Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 27

Találatok száma: 900


More Than You See (Pt 1)

You think you know me.
I am tired of it.
You are talking wrongly and badmouthing me,
Twisting, consuming me
Beyond recognition.
The idea you get of me: totally wrong.
I forget myself,
Break the mould
Until you finally realize who I am.
And stay with me
Where my poses are.
I know that all the best is starting here.
There is much more, more, more than you see, see, see.
There is much more, more, more than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more, more, more than you see.
Like the corners, the edges,
They are part of me.
No matter if you want to see them or not.
Deeply and unrecognized lies
The biggest power within me.
It keeps me balanced day and night.
I forget myself,
Break the mould.
I want to show everyone who I am.
There is much more, more, more than you see, see, see.
There is much more, more, more than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more, more, more than you see.
I forget myself,
Break the mould.
I want to show everyone who I am.
(There is much more)
(Than you see.)
(There is much more)
(Than you see.)
More than my appearance, more than what you like.
More than your applause, and that's why I scream out to the world:
There is much more (more, more) than you see (see, see).
There is much more (more, more) than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more (more) than you see.
More than you see.
More, more, more than you see.
When there's no source given for the translation, I made it personally.


You're not an actor, not a celeb, not a singer,
Not a model, not fit, you know no one, you're unknown,
It's good that there's only one like you.
You don't open up, you don't wanna listen,
You don't go with it, you don't buy, don't sell, don't respond,
As if it all passes by you.
But despite it all you're different,
You're different, not like anyone else.
And there's only one thing that you do,
That you do best.
You drive my head insane, my heart insane,
My head insane, my heart insane,
I don't know what to do with you...
(Mess, mess, mess,
I want, I want this mess!
Mess, mess, mess,
You do to me, what you do to me...)
You're average, not smart, not dumb,
No less, no more, you're not giving up, not captivating,
All in all you're just another person.
But despite it all you're different,
You're different, not like anyone else.
And there's only one thing that you do,
That you do best.
You drive my head insane, my heart insane,
My head insane, my heart insane,
I don't know what to do with you...
Come on!
Mess, mess, mess,
I want, I want this mess!
Mess, mess, mess,
You do to me, what you do to me...

Hard to beat

Stronger than nature and its cruelty
Stronger than thunderstorms and darkness
Of earthquakes and volcanoes
Of glaciations and drought.
Stronger than giant bears taller than three meters up
Of tigers with saber teeth and huge mammoths
So much bigger than us
That we should not exist anymore
But the heart goes beyond the obstacle
But the heart does every miracle
And I know it
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible
Stronger because every day we fight here
We complain every now and then but nothing more
A sunny day is enough for us
And a corner of blue sky
We grow full of dreams and hopes then
They fade a little but they never go out
We often fall though
We're also good at getting out of trouble
And the heart goes beyond the obstacle
And the heart does every miracle
And I know it
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible
Stronger than misunderstandings
Uncomfortable escapes and returns
I want your perfume on me
Take me by the hand now
Run and the world will not take us
it will not take us
it will not take us
it will not take us
Hard to beat
You bet
Hard to beat
Almost impossible.


Toys, I look at them and I see every step I made with them again
In the wings of a robot and a never grown alien
My toys have a soul and they forever wait for you
They won against the villains and every fear of my mind
I brought them in my bed to fight the witches
And they killed a black man that every night
Held my foot.
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
I don't know where naivety is, though
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Jeeg steel Robot, defeat dishonesty
And give me back all the happiness
Toys, 100 soldiers, but only one shoots
They fight the war and no one ever dies
Toys know how you can face a thunder
And they proudly look at you
As you become a man
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
But I don't know what disenchantment is anymore
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Go Mazinger, fly against cruelty
And give me back all the happiness.
Toys know who you are but they pretend to be blind
Under their plastic they have a heart and a life you can't see
Someone dies, someone will forever get older
And you won't find it anymore in a box
Where you had put it
Where you had put it
How old are you tonight? I'm three
How old are you tonight? I'm three
I don't know where naivety is, though
How old are you tonight? I'm three
Jeeg steel Robot, defeat dishonesty
And give me back all the happiness
All the happiness
All the happiness

