Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 29

Találatok száma: 1002



Szomorú éjszaka
És az én szívemben
Nincsen reménység
Nézd, ezt a napot
Felhő borítja be
Kacagva mondja
Gyere ide
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Ti, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Te csak ötvenegy éves vagy
De száznak nézel ki.
A civilizáció igazai óta
Elhagyottak hangján
Kezdünk egy dalt
Anélkül hogy bátorságot merítenénk
Énekelünk hogy ne feledjünk.
Ti, senki nagyszülei
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Hova sodort minket az élet?
Az igazakhoz!
Te, szívem
Élő és kellemes forrás
Úgy, hogy még
Én is tudom inni az életet
Nézd, ezt a napot
Felhő borítja be
Kacagva mondja
Gyere ide
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal
Mi, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Hova sodort minket az élet?
Az igazakhoz!
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Ti, senki fiai
Kikről hosszú évek óta megfeledkeztek
Te csak ötvenegy éves vagy
De száznak nézel ki.
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
A valódiakban, az elhagyottak
Eledelt keresnek, a népség
közepén, az utca
közepén, koldulnak.
Az élet sírva kelt fel.
Zengjen egy dal
Zengjen egy dal


אתה רק רואה את שעיניך רוצות
כיצד יהיו החיים כפי שאתה רוצה
אתה קפוא
כאשר לבך לא פתוח
אתה כה שקוע בכמה אתה מקבל
אתה מבזבז את זמנך עם שנאה וחרטה
אתה שבור
כאשר לבך לא פתוח
ממממממ, לו יכולתי להמיס את לבך
ממממממ, לעולם לא היינו נפרדים
ממממממ, התמסר אליי
ממממממ, בידך המפתח
עתה אין טעם להפיל אשמה
ומוטב שתדע שגם אני סובלת
אם אאבד אותך
לבי יהיה שבור
האהבה היא ציפור, צריכה היא לעוף
תן לכאב שבתוכך למות
אתה קפוא
כאשר לבך לא פתוח
ממממממ, לו יכולתי להמיס את לבך
ממממממ, לעולם לא היינו נפרדים
ממממממ, התמסר אליי
ממממממ, בידך המפתח

Fájdalmas álmok

Fájdalom, szenvedély
és nem megfelelő időben
egy összetört remény
a szívemben a szívemben
a szívemben
Szerelmes dal
melyet soha nem fejeztünk be
és egy ketyegés, amely megáll
mint egy óra a szívben.
Add vissza az életem és lélegzetem.
Győzz meg róla, hogy a mi történetünk
életképes lehet, hogy életképes lehet.
A hangod, a búcsúzásod, homok a kezemben
és néhány szó, amely megtörik a szívemben,
a szívemben.
Térj vissza hozzám, add vissza nekem,
a bőrödön hagyott lenyomataimat.
Győzz meg róla, hogy ez a történet
még mindig életképes lehet.
Ne törd össze a mi szerelmi álmainkat
és tegyél meg mindent énértem,
így a hold elhomályosítja a napot,
nem lehet lehetetlen mert a szív ...
a szívemben.
Két könny, kristályos fájdalom
és egy jeges szél, amely átszúrja a szívet.
A birtoklás, fájdalmas álmok
sétálnak és állnak mi kettőnk között,
közted és én közöttem
Térj vissza hozzám, add vissza nekem,
a csókokat, amiket a bőrödön hagytam.
Győzz meg róla, hogy ez a történet
még mindig életképes lehet.
Ne törd össze a mi szerelmi álmainkat
és át merek kelni a végtelen tengeren, ha
a te sorsod az enyém mellett van
Ne dobd el így a mi történetünket
és tegyél meg mindent énértem,
így a hold elhomályosítja a napot,
nem lehet lehetetlen mert a szív ...
a szívemben.
Meggyőzni engem

