Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 10

Találatok száma: 368



Be aware, I'd say there's movement down there
and I feel the wind carrying me, tonight feels as going out.
And I go in, drink whatever and heat up,
and I end up going crazy trying,
just in case it'll be forbbiden.
And running as a kamikaze
no matter what happens, I work hard
in case I find someone
that has a drink to keep me high
in this flight I'm going, without you
I lie, and sometimes I don't hear what I'm thinking
and just going into a bar dancing is what makes me happy.
And that, knowing that I'd die for your kisses
that I'd give everything for your bones, that makes me smile.
And running as a kamikaze
no matter what happens, I work hard
in case I find someone
that has a drink to keep me high
in this flight I'm going, without you.
I work hard for you.
And I don't know, love, ¿what would work with us?
A lie, a can or a 'stay',
a screwdriver, not knowing what's that,
when a someone shows you the badge,
and give me a drag,
'cause this isn't one of those balads
with cherry on top of the cake.
And I burst as a kamikaze
no matter what happens, I work hard
in case I find someone
that has a drink to keep me high
in this flight I'm going, without you.
As a kamikaze
no matter what happens, I work hard
in case I find someone
that has a drink to keep me high
in this flight I'm going, endless.
I work hard for you
and for this flight

To Love

I just lived a big love
With you
But also the first pain
When I lost you
And that pain was so cruel
I thought I'd die of loneliness
Taking the sky and my heart
And painting them black
But I wanted to believe I could and I would love
To love, to start over
To love, to reborn little by little
To love, with the usual passion
To love, to love madly, moving on
If anybody asks now, if I've forgotten you
I won't lie, I won't deny
You are still in me
A big love is never gone
It's inside us, it's always like that
Like the falling rain
And it never ends
But I want to believe
I can still love
To love, to start over
To love, to reborn little by little
To love, with the usual passion
To love, to love madly, moving on
To love, to start over
To love, to reborn little by little
To love, with the usual passion
To love, to love madly, moving on
To love, with the usual passion
To love, to love madly, moving on

Bitter times

Oh, how pleasant it is to live
during these times of today.
We are the agraristas,
still some people don’t believe it.
It is no longer the time of Porfirio,
When before they would cry for the master,
That when they’d meet him, they’d shake his hand,
and button his pants.
If one day the steward
became angry with a laborer
it was because another was closer
to the snaps of his pants.
And the one that had pretty daughters
there they would give him a job as a night watchman
or he would get a very good job
at least as a payroll clerk.
The one that had a pretty wife
they didn’t leave him alone nor let him rest,
they would get them up very early
to work like the oxen.
I bid you farewell my friends
there they excuse my frankness,
bitter times of the Porfirista
that I sing to them here in my song.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


When I will be able to love

When I will be able to love
I probably will not need
to murder my father in secret
nor to make love with my mother in a dream.
When I will be able to love
with my woman I will neither have
arrogance and fragility
of a childish man.
When I will be able to love
I will need a woman who really is
Who does not throng my existence
but I do not stay far away even with the thought.
I will want a woman that if I fondle
an armchair, a book or a rose
she would want to be only
that thing
When I will be able to love
I will want a woman who never changes
but from big to small issues
everything will make sense because she exists.
I can look inside her heart
and get closer to its mystery
not like when I think
but like when I breathe.
When I will be able to love
I will make love as it comes to my mind
without the stress to prove
without asking if we were fine
And in the silence of the nights
with tired eyes and a cheerful mind
to feel that even sleep is life
and not rest.
When I will be able to love
I would like a love
who has none rendez vous
with obligation
A love without the feeling of guilt
without any remorse
selfish and natural like a river
which runs its course.
Without evil or good actions
without other strange deviations
that even if the river could have them
I would still go to the sea.
So as I would like to love.


