Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 129


Ice flowers

Versions: #2
Let the walls crumble
Poor heart scream
Bring anything at all
I'll eat the words of promises
Year's first night
Everything starts over
I thought something like you
Would never exist here
Stars ignite tonight
In your eyes too one by one
Lips to your lips stick
Ice flowers in your eyelashes
You touch me so
Leaves marks in our hears
And you make me believe
Believe in anything
Make me do anything
But must not give up
All devils and angels
Fought in my head
You brought me back from far
I oath a heavy love
You told me I'd learn it too
You have time to teach
I believe something like you
Doesn't exist under this sky
I'll give my heart, I give
If you promise me
To never break it
Lips to your lips stick
Ice flowers in your eyelashes
You touch me so
Leaves marks in our hears
And you make me believe
Believe in anything
Make me do anything
But must not give up
I thought something like you
Would never exist here
I'll give my heart, I give
If you promise me to not return it
Lips to your lips stick
Ice flowers in your eyelashes
You touch me so
Leaves marks in our hears
And you make me believe
Believe in anything
Make me do anything
But must not give up

Today, tomorrow, or now?

Versions: #2
Today, tomorrow, or now?
Let's clear things up sooner rather than later
The time of our separation has come,
it might be better for both of us this way
Let's clear things up sooner rather than later
Today, tomorrow, or now?
And if we wait, what are we gonna get out of it?
Since nagging broke like a storm,
down that path we will both become miserable
And if we wait, what are we gonna get out of it?
Today, tomorrow, or now?
Since it's impossible for us to live together
and since we're only going downhill,
it's better to break up now
Since it's impossible for us to live together

So white

It is snowing so unbelievably white
And I am afraid, that the earth is cold tonight
And I do not know, at what time so quietly
My heart has fallen deeply asleep tonight
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs
And I am afraid to say out loud
Just what your 'Let's both be quiet' Means to me
And i flow through your hands
Like milk closer, closer towards your heart
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs
We shall ice over faster than the trees
And slowly will slide towards spring
Slumber, sure enough the sun shall find us
And smile to itself, about how it caught the thieves
Tonight we shall steal
The snow angels' wings
In the snow we shall draw only
Whote, white ghouls
We shall tell this to the gardners from the neighbouring house
And they shall believe us, because they shall see
The wings on our backs

A találkozás

Már két éve…
Deauville nem változott.
Te sem, ugye tudod ...
Mindig ez a találkozó az utolsó pillanatban.
Mind ott vannak, mint korábban,
a vitorlások, a sirályok.
A kabátod a vállamon,
hogy megvédjen a széltől.
De még nem csókoltál meg.
Szerettelek volna újralátni.
Végül is, mis soha nem hagytuk el egymást.
Az élet választott el minket.
Igen, így van.
Még mindig gondolok
a romantikus vacsoráinkra,
a virágcsokrokra, a táviratainkra.
Azt mondják, a szenvedély csak egyszer talál ránk.
Szeretted a veszélyes szerelmet…
Úgy érzem esni fog.
Már két éve…..
Deauville nem változott.
Én sem, tudod…..
Visszamegyek a szállodába,
te visszatérsz Párizsba
és aztán egy nap majd felhívsz, talán…..
Mondod majd nekem: gyere, és én jönni fogok.
Mint mindig, te nem szólsz egy szót sem. Miért?
Adj nekem megint egy cigarettát…
Lesznek emlékeim, rengeteg emlék
és megannyi múltidézés…..
Őrültség, nekem is
jó érzés rá gondolni
és nehezemre esik felejteni.
Látod, szerettem volna elmondani neked, hogy szeretlek.
Itt, most ezen a normandiai tengerparton.
De….de azt hiszem, túl késő.
Igen, késő van. Vissza kell menned…….

Next Level

Women wrote this word 'fidelity'
Men read and re-read it, but didn't understood it.
You should know that when a woman wants to find out something
She finds three things at once.
It's true.
For each womanizer there is one expert woman.
And we won't care about anyone who comes along.
After all,
We pay chocolate milk for immature guys, and not attention.
When we meet someone different from all others
It's something else.
It's next level.

