Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 21

Találatok száma: 899



Llévame contigo cuando te marches,
No me voy a quedar aquí sola,
Presiona el botón del teléfono ...
La libertad interior eclipsa la codicia
y las razones para quedarse.
Los sueños locos me mantienen brillante,
tu estarás cayendo ardiente.
Esperé tanto tiempo
pero el sueño había terminado antes de haber comenzado.
He esperado tanto,
ahora no tienes tiempo para correr ...


I'm leaving in a way that I don't leave footsteps
A way so that you can't come after me
These are all memories
I want to leave this place
I'm done with the one that's done
I don't want to remember her
Who even were you?
You made my air bitter
Besides breaking me apart
You don't know anything
I'm leaving in a way that I don't leave footsteps
A way so that you can't come after me
There's a feeling that doesn't let me stay
I have a feeling as if I'm always crazy
What makes me feel good, you take that feeling from me
You aren't with my heart at all, as if I don't know you
I left by myself and cut off every feeling there was
Our relationship was just lust
The day that you surrendered to fate
You newly understand what is loneliness
I'm leaving in a way that I don't leave footsteps
A way so that you can't come after me


Hátrahagytuk otthonainkat, most a farkasok nyomait követjük
A legmélyebb erdőkön át, a csillagok alatt utazunk
Látom a Holdat olyan vörösen ragyogni mint a harcosok vérét
Van egy prófécia, miszerint ma este sok ember fog meghalni
A tűz örökké fog égni szenvedélyes szívünkben
A végzetünk most minket hív
Készen állunk elvenni az életüket
Istenekkel az oldalunkon megyünk csatába
Erősek vagyunk és nem félünk meghalni
Gyilkolásra vágyunk és vérszomjunknak eleget kell tenni
A végsőkig fogunk harcolni és ellenségeinket egyenesen a pokolra küldjük
Egyenesen a pokolra
Kiváló vezetők,
Rántsatok kardot a szélben a háború jeleként
Emberek, készüljetek a halálra
Mert talán soha nem térünk vissza, soha nem térünk vissza
Vér fog fröccsenni és fejek fognak lehullni
Ahogy a kardok villognak, megvilágítva az éjszakát
A föld megremeg ahogy támadunk
A harag izgalmában harcolni fogunk
A villám cikázása, a menny dörgése
Kővé dermeszti a gyengéket
Nem mutatunk kegyelmet, megöljük mindet
Az acél nevében felesküdtünk
Istenekkel az oldalunkon megyünk csatába
Erősek vagyunk és nem félünk meghalni
Gyilkolásra vágyunk és vérszomjunknak eleget kell tenni
A végsőkig fogunk harcolni és ellenségeinket egyenesen a pokolra küldjük
Istenekkel az oldalunkon megyünk csatába
Erősek vagyunk és nem félünk meghalni
Gyilkolásra vágyunk és vérszomjunknak eleget kell tenni
A végsőkig fogunk harcolni és ellenségeinket egyenesen a pokolra küldjük


Halld kardok hangját, ahogy betöltik az éjszakát
Érezd a halál szeleit a bőrödön
Nézd a szálló nyílvesszőket lángolni az égen
Halld férfiak üvöltését, ahogy meghalnak
Erővel és rettenthetetlen szívvel nyertük meg ezt a csatát
Eljöttünk és beteljesítettük a jövendölésünket
Most hát visszamenetelünk a királyságunkba
Magasra emelt fővel és csillogó szemekkel, visszatértünk Dicsőségünkkel
Most csönd borul erre a vér-áztatta mezőre
Hollók lakmároznak a holttestek húsából
'Ez egy nagy pillanat mindannyiunk számára, de most itt az ideje diadalmasan hazatérnünk'


