Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 129


The Riots

The ones on top, the ones who have ruled,
The ones who have raped and stolen,
The ones who have sold, even their soul,
Now they demand calm
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
That's how the riots begin
Here the patience is over,
Here even fear was stolen,
Here a whole town gathered,
Here the system died.
So many lies and false promises
Corruption and money under tables..
Day after day poverty grows,
Here we behead the king..
You you you you you,
Don't make fun of your people,
You you you you you,
Don't make fun...!
This is the end of the line, not one more step,
The first line never goes backwards,
Without dignity there can be no peace,
The strength of the people is never lost.
This feeling, a sensation,
No one can stand in this situation..
You have to eat, survive,
I can't live on a diet of lies

Ronsard To His Soul

Little soul, little Ronsard,
Little sweet one, little soft one,
Dearest hostess of my body,
You descend below, weakling,
Pale, thin, lonely,
To the cold kingdom of the dead:
However simple, without remorse
For murder, poison, and bitterness,
Scorning favours and treasures
So envied by the common man.
Passing by, I said: follow your fortune,
Don’t disturb my rest, I’m sleeping.


Again I see her getting her things together in front of her dresser
Again I see her getting dressed in the morning, to drop us off on the way
I still hear the key in the lock, she is coming for sure
and then that perfect look when she came home from work
Again I see her making dinner, her call and hearing her
We ask a million questions and then we relax in the living room
but I listen to the silence, to her, we didn't know anything else
She didn't talk about her power and the good things she did
so strong, so strong
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)
Again I see myself often asking why she wasn't there
when it was the time to get out of school at she turned into my compass
Again I see myself waiting for her return, worried and a little jealous
but where was she those days, what was the place she preferred?
She told me that one fine day I would understand
that me too, I wouid be ambitious and to make me feel happy
I would have to build a career, i would have to fight hard for my ideas
evidently a woman can do it all, she very very much proved it
so strong so strong
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)
and then the time came when she asked me
what I was doing with my days, why hadn't I called her
she put her apron away and put all her files in order
She sat in the living room looking for something else to do
I see her become that woman who didn't dare say
that the hours stretched out in front of her and that she didn't know what to do
but she would always be the someone who knew and accomplished it all
She deserved it, her retirement and the best that had come to stay
How Iove you mama
You made my dreams huge
even if often
I missed her a little, a lot, your presecence
(your prescence, your prescence)


I am freedom,
he said, freedom
with all the dangers
that it will bring you
And, to silence me
you'll have to kill me.
But, nobody stopped him
He was allowed to speak.
On his own oh, he was
to lead Man to break free
from the iron and steel cycle
in which injustice, poverty
had, over time, locked him up.
I am freedom
he said, again.
Look at yourselves! You are dead.
But short on food, we weren't
So we did let him shout...


Grasp some sunlight
In your two palms
A bit of sun
And go away!
Go with the wind
Follow your dream
Depart right now
Youth is so short!
There are some ways
Unknown to Man
There are some paths
So overhead!
Don't regret what
You leave behind
Look over there
The shining view
Always farther away
Sing on your way
The world belongs
To those who own nothing

To make the Parmesan

To make Parmesan you need wood,
for ham you need hormones.
Then you drink the wine with bentazzoni
which tastes good only to bums.
Tomatoes are replicants
but with just one euro you buy many,
however their effects are horrifying.
If the label reassures you
because it doesn't mention sawdust,
they just put a little of it in the meatloaf
but they put in a lot of seal shit.
The Americans send it to us,
we wouldn't even give it to dogs,
but with the TTIP you will see that you will eat it.
You disagree, you are disappointed.
A lawyer comes from Boston
and sues you if you conduct checks
to search cyanide inside the chickens.
Then they condemn you for your commitment
and in jail you will pay a pledge:
you will eat Parmesan with wood inside.


If the boy has grown into a scoundrel
Is it any wonder
When you're born to poor parents
And your blood is dark and black
And we won't be tied with ropes
It's the irons 1 that jingle
And we won't be fed with sorrow
For joy keeps us alive
For joy keeps us alive
In his youth a man mustn't be
He must be merry
And wanton
And as I am so devilish
I get to mess around
And I grew up in such a house
That I have the nerve
That I have the nerve
In his youth a man mustn't let himself
Be consumed by sorrow
Let the joy spark
Like sunlight through the clouds
In his youth a man mustn't show his sorrows
Live with a burning heart, not with sad eyes
Here my chest is kindled with joy and mirth
Which a mortal soul can't describe
Like sunlight through the clouds (4x)
  • 1. This probably refers to traditional puukko knives carried at the belt.

Decorated Knife

Kaappoo of Ilkola house will no longer
Wander across Härmä 1
He made a young widow
Out of his bride in Murto
At the little Hirvelä cottage
Kaappoo was caught there
They say he slew
Antti Rauha of Hyyppä house
And it jingles so sweetly my decorated knife 2
And the iron chimes softly
Into the ditch by Kangastupa pasture
Pine-Kustaa falls
In the feet of three rough boys
Ring the irons of the crown 3
Jussi of Porre house he says.
'Let's beat him with a fence stake
So Pine Kustaa won't need to
Suffer for long'
  • 1. Härmä is a Finnish region. In the 19th century the area was known for its knife-wielding outlaws.
  • 2. A 'helapää' is a traditional knife worn hanging from a belt with medal-like ornaments which jingle when the wearer moves.
  • 3. 'Irons of the crown' is an idiom which refers to prisoner's chains.

