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A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 173


I have an account to settle

Versions: #1
My rose they plucked you
they threw in rough hand
They sang a folk song in your name
I have an account to settle .
Night falls I am desperate , your picture in my tear
days come and go
I have an account to settle.
My dear world is beautiful again
life is worth living
if i don't die if i survive
I have an account to settle.
Struggle ends as the day slips away,
Don't think the walls speak
the ones who love get together
I have an account to settle.

Without a Home

So many a battle beaten
So many maidens kissed
Traveled half the world
The sails always hoisted
I've grasped at happiness
Saw Godfather Death
Whistled the freedom song
Could never stand still
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home1
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand
Have climbed many a mountain
Maybe I've lost the trail
I may never arrive
Born as a wanderer
I was at home everywhere
And yet without a home
The longing unfulfilled
My dreams were huge
I'm back in your circle
I was gone for much too long
But now I'm here again
Take my hand
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Drown your mind
Take my hands
Turn around in circles
Forget your worries
Come take my hand [x2]
  • 1. 'Heimatlos' could be translated as homeless, but I chose to say 'without a home' because it fits this context better. He is not referring to living on the street, but rather to being without a home by choice, more like a vagabond.

Another Day Goes By

Thus another day of our time is going by
And never coming back​
And once again with the quiet of the evening​
A night is falling to earth​
But You are the same yesterday and today​
Our God in great mercy​
And in your book you have taken down​
Our days of life on earth​
I devote myself confidently to You, my God​
When the sun is departing us​
And overjoyed I am praising You​
When the dawn breaks again​
But if the message of a quiet death​
Reaches me in this night​
It is my comfort, oh dear God​
I die but to You I come

Completely wrong

Eveything I was afraid of happened to me
Look like I was blind and didn't know what's going on
Me who was laughing when hear something about love
I was in love with her but I didn't know that
She doesn't improve my exhaustions of me illness
There is a wall between our hearts
Who was telling me 'I love you' 30 times every night
She took sleeping from these tearful eyes
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
My body is cold but she is busy (with her love)
I wish she come back, it's hard to believe( she is gone )
Just at the beginning we arrived at the end
She made me fall in love and didn't stay until the end
I remember her memorize
She forgot the whole thing she said
And at the end she left me alone
Look like she didn't love me at all
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love?
sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn
I thought I never fall in love but I was completely wrong
Did you see how did I fall in love
Sometimes a sity get wet without any rains
When a lover crys look like it's autumn

Eternal tenancy

Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Children memories1 rolling down the slope
Blowing sets anything ablaze
I swallow ashes
We are rekindled
Even if I had
found you again,
the obscure tunes
that grab our common past
start up again.
Looks like he strived
to be loved.
He chases you,
even if you become wiser
even if you move place2
and so do I
I've aged a few years
since I nailed the pages of love
on the doorsteps of the room
where love had found me.
And I thought I chucked it all out.
That was not counting the flats
where I lived,
that in turn keep living inside me.
And this eternal tenancy3
And this eternal tenancy is a wing cutter
For all that aloof
For all that distrustful
Our summoned voices
however insane they might be,
I like to talk with them.
Feeling danger slowly building up again and again
Blowing sets anything ablaze
We will turn to ashes
Will we be soothed ?
  • 1. could mean 'memories of children' or 'children-memories'
  • 2. that can also mean 'go crazy'
  • 3. 'tenancy agreement'

No words to say

Versions: #2
What days have I lived, you have given me the time (it is about days)
Sit down and cry, and you tell me that's enough
I told you I did not deserve you to say what you got
I have no word to say more
Where am I ? How am I? you will not know
How many times have I fallen and you have not raised me
Why not one day for me
I have no word to say more
I have no eye to beating for someone else
I do not know why I came to this world
I have no word to say more
I have no eye to beating for someone else
You have made me regret that I was born
You have made me an enemy to myself
You say drunk
You say the stroller

