Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 11

Találatok száma: 368


The first time

Tell me about when you saw me for the first time
you hardly remember
or relive everything like
how was it then?
I looked tired
hanging from a crooked moon
or maybe I was careful
do not lose my eyes
in your eyes again
and you remember the world
how many turns on himself
the time was slow
or was he running like crazy?
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble it at the bottom
what we were
what we are now
how we will be one day
you remember when
you killed me for the first time
you have targeted the center
and you hit a little by mistake
and by mistake you have won
and the world trembled
how many turns on himself
time is running out
or do you still stay next to me?
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble it at the bottom
what we were
what we are now
how we will be one day
I do not remember that time
in which I saw you and you were another
you do not remember that time
in which you took off the air as well
I do not remember your face
when you made my face
I do not remember my house
and now there is nothing in the world
that can resemble you at the bottom
and what we were
we are not now
and maybe we'll be one day
Yes, but now the world makes no sense
if you have canceled everything with a gesture
the story that we were
the days we are now
and the absence we will one day
talk to me about when
you loved me for the first time

by loving you so much

By loving you so much
my heart skipped a beat one winter day
a puddle of tears wet my loneliness
by loving you to so much I forgot about me
By dreaming so much of you
one day I woke up and saw your absence
on one side of the bed that wasn't wrinkled
by dreaming so much of you I forgot about me
By looking for you so much
I ended up not finding me
I ended up lost in the street of sorrow
by looking for you so much i forgot about me
by thinking so much of you
I was left without a reason to forget you
you left the door to my future locked under key
by thinking so much of you I forgot about me
by loving you so much, by dreaming of you so much,
by looking for you so much, by thinking of you so much,
m life passed and I didn't even notice
on cold nights
the interrogation is a recurrence
if it's been worth it waiting for you to return
by loving you so much i forgot to live
by loving you so much, by dreaming of you so much,
by looking for you so much, by thinking of you so much,
I let my life pass
and I didn't even notice.
by loving you so much I've resigned to live alone
the empty space you left will never be filled by anyone
even though if by loving you so much
I even forgot about you


I will admit that often I
Ask myself a question:
Why do I love you?
What is special about you?
Obviously, in your kind heart there is
A small piece of magnet
And it, attracting strongly,
Is disturbing and beckoning me
And that's why, I will not lie,
I always enjoy being with you
Now I know whose fault it is
It’s that magnet to blame!
Sometimes our quarrels
Seem to be ridiculous
And, I swear to myself to
Never see you again, but ...
Seasons come and seasons go
But like many years ago,
I cannot, I cannot
Live without you even a day
And that's why, I will not lie,
I always enjoy being with you
Now I know whose fault it is
It’s that magnet to blame!
Oh... that magnet!
It’s that magnet to blame!

Small Yellow-Spotted Bikini

Ana Maria got into the cabin
And was going to put up a nice bikini
But it was so small
That Ana Maria even felt bad
Oh, oh, oh, but it looked amazing
It was such a small bikini with yellow spots
It barely fit Ana Maria
Such a small bikini with yellow spots
That disappeared in our hands
Ana Maria, completely embarrassed,
Didn't want to leave the cabin looking like that
She was afraid that all the boys
Would look at everything, bit by bit
Oh, oh, oh, this girl is into me
It was such a small bikini with yellow spots
It barely fit Ana Maria
Such a small bikini with yellow spots
That disappeared in our hands
Ana Maria looked at herself in the mirror
And finally saw herself, almost naked
Her face got blushed
And she hid the swimsuit in a thimble
All her happiness was over in the cabin
But who wouldn't want to see her in that bikini?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Youth of Samarina

Oh you, young guerillas,
Youth of Samarina
Well, poor kids,
Youth of Samarina
Even though you got dirty.
Well, if you ever go up on the mountains
That are on the way to Samarina
Well, poor kids,
On the way to Samarina,
Even if you get dirty.
Well, do not shoot with your guns
Do not sing songs
Well, poor kids
Do not sing songs
Even if you get dirty.
And if my mother asks you,
As well as my poor sister
Well, poor kids
As well as my poor sister
Even though you got dirty.
Do not tell them I've died
That I'm dead for a while now
Well, poor kids
That I'm dead for a while now
Even though you got dirty.
Well, tell them that I got married
That I married to the deep soil
Well, poor kids
I got married to the deep soil
Even though you got dirty.

