
Remembering the sun in your eyes
Every time he sang I can see
Your smile and I hear these words
That made me dream
Pushed me to fly
And watched me growing
They helped me to believe
You are not longer here
But still, I can feel you are here
Your look bundles me from the wind
You are the sun that lights up my song
And so the peace I feel while I am breathing
I wish I could have you here again
Though I know you are always with me
You brought colour into my childhood
And you will always be my referent
You are light, mi engine
The fire inside of me
Those extra wings
The strenght you give me
You are not longer here
But still, I can feel you are here
Your look bundles me from the wind
You are the sun that lights up my song
And so the peace I feel while I am breathing
Such is the power of love
That this song is not enough
To think of it
It makes me want to sing
You are not longer here
But still, I can feel you are here
Your look bundles me from the wind
You are the sun that lights up my song
And so the peace I feel while I am breathing
Today, I woke up thinking about you...

Long Nights

There were days where I looked for love
In places where you can only find sadness
I was getting up a little late from bed, wearing
Too nice clothes, wrapping up my emotions
I was living those long nights and the smoke no longer burned in my eyes
I found someone who'd hold me tight
And couldn't find the one who'd hold my hand
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you
There were days where the sun didn't shine
Or it was just me not opening the door
I was running within the walls of the apartment
Thinking about how much I wouldn't be able to do till the evening
I was living those lost nights and no one looked me in the eyes
I found a girl who'd warm up my autumn
But autumn is just a temporary season
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you, it is you
Maybe you don't remember it like I do
How, like in a movie, only you managed to see the truth I have in my heart just for you
And then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you
Then when I thought of giving up the truth
You looked at me in a mesmerizing moment
You told me nothing but you also didn't lie
I realized it is you, it is you, it is you