In My Birthday Suit

I’d like to get everything off of me:
as naked as in my birthday suit.1
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Non so much for modesty, as to get off of me
four layers of cloth that cover me from the world.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
I’d like to get everything off of me.
I’m getting rid of sunglasses,
of shirts that have been too tight for a while now.
It’s always the same old story, Your Eminence.2
I swear, they are pointless.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
like a cupid in a painting by Giotto.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Getting rid of, combing, my beard and hair,
conjectures and distractions.
My world-wise appearance
doesn’t help me feel less of a moron.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
because I’m tired, because I think it’s right.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Completely erasing future expectations,
mental masturbation.
Existentialist questions by rocket-science philosophers
are pointless, as you can see.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
as free and serene as I once was.
I’d like to get everything off of me
and be left naked, looking at myself happily.
Non so much for modesty, as to get off of me
four layers of cloth that cover me from the world.
I’d like to get everything off of me,
I’d like to get it off of me.
Getting rid of pretensions of neutron fission,
useless ravings about revolution.
People who think they’re wise
err of approximation.
I’d like to get everything off of me.
  • 1. Lit. ‟As naked as mum made me”.
  • 2. Lit. ‟the same old soup”.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

L'Hymne de Bataille du Kentucky

Dans l'année 1861, nous avons quitté notre pays natal,
Parce que nous ne pouvions pas plier nos esprits à la dure commande du tyran.
Et nous avons rallié notre Buckner, alors que nos coeurs étaient tristes et douloureux,
Pour offrir notre sang pour la liberté comme nos père l'ont fait avant...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Quand au début le drapeau du sud déployait ses plis dans l'air,
Ses étoiles étaient à peine rassemblées que les fils du Kentucky étaient présent.
Et nous avons prononcé un serment solennel, et nous nous sommes sévèrement rassemblé
Nous voulons seulement vivre en hommes libres sur le sol sanglant et sombre.
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Avec Buckner, notre chef, et Morgan dans le van,
Nous planterons le drapeau de la liberté dans notre clair et heureux pays,
Nous conduirons les serviteurs du tyran dans le flot roulant de l'Ohio,
Et teindrons ses vagues avec le pourpre du lâche sang yankee...
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Alors applaudissez, vous, braves du sud, vous verrez bientôt le jour,
Quand les plus belles filles du Kentucky vous encourageront sur votre chemin,
Et que leurs fières vieilles mères vous accueillerons tous,
Car unis nous résistons, mais divisés nous tombons !
Et nous marcherons ! marcherons ! marcherons !
Au son du tambour,
Nous avons été chassé en exil,
De notre vieux Kentucky...
Simon Bolivar Buckner (1823−1914), et John Hunt Morgan (1825−1864) étaient tous deux des généraux confédérés lors de la Guerre de Sécession

Winter Nights

Sídu-Hall! Pale and cold!
Storm wind beats, both goods and yard
'Do not sacrifice where false gods reign.
Do not believe everything you see.'
'Do not sprinkle dust on holy mound.'
What to the dísir care about that?
The dísir are riding again!
Look, the dísir are riding again!
Winter nights, dísablót,
neglect it if you wish!
Throughout the night herds are riding forth.
Dísir are approaching the farmstead in the moonlight
If hird in white appear your life will be spared.
The horrific journey of the mob begins up north.
If you see them in black with swords drawn.
You will fall eternally and your life will perish.
Listen now! There's sound coming from behind the door!
Stay attentive, do not touch that door latch
But the storm has calmed, the night is clear.
Grabbing the sparkling sword.
Hear the sound of hooves fast approaching from the north.
There he sees nine dísir in black!
Once again, Sídu-Hall stands pale and cold.
On the farmstead a son has suffered a death blow.
The dísir move away with the tribute of sacrifice
Sacrificing his life to Hel!

Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη

Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
μια όψη φωτεινή και δίκαιη
και ο ύπνος μου διακόπηκε
αλλά το όνειρό μου παρέμεινε ζωντανό
με την μορφή κοιλάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
πως οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
της λύτρωσης από τα έργα των ανόητων
πάνω από τους ταπεινούς συγκεντρώνονται τα χαρίσματα
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη
Εκδικητικές όψεις έγιναν ύποπτες
και σκύβοντας χαμηλά σαν για να ακούσω...
και οι στρατιές σταμάτησαν να προχωρούν
γιατί οι άνθρωποι είχαν την προσοχή τους
και οι βοσκοί και οι στρατιώτες
είναι ξαπλωμένοι κάτω από τα αστέρια
ανταλλάσσοντας οράματα
και αφήνοντας τα όπλα
να χαραμίζονται, μέσα στην σκόνη
με την μορφή πεδιάδων που λάμπουν
εκεί όπου ο καθαρός αέρας αναγνωρίζεται
και οι αισθήσεις μου ξύπνησαν πρόσφατα
Αφυπνίστηκα από την κραυγή
Εκεί όπου υπήρχαν έρημοι
Είδα συντριβάνια
το νερό ανέβαινε σαν να ήταν κρέμα
και περπατήσαμε εκεί μαζί
χωρίς να κανέναν να μας κοροϊδεύει ή να μας κριτικάρει
και η λεοπάρδαλη
και το αρνί
ήταν ξαπλωμένα μαζί όντας πραγματικά δεμένα μεταξύ τους
Ευχόμουν μέσα στις ευχές μου
να θυμηθώ όσα είχα βρει
Ονειρευόμουν μέσα στο όνειρο μου
ο Θεός ξέρει, μια πιο καθαρή οπτική
καθώς παραδίδομαι στον ύπνο μου
Αφιερώνω το όνειρό μου σε σένα
Την δύναμη να ονειρεύεσαι, να εξουσιάζεις
να παλεύεις για τον κόσμο ενάντια στους ανόητους
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
έχει αποφασιστεί, οι άνθρωποι έχουν την εξουσία
Πιστεύω πως όλα όσα ονειρευόμαστε
μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν, μέσα από την ενότητά μας
μπορούμε αλλάξουμε τον κόσμο
μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε την τροχιά της γης
έχουμε την δύναμη
Οι άνθρωποι έχουν την δύναμη


Zina, your name sounds like the song of the setting sun.
The echo of the wind sounds from the East.
Four letters in your hand are the mark of your path,
made of so many cities, you're at home everywhere.
A little girl born here from parents born elsewhere, my darling
May life mix shores and languages in front of you
Hey Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Hey Zina
two voice live inside of you, you're never a prisonner,
never a stranger anywhere.
as a light in the dark, man was born from clay.
Shape your figure and let
the sea foam bear like a caress
the likeness of a brooch at your heart1
A migratory bird name,
from Blida to Paris, nothing should be forbidden.
Gather the light of kings.
You're drawing pictures in the sky.
Heirloom has no laws, no soil/land for your roots.
Yeah Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Yeah Zina
My cute Zina
Leila or Marie, no matter the shelter, however the cost of your steps2
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
Hey Zina
two voices live inside you
Hey Zina
this name fits you so well
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
  • 1. this is terribly convoluted French. The original sounds better than my translation, I just focused on the meaning
  • 2. that makes no sense in French either
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Μάχη της φυγής

Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέω
Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέω
Κατεδαφίζω ό,τι χρειάζομαι
Γιατί ξέρεις ότι χρειάζεται να αναπνέω
Βαρέθηκα να περπατάω σε άλλο αεροπλάνο
Άλλο ένα αεροπλάνο, γιατί αισθάνομαι τρελός,
Κάνω πίσω για να έρθω σε σένα
Κάνε πίσω, πέφτω
Άλλη μια μέρα κι αισθάνομαι ίδιος
Κόβω κι αιμορραγώ εδώ με σένα
Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέω
Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέω
Γι' αυτό μίλα σιγά
Αν δεν κάνεις θόρυβο
Χιλιάδες φωνές κάνοντας όλα τα λάθη
Η φωτιά εξαπλώνεται κι ο κώδικας αυτός πρέπει να σπάσει
Κάνω πίσω για να έρθω σε σένα
Κάνε πίσω, πέφτω
Άλλη μια μέρα κι αισθάνομαι ίδιος
Κόβω κι αιμορραγώ εδώ με σένα
Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέω
Όλοι ξαπλωμένοι στο έδαφος
Προσπαθούν να μην κάνουν θόρυβο
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, είπα
Να κάνεις ή θα σε καταστρέψουν, καταρρέ
Please, press 'Thank you' and/or vote, if you liked my translation. Do not hesitate to underline my mistakes.

If you want to use my translations for any reason, please, let me know or, at least, give me credits. Thank you!