So they say

Devotion in circles of devotion,
tenderness touches tendernesses…
It is your inward that incessantly
caresses itself, so they say

Morning in Dandelion Fluff

A young dawn raises its head from the fog
It hopes for good in both of us
I cannot break away from the night
It is still hiding in us
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
It is full of buzzing, blooming meadow
The field in front of you sways like silk
But still you stay into the night
And so I can't remember the night
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
The night hides you, hides you still...
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps
I fear, I fear, that when you wake up you'll
Say, that all of this was only a dream
And I fear, I fear, you are frightened
By the scent of the dandelion
In those tufts, where my soul sleeps

You make me sad ‑ listen

Am so weary.
All night long I carry you on my back -
your night as well, you dream through so heavily.
Do you love me? Do you hold me dear?
Evil clouds I blew away from your brow and brightened it up.
What will you do to me in my hour of death?

Solar eclipse

In silence I'm waiting that days drift by
Same weeks are repeating again
Nothing changes, I haven't heard from you
Am I dead or not?
You are waiting for me somewhere on the Milky way
I will come there and forget everything else
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
I am looking at the upper mirror again
I am drowning in the soft walls
Eating medicines for lunch, I can't remember my name
Is it smart or not
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away
Nobody understands that I want to leave
And there is no going back when solar eclipse takes me away
It takes me away, it takes me away


Clad in lace finery
the noblest Isabelle
went across the forest.
A skinny wolf shows up
and pounces upon her.
'Stop this instant, you fool!'
demands our Lady Isabelle.
'A princess I am, and pretty.
The greatest knights
all bow at my feet.'
'Enough with the poppycock'
retorts the wolf, shaken.
'Could you possibly fail
to know you can't reason
with a starving wolf?'
'A handsome wolf you are,
and can be reasoned with!1.
And in the name of The Queen
I hereby knight thee'
Poor wolf! He believes her!
No sooner out of the wood
than he was cut to pieces.
Loving a king's daughter...
Better eat her, really.
  • 1. the French idiom says 'a hungry belly has no ears'. Here 'belly' is replaced with 'wolf', and the princess answers 'you do have ears, and they're quite handsome' :)

The Sadness Everyone Knows

You know from the start how it'll go.
You certainly won't feel cheerful before tomorrow morning.
And no matter how drunk you get,
the bitterness, you can't wash it down.
The sadness comes and goes without any reason at all.
And you're filled with nothing but emptiness.
You're not sick. And not healthy either.
It's as though your soul is unwell.
You want to be alone. And then again you don't.
You lift your hand and want to beat yourself up.
In front of the mirror, you think, “That's your face?'
Oh, no tailor could iron such wrinkles.
Perhaps you've dislocated your mind?
The stars suddenly resemble freckles.
You're not sick. You just feel hurt.
And consider everything impossible, no matter what it is.
You want to get away and can't find anywhere to hide.
Unless you let yourself be buried.
Wherever you look, a dark spot appears.
You'd like to be dead. Or have reasons.
You know the sadness will soon resolve itself.
It disappears as often as it comes.
Sometimes you're down and sometimes you're up.
The souls become tame over and over again.
One person nods and says, “That's the way life goes.”
The other shakes his head and cries.
Whoever is sad should be sad without resisting!
Should that be any consolation? It wasn't meant to be.

The Sun Set

I loved you
I hope, that you remember it
How I loved, I only hated everything else
So I felt even though I smiled
When new mornings brought new disappointments with them
Only you never once disappointed me
Let the time go, maybe you'll come to me
But don't hurry for me
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
I too decided to end this game
I loved you, but now I'm too tired to love anything else
Urges, wishes, the future, and even this land are strangers
I throw away the mask and a small piece stays
The pain moves away and finally disappears
{refrain 2:}
The Sun set long ago
The Sun, it went its way
There's no point in anything since it did not rise
All that stayed was the plight
End this game... (2x)
Like this, a human makes one decision
No other thoughts, that's why I can do it
{refrain 2}

Silently I'm following the edges of the street

Silently I'm following the edges of the street,
The thoughts of you have distanced me,
Maybe today it's gonna rain, again.
The sorrow took apart the house of feelings,
but we are starting to build a new one,
Now I understand that I don't want to lose you
and I'm thirsty for you like never before,
I want to see your innocent eyes,
Why did you tell me - I'll be yours,
I can't break free, from the war.
And then the muses will fly away too,
and instead of me you will wait for someone else,
your eyes are still asking me for love,
I feel I don't belong to even myself anymore.
Silently I'm following the edges of the street,
The thoughts of you have distanced me,
Maybe today it's gonna rain, again.
The sorrow has taken apart the house of feelings,
but we are starting to build a new one,
Now I understand that I don't want to lose you
and I'm thirsty for you like never before,
I want to see your innocent eyes,
Why did you tell me - I'll be yours,
I can't break free, from the war.
Then the muses will stop the moment
and instead of someone else I'll be waiting for you
Then we will understand that we believe in each other
And together we will follow the edges of the street,
then the moment will be stopped again
and instead of someone else I'll be waiting for you
Then we will understand that we believe in each other
And together we will follow the edges of the street.