0 (Zero)

Camel put in the fingers
I'm waiting for a Taxi till we say goodbye
The rain has muddied our thoughts
I'll be back, or maybe not
It all started from nothing
I fell in love, or made it up
I was painting, or printing
Suddenly you're my other half
I'm just as much as you might imagine
I'm nothing without you
Nothing, nothing without you
I'm so scared to mess up
The Blue Camel has burned all my fingers
Tempted all lips to hell
I'll take the Subway but
Every morning I'm in your bed again
I'm just as much as you might imagine
I'm nothing without you
Nothing, nothing without you


Szeretlek és esküszöm hogy a te oldaladon többet is tudok
Hogy nem létezik a sors
És n vagyok aki ezt megváltoztathatja
Megyek szerelmes módba
Megyek szerelmes módba
És ha te is csatlakozol együtt többek vagyunk
Most, hogy megtaláltalak az úton nem akarom abba hagyni
Nincs ajtó, amit ne tudnál ki nyitni ebben a világban ha megtanulsz szeretni
Csak az kell hogy bízz
Nem leszel egyedül többé
Adj hozzá a hangodból és hallgasd
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerelmes módba
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerelmes módba
És ha kétségeid vannak nézz az égre
Mert az ég az segíthet
Vegyél egy nagy levegőt és eltűnik a félelem
A válasz hamarosan megérkezik
Én megyek
Az élet szeretetén keresztül utazva keresem a helyem
Yim, Yam:
És én nem fogom feladni
Bízom benne
Elfogom érni
Megyek szerelmes módba
Megyek szerelmes módba
Yim, Yam, Ramiro:
És ha te is csatlakozol együtt többek vagyunk
Roller band:
Itt az ideje a Hold felé nézni és ne gondolkozz tovább
Teremts egy új világot hazugságok nélkül
Gyere álmodjunk
Csak az kell hogy bízz
Nem leszel egyedül többé
Adj hozzá a hangodból és hallgasd
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerelmes módba
És ha kétségeid vannak nézz az égre
Mert az ég az segíthet
Vegyel egy nagy levegőt és eltűnik a félelem
A válasz hamarosan megérkezik
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerelmes módba
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerelmes módba
Add oda a kezed
Hogy az esőtől ne legyél vízes
Mi vagyunk a tűz
És ez a láng egyre nagyobb és nagyobb
Gyere keresük meg a mosolyunkat
Változzunk szerető módba
És ha kétségeid vannak nézz az égre
Mert az ég az segíthet
Vegyel egy nagy levegőt és eltűnik a félelem
A válasz hamarosan megérkezik

Love each other badly

Would you like if we make love after the match?
Or when you have some time, would you like if we cook a cake and eat it
- naked?
But only if you like it
Would you like to buy me a dress? Nothing flashy,
just a bit 'elegant
For special occasions
Weddings and funerals
Would you like to watch that program with the chefs singing on TV?
Or we may read a guide
About a distant place where we will never go
Ever and never
There will never be time to do what we want
Between a few shelves of high-heeled shoes
And a jungle of tofu and seitan
And there will never be time to do what we want
We screw up all our poetry
And you love me, as you would love if you were me and vice versa
So bad, without understanding anything
But with the sky in its place, in a busy city
A life on the contrary and dreams halfway, ah
We have finished happiness
Would you like take me to see that movie?
That film which everyone talks about
With that famous actor who just came out
But only if you like it
Would you like if I take you there
In that farm with organic boar?
Or if we are in a hurry, would you like if we eat a gourmet pizza standing at the tram stop?
Even if it is raining, it is cold and we are naked, what do I know?
And what do we care? So much is gourmet
It never ever passes
There will never be time to do what we want
Between a few shelves of high-heeled shoes
And a jungle of tofu and seitan
And there will never be time to do what we want
We screw up all our poetry
And you love me, as you would love if you were me and vice versa
So bad, without understanding anything
But with the sky in its place, in a busy city
A life on the contrary and dreams halfway, ah
We have finished happiness
Do you take me to look at the sky always stay where it is?
Do you take me to look at the sky always stay where it is?
Do you take me to look at the sky always stay where it is?
Anywhere but that is close, that now I have a certain age, ah
And you love me, as you would love if you were me and vice versa
So bad, without understanding anything
But with the sky in its place, in a busy city
A life on the contrary and dreams halfway, ah
We have finished happiness
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