Blue foxes

Meteohydra1said that it would thunderstorm.
I’m, by and large, for.
The sun was coming up over the myths of ancient Greece.
I had nowhere to go from grace and
my mind could not get through using simple tools the distorted proportions of cast shadows between the falling columns of a burning temple.
Someone spread rumors that things are bad for me.
But blue foxes belong to the early period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty.
And there is nothing more alien than the bees that buzz implacably.
Blue foxes are invulnerable.
Blue foxes are invulnerable.
Indians always helped me. Their activities did not go unnoticed by me.
We killed deer with them and dragged them home in winter nights.
But when guys from other continents came, I do not know how, but I had to leaved in a moment, until fleas climbed up on me from the deck of the ships.
But blue foxes belong to the early period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty.
And there is nothing more alien than the bees that buzz implacably.
Blue foxes are invulnerable.
Blue foxes are invulnerable.
They saw me at the storm of the Bastille.
They stepped on the my tail, said there was a small scarlet flag in my arms.
They said that my eyes sparkled at the barricades.
They said if they see me again, even in the distance, things would be bad for me.
Whether they praised or scolded, I do not remember, they called me “old fox”2.
But blue foxes belong to the early period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty.
And there is nothing more alien than the bees that buzz implacably.
Blue foxes are invulnerable.
  • 1. hydrometeorological service
  • 2. literally, rather “rascal”

Hey, you!

Hey, you!
Why shouldn't I hit you in the eye when the illuminating story about how to live further ends!
Hey! Why should I not hit you into the eye, into the third eye, so that it starts vibrating above the world, above the spacious universes...
Come here and tell me where the traps are hidden and the pits covered with branches for my tireless fighting elephants.
Hey! Who is your master? Who sent you to the depths of our partisan weekdays with the intention of confusing us, plunging us into a bosom of stony sleep?
The legions of the enlightened ones levitate over the mines laid by the last incarnation of the successfully formed gods.
The predicted demons in a battle unleashed by time with a premeditated outcome were stopped by wing strikes.
Deep breath. In the end, the world rend itself apart, sometimes the polar star burns above all of it.
Kali Durga mantra1 x4:
Jai mata Kali,
Jai mata Durge,
Kali Durge, namo namah.
  • 1. 'Pray to Mother Kali, pray to Mother Durgа
    Kali Durgа, obediance to the honourable', source is

Pure Evil

Locators of grey bats
pulled out a fence somewhere behind the scenes.
The moon visible minimally to the naked eye.
The facts are the blue spots on placards.
The elephant is seting foot on the slopes of invisible India
and curling as 3-D dreams above not flat also,
but poisonous Magnitorsk,
winded round with purple smoke.
Pure evil has crawled on an impartial radar,
had sprouted with moonlight over the surface of the Urals.
It's time to figure out on the level of vibrations.
Recidivists, that not caught, move away
from where the earth is smoking
and someone is selling burnt forest at sunset,
towards the border.
And the observers, intoxicated with their own powers of observation, speak beautiful phrases to distant, short-sighted relatives under the almond-shaped eyes parvati.
And the observers, intoxicated with their own powers of observation, speak beautiful phrases to distant, short-sighted relatives under the almond-shaped eyes parvati.
Pure evil has crawled on an impartial radar,
had sprouted with moonlight over the surface of the Urals.


The pouring rain, endless masts
closely interlaced waiting for the storm.
Packs of sharks admired meekly on
the doomed parts of the constructor.
The silver flash-light of lighhouse
grabbed the heartbeat
of beings feeling freedom,
they didn’t care about the weather.
The earth went underwater
according to the laws of nature,
the inhabitants of the integral planet
overlooked this.
The edges of the black carousel are glistening like silver,
triremes vanished into vortices.
The era sank into crater of ocean,
ships were locked with oars.
The fog crawled away in the morning after the storm,
uncovering a flat surface of ocean.
Someone suddenly noticed the glare of silhouette
of fairytale fleet from the shore through the haze.