Voices of Hiroshima's Birds

Aaaah... Aah...
- Where? Where are they?
- Who?
- Where are they?
- Who? Who?
- Men!
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest... A nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
Aaaah... Aah...


Lonesome is the world and the roads that we pass.
You run inside the crowd like an anonymous body.
The nights were blurred, we lost ourselves.
You opened a deep incision in time.
I also paid for a sin,
I also paid for a bad time
I also paid for a sin,
Life separated us, with a deep incision.
What will benefit from an effort?
Again the knife would be a cause for concern.
Again the hours would pass with apathy.
Time causes a deep wound.
I also paid for a sin,
I also paid for a bad time
I also paid for a sin,
Life separated us, with a deep incision.

When you stop loving me

You will leave, I can almost breath your goodbye,
you will fall, as an arrow which never arrived,
it will hurt, I'm not the only one who'll cry for you.
When you stop loving me,
choose very well my goodbye verses,
if you decide that my company disturbs you
think about it again, think and don't go on.
I know it will not be a way back.
After everything I gave you, my whole life,
if you let me bleed, cold blooded
mine you will be,
when you stop loving me,
you'll see
I'm not cruel, simply it's the final truth
a paper is not guarantee of us doing always good
and never evil will stay,
It's not only me who will remember you.
When you stop loving me,
choose very well my goodbye verses,
if you decide that my company disturbs you
think about it again, think and don't go on.
I know it will not be a way back.
After everything I gave you, my whole life,
if you let me bleed, cold blooded
mine you will be,
when you stop loving me,
you'll see
You'll see
though you'll let me go
you don't be free.
When you stop loving me,
choose very well my goodbye verses,
if you decide that my company disturbs you
think about it again, think and don't go on.
I know it will not be a way back.
After everything I gave you, my whole life,
if you let me bleed, cold blooded
mine you will be,
when you stop loving me,
you'll see
Just learning.

Ах, Самара-городок

Платок тонет и не тонет,
Потихонечку плывет.
Милый любит и не любит,
Только времечко идёт.
Ах, Самара-городок,
Беспокойная я,
Беспокойная я,
Да успокой ты меня, ох.
Я росла и расцветала
До семнадцати годов,
А с семнадцати годов
Кружит девушку любовь.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Милый спрашивал любови,
Я не знала что сказать,
Молода, любви не знала,
Ну и жалко отказать.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Понапрасну небо ясно,
Одна звёздочка горит,
Понапрасну милых много,
Об одном сердце болит.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Тебе, белая берёза,
Нету места у реки,
Если я тебе невеста,
Ты меня побереги.
Ах, Самара-городок...
Милый скажет - до свиданья,
Сердце вскинется огнём
И тоскует, и томится
Всё о том же, всё о нём.
Ах, Самара-городок...

Stop Claiming You're Innocent

Stop claiming you're innocent
I know all the hurt you've done me
You don't know what consciousness is
You only want bad things to those who've done you good
Don't kneel, go away
If you regret anything
Try to cry
Stop claiming you're innocent
I know all the hurt you've done me
You don't know what consciousness is
You only want bad things to those who've done you good
Don't kneel, go away
If you regret anything
Try to cry
When you left
You told me to cry, but I didn't
I carefully forgot
That once I loved you
Today you see me so happy
And different
Jesus won't punish an innocent son
Don't kneel, go away
If you regret anything
Try to cry
Don't kneel, go away
If you regret anything
Try to cry
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Amarillo di mattina

Amarillo di mattina, più su di San Anotonio.
tutto ciò che ho c'e l'ho soltanto adesso.
quando il sole è alto in quel cielo texano
io starò cercando la fiera del paese.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo sarò lì.
hanno preso la mia sella a hHuston, mi sono rotto una gamba a Santa Fe.
ho perso mia moglie e una ragazza da qualche parte lungo il cammino.
beh cercherò l'otto quando apriranno quel cancello.
e spero che il giudice non sia cieco.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è nella mia testa.
Amarillo di mattina, più i alto di San Antonio.
tutto c'ò che ho ce l'ho soltanto adesso.
no ho un centesimo, but quello che ho è mio.
non sono ricco, ma dio sono libero.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è dove saro
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è dove sarò

A Nexus - A Kapcsolat ...