Irene, tonight I'd rip your face off
so that you'll scare the world away, but you'll still be mine
in this pitch black night, that maybe was tomato black
my Red Brigades hands caress you, Aldo Moro (*)
You read it in the stars, that music will give us the daily bread
maybe you've sold your realism to some fair-trade shop
Irene, don't you blindly believe what the zodiac says
because music gives the daily bread only to the celiacs
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless
The future I could have given you
is, all things considered, a flop - better
if you marry an engineer
a lawyer, a dentist
or, or, or your therapist.
An inquiring, cider-hued light
burns strongly in this room and turns the night to ashes
and whilst you sleep, a droplet of saliva streaks out of your mouth
accurate like a kiss never given, or a ticking clock
Irene, songwriters say it's not a matter
of how many times you fall, but whether or not you manage to get back up
But after a thousand mighty falls
we just have to learn to live like snakes
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless
The future I could have given you
is, all things considered, a flop - listen,
break free from this all,
run away as fast as you can
Remember me as a Neville Longbottom
in a world of Draco Malfoy-s
Irene, don't you ever trust
the lyrics of my songs,
especially those you have to paraphrase:
those are the worst ones
Trust only the freshly baked bread
in the winter mornings,
and heaven, only when
only when seen from hell
The future I could have given you, I traded it
for the vinyls I keep in my attic
I will gift them to you when you'll have lost your hopes
and you'll feel helpless

The Narrative

Hafez, come once again,
To abolish the old ode,
My poem's a repeated story, you come and make a new plan,
Come and let's drink a shot from the ode fountain, to eradicate the old sorrow, and decide to put on a new dress,
To vengeance for the heart, let's make a dagger from the ink and pen,
By the hundred armies of ode, let's assail triumphantly up to the heart of sorrow,
My breaths are still warm,
I'm still filled with love,
But it's not the time to sing,
But it's not the time to stay,
I'm sick of making
Emotionless love poems,
I'm the servant of a name
That's without a trace
Come and let's drink a shot from the ode fountain,
To eradicate the old sorrow, and decide to put on a new dress,
To vengeance for the heart, let's make a dagger from the ink and pen,
By the hundred armies of ode, let's assail triumphantly up to the heart of sorrow,
Hafez, give a helping hand, that only remains a moment for a sigh from you,
I'm a dust under the feet,
Until I reach a decanter with you,
I'm a river, a river receded by a dam,
My clean and tired body,
Is broken along these rocks,
I'm a poem, a long poem of flying,
I would have been freed, if I had not been lost in the town of singing,
Come and let's drink a shot from the ode fountain,
To eradicate the old sorrow, and decide to put on a new dress,
To vengeance for the heart, let's make a dagger from the ink and pen,
By the hundred armies of ode, let's assail triumphantly up to the heart of sorrow.

Blue Nights

May, April, the air is metallic
Radio waves from blue houses in the north
You throw up under a bridge in Slussen
As if it makes any difference
Everything is quiet except for feedback and screaming
Panic in your eyes on the bus home
Houses slowly swaying in the rush
In an IKEA-home
Buttoning your jacket and folding up your collar
You're already defeated and beaten
There are blue nights and black days
Blue nights and black days
Blue nights, blue nights
Blue nights and black days
Know the names, all the streets and alleys
But still lost like a drunken soldier
Only ashes remain after everything burns
Only ashes remain
Every single bridge, every park and bar here
They all carry echoes of broken glass
Rain falls and you fall with it
There are only ashes left
You know very well that you've broken the law
Clocks tick and never turn back again
There are blue nights and black days
You've turned your back to everything
And gone over the line
You've broken everything that was whole
Just to see how it feels
Completely quiet except for the headache
The cold places a bandage around your neck
Trying to remember what it was
But it wasn't anything at all
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Hunting of Heart

How well you hunted my heart,
I'm so much thhrilled by your drunken style eyes,
That no one catches the wild birds better than this,

The Abandoned Mother

The dear mother cradles her child with gentle lullabies,
the child for whom she had to sacrifice her everything,
she gave her purest love to a traitor,
the forsaker of the mother's crying baby.
But even if he took her honor and her heart,
she was not bitter about it,
she believed in a new break of dawn,
that the child would be luckier than the mother.
Sleep, my dear, the daybreak is still long away,
rise then with bright eyes, invoked by the sounds of the forest,
rise once, rise as a man, to work with passion,
hurry to defend the weak and the suffering.
Rise once, rise as a man, to work with passion,
hurry to defend the weak and the suffering.