On the threshold of the apocalypse,
when the opportunity comes
to take with me everything
what I like -
the part of the matrix that I
remembered most…
But I see that this part is hardly inside it.
And I know what happens.
Because this abyss attracts the abyss.
The abyss attracts the abyss.
The abyss attracts the abyss.
The abyss attracts the abyss.
The abyss attracts the abyss.


Your sleep wouldn’t be disturbed by:
the rustle of the notorious ghosts,
heavy steps down the hall
stops between rises and falls.
As well as loosing chess floor from under your feet, wooden stake,
endless spiral staircase,
a tune in a bucket1
cold bony hand in your bosom,
alien head on the neck, snakes, mosquitoes,
long tunnel, torpors, travels outside the body,
cricket, annoying fly,
a tune in a bucket with a lid on it2.
What is unreal - viscous earth.
What is real – stronghold of heaven.
Two components of the whole -
a single entity – the death itself.
  • 1. translation of russian idom: the bear stepping on the ear
  • 2. the bear stepping on the another ear


Oblique trapeziums, curved squares, broken circles.
Oblique trapeziums, curved squares, broken circles.
During a meeting with strong being there are no anxieties,
it is useful to become the same.
The flat contact, clamped by pilers,
ready to meet with bared wire,
ready to meet with bared wire.
But for everything
it is necessary to keep borders of Yin-Yang,
so that everyone has an opposite circle,
it is necessary to keep borders of Yin-Yang,
so that everyone has an opposite circle.
And everything will collapse, do not be afraid, everything will collapse
in a small point, a little farther than the horizon.
Oblique trapeziums, curved squares, broken circles.
Oblique trapeziums, curved squares, broken circles.


Versions: #2
Mert az enyém vagy
Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem
Jobb ha abbahagyod amiket csinálsz
Nem,nem,nem nem hazudok, Nem.
Tudod, hogy nem tudom elviselni
Mikor félrelépsz
Ki nem állhatom, mikor elnyomsz
Nem,nem,nem, nem
Igen, megátkozlak mivel te az enyém vagy
Igen, megátkozlak mert az enyém vagy
Nem,nem,nem, nem
Jobb ha abbahagyod amiket csinálsz
Nem hazudok, nem, nem, nem hazudok, hazudok
Szeretlek, szeretlek,
Bárhogyan is, szeretlek
És nem érdekel ha te nem akarsz
Most már a Tied vagyok
Megigézlek mert Te az enyém vagy

ropd és járd

rajta kezd a táncot már (kezdjed hát)
ropd és járd (ropd és járd)
gyere, gyere, gyere, gyere bébi (gyere hát)
most szikrázzál (szikrázzál)
most lobogjál (most lobogjál)
remek vagy mondtam már (mondtam már)
jó vagy nagyon (nagyon, nagyon)
tudtam hogy jó lesz a napom (lesz napom)
rajta kezd a táncot már (kezdjed hát)
ropd és járd (ropd és járd)
gyere, gyere, gyere, gyere bébi (gyere hát)
most szikrázzál (szikrázzál)
táncos lábú lány vagy
érzed a ritmusát
gyere közelebb hozzám
mikor táncolsz velem
ááááááááá áááááááá áááááááááá
ááááááááááá áááááááá
rajta kezd a táncot már (kezdjed hát)
ropd és járd (ropd és járd)
gyere, gyere, gyere, gyere bébi (gyere hát)
most szikrázzál (szikrázzál)
most lobogjál (most lobogjál)
remek vagy mondtam már (mondtam már)
jó vagy nagyon (nagyon, nagyon)
tudtam hogy jó lesz a napom (lesz napom)
pörögj, pörögj, pörögj, bébi (pörögj bébi)
pördülj, pördülj, pördülj hát (pörögj bébi)
járjad hát, járjad hát (járjad hát)
áááááááááááá ááááááááááá
áááááááááááá ááááááááááá
fordította Gaál György István

All That You Wanted to Know About Yourself (But Were Afraid To Ask)