Én leszek az ellenség
Érvényesítjük az igazságunk
Kelj fel
Kezdd meg a játékod
Szerezd vissza büszkeséged
Soha ne nézz vissza
És ahogy kinyitom szemem
Látom az árnyékom
Önmagamként vagy széthullott atomokként térek vissza
Megvan a saját akaratom
Nincsenek nyomok, amelyek követhetők lennének
De van egy hang, melyet nem tagadhatok
Szakíts a múlttal
Irányítsd szabadon a kapcsolatot
Míg a jövő ideér, hogy megmentsen minket
Csapdában a bőröm
Lásd a Nexus álmaimban
De, te eltemetsz bennem ...
Felemelkedek, lehetsz a részesem
A gépezet részeként rejtőzöm
A drótokban közlekedem
Táplálom a tüzet, hogy jobban égjen
És ahogy a sötétség felfed
Nem látok okot
Számomra, hogy a gyógyírért nyúljak
A saját démonom vagyok
Elmémben tartottam a titkokat
Nincsenek nyomok, amelyek követhetők lennének
Van egy hang, melyet nem tagadhatok
Szakíts a múlttal
Irányítsd szabadon a kapcsolatot
Míg a jövő ideér, hogy megmentsen minket
Csapdába esve a bőrömben
Lásd az összefüggést álmaimban
De, te eltemetsz bennem ...
Nézz szembe vele
Én vagyok a lángok éltetője
Csak engedd ki belőlem
Törj ki az egészből
Hogy segíts lélegezni.
Dana Kósa


Minden alkalommal az hitted megfektethetsz
biztos,hogy kiszaggatott
aláássa,hogy elengedtél
Én voltam a dohányzó fegyvered
tartasz engem(tartasz engem)
irányítasz engem(irányítasz engem)
el lopsz engem(el lopsz engem)
azt tervezted,hogy összetörsz
a hamu emlékeztet,hogy ki is vagyok
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész,a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
Én parázs vagyok
égesd le a birodalmadat
fényesebben izzik mint a sötétség benned
nem tudok menekülni a lángoktól függetlenül attól hogy mit csinálsz
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész, a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
elveszteni a harcot ha nem is vagy kiválasztott
hiányozni fogsz ha elmegyek
feltámasztani az elveszett ragaszkodásomat
most vadul és szabadon lángolok
tartasz engem(tartasz engem)
irányítasz engem(irányítasz engem)
el lopsz engem(el lopsz engem)
azt tervezted,hogy összetörsz
a hamu emlékeztet,hogy ki is vagyok
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész,a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
Én parázs vagyok
égesd le a birodalmadat
fényesebben izzik mint a sötétség benned
nem tudok menekülni a lángoktól függetlenül attól hogy mit csinálsz
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész, a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
a hamu emlékeztet
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész, a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
Én parázs vagyok
égesd le a birodalmadat
fényesebben izzik mint a sötétség benned
nem tudok menekülni a lángoktól függetlenül attól hogy mit csinálsz
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész, a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
Én parázs vagyok
Én parázs vagyok
A tűzvész, a tűzvész,a tűzvész kezdetéről
Én parázs vagyok


Mindenki csak egy kis helyet akar kitölteni
Minden semmiség amíg nem jelent komplikációt
Az erő nélküli szavak,csak elpárolognak
Nem akarom meghallani ma,ma
Itt egy szoros köteléken kívül
Magasan a hosszú út felett
Mi a célja a kívánságnak
Ha senki sem hall...Én hallgatlak
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
Úgy tűnik a szavak hazudnak,hogy lekicsinyitsenek
Fülsiketítő üvöltés egy üres csarnokban
Érezd magad láthatatlannak
Nem akarom hallani egyáltalán...egyáltalán
Mert okosabb mint a vicc
Ez mind kimondatlan
Nem kell,hogy félj tőlem
Nem kell,hogy mellettem légy ahhoz,hogy halj engem
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
Te tudod,hogy nem számítanak nekem a fecsegések
A szavak nem finomabbak csak szomorúvá tesznek minket
A világod törjön össze,szúrjon mint egy tőr
Foszlányokban tűnsz el,hogy lerázz engem
Nem akarom hallani ma,ma
nem akarom hallani ma,ma
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés
(ez csak fecsegés)
Ez az én hangom
A fehér zajon keresztül
A szavak csak sértések
Amikor számítanak neked
Ne hagyd,hogy számítsanak neked
Ez csak fecsegés