Élj velem

Versions: #2
Nem baj, ha próba elé állít az élet,
túl fogod élni,
élsz és tanulsz.
Rád gondolok, kicsim
a hajnali derengésben.
Vaksötétben, éjjel és nappal,
mindig hiányzol,
folyton rád gondolok, kedves,
majd’ megőrülök!
Gyere és élj velem!
Így vagy úgy, nyersz vagy veszítesz,
mert sötét világra születtél,
életed a blues,
folyton rád gondolok, kedves,
látod, majd’ megőrülök!
Csak telik az idő, semmi sem jó, ha nem vagy itt.
Bármit megadok, csak hogy melletted lehessek!
Írtam neked levelet, megpróbálom megértetni,
hogy nem hiszel abban, hogy őszinte vagyok …
Folyton rád gondolok, kicsim.
Tervek, skiccek,
remények és félelmek,
álmok, amelyek megtagadják ezeket az éveket.
Én, én folyton rád gondolok, kicsim,
s arra, hogy velem élsz.
Csak telik az idő, semmi sem jó, ha nem vagy itt.
Bármit megadok, csak hogy melletted lehessek!
Írtam neked levelet, megpróbálom megértetni,
hogy nem hiszel abban, hogy őszinte vagyok …
Folyton rád gondolok, kicsim,
azt akarom, hogy velem élj …
Folyton rád gondolok, kicsim,
azt akarom, hogy velem élj.


Я пытаюсь сказать тебе,
Пытаюсь узнать тебя,
Я умираю ради того, Чтобы показать, как
Борюсь за тебя!
Как только ты получишь меня,
Ты уйдёшь и бросишь!
Это жестоко - сжигать меня, но
Я люблю, когда ты делаешь мне больно.
(О, нет)
Я никогда не позволю тебе уйти.
(О, нет)
Я ненавижу собственную потребность в тебе.
Не важно, что ты говоришь,
Важно, как ты говоришь.
Не важно, что ты делаешь,
Важно то, как ты это делаешь.
Я измучился и устал нуждаться в твоей ласке.
Я предпочёл бы одиночество
Жизни без твоего внимания.
Я нацарапал твоё сладкое имя
Прямо на своей коже.
Ты оставила меня истекать кровью,
Но я просто не мог сдаться.
Я проглотил весь твой яд,
Чтобы заразиться,
Верни мне мое сердце,
Отвергнутое твоим телом.
Не важно, что ты говоришь,
Важно, как ты говоришь.
Не важно, что ты делаешь,
Важно то, как ты это делаешь.
Я измучился и устал нуждаться в твоей ласке.
Я предпочёл бы быть одиноким,
Чем жить без твоего внимания.
Я остаюсь наедине с этой болью,
Которая душит меня,
Которая все больше вливается в мою кровь.
Я уже даже не вижу,
Как изголодался по твоей любви,
Мне нужно твоё внимание или я просто умру!
Не важно, что ты говоришь,
Важно, как ты говоришь.
Не важно, что ты делаешь,
Важно то, как ты это делаешь.
Я измучился и устал нуждаться в твоей ласке.
Я предпочёл бы одиночество...
Не важно, что ты говоришь,
Важно, как ты говоришь.
Не важно, что ты делаешь,
Важно то, как ты это делаешь.
Я измучился и устал нуждаться в твоей ласке.
Я предпочёл бы одиночество
Жизни без твоего внимания.
Только внимание

Inneres Auge

Like a pack of wolves
descending from the plateaus waving
or a swarm of bees
deviously devouring odorous petals
they swing as boulders from
very high mountains in ruins.
One says, what's wrong in organizing private parties
with beautiful girls
to cheer primary and state servants?
We did not understand each other
And why we should pay
also the extras to the ridge-runners?
what can do laws
where does money only reign?
Justice is nothing more than a public commodity ...
With what they would live
charlatans and scammers
if they had no sounding coin to be thrown as a fishing hooks among the people.
The horizontal line
pushes us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
With closed eyelids
there is a glimpse of it
that with time - and it takes patience
it opens to the inner look:
inneres auge das innere auge 1
The horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
the horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
but when I return to me
on my way to reading and studying
listening to the great past ...
I just need a sonata of Corelli 2
because I wonder of creation!
  • 1. interior eye, or the third eye
    for the Tibetans, that can see the aura of people
  • 2. Arcangelo Corelli, musician and violinist-lived in the '700
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Masked ball

All the shadows of the past
That revoke so much light
All the dreams went way too far
Fiction without meaning
And whatever I do
It's centered around you.
We're dancing on the
Masked ball - In the frenzy of hypocrisy
Masked ball- and believe in feeling secure
I have once experienced it
and know the feeling
All alone in front of a wall of ice
When the curtain fell
And now we're once again holding hands
In a empty ballroom
We are players among the audience
And play the play again
Whatever I do
It's centered around you
We're dancing on the
Masked ball- In the frenzy of hypocrisy
Masked ball - and believe in feeling secure
Masked ball - face to face
Masked ball - there is no truth
Masked ball - Reflections of your world
Masked ball - Who promises a lot, but doesn't keep any (of its promises)
Masked ball - I've already experienced this before
I've already experienced this before