I love your flaws
So many that I don't know
Where I should begin
I love your problems
They're so big that I don't know
Where they'll lead
I think you
Should be more complexed
I think you
Should say more nonsensical things
I love your lies
They're so good that I'd rather believe them
I love your clumsy ways
It's so grave
That I stop breathing
I think you
Should undress
Walk to the mirror
And see yourself with your mouth
And everything else that you wanted
To know about yourself
All that you wanted
To know about yourself
All that you wanted
To know about yourself
But were afraid to ask
I think you
Should undress
Walk to the mirror
And see yourself with your mouth
And everything else that you wanted
To know about yourself
All that you wanted
To know about yourself
All that you wanted
To know about yourself
But were afraid to ask
And everything else that you wanted
To know about yourself
And everything else that you wanted
To know about yourself
All that you wanted
To know about yourself
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


Michelle, my beautiful
That's how I always call you, my Michelle.
Michelle my beautiful
Are a few words which go very well together, very well together.
I love you, I love you, I love you
That's all that I know.
Until the dreamed of moment,
When your heart will discover my love in these three words.
Michelle, my beautiful,
Are a few words which go very well together, very well together.
I love you, I love you, I love you
Say that you love me too,
You who are my entire life.
I would give anything for you to see on this day my love, my love
I love you, I love you, I love you.
What more can I say?
For you to believe more strongly
In these three words which are more beautiful than all of the poems.
Michelle, my beautiful
Are a few words which go very well together, very well together.
One day I know you will understand, and forever,
That I love you my Michelle.

Into Autumn Rain

So far away, but still to this day, in excerpts of the notes,
Light draws a path to you into autumn rain
Wind carries sounds of the words to where you wait
Having left me on this night with your silhouette
I skim the fragments of old letters
Amid remnants of the past and my thoughts
Wanted to forget about us, but it didn't work out
And I no longer miss your smile, sort of...
Drove by the high rise where we used to live
Remember, on the balcony, where we drew Mickey Mouse
Then, no one yet called me Vic
You read your poems to me quietly into the night
I gather, like puzzle, small pieces of our life
Small parts of the letters written by you
Folder A+B on the D: disk drive
Seven years have past, but it feels like yesterday
Soul replays the melody of falling autumn leaves
Cliffhanger at the end of story in our book
A moment when I didn't get a chance to ask of you to wait
So far away, but still to this day, in excerpts of the notes,
Light draws a path to you into autumn rain
Wind carries sounds of the words to where you wait
Having left me on this night with your silhouette
So far away, but still to this day, in excerpts of the notes,
Light draws a path to you into autumn rain
Wind carries sounds of the words to where you wait
Having left me on this night with your silhouette
You were the present, became the past
It was simpler to think this was nothing more than a dream
And the day when you disappeared - mark it the end
Erase your name from the phone and email contacts
Looking at our engagement photo
Your gaze, once you understood I was serious
Still like children although grown-up
Ready to hold each other strongly
It seems so long ago in the past
Silly arguments, loud shouts
You gathered your things few times after scandal
Then you'd say you can't live without me
I didn't write to you for a while so openly
Yes, I remained as verbose as ever
At this, I believe, it's time to wrap up
I am certain you remember - today's our day
So far away, but still to this day, in excerpts of the notes,
Light draws a path to you into autumn rain
Wind carries sounds of the words to where you wait
Having left me on this night with your silhouette
So far away, but still to this day, in excerpts of the notes,
Light draws a path to you into autumn rain
Wind carries sounds of the words to where you wait
Having left me on this night with your silhouette
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Let Her Go

Tell me what she did except troubles
I don't want her to come, our love is over
Because of her I rejected my life my love
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go
She'll see how easy to be loved so hard to love
Let those doors close and you come back
That day will come when all her hope is gone
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go

If I Knew

If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew
Oh I can't take this pain
You put a fire in my heart
You left my hopes alone
You killed my youth
If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew
You were the queen of my heart
I was breathing for you
Love I loved you more than
my life and everything
If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew

Atlas' song

And it seems like the weight of the whole world
Was hoisted on my shoulders
Thoughts are lines
The time, the place
Time is money
There are no prophets
Countries, people
Death with others
Strange and empty
Smell of Lithium
Not all is vanity
He's in the corners
Someone understood
Something somewhere
He finished
The same to me
I'm lost
With a pale shadow
Who's behind the door?
Whose trees?
Elevated tone
Lowered ball
The light is humbled
I'm ashamed
Thank God!
Thank God!
There is a jacket,
And a passerby.
Thank God!
Thank God!
Mishutka1 punched me
Right in the face!
The world
Off the shoulders
  • 1. Could be a male's name Mikhail as well as name for a Teddy-bear

My Ayshe

You're my rose of love in my heart
You're only mine I can't share
Let everyone know that
Let them die in this strange way
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Inside me the flood of sadness makes me crazy
I miss you so much I'll be back one day
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Don't think his love is slow
When this love is over it'll start off
Let the mountains and the stones hear it
There is no such immortal love
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Inside me the flood of sadness makes me crazy
I miss you so much I'll be back one day
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe

Deserted man

When you were a child you believed
Everything will be solved with an amen
But the truth was as far away,
As from Makó to Jeruzsálem
Are you blind, fucking idiot? You can point
You'll still end up in the dust,
You are no one, you were no one,
You will be no one!
Where is the God? Where?
He's not here for sure!
The ground smells putrid black,
As the trees and meadows burn,
Compared to this life in Gehenna is better!
It would have been better for you,
If you drowned in the womb.
Stop, don't move!
Give your body as a living sacrifice,
Your mother said,
Sleep soundly, you don't need to be afraid,
But the monsters from your closet
Still exist!
They sneak behind you every day,
And they eat your soul,
You are no one, you were no one,
You will be no one!
Where is the God? Where?
He's not here for sure!
He left it behind - let it be destroyed
The burning earth
You have nowhere to hide,
The tumour keeps spreading inside you
It would have been better for you,
If you drowned in the womb.
Stop, don't move!
Give your body as a living sacrifice,
Wait a minute,
Stop, don't move!
Give your body as a living sacrifice,

Live now

People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
How do I live? Day by day, everyday I forget about yesterday, tomorrow probably fades. I will reveal my road's meaning, this phrase's essence once again, because I think this will be useful for you. Listen, someone told me - learn to live hear and now, no matter how good yesterday looked... It's not that day, in life crisis and labyrinth a lot likes to wander, it's easy to fall... And not because we're looking for a way out, just for that wish to find a turn towards the right road. After seeing a lot of faces, suffers for love, fishing motivation without a fishing rod. Who are you? All the answers comes together to 'once I was' (Once were?)... Human, stop fighting for your today, your mission is everyday's I am, I walk, I can and spot.
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
Time - is a measurement everyone understands, just yesterday he promised to call his father today, tomorrow he won't make it on time to the accident scene, someone will fix the pits in the road and block two lanes. Time... Will sound more meaningful to you with years. Just yesterday her son thought to become a dancer, mom returned late, no time left for conversation, tomorrow with his gang he'll roam the streets drunk. Will accidentally stab a passerby and end up in prison, the son wanted to be heard, but unfortunately... She will never forgive herself that she lost the fight with the time and that's only one of examples... Crowds of eyes feels the time the same, you say we are optimists to get the right meaning? Today I can throw away pointless time expanses, live here and now - that's my concept.
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change
Never stay the same
Every single way
It’s gonna be okay
People change
Never stay the same
Every single way
It’s gonna be okay
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day
People change, never stay the same
Losing faith in every single way
But I know it’s gonna be okay
Getting by day after day


Dear, our song is played everwhere
My heart is playing around a little bit
You've left me and gone
To this lonely beaches
Sun pricks into my heart
Pain of love this is
Wound of heart, this is
Put, on your wound, salt of the seas*
Nevermind, out fate this is
Our luck
Look, moon and sun are alone
God is alone
She doesn't do that, she cannot
You've said this won't happen, it can't
She doesn't do that, she cannot
It won't happen, however, see, it's happening
Pain of love this is
Wound of heart, this is
Put, on your wound, salt of the seas*
Nevermind, out fate this is
Our luck
Look, moon and sun are alone
God is alone

