Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 20

Találatok száma: 899


Minden Mérföld Számított

Terítsd ki a térképet az asztalon a kávéfolttal
Tedd az ujjadat a helyekre, mutasd meg, merre jártál
Az ott Kalifornia, ahol a könnyeid felszáradtak?
Georgiát bekarikáztad, elmondod miért?
'Kellett volna', 'lehetett volná'-kat látok
Ráírva az arcodra
Rossz kanyarok és felégetett hidak
Dolgok, amiket meg akarsz változtatni
Ez történelem
Nem tudod újraírni
Nem arra vagy elrendelve, hogy csapdába ess benne
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
Számított, számított, számított
Számított, számított, számított
Vedd le a dobozt a legfelső polcról, a fekete-fehér
Fényképekkel a régi önmagadról egy jobb színben
Szellemek és megbánások újra visszajöttek, látom a szemeidben
Küldd haza őket, engedd el
Nem gondolod, hogy itt az idő? igen
Ez történelem
Nem tudod újraírni
Nem arra vagy elrendelve, hogy csapdába ess benne
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
És minden út és minden kanyar
Minden seb és keserű vég
Minden, amit elpazaroltál és minden, amit elköltöttél
Számított, számított
Kegyelem mindig megtalálja az utat
Hogy kegyelmesen becsomagolja a hólyagod
És minden autópálya, amit eltöröltél
Számított, számított
De ez történelem
Ez nem határoz meg téged
Szabadon elmehetsz
Mind mögötted van
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
Minden mérföld számított


[1st verse]
Who'd have thought
I'd end up here
Before going to bed
In this stupid huge city
Thinking that maybe
Your absence comforts me
More than the presence of the rest of the world
And I searched for sleep
On the bottom of a mocha cup
We're penguins that can't escape the seal
I want to swim, but you dried out the seas
I want to fly, but you cut my wings
You gave your best smiles to assholes
You had Richie Cunningham
You preferred Fronzie
But after all it's alright
After all don't worry
Everything can be survived
By listening to Lucio Dalla
We're the end of the world
On a Sunday morning
We're a candlelit dinner
Between two fuel cans
Since you departed
I haven't been afraid anymore
And I even manage to laugh when eating vegetables
[2nd verse]
But who'd have thought
It would end like this
Eh eh eh
I'm on my bed
With your bones you forgot here
I'm making some wind chimes
And I'll hang them on the door
They'll warn me when my memory of you tries to enter
And I won't open
And my eyes are tired
I'm not going to renew Netflix
I search for you in Google Maps
And see if I can find you
A word is too much
While two are too few
So break a leg, Princess Mononoke
Because I'm done with sad songs
They're like candies given by dentists
We were fuel, a calm life
And then I met you and we got hooked
We're the end of the world
On a Sunday morning
We're a candlelit dinner
Between two fuel cans
Since you departed
I haven't been afraid anymore
And I even manage to laugh when eating vegetables
We're the end of the world
We're the end of the world
We're the end of the world
We're the end of the world
What are we?
(We're the end of the world)
What are we?
(We're the end of the world)
What are we?
(We're the end of the world)
What are we?
We're the end of the world
On a Sunday morning
We're a candlelit dinner
Between two fuel cans
Since you departed
I haven't been afraid anymore
And I even manage to laugh when eating vegetables
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


I wish if you were here with me
my life would've been colorful
the mood would've been sweet
and I would've said 'bye bye' to my sorrow
I don't want these people
I don't see any of them
no no, don't let the crowds fool you
if you come, you'll cancel them out
stop, stop playing hard to get
stop, stop coquetting
the night is at its start
don't apologize, there's no way
how could I laugh and be cheerful
when you are not sitting here?
a little bit, a little bit and I will cry
and no one feels me
my eyes are set on the door
waiting for handsome cutie
and I hate anyone who asks me
why is your lover absent
stop, stop playing hard to get
stop, stop coquetting
my heart, my heart is aching
where are you who understands me
this is the most I've ever missed you
come on, be gentle and have mercy on me
a chance to meet, a chance
to write a love story
I've set the proper vibes for you
it means I'm going to spoil you
stop, stop playing hard to get
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


