Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 173


How Many Times

Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you.

egész szívemmel

hunyd le szép szemed
csak egy csókot kérek
mennem kell, bár úgy maradnék
az egész úton távol
kint a zord messzeségben
üzenek néked bárhol is vagyok
édes csókod hiányzik
csak tereád vágyom
rólad álmodom és remélem
hamar látlak újra
addig sok levelet írok
mindegyikben az lesz hogy imádlak én
egész szívem érted dobog majd
tiszta szívem mindig hű marad
hunyd le szép szemed
csak egy csókot kérek
mennem kell, bár úgy maradnék
az egész úton távol
kint a zord messzeségben
üzenek néked bárhol is vagyok
egész szívem érted dobog majd
tiszta szívem mindig hű marad
egész szívem érted dobog majd
tiszta szívem mindig hű marad
fordította Gaál György István

Charlotte Atlas

You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
Where do you get the patience from, Charlotte?
Charlotte, shall I?
But no, you can't even
Rest for five minutes
Atlas doesn't need to skip work 1
I know, Charlotte, you're a titan
But please, Lotte, don't do this to yourself!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it!
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
You carry the world on your shoulders, Charlotte
As if it were your fault, Charlotte
That it looks so fragile
And it couldn't do anything on its own
Lotte, you try so hard
Like no one else can
Your ankles are completely white
Charlotte, Lotte, Lotte, cut the crap!
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Charlotte Atlas, stop it! (Charlotte!)
Lotte, drop that heavy thing!
Let it crash against Mars and Venus!
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
We're playing Boccia with planets
Lotte, don't look like that
Lotte, just drop that thing
Lotte, just let that thing roll
  • 1. blaumachen = to skip work/school

To friends

I know, there are hard moments in life,
When I fail to do nothing at all,
When happiness does not want to laugh a little,
And bad luck accompanies me,
That life is exceptional and full of hardships,
I know and ken it for a long time,
That a mam often suffers the consequences of his faults,
Primarily he has a couple of friends.
R: Those, who buoy me up in need,
Those, who help me in difficult moments,
I always can unbosom to them,
To have a few comrades is everything.
I know, that everybody has his destiny,
And its judged for us,
It is not going to fiddle about with anybody of us
Nobody transform it
That life is exceptional and full of hardships,
I know and ken it for a long time,
That a mam often suffers the consequences of his faults,
Primarily he has a couple of friends.
R: Those, who buoy me up in need,
Those, who help me in difficult moments,
I always can unbosom to them,
To have a few comrades is everything.
My thanks belong to them


Versions: #3
még minden gondom távolinak tűnt,
most meg olyan, mintha sosem akarnának eltűnni,
ó, visszavágyom a tegnapba.
Egyik pillanatról a másikra
árnyéka lettem annak, aki voltam,
sötét felhők gyűltek a fejem fölé,
ó tegnap, minden olyan hirtelen történt.
Miért kellett elmennie?
Maradhatott volna …
Valami rosszat szóltam,
bárcsak visszamehetnék a múltba.
a szerelem könnyű kis játék volt,
most meg legszívesebben eltűnnék,
ó, visszavágyom a tegnapba.
Miért kellett elmennie?
Maradhatott volna …
Valami rosszat szóltam,
bárcsak visszamehetnék a múltba.
a szerelem könnyű kis játék volt,
most meg legszívesebben eltűnnék,
ó, a múltba vágyom vissza.

A hosszú kanyargó út (énekelhető dalszöveg)

John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A hosszú, kanyargó út
(The Long and Winding Road)
The Beatles – 1970
A hosszú, rögös út
elvisz tehozzád.
Már halvány az a kép,
az a régi ház.
Itt járok újra én,
s tudom, visszavársz!
A hosszú virrasztást
zápor mossa el –
a könnyek patakját
napsugár szárítja fel.
Eljutni tehozzád
melyik úton kell?
Mennyit sírtam egyedül, és
mennyit vártalak!
És mennyi utat próbáltam, hogy
A hosszú, kanyargó
rögös út visszahoz.
Már jártam mindenütt
sok-sok hosszú éven át.
De mért kell várni itt?
Engedj be hozzád!