Mindenki csak egy kis helyet akar kitölteni
Minden semmiség amíg nem jelent komplikációt
Az erő nélküli szavak,csak elpárolognak
Nem akarom meghallani ma,ma
Itt egy szoros köteléken kívül
Magasan a hosszú út felett
Mi a célja a kívánságnak
Ha senki sem hall...Én hallgatlak
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
Úgy tűnik a szavak hazudnak,hogy lekicsinyitsenek
Fülsiketítő üvöltés egy üres csarnokban
Érezd magad láthatatlannak
Nem akarom hallani egyáltalán...egyáltalán
Mert okosabb mint a vicc
Ez mind kimondatlan
Nem kell,hogy félj tőlem
Nem kell,hogy mellettem légy ahhoz,hogy halj engem
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
Te tudod,hogy nem számítanak nekem a fecsegések
A szavak nem finomabbak csak szomorúvá tesznek minket
A világod törjön össze,szúrjon mint egy tőr
Foszlányokban tűnsz el,hogy lerázz engem
Nem akarom hallani ma,ma
nem akarom hallani ma,ma
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
(ez csak fecsegés)
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés


Dear Jaan,
Make a small sledge
Over the sea you can come and go*
Marry a woman from Narva.
I have a young wife
Fresh as cream.
Today we have a big wedding,
the day after tomorrow, a small wedding.

A Corner of Paradise

It's the happiness that I wish you (x2)
The perfume of life
Is so good today
When we have found
A reason to exist
It's the happiness that I wish you (x2)
A corner of paradise, on this Earth
Lots of love and tenderness
Blossoming hearts are my dearest wishes
Hope and wealth
It's the happiness that I wish you (x2)
Even if sometimes it's hard
Don't leave the adventure
Go, raise your head
Together we celebrate
It's the happiness that I wish you (x2)
[Chorus] (x2)
It is the happiness that I wish you (x6)
Oh oh oh oh
It's happiness that I wish you.

Life's treasure

On a deserted place in the sea, where the coast dips sharply,
water made a cave here, one can't see from land.
In there is a chest, I owned all my life.
And it is only I know the place where it is.
The chest is a hidden one,
for all my days.
For the times I have lived,
and the times I have left.
I save all things there,
I find on my path.
Yes, the chest contains everything
I call my life.
There I have my dreams and my truths.
There I have my sorrows and broken loves.
There I have all my longings and all my laughter.
Everything is there in my chest, it is my own treasure.
And every day my chest becomes
more valuable.
Because the false rusts away
and the truth becomes gold.
Therefore, I see both clearly,
as in a picture book.
If that I find is something valuable
or only old scrap.
But I hunt after temptations,
every moonless night.
They know of my chest
and they fear its power.
So they try to seduce me,
with frivolity and fleeting splendor.
But they will destroy me
and obliterate my treasure.
But if I sell my chest,
I will know nothing more.
Then I don't know longer
what is right or wrong.
Then I miss my strength,
and then I am not a threat.
So I never give my key
to my own picture book.
No, I never give my key
to my own picture book.

How much you made me late

Anna forgive me
For this life that is taking me away
By chance have you a candy?
That the taste of the last poem comes away from my mouth
In my cushion I'll confess, oh
This night
One day, forgive me
When you get there, I'm going away
Why am I not so beautiful?
When light comes into the room to make me company
I fall asleep distracted, ah
This night
With the makeup on the face
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
If love is a game we are left
on the stairs,
on the stairs
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
To see the dawn
Then do not even look at me
You do not even look at me,
you do not even look at me
There are people in the alleys
Red eyes crinkled with melancholy
I came to your party
First toast, before going away
I look at you, my silences
They are a color in the midst of so many
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
If love is a game we are left
On the stairs,
on the stairs
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
To see the dawn
Then you do not even look at me
You do not even look at me,
you do not even look at me
The first star of the night then does not go away
It will remember our damn love
Inside my memories I do not know what you are doing
I never think of you
And I find you in it
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
If love is a game we are left
On the stairs,
on the stairs
How much you made me late
How much you made me late
To see the dawn
Then you do not even look at me
you do not even look at me
you don't even look at me
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Just hot air

