Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 18

Találatok száma: 899


Night full of shadows

The last time we saw each other
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
I sensed catastrophe drawing near
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
And something secret I knew nothing about
Drove you in the darkness
An unsettled score, an old fight
To the other bank of the night
I feel deep in me
That I will never lose your closeness
I feel deep in me
One day I will be with you
Bold clouds passed across the sky
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
I chased after you and couldn't follow you
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
I heard voices, someone seemed to be threatening you
Somewhere in the darkness
Seven shots were fired, a man ran off
On the other bank of the night
I feel deep in me
That I will never lose your closeness
I feel deep in me
One day I will be with you
Four in the morning – I'm thinking of that time
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
In every dream I see you in front of me
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
And whenever the memory torments me
I search for you in the darkness
You now live in a better world
On the other bank of the night
I feel deep in me
That I will never lose your closeness
I feel deep in me
One day I will be with you
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
And whenever the memory torments me
I search for you in the darkness
You now live in a better world
On the other bank of the night
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows
The moon was bright and the night full of shadows


Verze 1:
Azon kapom magam, hogy figyelemre vágyom.
Nem vagyok önmagam, hogy így cselekszem.
Tudom, közben talán megbántottam valakit, akit szeretek.
Nem volt szándékos.
Elvesztettem önmagam, miközben így cselekedtem.
Csak a figyelmedre vágyom.
Ó, milyen őrültségeket teszek.
Kórus 1:
Tehát miért (miért), miért hiszem, hogy rendben van (rendben van),
Hogy nem vagyok önmagam miattad (miattad)?
Mit akarsz, mit mondjak (mondjak)?
Mit akarsz, mit tegyek,
Hogy felkeltsem a figyelmed (figyelmed)?
Mert csupán a figyelmedre vágyom (figyelmedre, figyelmedre).
Verze 2:
Bolondot csinálok magamból, csak hogy boldoggá tegyelek.
És ha ezt teszem, neked az is mindegy (mindegy).
Előkórus 2:
Ó, milyen őrültségeket teszek.
Kórus 2:
Tehát miért (miért), miért hiszem, hogy rendben van (rendben van),
Hogy nem vagyok önmagam miattad (miattad)?
Mit akarsz, mit mondjak (mondjak)?
Mit akarsz, mit tegyek,
Hogy felkeltsem a figyelmed?
Ó, nem akarom ezt tovább folytatni
Ha én állok csupán a táncparketten
A táncparketten
Kórus 3:
Miért hiszem, hogy rendben van,
Hogy nem vagyok önmagam miattad?
Mit akarsz, mit mondjak?
Mit akarsz, mit tegyek,
Hogy felkeltsem a figyelmed?
Mert csupán a figyelmedre vágyom.

Hearest Thou

Hearest thou, the wind is foreign and autumnal
A guest marcheth unto thy pale home
Whether thou be standing by thy window, or weaving, or spinning,
Shut off thy light and lie down.
Thou hast fallen asleep, and I shall enter and sit.
Upon the floor I shall sit
To gaze upon thee.
Silent and foreign in thy peaceful room
As thine shoes, I shall wait for thee.
Then thou shall arise within the glow of enemies,
For my God hath passed in thy slumber
Then thou shall arise,
And two unpleasant dreams
Shall slowly come near,
Grab hold of thee
And lead thee unto me
Unto me
Unto me.


Nem, sosem ütöttél meg
Sosem löktél neki a falnak
Helyette, a szádból jöttek
A bántó szavak és a hűtlenséged
Anélkül, hogy egy ujjal is hozzám érnél
Anélkül, hogy mérget tennél az italomba
Összetöröd a szívem
Anélkül, hogy nekilöknél az ablaknak
Anélkül, hogy felpofoznál
Igen te, szerelmem, megölsz
Igen, az összes változás
Rád vár, hogy megérkezz, de Te nem érkezel meg
Olyan sok különbözőség
És valami rejtve van a telefonodban
Anélkül, hogy egy ujjal is hozzám érnél
Anélkül, hogy mérget tennél az italomba
Összetöröd a szívem
Anélkül, hogy nekilöknél az ablaknak
Anélkül, hogy felpofoznál
Igen te, szerelmem, megölsz
Értsd meg kérlek, megölsz