A Szamóca-kert, az örök! (énekelhető dalszöveg)

Versions: #2
John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A Szamóca-kert,1 az örök!
(Strawberry Fields for Ever)
The Beatles – 1967
Gyere, leviszlek2,
van egy csodás kis
Külön világ!
A valósággal ne törődj!
A Szamóca-kert – az örök!
A világot félig se értve
járhatnék csukott szemekkel.
Magamat megcsinálni nem olyan nehéz,
de engem nem ez érdekel!
Gyere, leviszlek…
Magamban élek a fámon3,
nem tudom, alul, vagy felül4?
Nehezen hangolódsz5 rám. Nem lesz semmi baj,
remélem, minden sikerül!
Gyere, leviszlek…
Mindig, vagy néha azt érzem,
hogy saját álmomban vagyok,
miközben jól tudom, az egész tévedés,
vagyis hogy semmit nem tudok.6
Gyere, leviszlek…

A bolond a hegyen (énekelhető dalszöveg)

Versions: #2
John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A bolond a hegyen*
(Fool on the Hill)
The Beatles – 1967
Nap nap után a hegyoldalon
egy vigyorgó őrült jár-kel
némán, magányosan.
Tudomást venni róla
ugyan minek, hisz félbolond:
hiába kérdik, hallgat.
Lemenőben a Nap.
Ő a hegycsúcsra hág,
messze lát két szeme:
felfordult a világ!
Elfogy az út, feje felhőbe lóg.
Az ezerhangú férfi
szava messzire száll,
de a kutya se figyel rá,
nem is hallják. Mért üvölt?
S a bolond nem kap észbe…
Lemenőben a Nap.
Ő a hegycsúcsra hág,
messze lát két szeme.
felfordult a világ!

Nehezen tűrik, mondják:
biztos rosszban sántikál!
Elrejti, hogy mit érez…
Lemenőben a Nap.
Ő a hegycsúcsra hág,
messze lát két szeme.
felfordult a világ!
Úú, úú! Fordulj, fordulj, át!
Soha nem is figyel rájuk,
mert mind bolondok ők,
és megvetik.
Úú, úú! Fordulj, fordulj, át!

A Rozmár vagyok

John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A Rozmár vagyok1
(I am the Walrus)
The Beatles – 1967
Én is ő, meg te is ő, meg
te is én, mindnyájan együtt vagyunk.2
Nézd, futnak mind! 3
Hekus, sose fuss!
Nézd, szállnak mind!
Én sírok!
Zabpehelyre ültem, várom, kocsim érkezzen!
Céges egyeningben4, buta véres kedden5
rossz fiú voltál, haver, az állad leesett!6
Én a Tojásfej!7
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!8
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!9
Nínó-nínó, rendőr-autó.10
Icipici rendőrsorfal áll.
Magasba száll,
mint Lucy in the Sky.11
Nézd, futnak mind! 3
Én sírok, én sírok!
Én sírok, én sírok!
Döglött kutyaszemből sárga pite tészta folyt.12
Halaskofazárkány13, pornótáncos papnő.
Rossz kislány voltál, fiam, letoltad a bugyit!
Én a Tojásfej!
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Angol kertben ülve várom, kisüt rám a nap.
De az se baj, ha nem süt ki a nap,
Az angol eső lebarnít.
Én a Tojásfej! [Nos hát, uram, ki vagy te?] 14
ők a Tojásfej! [Én nagyon szegény ember,
megbénitott a sors.] 14
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb! ! [ …irgalmas.] 14
Kegyes vegyes büdös bagós,
nem látod, hogy Joker15 nevet rád?
Nézd, hogy röhög, mint disznó16 röfög!
Nézd, hogy hörög!
Én sírok!
Búzadara Kishal17 az Eiffel-tornyot mászta meg.
Kisiskolás pingvin18 Hare Krisnát énekel.
Látnod kellett volna, megrugdalták Allan Poe-t.19
Én a Tojásfej,
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú, gu-dzsúb!
A gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Gu-gú, gu-dzsúb!
A gu-gú gu-dzsúb, a gú!
Dzsúbi, dzsúbi, dzsúbi…
Umpa, umpa, ruhaujjba dugta.
Umpa, umpa, ruhaujjba dugta.
Mindenkinek egy van! 20
Mindenkinek egy van!
[Megöltél, szolga. Vedd, zsivány, ez erszényt,
Ha Istent félsz, temesd el testemet
S amely leveleket nálam találsz, add
A glosteri grófnak, Edmundnak: keresd őt
A brit seregnél. Rosszkor jött halál - ó!
Ismerlek jól: egy szolgalelkü gaz!
Úrnője bűneinek oly hű eszköze,
Hogy jobbat nem kivánhat a gonoszság.
Ülj le, apó, és pihenj meg.] 21