We left it for tomorrow

Like this, with this damn invention called clock, we push our hours and days like it's a weight for us, and it is a weight, because we don't live, you got it.
We're just looking at the clock, to get past this hour, to get past this day, so tomorrow comes and once again from the beginning.
We split the day in corpses of moments, in dead hours buried inside us, inside our self's caves, the caves on which the freedom of our longing is born, and we pave them, with all kinds, of shit and trash that they try to sell us as ideals, as needs, as morality and culture.
So let's live without 'must'
Play like young children
Every wish free for as long as we can
Step back if you want
I chose my road, I'm going and wherever it leads me
I'm risking, that's how life is and if I don't win
I'll get another wound to look at
I'm not forgetting
I make music for the ones I love
To thank them just a bit that they're there for me to stand
It's like I'm rolling this verse and your ear is the guy who I'm passing it to
Nothing doesn't suit me
I'm just another guy who gets expressed and expresses
I'm risking even if I don't win, let's lose it's okay
Because this moment's mincing manner is the soul's gas pedal
It is, the life that gives us salt and pepper
Disagreements, words of love, fights and hail
Sweetness and sweet words, torment and tough times
Human relationship and our brain is slowly boiling
I've got good times to live
To disagree
To agree
To live in harmony with you
Me and you my darling are a volcano
Shaking Earth, I feel like my legs are tied
So close and yet so different
So much that this relationship looks imbalanced, while it's prospering
My brother, we are lost
I'm here and you're there, entangled in the flow
We're looking at the watch and we're running hurried
We got stuck on things that didn't matter and half of our life is gone
Thanks is a sweet word
Give and take what's more important
I give music, you take messages
You give me love and I take stimulations
Give a smile, screw the motives
We're living life every moment like an adventure
Today, now to be precise
Let's not organise it and let's do what we want inside us
Let's live another adventure
Leave the clock, it's not the time yet
We turned our bodies into a massive graveyard of murdered longings and expectations.
We don't pay attention to the most important, the most substantive things, like playing and talking to children and animals, to flowers and trees, to play and have fun between us, to make love, to enjoy the nature, the beauty of the human hand and of the spirit.
To get softly down inside us, to meet ourselves and the guy next to us.
Everything guy from Thessaloniki, we left it for this tomorrow that's never coming.
Only when death comes upon one of our beloved face, we're hurt.
Because we usually think, that we wanted to tell them so many important things, like, how much we loved them, how important they were for us, but, we left it for tomorrow.

Burning water

I am alone in the world
Without you
And my heart closes down
Without you
You are soft, you are like
Flowing water
You leave a mark into me
Although my surface is hard
Is there love
Is there touch
That hones the surfaces of a rock
Is there burning water
Under which the heart feels, that
A rock in the heart is melting to the chest
Is there burning water
(Is there burning water)
Lights go on in windows
Without you
I walk not knowing to where
Without you
You are soft, you are like
Water, flowing
You easily show me that,
Which is of my own
Is there love
Is there touch
That hones the surfaces of a rock
Is there burning water
Under which the heart feels, that
A rock in the heart is melting to the chest
Is there burning water
Is there burning water
You make beautiful, you do
For me you really know, that you do
You make me strong, you do
You do the right way to me, you do the right way to me
You make beautiful, you do
For me you really know, that you do
You make me strong, you do
You do the right way to me, you do the right way to me
Is there love
Is there touch
That hones the surfaces of a rock
Is there burning water
Under which the heart feels, that
A rock in the heart is melting to the chest
Is there burning water
Is there burning water
Is there burning water

I see you everywhere

Still here, although I should be leaving already
Impossible, when you are near there
These poles are pulling together, what can you do
With the tip of a finger I row through your cheek
And I don't deny it, reason is far from this
But I let your hair down again
You always make me wake up, when you touch me
How this can happen every time
And still isn't so, that I stay
And still I can't leave
I like that, you don't close your eyes
There's tears in them, but you don't care
I'm as honest as well
We don't have anything that we should hide
Apologize for, promise or regret
These little moments, we receive the sunlight
You always make me wake up, when you touch me
How this can happen every time
And still isn't so, that I stay
And still I can't leave (x2)
And when I leave I see you everywhere (x4)