Lunatic Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #10

Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Back for revenge.
You're good at fighting, but in rap I'm one step ahead.
You're show off because you beat me a few times?
But, man, give me a break! You've always been behind me!
I didn't need anyone's help. I defeated all the champions.
I'm not the one who needs a CUT to stab bushes!
Can't you swim? Seriously, what a jester!
You don't need training, you need re-education...
Personally, it's not my grandfather who forgot my first name.
I could have called you ASSHOLE so keep it down a little bit!
Let's not talk about speed, let's talk about haste.
You may come first, but I made you finish second!
I can swim but I prefer to SURF on victory!
I have TCs, CSs, I'll show you my STRENGTH, you'll see!
Choose your Pokémon. I'm sorry! I'm first.
It's not my fault your grandfather always liked me better.
Okay you have a good DEFENCE but I have a better ATTACK!
You think you're proud of your Nuzlocke? All I lost was my RATTATAC.
I'm much more epic than your whole clique of pissers,
Pack up and leave or I'll take you in my sofa-bed!
Don't mention my grandfather, I haven't had a family in a long time.
I treat myself with HYPER POTION no need to go home to my mom.
Did you get a discount coupon to get your free bike?
I spent 1 Million and I didn't even use it!
Go back to your love life with your nurse.
While my grandfather, we all know it, is banging your mother!
And while you were hanging out, while you were training,
We shared to the little brothers and your mother, what a bitch!
123Pathetic, I can call you as I please too!
You'll never be as EPIC as my CHHHHAAA-RI-ZARD!
Your team, STAB! Your PAYNYSS, STAB!
All you can do now is crying and you know what? STABBBBB!!!!!!!
Insulting my mother and my team, everything I hate!
Do you want me to talk about your family? At least, what's left of it....
Your grandfather did great things. Your sister is respectable.
You're the bad little duck, buddy. Just a loser!
Professor Chen:
You disappoint me, Morsay!
Those words signalled your decline.
To be denied by your last loved one, hard to be an orphan....
But... what do you think you can win?
I already took everything from you, don't make me keep going!
I killed your RATTATAC, stole your dream of being a Master,
To finally take away the love your ancestor had for you.
Did you forbid your sister to give me the card? She did it anyway!
Call me brother-in-law, she and I love each other!
Nah! Nah! Naaaaah!!! He's lying...
Wake up, it's just a nightmare, everything will go back to the way it was.
I have money, I have talent, I have a team of thugs!
I was master before him. For a moment....
Come on, GO AWAY! Take your girl and go away...
All I've lost against you is time, so let me go!
You didn't experience anything, you didn't suffer anything, you don't know me!
Why don't you go cry about all your Pokémon that died in battle?
Face it, you're just a dirty kid
Who's trying to erase the traces of his past as an orphan.
You abandoned your sister to prove your worth
And you failed, now you're alone, so go ahead and cry!
It's not a nightmare, look in the mirror.
You will see a vanquished man, consumed by despair!
You're just a poor rival. Braggart and not social.
You dreamed of light but you are only my shadow, I embody your ideal!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Ámen És Támadás

Az igazság nevében
Az atya és fiú nevében
Az igazság
És a szent lélek nevében
Ámen és támadás
Álld a sarat a viharban
És üdvözöld a keresztre feszítetteket
Egy, kettő, ámen & támadás
A Bibliára felesküdtek serege
Védj meg az éjszakán keresztül
Három, négy - ámen & támadás
Mikor az éjszaka hideg és sötét
Azt énekeljük: ámen és támadás
És a vadak viharát vezetjük
Légy a falka legvadabbika
Sikítsd! Ámen és támadás
És Istennel az oldalunkon harcolunk
Ámen és támadás
Ámen és támadás
Harcolj ennek a világnak démonai ellen
Nincsenek áldozatok, akik elbújhatnak
Egy, kettő, ámen & támadás
Vedd rá, hogy imádkozzanak vagy fizessenek
Itt az idő, hogy felálljunk
Három, négy - ámen & támadás
Mikor az éjszaka hideg és sötét
Azt énekeljük: ámen és támadás
És a vadak viharát vezetjük
Légy a falka legvadabbika
Sikítsd! Ámen és támadás
És Istennel az oldalunkon harcolunk
Ámen és támadás
Ámen és támadás

Thefish Vs. Magikbal - Epic Pokemon Battle

Hello, geeks! What's new on the disses? We'll see about that right now!
You've had too much!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Raaaaah! I have CHARI-RAGE!
No time to play ball, so get out!
Get out of your Pokeball and show me your face.
Unless you're afraid of my carnage!
I am the king of the waves, that's for sure.
No one can defeat my flow and certainly not a loser.
Don't take your chances or it'll end in drowning,
My rhymes are violent and will take you away like a CASCADE!
No matter how electric you are, the power doesn't flow.
I don't know what Lunatic has, but one day he'll realize
That you're not his type, so listen to me...
You don't belong on this team GO AWAY!!
What have I got to fear against such a small creature?
You're insignificant, your whole life is just a erasure.
One thing is certain, at the slightest opening,
Your life will take a whole new turn, you will suffer my BIT!
Start-up in progress... please wait...
Threat search... no danger!
The opponent is in front, the victory is certain.
Launching arguments about a hundred.
The enemy is not very smart, a lack of analysis.
Has he forgotten that my electricity paralyzes him?
Considering his weight and build, there's nothing to worry about.
An ETINCELLE and it will definitely be a breaded fish.
You talk about fighting, but I do.
You splash people while I electrocute them.
You're tall, impressive, but you scare people!
As for me, looking like an object, I'm interesting!
Humans think I'm a toy. They think you're a tuna!
Then change your tone before the thunder thunders!
No matter how much you weigh three tons, it wouldn't be in good taste
That for you the storm growls. So be careful....
Who's talking to me about weakness? Water is only conductive.
I have strength and my strength is destructive!
You're a degenerate! A failing Pokeball.
You don't even have sex!!! You'll have no descent...
You're not a magic ball, just an imitation.
I impose respect through INTIMIDATION!
I'm tall and heavy, but at least I have some elegance.
Then learn DESTRUCTION it will give us a break!
Infomercial Host:
Good morning, everyone! I offer you a Flash sale!
You will finally be able to get rid of this stain!
Hey, big guy! All that grease and dirt...
We took it away from you, admit it, it's less disgusting!
You got washed, rinsed, by the wash ball.
So go and fail elsewhere, to other shores....
I'm done with you and I have to admit it,
Your rap was powerful... like your DIP attack....
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Council of the 4's Diss (First Generation) - Epic Pokemon Battle #8