Hagyd a Csókjaid

(Pre chorus)
Rosszlány vagyok, de jól csinálom
Elvesztem a félénkségemet a meztelenségben
És ha egyedül vagyunk, már tudom mit kell tennem
Mindenki engem akar
De csak te birtokolhatsz
Nem beszélek az exemmel, ami nem számít
Mert nem vagyok a tiéd többé
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Ahogy legutóbb láttad
Vegyél fel a telefonnal, hátha később is akarsz látni
És megismételni a folyamatot
Nem fogok megállapodni csak ezért, nem
A kanapén csináljuk, az ágy messze van
És a vágy arra vár hogy azt tegye, amit tenni akarok
Ha meg akarod húzni a hajam, nem kötöm fel
Rád mászok és elveszted a félelmed
Már tudom mit adsz
(Kitakartam és megnéztem éjjel)
Nem hagysz el engem
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz
Mindig fotót kérsz rólam
Úgy tűnik, a gondolataidban vagyok
Amióta kielégítettem a fantáziádat
Tölts fel velem fotókat és úgy néz ki, mintha megharaptalak volna
Mert senkit nem lehet megismételni
Ismered a folyamatot
Mikor megesszük egymást a csókjainkkal
És mikor megkapom az üzenetet
Mert nincs szükséged másra az ágyadban, aki nem én vagyok
(Pre chorus)
Rosszlány vagyok, de jól csinálom
Elvesztem a félénkségemet a meztelenségben
És ha egyedül vagyunk, már tudom mit kell tennem
Mindenki engem akar
De csak te birtokolhatsz
Nem beszélek az exemmel, ami nem számít
Mert nem vagyok a tiéd
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz
Hagyd a csókjaid a testemen
Hagyd ott most
Az óra ketyeg és nem tudom
Mi lesz

BWV 248 VI, 5 Recitative T: When they had heard the king.

Recitative T (Mt. 2, 9-11)
When they had heard the king,
they went on their way. And behold the star,
which they had seen in the East
went before them, until it came and stood
over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star,
they were highly delighted,
entered that house,
found the child with Mary his mother,
So they fell down and worshiped him,
opened their treasures
and presented him gold, incense and myrrh.

Pop It Up

Pop it up Oh!
Pop it up Oh!
Time Just in Time
What words are needed
Which words are needed
Just Dance (Dance)
Tonight (Night)
Don't stop this feeling
(There's no need of being hesitant)
Time Oh! Just in Time
So that so many glances
that fall towards me
Just Dance (Dance)
Tonight (Night)
Do the dance Baby
Forget everything
tonight and
(Leave the inner rhythm to my body)
Shake enjoy this moment
that I'm alive Oh
Pop it up Oh!
Put your hands up
Try shaking
Pop it up Oh!
Put your hands up
Make some noise
Say! La~la~la~la
Hey! La~la~la~la
Tonight. Baby~
Everybody (Come on!)
Lalalala Everybody
(Hey!) Lalalala
Say! La~la~la~la Hey!
La~la~la~la Tonight.
Baby~ (Everybody
hit the floor) Everybody
Do it or not It doesn’t
matter tonight
Lalala even just playing
Tonight night night, don't just waste it
We're gonna play until the sun rises
When morning comes
I don't know, the shining sunlight
might be seen, here this window
cover cover cover cover everything
Delay delay delay everything this morning
delay delay delay
Hey DJ! Turn the
bass up Here we go!
Put us hands up!
Look at us, look at us
Everyone goes omg omg omg (Hey)
Looking over here, how many people
Looking over there, how many people, with excitement
Leave out the people who are not
It's not a 100 minute debate
Just everyone all done ATT Yes!

The Beauty of the Shadows

She wanders without stop or rest
in her silver dress, at night.
Some say that she has been doing this
since the beginning of time.
She holds a chalice in her hands,
a vessel of glass and light.
Some say what in there lies
not even the gods know!
Thus she wanders in darkness
with pale skin and black hair.
She is a ghost, a child of the night,
but more beautiful than a day ever was.
Thus she wanders with her chalice,
which is dedicated to its secret.
Some say whoever drinks from it
shall comprehend Eternity!
And so passes night after night
and I dream myself to her.
When she wakes in the twilight,
Come and dance with me!
I see through your eyes
as if through the night into the cosmos
Just once let me take a sip
from the chalice in your hands!
Thus I swore in my heart
while the nightingale called:
I kiss to you the stardust
from your cold lips!
And left the world far behind me
in my free fall.
Thus I wander on her path
and towards my longing,
well knowing, that in this world
I sacrifice much comfort.
And every day, when I awake,
and my world drowns in light,
I wait, for to me the heart rises
when our sun sets.
And so passes night after night
and I dream myself to her.
When she wakes in the twilight,
Come and dance with me!
I see through your eyes
as if through the night into the cosmos
Just once let me take a sip
from the chalice in your hands!
Thus I swore in my heart
while the nightingale called:
I kiss to you the stardust
from your cold lips!
And left the world far behind me
in my free fall.
You should know what you seek
in this night, at the dark hour!
Is it the chalice from my hand
or the kiss from my mouth?
I already wandered year after year
through your night, and believe me,
I am no more than just a dream!
A dream of yours, a dream of yours.
I see through your eyes
as if through the night into the cosmos
Just once let me take a sip
from the chalice in your hands!
Thus I swore in my heart
while the nightingale called:
I kiss to you the stardust
from your cold lips!
And left the world far behind me
in my free fall.