AVrio | Tomorrow [Tomorrow Is Another Day]

As if I'm flying, I find the earth to hold it
And she's mine alone.
Like flying, I sing
From above I look at the world and I think I don't feel terror
Is it bad? I'm dreaming and I hope
And I'm not going back like I'm flying
Is it bad?
To see the future with another eye
To gallop in a white steed
Ein bad?
Clouds around me weigh my soul
But in the sunshine, I can handle it.
Let It be a rainy day
Will be lost
Oh, joy!
I'll see the Rainbow
But again, if I lose it, he'll come again.
He'll come again
If the darkness is left behind
And if the sun comes up alone, I'll sing
(-um, listen to something. It says the Devil's Swamp has not been mapped. If you want to go...
-... E, you must...
-Hey, Hush now.
-... Take care of the dangers. Good!)
Never back No turning
(Sweet Dreams, Bianca)
Tomorrow will be bright

Let Scabbed Wounds Be

When fear sits at the end of the table
Whispering bitterness to you
And joy escapes from the window
To go party with someone else
When yesterday was heavy as lead
Rubbish that's being dragged
We all have our favourite wound
With which we fall in love with every day
Let scabbed wounds be
You can't rip them open
Humans are meant to live and die
To carry light and love
When tomorrow is a wildflower
Full of expectation
It rises from the ruins
Grows through the frozen ground
When joy sits at the end of the table
Sharing love to you
Fear escapes from the window
To sit at someone else's table
When tomorrow is a wildflower
Full of expectation
It rises from the ruins
Grows through the frozen ground

Boys Will Be Boys

Boys will be boys, they promise but they won't come
They say they love, they do whatever it takes
To get
A woman under them
They curse while they're drunk and disappear in the morning
Love is an ashtray, a heart that hungers
And won't get
Anything prettier
A man's life is beautiful and damn ugly
A perfect plan and a complete chance
A jack of all trades and a specialist
Knows his place from Ivalo to Hanko
Boys will be boys
God's rugs
They weave for women and leave them unfinished, delightfully neglected
Boys will be boys
God's chimed
Blue chords, deep vile melodies to women
Boys will be boys, they want to wrestle
And right away they're saying 'what's he looking at'
About a stranger
Who they can't recognize
Boys will be boys when the world burns
Secretly they desire to be on girls' laps
To scorch it
A man's life is beautiful and damn ugly
A perfect plan and a complete chance
A jack of all trades and a specialist
Knows his place from Ivalo to Hanko
Boys will be boys
God's rugs
They weave for women and leave them unfinished, delightfully neglected
Boys will be boys
God's chimed
Blue chords, deep vile melodies to women
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

Everything will be alright

We're walking on thin ice
You're afraid that it won't hold
It'll soon be twelve [midnight] -
Minutes run over your shoulders like pearls
And fall to the ground
And I'll take you into my lap
Even if you'd tell me 'no' a hundred times
Don't close your eyes, we still have a million bridges to cross
We'll have to cross...
So that once again
I could come close
And once again
I could feel how
Your heart beats
While icicles sparkle in the sunlight
And once again
It'll be alright again
Everything will be alright
Time will deal new cards
The harsh wind will become endlessly soft
The noise will subside,
Melt and flow into the ocean
Where there's you and me
I'll go where you call me,
I believe we have a lot of time
While street lights of hope shine
And when the bulbs go black,
Light us so we're stars

Requiem for Hintriikka Peltoniemi

There's a swamp, duckboards
They only way is the duckboards
And they take you to a small gray house
A small worry-gray house
The resident is gone
The house is barren and the wall
Will grow moss, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi
She got poverty
Her part was poverty
As a guest at times probably frost
Probably frost
Now there is no more worry
The end of shortage and worries
Earthly troubles, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi
And what a marvelous happiness it is
For Hintriikka
To hear once again
How they sing
So rarely from the there
The frozen swamp
A poor one has time to leave
Busy earning bread
Her mother brought
Hintriikka once
To get baptized
Already left far behind
Is playtime, as young woman into the church
A man took her
The beloved of Hintriikka Peltoniemi
Happiness doesn't live in the frozen swamp
Where a flower tends to die
Before its time
In the middle of its youth
So also came a day
When the bells rang for Hintriikka's spouse
A few moments
Her destiny was
The swamp and the gray small house
A small worry-gray house
The resident is gone
The house is barren and the wall
Will grow moss, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi


The girl is a sundancer
and the boy is a moonlight traveler
but only the light unites them
The girl watches the moon so pale in her dream
Waits for the sun and longs for
The light of the sun wakes up the soul again
and the longing for the loved one ignites alive
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
and the boy is a moonlight traveler
but only the light unites them
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
She believes it to change everything
and so she dances, dances and the heavenly
Longing so beautiful wakes her up
Awaiting is most beautiful she knows
The dream foretells the future
and unites two travelers under the light
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
and the boy is a moonlight traveler
but only the light unites them
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
She believes it to change everything
and so she dances, dances and the heavenly
After the night
those two travelers
to dance into the sun
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
and the boy is a moonlight traveler
but only the light unites them
Won't remain in the dark
The girl is a sundancer
She believes it to change everything
and so she dances, dances and the heavenly

Italian lesson

Learning Italiano
Is so difficult, piccolina!
Your language disturbs me
I can't manage
Un momento, piano, piano
Caro signor Chevalier
I came from Milano
To teach it to you

L'italiano, l'italiano
It's all about love and sun
L'italiano, l'italiano
It's a cry of joy that rises in the sky
No, non è difficile parlare l'italiano
- Cara bambina, that's fair enough
Non vi tormentate, ma ditemi buongiorno
- Really, it's all Greek for me!
Do you think it's easy
To pronounce buongirono
With my accent from Belleville
It's not a piece of cake
With a little practice
You will see one fine morning
You will sing 'Valentine'
In Neapolitan

L'italiano, l'italiano
It's all about love and sun
L'italiano, l'italiano
It's a cry of joy that rises in the sky
- No, non e difficile parlare l'italiano
Bambina, I think it's coming
- No, non e difficile parlare l'italiano
- This time it's ok, I've got it!
L'italiano, l'italiano
It's all about love and sun
L'italiano, l'italiano
It's a cry of joy that rises in the sky
La la la...
It's fine, it's fine
I speak Italian, that's it !
La la la...
Oh! Che bella cara bambina
Che bella pitchounette!
Oh, sorry, that a word from Marseilles
Wow !
La la la...

Necessary evil

I know that this story won't work at all
It's a skin thing, nothing to do with the soul
When the body asks the heart to pay
Maybe one day I'll remove the rope from the neck
That you end this, it's worth seeing again
Bad luck in love, good luck in the roll
You are like bear and cigarettes
You are bad for me
I know it's bad, but I'm not leaving
It's my necessary evil
It's my necessary evil
You are not marriage type
It's just a case
You are bad for me
I know it's bad, but I'm not leaving
It's my necessary evil
It's my necessary evil

I'm fine

It's been twelve hours and 30 minutes
That I don't miss you.
That I'm with no one
But I'm fine.
I'm without you, but I'm fine.
I don't remember your birthday is on October, 11th.
That every Tuesday I take Bob to the vet.
That your part of the closet is empty.
But it's all right.
I'm without you, but I'm fine
I'm not fine
I can't take so much loneliness
I'm messy from my hair to my heart.
I can't let it go.
But I'm fine.
I'm not fine.
I went wrong with the right one.
I'm crying even in comedy movies.
You're the mistake I wanna fix up.
Now tell me where do I hit the backwards button.