A királynő

John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj
(Her Majesty’s a Pretty Nice Girl)
The Beatles – 1969
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
eddig sose dumált túl sokat.
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
tovább szépül minden nap.
Szerelmet vallanék neki vadul,
csak még megiszom a boromat előbb.
A királynő olyan aranyos csaj,
hogy feleségül veszem őt!
Feleségül veszem őt!


Loudly sounds silence in this empty space
I hear your thoughts, that are so far from here
Far, where our shadows didn't meet yet
Where eyes didn't manage to notice each other yet
We didn't call each other Angelina and Pitt
Just passer-by's, both somewhere, like lost
Unnoticed by the crowd, ghosts searching for a guide
We're not from the ones, who'll go by the edge, sipping mochito
Through sunglasses we had to keep distance
Like it has to be like so, without phrases, questions, sharpness
Old acquaintances, I know, we'll never become
There's no point in looking for footsteps in an unbeaten path
After all it has to be like so, usually everything is like that
Between us are 0 km, only the distance of emptiness
We're still unnoticed, both in the crowd
Between our egos is only a burning flame
I'm here, kind of strangers
You're there, we'll remain strangers
And if, let's remain strangers
Our planets are too far from each other
I'm here, kind of strangers
You're there, we'll remain strangers
And if, let's remain strangers
Our planets are too far from each other
We often avoided words, the stream of empty emotions
From those people, who are constantly controlled by the mind
From those people, who are everywhere like they're 'straight to the point'
When success is predicted, even when everything's already clear
When you won, though you just started the battle
It was clear, when I met her at the last battle
We didn't find time for the theater, we watched the biker show
No SMS, nor nighttime calls, NO
We both knew, that this isn't a fairytale without an end
We counted precious time, though we behave not according to plan
'Just straightforward' - you repeated when we tried to depart
From common sense, spontaneously change the direction
We failed, just nobody will know
After all it had to be like so, when an end doesn't have a start
We again don't see each other in the crowd
Between us only a fading flame is left

If you forgot

Only love builds bridges between lots of hearts
If you forgot me, our dreams
Let's breathe in together, the wind will take us there
There are no answers to simple questions
And if i'll become a bird, i'll be flying in the sky
I'll want to take you with me
I don't know where you are between a million of stars
And if i'll stop believing, i'll forget colors
I know, that for me you'll stretch out your hands
I'm still going by the path, which will lead me to home
And if'll stumble in the dark, won't find the light
Your courage will help me get up