Enlightened by the flames of the bonfire
Lucia's features were rollercoasters
and Paolo fell in love with them
and turned his eyes to the sky and his saints
'I humbly ask of you, I know that you're busy
helping people more in need than me,
but I fell in love and I'd be so grateful
if she felt the same way as I do'
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring under the weight of the years
and on the wonky raft
Fatima's smile was a cruise ship
and surrounded by salt mixed with blood
young Samir discovered the spring
Lean out of the raft and stretch your hands out to me
After all, if you close your eyes, it kinda feels like on the Titanic
But we won't sink, you'll see, we'll make it through
I already smell pizza but it's probably just freedom!
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring under the weight of the years
My love, my love, you've run away from churches long time ago
and you hide in a japanese tourist's pictures
You've nearly died under NATO's rifle fire
and today you keep quiet, fearing you'll come off as cheesy
My love, my love, you're always the same old story
you're the door creaking, the flooded engine
the umbrella that got forgotten at the tram station
the sound of a dream enduring
under the weight of the years and of reality


You were to me
the long tetris piece
The one you wait a lifetime for
but when it finally comes, it solves everything
You were to me
the third string in a chord
the most important note, that decided the fate
of my empty days
You were to me
the fiercest beast
that can be only quietly tamed
The profanity of a religious person
when they stab their toe on the bedside table
The prayer of an agnostic person
in the grey of a
devilish morning
And I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'
(or maybe reckless to meet you, huh)
You were to me
the awareness
that, with the help of time, even a Magikarp will eventually
turn into a Gyarados
You were to me
surviving a thousand nightmares
but dying with the first dream that popped up
along my way
Oh, you were to me
the absence to Bresson
the Corrida to Hemingway
and the revolution to Danton
the whistle of the train to Belluca
you've shocked me
like Raffaella Carrà on national television with her Tuca Tuca
And I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'
You were to me what the Dunning-Krueger Effect is to Kanye West
You were to me what Friends were to the '90s.
I escaped into your eyes for hours
and felt like a better person
I escaped into your eyes for hours
and felt like a better person
I'm sorry if I tell you certain things
but I just have to tell someone
and the only someone I know is you
You blew inside my
harmonica-shaped heart
you've sown wind and reaped windpower
Your quite-s and your enough-s
won't certainly stop the volcano erupting on my bare face
It all started with an indifferent 'marry me'
and ended with a 'nice to meet you'


In the street if I am wandering around
It's cuz I don't want someone to know I cried
You didn't see the steps you left on my heart
It's good that you are reaching your wishes
I don't want it to rain
Oh, someone that doesn't love someone else
Now the only thing I have is this room
Full of memories, full of happenings
Don't hesitate, if you're in love come back
Happiness left this place with you
My lonely, lonesome heart
The sadness of your distance made me crazier
Little by little you will forget about everything
My heart doesn't learn about separation
Come back, you that knew
That there's someone here that's dying without you
When I'm feeling depressed
I see in the mirror a young person that's old
You easily say that it's destiny
For me it's hell, for you it's heaven

Fair Kerttu of Karelia

I remember how I walked the streets of Vyborg*
The Papula bridge was left behind me
I was so happy to run into you
It was a wonderful night
When the moment came
When we met again
We had a pleasant conversation
The moon shone sweetly as we dreamt together
Refrain (2x):
I have so many memories of Vyborg
Now I've lost Kerttu too
When I see you again, Kerttu
We'll have our wedding in the Round Tower*
I'll have you sit on my lap
And I'll know that you're forever mine

Place Reserved

Just come
The door is always open here
I once left it open and will leave it for the future
We can talk (talk to me)
We can paint
We can drink beer or coffee
If you let me know when you're coming
I can clean up for you
But you can show up unannounced too
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
If you let me know when you're coming
I can clean up for you
But you can show up unannounced too
I made food
And with that amount you could feed an army
I keep it on the stove
So I don't have to serve cold food
You can stay the night
You can have my bed
Or we can sleep together
If you don't let me know when you're coming
You can clean up for me
You can show up unannounced
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
If you don't let me know when you're coming
You can clean up for me
You can show up unannounced
Don't worry
I can freeze the food
It's not a problem
If you don't come today
But here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is a place just reserved for you
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