Mesélj arról amikor legelőször megláttál
Alig emlékszel,
Vagy fel tudod idézni úgy
Úgy ahogy volt?
Megviselt volt az arcom
Rossz napom volt
Vagy talán figyeltem
Hogy ne vesszek bele a szemed tükrébe
A szemed tükrébe újra.
És emlékszel a Földre
Hogyan forgott maga körül,
Lassan múlt az idő
Vagy rohant mint egy bolond?
És most nincs semmi az égvilágon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
Akik egykor voltunk
Akik jelenleg vagyunk
Amilyenek majd egy nap leszünk.
Emlékszel mikor
Legelőször megöltél
Olyan magabiztosnak tűntél
És talán véletlenül eltaláltad
És véletlenül nyertél
És megremegett a föld
Hogyan forgott maga körül,
Elrepült az idő
Vagy még mellettem maradsz?
És most nincs semmi az ég világon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
Akik egykor voltunk
Akik jelenleg vagyunk
Amilyenek majd egy nap leszünk.
Nem emlékszem arra
Amikor megláttalak és más voltál
Nem emlékszem arra
Amikor még a lélegzetem is elállt
Nem emlékszem az arcodra,
Amikor grimaszt csaltál az arcomra
Nem emlékszem az otthonomra
És most nincs semmi az égvilágon
Ami ahhoz fogható lenne
És akik egykor voltunk
Akik már nem vagyunk
És talán majd egy nap leszünk
Igen, de most a világnak semmi értelme
Ha egy mozdulattal az egészet elsöpörted
A történteket – akik voltunk
A napokat – akik most vagyunk
És az ürességet – akik majd egy nap leszünk
Mesélj nekem arról mikor
Legelőször szerettél

Minden Csillag

[Kendrick Lamar]
Szerelem, beszéljünk a szerelemről
Az minden és bármi amiről valaha is álmodtál?
Vagy csak kísért az érzés?
Tudom hogy az érzés kísért
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van
[Kendrick Lamar]
Mondd, mit fogsz velem tenni
A szembesülés nem új a számomra
Hozhatsz lőszert, kardot, egy hullaházat,
De nem tudod elhozni az igazságot
Menj a fenébe az elvárásaiddal együtt
Nem kell a gratulációd
Felismerem a hamis magabiztosságod és
Utálom az olyan embereket akik jogosultnak érzik magukat
Nézz őrültnek amiért nem hívtalak meg
Oh, fontos vagy?
Te vagy a történet morálja, hozzájárulsz
Roha**k nem is kedvellek
Korrupt ember szíve az ajándékkal
Így jössz rá, hogy kivel is van dolgod
Egy kis százaléka azoknak akikkel építek
Az érdemet akarom, akár vesztek akár győzök
Az anyámért, ez az igazság
Szerelem, beszéljünk a szerelemről
Az minden és bármi amiről valaha is álmodtál?
Vagy csak kísért az érzés?
Tudom hogy az érzés kísért
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van
Bőr egoval bevonva
Beszélj, már belekeveredtem, mint egy visszaverődés
Nincs irányítás, nincs kikapcs gomb, és ahogy lehúzol
Beindít, vidd el tőlem
Tudom, rosszat akarsz, maradj távolt tőlem
Ez mind rossz, maradj távol tőlem, yeah
Sírok ok nélkül, imádkozom ok nélkül
Csak megköszönöm az életem, a napot
Az órákat és a lélegzeteim
Mind azért tettem, mert jó érzés volt
Mindet felélheted ha bűnösnek érzed magad
Éld az életed
Kifutunk az időből
[Kendrick Lamar & SZA]
Szerelem, beszéljünk a szerelemről
Az minden és bármi amiről valaha is álmodtál?
Vagy csak kísért az érzés?
Tudom hogy az érzés kísért
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van
Talán ez lesz az éjszaka, amikor az álmaim megsúgják
Minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van, minden csillag közelebb van

Lullaby of the Big Horse

Lullaby, my child, lullaby
of a big horse
that didn't want the water
that didn't want the water.
The water was black
there in the branches. (1)
When it gets to the bridge
it stops and dances.(2)
Who can say my child
what the water holds
with its tail so long
in its parlour green. (3)
Hey hey
Sleep now, little clove pink (4)
the horse doesn't want to drink.
Sleep now, little rose
leave the horse to its woes.