someday, i will come back to relive again
like a young boy from atlantis
great silences and great abyss again
in the country of atlantis
and like a half-man half-fish i will breathe
and bones and coral and pearls i collect and keep
i will rediscover the remains of old pirate ships
and play with the amphibious fish men in the deep
someday, i will come back to relive again
like a young boy from atlantis
great silences and great abyss again
in the country of atlantis
the noise of a barbarous world i will let go
i'll build my house in a giant ship for you
no more traffic lights and horns, no more cars and telephones
undistracted everyday
if you love me come with me, follow me
someday, i will come back to relive again
like a young boy from atlantis
great silences and great abyss again
in the country of atlantis
and like a half-man half-fish i will breathe
and bones and coral and pearls i collect and keep
i will rediscover the remains of old pirate ships
and play with the amphibious fish men in the deep
no more traffic lights and horns, in their place we have new songs
roads without an end in sight
if you love me come with me, follow me
someday, i will come back to relive again
like a young boy from atlantis
great silences and great abyss again
in the country of atlantis

csak szeretni kell

olyan nincs amit el nem érhetsz
olyan nincs mit el nem dalolhatnál
nincs olyan mit el nem érhetsz, csak figyelj rám
olyan nincs hogy valamit nem lehet
segítenél de nem segíthetsz
nincs olyan mit el nem érhetsz, csak figyelj rám
csak szeretni kell, csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, kell kell csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, kell kell csak szeretni kell
rájössz majd mindenre és így csináld
amit látnál nincs rejtve már
hidd el sosem vagy rossz helyen
csak szeretni kell, csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, kell kell csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, kell kell csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell mindenki !!!
csak szeretni kell, csak szeretni kell
csak szeretni kell, kell kell csak szeretni kell
szeretni kell igen
szeretni kell igen
szeretni kell igen
fordította Gaál György István


Dear you who are spinning
Walking round and round
Keeping back the tears
That lies are demanding
Because neon signs and you
Are shining just as bright
Until they die out
Late one night
You know, out there a brother is sailing
And the horizon is the same
For you and him
When the wind blows cold over you too, brother
The tiger tonight
He who you hated so much
He doesn't fear anything
Watching you as you run
You cannot tame him
Like the sailors can
Never ask for peace
From the waves
You know, out there a brother is sailing
And the horizon is the same
For you and him
When the wind blows cold over you too, brother
Yes, the horizon is the same
For you and him
You know, out there a brother is sailing
Dear you who are spinning
Walking round and round
Keeping back the tears
That lies are demanding
But you know, out there a brother is sailing
And the horizon is the same
For you and him
When the wind blows cold over you too, brother
Yes, the horizon is the same
For you and him
You know, out there a brother is sailing

Ravensburger homelandsong

1. My Ravensburg in Swabia,
as you lie so beautiful on the Schussen's beach,
the fruit tree's blossom, the vine's leaf
embrace you, you beautiful city.
In front of you laughs a friendly valley,
Greetings a thousand times,
a thousand times!
2. The alpine giants look in,
to you with bright silver shine,
can't take their eyes off of you(1),
you beautiful swabian city.
You pearl in the Schussental,
greetings a thousand times,
a thousand times!
3.Your towers' greeting reaches widely,
full of grace at the Veitsburg's pedestal,
you rest full of glamour in May's glory,
with longing i have thought of you.
Out in the wide world a thousand times,
my Ravensburg in the Schussental,
in the Schussental!
4. If i get seized by the hand of Death
faraway from you in foreign land,
i wish just only this:
O, let me be burried
- this i beg of you this day a thousand times -
In Ravensburg in the Schussental,
in the Schussental!