More Woman Than She Is

Enough already!
This has been making me furious at love
I realize that I should have been tougher on you
My mistake, but I didn't deserve this
I overlooked my principles for you
I accepted your terms for fear of losing you
How is it that after that fight over nothing
You can come throw it all in my face and tell me
That I'm nothing more than a mistress
That you don't love me
That I'm not good enough
That I'm only of use to you in bed
From this day forth
Life will go on
Don't call me your lover
I'm more woman that she is

Today she came here

There is someone looking sideways at me
I don’t even know who is she
But look how funny it is:
we met each other at the same time
I was here and she was on the other side
There is someone here who’s watching me
and the worst part is that I like it
Look how funny it is:
She always keeps her radio on
and I listen to it here in my room
I know what time she goes to work
when she takes a bath,
stays 10 minutes in the shower
I wonder if she knows I know everything
My world is better now that I have this balcony
Today she came by here
right on a Monday
I made her coffee and suddenly my whole life was hers
Today she came by here
I let the radio playing
20 minutes in the shower
and the neighbors started complaining
about the noise we made while making love


Don't exist anymore
They ran away from a volcano
Then a meteor hit them
We never give up ah ah
We never give up ah ah
We never give up
Because we're the dinosa
Because we're the dinosa
Don't exist anymore
But maybe one day they'll come back
With an asteroid as a gift
We never give up ah ah
We never give up ah ah
We never give up
Because we're the dinosa
Because we're the dinosa

I'm sad anyway

When we hit our children
in the face and on the butt
because we cannot stand ourselves
I'm sad anyway
When freedom of speech dies out
Noone against, noone in favour
When one only advertises for hypocrysy
I'm sad anyway
When I see myself spied on
Everywhere and nowhere
No matter where I go
I'm sad anyway
When a friend bolts to the West
Someone smiles mischievously
And noone trusts each other
I'm sad anyway
When one offers the highest prices
For threshed empty straw
And one rents out one's brain
I'm sad anyway
When the ideals are fucked up
And hope is nowhere to find
And boredom eats at us
I'm sad anyway
And i think about the poet
Who fled into optimism
Only for friendly faces
I'm sad anyway
When the houses beat us up
With the barbwire level
Tears only at drinking binges
I'm sad anyway
When I think of the prison
Ours and elsewhere
All the dismounted benches
I'm sad anyway
When I continue singing regardless
I carry the risk, too
And the head already in the noose
I'm sad anyway
Man, as long as we continue laughing
And we don't feel alone
And we can sitll do something
It's okay if I'm sad.

Why Are You Doing This?

My life changed in a way
Once we broke up
I've been crying, suffering, drinking
Eating bread kneaded by the devil
And the worst part's that I'm the one who cheated
I'm the one who lost the one I loved
At the time, I was too weak
I lost my senses and screwed up
You said that I'd pay dearly
You promised not to let me off easy
Why are you doing this?
Strutting around with that loser right in my face?
Why are you doing this?
Wasn't it enough to abandon me and leave me sleepless at night?
Why are you doing this?
Trampling me, humiliating me, treating me like trash?
Why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?

Over The Rainbow

We lay as we watched the same sky
that day, that cloud, as if it had nothing to do with us
our first meeting was very brief
over the fence, only the sound of us hating each other
How was today?
will you tell me?
I want to hear it
Even if we are far away we saw the same dream
Even if you are not next to me you are warmer than the nostalgia
even now you will be looking at the sky,right?
there, that cloud, as if it has nothing to do with me
How was today?
will you tell me?
am I a cloud?
Looking at my empty hands, the scent I felt from you
wraps around me, spins me
stop telling me that every day will get better
I hate listening to it
How was today?
will you tell me?
what are you doing tomorrow?
Stars fall
I see you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Mauritanian National Anthem

The country of fatherhood is the honorable gift
And the fortress of the Book, which is not bound 
Ayia Moritan Spring Harmony 
And the pillar of forgiveness is the hole of peace
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And hope for hope 
And when we meet we will answer you
Your character has not been blocked 
The sun on your forehead did not go away 
Nmac of Amjad expresses 
Africa has the freshest upstream
We gave birth to the dew and the father 
A good pregnancy 
And the prey of Khasibah, and if they find it 
Smona, and we were welcome
Your enemy has kept us young and bitter 
So he got down and not stable
We have made you a covenant, and our promise is a promise 
We will give you a sense of generosity
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And hope for hope 
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And when we meet we will answer you