Song about the Gypsies

In their mud huts
Close to the forest
The Gypsies live
At the edge of the city
The Gypsies are singing
In trouble and in joy
Praising Christ
In their hearts
Gladness on their faces
Tears in their eyes
Happiness is shining
In their broken hearts
The Redeemer visited them
Jesus of Nazareth
Gave them new life
And forgiveness
From now on their whole lives
Completely changed
They are filled with love
Peace and joy
The Gypsies are singing
In trouble and in joy
Worshiping Jesus
With their songs
The forests and the rivers
Are softly echoing
The songs of the Gypsies
About Jesus Christ
And the songs are flying
Straight to heaven
All the Gypsy songs
Into God's presence

Love you in freedom

Whenever we meet, a neon shines on your head
I don´t realize if I´m going or I´m back
I can´t anymore
In a good days, my heart is against the ropes
I have clove on my tongue, please, I feel like a doll
I can´t anymore
I want to scream, and eat him in front on the sidewalk
Oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
Everything that I put on me he doesn´t even notice
he makes me spend hours without knowing how to dress myself
I can´t anymore
It notice too much on me, I don´t know how to avoid it
I would like to be with him, prisoner of his arms
I can´t anymore
Who can advise me, how to make that one day he notice me
Oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
I want to scream, and eat him in front on the sidewalk
Oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
Oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom
oh, uh, oh, I want to love you in freedom

Sour cherries

The morning is spent in the shack
for the unrising sun
There's a warm fog flying for a while
urban pigeon far away...
Look, the new houses of glass
have the doors painted yellow
don't breathe, now there's not us
with the taste of sour cherries
We will go, you know, at the movies
There's a sea-hedgehogs show
Don't smile and don't wait for us
we'll be then at the movie...

Love Mode

more, I love you and I would swear
that next to you I can go for more
that fate does not exist
and that I am the one who can change
I go in love mode, I go in love mode
and if you add we are more
you go, now that I find you
on the way, I do not plan to stop
there is no door that can stop us
in this world if you learn to love
you just have to trust
alone never again, add your voice
and they will listen
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
and if you doubt, look at the sky
because heaven can help you
just breathe, take away the fear
the answer will come soon
I go, spinning through life
in love I look for my place
and I'm not going to give up
I'm confident, I'll achieve it
I go in love mode, I go in love mode
and if you add we are more
now, it's time to look
towards the moon, do not think more
make a new world without lies
let's dream, we just have to trust
alone never again, add your voice
and they will listen!
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
and if you doubt, look at the sky
because heaven can help you
just breathe, take away the fear
the answer will come soon
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
give me your hand and the rain
will not wet us, we are the fire
and this flame grows more and more
let's find smiles
let's change to love mode
and if you doubt, look at the sky
because heaven can help you
just breathe, take away the fear
the answer will come soon

Come and take care of me

Versions: #2
I've already done everything not to lose you.
I fought against the world, I fought for you.
I've already cried here, locked up in this apartment
and the longing hurting everything in my mind.
I ended up the night looking for you from my window.
I spent the night wishing to have you here.
I need that love with me, I 'm gonna stay with her.
Gimme a sign, tear up my chest, come and take care of me.
At least just one night take care of me.
Gimme a sign, do something, take care of me.
Come and take care of me, take this yearning away from me.
Piece of happiness, my sin, my pleasure.
Come and take care of me, come and be my smile again.
The Eve of my paradise, my blue-colored dream, my great love.

Town of Camariñas

Versions: #2
When sailing by Camariñas,
I passed by Camariñas, singing.
The girls from Camariñas
were left behind in the river, washing.
Camariñas, Camariñas,
oh you are already appealing me.
For one girl from Camariñas
I live in the world, I live in pain.
My little Virgin on the mount
who always looks after the sailors.
do not let me die
far from the land, the land of mine.

What sins have I done

What sins have I done, I've had enough
What sins am I paying for and will never write off
The breakup is like a small coffee, tell me how you will drink it
Its taste is poison and I cannot get used to it
Tell me tell me tell me why you did this
What sins have I done, I've had enough
What sins am I paying for and will never write off
What sins have I done, I've had enough
What sins am I paying for and will never write off
The breakup is like a small black coffee pure poison
My life far from you became torture
Tell me tell me tell me why you did this
What sins have I done, I've had enough
What sins am I paying for and will never write off
What sins have I done, I've had enough
What sins am I paying for and will never write off
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.