I lost you in the dream of a fine morning,
maybe in summer, maybe in autumn, I don't know.
I brushed aside the fountains whose waters were a bit too pure,
for the pleasure of unknowing eyes.
for the pleasure of unknowing eyes.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards1
Exile will eventually make me change my ways2.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
I dare anyone to say otherwise3
Wanting to talk nice and lying about nothing4,
we [end up] curled up in a corner [full] of sadness.
Now who is it for, and above all what is it for?
I haven't found an answer to that yet.
No, I haven't found an answer to that yet.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
I dare anyone to say otherwise.
A thousand [and one] pains piercing our hearts.
After the alarms, the flowers.
The low blows, the happiness, the wind is blowing the tears away,
but it will never be able to wipe out the din.
but it will never be able to wipe out the din.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
I dare anyone to say otherwise.
Let people ask me
which side I'm leaning on, [on which side] I am5
Let people ask me [to lead] another life.
In the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
And in the end I was wary of all these people.
I took a giant leap backwards
Exile will eventually make me change my ways.
Shall someone say otherwise, that'd be just hot air.
  • 1. cheap hijacking of 'avancer à pas de géant' (take a giant leap forward)
  • 2. I suppose that's what she means. The French actually goes 'By dint of exile, I'll do things differently', a terribly awkward way of saying
  • 3. The meaning changes when the sentence is shortened
  • 4. that line makes no sense, really. I'm just guessing what she might mean
  • 5. yet another incomprehensible line
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

További dalszöveg fordítások

Amedeo Minghi - Vattene amore dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Go Away, Love

Versions: #2
Go away, love,
since we are still in time.
Do you not think so? Carefree, are you happy?
Go away, love,
since peace I'll no longer have, you won't.
We will lose sleep. Do you not think so?
The trains and some umbrellas,
even the newspaper we will read badly,
dear, you'll see, we'll wonder how is it that
the world knows everything about us.
Maybe I'll call you
loving little spinning top and du du da da da,
and your name will be the name of every city,
of a watered kitten that will mew,
your name will be on a billboard that does advertising
on the road for me and I, with my nose up,
will bang my head always there, always,
you, a little bit longer,
and then I still do not know ...
Go away, love,
my barbarian invader.
Do you not think so? Smiling cheater.
Go away, a little
since peace I'll no longer have, you won't.
Go away or there will be troubles.
The little accidents, dear, you'll see,
the stellar war that will come.
Our love will be there,
trembling and brilliant like so.
Still I'll call you
loving little spinning top and du du da da da,
and your name will be the cold and the darkness,
a curled tomcat that will scratch me,
your love will be a month of drought,
and in the sky there is no fresh rain for me
and I, with my nose up,
will lose my head, always there, always,
you, a little bit longer,
and then I still do not know ...
Still I'll call you
loving little spinning top and du du da da da,
and your name will be the name of every city,
a watered kitten that will mew,
your name will be on a billboard that does advertising
on the road for me and I, with my nose up,
will bang my head always there, always,
you, a little bit longer,
and then I still do not know...
Di di di di, di di di di di di di...
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.
Mia Martini - Un ritratto di donna dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Woman's portrait

A woman's portrait can't be done with two colours
It's an idea that we have to discuss
You're surprise, but I've got a soul, and I can want or not, but I see and I hear, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
(Na, na, na ....)
Again you pretend me lover, woman and child
(Na na na...)
I have got few or I haven't got joys or thoughts of mine
I sing and love with freedom
And I look for a world, a continent, to meet each other, but truly.
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly
I see and I think, I work and I think, and my tomorrow is a big day
And I look for a world, a continent to meet each other but truly
Little Mix - Nothing Else Matters dalszöveg fordítás