To bad me

I can be a blessing
I can be a curse
All depends on how you treat me
Hell lies on my lips, tell me if you want to try
If you want to play with fire, well I can teach you
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
Listen, doll
All my movements, they have you disquieted
Seducing you isn't a challenge
No, no, no, no
And it's not secret
The one that is not that she is alone, I quiet her
And since you walk around coquettishly
Bring me something to drink, that my palate is dry
No one controls me
I know that my countries when they made me bounced the ball
Dangerous as a gun
Single, but never alone
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
I give myself good fame, good life
I don't think of yesterday, I only live today
Many are lagging behind next to me
Wishing to have all this power
Everyone looks at me when I move
Let's raise hand, the one who is not afraid
This is a game of two, but here I command
Ready to set fire
You like what you see
You would like this body in a dawn
But it's not easy that I enter in my being
And as I know that everyone wants to have me
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
To bad me
I can be a blessing
I can be a curse
All depends on how you treat me

Heart Attack (Spanish Version)

I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack...
I would never give all my love
And to the right girl I say: no,
Today I can get whatever I want,
If it is about you, I have nothing.
If it were someone else
And with a broken heart
I could play a whole basketball game.
For you, I am like a little girl that today
Comes begging more from you.
For you, your hand to hold,
Never let go of it,
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
I have never cried for anyone,
I am paralized if you get close
And when I try to be more natural,
It looks like I'm begging for help.
And it's not fair to see
Your problems you want to give me,
I breathe your air.
It burns me, but it feels so nice.
For you, I am like a little girl that today
Comes begging more from you.
For you, your hand to hold,
Never let go of it,
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Like a heart attack
Every feeling from yesterday
Hve left and I won't give in,
No one is guilty, yeah!
I know I'll never walk away
Close to the sun I will always love you
Blame only me.
You make me shine
And I'm trying to hide it,
I know that...
I am in defense mode,
I don't believe in love anymore
If I do, I know I am
Like a heart attack (x5)


Where yesterday lied ruins,
Will arise again in the center of Europe
Free, strong, powerful country
Which received back its freedom.
We carried through many years
Our dream about free state.
And now in the hope of our parents
We have the right to our state.
We have the right!
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!
We're not indifferent to the fate of the nation
We have our own grounds for this
How long we can live in the sludge?!
I'm so tired of all of this!
Ukraine - you are the one and only mother.
Ukraine - you are my fatherland.
I see the crash and degradation around.
Arms is our only way.
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!
Where yesterday lied ruins,
Will arise again in the center of Europe
Free, strong, powerful country
Which received back its freedom.
We carried through many years
Our dream about free state.
And now in hope of our parents
We have the right to our state.
We have the right!
Ukraine, you belong to me!
Ukraine! After several years
World will see the great country,
And it will be, it will my Ukraine!

Post-graduation portraits

Giorgio, after his graduation
has gone to Milan without thinking about it too much
He left his teenage years behind,
the joints smoked in the front yard, he converted
and now believes in Jesus
Gaia, Gaia admits it
she wanted to leave but she couldn't afford
the rent for a house in a capital city
Now she studies oriental languages
and keeps four full suitcases in her closets
Nanni didn't get a degree
he lives in the same old place and studies Drama
and he knows by heart the sound of the wind
and how to walk through life at a peaceful pace
Elena, she is happy
because she's always wanted to be a writer
and without her parents's help, she studies Literature
because passion is worth way more than cold logic
and statistics
Did you, too, like me
realise that life is so brief
and we can't miss it?
Did you too, like me
put everything you had on the table
in order to find happiness?
If there's one that left
but wants to come back where he's born
that's Giuliano,
he can't stay away from the life in the South
and if only he found a job, he'd never leave again.
Tea studies Art
she loves pornography but doesn't sleep with anyone
she wants to go to France after her studies
to do portraits of cats and of strangers
Angelo changed his mind
and so did Prospero, Ruggiero and Andrea
They quit music
to get a degree
But just like Ulisse did with Itaca,
music can't be forgotten
Did you, too, like me
realise that life is so brief
and we can't miss it?
Did you too, like me
risk everything you had
to have a taste of happiness?
Just ask and you will find it.