Masked People

There was a bag with a mask in it
And a girl found it
In the beginning, she was afraid and didn't know what to do
Or how to compose
But she put it over her face and it fit her so well
The happiness of having a new face filled her
So she went down the street and the world gave her flowers
No one doubted the mask covered a face
That was previously full of fear
And nothing seemed to make her stop believing
That all along the new and strong face was her own
And even if they told her, she answered with 'It's me'
But there was a day that when she was going down the street the world fell down
So many beautiful masked people walked around, shamelessly
She kneeled down in anger, looked up to the sky and before she screamed, she cried
And when she got back up, she looked at the masked people and judged
'These are all fake, so many copies of a face that was previously mine!'
No one gave her attention
So she, tired, took her mask off and smiled
Now they say that when she smiled she understood
That life only happens
To those who devoted themselves
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


mi sento ancora venticinquenne la maggior parte del tempo
tuttavia sono cresciuto come un piccolo assassino con i ragazzi
divertimento è belle donne
ma signore sono ancora qui con loro
cantando sopra la folla ed il rumore...
qualche volta mi sento come Jesse James
sto ancora cercando di farmi un nome
sapendo che niente mi cambierà
ero un giovane cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone
e sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
bhe la verità di uno specchio...
è che è un vecchio dannato specchio...
non dice veramente tutta la verità.
non mostra cosa c'è in fondo.
o legge tra le righe.
e non davvero non ha un riflesso della mia gioventù...
qualche volta mi sento come Jesse James
sto ancora cercando di farmi un nome.
sapendo che niente mi cambierà.
ero un giove cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone.
sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
ero un giovane cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone.
e sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato


Ahol elfeledtél mindent, ami közös,
S azt is, hogy élek-e, mert úgy hitted, kölcsönös,
Tán csak némi drámára volt szükséged, azért kerestél fel újra?
Vagy, hogy elvidd mindazt, ami kettőnkből még emlékeztet a közös útra?
Hurrá! És most, hogy megöltél,
És elraboltad megmaradt lelkemet egészen,
és most, hogy egy éles kést a szívem közepébe döftél,
eldobtál, széttörtél, árulásod tán csak mosolyogva nézzem?
Miattad hever az életem romokban,
De azért csak elvinnéd megint - hogy úgy mondjam,
ami megmaradt abból, ki az életénél is jobban szeretett Téged!
Ahol legyőztél engem, bizony, ott maradtam
és ahol sivár lett az egész életem
Most persze visszajössz, hogy még jobban eltiporj egy kíméletlen harcban,
csak a kés, mit szívembe döftél, csak ez marad örökké velem.
Hányszor elárultál, de szíved soha sem lett az enyém,
bár hiszem, hogy más vagy, olyan, aki mégiscsak szívvel él?

The Hunter of Love

I hid the flame in my eyes and palms and walked
From the edge of yesterday
I’ll go open the door
And expose my sadness
Into the night of light
In the depths of your little chest
There is such an intense life
With beautiful magic, I want to solve
The secret of the world’s love
Even if I don’t know
Things like the meaning of my being born
The desert will, look, turn into spring
I was overflowing with love
To the point that I wanted to embrace
Someone who laughs by my side
Only you saw
The me who cried
Learns of love and begins
I shouldn’t have known about the song of love
When it comes to now, I understand
What you taught me
At that nostalgic shore
I want to meet you again
From my heart
Ascertain me
Who is living like this…
I was born to know about love
Now I chase love and advance
The Hunter…
of Love…

At your side

At your side life sits better with me
Every day that passes is different
A second at your side is a gift
You are my world, what happens around
At your side my life turns out better
Time passes but it matters little to me
Today the compass marks north again
I feel good and I don't need anything
At your side, I'll stay seated
At your side, without letting go of your hand
At your side, I will survive
At your side, always at your side
At your side I have desire to live
Next to you it's like I'm next to the sky
I'm a child that doesn't stop laughing
The best thing that's ever happened to me in my life
At your side, be it good or be it bad
I have found a woman, a lover, a friend
You give me without asking in return
You give me what no one else has given me
At your side, be it good or be it bad
At your side, the best thing that's ever happened to me
At your side, a second is a gift
At your side, I'll survive