Freedom over the Atlantic

People fought in France and America
to build her, a hundred years ago.
Freedom over the Atlantic
defies time itself.
It was a gift from Marianne1
Bartholdi's and Eiffel's statue
in the heart of the world
waves lapping at her feet2
I pray, I shout
for Freedom.
Just like you, I believe
in Freedom.
A quiet island
where everything might change.
I want to dream
of a secure island.
Her arm that raises the torch,
hatred could carry it away.
Freedom is a banner
that is hard to bear.
Freedom lightens up the world,
but the world keeps its eyes shut
in the prison of fear and shadows.
I live, I write
for Freedom.
The Earth put its hopes
in Liberty.
Come hell or high water,
I want to sing
that we found again today.
THe pice of a life
is Freedom.
Welcome Freedom
For mankind,
my fragile island.
Frontiers are about to vanish
as they meet
the same Freedom3
  • 1. the feminine personification of French Republic
  • 2. I can't find a good equivalent for 'au pied de' but that's pretty close, I think
  • 3. this last sentence is a bit odd in French, but I guess the meaning is about the same
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
So let's go anywhere
North, west, east, south
Spin the atlas, there'll be place for us there!
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already of
Those eternal repetears of their predecessors' mistakes
Who read nothing,
Especially not between the lines
Here the belfry pounds with a heavy mallet
On every one who stands out a bit
The side platforms are getting full again
Me too old to be new
The one who bearly stutters
Under someone else's lid
But drop by drop and here's a waterfall
Now we've had it over our head already
Wide river, let us cross over
I know there's no land of milk and honey waiting for us
Wide river, let us cross over...


Moon is shining from evening
highlands highlands
sword of obligation is spoon (it means we don't approve of obligation)
dilo dilo highlands (dil is an interjection means heart)
neighbor, keep your daughter (keep means guard your daughter here)
highlands highlands
our son is a lover
dilo dilo highlands
moon, overcome the evening !
highlands highlands
come around the mounts !
dilo dilo highlands
if the mother doesn't consent
highlands highlands
take your bundle and run here
dilo dilo highlands
in front of the moon, is star
highlands highlands
sword of obligation is spoon
dilo dilo highlands
neighbor, keep your daughter
highlands highlands
our son is a lover
dilo dilo highlands

Shatlak's Song

No matter how unfair the wildfire of injustice is in Chechnya,
You kept falling and rising again.
The lightning of the Caucasus, the cradle of liberty,
Your honour was kept by your proud people.
The peace between your peoples is priceless wealth!
There is no other motherland for the Chechens.
Our lives and our deaths are in the heart of our homeland,
We beg you to bless us.
Our ancestors' souls descended to Bashlam's peak.
The wave of Argun speaks our mother tongue.
Our lives blessed us with a great gift — you!
Shatlak's song gave us strength!
Love for work and courage, respect for all peoples,
Let this be pleasant news for you.
The Guardian of freedom, who has found its path
Live for us, oh worthy Chechnya!

Barátom a rózsa

Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel.
Hajnalban születtem, rózsának kereszteltek.
Ki vagyok pirosodva.
Boldog és szerelmes vagyok.
A nap sugaraiba.
Éjszakára bezárultam.
Felébredtem Idősebben.
Mégis nagyon szép voltam.
Igen, én voltam a legszebb.
A kerted virágai közt.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem.
És úgy érzem, összeesem, szívem
szinte meztelen, lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még csodáltál, mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
És a barátom, a rózsa meghalt ma reggel.
A hold ma éjjel, a barátomat nézte.
Álmomban, láttam őt. Káprázatos éjszakák.
Ővele táncoltam.
Már jól láttam.
És ki mosolygott rám?
Hiszi, aki képes elhinni.
Nekem szükségem van reménységre.
Különben nem vagyok semmi.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy leesik.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem
a szívem már szinte meztelen.
A lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még megcsodáltál,
és mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.

Atlantisz él

Elindulok, többé nem várhatok,
el kell menni innen, hiányzik a levegő, hogy lélegezzem, és ha a világ körülöttem elhallgat, hallok egy dalamot.
Azt álmodtam, hogy a parton állok,
láttam, ahogy a mélysége csillogott,
ott, ahol a szerencse el van rejtve,
és örökké szeret engem egy szív,
és ahol Atlantisz van.
Atlantisz él és az idő megérett a csodákra,
megkeresem veled az utat, gyere, egyszerűen alámerüljünk.
Mi ketten, sulytalanul, úton vagyunk a végentelenséghez,
soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.
Láttam egy fényt, ahogy elsüllyedt az óceánban,
az utolsó erővel, és az a veszély állt fenn, hogy vízbe fulladjak,
tüzes szárnyakon elvitt a fantázia országába.
Ne felj a viharoktól és az árapálytól,
a varázslat biztonságban oda fog vezetni,
oda, ahol az álmom van
és a Hold megcsókolja a Napot,
mert minden szerelem.
Atlantisz él és soha nem el fog merülni,
mert csak az számít igazából, amit szívvel látunk,
Mi ketten, sulytalanul, úton vagyunk a végentelenséghez,
Soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.
Soha nem késő - Atlantisz él.