Swill Town

Versions: #2
[The poor]:
Why should we care?
That the fine lord has been murdered
Why should we care?
We know we'll get another
Why should we care?
That one of the noble has fallen
Why should we care?
Forget them and the posh city
Swill Town smells like a dunghill
Be welcome here, walk right on in!
Animals or people - the manure’s the same!
If you're afraid of some stench, get out of here now!
If it frightens you when we follow your every step,
Keep to yourself!
Swill Town is a place where everyone harms everyone
Where you can never hide, never get peace
But even in the dark among enemies and hunger
We have unwritten laws that are always followed...
Why should we care?
That one of the noble has fallen
Why should we care?
Forget them and the posh city
When we go to 'posh Dunark'
We feel the cold and contempt
All those with money kick at us
And now they're fighting for the glory and power
But the people you meet around here,
Will win nothing
Swill Town is a place that'll never be anything but dirt
And when the rich man fights, the poor man is quiet
Quiet when he's hungry and living on spite1
Who will win the power now? Why should we care?
Why should we care?
That the fine lord has been murdered
Why should we care?
We know we'll get another!
  • 1. The original text actually has a double meaning here: 'på trods [af]' means 'in spite [of]' but living 'på' something can also mean that it's what you're sustaining yourself with/eating. Thus they are both sustaining themselves on spite and living in spite of what the rich in the city think of them.


For your people, for my people
For his people, for your people
you were raised here
and you came here
you came back
and you will remain here [forever] *
come on
with this song
we will sing it
for the old generation
and the new generation, too *
our people and your people
will arrive here soon

My own way

But yeah,
I'm here
telling you things that are important to me
and you
don't know
whether they're words or feelings.
it's not important
if some talk about incoherence
I'm me
my own way.
I did
what I wanted,
alone with myself, looking ahead.
I've got too few of them,
there's really no need for me to recount them.
I've had,
I haven't had,
everything perfect, everything wrong,
I'm me
my own way.
And, although I cried a little,
that experience did me good.
Yes, I had bitter bites
and I managed to spit them out.
I'm me
and my own way
I never change!
But yeah
I'm here
telling you things written by someone else,
to give them to you
I translate them and take them inside.
not to brag,
no one can tell me off
I'm me
my own way.
In front of me there are seats,
full or empty, I don't know.
Inside me my own life,
deserted or full, I said no.
But I'm me
and my own way
I never change!
If the audience says yes,
I thank God
for being me
my own way.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Shikishima's offensive unit

I'm staring at the five-colored sea
Our formation ascended a thousand meters
From the white respirator came the oxygen that refreshes us
So that it will be our last food, tomorrow I won't see tomorrow, tomorrow!
You'll dance wearing the brightest dress!
Sleep and I'll come to explain you the path I took!
And you'll cry now that your face is defenceless, but you'll dance for me!
I push the engines past maximum, it's the supreme speed
Bombardiers that are enemies are flying like a swarm of insects,
But I have just a target: the lift of the aircraft carrier
By now is clear that courage is nothing else than watching, watching!
You'll dance wearing the brightest dress!
Sleep and I'll come to explain you the path I took!
And you'll cry now that your face is defenceless, but you'll dance for me!
You'll dance wearing the brightest dress!
Sleep and I'll come to explain you the path I took!
And you'll cry now that your face is defenceless, but you'll dance for me!

No more Dalaras

No more Dalaras, Parios and Alexiou
Ritsos for the nescients, cafe culture
Discotsifteteli, for the Americans
Neogreeks, are dancing, doggystyle
With bells
No more songs, plastic full of fat
Immigration and poverty and in the depth a garden
All the songs, just for you
My sweetheart (1), my sweetheart, my sweetheart
For you
For you wearing black
Strass and spikes
The crown of thorns
The Rayban glasses
For you my angel
I'll go to the calvary
To perform a concert of gipsylaika
Hendrix and Kazantzidis, 10000 watt
So that the cops and the SWATs will shit their pants
No more songs about motorcycles
No more songs for vampire rebetes
No more songs for the low-income
Free, free, free
And beautiful
No more songs about the huge masses
Bubblegum songs without bravery and morals
All the songs, just for you
My sweetheart, my sweetheart, my sweetheart
For you
For you wearing black
Strass and spikes
The crown of thorns
The Rayban glasses
For you my angel
I'll go to the calvary
To perform a concert of gipsylaika
Hendrix and Kazantzidis, 10000 watt
So that the cops and the SWATs will shit their pants