This is Bob.
Bob is not on the Council of the 4
So he decided to spam the comments.
Because Bob is a very dumbass.
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Make way!
I'm Olga, ice mistress.
I'm the one who throws a cold and freezes you on the spot.
Freezing you in horror, sublimated by my class!
I am the most deserving and important,
The first to turn down all these rookie vermin.
Sometimes I let it go, but not without making the slightest gesture,
Leaving you, you wankers, finishing the leftovers!
Are you done, Lady Glagla? I'm Aldo and I'm hungry.
For me it's snack time and for you it's the end!
Poor girl! You're crazy... let me break the ice.
I'm strong, I'm hot, it's going to be SUPER EFFECTIVE!
I have concrete muscles, a team of body-builders,
Victory? Drop it! None of you are scary.
I'm going to turn you into yogurt, except for you, the witch...
You're so out of date that you belong in a cemetery!
Huh, what?!! Who's talking about me?
May he be cursed for life! But rap I don't like it...
So let me do it mistress, I'll be there in a hurry.
These idiots who attack you will learn politeness!
My flow from the DARKNESS sounds like a funeral song.
My PSYKOS attacks, Aldo, will break your vertebrae!
As for Olga and Peter, Type ICE and Type DRAGON,
You're the only ones in the world using these stupid types!
The darkness BREAKS you, blocked in the HYPNOSIS.
It is serious to insult the black queen and anyone who dares...
Will get cold in the poison, end up with necrosis.
Death is a symphony of which we are the virtuosos!
Not another word, Pokémon! Peter is speaking to you.
Fighting? You're crazy! I'm not afraid of anyone.
On your knees in front of the master or I'll get out of my hinges.
I knew how to tame dragons, I will be able to submit you!
Agatha represents death? That's what's waiting for her.
I already have some stronger and much stronger substitutes.
Hey, athlete! Hit me! Ha ha! All in your arms, nothing in your head.
On the back of my DRAGOLITE nothing stops me!
BOREAL WAVES!!!!! So, does it hurt?
May your dragons weep, welcome to the icy age.
Considering my position, I've fought more battles than all of you combined.
I have more experience and I'm especially the sexiest.
WHAT?!! You're just a frozen tuna! Your number of fights is for sure, I have it!
I'm so trained, I'm eating your ice types with a frozen bite.
Peter! You dirty kid. Come and fight if you're a man.
Drop your dragons and I'll fight you in five seconds at the most!
Oh, what the hell! Let's get to the point... I'm not going to let some slut do it to me!
Or by a young moron, the PSY type shoots the bullies.
Peter, your dragon type is beautiful but it's useless...
The three of us are so good that almost no one has reached you.
But my dragons have no weaknesses.
Just a reduced resistance to the type everyone's leaving behind.
Being first is no use, I'm the last of the guards.
In a show you always have to save the best for the end.
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Bolde-Lee Vs. Rouroulette - Epic Pokemon Battle #7

Nooo, not rouroulette!!.. Oh hello and welcome to the Hard-Corner! Fortunately, death is not a fatality in video games. I have a tape to show you all this!
Come on!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Go! Go!
Welcome to this dojo, you little beetle.
Oh! But I recognize you, you're that little bird.
Who has not been able to fly far enough, nor high enough,
To dodge my assaults, thus resting in peace...
Are you asking me for a rematch? So don't disappoint me.
Let's go for an avalanche of kicks and punches!
Attention! This is not a training.
You may die... more seriously.
I accept all challenges but do not accept defeat.
Let's let the facts speak for themselves, my victory is already made.
I knocked you down once, didn't you find your grave?
Then let me drive you down, dig, to the next world!
Look at you! An egg that has never been able to hatch.
METEORE FIST! I'm sending you out there!
And if you come back again, braving death forever,
FIRE FIST! I will burn your soul on the flames of your body.
I'm coming back from heaven to make you go through hell.
From where I am, you're just a speck of dust.
You're right to have gloves, be careful with my claws!
You're just a little worm I'm eating for dessert!
I'm crazy! Nothing scares me.
Death is neither a fatality nor a mistake.
You beat me, and then what? Nothing left!
Locked up forever in site number one.
But you're a rock, Lee. I feel sorry for your adventure....
You beat me, but soon after you're overwhelmed with wounds.
Your master is ashamed of you, he abandons you, what a bastard!
While Lunatic loves me, I am his second capture.
I will be remembered. We already forgot you!
I wander in the heavens, watching your captivity.
So did you like my TORNADO of rhymes and violence?
Yes, I know, I'm CRU-AL, we call it revenge!
Revenge is a dish that I enjoy with delight.
Seeing this rage that emanates from our altercation.
Are you losing your temper? You lose the fight!
I have a STEEL mind your NORMAL type does not affect me.
You're so memorable, Lunatic replaced you.
You're so pathetic you've never evolved.
And you've never learned to fly, so get ready to fall.
It's time to get rid with a STRATOPERCUT!
No wonder, my dear friend, I am not finished yet.
Let me correct a couple of things because you're full of shit!
The first is to dare to talk about my estate.
A pathetic replica, made in your nation.
The second is to say that I lost my temper.
I told you I'm crazy! That I am without faith and law!
And the third, your STRATOPERCUT, is not for this time.
I trained in heaven and I send it back to you 100 times!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

in my eyes

throw behind your back all sadness
when you with me, don't ask about comfort
you have created to happiness
you have created to me
in my eyes
I will make your habitation in my eyes
my madness increasing
I attached with you more and more
in your eyes
I want to see the smile
be beside me and my mine
I will give you my age
and in your eyes
my heart under your order
won't carry worry of age(life)
otherwise, don't accept