Mi pasado y mi

Voy hablar de mi pasado voy hablarles de Vida

Hanging from a dream

Hanging from a dream
High in the sky, I try to live
The world in the distance
Seems small, seen from here
I don’t care what people say of me
That I don’t have my feet on the floor
They don’t know that I fly instead of sleeping
There are no limits to my wishes here
Nothing can be forbidden
I’m sailing free through my thoughts
Don’t take me off of here
There is room for my longings here
Everything can come true
Don’t make me go to the floor
I just want to remain
Hanging from a dream
Floating in the air without fear to fall
The world is small
And all my anxieties don’t fit into it
I don’t care what people say of me
That I don’t have my feet on the floor
Hanging from my dream, I manage to live
There are no limits to my wishes here
Nothing can be forbidden
I’m sailing free through my thoughts
Don’t take me off of here
There is room to my longings here
Everything can come true
Don’t make me go to the floor
I just want to remain
Hanging from a dream
Hanging from a dream
Hanging from a dream

ne búsulj, szép Argentína

Versions: #2
furcsa talán
nem könnyű
beszélni magamról
a szeretet segít
ha elfogadtok
s ha hisztek nekem
azt hittem a divat és a fény a cél,
s a világ megfoszt mindentől.
változnom kell
nem vártam míg szembe jön az álom
míg az ablakon kopog
a szikrázó nap
és a szabadság
a szerencse nem ér el
ha mi nem keressük
nem elég várni rá
ne búsulj, szép Argentína
a lelkem nem hagy el soha
az ég ölén
nézek le rátok
más világ talpán
hordoz a szél.
szerencse és siker
lett jó sorsom
csodált a világ
pedig nem hajszoltam
nem vágytam
minden áron
de megtalált
ez volt a válasz
amit a sors nekem szánt
ne búsulj, drága Argentína
ne búsulj, szép Argentína
a lelkem nem hagy el soha
az ég ölén
nézek le rátok
más világ talpán
hordoz a szél.
sokat mondtam ?
elmondtam mindent amit tudnod kell
erre gondolj
minden igaz
így gondolj rám.
fordította Gaál György István

Adore Me

Versions: #2
So many disappointments I have lived
That by far was the cruelest one
A deep silence and I declared:
'Just don't dishonor my name'
You, who don't even listen me to the end
Unfairly judges just for pleasure
Be careful when you talk about me
And don't dishonor my name
Can I go insane now?
Or should I just smile?
I don't know what else I have to do
To make you admit
That you adore me
That you think I'm the shit
Don't wait until I leave to realize
That you adore me
That you think I'm the shit
Don't wait until I leave to realize
Realize that you have no way of knowing
It's just hunches in your hand
I'm more than your eyes can see
So don't dishonor my name
It doesn't matter if I'm not what you want
It's not my fault your projection
I accept apathy, if it comes
But don't dishonor my name
Can I go insane now?
Or should I just smile?
I don't know what else I have to do
To make you admit
That you adore me
That you think I'm the shit
Don't wait until I leave to realize
That you adore me
That you think I'm the shit
Don't wait until I leave to realize


At the end they're only words
They fade out in the air
Your words are always complicate
Your actions talk more clearly than the water
You promised
To stay alone for a while
That there are very recent wounds.
That you mustn't, you can't, no
In any way
But deny it ig you dare
That when I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
I confess, I confess
That it's burning to me like it burns to you
What is worth to let it there?
Let's take a cold shower.
Don't misunderstand me
My only sin is I'm sincere
Tonight there's full moon
It's so pure and clear...
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
Tell me that you don't, you don't feel it
Tell me you don't, you don't, if you dare.
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Look my love, that already from longtime
We've grown...
And I know that it is no worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution
Then, let you fall here close to me
Remain subjected at what you'll find
Then tie up here close to me
That come confessions

The Saracens worship the sun

The Saracens worship the sun,
and the Turks the moon with the stars,
and I love these beautiful braids.
The sailors when there is the storm
they call for help to some saint
and I invoke you alone, in my weeping.
All slaves try to escape
and would like to break the chains
and I instead keep myself as a slave.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Portuguese Fado of us