What A Love I'm In, You Know?

How many times in one day
Is it okay to send out an email?
How much is it okay
To cut my bangs?
Basketball, you've got a free throw
Everyone is watching you
In a loud voice, I shout out
Your full name
I want to make this into
A world sized love
I want to brag about it
To my classmates!
This is how
Love is, you know?
It's like it causes revolution
All this week
I want to kiss kiss kiss you
What I want is
Far away
I want to fawn on you over the phone
On days that we meet, I want to hold hands
It goes to my throat
But I can't get it out
What type of type do you like?
Should I put on a mini skirt or something?
Can I call you by a nickname?
Which one should I use?
I've wanted to change what's on my cellphone screen
To something new
It's a profile shot
But you're smiling
'Want you, so come on!'
I say as you shoot
It's an irritating violation
Hesitation always dances around
In my mind, in mid summer
Hold me
Far away
Spring and summer pass by
The mountains burn in autumn
And even in the freezing winter
I love you
This is how
Love is, you know?
It's like it causes revolution
All this week
I want to kiss kiss kiss you
What I want is
'Want you, so come on!'
I say as you shoot
It's an irritating violation
Hesitation always dances around
In my mind, in mid summer
Hold me
Far away

Isn't Menhera a god?

Ill, was born but not in your own purpose. Betrayed, always.
Ill, want to make friends and take selfies, only for half of the face.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't hurt yourself anymore.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those nonsense guy.
Ill, ex-boyfriend which clings in your brain.
Ill, bored but still give a fake smile.
Ill, don't even understand the meaning of living.
OMG, too dull that don't want to go out anymore.
Energy drink, drugs, overdose, alchahol, high as f*cked. Repeating forever, breaks the body.
Its fine, just want to be cute.
Become 'the girl' that everyone admires.
Everyone looks the same, but I like it.
Want to be loved, but not too much.
Want to upload wrist cuts to private accounts.
You have your freedom to decide how you live!
Wants to be your sandbag when you're irritated.
Kill harm who have no common sense, good job.
Not alone! Follow the rhythm and tell me about your depression.
Shines while you chase for your love!
Let's make your ex regret.
Give your fake smile, cuz live is boring.
OK, no one know about the meaning of living.
Don't have to be a yes-man.
Blame the cause rather than blame yourself.
Depression repeats, forgive yourself and live freely.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't cry too much.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those you hate.
Wrist cut, harsh to yourself, ill girls are god.
But please don't cry too much.
'It's amazing to be born by'.
Show your middle finger to those you hate.
See? You're still alive.
After all, you are living with your own way.
Keep on, sob sob.
Still goes on, sob sob.
Not enough, sob sob.
Until the day you beat yourself.

How bad was it for you

Natti Nat, mmm
Rude gyal
The last time (the last time)
You told me that you hated me and that you would not come back (no, no)
Suddenly I received a call and it was you again (it was you again)
You who thought that my world was going to turn upside down because you are leaving
How bad was it for you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Rude gyal)
[Verse 1]
Now I'm the one around (wuh), your girl is on the loose (ah)
Over there revolt, single, but there is one of answer (ah)
They say to speak clearly costs nothing
But you spent everything from the bank and the rent
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I have to change you
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I'm going to change you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Natti Nat)
[Verse 2]
Change your user account (yah), it will be necessary
I will make fun of you in the comment section
So that you don't fuck with me
You are clear that we are already an enemies
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I have to change you
My time has already come, oh-oh
As a weekly check, I'm going to change you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
Rude gyal (Rude gyal)
The last time (the last time)
You told me that you hated me and that you would not come back (no, no)
Suddenly I received a call and it was you again (it was you again)
You who thought that my world was going to turn upside down because you are leaving
How bad was it for you
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped
What happened? What happened?
You tried with another ass, but in the end it didn't work for you
What happened?
Now your lap is dropped (Rude gyal)
Now I'm the one with the—
Now I'm the one with the—
Now I'm the one with the—