Giovanni Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #4

Seriously truand2laGalère raps better!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Truand 2 La Galère!
Send me your henchmen, share to your little brothers
By the tens, by the hundreds, they won't be able to do anything.
I'm not afraid of anything... I'm a real gangster!
So you steal the kids' pokemons?
ZUBAT, RATTATA, what interesting pokemons...
While you're at it, steal some great candy from them.
And just to prevent... also some potions!
Because I'm going to murder you, verbally, morally,
Mentally, violently, even literally!
I have no mercy, I take your henchmen one by one.
I'm going to stab them so much... they'll call me godfather!
I'll bleed you to death. It'll make tomato sauce.
And since you're Italian, I'm going to cut off all your legs.
You're making a mistake by confronting a guy this big...
But at least you have enough to make spaghetti bologna!
All right, are you done? Can I go back to my business?
Taking care of a kiddo... I don't have all day!
Go back to school! Go learn respect!
Or I'll call your parents..........well, I won't need it.
I have Italian roots and I am proud of it!
I know where I come from, I knew my mother, I knew my father.
And today... I respect my brothers.
My henchmen are my family and we're going to blow you to dust!
Your shitty humor won't hurt me
I'm stirring billions! What do you say, kid?
You think you're tough, but you're going straight into the wall.
You're not a little gangster... just a scumbag!
Stop it! I'm going to cry! I never knew my father...
On the other hand, the whole world knows my grandfather!
And how are you talking about family? You don't have any friends!
Your henchmen are here for your money. Not for your Panzannis!
I have a rare and class pokemon and, look my Charizard!
Let me see yours? Oh my God, my eyes hurt!!
Only dinosaurs? You have a prehistoric style.
I understand why you lose so often against Lunatic.
Why so arrogant? You have a lack of confidence?
Look how you're dressed, it looks like you just graduated from first grade.
You want to be a champion? Here, here are some TCs!
Because you lack technique, so go back to training!
If you want a duel, come on, my victory is certain!
I'll tell you a secret I'm the last arena champion!
And frankly... you're talking about my Pokemons
But Lunatic beat me twice, you, the triple minimum!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!

Devour me

Versions: #2
I see you differently
come and devour me
my hips, your amusement
go ahead, take a shot…
Following my lead (lead)
you make it unforgettable (unforgettable)
so that I remember everything
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
You make me addicted to your kisses
to your warmth, to your body
let's do something fun and forget about the time
let's burn our skin with fire
He makes me go crazy
baby here we go
you go on being the best in your flow
kiss my waist but slow
Just keep it going, give me more
I see you differently
come and devour me
my hips, your amusement
go ahead, take a shot
Following my lead (lead)
you make it unforgettable (unforgettable)
so that I remember everything
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
Discover me, the same way Columbus discovered America
I'll show you my weak point if you need that
when it's time to work he has to make me addicted
to become your user I first have to like it
And do it to me aggressively if I end up wanting more
I'm not gonna fake the moans
I'm the one who causes your dirty thoughts
you go ahead pass me your cigarette smoke with your mouth
I see you differently
come and devour me
my hips, your amusement
go ahead, take a shot
Following my lead (lead)
you make it unforgettable (unforgettable)
so that I remember everything
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
Oh, come dovour me (devour me)
you make me yours
in case I never see you again
you leave me with madness
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I won't cry

[Verse 1]
Today I know that you go
Well, a little late, you should have left
When you told me that you are not happy by my side
Today I finally open the doors for you, you don't deserve more from me
Today you suffer and cry (uh-uh-uh)
It drowns you not having me (uh-uh-uh)
Tell me, how does it feel that doesn't hurt me to lose you?
Today you suffer and cry (uh-uh-uh)
It drowns you not having me (uh-uh-uh)
Tell me, how does it feel that doesn't hurt me to lose you?
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
[Verse 2]
A garbage, without words
Bad streak, is what you bring my life
What you are taking to me is a dead end, mmm
A garbage, without words
Bad streak, is what you bring my life
What you are taking to me is a dead end, mmm
Bad streak, is what you bring my life
What you are taking to me is a dead end, ah-ah-ah
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
Uoh-oh-oh, uh-uh
You bad, bad boy
You bad, bad boy
Today you suffer and cry
It drowns you not having me (it drowns you)
Tell me, how does it feel that doesn't hurt me to lose you?
Today you suffer and cry (and you cry)
It drowns you not having me (it drowns you)
Tell me, how does it feel that doesn't hurt me to lose you?
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
I won't cry, I won't cry for you, no
Da, daratatarará
Natti Natasha

Leave your kisses

I'm a bad baby, but I do it well
I lose shyness in nudity
And if we are alone I already know what to do
Everyone would like to have me
And only you can own me
Don't talk about my ex, which doesn't count
Because I'm not yours anymore
Leave your kisses on my skin
Leave now (leave now)
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)
Leave your kisses on my skin (skin)
Leave now
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)
[Verse 1]
Leave your kisses on my skin
Like the last time
Grab me with the cel in case you want to see me later
And repeat the process
I won't be satisfied with just that, no, no
We do it on the couch, the bed is far away
And the desires is waiting to do, to do what I want
If you pull my hair I don't put but
I climb on you so you lose your fear
I already know what you give
(It covers and check the night)
For you, you don't leave me
Leave your kisses on my skin
Leave now (leave now)
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)
Leave your kisses on my skin (skin)
Leave now
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)
[Verse 2]
Always asking for my photos
It seems that I'm stuck in your mind
Since I fulfilled your fantasies
Upload photos with me and it seems that you are bitten
Because none are repeated
You know the process
When we eat each other with kisses
And then I receive that text
That he wants to see me tomorrow
Because he doesn't need another one in his bed, other than me
I'm a bad baby, but I do it well
I lose shyness in nudity
And if we are alone I already know what to do
Everyone would like to have me
And only you can own me
Don't talk about my ex, which doesn't count
Because I'm not yours anymore
Leave your kisses on my skin
Leave now (leave now)
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)
Leave your kisses on my skin (skin)
Leave now
That time runs and I don't know (uh-uh)
What will be (will be)