Born of being Portuguese
Lived life of being Portuguese
Did his life around the world
Went by the vagabond dream
Went by the earth hugged
//: Well deared or badly loved
The Fado.://
Lived of being Portuguese
Was cheerful or gingerly
For being a Fado, it's a song
For being the future, it's the past
//: Badly deared or well loved
The Fado.://
Every time more Portuguese
Walks in the wings of the wind
Sometimes is lets out a lament
And asks to be found
//: He's a dear, he's loved
The Fado.x3//

Fado Vianinha

Going slow will get us far
And I'm sure going very slow,
Going slow will get us far
And I'm sure going very slow,
Let's see if I wont get lost
On the shortcuts of the way.
Let's see if I wont get lost
On the shortcuts of the way.
My love don't be in a hurry
Because you won't need to wait,
My love don't be in a hurry
Because you won't need to wait,
Everything that starts
Late or early will eventually finish.
Everything that starts
Late or early will eventually finish.
Everything changed in the meantime,
Look at the little sense,
Everything changed in the meantime,
Look at the little sense,
I laugh thinking of your weeping
I cry thinking of your laugh.
I laugh thinking of your weeping
I cry thinking of your laugh.
Give me your profound eyes
And the world can finish,
Give me your profound eyes
And the world can finish,
What matters the world if there are worlds
There inside your eyes.
What matters the world if there are worlds
There inside your eyes.

last deception

There is nights when i cant sleep
and i talk with you in my head
i tell you everything its like you listen to me
every secret that lays on my soul
a cold place , downthere under the dam of Mavrovo
it keeps the snow until the spring, and everything has flourished
yout trace are in me
long ago you are stranger, but for me you are still mine
You are my last deception
on one strange way you mean a lot to me still
but, somewhere on the bottom on my heart it seems that i dont miss you but i miss the person that i thought that you were
i dreamed how on Galichnik barefoot
you are chasing butterflyes , and i love you till God
sky full of birds and one is gray..
you say to me ' i go tomorrow
but i will remember you as long as i am alive'
You are my last deception
on one strange way you mean a lot to me still
but, somewhere on the bottom on my heart it seems that i dont miss you but i miss the person that i thought that you were

Caught in the Web

Versions: #2
I looked so much that I found
Some Internet address on the web
There was a forum for fans
Of horror movies and B-movies
And there I met a woman
Who wrote 'love' to me only in English
Her name seduced me
And I imagined everything else about her
What do I want more for?
She gives me all I want to have
I gave you all my love at, dot dot com
And you have stolen, stolen, stolen my good sense
Send me an e-mail, and I'll open my inbox for you
I'll make room for you in the filing system of my heart
We only went out once
To surf the web together
I brought out my Visa credit card
And she promised to be faithful
I'll never touch her skin
I'll never be able to be where she is
When love is blind
Then the heart doesn't lie to the eyes that can't see
What do I want more for?
She gives me all I want to have
I gave you all my love at, dot dot com
And you have stolen, stolen, stolen my good sense
Send me an e-mail, and I'll open my inbox for you
I'll make room for you in the filing system of my heart
What do I want more for?
She gives me all I want to have
I gave you all my love at, dot dot com
And you have stolen, stolen, stolen my good sense
Send me an e-mail, and I'll open my inbox for you
I'll make room for you in the filing system of my heart
Cyberpirate of love
You drove me into betrayals

Blue and Silver

Atoms, particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons
All for real, for you
Who is curious
All that you want to know
Orbits, satellites, comets, milky ways
And black holes for you
Who feels too much thirst
All for you, as a gift
All the perspectives, edges and drifts, rims
All the borders for you
To organize the word
All everyone together, to fit
Christmas lights, neons, boreal auroras
Entire electrical trios
For your deep eyes
Fireworks like me
And kisses and hugs
Sweets and flowers as well
Caresses and embraces
Of all tastes
Wrapped with
A blue and silver ribbon
That I did myself
Just to make you happy
Atoms, particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons
All for real, for you
Who is curious
All that you want to know
Orbits, satellites, comets, milky ways
And black holes for you
Who feels too much thirst
All for you, as a gift
All the perspectives, edges and drifts, rims
All the borders for you
To organize the word
All everyone together, to fit
Christmas lights, neons, boreal auroras
Entire electrical trios
For your deep eyes
Fireworks like me
And kisses and hugs
Sweets and flowers as well
Caresses and embraces
Of all tastes
Wrapped with
A blue and silver ribbon
That I did myself
Just to make you happy
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