Semmi Más Nem Számít

[Verse 1: Jade]
Néha túl messzire mész,
egészen a mélyére
Uh huh, uh huh
Nem számít mi a vége,
bébi, tudod itt leszek
Uh huh, uh huh
Ha eltévedünk,
hagyjuk hogy a világ beférkőzzön
Uh huh, uh huh
Nem hagyhatjuk hogy valaki szavai legyenek
az ok amiért nem beszélünk
Uh huh, uh huh
[Pre-Chorus 1: Perrie]
Csak a madarak és a méhek tudják
Kicsit, kicsit mélyre megyünk
Mert olyan messzire értünk el, értünk el, oh bébi
Bébi, a túl sok nem elég
Mind, amit tettünk a szerelemért
Mert olyan messzire értünk el, értünk el, oh bébi
Mikor térsz vissza?
[Chorus: All]
Mert semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Nem akarok veszekedni, ma este nem
Mert jól érezzük magunkat
És semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Csak hinned kell benne, ha elhagy
Vissza fog térni
[Post-Chorus: All]
És igazából semmi más nem érdekel
Semmi más nem számít
Yeah, nem, semmi más
[Verse 2: Jesy]
Mondtam, ne hagyj el
Tudom, sosem tetted
És nem akarom,
nem akarom hogy most tedd meg
[Pre-Chorus 2: Leigh-Anne]
Nálam a zár, neked adtam a kulcsot
Nézz ránk, még mindig te és én
Fiú, olyan messzire értünk el, értünk el, oh bébi
Mikor térsz vissza?
[Chorus: All]
Mert semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Nem akarok veszekedni, ma este nem
Mert jól érezzük magunkat
És semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Csak hinned kell benne, ha elhagy
Vissza fog térni
[Post-Chorus: All]
És igazából semmi más nem érdekel
Semmi más nem számít
Yeah, nem, semmi más
[Bridge: Jade & Leigh-Anne]
Nem, nem akarok, nem akarok senki mást
Te vagy nekem, teljesen az enyém vagy
Mind, a világon senki más nem olyan mint te
Mind neked adom, mind neked adom, szóval bébi ne hagyj cserben
Olyan mélyen szeretsz, a tested rajtam
Fent vagyok amikor képbe kerülsz
Mindenünk megvan bébi, minden amit akarunk
Mondtam neked, nekem semmi más nem számít
[Chorus: Jesy & All]
- Mert semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk - mondtam
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Nem akarok veszekedni, ma este nem
Mert jól érezzük magunkat
És semmi sem számít csak a kettőnk
Semmi sem számít annyira mint a szerelem
Csak hinned kell benne, ha elhagy
Vissza fog térni
[Outro: All]
És igazából semmi más nem érdekel
Semmi más nem számít, yeah, nem, semmi más
És igazából semmi más nem érdekel
Semmi más nem számít, yeah, nem, semmi más
Moderatto - Quemándome de amor dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Burning In Love

I can't be anywhere
I don't feel at peace even with my music discs
All songs talk about you
It's so hard to forget
There's no way to go back (no no)
Little by little you managed to get inside of
My metallic heart
Honey eyes, I will miss you
It's so hard to forget
There is no way to go back ... to you (baby)
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
My heart is so broken
That forgiveness can't be asked for
The spark exists, it didn't extinguish itself
It's so hard to forget
There is no way to go back ... to you (baby)
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
[x 4]
You played with fire
And you lit a spark in my heart
Now that I don't have you
I'm burning in love
Björk - Náttúra dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


[Verse 1]
All he leads
All he threw
All he threw
[Verse 2]
Nothing takes
I take the
I take the
I kept
[Verse 3]
An awareness
[Verse 4]
All we encounter
All we encounter
Ala me
[Verse 5]
Nothing takes
I take the
I take the
I take the
I take the
I take the
Battulga - Tid är guld dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Time is gold

Time, time is gold, it is as much worth as money.
Therefore you should make use of the time of your face's sweat.
Because if you want to get money you will have to work hard like farm-workers.
Then you get money. Because time passes fucking fast
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
Especially on a sunny, blue day.
Nicer than I thougt, like a summer day.
But fuck that it does not matter anyway
Because I only care about my self today.
Not about time passing, so fuck that shit.
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
So fuck you man, because I am economic.
Time, time is gold, it is as much worth as money.
But it sounds quite tragicomic.
So what the fuck are you saying, hit on your strings!
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
Because time is gold, it is as much worth as money.
So you are jealous of me being economic.
So you do not even have to dream about it. In your beds
Because you are never going to be it.
So do not even think about it, because you will never be rich,
the explanation is that we will never be equal.
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
So the time goes forward and the sun goes down.
As it does every day.
You are a star that shines every night!
Because time is gold, it is as much worth as money.
And the time that just passes, has already been
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
Because time is gold, it is as much worth as money.
So you are jealous of me being economic.
So you do not even have to dream about it. In your beds
Because you are never going to be it. It is comic.
So do not even think about it, because you will never be rich,
the explanation is that we will never be equal.
Time, time is gold, time is money
Time, time is gold, time is money
Abd El Fattah Greiny - Mekhasemny / عبد الفتاح جريني - مخاصمني dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