Élet az árnyékban

A füst elül
A köröző fények mind elvakítanak
Kifogytam mostanában
Mostmár mind csak egy harc hogy lélegezz
Mindent beleadtam, igen
Mindent odaadtam
Sose töröm meg a csendet
Mikor benézek
Nem kell elrejtőznöm
Ha te nézel, nem találod meg
Ki az ellenség?
Nem tudni mit is higgy
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban
Fény tör át a sötéten alul
Én tudom az igazat de te pont nem éred el
Mind elvetted, igen
Mindent elvettél
Sose töröm meg a csendet
Mikor benézek
Nem kell elrejtőznöm
Ha te nézel, nem találod meg
Ki az ellenség?
Nem tudni mit is higgy
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban
Sose töröm meg a csendet
Mikor benézek
Nem kell elrejtőznöm
Ha te nézel, nem találod meg
Ki az ellenség?
Nem tudni mit is higgy
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban
Élet az árnyékban

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Versions: #1
Jonny was the fire in Eva's heart
He was the sun when it dawns
He was the park when spring is arriving
and we sat on the grass
That grew along with the sky
The cops went by then
The cops still trawl
Johnny, you and I should start a band
let it explode in the sky
It's hard not to cry
When I think of us two now
Because you were the sunshine
And I was lonely
Johnny with the amphetamine
Put me in the backseat
Took me for a ride
The radio was on
Can you dig the locomotion
Too much revolution
Johnny, I like you
A black cloud looms over you
and we rode on Malmö city a Monday morning
Fifteen cars, fifteen restless truck chauffeurs
freakin' doctors, twenty five officers in the street corners
And you were the sunshine
Johnny, I was lonely
You were the sunshine
Johnny, I was lonely
When I was about to drown
I thought of you
You said that you wanted to die
You cried behind the door
and I laid underneath the bed
I heard you
Eva, I need you
More than I want you
and I want you for old time's sake
You didn't mean everything
But the wind was never cold
Because you were the sunshine
I was lonely
You were just around the corner, on the block
You were just around the corner, on the block - Everywhere

Let's Not Wait

It's fucking Monday morning
I don't like what I'm doing
It's decided by tomorrow
It's no longer me
Love went far away
I cried about it for centuries
It's decided by tomorrow
I'm stopping myself
I make life my flag
I see life as a gift
We don't have time to get tired
We don't have time to settle down
We don't have time to languish
We don't have time, but years
We don't have time, no but peace
We don't have time to languish
Let's not wait to live
Let's not wait to live
That friend never came
The friend that would promise the moon
Tomorrow, I'm getting Saturn
Without him
That train never came
The train to paradise
Tomorrow, I'm going my own way
Without it
I make life my flag
I see life as a gift
We don't have time to get tired
We don't have time to settle down
We don't have time to languish
We don't have time, but years
We don't have time, no but peace
We don't have time to languish
Let's not wait to live
Let's not wait to live
Let's not wait to live, no
Let's not wait to live, no
I make life my flag
I see life as a gift
We don't have time to get tired
We don't have time to settle down
We don't have time to languish
We don't have time, but years
We don't have time, no but peace
We don't have time to languish
Let's not wait to live
Let's not wait
Let's not wait to live
Let's not wait
Let's not wait

Attraction of Sexy Lips

Stare closely into my eyes,
the love radar has locked me in
If you want love don’t complain,
happiness shouldn’t be all talk and no action
Pretend not to hear any intimate whispers,
it’s not that easy to get hooked
The love you give is not pretentious,
only need to put out a reflective action
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Blurry love evidence,
hoping to keep you from seeing me clearly
Don’t lean too close to me,
careful your eyes might caught fire
I don’t want to burst open the lie, waiting
for you to tell me you genuinely love me
You have the rights to remain silent, guessing
you can’t resist for more than three seconds
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
This perfect contour,
made everyone restless and giddy
This mysterious taste,
made one can’t resist but to take a bite
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move my lips,
you have been settled by me

You can have me so easily

Versions: #1
They are up on the rooftops
everyone is high above the town
The summer spins quickly
when we're just snowing away
And I never dared to hold your hand
We are not those who has each other in the end..
..And everyone just talks
''is it true'' and ''I have heard about you''
I will never come back here again
The neon signs on the streets
send lights to me and the magpies
Everyone is dancing, and I'm thinking
are you alone too?
Where are you tonight..
Who kissed Elin
behind Maries back,
where is the big poet
she was in love with
Was there a place
in her world for two?
Please send me a postcard
because I wonder so..
..And I wonder what's happening
in our part of town
The wind makes a speech by a hamburger joint
It has blown itself tired
and all the girls has gone home
And you were prettier than them
but I threw it away once more
I threw away some kind of friend..
It was so dark
the night I walked home
i had hoped for something, HOPED FOR SOMETHIIING!
(hoped for something, A-ha)
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can have me so easily
And if you want me,
now you can HA-A-AVE ME
Fool me
no, no
what people may say..

