Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6



Csak elhozom a dohányt.
Ilkka közli, becsukja mögötte az ajtót,
lélegzik, tízig számol,
azután sétálni megy.
Megállja, elrejti a gyűrűt,
tudja, hogy lépi a téveszmére.
A téveszmére.
Nirvana, Stay Away.
A székén felhúzza Riikka az ingujjat.
Falától hátrabámulja Cobain
és csak ő megértheti,
senki más.
Eltűnik a szoba.
Minden, amit megmarad, téveszme van.
Ő kicsúszik, lassacskán ki
egy szebb világig.
Mint egy álom minden
és könnyebb,
azonban csak a téveszme.
Csak a téveszme.
A szobájában sötét van,
Jesse egyedül betakarja a fülét kezével.
Dúdol teljesen bármi,
ameddig eltűnik a szülők kiáltásuk,
kimennek ütések a fejéből.
Téveszmére vált a valóság.
Ő kicsúszik, lassacskán ki
egy szebb világig.
Mint egy álom minden
és könnyebb,
azonban csak a téveszme.
Csak a téveszme.
[Megszüntetés refrén:]
Ő kicsúszik, lassacskán ki
egy szebb világig.
Mint egy álom minden
és könnyebb,
mégis csak a téveszme.
Csak a téveszme.

Was this it?

We got a vacation package with a quickie loan
Destination's set to the Visulahti waxworks display
I rented the cheapest camper van
Good for us, tacky to some
Wife's solving crossword puzzles next to me
I'm trying to learn how to use the clutch
The kids are guessing where we're going
In the rainstorm I can't see anything
Was this it?
The kids' Monopoly scrambles across National Road 4
Undrunk is the cold alcohol-free beer
That I bought six of in the Solifer's fridge
Was this it?
Glycol is pouring out of the car onto the asphalt
A teenage idol silences in the radio
And now we're surrounded by this complete silence
The kids deserve these kind of surprises
I've let them down way too many times
We failed at school and at work
I still remember the Christmas with no ham
The Solifer hydroplaned on the road
I got less than a second to think of my next move
The tires sliding, the speed at one hundred
I'm not sure if even Vatanen* would have made it
Was this it?
The kids' Monopoly scrambles across National Road 4
Undrunk is the cold alcohol-free beer
That I bought six of in the Solifer's fridge
Was this it?
Glycol is pouring out of the car onto the asphalt
A teenage idol silences in the radio
And now we're surrounded by this complete silence
Here begins the vacation
And though you'll be bedridden for a month
The plastered wrist doesn't matter
I see the cover of a newspaper
Daddy made you guys celebrities
Was this it?
The kids' Monopoly scrambles across National Road 4
Undrunk is the cold alcohol-free beer
That I bought six of in the Solifer's fridge
Was this it?
Glycol is pouring out of the car onto the asphalt
A teenage idol silences in the radio
And now we're surrounded by this complete silence

Mika's dad's BMW

Versions: #2
Lauri, after all these years
Called to ask
'Should we get the gang together?
We haven't seen in ages
And do you remember that beemer
The dude still has it
Why wouldn't we go to the city?
Do all the things just like before
And so once again I sit
Onto the bench of an old BMW
Mika's driving of course
It's his dad's car
Mika's the most quiet one of us
Lauri's the loudest
Rami's a pedigree maniac
I'm the romantic
Mika's dad's BMW's
Wheels roll once again
It drives the old gang
To party once more
Mika's dad's BMW's
Wheels roll once again
Even though everything's right
Nothing's the same anymore
The last time we met
With Rami, we sure fought a lot
Now he pats my back
'It's so nice to see my old friend'
Mika's still quiet
Rumors tell that he got
HIV from his wife
But no one asks about it
And Lauri's now a businessman
Maybe he's making millions, who knows
Before he didn't drink at all
Now he's the first of us slurring
And cursing his shitty life
Saying he doesn't have the power to continue
And everyone's quiet
So unusually quiet
We did have a lot of fun though
Went to all the places we used to go
Many of them just don't exist anymore
Even the music hall grows hay these days
The night got an deserved ending
When Rami hit on a horrible hag
We yelled after each other
'We have to do this again'
A week after this
I saw Mika at the town
Tears in his eyes
He said: 'Lauri took his own life'
He was found yesterday
Lauri was found dead
No messages
Never ever
Will anything be the same
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


He was named 'Ilves' in school
Because he always weared a hat with the hockey team's name on it*
He red the Herra Huu books on the break
Wasn't from the same tree than the rest of us
When the captains were sharing teams
He was the one staying alone in the edge of the field
Always the last one to be picked
Always the last one to be passed the ball
The serious boy in the class photo
I pitied the odd thing
Sometimes invited him over to play Nintendo
The cigarette smoked by his parents smelled in his clothes
His dad sometimes hit him when he was drunk
I borrowed him my comic books
He recorded me Priest and Maiden
My friends laughed when they noticed him
They said 'oh so you got a pet lynx'
The serious boy in the class photo
The serious boy in the class photo
When I saw Ilves for the last time
His glare told me that the winds have gotten stronger
When I saw Ilves for the last time
He said that the only thing we're gonna leave here are our tracks in the snow
Some people belong to the heroes naturally
To the student body presidents
And freaks are the different ones
The ones that will never be anything
The popular boys that the world was sugar-coated to
Became pieces of the cogwheels to machinery
But Ilves who was just air
Will be the one remembered from us
The serious boy in the class photo
The serious boy in the class photo
When I saw Ilves for the last time
His glare told me that the winds have gotten stronger
When I saw Ilves for the last time
He said that the only thing we're gonna leave here are our tracks in the snow
Ten years went by
A newspaper headline said that Ilves is number one
He sang the whole Finland to their knees
To every lonely heart
Girls yelled: 'We love you'
When Ilves walked from the backstage
And from the balcony of the hotel
He spred his arms and stepped to heaven
The serious boy in the frontpage
The serious boy in the frontpage
When I saw Ilves for the last time
His glare told me that the winds have gotten stronger
When I saw Ilves for the last time
He said that the only thing we're gonna leave here are our tracks in the snow
The only thing we're gonna leave here are our tracks in the snow
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.