I gonna walk, I gonna know
I gonna explore and see
What I never, dared to see
I gonna breathe, and I gonna give
I gonna see the world
As it always has been, how it is now.
Nothing's like you want it to be
Nothing's like you want it to be
Like you want it to be, nothing it's.
And you think that world spins
around you, and don't think
That nothing's like you want it to be
Never it's.
And I gonna start to change
I gonna stop complaining
And I gonna accept what takes me so long
Accept what takes me so long
That nothing's like you want it to be
Nothing's like you want it to be
Like you want it to be, never it's.
And you think that world spins
around you, and don't think
That nothing's like you want it to be
Nothing it's.
Never it's.
Nothing's like you want it to be
Everything's like it must be
You got what you want
You got what you must have

You're Leaving Early

You're leaving early without me seeing you
I won't see those eyes anymore
you're leaving early without me hearing you
these words will remain cut in half now
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years
You're leaving early without me touching you
this body disappears into the dark
you're leaving early without me smelling
your aroma, it doesn't have something from the past
Minutes aren't enough, I want hours
days aren't enough, I want years
years to satisfy you, to see you, and to learn about you, years

Gardener Wesley Snipes

Cum, head part
TRA-LA-LA, godfather Mohno
Yuri Galtsev, eggs in the horse, I washed my face with a lard
A bearded Tartar in a dress, teacher of labor teases his pussy
Charlie Shins knows the secret of Volodka!!!!!!!!
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la bikes brooms porch
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la crane
Mom, grandfather again pissed in the mushrooms
Wanna squeeze the men's breasts
Thanks to Moon for Putin
Grow up and become impotent
Three patents, on the assistant professor's crotch
I took spice at interest
The weight of the earth is equal to the weight of your mother + two centners
Chinese Wisdom
Guf is alive
Don't feed the wolf
Two heads are well until you pull the fish out of the pond
From a pond from a pond
It all became so silly without you
I feel bad without you
I bit Seryoga with the fittings to the fuck
Hello my name is Prokhor and I'm a gardener
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
Shake on the cheek Ashkindyk!!! Winter call
Anti-semite inseminate our daughter, bailiff
scrapsheet not a drop past
moisturize the clitoris of four by salt ? four types
thistle duke fired ANDYR ANDYR
Batyr Batyr cut from the shovel, come here
who is the desired blister, look where is buried Liu Xin
under the edge of an ice floe lay a blue - lick a cigarettes
Vasily moves the boulder along the boundless steppe
bare feet in the blood, grandmother smokes penicillin
I'll come yesterday, and tomorrow I'll be a knight
crushed anus by bus stop - Allegrova
ballet of blacks, riding on antennae in Montenegro
knocked down skittles on a boat in the metro Alenka the runaway
with a credit card, to sharpen and slaughter the neighbor
spice in cassettes, Urgant, mortgage, baker is fried
to crow a crazy rap is septicemia
my baby is angry BDSM anus hooked
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Aasterix, your back is white
nerves are ended up, bought the first dish in the canteen
Herpes on the forehead of the Valera reconquered into the Battlefield
I would have to plant a clover and let my wife atrophy
AHSTHA MANDY KHARCHA translation - smoked cum
The curse of Ilyich Ochakovo over the shoulder
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
New... Charlie Sheen bought
Immediately I found where Liu Xin is buried
Tibor from QS-FB