I already know it

I don't care how much you have in you bank account
Nor that you have parked a lambo in your house
That doesn't impress me
That doesn't drive me crazy
That you have a good car
I already know it
A house in the beach
I already know it
That you buy expensive clothes
I already know it
And you try to impress me with your boat (2x)
Baby, the material doesn't call me, call me
And the superficial doesn't please me, please me
I want someone who has his personality
Who doesn't pass it on instagram
Trying to pretend
I want someone who is secure
That caught me in the bed
That give me hard
I want someone who is smart
Who doesn't let anything affects him
And who doesn't take away from people
That you have a good car
I already know it
A house in the beach
I already know it
That you buy expensive clothes
I already know it
And you try to impress me with your boat (2x)
You come with ego
And you go like a loser
Speaking about what you have
Being able to talk to me about love
But not anymore
Don't throw me in private anymore
Because of something, I haven't answered
I prefer to be alone than to be by your side
I want someone who has his personality
Who doesn't pass it on instagram
Trying to pretend
I want someone who is secure
That caught me in the bed
That give me hard
That you have a good car
I already know it
A house in the beach
I already know it
That you buy expensive clothes
I already know it
And you try to impress me with your boat (2x)


Ah-ah, na-ra-ra-ra
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer
Or end up being a madman (ah)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (for me)
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer (suffer)
Or end up being a madman
[Verse 1]
How I treat you, doesn't treat you anyone (no)
What I did to you, baby, nobody does it to you
You know that I am unique in your life
And that in the privacy I don't have a reply (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, wuh)
I know that my body puts you in tension
He doesn't wanna leave my room (na, ah)
That I put you in disarray
I am your downfall (your downfall, baby)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (obsession for me)
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer (yeh-eh-eh)
Or end up being a madman (eh)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (for me)
That I never leave your mind (your mind, eh)
And if I walk away you could suffer
Or end up being a madman (ah, ah)
[Verse 2]
With me an obsession
Crazy, little crazy (aha)
He says to me: 'Baby, you have what I need' (wuh)
I can't deny it to you
The one which I also like (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
He does whatever she asks him when I want to
I know that my body puts you in tension
(He doesn't wanna leave my room)
That I put you in disarray (uuh)
I am your downfall (oh yeah, baby)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (obsession for me)
That I never leave your mind (your mind, eh)
And if I walk away you could suffer (ah, ah)
Or end up being a madman (a madman)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (ah)
That I never leave your mind (wuh, wuh, wuh, wuh)
And if I walk away you could suffer (uh-uh-uh)
Or end up being a madman (ah, ah)

Consistent Fantasy Is The Reality

Oh, what a life is this!
What a head is that!
Makes your ass damn kicked out
We flow like the water, float in the pain
And we're flying up, right
That's because we're high
Consistent fantasy is the reality
Is the death real or is it a dream?
May my pain share yours
May your lovely wine be filled up with dreams
Ride on my hobbyhorse**, I'm tuckered out
I couldn't grow out of, been kicked out from everyplace
We're like the seagull chiming in with the sea
Wherever the wind blows we go there
Consistent fantasy is the reality
The death is real and that's a dream
May my pain share yours
But screw that, life's rock'n roll

The best version of me

The best version of me
You didn't meet her
Because you always stopped me
With your bad attitude
I could never have been, who I was
Because I loved you in your way
And I forgot to be myself
The best version of me
It's about to come
Because I'm recovering
All my security
The one that you took from me
With your pointless jealousy
With your way of thinking
But the time came for me and I wanted to be stronger
And now I'm so convinced that I shouldn't see you
That I lost my time
While you were winning
Because I'm worth a lot more than you imagined
And now I am here
Enjoying the best version of me
And because today I don't have, I have so many things
Now I'm starting to enjoy roses a little more
Please, don't insist me
Don't try it either
If I already know that you never fulfill what you promise me
And now I am here
Enjoying the best version of me
It's not your turn
Enjoy the best version of me

Don Giovanni, Act II, Commendatore scene(Second Act, Scene Nineteen)