First to first

On which side are you sleeping,
are you dreaming about me
her arms are around you,
when she lies beside you,
does she
that your pillows smells like me.
Everything I think about, everything I touch,
ah, everything remains me on you,
with me my melancholy awakes,
she leads me to my bed.
First to first I am,
to her your name,
for me you love,
One the first I am,
because such as I am
can not be second.
If I turn to ashes and dust,
I will be dirt on your doorstep,
I wish so hard you have you for me alone,
It makes me strong.
Everything I think about, everything I touch,
ah, everything remains me on you,
with me my melancholy awakes,
she leads me to my bed

Praiser of the moon

I'm a lover of patience's nights
Praiser of the moon...
I'm a lover
My love to the black eyes made me love to stay up at night
If it's not for the light on your forehead
If it's not for the roses on your cheeks
If it's not for the safety in your presence
I'd not have fallen for you or tasted love ever, my soulmate
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
Your hair is black like the night, O night... O night
and you spread it out on the moon 
O moon...O moon
And your sweet laugh that lightens the night of vigil
Your beauty makes the hearts beat faster and complain
How much they narrated stories & wrote poems about you
And every night they talk about their love for you and about the eyelash that affected them
And the night gets longer with them and makes the happiness of my life gets closer
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
May my eyes be cool on you...
be cool on you
My eyes...my eyes...
All the hearts around you have been melting in you
But me...only me
I see you differently...
I see you with my own eyes rather than their eyes
And I love you with all the emotions in my heart
I see sadness hides behind the smile in your eyes
And I hear in your voice echoes of sorrow fills your nights
And I wish those who defined you
To see you with my eyes
They'd love you more and more
Like the way that my heart and I have loved you
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you
I'm a lover...a lover turned to be a melodic song
And my story has been told to the people & to the lovers
I'm a melodic song
And my story has been told in a melodic song
They spoke in the song about the one who kept patience for years
Then his heart felt peace
I'm that one whose heart felt peace & happiness
I had long journey
I have never believed in the impossible.
I walked on the thorns
And never be a burden for me
Until love had surrendered to me
And the pretty one and me have become
A timeless story
A timeless story would never have an end
And you my sweetheart will always be the light to my upcoming days
Your swinging body awakened feeling in my chest
For me, You're the most beautiful person on the earth
Glory to Him for creating you


It's me who comes to you
the one who plays in the courtyards
I come to you and play
sing of you, excited city
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
'me'odi' not 'peratich' on musical instruments
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
on stringed instruments,
with a guitar and mandolina.
The splendor of your soil captured my heart
Oh Barcelona!
To you I brought the best of my song
accept this present
and remember the echo of my voice
like a souvernir of love
lalalala memememiah.
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
ever since I exist
not as your strings of a musical instrument
Oh Barcelona Barcelona
on stringed instruments,
with a guitar and mandolina.
I passed roads, continents and seas
Oh oh Barcelona!
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

The Lovers' Path

Oh night, oh night
Oh night, oh night
And oh my night
I am a lover
who tells tales, tales
I once had an embrace to hold me and a home
And I wish, oh passion
I wish, oh passion
for you to embrace me and my darling
The most precious of lovers is you, my darling
You my darling, my darling
If you are still melting in the flames of my love
Oh, darling, oh darling
Come back and take me, take me
to the lovers' path
On the lovers' path
we'd sing: oh night, oh moon
And reach the moon with our hands
Come back and take me, take me
to the lovers' path
And oh my night
I beseech you
tell me, oh night
I beseech you, make me understand
Oh night, does my love
remember me,
remember me,
or has she forgotten me?
And my night
Oh, my night
Take me away
take my pain away and give me
happiness and ferry me
to the one who is my love, my soul and my eyes
So that we can melt in a
song of passion and longing
Come back and take me, take me
to the lovers' path
Come back and take me
Oh, take me
My heart is full of longing
Come back and take me,
My love
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