The very second our dreams came true
A foggy curtain has incased our love
Look my burned burned screams
Became not hearable it's like I am dumb
Possibly I lost the myself of yours a long time ago
And gave up too
It's your turn (lit. You have the ball now) whatever you want
Leave if you want
If there is anyone who bears you like me make her a crown to your head
I have granted you the years you stole clearly
That's life who knows perhaps if you regret it and turn back
Shame shame what a shame on you


Of* you crossed my mind again towards nightfall,
Along with the sunset, how is that related?
I guess I have things that have accumulated inside me,
Look how you released your pride in the streets
Are always covering up for your mistakes
Cannot even trust your own self
See(think) that everyone is like yourself, everyone is right
Everyone who shows assent to you is right
But the heaviest (admonishment) is hidden inside me
Wait and I'll show you everything, I'll have no mercy

I'll surely make a man out of you

Now and here, it is getting quite serious
Defeating enemies
Did they send weaklings
When I needed strong?
You all are the worst bunch I've ever seen
But you can be sure that before we are through
Boy, I'll surely make a man
Out of you
Calm like a forest
But like fire within
When you all find your centre
You will surely win
You all are a spineless, pale pathetic bunch
And you all have no clue
Somehow I will make sure to make men
Out of you
I will never catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who know me
Oh, I was a fool in school for missing gym
The guy scares them to death
I hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I wish I could swim
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
The time now runs towards us
Until the enemies arrive
Listen carefully to my every order
And you might survive
You all are unsuited for war
So pack up, go home, get out
How can I make sure I make a man
Out of you
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
Be a man
We must be as fast as a flowing river
Be a man
With all the power of a big typhoon
Be a man
With all the strength of an angry fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

the one with wifebeater

we ve made the ambiance but you re not here
I always call but you dont reply , I m not angry with you anymore, ıt's clear that you
aren't unable to withstand
Did I live and let live ?
Did I burningly react?
what did I say , what
don't act like a cold fish
I'm sensitive about this case
is it a crime to love
ain't it a shame against me
ah I exerted myself
Hey! who am I talkin' to
do you read me
let me buy your attitude, ıt's
classic now I'm used to it
don't flirt thereout
it is seen from here
come on mend our fences
my prince with wifebeater
are you confused
chatty to everyone
only cow me down
who am I talkin' to

Blind girl

Blind girl, I meet you every day,
I'm waiting for you to come in the rain.
Blind girl, you walk past me,
but you know nothing - I'm silent.
The night is gentle,
illuminated by so many stars.
I see in the dream -
your eyes are on the sky.
Blind girl, every sunset I watch alone,
every morning I welcome the day alone.
Blind girl, every day is so big,
and the beautiful things - only in the dream.
The night is gentle,
I see the two stars are on your face.
The world is empty,
I'm going blind every day without you.
Touch the blue sky.
Touch my eyes now.
Touch the sun with your hands.
The eyes are unnecessary until the morning.
Blind girl, touch one tear,
look through it - see the night.
Blind girl, touch me with your hand too,
let us both sink into mist.
The night is gentle,
illuminated by so many stars.
The world is empty,
your eyes are on the sky.
Touch the blue sky.
Touch my eyes now.
Touch the sun with your hands.
The eyes are unnecessary until the morning.