The Cherry Trees Hill

Versions: #1
And if you truly want to live a luminous and more fragrant life,
erase courageously that pleading look from your eyes.
Too often wisdom is only the most stagnant prudence
and, almost always, behind the hill there is the sun.
But why don’t you see yourself celestial and shining?
But you don’t want to roam freely with me,
flying around tradition
like a dove around a balloon, curbed
and, with a well-aimed beak strike,
pierce it and it down, down, down....
...and us yet still higher,
planing over forests of extended arms,
a smile that no any longer has
neither a face nor an age.
And breathing breezes that are rampant over lands without limits and boundaries
we distance ourselves and then we find each other even closer.
And higher and further away
(if you close your eyes, an instant)
now, children of the immensity.
If you follow my mind, if you follow my mind
you easily abandon the ancient jealousies.
But, don’t you realize that it is only fear that pollutes and kills the feelings?
Souls are without sex nor belong to me.
No, don’t be afraid, you will not be prey to the winds,
but, why don’t you give me your hand, why?
We could run over the hill
and, among the cherry trees see the morning, what day it is,
and kicking a boulder,
residual of hell, make it roll down, down, down...
...and us yet still higher,
planing over forests of extended arms,
a smile that no any longer has
neither a face nor an age.
And breathing breezes that are rampant over lands without limits and boundaries
we distance ourselves and then we find each other even closer,
and higher and further away,
now, children of the immensity.

With the Pink Ribbon

Versions: #1
Chasing a dragonfly in a field,
one day that I had broken with the past,
when I had already thought I had succeeded,
I fell.
A silly phrase, a vulgar double meaning
alarmed me, it isn’t the way that I’m thinking it.
But the feeling was already a little too strong
and so I remained.
Who knows, who knows who you are,
who knows what you will be,
who knows what will become of us,
we will discover it only by living.
Anyway, right now I'm a little scared,
now that this fling
is becoming a real thing,
I really hope you are sincere.
A warehouse that contains many boxes,
some black, some yellow, some red,
having to opt for and study my moves,
I’m at an impasse.
I am realizing that I have come into the house,
with my box still with the pink ribbon
and I wouldn't want to be wrong on my expense
or my spouse.
Who knows, who knows who you are,
who knows what you will be,
who knows what will become of us,
we will discover it only by living.
Anyway, right now I'm a little scared,
now that this fling
is becoming a real thing,
I really hope you are sincere.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.
Who knows who you are.

A bun and a dream in my pocket

A bun and a dream in my pocket on the neverending road
I left my little town, me and my twenty years, going towards the city
I chewed so much mud and I lived so much life
I dreamt so many times what in the end I achieved
If you want to be someone in this life, if you are full of ambition
you have to fight with your claws in this world of slickers
but if you have a passion in you heart, no one can stop you
and without recommendations, you can reach your goal:
Janitor, yes, I'm a school janitor
One thing for sure, there is no better job
janitor, me, a janitor
the dream in my pocket eventually came true (dudadududadidù)
Carlo wanted to be an actor, Silvio an important entrepreneur
me, always and only that: to become a janitor
to those who asked me how I did it, I answer: believe in yourself
because few things are true and one is the saying: where there's a will there's a way
And now that I am retired and have many grandchildren
sitting by the fireplace I tell my life story,
how timely I was in ringing the bell for recess
and that time I found out who was smoking in the hallway
Come on grandpa, tell us one more story
It's late kids, time to sleep
Grandpa, we said one more story!
You never have enough! But now, all to bed! (dudadudududidà)
A bun and a dream in my pocket on the neverending road
on the road, hope, in the bun, baloney!

Salmo 110, 3 Dominare.

Be thou ruler,
even in the midst among thine enemies.