The Song of Sunshine

How long, I wonder, has it been since we last met?
The letter I sent to you was returned to me this morning
Like the awakened green leaves wavering by the window
Beyond the long winter I realized by now that you were gone
No matter what I say, it's not just enough
You loved me, you held me tight
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine
In our last photograph where the flowers are ablaze
I could not keep my promise 'I'll send it to you'
And yet when it comes to how simple and kind I'd been
I just wanted to show you them all bundled up
Even if we each fall in love with someone else
Please don't you forget everything you have left
And you will find someone there for you
Even if we can't meet again under the sky, I will live on
You loved me, you held me tight
From the bottom of your heart
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine
You loved me, you held me tight
Like you are the warmth of the sunshine

It was an illusion to love you

I know!
Maybe i was pushing your feelings for me
Too much
I wasn't able to be in touch with
Your thoughts
(wasn't able) to know what you wanted to
Get from me
By leaving me like this...
I don't know!
Would it be that i deceived myself
All the time because of the look in your eyes?
Despite all that i have lived
I let myself go with the flow
What an illusion it was to love you...
You will find
Someone that you love
And that does to you
What you've done to me
And you will cry
Every single tear that I
Ever cried because of wanting you
Because of loving you
And you will feel
The pain of indifference
Coming from this someone who just
Deceives you
You will learn to live
And to value the love
Of the one who loves you...
I don't know!
Would it be that i deceived myself
All the time because of the look in your eyes?
Despite all that i have lived
I let myself go with the flow
What an illusion it was to love you...
You will find
Someone that you love
And that does to you
What you've done to me
And you will cry
Every single tear that I
Ever cried because of wanting you
Because of loving you
And you will feel
The pain of indifference
Coming from this someone who just
Deceives you
You will learn to live
And to value the love
Of the one who loves you...

She Is Ours

She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj

Dreams of The Verb 'To Love'

Today I've dreamed a secret
A love poem
A lovely story
The truth around me
The words of a smile
No lying or fake rhymes
I'm searching in my world
Dreams of the verb ''to love''
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one mean of the word ''love''
I dream with the kiss that is in you
And smiling when I fall sleep
I'm a woman who lives the life
I just wanna reappear
The words of a smile
No lying or fake rhymes
I'm searching in my world
Dreams of the verb ''to love''
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one mean of the word ''love''
You're a perfect dream
The truth inside me
You're wound, you're a suffered life
Don't run away from me
I want a dream
That just thinks about you
You were an eternal love to me
I wanna fly
I wanna delete the pain
In just one a mean of the word love

Proposing Yearning

Your presence
Feels to me like gold and crystal
Your self, your face
Keeps on playing in my mind
Its presence in my soul
Feels to me as a beautiful moment
You, My Love
Have taught me the meaning of being in love
Your self feels to me
As a shining crystal
I hope that you
Will be mine for eternity
Your name is written on my chest
For you - I really feel that
When you're not there I would be restless
Lovely I feel when I'm with you
Miserable I feel when you're not with me
Don't you go away, O My Beloved
My love for you is only one
My love for you is not thousands
But it's as spacious and as deep as the blue oceans
Hopefully we will live together
Till the end
Your name is written on my chest
For you - I really feel that
When you're not there I would be restless
Lovely I feel when I'm with you
Miserable I feel when you're not with me
Don't you go away, O My Beloved
My love for you is only one
My love for you is not thousands
But it's as spacious and as deep as the blue oceans
Hopefully we will live together
Till the end
Till the end

Love Like This

(How I love you
We both feel
Teach my heart
Ah, ah, ah)
I love you so
I do not remember
I can not imagine
To be without you
Since that day
What did you say
That I was (your) everything
And you for me
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
And in your eyes
Apple green
every day
I want to live
Walk with me
I'll give you everything
If you feel for me
What I feel for you
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
Remember when we met on the beach
I went crazy and I go (with you) wherever you go
At that moment my heart was filled
There was no shortage of words to talk about love
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is loving like this, feeling the heat
It's love like this, Like I love you
It is to love (like this), body and heart
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Love like this
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you
Like I love you

What a Beauty!