Don Giovanni, you invited me to dinner
and I have come!
I never would have believed it,
but I will do what I can.
Leporello, see to it
that another dinner is served at once!
Ah, master, we are lost.
Go, I said!
Wait a moment! He who dines on Heavenly food
has no need for the food of the mortals!
Other more serious considerations
have caused me to come here!
I feel as if I have a fever,
for I cannot control my limbs.
Speak then! What do you ask? What do you wish?
I will speak. Listen! My time is short! etc.
Speak then, for I am listening, etc.
For I cannot control my limbs, etc.
You invited me to dinner,
now you know your duty.
Answer me: will you come to dine with me?
Oh my! Excuse him, but he doesn’t have time.
No one will say of me
that I have ever been afraid.
Make up your mind!
I have done so already!
You will come?
Tell him no!
My heart beats firmly.
I’m not afraid: I’ll come!
Give me your hand upon it!
Here it is!
(He gives the statue his hand.)
Oh me!
What is wrong?
What is this deadly chill?
Repent! Change your ways,
for this is your last hour!
DON GIOVANNI (trying to free himself)
No, no, I will not repent.
Let me be!
Repent, scoundrel!
No, you old fool!
Repent! etc.
No! etc.
Yes! Yes!
No! No!
Ah, your time is up!
(The statue disappears. Flames appear on all
sides and the earth begins to tremble under Don
Giovanni’s feet.)
What strange fear
now assails my soul!
Where do those
flames of horror come from?
No horror is too dreadful for you!
Come, there is worse in store!
Who lacerates my soul?
Who torments my body?
What torment, oh me, what agony!
What a Hell! What a terror!
What a look of desperation!
The gestures of the damned!
What cries, what laments!
How he makes me afraid!
No horror is too dreadful, etc.
Who lacerates, etc.
What a look, etc.
(The flames engulf Don Giovanni. After his
disappearance everything returns to normal and
the other characters enter.)
If there's no source link, you can use this translation whenever and wherever you want
Warn me if I made translation mistakes otherwise enjoy the translation!

A Játék Neve Szerelem

Ne hidd, hogy vége van
Mikor elbúcsúzol
Azt hiszed, könnyű
Összetörni egy szívet
De felejtsd el az ezer könnyet, amit hullajtok
A szerelem egy játék, tudtam már az elejétől
A játék neve szerelem
Ó állj, hadd érezzem ezt a játékot
Ez a szerelem, Te a szívem része vagy
Ne hagyj egyedül az éjszaka hevében
Ó Ó A játék neve szerelem
Ne állj meg, mikor ugyanazt érzed
Szerelmem, csak érted élek
Kérlek, váltsd valóra az álmaimat
Akkor megváltoztam
Fiú, miért nem látod
Most itt az idő
Hogy kimondd az igazságot
Csak egy vicc volt
Mikor azt mondtad: maradj velem
Ne hagyj cserben
Ne szomoríts el
A játék neve szerelem
Ó állj, hadd érezzem ezt a játékot
Ez a szerelem, Te a szívem része vagy
Ne hagyj egyedül az éjszaka hevében
Ó Ó A játék neve szerelem
Ne állj meg, mikor ugyanazt érzed
Szerelmem, csak érted élek
Kérlek, váltsd valóra az álmaimat
Azt hiszed könnyű, mikor elbúcsúzol
De ne felejtsd el a könnyeket, amiket hullajtok

Te vagy a szerelmem, te vagy a szerelmem

Mióta egy angyal vagy az égből, te töltöd meg a fantáziám
Ahogy rám nézel, az annyira feldob, te vagy a mindenem
És csakis a fényképed akarom, hogy én mennyire vágyom a mosolyodra
Szóval gyere és érints meg, gyere és érezz, halld, ahogy kiálltok
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Ez jó (ez jó) Amit érzek (amit érzek)
Hogy mennyire kívánom, bárcsak igazi lennél
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Az álmaimban (az álmaimban) Veled vagyok (veled vagyok)
Valóra fogod váltani az álmaimat?
Teljesen egyedül vagyok, leszállt az éj, te vagy a rádiómban
Mikor énekelsz, érzem a napot, most érzem a műsort
Mivel mindörökké te vagy a végzetem, vidd el a magányosságomat
Szóval gyere és érints meg, gyere és érezz, halld, ahogy kiálltok
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Ez jó (ez jó) Amit érzek (amit érzek)
Hogy mennyire kívánom, bárcsak igazi lennél
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Az álmaimban (az álmaimban) Veled vagyok (veled vagyok)
Valóra fogod váltani az álmaimat?
Mivel mindörökké te vagy a végzetem, vidd el a magányosságomat
Szóval gyere és érints meg, gyere és érezz, halld, ahogy kiálltok
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Ez jó (ez jó) Amit érzek (amit érzek)
Hogy mennyire kívánom, bárcsak igazi lennél
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Az álmaimban (az álmaimban) Veled vagyok (veled vagyok)
Valóra fogod váltani az álmaimat?
Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem) Te vagy a szerelmem (Te vagy a szerelmem)
Minden nap (minden nap) Minden éjjel (minden éjjel)
Ez jó (ez jó) Amit érzek (amit érzek)
Hogy mennyire kívánom, bárcsak igazi lennél


And then again, who hasn't ever dreamt of changing the world?
We're tired of becoming the serious-minded youth
either necessarily satisfied, or criminals, or neurotics:
we want to laugh, to stay innocent, to expect something from life, to ask, to ignore.
We don't want to be this dreamless already. [- Pier Paolo Pasolini]
Somebody should really invent a two-ended toothpaste tube
so no wife would be mad at her husband for pressing the tube from the wrong side
Somebody should really invent an alternative role
for the children who play the trees in school plays
Somebody should really invent a way to tell her 'don't leave me!'
without then dying from guilt if, in the end, she actually stays
Somebody should really invent a new philosophy
or a new zeitgeist according to which the soul is the body's parole.
Somebody should really invent a follow-up to this song
cause I'm fucking tired of this 'Somebody should really invent' anaphora
It'd be great if pop understood that there exist four chords other than these
I want to see Pasolini in prime time on Italia Uno
insulting capitalism and the consumistic logic
I want to see more people at a Vasco Brondi gig
and possibly some less at a Vasco Rossi's (*)
You understand a lot of those who tell you their most intimate truths
You understand everything about those who tell you only superficial lies
People never change, those who are against homosexuality today,
in the 17th century defined telescopes as the devil's work
And everyone loves Coldplay who always play the same four chords
because you can't really love music unless you're also a little deaf
And in spite of all the new experiences we're all slaves to our dreams
because it's impossible to be happy unless you're also a little foolish
Keep in mind that you'll be judged based on how many likes your status will get
and if you don't get at least 20 likes you'll be considered a bit lame
I stopped tripping in my head cause I can't afford the tickets anymore
and I think love is like the tangent of a right angle