You are listening to Natti Natasha
Original Dominican princess from New York City
Natti, come sing for me baby
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
Sweatshirt, sun, sea, sand
Modeling a bikini, look how well it fits me
All the way down hips moving softly eh ah!
Warmth getting higher along with the tide
He says that we should get to the beach now
Because the sun is going to burn
I want to see if we will get in the water
Don't get confused because I...
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
Turn up, turn up and grind, grind
Turn up, turn up and grind, grind
Turn up, turn up and grind, grind
And from there isn't where it's going to come from
And don't doubt, that when I sweated
I felt a tickle that carried me to the clouds
I can be daring, clothes that don't cover much
But you will not say, I had Natti
No matter what they say, I am an independent woman
I don't pay attention to what people say
If I want to dance with him, I want to stick
This will not go beyond a dirty dance
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
I only want to dance, under the sun your body touches
Boy, I want to hold you so tight and grind, but from there isn't where it's going to come from
Turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up
Turn up, turn up
Natti Natasha
And A&X

Megtörni a lendületem

Tegnap este nagyon furcsa álmom volt
Elhajóztam Kínába
Egy kis ládikába, hogy rádtaláljalak
Erre azt mondtad, hogy ki kell mosnod a szennyesedett
Nem akartad senki ölelését
Mit jelentsen ez?
És azt mondtad ...
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Senki nem fogja megfékezni, oh-nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Futólépésben szaladok, oh nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Ó, nem, nekem tovább kell mennem.
Úton vagy mar, és imádkozol, hogy túl és eld
Az út mögötted sziklás volt /rögös/
De most vagánynak tartod magad
Rám nézel, és látod a múltadat
Ez az oka annak, hogy olyan gyorsan futsz?
És ő azt mondta ...
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Senki nem fogja megfékezni, oh-nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Futólépésben szaladok, oh nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Ó, nem, nekem tovább kell mennem.
Nem hagyom, hogy egy ilyen lány még egyszer így feltüzeljen
Nem hagyom, hogy egy ilyen lány még egyszer így magával ragadjon
Ha találok egy másik lányt, mint te, megmondom neki
Soha nem szeretnek egy másik lány, mint te, meg kell mondanom
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Senki nem fogja megfékezni, oh-nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Semmi sem tőrheti meg a lendületemet
Futólépésben szaladok, oh nem
Haladnom kell tovább
Ó, nem, nekem tovább kell mennem.
Dana Kósa

The best version of me (Remix)

[Verse 1: Natti Natasha]
The best version of me, you didn't meet her
Because you always stopped me with your bad attitude
I could never have been, who I was because I loved you in your way
And I forgot to be myself
Let me finesse this track (Remix)
[Verse 2: Romeo Santos]
The best version of you, I haven't deserve it
I admit every mistake, I broke your heart
Because of the complexes of being king, my devastating way
I ignored your crown
The roles are changing today, my luck is over
The cries that I have caused I pay double
Because of my dictatorship, because of my idiocy
I end up in a remix suffering from losing you
I am here
Watching the best version of you (Oh-uoh-oh, uh-uh-uh)
It's the karma of life, look what I deserve
Today when you're not mine anymore, I would marry you
I wasted your time, ruined your story
You were too much and I was a small thing
[Chorus: Romeo Santos]
Natti I'm here
Watching the best version of you (Listen)
I made you suffer
You lived the worst version of me
[Bridge: Natti Natasha & Romeo Santos]
Ja, okay
Natti Nat'
Oh, baby
I want to die
[Verse 3: Natti Natasha]
But the time came for me and I wanted to be stronger
And now I'm so convinced that I shouldn't see you
That I lost my time while you were winning
Because I'm worth a lot more than you imagined
[Chorus: Natti Natasha & Romeo Santos]
And now I'm here, I know I lost you
Enjoying the best version of me
Natti, don't leave me like that
[Verse 4: Natti Natasha]
And because today I don't have you, I have so many things
Now I'm starting to enjoy roses a little more
Please, don't insist me, don't try it either
If I already know that you never fulfill what you promise me
[Chorus: Natti Natasha & Romeo Santos]
And now I'm here (Ah-ah) enjoying the best version of me
Natti I'm here
I don't deserve the best version of you
[Outro: Natti Natasha & Romeo Santos]
The king
Damn feeling
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Shores of the Long Lake

Where do you go when
You leave me ?
Where do you go when you leave me ?
I see you in my dreams.
I go walking
Beyond the forest
O my love, no.