I'm Not Afraid

I'm not afraid in front of this life
Even though it's slipping trough my fingers
Like sand it flies in the wind
I don't mind
I'm not afraid
Someday soil will swallow me
Sorrow will come and wrap your heart
In silk and you will miss me
Do me a favor then
Go somewhere high
Throw me in the wind
Bury me in the yard
Roses and boards
I'm not afraid
This is it
In the evening twilight
Sigh and remember me
I'm not afraid
I will always be your wing
I will swish as your plumage
Press your footprint on the yard
I will rasp under your shoe
The depression on our bed
Full of love of ours
Fill it with someone else
Let him walk
Trough our gate
Throw me in the wind
Bury me in the yard
Roses and boards
I'm not afraid
This is it
In the evening twilight
Sigh and remember me
I'm not afraid
I will hold your hand
When it's your time to leave
I will hold your hand
And I will be close
Throw me in the wind
Bury me in the yard
Roses and boards
I'm not afraid
This is it
In the evening twilight
Sigh and remember me
I'm not afraid

Speed blind

A million minutes
It's been quite some time
Since I listened to you silently
With anxious feelings
A million miles
It's quite far from here
I won't be coming back
Ever again
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
Your deliberated moves
And my uncontrollable rebellion
Don't work together
Even though all we want is to succeed
Move it slowly for a while
From morning to night
I know I'll miss it
Already tomorrow
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
Speed blind
I'm completely lost
Speed blind
I'm completely lost
Speed blind
I'm completely lost
Speed blind
I'm completely lost
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind
It's murder
If you jump into my life
When sometimes I go so hard
That I go speed blind

Chains of love

I spent this summer with you
We canoodled hand in hand
We were here day and night
I only saw you
My divine woman
Your devilish gaze
My word got derailed
When you enchanted me
I forgot everything
Your kisses made me become infatuated
That's how you ensnared me
Chains of love around my wrists
You took my last bit of sanity
One, free and crazy
Caused by your love
Then autumn came
I became despondent by your superiority
And you weren't here anymore
And I can't do anything about it
You made it all clear
I left, too, broke up
I know no one could compare to you
Even though I'd search, even though I'd want
Your kisses made me become infatuated
That's how you ensnared me
Chains of love around my wrists
You took my last bit of sanity
One, free and crazy
Caused by your love
Your kisses made me become infatuated
That's how you ensnared me
Chains of love around my wrists
You took my last bit of sanity
Your kisses made me become infatuated
That's how you ensnared me
Chains of love around my wrists
You took my last bit of sanity
One, free and crazy
Caused by your love

No One Will Feel Like You

There's already enough of these, old loves
And of those, every single one went wrong, at the time we swore
That our house can't be knocked down
Well, the weeping takes its time but you'll recover
I believe that the one will pop up from somewhere
Right when you aren't waiting for it
Right when you aren't waiting for it
Come to my arms now!
Hey baby, let's try!
If I am your new home, will you stay forever?
Come to my arms now
Hey baby, let's try!
I am sure that no one will ever feel like you!
Feel like you!
But would you forgive if I am a bit difficult?
Many have said that with me you get out of the frying pan, into the fire
And I admit that I have a windy mind
Would you have the same spark of temper?
Or from you, would I learn the peace I am dreaming of?
You would always silence me smiling
Come to my arms now!
Hey baby, let's try!
If I am your new home, will you stay forever?
Come to my arms now
Hey baby, let's try!
I am sure that no one will ever feel like you!
Feel like you!
You weren't yesterday, a redheaded girl
And you weren't after all the beautiful blue-eyed
Dear, I really hope that you would meet me at halfway
I would bring you home, this is not a coincidence!
Come to my arms now!
Hey baby, let's try!
If I am your new home, will you stay forever?
Come to my arms now
Hey baby, let's try!
I am sure that no one will ever feel like you!
Feel like you!