Minden szeretetem neked adtam

Patty Ryan - Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Dolgok, melyeket mondtál
Még mindig a fejemben vannak
Nincs több sírás
A mosolyod fagya
Sokkal fagyosabb a jégnél
Nincs több haldoklás
Áldom a szemeidet
És amit csinál ezen az estén
Megváltoztatja azt
Megtöröd a büszkeségem
És azt érzem, hogy megváltoztatod az elrendezést
Azonban rosszra fordul
De most mi a pokol folyik itt
El akarom most mondani neked, milyen érzés a sötétségben
Milyen érzés, amikor azt mondtad, hogy : 'Vége.'
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Azon gondolkozol, hogy
Csak úgy a semmiből jöttél
Mindennek vége már
Nincs vissza út, tudom
Ez a vége a show-nak
Mindennek vége már
Azt akarom, hogy tudd, bébi
A szerelmem igazán nem volt hamisítvány
És akarom, hogy tudd, hogy nem követhetlek
Most nem, és soha sem
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Akármikor csinálom, rossz
De most mi a pokol folyik itt
El akarom most mondani neked, milyen érzés a sötétségben
Milyen érzés, amikor azt mondtad, hogy : 'Vége.'
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Minden szeretetem neked adtam
Az egész lelkem neked adtam
Elvetted a szívem
Rock N' Roll éjjelén
Minden szeretetem neked adtam...

Száguldani a királlyal

Jólfizetett melóm volt álmomban
vagyonom elvertem egy játékbarlangban
Százdolláros Cupidócskák néztek rám bután
Császkáltam rusnya rosszlányok után.
Minden férfi nő és gyermek
Repülővel érkezik az ígéret földjére
A Cadillacot és bazinagy gyémántgyűrűt megveszed
Tisztában vagy vele, hogy a királlyal teszed?
Jótékonysági úton van az új határon,
Mindannyiunkat átvizsgál immáron
Fel a dombra a kastélyig haladj
ott megkaphatod a receptre írtakat.
Ígéret földjére Malévvel utazol
Mindenki tapsikol
És nem szereted ahogyan muzsikál?
Nem tudod hogy itt nyargal a király?
Királlyal nyargalunk
Tudatában vagy annak, hogy a királlyal vágtatunk?
Fényes Magnummal, szmokingban
Láthatod arcán a bú soha nem valótlan.
Szárnyakkal angyallá vedlik a testünk
Nem tudod, hogy mi a királlyal ügetünk?
Tíz évesen kiléptem a Mississippiből
Borotva élesre vasalt öltönyben, aranyszívvel, örömben.
A derekamra egy gitár volt vetve
Halálomig játszom ezt, semmit nem elfeledve.
Tisztában vagy vele, hogy a királlyal vágtatunk?
Tisztában vagy vele, hogy a királlyal vágtatunk?
Száguldani, a királlyal száguldtok.
Száguldtok, a királlyal száguldtok.

A Bit Like Life

A bit like life
Without dreaming anymore
of existence and irony,
and sliding, sliding away
How do you say 'just a little more' and go to search for
That thing that always hurts a bit more,
But that within a moment brings you
to reconsider the wind?
And then to yell at me, who doesn't believe,
Because the confine is the only thing I don't see
Where do you want to fly?
You have time to think,
But meanwhile at least tell me where heaven will end
Remember to play
And to bring yourself elsewhere
I remain here to understand how to light up my heart,
How to light up my heart
You believe you can fly
But the illusion of joy takes your breath away even at night
Maybe try to imagine that on the back side of life
There may be a stronger image
And the memory won't be enough for me,
I would like to find myself in the exact condition
Of a light at the station
On an abandoned track
Where the trip never started
To then yell at me, who doesn't believe,
Because the horizon is the only thing I don't see
Where do you want to fly?
You have time to think,
But meanwhile at least tell me where heaven will end
Remember to play
And to bring yourself elsewhere
I remain here to understand how to light up my heart,
How to light up my heart
Give me back a night that shines instead of a sky of crows
Don't you remember when we were two bodies
united in taking blows?
We knew how to light ourselves up
Before kicking at one another
Before being at each others' necks
Even others' crosses
Just to resemble one another
And then yell at me, who doesn't believe,
But in this tunnel that's so dark that I don't look back,
And the end is the only thing that I don't see
Where do you want to fly?
You have time to think,
But meanwhile tell me at least where heaven will end
Remember to play
And to bring yourself elsewhere
I remain here to understand how to light up my heart
How to light up my heart

The eagle

Of all the birds that fly, it is the eagle that I envy,
When i fly aloft, I seek for my beloved spouse.
Atop a high mountain I shall build my nest,
In order to observe you, my defender, seated and relaxed.
When I would fly aloft, upon you would I gaze,
whatsoever you desired I would place in your embrace.
In the years of youth we met and I took a wov,
that if God would give me lenghts of days, we would grow old together.