Are you upset with me

The conversation between girl and guy in the beginning
Girl :
Who is the girl who sent you this message ?
I don't delivered messages !
I don't know her
Keep calm !
Please keep calm .
Girl :
Is that your photo ?
Guy :
I will explain to you
Wait wait ..
The picture .. my photo !
Such a crazy girl !!!!
Song lyrics :
Are you upset and angry from me
I said that in an angry moment
Please back to me
I confess my sins
Tell me , when you will back ?
We love each other
Are you upset and angry from me
I said that in an angry moment
Please back to me
I confess my sins
Tell me , when you will back ?
We love each other
I spend all these nights without you
I pray to the Lord, that you may return to me
I feel nostalgic for you when you are far away
I miss you so much
I spend all these nights without you
I pray to the Lord, that you may return to me
I feel nostalgic for you when you are far away
I miss you so much
Please forgive me, I will not do that again
Forget this mistake
I apologized to you
But you did not forgive me
Why do you do that with me?
Please forgive me, I will not do that again
Forget this mistake
I apologized to you
But you did not forgive me
Why do you do that with me?
I spend all these nights without you
I pray to the Lord, that you may return to me
I feel nostalgic for you when you are far away
I miss you so much
I spend all these nights without you
I pray to the Lord, that you may return to me
I feel nostalgic for you when you are far away
I miss you so much
Please forgive me, I will not do that again
Forget this mistake
I apologized to you
But you did not forgive me
Why do you do that with me?
Please forgive me, I will not do that again
Forget this mistake
I apologized to you
But you did not forgive me
Why do you do that with me?
Prolog Lover
German Folk - Ich hatt' einen Kameraden dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

I Once Did Have A Comrade

I once did have a comrade,
You would find no better one .
The drum called us to battle,
And he did march there beside me ,
In perfect pace and stride.
A bullet came a-flying,
Is it my turn - is it yours?
And then it swept your life away,
There he lies, here at my feet, just
As if it were a part of me.
He reaches out his hand to me,
As I'm about to reload.
'I cannot hold onto your hand now,
May you rest there in eternal life
O My good comrade.'
German Folk - ch hatt' einen Kameraden dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre

He was a Friend of Mine

He was a friend of mine
His years cut short for me
The bullet that was mine
He gladly took, for me.
The bullet that was mine
He gladly took, for me.
We gaze, we seek, we ask
What is this all about
They tell us it's the task
For them, there is no doubt.
They tell us it's the task
For them, there is no doubt.
Again, we face sure hell
They say, no other way
For this my friend, we fell
We faced no other day.
For this my friend, we fall
and face no other day.
Zwei Kameraden
Cattle Decapitation - Manufactured Extinct dalszöveg fordítás

Természetellenes kipusztulás

Az idők kezdetén, ebben az antropocén korszakban
A lét ősi volt, befolyást rezonál... A felbujtó érkezése
Sűrűn megtöltött hatalmas biodiverzitás
Emberi tevékenységeink súlyosbítják a felgyorsult klíma torzulását
Felhasználtuk, kihasználtuk, azzá tettük ami nélkül meglettünk volna
Gépezetek gépezeteket kényszerítenek minden élő dolog kivégzésére
Minden erkölcsöt feladtunk, a végeredmény nem indokolja az eszközöket
A technológia tisztázza a mindenkort- emberiségünk története a saját lapjait égeti
A nap alatt s nappali világosságban mindezt eldobjuk
Ösztönös odaadás a megsemmisítésért
Kiírtás, tömeges zsákmányolás - természetellenes kipusztulás
A hatalmasságok te és én vagyunk
Ezek a hátrányos ellenségek = temetkezési vállalkozók
Egész fajok eltörölve
Milliónyi hektárok kitörölve
Bassza meg ez a hús
(Mi) gyötrelmet szervez
Gyászdalunkat komponálja
Fog fehérje kimutatva
A nap alatt és a tiszta horizonton, kultúrák egybefonódott kezei mohóság és kegyetlenség által vezérelve, egy tragédiát tervezett meg .
Trad.Attack! - Kuukene dalszöveg fordítás angol nyelvre


Dear moon,
sweet dawn star,
take me to yourself!
May my body get strong,
and resistant!