I'm Calm

I'm again, next to you, I'm free, lover
Can it be, you will laugh, until the world is with me
I'm dying, you're not here, inside my heart, it's silent
I don't want anything from the world, I'll go wherever are
Until this tight heart of mine is calm
There's no one in my heart anymore
I know there's no one anymore
Maybe if I had believed
There's no one in my heart anymore
I know there's no one anymore
Maybe if I had believed
I'm happy with you, by god I am calm
I'm in love, I came to stay with you
By the air, all of my seconds are easy, I'm calm
Wherever you are, my heart is calm with you
This heart of mine is beating for you
Wherever you are, my heart is calm with you
This heart of mine is beating for you
There's no one in my heart anymore
I know there's no one anymore
Maybe if I had believed
There's no one in my heart anymore
I know there's no one anymore
Maybe if I had believed

All You Do And That You Exist

It was a morning in December
Frozen hearts, frozen hands
Heated looks, cold shivers
We were only 17
You looked up and smiled at me, and I realized that I hate you.
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
Never have I met someone so narrow-minded and stupid.
Someone who lies so much, I don't understand how you have the energy.
So full of lies and so full of betrayal
Completely devoid of, completely devoid of, completely devoid of self awareness
Acting without reason, subjective without function
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
Your shortage of humor and lack of logic, makes you not be like anyone else
No you must be unique
Since other people's happiness makes you sad, other's sorrows make you happy
Other people survive on love, but you thrive from hate
Acting without reason, subjective without function
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
You narcissistic, selfish, offensive thinking, horribly undestroyed, simply annoying
I've been thinking about all the people you hurt, thought of all these fools
Look back if you dare, we were only 17
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you...
I hate that you exist when you talk even more.
Your extreme way of reasoning.
Everything you do and that you exist.

Last Dance Of The Night

You know nothing more beautiful
than the smoke against the red lights
I know nothing more ugly than me
But one waste's no time being sensible
When the need for acknowledgement is burning
You don't understand anything
But I want you anyway
Being easy makes me so tough
But come over and we'll do something
Come here and we'll do something we're not allowed
So this night ends
The cigarettes burned out too fast
You are so drunk, I am so empty
I am so smart, You are so dumb
There is no way you may understand
There is no beautiful metaphor
I let go of all illusions
and keep on dancing to the sad songs
Desperately expectant faces
I barf on all strong individuals
But tonight I'm no better myself
Because Håkan is playing and I'm screaming
So this night ends
The cigarettes burned out too fast
You are so drunk, I am so empty
I am so smart, You are so dumb
There is no way you may understand
There is no beautiful metaphor
I let go of all illusions
and keep on dancing to the sad songs

I Really Loved

I really loved
That sky, the T-shirts, and the sound of rain
I really loved, I really loved
The sea breeze, roadside trees, and your summer
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
You opened the last door
And said goodbye to this room
You did not look back even once
And you left my heart behind
Everything is kept in this picture
(You and me, eternity)
The memories of you
(My enduring memories)
I miss you, desire
Forever, remember forever
I really loved you, when we laughed together, your crying face
Or even when we got into an argument
We can’t go back there anymore
I really loved everything, I really loved everything
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I can hear the melody of that summer
I could never imagine that we won’t be able to see each other anymore
The blue night, shooting start
(I wish on a shooting star)
Never ending, one more kiss
(Never-ending one more kiss)
I dreamed a dream, desire
Forever, remember forever
I really loved you, when we laughed together, your crying face
Or even when we got into an argument
We can’t go back there anymore
I really loved everything, I really loved everything
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I can’t say, can’t say goodbye
I really loved (you)
I would have never known
About tears run through my cheek
While just looking up starry sky
But I have to move on
I would never forget you, you are my precious
I really loved
That sky, the T-shirts, and the sound of rain
I really loved, I really loved
The sea breeze, roadside trees, and your summer
I really loved (you)