The girl with a tin heart

It's so easy to make love, I reckon,
But less so to love a fragile person.
Linda grew up with her heart beating out of sync
And when she was younger, she would dream of fixing it.
She said she was different,
There she would look for butterflies and, against the window,
She would see her classmates playing on the schoolyard,
But she couldn't play with them. She would sit and think about what to say
And if I asked her 'why aren't you playing with us?',
She would tell me to sit beside her pointing up.
'In that cloud I only see an actual heart,
Because mine sometimes would forget and stop beating'
So, in an attempt to save her,
Her dad gave her a tin heart when she was 16,
But he stole her real heart coldly
In exchange for her life
Can't you feel that
My heart is beating for the both of us?
That the pain you feel on yourself shan't pass anymore?
But you're not alone anymore, now there's the both of us,
I'll be there, no matter what happens,
I'll be there, no matter what happens
It's so easy to make love, I reckon,
But less so to love a fragile person.
Linda grew up so fast that she learnt how to wear make-up before her time,
So fast that her father wasn't the same anymore.
She would hide her bruises at school,
Sometime he would be satisfied in beating her and shouting at her1,
Linda felt shivers down her spine when that creep would come back home drunk
And he only took his tie off first.
And if I asked her 'why aren't you going out?',
She would say: 'sit beside me' pointing up.
'In that cloud I only see an actual heart,
Now tell me what you see in the one next to it'
But who has suffered doesn't forget,
They only share their pain, if they meet someone else.
To the most beautiful girl in the world with a tin heart,
Know that I'll be there,
No matter what happens
Can't you feel that
My heart is beating for the both of us?
That the pain you feel on yourself shan't pass anymore?
But you're not alone anymore, now there's the both of us,
I'll be there, no matter what happens,
I'll be there, no matter what happens
It's so easy to make love, I reckon,
But less so to love a fragile person.
Linda grew up with her heart beating out of sync,
But now there's one more heart beating in her womb
I'll be there, no matter what happens
Can't you feel that
My heart is beating for the both of us?
That the pain you feel on yourself shan't pass anymore?
But you're not alone anymore, now there's the both of us,
I'll be there, no matter what happens,
I'll be there, no matter what happens
  • 1. The lyrics here use the feminine, which doesn't make a lot of sense. That would imply either that she beated herself or that her mother did, but the latter isn't mentioned at all in the rest of the lyrics.

She saw her tender Child

She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth sent.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Who is the man

Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Who is the man

Who is the man, who would not weep,
whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ's dear Mother to behold?
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

She saw her tender Child

She saw her tender Child,
hang in desolation,
Till His spirit forth sent.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

My Dear

I didn't see anyone like you my dear
I bought your heart my dear
I didn't see anyone like you my dear
I bought your heart my dear
My gaze is fixated on yours
My heart is beating for you
It's pounding for you, it's worried about you
Every second of every night
Seems as if your heart is like my own
Your feelings are like my good feelings
Whenever you're not around there's no tranquility
There's restlessness, come back
Without you my heart is so chaotic
With you my heart is great
Your name was on my heart from the beginning
I didn't see anyone like you my dear
I bought your heart my dear
We newly became like each other my dear
Everyone except for you are strangers my dear
I don't want anyone besides you
My decision is this: don't go
You that know my feelings, come back
Seems as if your heart is like my own
Your feelings are like my good feelings
Whenever you're not around there's no tranquility
There's restlessness, come back
Without you my heart is so chaotic
With you my heart is great
Your name was on my heart from the beginning
I didn't see anyone like you my dear
I bought your heart my dear
We newly became like each other my dear
Everyone except for you are strangers my dear

Ki tudja ?

Ne nézz így rám,
mert fáj ha sírni látlak.
Nem könnyű nekem beismerni,
hogy nincs többé szerelem.
És hogy én vagyok
az ő szeretett felesége,sokáig.
Mert én voltam az aki miatt fudarcba fulladt,
ma emészt a bűntudat
Ki tudja?
ha a karjaiban valaki megvígasztal.
Ki tudja ?
Ha elvesztítem örökre a büszkeségemet.
Nos vajon ki tudja?
Hogy ha látom ahogy alszik
és egy másik puhs csókokkal csókolja.
Ó, istenem, épp úgy ahogy mi.
Tegnap nem tudtam aludni,
és ma már nem gondolkodtam.
Mert gyáva vagyok ls káromkodva haudtam,
hogy ő volt az utolsó csepp.
És hogy nem gondolok rá mikor
együtt vagyunk egymást szeretve.
És hogy töröltem a számát,
és elfelejtettem a hangját.
Ki tudja?
ha a karjaiban valaki megvígasztal.
Ki tudja ?
Ha elvesztítem örökre a büszkeségemet.
Nos vajon ki tudja?
Hogy ha látom ahogy alszik
és egy másik puhs csókokkal csókolja.
Ó, istenem, épp úgy ahogy mi.
Ki tudja?
ha a karjaiban valaki megvígasztal.
Ki tudja ?
Ha elvesztítem örökre a büszkeségemet.
Nos vajon ki tudja?
Hogy ha látom ahogy alszik
és egy másik puha csókokkal csókolja.
Ó, istenem, épp úgy ahogy mi.
Mondd meg ki tudja?
Mondd meg ki tudja?
Mondd meg ki tudja?