Heart on the glass

You're alone again - it's boring, right?
Your telephone now rings rarely.
You're drawing a heart on the glass with your fingers
and you wish that it exists.
You're drawing a heart on the glass with your fingers
and you wish that it exists.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands.
You're gently warming the heart with your breath in your dreams.
I'm standing all alone, the night is long,
the wind has blown away the dream somewhere.
I see a slight light flickering
and a hand is taking me there.
A warm breath touches my face,
I find my heart on the glass.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands.
You're gently warming the heart with your breath in your dreams.
Heart, yes a heart you're drawing with your hands. (x4)
You're drawing a heart on the glass. (x2)

Song about truth

Steps, steps among the peace...
Steps, steps among eternity,
searching for their truth,
they have to find her today.
Help me too,
to find the truth.
She probably has a name,
exact street, address.
Maybe she laughs beside you,
maybe she lives alone
and waits for my glance
to stop at her loneliness.
But the address is wrong,
I'm sad and ridiculous,
but I'm walking, walking again,
between thousands of destinies.
The truth excites me,
therefore it does exist somewhere.
Maybe tomorrow
I'll meet her, maybe.
Maybe she laughs beside you,
maybe she lives alone
and waits for my glance
to stop at her loneliness.

I won't leave you to yourself

If you take me away from myself, i won't leave you to yourself
Even if you are by my side, I won't even take a step
You didn't know my worth, my love for you,
You won't know
You didn't leave behind your deceitful friends, words of other people,
You won't leave them behind
Did this heart put up a little with your trouble?
But what is the reason of your love without me?
How many times did you break it, throw it away?
Will my wounded heart forgive you?
When I called you my sweetheart, my love
You hid yourself, I was dragged behind you
Was I worthy?
There is a love and also a lover
One within the other in complete confusion, there is no such thing with you
You didn't leave behind your deceitful friends, words of other people,
You won't leave them behind
Did this heart put up a little with your trouble?
But what is the reason of your love without me?
How many times did you break it, throw it away?
Will my wounded heart forgive you?

Am nevoie de tine

Tu nu realizezi că am nevoie de tine
Te iubesc mereu şi nici nu te părăsesc
Întoarce-te la mine
Sunt singur-singurel...
Am nevoie de tine
Spui că ai un lucru sau două de spus
Cum puteam să ştiu că m-ai supăra?
Nu am realizat când în ochi te-am privit
Tu îmi spuneai, o, da, spuneai că nu mai vrei deloc iubirea mea
Şi m-a durut şi simţindu-mă-aşa, nu pot să să continui deloc.
Aminteşte-ţi ce simt pentru tine
Niciodată n-aş fi putut trăi fără tine.
Aşa că vino ca să vezi
ce poţi tu să însemni pentru mine
Am nevoie de tine...
Tu îmi spuneai, o, da, spuneai că nu mai vrei deloc iubirea mea
Şi m-a durut şi simţindu-mă-aşa, nu pot să să continui deloc.
Aminteşte-ţi ce simt pentru tine
Niciodată n-aş fi putut trăi fără tine.
Aşa că vino ca să vezi ce poţi tu să însemni pentru mine
Am nevoie de tine...
Am nevoie de tine
Am nevoie de tine


Era o fată muncitoare
din nordul Angliei,
acum dă lovitura
în Statele Unite
şi dacă m-ar putea auzi
asta i-aş spune:
Plăcinţea, mă înnebuneşti
sunt topit, dar sunt leneş
aşa că vino acasă.
Plăcinţea, poziţia mea este tragică
vino şi-arată-mi magia
cântecului tău de Hollywood
Ai devenit o legendă a ecranului
şi acum gândul întâlnirii
îmi taie genunchii
Plăcinţea, tu mă duci frenetic
navigând peste Atlantic
să fiu unde eşti tu.
Plăcinţea, vino-napoi la mine, oh
Îmi place, îmi place asta, oh ah
Îmi place genul acesta de muzică
genul ăsta sexy de muzică,
cântă-mi-l mie, cântă-mi iubito, tristeţea
Oare vântul i-ar muta barca peste mare
să o trimită oare la mine înapoi?
Ooooh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Plăcinţea, plăcinţea