One Thousand And One Goodbyes

Here along my shores
I thought of you
In spite of the distance between us
I could hear your cries
I wonder why
It is so easy
To take back my promise to never fall in love with you
One thousand and one goodbyes
One thousand and one sighs
One thousand and one songs
There is no one else
You and only you
I've let it float away
My dreams
Surrendered to the clouds
My wishes that are getting farther and farther away
I wonder why
It is so difficult
I did everything for the sake of your love
One thousand and one goodbyes
One thousand and one sighs
One thousand and one songs
There is no one else
You and only you
Came back again and again like the waves
Just to reach where the sea meets your shores
I would dare to traverse the waves
One thousand and one goodbyes
I hope I can finally walk away (from you)

Let Me Live How I'm Living

Let me live how I’m living, I mean, it’s no one’s business
Ignore what they’re saying, pants to the floor, they’re hanging everyone for pennies
I’m listening to the public more and more, I’m rewarded with an onslaught of rage
I am a planetary system where there’s no room for the stars
And I feel good, underprivileged, neatly stacked in a pile
I wait for them to fuck me, to be stabbed with a knife
Chain around the neck, but linked to someone else’s line
“Caution” across the chest, danger like a medal
I stagger around, kill sadness through a bottle
The foundation is becoming damp, kill idols, we are yours
Have a look at the bottom, you’ll see the truth, that’s it
But I’m still at the beginning of this song, it’s not finshed
Look at the mirror, within you’ll see 4 faces
They’re all smiling mysteriously but know one questions anything
TV and radio run everything in the first place
Everyone hugs and loves me, but I live with 50 cents in my pocket
Let me live how I’m living, I mean, it’s no one’s business
Let me live how I’m living, let everyone tell stories
Let me live how I’m living, let the tabloids write about it
Let me live how I’m living, just pay for my drinks
Insanity is in the air, everyone either hates or loves me
Little girls use my picture to masturbate after school
I, a dangerous troublemaker, wait for them at the bar
Drunk faggot, jealous of my own mother
I wonder where the problems are, oh mother, lucky me
I have 200 of my people, all the cretins listen to them
I’m an illegitimate artist, the leader of a tribe
Let me go, let me not exist, let them kill me like they did Lennon
Give me bombs, guns, maybe it’s better that way
I’ll kill myself, hand them over while I’m in a good mood
I’ll commit hara-kiri, maybe I’ll calm everyone down that way
Heroes are in fashion again, let the pioneers live
Then tell the stories of how I was a cretin and an idiot
Besides, how I live is none of your business


Where are you, she asks me
It always happens, after the first
When you want, leave the house
And she says to me, see that I need you (I need you)
But there is a reason
The last time she lost her mind
I never say no
It makes it impossible with voice notes
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to fuck, tell me the time
To break the floor with the blender
I always say yes when you invite me
Or if you do not send me a picture in order to make me an Ozunita
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
Always freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I am hers and she is mine (Mine)
I told her while she was eating me (-mine)
We're freaking, we are doing well
I want you for me, I do not want you dor anyone else
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I aske her to take it to the ship (To the ship)
Another day that thinks of me, she knows (You already known)
Again and again I touch her and she wants me not to stop (Do not stop)
She checked what I had been told, yeah
I am always the hunter to her, she comes out
When she is with me she knows what there is (here)
It is mounted in the car, she does not want to go down (She does not want to go down)
She does not put music,so we do it again already
One more time
Ask me one more time (Again)
That without me she does not want to be
When she is with me, she does not want to stop
She is so eager and she can not help it
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
I want to see you
In the night she comes out
What are you going to do
She always asks me to get it low
Just relax
Send me messages
Where do you repeat me I'm a fan of what you do
What do you do, yeah
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
I do not wanna, I do not wanna tell you about it
I am a fan of what you do, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

Every Morning

Every morning, you are here—
every morning, only you.
You don't keep an eye on me but among a thousand girls
only you exist.
Every morning, I see you—
every morning, only you,
and I always hope your sweet smile
will come searching for me.
I can no longer bear it—I love only you.
I desire from you all of the kisses in my dreams,
but today, however, I will get up my courage
and tell you about all of my love.
Every morning, you are here—
every morning, only you.
You don't keep an eye on me but among a thousand girls
only you exist.
I can no longer bear it—I love only you.
I desire from you all of the kisses in my dreams,
but today, however, I will get up my courage
and tell you about all of my love.
Every morning, you are here—
every morning, only you.
You don't keep an eye on me but among a thousand girls
only you exist.