We Should Have Become Friends

Are you already comfortable with me?
to the point you greet me with a smile?
have you forgotten me completely?
to the point you introduce me the person next to you
Enduring is so difficult
I want to constantly cry
seeing you in
a place that's not next to me
why will this be happiness?
We should have become friends
after forgetting everything
so that I won't be sad when I look at you
meeting another person
I was looking at you
for a long time, even that person next to you
so that I could see you more
in case I see you again
I will pretend that I don't know you then
I will even show you my smile like you do now
I shouldn't have send you off with closed eyes
I should have watched you as you were leaving
at your cold steps
I should have send you while you were stained
by my last tears
Your so heartless image
I came to hate it, so that I won't be sad
when I see you meeting another person
I was looking at you
for a long time, even that person next to you
so that I could see you more
in case I see you again
I will pretend that I don't know you then
I will even show you my smile like you do now
I think this is for the best
because I can hate you
one more time
In case , like me, you still
can't feel relaxed
are you in pain?
are you trying to hold it in as well?
In case you might come back again
still the space next to me
is empty because it is your seat
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

In Love You Give Your All

Winter arrives searching for an embrace
a snow-covered body doesn't belong anywhere
like a butterfly struggling to be free
the joy that stops for the light to come out again
Winter arrives and in my feelings
the wet silence drowns me but I cower to tell her
how much I want her, to spread to my dreams
to let myself take the risk, for a new 'I love you'
In love you give it your all
then collect all your pieces after
to fall head over heels
only like this will your soul fly
In love you give it your all
as much as you want you are held captive
your mouth bled, say everything
don't scatter your moments like sand
Winter arrives and the rain will redeem me
life goes by like a quick breath
if I am not daring my longing will haunt me
in the city nights, I go out with an open wound
Winter arrives and I want it to freeze our desires
inhibitions hurt but you do the right thing
those who win, they go ahead, they don't regret
and in their mistakes they receive a warm round of applause

Tear down everything

Tear down everything already
Tear down everything
tough heart
Since everything began wrong
Love on Dounia* ended in disaster
Wreck everything
I'll still love you, I'll still love you
Tear down everything already
Tear down everything everything, tough heart
If deep down you love me,
why do you tyrannize me
why don't you love me
Tell me what I did for you
my soul
to become a mess
to become a mess
*Dounia is a large mountain range near Sparti which is often used as a metaphor in songs when referring to something of great magnitude

Fado from Ribatejo

I don't walk happily anymore
Through the fields of my land
The warm light don't even warm me anymore
Of the sunny afternoons of the land
Escaped from me the sun of venture
Of the sky of my illusion
And to the God's voice, a dark night
Fell upon my heart
Oh, Ribatejo
Father of my Tejo
I don't see you anymore
Always singing
Your horizons
Rivers and springs
Fields and hills
I feel that's crying
All the beauty
Of nature
I find sadness, desolation
As I find black the destiny
Because the peasant is in prison
Always laughing I barely knew
That laughter is the cousin of sorrow
And has the holly joy
Of the people of the riverside
The mother's love which all gives
(that's how I remember it)
And only teaches us pleasure
It was just in the school of life
That I learned how to suffer

The Winner

The winner
It seems like a dream, a Lambo and a Grammy,
Five houses in Colombia, one more in PR
And I have a mansion in Miami
My music taking the planet
With the force of a tsunami
And now they call me, they throw me away
All the mamas
I feel the best
In this, an expert
Every theme I take to the street sticks,
And I have sold out concerts
They are right
I am my own owner
I do not have to give my share to anyone
I love you, God
You are what blesses me
You always accompanied me in the grey nights
My ship was about to sink
And now I'm filming movies with Vin Diesel
My children
The four are happy
I fall and I get back up because I wanted
I feel hard, I feel strong without biceps
The phoenix is with God, no one can touch it
It wasn't easy to get to where I am
You know there were many sacrifices
The phoenix, yeah!
I remember every morning
When I knelt and prayed
I felt that the world ended
They did not want me
Nobody cared
I would ride in the car
That I had to borrow from my sister
I was crazy and confused in the world
And I felt that vice was killing me
My story started again in Colombia
I got that morale
And now they accompany me in victory
From my promises to God
Of blessings I have a river
Many say: Nicky, a fashion
And that's why I laugh
When I was down many ignored me
They never helped me
And I did not do the same
When I hit
We all recorded
My time is here
I give thanks to God
I always had faith
And that's why
As I fell
Now I have no fear
What does around comes around
I feel like a winner
My time is here
I give thanks to God
I always had faith
And that's why
As I fell
Now I have no fear
What does around comes around
I feel like a winner
Nicky Jam
The prodigies
Saga WhiteBlack
La Industria Inc.
El fénix

Let's Sit Down Here, My Dearest...