Your greeting is full of tenderness
It's as if you're a rose in my hands
Your words are sweet
Even your laughter is full of feelings
Your innocence is still natural
What a beauty
beyond what I could imagine
My heart has searched for you for so long
Your eyes are like the sun
When you close them, my world becomes night
When you open them, my world lights up
You are a gift coming from the heavens
to sweeten my world
I must attest to the fact that:
the more I know you
the more beautiful you become in my eyes
What a beauty
beyond what I could imagine
My heart has searched for you for so long
Your eyes are like the sun
When you close them, my world becomes night
When you open them, my world lights up
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I Was Not Born To Love

When I was sixteen
I longed so much for
A love that never came
I always waited for it
All of my friends
Were in the same
And later on I saw
How they all changed
Their way of life
All of them with their sweethearts
Each one of them
Was smiling, very happy
Everyone but me
And my loneliness
Grew ever sadder,
Ever darker, that is how I experienced it
And at that age
Everyone asked me for the reason
And I only used to say,
'I wasn't born to love
Nobody was born for me
I was only
A crazy dreamer, nothing more.'
I wasn't born to love
Nobody was born for me
I was only
A crazy dreamer, nothing more.
I always looked for this love
But I never could
Find it
I always waited for it
And wherever I waited
It never showed up
Today, my loneliness
Is even sadder
Even darker than before, as you can see,
Today at my age,
My friends are still asking me
And it's sad to answer,
'I wasn't born to love
Nobody was born for me
I was only
A crazy dreamer, nothing more.'
I wasn't born to love
Nobody was born for me
My dreams never came true
I was not born for love

Two inches

If I'm a painting, you lower your eyes.
You don't care if I'm an almond tree.
And if I'm breath, your lips look like a closed gate.
Give me two inches
so that I enter although you don't want me.
Grant me one spot
even if you claim that it's too late.
I'll bring a sunny day throughout the wintertime,
I'll calm your mind and sweeten your heart.
Just don't say no to me.
Rush to open your gates to me,
come close to me.
Give me two inches
so that I enter although you don't want me.
Grant me one spot
even if you claim that it's too late.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

A star is burning

We were not created to understand
and explain all the deepest reasons
but no one can shackle a national will that is free -
its death is its own fault.
There's a star burning bright on the eastern way
casting a glare over the fatherly field.
In the south the sun grows higher with each passing day,
the sails twinkle, stretching towards it.


I no longer have the sweetness of his kisses,
I wander alone through the world without love.
Another happier mouth will be that master
over his kisses that were all my passion.
There are moments when I don't know what happens to me . . .
I have the urge to laugh and to cry.
I harbor jealousies, I have fear that he won't return.
And I love him, I cannot help it.
Singing I gave him
my heart, my love,
and from the moment him left
I sing my suffering.
Singing I found him,
singing I lost him . . .
Because I don't know how to cry
Singing I'll die.
Little miraculous virgin,
forgive me if singing this song that lives within me,
I ask you to bring me what is mine,
that so soon and without wanting I had lost.


It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your Apocalypse is starting
See, I don't want anything you don't want
not even the things you'd like to share with another
So kiss me, say goodbye to your brains*
And don't ask for my personal info
My lies are fast and short
I'm still not telling the truth
A crazy night in a cheap hotel
A black stain in your file
I'll be to you what I was to others!
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your Apocalypse is starting
See, somewhere in the dark, the right one for you is waiting
to put a ring on your finger
but you, just like every woman
consciously make a mistake
and choose a complete idiot
and fall in love with a jerk
A crazy night in a cheap hotel
A black stain in your file
I'll be to you what I was to others!
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your apocalypse is starting
We meet for the first time....
It's the first time we meet and I'm already in your veins
We both know we're not the first ones to each other
It's the first time we meet but you can't fail with me
Get ready, your apocalypse is starting

The Day That You Love Me

The soft murmur of your breathing
Caresses my reverie,
How life laughs
If your black eyes want to see me!
And if you are mine the shelter
Of your light laughter which is like a song,
It allays my wound,
Everything, everything is forgotten . . !
The day that you love me
The roses that emblazon
Will dress themselves up for a celebration
With their best color.
To the wind the bells
Shall say your love is mine
And crazy the fountains
Shall tell me of your love.
The night that you love me
From the blueness of the sky,
The jealous stars
Will look upon us passing
And a mysterious ray
Will make a nest in your hair,
Curious firefly
That will see . . . that you are my solace . . !