To Love us More

Together, the immensity
A world of ours, small house
The time does not matter
Because there will always be a good day,
To love 'us' more
Together, to dream up
as to not get bored, defying the hours
of an uncertain future
That only serves to love 'us' more.
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
Together, the eternity
Two solitudes, a perfect magnet
Almost egoism only to love each other
To love us more
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
We are sworn together, even though life passes
The rivers flow and the birds migrate
There will always be a good day, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
It is enough to look at you, it is enough to touch you
Our bodies are enough, humid and warm
To love 'us' more, to love 'us' more
To love 'us' more
To love 'us' mooooooooooore

Sudden Blaze

I need to forget
To be able to live
I wouldn't want to think
That I have lost everything
In a sudden blaze
Our lives are consumed
Leaving only the ashes
Of that tremendous love
I won't be able to cry
Nor have to laugh
Better to keep silent
Because the end has arrived
Our thing ended
When the light went out
Like the afternoon departs
At the death of the sun
I will always remember
Those green eyes
That show the color
That wheat fields have
At times I would like to roar
With laughter
As if in a charade
Because your love has gone
But I leave here
I leave you my song
Love, you leave me
I also leave you
Our thing has ended
Perhaps you will miss me
Perhaps I will dream
Of those eyes as green
As the sea

Don't over think it

Do not worry, my friend
What's there to worry about ?
Weak, lonely in this world
Even so there is life
Don't overthink it
And don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders
My friend, avoid it
The things that the world does are weird
You can't understand it
It's heavy when you're in a bad mood
It's sweeter when you're doing better
And then, you can have whatever you want
Don't deprive yourself
Do not worry, my friend,
What's there to worry about ?
Weak, lonely in this world
Even so there is life
Don't overthink it
And don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders
My friend, avoid it
The things that the world does are weird
You can't understand it
It's heavy when you're in a bad mood
It's sweeter when you're doing better
And then, you can have whatever you want
Don't deprive yourself
Even if you have money
Even if you don't
In front of us there is death
Do not worry, be happy
Do not worry, be happy,
What's there to leave ?
Even if you have money
Even if you don't
In front of us there is death
Do not worry, be happy
Do not worry, be happy,
What's there to leave ?

Decked Out

Decked out, decked out
Oh you're most sweet
If your love was a plague
[I'd still say] It's either you or no one,
Or no one
Oh my soul's love, he resides in my heart
And no matter how long he's away, I never forget his time
Oh power holders, stay away from my way
The money of the whole world can't replace his tenderness for me
If they totally cover me in gold till I'm fully decked out, decked out
[put on me] a diamond ring, no, no
[Even if they] made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
They found out that you are my love and my life
They thought that they can use expensive things to separate us
And they made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
They made me walk on roses, step by step
To make me forget your love that is driving me mad
And they made me wear dresses of velvet and silk
And told me that whatever I wish for
is their command
The entire world is not worth as much to me as your love
Oh I swear it, the entire world
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Got No Enthusiasm

Hey, ever since you're not here
I've lost sleep
Feeling unwell
One more night like that
Could, for me
Be deadly
The questions torment me, torment me
And not a dime worth of answers
One word torments me, torments me
I think it's called 'forever'
A month already
Neither air nor food
I've got no enthusiasm even to breathe
May I be long gone
For I do not inspire you to love
I would open up all
the windows in the room
And (jump) right down
To make all of them worry
Because some loves
Hurt so much
The questions torment me, torment me
And not a dime worth of answers
One word torments me, torments me
I think it's called 'forever'

The black cat

Once upon a time, a black cat lived in a corner,
and everybody in the house hated it.
Still, the song is not about
how people did not get along with the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
There's a ruckus in the courtyard all day
as they shoo the cat out of the way.
Still, the song is not about
how the whole house chased the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
Even to meet its sweetheart
the cat had to run for miles.
Still, the song is not about
how these lovebirds purred together.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
The poor cat was pitch black
from ears to tail, darker than night.
And the song is actually about
what a drag being a black cat is.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
They say it's bad luck
when a black cat crosses your path.
That's rather the opposite,
all the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
All the bad luck is for the cat.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Knowing How to Love