Let's sit down here, my dearest,
Look and see how much I care.
I will listen to the  tempest
Under your submissive stare.
All this golden vegetation
And this  fair lock of hair,-
They have come just  like salvation
Of the loafer free of care.
Long ago I left my village
With the blooming fields and thicket,
Tempted by the city image
And the life of fame, so wicked.
So I buried in oblivion
Orchard,  summer I enjoyed
Where I, to the frogs' singing,
Raised myself to be a poet.
Autumn with the golden branches...
Maple, lime-trees, taking pleasure,
Stick their twigs inside, like clutches,
Searching for someone they treasure.
They are gone, our dear losses,
In the homely yard the crescent
Marks with beams of light on crosses
That we'll join them in the basement.
Going  trough  the troubles wholly
We shall go like this to welkin.
All the winding  roads are only
For the living beings welcome.
Come, sit down here, my dearest,  
Let me look into your face.
I will listen to the  tempest
Under your submissive gaze.

With my Eyes Closed

Everybody wants me to stay away from him
Because he's bad
And doesn't care for me
They say he gets into my brain
In order to get into my body
I must confess that when he kisses me
The world spins inside my head
I close my eyes and feel his breath
My blood burns any thought
And I believe him, I believe him, I believe him
I believe when he says he wants me
I believe his love will last forever
I believe he's the best man
I believe the moon is made of cheese
And if he'd give me another kiss
Who cares if he lies, I believe him
With my eyes closed I'll go after him
With my eyes closed I'll always love him
With my eyes closed I trust him
With my eyes closed I want to believe him
With my eyes closed I'll go after him
With my eyes closed I'll always love him
With my eyes closed I trust him
With my eyes closed I want to believe
I'll believe
They say I can't see
Because love blinds me
When I'm with him
I don't notice his lack of money
They say he's bad and I'm his toy
I must confess that when he kisses me
The world spins inside my head
I close my eyes and feel his breath
My blood burns any thought
And I believe him, I believe him, I believe him
I believe when he says he wants me
I believe his love will last forever
I believe he's the best man
I believe the moon is made of cheese
And if he'd give me another kiss
Who cares if he lies, I believe him
With my eyes closed I'll go after him
With my eyes closed I'll always love him
With my eyes closed I trust him
With my eyes closed I want to believe him
With my eyes closed I'll go after him
With my eyes closed I'll always love him
With my eyes closed I trust him
With my eyes closed I want to believe
I'll believe
With my eyes closed
With my eyes closed

A Blank Check

I have already sent you a thousand letters of love
I didn't receive answers
I left a message in your answering machine
Asking you to show up
And I left to you my name stuck in the heart
I waited at your door till I lost count.
But the wish wasn't granted for me and I hung
The gloves, darling
When suddenly yesterday came to my mind something that may be the solution
I'm going to sign a black check to see if you
Find it around there and withdraw it in the absence of a guarantor
That I have kept it for too long for you
I spend my whole payment buying
Something you'd like
Until I ask free the one in that I what it will find you
I started improvising love songs
Beneath your window hoping of see you in the face
But the wish wasn't granted for me and I hung
The gloves, darling
When suddenly yesterday came to my mind something that may be the solution
I'm going to sign a black check to see if you
Find it around there and withdraw it in the absence of a guarantor
That I have kept it for too long for you
I'm going to sign a black check to see if you
Find it around there and withdraw it in the absence of a guarantor
That I have kept it for too long for you
I'm going to sign a black check that
I have been saving for so long
To give you the affection and so I have you by my side
I'm going to sign a black check come withdraw it soon
'Cause it has interest I'm reserving for you.

Crazy In Love (Te Seguiré Album Version)

This blue night
You are here by my side
The lullaby of your voice
The sweetness of your lips.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I am your madman of love
Fill me with your love,
Tie me, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Fill me with your love,
Tie, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.

Crazy In Love

They say I'm all romantic
Because I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart.
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.
They say I'm all romantic
Becuase I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.