For a moment

Every time I die a little
When I know I'll lose
I'm sorry
What they blabber about
It's charm school
I don't like it hey-oh
Put your hands up if you know how to
Stand still
A dream
I crave it
There ain't a voice screaming harder
There ain't no greater weapon
Than a dream
You change the world
I'd like for tomorrow
Than those far away
Would come closer
And fearlessly
Without excuses
Like we were
one even just for a moment.
They teach us war
We want some more
Because we dig it,
Sayin no
Is so much simpler by the way
I don't like it
Put your hands up if you know how to
Stand still
A dream
I crave it
There ain't a voice screaming harder
There ain't no greater weapon
Than a dream
You change the world
I'd like for tomorrow
Than those far away
Would come closer
And fearlessly
Without excuses
Like we were
one even just for a moment.
No, not now
I want to be right
Don't tell me you don't want it
If what's left
Is a song and nothing more
I'll sing it more
Put your hands up if you know how to
Stand still
A dream
I crave it
There ain't a voice screaming harder
There ain't no greater weapon
Than a dream
You change the world
I'd like for tomorrow
Than those far away
Would come closer
And fearlessly
Without excuses
Like we were
one even just for a moment.
for a moment-oh-ah-uh
for a moment

Börje Lundin, the Knight of the Steering Wheel

Come here, come here
Back to me, I want you baby
When I make a move, I freeze up like an imbecile
I of course believe it's you
The same style of hairdo, but a darker shade
Than the one you currently wear
There's always someone that I meet that
Resembles you quite a bit
Faces that awake memories about
When it was you and I
Come here, come back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
If I run into someone wearing a leather jacket and jeans
You're there for a minute
I get punched in my face so that I wake up and remember
That it really is over now
It has happened that I've acted spontaneously
Made a fool out of myself and approached
A total stranger downtown
And shouted out your name
Come here, come back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Now I'm no longer able to act cool
Since I'm constantly reminded of your gaze
And I see you everywhere
Come here, come here
Come here, come here back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Come here, come here back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Baby I want to be with you

The King had the drums beat

The King had the drums beat
To see all his ladies
And the first he saw
Delighted his soul
Marquis tell me do you know her?
Who is this pretty lady?
And the Marquis answered
Lord King, it is my wife
Marquis, you are happier than me
To have a wife so beautiful
If you would grant her to me
I would take care of her
My Lord, if you weren't the king
I would exert vengeance
But since you are the king
To your obedience
Marquis do not get angry
You will have your reward
I will make you in my armies
Good marshall of France
Farewell my love, farewell my heart!
Farewell my hope
Since you have to serve the king
Let's separate from our union
The queen had a bouquet made
Of beautiful lily flowers
But the scent of that bouquet
Caused the marquise to die


We heard there was gonna be a fight
we heard that there was also gonna be a show
we know something better
something that will change the entire world
We're not all the same, know that well
one of us shines the most!
Here is a shine for you to shine
Are you a fighter or a loser?
I and you, you and I, let's see who's better
We already know that we're not all the same
We all need a little competition
Are you scared of a bad audience?
You have style for a fight
To fly above everyone else
It doesn't matter who you trample on
You're not losing from anyone! (Aaaaa)
Now win!
Start a battle, battle of the bands!
Start a fight!
Because you're better
Start the battle, battle, battle, battle, battle of the bands!
(I can beat you) Battle!
(Ha, there's no way) Battle!
(How is it that I only want this) Battle!
(Not if I come in first) Battle
I and you, you and I, let's see who's better
We already know that we're not all the same
We all need a little competition
Are you scared of a bad audience?
Now win!
Start a battle, battle of the bands!
Start a fight!
Because you're better
Start the battle, battle, battle, battle, battle of the bands!

I Feel No Love

Versions: #2
He's good-looking and he's amicable
He can be very decent and charming
We can talk about a lot of things
Time spent with him is amusing
When I ask for something I never hear a 'No'
And I can easily forgive his little flaws
But I feel no love
And I don't wish to belong to him
For I feel that without love
I'd die and it would destroy me
And I don't wish to give him my whole life
For then it will be finished
He will never completely understand me
He's blind to my longings
He's not cold but never cordial
He kisses me furtively like a child
And, no, I feel no love
No trace of tenderness
If I ever should fall in love then
It would be with a man who liberates me
Yes, then I would give my whole live
And through him I would be free
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!