Sweet Words Smiling Face

... sweet words, the smiling face
Can I ever be sated with...
... the eyes looking with love
Can I ever be sated with...*
Can I ever be sated with it?
Can I behave bad to my lover?
And if someone did that
Can they be called as a worshipper to god**
If your hair falls on your face
If my love serves the wine to us
And her lips are appetizer to my drink
Can I ever be sated with?
Can I ever be sated with it?
Can I behave bad to my lover?
And if someone did that
Can they be called as a worshipper to god**
... either the spring or the summer
or the coquetry my love makes
and the saz that is played for the sake of her
Can I ever be sated with...
Can I ever be sated with it?
Can I behave bad to my lover?
And if someone did that
Can they be called as a worshipper to god**
may our conversation never end
... chatting with my love
Can I ever be sated with ....
Can I ever be sated with it?
Can I behave bad to my lover?
And if someone did that
Can they be called as a worshipper to god**

Grumpy And Sweet Woman

Songs sing about you
Your name is a tune on tounges
Like love, like passion
Grumpy and sweet woman
Your best days
You lived without you, then
Like love, like passion
Grumpy and sweet woman

Who Cares?

I've burnt, I've been extinguished
My mad heart is in jailbreak
As if I don't exist if you don't, too
Who cares?
All your promises
Each of them is in my mind
Keep or don't keep
Who cares?
Lies over lies
To deepest place of my heart
After holding a blunt knife
What do you expect from me?
I've turn into a patience stone
I don't care anymore whether or not you show up infront of me
I've came to these days on my own
I don't care whether or not you are here

Line Line

Come, let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
The princess has a long length
My hearth fell to love in cage
I was eagerly atracted to her
A composition if it were written in love
Love, my heart is fire place
It's hard to get back this way, come back let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life

God, Give Me Patience!

No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait if it's over
No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait
It's all over if my heart burned
If it's enough
Help me god
Give me patience, give me patience
I dropped your trap everytime
I'm tired of your games, I gave up
Don't let this love approach me

Horses rush

Where do the horses rush?
We suppose we know it.
Right now we're riding a black-maned
bay1 horse at full tilt.
Its hoofs are striking sparks.
There is no fire2 without a spark.
Today it's our time to set out
and travel this bright world3.
The silver-maned horses are ahead of us.
Their hoofprints are on the white snow.
We are also going to ride
our black-maned horses.
Out of golden autumn leaves
we will make jewelries.
As for now, we have to run
waving goodbye to our darlings4.
The sparks are flying around the hoofs
and then they turn into stars.
We will leave these spilled stars
to the girls who love us.
The silver-maned horses are ahead of us.
Their hoofprints are on the white snow.
We are also going to ride
our black-maned horses.
The golden-maned horses are rushing
along the ways of golden leaves.
We would like to find happiness
on the ways that lie ahead.
The silver-maned horses are ahead of us.
Their hoofprints are on the white snow.
We are also going to ride
our black-maned horses.
  • 1. Instead of 'bay' it may be translaed as 'loyal' since the word 'туры' has many meanings.
  • 2. It can also mean a fire inside, energy.
  • 3. Literally - break into this bright world
  • 4. Literally - to golden/dear people


What am I in this love?
I had not should to give my heart to your hands
I had not should to give my heart to your hands
Even if I burn even if I die with my love, I had not should say I love you
Woe, again the seperation has seen
Woe, my heart has removed woe!
Oh my poor heart
Oh my suffering head
Again the longings have seen
Woe woe
I had should ban my shadow to my world
If only I had hide this love
I had should ban my shadow to my world
If only I had hide this love
If only I stab my heart (maybe if it was that I wouldn't be suffer)