Old wall
of suburb,
your shadow was
my partner.
Of my childhood
without glory
my friend was
your honeysuckle.
When trembling
my first love,
with its hope
kisses my soul,
me with you,
pure and happy,
I was singing
my first confession.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
make my first love
not to die.
Years passed
and my dellusions
I come to tell you
my old wall..
So I learned
that one must fake
to live
that love and faith
are lies
and of pain
people laughs...
Today that life
has punished me
and taught me
its bitter credo,
old wall
with excitement
I come close to you
and I say like yesterday.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
Why my first love
no more returns?
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hand in glove

We go hand in glove
foam and velvet,
me with a creak of starch
and you serious and haughty
People stare at us
with envy by the street,
the neighbours mumur
like the friends and the mayor.
They say is no more in style
neither my comb nor your hairclip,
they say is no more in style
neither my locket nor your belt
I know that are in style
your big eyes and my pride,
when you go taking my arm
on daylight and without hurry.
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
~ ~ ~
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Hand in glove

We go hand in glove
foam and velvet,
me with a creak of starch
and you serious and haughty
People stare at us
with envy by the street,
the neighbours mumur
like the friends and the mayor.
They say is no more in style
neither my comb nor your hairclip,
they say is no more in style
neither my locket nor your belt
I know that are in style
your big eyes and my pride,
when you go taking my arm
on daylight and without hurry.
Our cart driver waits for us
in front of the main church,
and slowly we go over the track,
you salute touching the brim
of your best hat,
and I shake my kerchief with grace.
I know is no more in style
that I put in the dinner
jazmins on the buttonhole
Of course is looks like a game
but there's nothing better
than being a sir of those
that my grandparents saw.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

After all this long period of time

It's coronation day! x2
The window is open, how nice!
The same is the door, how curious!
And how do we have so many plates?
Since lots of years everything is empty
Why here isn't anybody, I don't know!
But now here it will be a ball!
There will be real people!
Which is amazing!
I can't wait the decor change!
That after all this long period of time
The music will sing again
After all this long period of time
All night I will dance!
I don't know why I'm so confused
But I'm going to float
That after all this long period of time
People I will meet!
I can't wait to meet everyone!
Maybe I will meet the one?
I see myself arranged with style
A splendid appearance!
Sophisticated, full of ???
But, suddenly he appears
Tall, elegant and handsome
That I'm going to eat the chocolate!
And we will laugh all night
How strange it will be, I've never lived such a thing
After all this long period of time
My house is magic!
After all this long period of time
Maybe someone will see me!
But I know that it might be crazy
To search/look for love!
But after all this long period of time
At least to hope!
Don't show yourself! Don't let them in!
Good girl, you need/must/should be!
You can't to do a wrong step
Because then everything will be discovered!
But it's only for today!
Anna: ...only for today!
Elsa: To wait, is nonsense!
Anna: To wait, is nonsense!
Elsa: The guards, please make space as I can get out!
Anna: as I can get out!
After all this long period of time...
Elsa: Don't show yourself, don't let them in!
Anna: It happens what I've always hoped/dreamed!
Elsa: You don't need to be...
Anna: ???
Elsa: You can!
Anna: ...you can search/look for love!
Elsa: You can't do a wrong step!
Anna: ???
That after all this long period of time...
After all this long period of time
Is my chance!

You sinned

You took everything from me
mind and soul
I kept nothing
I forgot how many shots I drunk
but still
I can't forget you
You sinned, you hurt me
and where are you wandering now
no matter how much love I gave you
you're giving it somewhere else now
I'm dying every night
In bars and smokes
You sinned even though I had told you
you were all I had
You opened (the door) I got in
and my ego
was totally left out
I thought I had found
the beginning of the world
but unfortunately you were my end
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
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