Building a sky house

In your eyes, where you're building sky level house
I came to build a small nest
After I felt mesmerized in your musical legs,
I came to your entrance along with you
In your great love that comes from white lily flower like smile
I will take a house in a star today
For seeing you, each desire stands in one leg
for that, my life will enter inside the entrance steps
No one has seen the pain that he's going through
In the heart beat is the musical notes of waves
For admiring and enjoying the blossom of your eyes
the sleep will cease and return back to home
In your eyes, where you're building sky level house
I came to build a small nest
After I felt mesmerized in your musical legs

Why Did You Make Me Fall in Love?

In the sky a falling star traces a trail of gold.
Every sigh in the wind says that I love you so much—
but you don't feel this spell of love.
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
I am in despair and you know it—but you never want to kiss me.
There are hundreds of kisses on your lips—your lips—
but if I get close to you, you pull away—
why don't you ever want to kiss me?
Oh, how many precious nights
have we lost, have we wasted?
Nobody seems to have ever told you
that it is amazing, wonderful to make love?
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Oh, how many precious nights
have we lost, have we wasted?
Nobody seems to have ever told you
that it is amazing, wonderful to make love?
Why did you make me fall in love, if you never kiss me—never ever?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?
Tonight do you want to let me taste your kisses?

In the old farm

Versions: #2
In the old farm ia-ia-o
How many animals does Uncle Tobia have? ia-ia-o
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Attached to a cart ia-ia-o
There’s a small quadruped ia-ia-o
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Among the boxes and broken tools ia-ia-o
Where the mice are fatties ia-ia-o
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey don-don-donkey
There’s a sheep, sheep she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Very fat and very big ia-ia-o
Always dirty like crazy ia-ia-o
There’s a pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
Then on the edge of a ditch ia-ia-o
Playing with a bone ia-ia-o
There’s a beautiful dog, dog do-do-dog
There’s the pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s a sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o.
In the silent room ia-ia-o
After having abundantly eaten ia-ia-o
Sleeps the ox, ox, o-o-x
There’s a beautiful dog, dog, do-do-dog
There’s the pig, pig, pi-pi-pig
There’s a nice cat, cat, ca-ca-cat
The donkey, donkey, don-don-donkey
There’s the sheep, sheep, she-she-sheep
In the old farm ia-ia-o
In the old farm ia-ia-o.


150 reasons for your death cretin
Same reasons for you to listen, don’t change the topic
What the fuck is wrong with you, what are you doing with your life
You’re only part of the problem, that’s the greatest embarrassment
Shutting your mouth, asshole, you can barely breath
Is the biggest achievement in life that you can sign your own name
How much can you understand me, how much do others know
While others fuck you in the ass, you’ll just dive in your tears
Brother, buy a gun, brother, buy good bullets
Kill at least one guy, don’t search for exceptions
Either way, you fucked around, you lived enough
Keeping your mouth shut your entire life, that’s when you fucked yourself
For me to draw for you on paper, what should be in your thing
Keep to yourself, fuck them all until they leave you alone
Brother, buy a gun, brother, buy good bullets
Kill at least one guy, don’t search for exceptions
They’re all the same story, all the same scheme
Another mask, no daily bread, 100 problems
Who gives a fuck about you, shut up, let them stick their hard on in you
Then kill your brother because someone else is angering you
With problems like that, I know there are no solutions
Not even 100 of us have shit, we need to prepare
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called
Don’t run from your problems, squeeze the shit in your hand
Let it in and fuck the shit’s mother
Don’t go around the shit, don’t let it grope you
You live between shit in a country with musty air
Open the windows, borther, let’s throw out the morons
Let’s build barricades so they don’t infect our children
Who benefits from this story, who am I carrying to the top of the cock
All those who are afraid of Dr. Ivica Pasalica
What's with the small man, what happened here?
Who fucked with whom, what originated here?
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called
You cross yourself, you look around, you choose within the mass
With crossed arms, you’re recognized by your voice
You’re just the same within this bunch of cretins
Here, no one’s clean, I know there’s no solution for us
I draw you a gun, you think I’m threatening you with death
I draw you a bomb, you think I’ll demolish your house
There’s only one feeling when you’re a part of all this
I don’t want to be here, here you have no freedom
But should you pull the trigger, they’re all there and in some way, related to you
If there was more of me, I would be for the use of methods
Use only bullets, bombs, Kalashnikovs, be a scoundrel
Palle alone in the world, be free or be no one
And what the fuck do I need when I all I have is to watch terrible people
When awful things are all you have to read, the only way to fuck is terribly
Brother, raise your hand, brother, scream at the top of your lungs
Brother, there’s no battle, brother, there’s no helping you, that’s called