Time doesn't stop
Life doesn't rewind
If love knocks on your door now
You better let it in
If it's not going anywhere
It doesn't matter anyway
It's not fashionable now
Get involved without falling in love
Life makes more sense when you have love
Then everything is perfect, it has more flavor
The sky gets more beautiful, it has more colour
How about just try it and take the risk?
Better than living all alone, it's share your life
And make plans, let it flow
Or just say 'good night' to someone before sleep
And be able to dream, dream, dream
Knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Time doesn't stop
Life doesn't rewind
If love knocks on your door now
You better let it in
If it's not going anywhere
It doesn't matter anyway
It's not fashionable now
Get involved without falling in love
Life makes more sense when you have love
Then everything is perfect, it has more flavor
The sky gets more beautiful, it has more colour
How about just try it and take the risk?
Better than living all alone, it's share your life
And make plans, let it flow
Or just say 'good night' to someone before sleep
And be able to dream, dream, dream
Knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Ah, knowing how to love is so much better
Than give a lot and get nothing back
It's so much more than pleasure
Ah, knowing how to love
It's going to go all the way to be happy
Open up your heart and say
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no
Na na na, na na na, na... no


Versions: #4
I am fire that under your skin
I am a water that your thirsty
A castle,a tower i am
I am a power which protect to you
You are air which i breath
And youre reflect of moon on sea
A strait which i afraid to drown ,my lovely and
What will you give me ?
You said:my treasure is enough to look at you
It will be yours ,and it will be yours

Sea life

I'm through with things
often with a wicked palm
out of the rough waters of life
I go on a boat to calm down
I've also become a module
and have been let go, crawling
Nobody knows, what someone on a boat
Has to do a lot with it
~ Luvya, dankie mutch :D ~

'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase

Stargazer of the leaden sky

I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star,
not even in the night I was looking up at
The asphalt gives off the smell of rain
Our arms are entwined under my umbrella
It's okay if my left shoulder gets wet
while you're walking by my right side
I remember us enthusiastically telling each other stories about constellations
while we headed to the planetarium together
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
it was beautiful even though artificial, wasn't it?
You, radiant,
are laughing
and I'm just staring at you
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If we stretched out our arms,
we'd be able to feel each other
and embrace in that gentle and loving star
It's so bright it's impossible to see
from this house's veranda
You loved the sleepless city's
breathing, didn't you?
Now I can't get used to the days after you left
I seek you out like in the stories about constellations
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Aren't you the light
peeking through the rifts in the clouds,
drifting softly
and wavering a little?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Even if I can't see where to stretch out my arms,
let me feel you
in that star
at least one more time
The last things in my mind
were your smile covered in clouds
and the comets
spilling down your cheeks
With the regrets of that time
weighing my chest down,
my tale shall be
to seek you out
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star
while looking up on my own
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Today, too, I'm searching through the rifts in the clouds
Now that you aren't here,
is it too late to say
that my life has no meaning?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If I stretched out my arms,
I'd look up at the night
where the gentle and loving star
in which we touched each other is in
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

I've Come to Love You

Enough with the longing
I want to smell your perfume
I'm packed up and ready for happiness
Running to see you
To be with you
True love never dies, no
Even though distance gets in the way sometimes
MC Livinho
When the day is born
And the sun comes to warm me up
My heart in its boat
Will sail in your sea
In your lap, my destiny
Your eyes, my paradise
Your smile fills me with live
You make me dream, make me fly
I'm going to find you, going to kiss you
I've come1 to love you
Bearing stars to plant
In our own personal sky
I've come to love you
The two of us in the constellation
The universe of passion
I've come to love you
To love you (I've come to love you)
To love you
I've come to love you
MC Livinho
(Livinho, Livinho)
True love never dies, no
Even though distance gets in the way sometimes
Your lap, my destiny
Your eyes, my paradise
Your smile fills me with life
I'm going to kiss you
I've come to love you
Bearing stars to plant
In our own personal sky
I've come to love you
The two of us in the constellation
The universe of passion
I've come to love you
(I've come to love you)
To love you
You make me fly, make me sing
I'm going to find you, going to kiss you (love you)
I'm going to love you (love you)
I'm going to love you (love you)
I'm going to love you
I've come to love you
  • 1. in the sense of 'arrived'