Tear me up

You never got
And never will get
Anything greater out of me
(Tear me up)
I'm laying on the ground
Just go ahead
You're not going to save me
(Tear me up)
You face the morning
But you can't have the evening
You can't expect anything more
Slowly, eventually
You will have to take your leave
Waiting for me would be pointless
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
You never got
And never will get
Anything greater out of me
(Tear me up)
I'm laying on the ground
Just go ahead
Let's not make it harder than it has to be
(Tear me up)
You face the morning
But you can't have the evening
Waiting for me would be pointless
Slowly, eventually
You will have to take your leave
You shouldn't tolerate me any longer
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
You have to leave from here
I know it's not difficult
Be careful not to trip into eternity
You have to leave from here
You should kill your feelings
Be careful not to trip into eternity
Slowly, eventually
You will have to take your leave
You shouldn't tolerate me any longer
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
Slowly, eventually
You will have to take your leave
You shouldn't tolerate me any longer
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up
Tear me up

A Hold a Naptól kapja az erejét

Kiszabadítottam magam és elmenekültem
Az erdő mélyére futottam és nagyon mélyre jutottam
Szökésem reményteli volt
Úgy gondoltam, egyedül is megállom a helyem, de nem tudtam - rád van szükségem
A Hold a Naptól kapja az erejét*
És még ha fénylőnek is látszik
Nem egyedül adja a fényt
Az erőt a Naptól kapja
A Naptól, amitől
A Hold csak kölcsönzi a fényt
Egyedül vagyok és feltételezem, hogy így maradok
Talán volna számomra egy hely
Ahol lehajthatom a fejem
Próbáltam nagyobb boldogságot elérni
Már nem sóvárgok arany után, hanem ezüsttel is beérem
A Hold a Naptól kapja az erejét
És még ha fénylőnek is látszik
Nem egyedül adja a fényt
Az erőt a Naptól kapja
A Naptól, amitől
A Hold csak kölcsönzi a fényt


[Verse 1]
The sun is shining on beautiful women
Kjartan in Havana making beautiful memories
I've come to paradise, playing paradise
With an old pig who's smoking weed
He's cool, he's chill, my friend
He's hot, he's wild, he has tons of cash
He took me out with him on a boat tonight
Marijuana, Cubana (cigars), summer in Havana
Oh my god, amigo amigo
This here is acid, amino amino
I'm white like an albino, albino
But my life is still like a movie, a movie
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
I'm waving my arms, drugs in my guts
Is this what they call Nirvana?
No, it's summer in Havana
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
[Verse 2]
What a life, what a drive I have
I drink my beer cold at an unknown bar
That girl at the bar is young, tight, and beautiful
She gives me a beer so I bow and say thanks
Thank you, pretty lady
Do you like banana, chiquita chiquita
She liked the sight of my face
She wanted to come home with me under my sheets
But I said 'That's fine baby, but it's hot baby'
'So we'll go there baby, to a beach baby'
The sand on the beach doesn't matter
I don't give a fuck about the ring on your finger
It's your life, it's your choice
It's my life, it's my tune
It's my call, I gotta live
It's sad man, you gotta write a resume
'Cause there's waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
I'm waving my arms, drugs in my guts
Is this what they call Nirvana?
No, it's summer in Havana
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
Waves, palm trees, sun, and heat
I'm waving my arms, drugs in my guts
Is this what they call Nirvana?
No, it's summer in Havana
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)
Summer in Havana (Summer in Havana)

Life's Too Brief To Be Sad

Versions: #1#2
Hey, what face are you pulling?
What's wrong with you?
Anybody can dip into
such a bad mood.
I've gone through it myself,
I have felt just like you,
but luckily flops, hard luck and troubles
are part and parcel of (that bad mood).
Lovesickness doesn't pay
Somebody is thinking about you
And the times are changing.
Life's too short to be sad
Come and laugh your tears away.
Admit the sun into your heart again
and throw out loneliness.
Life's too short to be sad
and much too beautiful to cry about,
At some time you'll catch up with your dreams (?)
and you'll never let them go again.
Worries come, worries go,
But Love only counts
For every day dull
when one misses a laugh (?)
You'll be happy again
when you really want to
Just follow your heart
until you feel much better.
Get to your feet and believe it
Everything starts anew
Somehow and at some time.
Life's too short to be sad
Come and laugh your tears away.
Admit the sun into your heart again
and throw out loneliness.
Life's too short to be sad
and much too beautiful to cry about,
At some time you'll catch up with your dreams (?)
and you'll never let them go again.
Life's too short to be sad
Come and laugh your tears away.
Admit the sun into your heart again
and throw out loneliness.
and throw out loneliness.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!